Merge jv
authorMerge Script
Fri, 24 Jul 2015 06:59:47 +0200
changeset 6893 4dcc30e514ea
parent 6883 1e0c7cae7070 (current diff)
parent 6892 56bca4ad705c (diff)
child 6895 80e78eaa8a14
--- a/	Sat Jul 04 16:17:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jul 24 06:59:47 2015 +0200
@@ -1585,20 +1585,20 @@
     w2 := window2 ? self rootView.
     (w1 device ~~ self or:[w2 device ~~ self]) ifTrue:[
-        self error:'Huh - Cross device translation' mayProceed:true.
-        ^ aPoint
+	self error:'Huh - Cross device translation' mayProceed:true.
+	^ aPoint
     w1 isView ifTrue:[
-        offset1 := 0
+	offset1 := 0
     ] ifFalse:[
-        offset1 := w1 origin.
-        w1 := w1 container.
+	offset1 := w1 origin.
+	w1 := w1 container.
     w2 isView ifTrue:[
-        offset2 := 0
+	offset2 := 0
     ] ifFalse:[
-        offset2 := w2 origin.
-        w2 := w2 container.
+	offset2 := w2 origin.
+	w2 := w2 container.
     devicePoint := self translatePoint:aPoint from:(w1 id) to:(w2 id).
     devicePoint isNil ifTrue:[ ^ aPoint].
@@ -2843,7 +2843,7 @@
     "For given symbolic or raw key, return a user-friendly shortcut description string.
        #Find -> Ctrl+f (depending on your settings)
-       #CtrlX -> Ctrl+X 
+       #CtrlX -> Ctrl+X
      This method is used in menu panel (#shortcutKeyAsString) to display shortcuts in menus.
@@ -2857,11 +2857,11 @@
     untranslatedKeys := OrderedCollection new.
     self keyboardMap keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v | v == symbolicOrRawKey ifTrue:[untranslatedKeys add:k]].
     untranslatedKeys size == 0 ifTrue:[
-        "/ if its not an explicit command key (Ctrl-*, Alt-* or Cmd-*),
-        "/ but a symbolic key, return nil.
-        (#('Cmd' 'Ctrl' 'Alt' 'Meta' 'Shift')
-            contains:[:k | (symbolicOrRawKey startsWith:k) ])
-                ifFalse:[^ nil].
+	"/ if its not an explicit command key (Ctrl-*, Alt-* or Cmd-*),
+	"/ but a symbolic key, return nil.
+	(#('Cmd' 'Ctrl' 'Alt' 'Meta' 'Shift')
+	    contains:[:k | (symbolicOrRawKey startsWith:k) ])
+		ifFalse:[^ nil].
 "/        (aSymbolicKey startsWith:'Cmd') ifFalse:[
 "/            (aSymbolicKey startsWith:'Ctrl') ifFalse:[
@@ -2874,48 +2874,48 @@
 "/                ].
 "/            ].
 "/        ].
-        untranslatedKey := symbolicOrRawKey.
+	untranslatedKey := symbolicOrRawKey.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        untranslatedKeys size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            untranslatedKey := untranslatedKeys first.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "if there are multiple mappings, show the Ctrl or the F-key mapping"
-            untranslatedKey := untranslatedKeys
-                                detect:[:k |k startsWith:'Ctrl']
-                                ifNone:[
-                                    untranslatedKeys
-                                        detect:[:k |k startsWith:'F']
-                                        ifNone:[untranslatedKeys first]].
-        ].
+	untranslatedKeys size == 1 ifTrue:[
+	    untranslatedKey := untranslatedKeys first.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "if there are multiple mappings, show the Ctrl or the F-key mapping"
+	    untranslatedKey := untranslatedKeys
+				detect:[:k |k startsWith:'Ctrl']
+				ifNone:[
+				    untranslatedKeys
+					detect:[:k |k startsWith:'F']
+					ifNone:[untranslatedKeys first]].
+	].
     "/ some modifier-key combination ?
     (untranslatedKey startsWith:#Cmd) ifTrue:[
-        prefix := #Cmd.
+	prefix := #Cmd.
     ] ifFalse:[(untranslatedKey startsWith:#Alt) ifTrue:[
-        prefix := #Alt.
+	prefix := #Alt.
     ] ifFalse:[(untranslatedKey startsWith:#Meta) ifTrue:[
-        prefix := #Meta.
+	prefix := #Meta.
     ] ifFalse:[(untranslatedKey startsWith:#Ctrl) ifTrue:[
-        prefix := #Ctrl.
+	prefix := #Ctrl.
     prefix notNil ifTrue:[
-        |modifier rest|
-        modifier := self modifierKeyTopFor:prefix.
-        modifier := (modifier ? prefix).
-        rest := (untranslatedKey copyFrom:(prefix size + 1)).
-        rest isEmpty ifTrue:[^ modifier ].
-        modifier := modifier , (self shortKeyPrefixSeparator).
-        ^ modifier , rest
+	|modifier rest|
+	modifier := self modifierKeyTopFor:prefix.
+	modifier := (modifier ? prefix).
+	rest := (untranslatedKey copyFrom:(prefix size + 1)).
+	rest isEmpty ifTrue:[^ modifier ].
+	modifier := modifier , (self shortKeyPrefixSeparator).
+	^ modifier , rest
     ^ untranslatedKey
-    Screen current shortKeyStringFor: #Find 
+    Screen current shortKeyStringFor: #Find
     Screen current shortKeyStringFor: #CtrlX
     Screen current shortKeyStringFor: #CursorLeft
@@ -3354,16 +3354,16 @@
     s := aString ? ''.
     s isString ifFalse:[
-        s := s asStringWithCRsFrom:1 to:(s size) compressTabs:false withCR:false
+	s := s asStringWithCRsFrom:1 to:(s size) compressTabs:false withCR:false
     viewID := aView id.
     viewID notNil ifTrue:[ "/ if the view is not already closed
-        "/ TODO: should add support to pass emphasis information too
-        s := s string.
-        self setClipboardText:s owner:viewID.
+	"/ TODO: should add support to pass emphasis information too
+	s := s string.
+	self setClipboardText:s owner:viewID.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        Transcript showCR:'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: setClipboardText - view has no id; selection only kept locally'
+	Transcript showCR:'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: setClipboardText - view has no id; selection only kept locally'
@@ -3531,9 +3531,9 @@
 colorScaledRed:red scaledGreen:green scaledBlue:blue
     visualType == #TrueColor ifTrue:[
-        ^ (((red asInteger bitShift:-8) bitShift:redShift)
-          bitOr:((green asInteger bitShift:-8) bitShift:greenShift))
-          bitOr:((blue asInteger bitShift:-8) bitShift:blueShift)
+	^ (((red asInteger bitShift:-8) bitShift:redShift)
+	  bitOr:((green asInteger bitShift:-8) bitShift:greenShift))
+	  bitOr:((blue asInteger bitShift:-8) bitShift:blueShift)
     self subclassResponsibility:'only supported for trueColor displays'
@@ -3614,61 +3614,61 @@
     colorName := colorNameArg.
     (colorName startsWith:$#) ifTrue:[
-        "/ color in r/g/b hex notation
-        colorName size < 7 ifTrue:[
-            "/ that's an error, but some web pages do that
-            colorName := '#',((colorName copyFrom:2) leftPaddedTo:6 with:$0).
-        ].    
-        r := Integer readFrom:(colorName copyFrom:2 to:3) radix:16.
-        g := Integer readFrom:(colorName copyFrom:4 to:5) radix:16.
-        b := Integer readFrom:(colorName copyFrom:6 to:7) radix:16.
-        r := (r * 100 / 255).
-        g := (g * 100 / 255).
-        b := (b * 100 / 255).
-        ^ Array with:r with:g with:b
+	"/ color in r/g/b hex notation
+	colorName size < 7 ifTrue:[
+	    "/ that's an error, but some web pages do that
+	    colorName := '#',((colorName copyFrom:2) leftPaddedTo:6 with:$0).
+	].
+	r := Integer readFrom:(colorName copyFrom:2 to:3) radix:16.
+	g := Integer readFrom:(colorName copyFrom:4 to:5) radix:16.
+	b := Integer readFrom:(colorName copyFrom:6 to:7) radix:16.
+	r := (r * 100 / 255).
+	g := (g * 100 / 255).
+	b := (b * 100 / 255).
+	^ Array with:r with:g with:b
     names := #(
-                'red'
-                'green'
-                'blue'
-                'yellow'
-                'magenta'
-                'cyan'
-                'white'
-                'black'
-                'olive'
-                'teal'
-                'silver'
-                'lime'
-                'fuchsia'
-                'aqua'
-              ).
+		'red'
+		'green'
+		'blue'
+		'yellow'
+		'magenta'
+		'cyan'
+		'white'
+		'black'
+		'olive'
+		'teal'
+		'silver'
+		'lime'
+		'fuchsia'
+		'aqua'
+	      ).
     idx := names indexOf:colorName.
     idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-        idx := names indexOf:colorName asLowercase.
+	idx := names indexOf:colorName asLowercase.
     idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        triple := #(
-                        (100   0   0)  "red"
-                        (  0 100   0)  "green"
-                        (  0   0 100)  "blue"
-                        (100 100   0)  "yellow"
-                        (100   0 100)  "magenta"
-                        (  0 100 100)  "cyan"
-                        (100 100 100)  "white"
-                        (  0   0   0)  "black"
-                        ( 50  50   0)  "olive"
-                        (  0  50  50)  "teal"
-                        ( 40  40  40)  "silver"
-                        ( 20 100   0)  "lime"
-                        ( 60   3 100)  "fuchsia"
-                        ( 10 100 100)  "aqua"
-                   ) at:idx.
-        ^ triple
+	triple := #(
+			(100   0   0)  "red"
+			(  0 100   0)  "green"
+			(  0   0 100)  "blue"
+			(100 100   0)  "yellow"
+			(100   0 100)  "magenta"
+			(  0 100 100)  "cyan"
+			(100 100 100)  "white"
+			(  0   0   0)  "black"
+			( 50  50   0)  "olive"
+			(  0  50  50)  "teal"
+			( 40  40  40)  "silver"
+			( 20 100   0)  "lime"
+			( 60   3 100)  "fuchsia"
+			( 10 100 100)  "aqua"
+		   ) at:idx.
+	^ triple
     ^ nil
@@ -4311,16 +4311,16 @@
 !DeviceWorkstation methodsFor:'error handling'!
     "sent by all primitives here, when something is wrong.
      Check what was wrong and raise a corresponding error here."
     self isOpen ifFalse:[
-        "/ ignore in end-user apps
-        (Smalltalk isSmalltalkDevelopmentSystem) ifTrue:[
-            DrawingOnClosedDeviceSignal raiseRequestWith:self.
-        ].
-        ^ nil
+	"/ ignore in end-user apps
+	(Smalltalk isSmalltalkDevelopmentSystem) ifTrue:[
+	    DrawingOnClosedDeviceSignal raiseRequestWith:self.
+	].
+	^ nil
     ^ self primitiveFailed
@@ -4334,32 +4334,32 @@
     id isNil ifTrue:[
-        "nil id is no resource"
-        ^ nil
+	"nil id is no resource"
+	^ nil
     self allViewsDo:[:aView |
-        (aView drawableId = id or:[aView gcId = id]) ifTrue:[^ aView].
+	(aView drawableId = id or:[aView gcId = id]) ifTrue:[^ aView].
     Form allSubInstancesDo:[:f |
-        (f drawableId = id and:[f graphicsDevice == self]) ifTrue:[^ f]
+	(f drawableId = id and:[f graphicsDevice == self]) ifTrue:[^ f]
     Font allInstancesDo:[:f |
-         (f fontId = id and:[f graphicsDevice == self]) ifTrue:[^ f]
+	 (f fontId = id and:[f graphicsDevice == self]) ifTrue:[^ f]
     "KLUDGE: XWorkstation stores all IDs in ExternalAddresses,
-             only colorId is stored as SmallInteger,
-             But resourceOfLastError returns an ExternalAddress even for colors."
+	     only colorId is stored as SmallInteger,
+	     But resourceOfLastError returns an ExternalAddress even for colors."
     (id respondsTo:#address) ifTrue:[
-        addr := id address.
+	addr := id address.
     Color allInstancesDo:[:c |
-        (c graphicsDevice == self
-        and:[ c colorId = id or:[ c colorId = addr ]]) ifTrue:[^ c].
+	(c graphicsDevice == self
+	and:[ c colorId = id or:[ c colorId = addr ]]) ifTrue:[^ c].
     ^ nil
 ! !
@@ -4440,8 +4440,8 @@
     "forward a configure (i.e. size or position change) event for some view"
     aView isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ event arrived, after I destroyed it myself
-        ^ self
+	"/ event arrived, after I destroyed it myself
+	^ self
     aView sensor configureX:x y:y width:w height:h view:aView
@@ -4614,15 +4614,15 @@
     aView isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ event arrived, after I destroyed it myself
-        ^ self
+	"/ event arrived, after I destroyed it myself
+	^ self
     amount := amountArg.
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed ifTrue:[
-        amount := amount negated
-    ].            
+	amount := amount negated
+    ].
     aView sensor
-        mouseWheelMotion:buttonState x:x y:y amount:amount deltaTime:dTime view:aView
+	mouseWheelMotion:buttonState x:x y:y amount:amount deltaTime:dTime view:aView
      UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed:true
@@ -4695,7 +4695,7 @@
     AllScreens isNil ifTrue:[
-        AllScreens := IdentitySet new:1
+	AllScreens := IdentitySet new:1
     AllScreens add:self.
@@ -4717,7 +4717,7 @@
 	"/ if there is no non-popup topview, stop dispatching
 	(knownViews contains:[:slot |
 		slot notNil
-		and:[slot ~~ 0
+		and:[slot class ~~ SmallInteger
 		and:[(self viewIsRelevantInCheckForEndOfDispatch:slot)
 		and:[true "slot isModal not"
 		"and:[slot realized]"]]]])
@@ -4780,14 +4780,14 @@
     "the actual event dispatching loop."
     [dispatching] whileTrue:[
-        "abortAll is handled, but not asked for here!!"
-        AbortAllOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
-            ex return
-        ] do:[
-            [self eventPending] whileFalse:[
-                Processor activeProcess setStateTo:#ioWait if:#active.
-                eventSema wait.
-                "/ a temporary hack & workaround for semaphore-bug
+	"abortAll is handled, but not asked for here!!"
+	AbortAllOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
+	    ex return
+	] do:[
+	    [self eventPending] whileFalse:[
+		Processor activeProcess setStateTo:#ioWait if:#active.
+		eventSema wait.
+		"/ a temporary hack & workaround for semaphore-bug
 "/                (eventSema waitWithTimeoutMs:500) isNil ifTrue:[
 "/                    "/ timeout
 "/                    eventSema wouldBlock ifFalse:[
@@ -4798,12 +4798,12 @@
 "/                        ].
 "/                    ].
 "/                ].
-                dispatching ifFalse:[^ self].
-            ].
-            dispatching ifTrue:[
-                self dispatchPendingEvents.
-            ].
-        ]
+		dispatching ifFalse:[^ self].
+	    ].
+	    dispatching ifTrue:[
+		self dispatchPendingEvents.
+	    ].
+	]
     "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 13:59:43 / cg"
@@ -5027,9 +5027,9 @@
     "/ give the process a nice name (for the processMonitor)
     (nm := self displayName) notNil ifTrue:[
-        nm := 'event dispatcher (' ,  nm , ')'.
+	nm := 'event dispatcher (' ,  nm , ')'.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        nm := 'event dispatcher'.
+	nm := 'event dispatcher'.
     p name:nm.
     p priority:(Processor userInterruptPriority).
@@ -5544,18 +5544,18 @@
     fonts := self
-                fontsInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFaceName style:aStyleName
-                filtering:[:f |
-                    (f size notNil or:[f isScaledFont])
-                    and:[filterBlock isNil or:[filterBlock value:f]]
-                ].
+		fontsInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFaceName style:aStyleName
+		filtering:[:f |
+		    (f size notNil or:[f isScaledFont])
+		    and:[filterBlock isNil or:[filterBlock value:f]]
+		].
     fonts size == 0 ifTrue:[^ nil].
     ^ fonts collect:[:descr | descr size].
      Display sizesInFamily:'fixed' face:'medium' style:'roman' filtering:[:f |
-        f encoding notNil and:[f encoding startsWith:'jis']]
+	f encoding notNil and:[f encoding startsWith:'jis']]
     "Created: 27.2.1996 / 01:37:56 / cg"
@@ -6225,7 +6225,7 @@
 "/      prevMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:anId :aView |
 	prevKnownViews do:[:aView |
-	    (aView notNil and:[aView ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    (aView notNil and:[aView class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
 		aView prepareForReinit
@@ -6237,7 +6237,7 @@
 "/      prevMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:anId :aView |
 	prevKnownViews do:[:aView |
-	    (aView notNil and:[aView ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    (aView notNil and:[aView class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
 		"have to re-create the view"
 		"abortAll is handled, but not asked for here!!"
 		(UserInterrupt, AbortAllOperationRequest) catch:[
@@ -6259,7 +6259,7 @@
 "/          prevMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:anId :aView |
 	    prevKnownViews do:[:aView |
-		(aView notNil and:[aView ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+		(aView notNil and:[aView class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
 		    aView reAdjustGeometry
@@ -6923,13 +6923,13 @@
     |xlatedKey s modifier k|
     (ctrlDown and:[ metaDown ]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ right-ALT: already xlated (I hope)
-        ^ untranslatedKey
+	"/ right-ALT: already xlated (I hope)
+	^ untranslatedKey
     xlatedKey := untranslatedKey.
     xlatedKey isCharacter ifFalse:[
-        xlatedKey := xlatedKey asSymbol
+	xlatedKey := xlatedKey asSymbol
     modifier := self modifierKeyTranslationFor:untranslatedKey.
@@ -6942,45 +6942,45 @@
     "/ only prepend, if this is not a modifier (otherwise, we get CmdCmd or CtrlCtrl)
     modifier isNil ifTrue:[
-        s := xlatedKey asString.
-        "/ NO, do not prepend the Shift modifier.
-        "/ although logical, this makes many keyPress methods incompatible.
-        "/ sigh.
+	s := xlatedKey asString.
+	"/ NO, do not prepend the Shift modifier.
+	"/ although logical, this makes many keyPress methods incompatible.
+	"/ sigh.
 "/        xlatedKey isSymbol ifTrue:[
 "/            shiftDown ifTrue:[
 "/                xlatedKey := 'Shift' , s
 "/            ].
 "/        ].
-        ctrlDown ifTrue:[
-            xlatedKey := 'Ctrl' , s
-        ].
-        metaDown ifTrue:[                     "/ sigh - new hp's have both CMD and META keys.
-            xlatedKey := 'Cmd' , s
-        ].
-        altDown ifTrue:[
-            xlatedKey := 'Alt' , s
-        ].
-        xlatedKey isCharacter ifFalse:[
-            "/ prepend Shift modifier
-            "/   if done unconditionally, this breaks a lot of code.
-            "/   which is not prepared for that and checks shiftDown instead.
-            "/   Therefore, this must be changed at the places where shiftDown is checked for!!
-            "/   In the meanwhile, only do it iff there is a translation.
-            shiftDown ifTrue:[
-                (k := ('Shift' , s) asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    (self keyboardMap hasBindingFor:k) ifTrue:[
-                        xlatedKey := k.
-                        "/ Transcript show:k ; show:' -> '; showCR:(self keyboardMap valueFor:k).
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            "/ sigh: twoByteSymbols are not (yet) allowed
-            xlatedKey isWideString ifFalse:[
-                xlatedKey := xlatedKey asSymbol
-            ].
-        ].
+	ctrlDown ifTrue:[
+	    xlatedKey := 'Ctrl' , s
+	].
+	metaDown ifTrue:[                     "/ sigh - new hp's have both CMD and META keys.
+	    xlatedKey := 'Cmd' , s
+	].
+	altDown ifTrue:[
+	    xlatedKey := 'Alt' , s
+	].
+	xlatedKey isCharacter ifFalse:[
+	    "/ prepend Shift modifier
+	    "/   if done unconditionally, this breaks a lot of code.
+	    "/   which is not prepared for that and checks shiftDown instead.
+	    "/   Therefore, this must be changed at the places where shiftDown is checked for!!
+	    "/   In the meanwhile, only do it iff there is a translation.
+	    shiftDown ifTrue:[
+		(k := ('Shift' , s) asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
+		    (self keyboardMap hasBindingFor:k) ifTrue:[
+			xlatedKey := k.
+			"/ Transcript show:k ; show:' -> '; showCR:(self keyboardMap valueFor:k).
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ].
+	    "/ sigh: twoByteSymbols are not (yet) allowed
+	    xlatedKey isWideString ifFalse:[
+		xlatedKey := xlatedKey asSymbol
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ xlatedKey
@@ -7108,7 +7108,7 @@
     "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
     UserPreferences current beepEnabled ifTrue:[
-        Stdout nextPut:(Character bell)
+	Stdout nextPut:(Character bell)
     "Modified: / 13.1.1997 / 22:56:13 / cg"
@@ -7701,7 +7701,7 @@
 	freeIdx := knownViews identityIndexOf:nil.
 	freeIdx == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    freeIdx := knownViews identityIndexOf:0.
+	    freeIdx := knownViews findFirst:[:slot | slot class == SmallInteger].
 	    [freeIdx ~~ 0
 	     and:[(knownIds at:freeIdx) notNil]] whileTrue:[
 		"/ mhmh - the view is already clear in the weakArray
@@ -7709,7 +7709,7 @@
 		"/ (i.e. its collected, but not yet finalized)
 		"/ skip this entry.
 		"/ 'XXX ' print. (knownIds at:freeIdx) displayString printCR.
-		freeIdx := knownViews identityIndexOf:0 startingAt:(freeIdx + 1).
+		freeIdx := knownViews findFirst:[:slot | slot class == SmallInteger] startingAt:(freeIdx + 1).
@@ -7760,87 +7760,87 @@
     lastId := nil.
     lastView := nil.
     focusView == aView ifTrue:[
-        focusView := nil
+	focusView := nil
     knownViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-        viewToRemove := aView.
-        index := 0.
-        aViewId notNil ifTrue:[
-            idToTableIndexMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-                index := idToTableIndexMapping at:aViewId ifAbsent:0.
-            ]
-        ].
-        index == 0 ifTrue:[
-            viewToRemove notNil ifTrue:[
-                index := knownViews identityIndexOf:viewToRemove.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            viewToRemove isNil ifTrue:[
-                viewToRemove := knownViews at:index ifAbsent:nil.
-            ].
-        ].
-        index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            idToTableIndexMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-                aViewId notNil ifTrue:[
-                    idToTableIndexMapping removeKey:aViewId ifAbsent:nil
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    id := knownIds at:index.
-                    id notNil ifTrue:[
-                        idToTableIndexMapping removeKey:id ifAbsent:nil.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            knownViews at:index put:nil.
-            knownIds at:index put:nil.
-            lastId := nil.
-            lastView := nil.
-        ].
-        wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-        (viewToRemove notNil 
-          and:[ viewToRemove ~~ 0 
-          and:[ viewToRemove isTopView ]]) ifTrue:[
-            "/ check for sparsely filled knownViews - array
-            wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-            n := 0.
-            knownViews do:[:v |
-                (v notNil and:[v ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-                    n := n + 1
-                ].
-            ].
-            n < (knownViews size * 2 // 3) ifTrue:[
-                newSize := n * 3 // 2.
-                newSize > 50 ifTrue:[
-                    nV := WeakArray new:newSize.
-                    nI := Array new:newSize.
-                    dstIdx := 1.
-                    1 to:knownViews size do:[:srcIdx |
-                        v := knownViews at:srcIdx.
-                        (v notNil and:[v ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-                            nV at:dstIdx put:v.
-                            nI at:dstIdx put:(knownIds at:srcIdx).
-                            dstIdx := dstIdx + 1.
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    idToTableIndexMapping := nil.
-                    knownViews := nV.
-                    knownIds := nI.
-                    idToTableIndexMapping := Dictionary new.
-                    knownIds keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :id |
-                        id notNil ifTrue:[
-                            idToTableIndexMapping at:id put:idx
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-            self checkForEndOfDispatch.
-        ].
+	wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+	viewToRemove := aView.
+	index := 0.
+	aViewId notNil ifTrue:[
+	    idToTableIndexMapping notNil ifTrue:[
+		index := idToTableIndexMapping at:aViewId ifAbsent:0.
+	    ]
+	].
+	index == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    viewToRemove notNil ifTrue:[
+		index := knownViews identityIndexOf:viewToRemove.
+	    ].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    viewToRemove isNil ifTrue:[
+		viewToRemove := knownViews at:index ifAbsent:nil.
+	    ].
+	].
+	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    idToTableIndexMapping notNil ifTrue:[
+		aViewId notNil ifTrue:[
+		    idToTableIndexMapping removeKey:aViewId ifAbsent:nil
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    id := knownIds at:index.
+		    id notNil ifTrue:[
+			idToTableIndexMapping removeKey:id ifAbsent:nil.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	    knownViews at:index put:nil.
+	    knownIds at:index put:nil.
+	    lastId := nil.
+	    lastView := nil.
+	].
+	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	(viewToRemove notNil
+	  and:[ viewToRemove class ~~ SmallInteger
+	  and:[ viewToRemove isTopView ]]) ifTrue:[
+	    "/ check for sparsely filled knownViews - array
+	    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+	    n := 0.
+	    knownViews do:[:v |
+		(v notNil and:[v class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
+		    n := n + 1
+		].
+	    ].
+	    n < (knownViews size * 2 // 3) ifTrue:[
+		newSize := n * 3 // 2.
+		newSize > 50 ifTrue:[
+		    nV := WeakArray new:newSize.
+		    nI := Array new:newSize.
+		    dstIdx := 1.
+		    1 to:knownViews size do:[:srcIdx |
+			v := knownViews at:srcIdx.
+			(v notNil and:[v class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
+			    nV at:dstIdx put:v.
+			    nI at:dstIdx put:(knownIds at:srcIdx).
+			    dstIdx := dstIdx + 1.
+			].
+		    ].
+		    idToTableIndexMapping := nil.
+		    knownViews := nV.
+		    knownIds := nI.
+		    idToTableIndexMapping := Dictionary new.
+		    knownIds keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :id |
+			id notNil ifTrue:[
+			    idToTableIndexMapping at:id put:idx
+			]
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	    self checkForEndOfDispatch.
+	].
     "Created: 22.3.1997 / 14:56:20 / cg"
@@ -7849,43 +7849,43 @@
     "given an Id, return the corresponding view.
-     Return nil for unknown windows 
+     Return nil for unknown windows
      (can happen for external window, if a key grab is active)"
     |index v idx|
     aWindowID = lastId ifTrue:[
-        lastView notNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ lastView
-        ]
+	lastView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ lastView
+	]
     idToTableIndexMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-        idx := idToTableIndexMapping at:aWindowID ifAbsent:nil.
-        idx notNil ifTrue:[
-            v := knownViews at:idx.
-            (v notNil and:[v ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-                lastView := v.
-                lastId := aWindowID.
-                ^ v
-            ].
-        ]
+	idx := idToTableIndexMapping at:aWindowID ifAbsent:nil.
+	idx notNil ifTrue:[
+	    v := knownViews at:idx.
+	    (v notNil and:[v class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
+		lastView := v.
+		lastId := aWindowID.
+		^ v
+	    ].
+	]
     knownIds isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
+	^ nil
     index := knownIds indexOf:aWindowID.
     index == 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
+	^ nil
     v := knownViews at:index.
-    v == 0 ifTrue:[
-        knownViews at:index put:nil.
-        knownIds at:index put:nil.
-        ^ nil
+    v class == SmallInteger ifTrue:[
+	knownViews at:index put:nil.
+	knownIds at:index put:nil.
+	^ nil
     lastId := aWindowID.
@@ -7915,7 +7915,7 @@
     index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
 	v := knownViews at:index.
-	^ (v notNil and:[v ~~ 0])
+	^ (v notNil and:[v class ~~ SmallInteger])
     ^ false.
@@ -8100,14 +8100,14 @@
     id := (aCursor onDevice:self) id.
     id notNil ifTrue:[
-        knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
-            |vid|
-            (vid := aView id) notNil ifTrue:[
-                self setCursor:id in:vid
-            ]
-        ].
-        self flush
+	knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
+	    |vid|
+	    (vid := aView id) notNil ifTrue:[
+		self setCursor:id in:vid
+	    ]
+	].
+	self flush
--- a/	Sat Jul 04 16:17:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jul 24 06:59:47 2015 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
 COPYRIGHT (c) 2014 by Claus Gittinger
               All Rights Reserved
@@ -11,6 +13,8 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
 DeviceWorkstation subclass:#GuiServerWorkstation
 	instanceVariableNames:'guiServerPid out in connectionTimeout
 		connectionTimeoutForWindowCreation hasConnectionBroken
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@
      Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:nil).
-     Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:'localhost:47020')
+     Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:'localhost:64001')
      D2 startDispatch.
@@ -90,7 +94,8 @@
      |v b1 b2|
-     Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:nil).
+     'Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:nil)'.
+     Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:'localhost:64001').
      D2 startDispatch.
@@ -99,7 +104,7 @@
      b1 := Button label:'Press Me' in:v. b1 extent:100@50.
      b2 := Button label:'Me Too' in:v. b2 extent:100@50.
      b2 top:60.
-     b1 action:[ Transcript showCR:'b1 pressed'. b1 extent:150@40].
+     b1 action:[ Transcript showCR:'b1 pressed'. self halt. b1 extent:150@40].
      b2 action:[ Transcript showCR:'b2 pressed'].
      v open.
@@ -110,6 +115,7 @@
      |v b1 b2|
      Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:nil).
+     Smalltalk at:#D2 put:(self new initializeFor:'localhost:64001').
      D2 startDispatch.
@@ -310,13 +316,15 @@
 !GuiServerWorkstation class methodsFor:'defaults'!
+    ^ nil.
     ^ Smalltalk projectDirectory constructString:'../support/guiServer/guiserver.jar'    
 "/  ^ '/Users/cg/Downloads/languages/lisp/newLisp/newlisp-10.6.0/guiserver/guiserver.jar'.
 "/    ^ self projectDirectory constructString:'guiserver.jar'
-    ^ 47011
+    ^ 64001
+    "/ ^ 47011
 ! !
 !GuiServerWorkstation methodsFor:'bitmap/window creation'!
@@ -442,6 +450,12 @@
+    "create a GC for drawing into aDrawable"
+    ^ aDrawableId
     useNativeWidgets ifFalse:[^ false].
@@ -730,12 +744,15 @@
 getFontWithFamily:familyString face:faceString style:styleString size:sizeArg sizeUnit:sizeUnit encoding:encodingSym
-    |nm id|
+    |spec id|
-    nm := familyString,'-',faceString,'-',styleString,'-',sizeArg printString.
-    id := (fontMap size // 2) + 1.
-    fontMap at:nm put:id.
-    fontMap at:id put:nm.
+    spec := { familyString . faceString . styleString . sizeArg }.
+    id := fontMap at:spec ifAbsent:nil.
+    id isNil ifTrue:[
+        id := (fontMap size // 2) + 1.
+        fontMap at:spec put:id.
+        fontMap at:id put:spec.
+    ].
     ^ id
@@ -764,6 +781,63 @@
     ^ (index2-index1+1) * 10
 ! !
+!GuiServerWorkstation methodsFor:'gc stuff'!
+displayString:aString from:start to:stop x:x y:y in:aDrawable with:aGCId opaque:opaque
+    |cmd|
+    cmd := 'draw-text ',aGCId,' ',(Base64Coder encode:aString utf8Encoded).
+    self send:cmd.
+setBackground:fg in:aGC
+    "nothing done - color sent with each draw request"
+setBackgroundColor:clr in:aGC
+    "nothing done - color sent with each draw request"
+setFont:aFontId in:aGCId
+    |cmd spec familyString faceString styleString size|
+    spec := fontMap at:aFontId ifAbsent:nil.
+    spec isNil ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'no such font'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    familyString := spec first.
+    faceString := spec second.
+    styleString := spec third.
+    size := spec fourth.
+    cmd := 'set-font ',aGCId,' ',(Base64Coder encode:familyString utf8Encoded), ' ',size printString.
+    self send:cmd. 
+setForeground:fg background:bg in:aGC
+    "nothing done - color sent with each draw request"
+setForeground:fg in:aGC
+    "nothing done - color sent with each draw request"
+setForegroundColor:clr in:aGC
+    "nothing done - color sent with each draw request"
+setFunction:aFunctionSymbol in:aGCId
+    |cmd|
+    cmd := 'set-function ',aGCId,' ',aFunctionSymbol printString.
+    self send:cmd. 
+setLineWidth:lw style:s cap:c join:j in:aGC
+! !
 !GuiServerWorkstation methodsFor:'gs interaction'!
 gs_frame:id x:x y:y width:w height:h label:label visible:visible
@@ -857,7 +931,7 @@
         out := nil.
         c close.
-    (p := guiServerPid) notNil ifTrue:[
+    ((p := guiServerPid) notNil and:[p ~~ #alreadyRunning]) ifTrue:[
         guiServerPid := nil.
         OperatingSystem terminateProcess:p
@@ -970,6 +1044,7 @@
         hostAndPort := aHostNameOrNil splitBy:$:.
         host := hostAndPort first.
         port := (hostAndPort at:2 ifAbsent:[self guiServerPort]) asNumber.
+        guiServerPid := #alreadyRunning.
     displayName := (host , ':' , port printString).
@@ -1018,6 +1093,11 @@
     |cmd args javaHome guiServerPath|
     guiServerPath := self guiServerPath.
+    guiServerPath isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ assume already runnning
+        guiServerPid := #alreadyRunning.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
     OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
         cmd := 'cmd/c'
@@ -1104,6 +1184,7 @@
      if any. If there is no underlying filedescriptor, return nil.
      (used for event select/polling)"
+    in isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     ^ in fileDescriptor
@@ -1155,11 +1236,11 @@
 !GuiServerWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.1 2014-08-03 12:44:13 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header$'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.1 2014-08-03 12:44:13 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header$'
 ! !
--- a/	Sat Jul 04 16:17:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jul 24 06:59:47 2015 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG / Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
@@ -11,6 +13,8 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
 GraphicsDevice subclass:#HostGraphicsDevice
 	instanceVariableNames:'deviceColors deviceFonts deviceViews deviceForms deviceCursors'
@@ -148,33 +152,38 @@
-    deviceColors do:[:aColor |
-        aColor releaseFromDevice
+    deviceColors notNil ifTrue:[
+        deviceColors do:[:aColor |
+            aColor releaseFromDevice
+        ].
+        deviceColors := Registry new.
+        "TrueColors are not registered.
+         Release the the hard way"
+        Color flushDeviceColorsFor:self.
-    deviceColors := Registry new.
-    "TrueColors are not registered.
-     Release the the hard way"
-    Color flushDeviceColorsFor:self.
     "Created: 24.2.1997 / 18:07:49 / cg"
-    deviceCursors do:[:aCursor |
-        aCursor releaseFromDevice
-    ].
-    deviceCursors := Registry new.
+    deviceCursors notNil ifTrue:[
+        deviceCursors do:[:aCursor |
+            aCursor releaseFromDevice
+        ].
+        deviceCursors := Registry new.
+    ]
     "Created: 24.2.1997 / 18:07:49 / cg"
-    deviceFonts do:[:aFont |
-        aFont releaseFromDevice.
+    deviceFonts notNil ifTrue:[
+        deviceFonts do:[:aFont |
+            aFont releaseFromDevice.
+        ].
+        deviceFonts := CachingRegistry new cacheSize:10.
-    deviceFonts := CachingRegistry new cacheSize:10.
 ! !
 !HostGraphicsDevice methodsFor:'misc'!
@@ -260,6 +269,6 @@
 !HostGraphicsDevice class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.25 2014-02-03 10:26:51 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header$'
 ! !
--- a/	Sat Jul 04 16:17:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jul 24 06:59:47 2015 +0200
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     This class supports easy customization of smalltalk code (i.e. internationalization
     and viewStyle adaption).
     ResourcePacks are class specific, meaning that every subclass of View
-    and ApplicationModel has an instance of ResourcePack (instVar called 'resources') 
+    and ApplicationModel has an instance of ResourcePack (instVar called 'resources')
     which is created when the first instance of the view/app is created,
     and cached in a class-instVar (so the file is only read once).
@@ -53,31 +53,31 @@
     where 'className' is built by the usual abbreviation mechanism (see abbrev-files).
     Conditional mappings are possible, by including lines as:
-        #if <expression>
-        #endif
+	#if <expression>
+	#endif
     in the resourcefile. Example:
     file '':
-        #if Language == #de
-        'abort' 'Abbruch'
-        #endif
-        #if Language == #fr
-        'abort' 'canceller'
-        #endif
+	#if Language == #de
+	'abort' 'Abbruch'
+	#endif
+	#if Language == #fr
+	'abort' 'canceller'
+	#endif
     the corresponding resource-strings are accessed (from methods within the class)
-        resources string:'abort'
+	resources string:'abort'
     returning the mapped string (i.e. 'Abbruch' if the global Language is set
     to #de)..
     If no corresponding entry is found in the resources, the key is returned;
     alternatively, use:
-        resources string:'foo' default:'bar'
+	resources string:'foo' default:'bar'
     which returns 'bar', if no resource definition for 'foo' is found.
     Translations can also include arguments, such as:
-        resources string:'really delete %1' with:fileName
+	resources string:'really delete %1' with:fileName
     This scheme has the advantage, that you can write your programs using your
     native language strings. Later, when new languages are to be supported,
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
     so using percent-placeholders is much better than simple concatenations of
     arguments to the question.
-    More languages can be added later without any change in the code, or recompilation 
-    or the like. Even by people without access to the source code (i.e. which only have the 
+    More languages can be added later without any change in the code, or recompilation
+    or the like. Even by people without access to the source code (i.e. which only have the
     applications binary).
     Also, unsupported languages' strings are simply left unchanged - if you
     write your application in (say) english, and only plan to use it in english,
     no additional work is required (i.e you don't even need a resource file then).
-    Strings for unknown languages will come in english 
+    Strings for unknown languages will come in english
     (which is better than nothing or empty button labels ;-)
     Notice, that you can also translate engish to english, by providing an file.
@@ -106,45 +106,45 @@
     Finally, this scheme is also compatible to a pure enum-key based translation mechanism,
     as typically used in the C-world.
-    Simple use keys as argument, and provide translations for all languages (incl. english).    
+    Simple use keys as argument, and provide translations for all languages (incl. english).
     For example:
-        Button label:(resources string:#BTN_FOO_LABEL)
+	Button label:(resources string:#BTN_FOO_LABEL)
-        in subclasses of View and ApplicationModel, instead of writing:
+	in subclasses of View and ApplicationModel, instead of writing:
-                ...
-                b := Button label:'press me'
-                ...
+		...
+		b := Button label:'press me'
+		...
-        always write:
+	always write:
-                ...
-                b := Button label:(resources string:'press me')
-                ...
+		...
+		b := Button label:(resources string:'press me')
+		...
-        if your class is not a subclass of one of the above, AND you need
-        resource translations, you won't inherit the resources variable
-        (which is automatically initialized).
-        In this case, you have to ask the ResourcePack class explicitely for
-        a corresponding package:
+	if your class is not a subclass of one of the above, AND you need
+	resource translations, you won't inherit the resources variable
+	(which is automatically initialized).
+	In this case, you have to ask the ResourcePack class explicitely for
+	a corresponding package:
-                ResourcePack for:aClassName
-        or (even better):
-                ResourcePack forPackage:aPackageID
+		ResourcePack for:aClassName
+	or (even better):
+		ResourcePack forPackage:aPackageID
-        as an example, see how the Date class gets the national names of
-        week & monthnames.
+	as an example, see how the Date class gets the national names of
+	week & monthnames.
-        in the past, it happened that strings as returned by me were modified by someone else
-        (replaceAll:with:) and then lead to invalid presentation in the future.
-        To detect any bad guy which writes into one of my returned strings, set the DebugModifications
-        classVar to true. Then I will return ImmutableStrings which trap on writes.
+	in the past, it happened that strings as returned by me were modified by someone else
+	(replaceAll:with:) and then lead to invalid presentation in the future.
+	To detect any bad guy which writes into one of my returned strings, set the DebugModifications
+	classVar to true. Then I will return ImmutableStrings which trap on writes.
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@
     and repeat the above.
     back to english:
-	Language := #en 
+	Language := #en
     back to german:
-	Language := #de 
+	Language := #de
 ! !
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@
     Packs isNil ifTrue:[
-        Packs := WeakArray new:100.
-        FailedToLoadPacks := Set new.
+	Packs := WeakArray new:100.
+	FailedToLoadPacks := Set new.
@@ -228,12 +228,12 @@
     ^ self for:aClass cached:false
-     ResourcePack for:TextView     
+     ResourcePack for:TextView
      ResourcePack for:CodeView
-     ResourcePack for:Workspace  
-     ResourcePack for:View      
-     ResourcePack for:ErrorLogger 
-     ResourcePack for:NewLauncher 
+     ResourcePack for:Workspace
+     ResourcePack for:View
+     ResourcePack for:ErrorLogger
+     ResourcePack for:NewLauncher
      ResourcePack for:SmallSense::SettingsAppl
      Workspace classResources
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@
     nm := aClass resourcePackName.
     cached ifTrue:[
-        pack := self searchCacheFor:nm.
-        pack notNil ifTrue:[^ pack].
+	pack := self searchCacheFor:nm.
+	pack notNil ifTrue:[^ pack].
     baseName := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:nm) , '.rs'.
@@ -258,54 +258,54 @@
 "/ CHECK this
 "/    (rsrcDir notNil and:[rsrcDir suffix = 'rs']) ifTrue:[
-"/        baseName := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass: rsrcDir tail asFilename withoutSuffix pathName),'.rs'. 
+"/        baseName := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass: rsrcDir tail asFilename withoutSuffix pathName),'.rs'.
 "/        rsrcDir := rsrcDir head asFilename.
 "/    ].
-    rsrcDir notNil ifTrue:[ 
-        pack := self new.
-        rsrcDir exists ifTrue:[ 
-            (rsrcDir construct:baseName) exists ifTrue:[
-                pack := self fromFile:baseName directory:(rsrcDir name) cached:true.
-            ].
-        ]
+    rsrcDir notNil ifTrue:[
+	pack := self new.
+	rsrcDir exists ifTrue:[
+	    (rsrcDir construct:baseName) exists ifTrue:[
+		pack := self fromFile:baseName directory:(rsrcDir name) cached:true.
+	    ].
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        pack := self fromFile:baseName directory:'resources' cached:true.
+	pack := self fromFile:baseName directory:'resources' cached:true.
     aClass superclass notNil ifTrue:[
-        pack superPack:(self for:(aClass superclass)).
+	pack superPack:(self for:(aClass superclass)).
     pack packsClassOrFileName:nm.
     cached ifTrue:[
-        self addToCache:pack.
+	self addToCache:pack.
     pack projectPack:(self forPackage:(aClass resourcePackage) cached:true).
     ^ pack
-    "                   
+    "
      ResourcePack forPackage:'bosch:dapasx' cached:true
-     ResourcePack for:TextView     
+     ResourcePack for:TextView
      ResourcePack for:CodeView
-     ResourcePack for:Workspace  
-     ResourcePack for:View      
-     ResourcePack for:ErrorLogger 
-     ResourcePack for:NewLauncher 
+     ResourcePack for:Workspace
+     ResourcePack for:View
+     ResourcePack for:ErrorLogger
+     ResourcePack for:NewLauncher
      Workspace classResources
     "Modified: / 01-11-2010 / 09:09:43 / cg"
     "get the full resource definitions given a package id (such as stx:libbasic').
      Also leave the resulting pack in the cache for faster access next time."
     ^ self forPackage:package cached:true
-     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libbasic'   
-     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libtool'   
+     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libbasic'
+     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libtool'
     "Modified: / 18-09-2006 / 18:45:31 / cg"
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
     ^ self forPackage:package resourceFileName:'' cached:cached
-     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libbasic' cached:false     
+     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libbasic' cached:false
     "Modified: / 19-10-2006 / 23:18:28 / cg"
@@ -334,25 +334,25 @@
     fullName := package , '/resources/',resourceFileName.
     cached ifTrue:[
-        pack := self searchCacheFor:fullName.
-        pack notNil ifTrue:[^ pack].
-        (FailedToLoadPacks includes:fullName) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+	pack := self searchCacheFor:fullName.
+	pack notNil ifTrue:[^ pack].
+	(FailedToLoadPacks includes:fullName) ifTrue:[^ nil].
     rsrcDir := Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:package.
     rsrcDir isNil ifTrue:[
-        file := Smalltalk getResourceFileName:resourceFileName forPackage:package.
-        file isNil ifTrue:[
-            FailedToLoadPacks add:fullName.
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        rsrcDir := file asFilename directory.
+	file := Smalltalk getResourceFileName:resourceFileName forPackage:package.
+	file isNil ifTrue:[
+	    FailedToLoadPacks add:fullName.
+	    ^ nil
+	].
+	rsrcDir := file asFilename directory.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        rsrcDir := rsrcDir asFilename construct:'resources'.
-        rsrcDir exists ifFalse:[
-            FailedToLoadPacks add:fullName.
-            ^ nil
-        ].
+	rsrcDir := rsrcDir asFilename construct:'resources'.
+	rsrcDir exists ifFalse:[
+	    FailedToLoadPacks add:fullName.
+	    ^ nil
+	].
     pack := self fromFile:resourceFileName directory:rsrcDir cached:cached.
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
     ^ pack
-     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libbasic' resourceFileName:'' cached:false     
+     ResourcePack forPackage:'stx:libbasic' resourceFileName:'' cached:false
     "Modified: / 28-09-2011 / 15:55:30 / cg"
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
     newPack := self new.
     newPack readFromFile:aFileName directory:dirName.
     cached ifTrue:[
-        self addToCache:newPack.
+	self addToCache:newPack.
     ^ newPack
 ! !
@@ -406,19 +406,19 @@
     Packs isNil ifTrue:[
-        self initialize.
+	self initialize.
     idx := Packs identityIndexOf:nil.
     idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-        idx := Packs identityIndexOf:0
+	idx := Packs findFirst:[:slot | slot class == SmallInteger].
     idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-        "
-         throw away oldest
-        "
-        idx := Packs size.
-        Packs replaceFrom:1 to:idx-1 with:Packs startingAt:2.
+	"
+	 throw away oldest
+	"
+	idx := Packs size.
+	Packs replaceFrom:1 to:idx-1 with:Packs startingAt:2.
     aPack at:'__language__' put:(UserPreferences current language,'_',UserPreferences current languageTerritory).
     Packs at:idx put:aPack.
@@ -430,36 +430,36 @@
     |sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" lang|
     Packs isNil ifTrue:[
-        self initialize.
-        ^ nil
+	self initialize.
+	^ nil
     lang := (UserPreferences current language,'_',UserPreferences current languageTerritory).
     sz := Packs size.
     1 to:sz do:[:idx |
-        |aPack|
+	|aPack|
-        aPack := Packs at:idx.
-        (aPack notNil and:[aPack ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-            (aPack at:'__language__' ifAbsent:nil) = lang ifTrue:[
-                aClassOrFileName = aPack packsClassOrFileName ifTrue:[
-                    "
-                     bring to front for LRU
-                    "
-                    idx ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-                        Packs replaceFrom:2 to:idx with:Packs startingAt:1.
-                        Packs at:1 put:aPack.
-                    ].
-                    ^ aPack
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	aPack := Packs at:idx.
+	(aPack notNil and:[aPack class ~~ SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
+	    (aPack at:'__language__' ifAbsent:nil) = lang ifTrue:[
+		aClassOrFileName = aPack packsClassOrFileName ifTrue:[
+		    "
+		     bring to front for LRU
+		    "
+		    idx ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
+			Packs replaceFrom:2 to:idx with:Packs startingAt:1.
+			Packs at:1 put:aPack.
+		    ].
+		    ^ aPack
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ nil
-     ResourcePack searchCacheFor:'TextView' 
+     ResourcePack searchCacheFor:'TextView'
     "Modified: / 18-09-2006 / 19:13:13 / cg"
@@ -475,13 +475,13 @@
     rest := lineString copyFrom:9.
     rest := rest withoutSeparators.
     (rest startsWith:'#') ifTrue:[
-        rest := rest copyFrom:2.
+	rest := rest copyFrom:2.
     (rest startsWith:'''') ifTrue:[
-        rest := rest copyFrom:2.
-        (rest endsWith:'''') ifTrue:[
-            rest := rest copyButLast:1.
-        ].
+	rest := rest copyFrom:2.
+	(rest endsWith:'''') ifTrue:[
+	    rest := rest copyButLast:1.
+	].
     encoding := rest asSymbol.
     ^ encoding.
@@ -491,52 +491,52 @@
     "process a single valid line (i.e. #ifdef & #include has already been processed)"
-        processResourceLine:lineString encoding:encodingSymbolOrEncoder file:fileName printErrorWith:printError for:aResourcePack
-        keepUselessTranslations:false.
+	processResourceLine:lineString encoding:encodingSymbolOrEncoder file:fileName printErrorWith:printError for:aResourcePack
+	keepUselessTranslations:false.
 processResourceLine:lineString encoding:encodingSymbolOrEncoder file:fileName printErrorWith:printError for:aResourcePack keepUselessTranslations:keepUselessTranslations
     "process a single valid line (i.e. #ifdef & #include has already been processed)"
-    |name lineStream idx rest macroName value 
+    |name lineStream idx rest macroName value
      conditional hasError decoder oldValue ignoreTranslation indirect|
     "/ Transcript showCR:lineString.
     encodingSymbolOrEncoder notNil ifTrue:[
-        encodingSymbolOrEncoder isSymbol ifTrue:[
-            decoder := CharacterEncoder encoderFor:encodingSymbolOrEncoder ifAbsent:nil.
-            decoder isNil ifTrue:[ decoder := CharacterEncoder nullEncoderInstance ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            decoder := encodingSymbolOrEncoder
-        ].
+	encodingSymbolOrEncoder isSymbol ifTrue:[
+	    decoder := CharacterEncoder encoderFor:encodingSymbolOrEncoder ifAbsent:nil.
+	    decoder isNil ifTrue:[ decoder := CharacterEncoder nullEncoderInstance ].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    decoder := encodingSymbolOrEncoder
+	].
     decoder notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineStream := (decoder decodeString:lineString) readStream.
+	lineStream := (decoder decodeString:lineString) readStream.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        lineStream := lineString readStream.
+	lineStream := lineString readStream.
     lineStream signalAtEnd:false.
     lineStream skipSeparators.
     lineStream peek == $# ifTrue:[
-        name := Array 
-                    readFrom:lineStream 
-                    onError:[  
-                                printError value:('invalid line <' , lineString , '>').
-                                nil
-                            ].
+	name := Array
+		    readFrom:lineStream
+		    onError:[
+				printError value:('invalid line <' , lineString , '>').
+				nil
+			    ].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        lineStream peek == $' ifTrue:[
-            name := String 
-                        readSmalltalkStringFrom:lineStream 
-                        onError:[
-                                    printError value:('invalid line <' , lineString , '>').
-                                    nil
-                                ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            name := lineStream upToSeparator.
-        ].
+	lineStream peek == $' ifTrue:[
+	    name := String
+			readSmalltalkStringFrom:lineStream
+			onError:[
+				    printError value:('invalid line <' , lineString , '>').
+				    nil
+				].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    name := lineStream upToSeparator.
+	].
     name isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].
@@ -548,124 +548,124 @@
     idx := lineStream position + 1 + 1.
     lineStream peek == $< ifTrue:[
-        "
-         skip <type> if present
-        "
-        lineStream skipThrough:$>.
-        lineStream skipSeparators.
-        idx := lineStream position + 2.
+	"
+	 skip <type> if present
+	"
+	lineStream skipThrough:$>.
+	lineStream skipSeparators.
+	idx := lineStream position + 2.
     conditional := indirect := false.
     lineStream peek == $? ifTrue:[
-        conditional := true.
-        lineStream next.
-        lineStream skipSeparators.
+	conditional := true.
+	lineStream next.
+	lineStream skipSeparators.
     lineStream peek == $@ ifTrue:[
-        indirect := true.
-        lineStream next.
-        lineStream skipSeparators.
+	indirect := true.
+	lineStream next.
+	lineStream skipSeparators.
     lineStream peek == $= ifTrue:[
-        lineStream next.
+	lineStream next.
-        macroName := lineStream nextAlphaNumericWord.
-        [lineStream peek == $.] whileTrue:[
-            lineStream next.
-            lineStream peek notNil ifTrue:[
-                macroName := macroName , '.' , (lineStream nextAlphaNumericWord)
-            ]
-        ].
-        rest := lineStream upToEnd.
-        value := aResourcePack at:macroName ifAbsent:nil.
-        (value isNil) ifTrue:[
-            hasError := true.
-            printError value:('bad (nil-valued) macro: ' , macroName).
-        ].
+	macroName := lineStream nextAlphaNumericWord.
+	[lineStream peek == $.] whileTrue:[
+	    lineStream next.
+	    lineStream peek notNil ifTrue:[
+		macroName := macroName , '.' , (lineStream nextAlphaNumericWord)
+	    ]
+	].
+	rest := lineStream upToEnd.
+	value := aResourcePack at:macroName ifAbsent:nil.
+	(value isNil) ifTrue:[
+	    hasError := true.
+	    printError value:('bad (nil-valued) macro: ' , macroName).
+	].
 "/        value isBlock ifTrue:[
 "/            value := value value
 "/        ].
-        rest isBlank ifFalse:[
-            value := Compiler evaluate:('self ' , rest)
-                              receiver:value
-                              notifying:nil
-                              compile:false.
-            (value == #Error) ifTrue:[
-                hasError := true.
-                printError value:('error in: "self ' , rest , '"').
-            ].
-            "/ 'self ' print. rest print. ' -> ' print. value printCR.
-        ]
+	rest isBlank ifFalse:[
+	    value := Compiler evaluate:('self ' , rest)
+			      receiver:value
+			      notifying:nil
+			      compile:false.
+	    (value == #Error) ifTrue:[
+		hasError := true.
+		printError value:('error in: "self ' , rest , '"').
+	    ].
+	    "/ 'self ' print. rest print. ' -> ' print. value printCR.
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        lineStream peek == $' ifTrue:[
-            value := String 
-                        readSmalltalkStringFrom:lineStream 
-                        onError:[
-                                    printError value:('invalid line <' , lineString , '>').
-                                    nil
-                                ].
-            "/ ' -> ' print. value printCR.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            rest := lineStream upToEnd.
-            [
-                value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:"true" false.
-            ] on:Error do:[
-                printError value:('invalid line <' , rest , '>').
-                "/ value := rest
-            ].
-            "/ rest print. ' -> ' print. value printCR.
-        ].
-        (value == #Error) ifTrue:[
-            hasError := true.
-            printError value:('error in: "' , rest , '"').
-        ] ifFalse:[
+	lineStream peek == $' ifTrue:[
+	    value := String
+			readSmalltalkStringFrom:lineStream
+			onError:[
+				    printError value:('invalid line <' , lineString , '>').
+				    nil
+				].
+	    "/ ' -> ' print. value printCR.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    rest := lineStream upToEnd.
+	    [
+		value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:"true" false.
+	    ] on:Error do:[
+		printError value:('invalid line <' , rest , '>').
+		"/ value := rest
+	    ].
+	    "/ rest print. ' -> ' print. value printCR.
+	].
+	(value == #Error) ifTrue:[
+	    hasError := true.
+	    printError value:('error in: "' , rest , '"').
+	] ifFalse:[
 "/            value isString ifTrue:[
 "/                decoder notNil ifTrue:[
 "/                    value := decoder decodeString:value
 "/                ]
 "/            ]
-        ]
+	]
     "/ Transcript show:name; show:' -> '; showCR:value.
     hasError ifFalse:[
-        (conditional not
-        or:[(aResourcePack includesKey:name) not]) ifTrue:[
-            name = value ifTrue:[
-                keepUselessTranslations ifFalse:[ 
-                    printError value:('useless resource: "' , name , '"').
-                    ignoreTranslation := true 
-                ].
-            ].
-            ignoreTranslation ifFalse:[
-                oldValue := aResourcePack at:name ifAbsent:nil.
-                oldValue notNil ifTrue:[
-                    oldValue ~= value ifTrue:[
-                        printError value:('conflicting resource: "' , name , '"').
-                        printError value:('oldValue: ' , oldValue printString).
-                        printError value:('newValue: ' , value printString).
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        printError value:('duplicate resource: "' , name , '"').
-                    ].
-                ].
-                indirect ifTrue:[
-                    value := aResourcePack string:value.
-                ].
+	(conditional not
+	or:[(aResourcePack includesKey:name) not]) ifTrue:[
+	    name = value ifTrue:[
+		keepUselessTranslations ifFalse:[
+		    printError value:('useless resource: "' , name , '"').
+		    ignoreTranslation := true
+		].
+	    ].
+	    ignoreTranslation ifFalse:[
+		oldValue := aResourcePack at:name ifAbsent:nil.
+		oldValue notNil ifTrue:[
+		    oldValue ~= value ifTrue:[
+			printError value:('conflicting resource: "' , name , '"').
+			printError value:('oldValue: ' , oldValue printString).
+			printError value:('newValue: ' , value printString).
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			printError value:('duplicate resource: "' , name , '"').
+		    ].
+		].
+		indirect ifTrue:[
+		    value := aResourcePack string:value.
+		].
-                DebugModifications == true ifTrue:[
-                    "/ for debugging only !! (not all primitive code is ready for immutableStrings)
-                    value class == String ifTrue:[
-                        value := value asImmutableString.
-                    ].
-                ].
+		DebugModifications == true ifTrue:[
+		    "/ for debugging only !! (not all primitive code is ready for immutableStrings)
+		    value class == String ifTrue:[
+			value := value asImmutableString.
+		    ].
+		].
-                aResourcePack at:name put:value.
-            ]
-        ]
+		aResourcePack at:name put:value.
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: / 06-02-2014 / 15:33:03 / cg"
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
      separated by a space. However, it is better to first cut of any leading
      and trailing spaces and special characters, such as ':*.,' etc."
-    ^ (self resourceFileStringFor:keyString),' ',(self resourceFileStringFor:nationalString) 
+    ^ (self resourceFileStringFor:keyString),' ',(self resourceFileStringFor:nationalString)
@@ -690,23 +690,23 @@
     ^ (self shortenedKeyFor:aString) storeString
-     self resourceFileStringFor:'  foo:   ' 
-     self resourceFileStringFor:'  foo bar:   '  
+     self resourceFileStringFor:'  foo:   '
+     self resourceFileStringFor:'  foo bar:   '
-          aKey is '(...)', then return '...'
-          if aKey is '[...]', then return '...'
-          if aKey is '{...}', then return '...'
-          if aKey starts or ends with any of '\:=.,?!! ', then return aKey without it
+	  aKey is '(...)', then return '...'
+	  if aKey is '[...]', then return '...'
+	  if aKey is '{...}', then return '...'
+	  if aKey starts or ends with any of '\:=.,?!! ', then return aKey without it
      This means, that only a single translation is required to provide local translations for
-     things like 
-        'search'
-        'search:'
-        'search...'
+     things like
+	'search'
+	'search:'
+	'search...'
     |idx idx1 idx2 first last keySize|
@@ -718,26 +718,26 @@
     ((first == $( and:[last == $) ])
     or:[ (first == $[ and:[last == $] ])
     or:[ (first == ${ and:[last == $} ]) ]]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyFrom:2 to:keySize-1).
+	^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyFrom:2 to:keySize-1).
     idx1 := aKey findFirst:[:ch | ch isSeparator not].
     idx2 := aKey findLast:[:ch | ch isSeparator not] ifNone:keySize.
     (idx1 > 1 or:[idx2 < keySize]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyFrom:idx1 to:idx2)
+	^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyFrom:idx1 to:idx2)
     idx1 := aKey findFirst:[:ch | ('*:=.?!!,-><\' includes:ch) not].
     idx2 := aKey findLast:[:ch | ('*:=.?!!,-><\' includes:ch) not] ifNone:keySize.
     (idx1 > 1 or:[idx2 < keySize]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyFrom:idx1 to:idx2)
+	^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyFrom:idx1 to:idx2)
     "/ change duplicated &'s to single
     (idx := aKey indexOf:$&) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        (aKey at:idx+1 ifAbsent:nil) ~~ $& ifTrue:[
-            ^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyTo:idx-1),(aKey copyFrom:idx+1).
-        ].
+	(aKey at:idx+1 ifAbsent:nil) ~~ $& ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self shortenedKeyFor:(aKey copyTo:idx-1),(aKey copyFrom:idx+1).
+	].
     ^ aKey.
@@ -745,12 +745,12 @@
      'abcde' findFirst:[:ch | 'bcd' includes:ch]
      'abcde' indexOfAny:'bcd'
-     self shortenedKeyFor:'abc'        
-     self shortenedKeyFor:'   abc    ' 
-     self shortenedKeyFor:'(abc)'           
-     self shortenedKeyFor:'abc...'          
-     self shortenedKeyFor:'(abc...)'        
-     self shortenedKeyFor:'abc:*'        
+     self shortenedKeyFor:'abc'
+     self shortenedKeyFor:'   abc    '
+     self shortenedKeyFor:'(abc)'
+     self shortenedKeyFor:'abc...'
+     self shortenedKeyFor:'(abc...)'
+     self shortenedKeyFor:'abc:*'
 ! !
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
     ^ anArray collect:[:r | self at:r default:r]
-     Launcher classResources array:#('file' 'classes') 
+     Launcher classResources array:#('file' 'classes')
     "Modified: / 29.1.1998 / 22:44:22 / cg"
@@ -791,37 +791,37 @@
     val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
     (projectPack := self projectPack) notNil ifTrue:[
-        val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
-        val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
+	val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
+	val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
     alreadySearched := Set new.
     projectPack notNil ifTrue:[ alreadySearched add:projectPack ].
     pack := self superPack.
     [ pack notNil ] whileTrue:[
-        val := pack localAt:aKey.
-        val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
+	val := pack localAt:aKey.
+	val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
-        (projectPack := pack projectPack) notNil ifTrue:[
-            (alreadySearched includes:projectPack) ifFalse:[
-                val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
-                alreadySearched add:projectPack.
-            ].
-        ].
-        pack := pack superPack
+	(projectPack := pack projectPack) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (alreadySearched includes:projectPack) ifFalse:[
+		val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
+		alreadySearched add:projectPack.
+	    ].
+	].
+	pack := pack superPack
     alreadySearched copy do:[:projectPack |
-        |p|
+	|p|
-        p := projectPack superPack.
-        [p notNil and:[(alreadySearched includes:p) not]] whileTrue:[
-            val := p localAt:aKey.
-            val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
-            alreadySearched add:p.
-            p := p superPack.
-        ].
+	p := projectPack superPack.
+	[p notNil and:[(alreadySearched includes:p) not]] whileTrue:[
+	    val := p localAt:aKey.
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
+	    alreadySearched add:p.
+	    p := p superPack.
+	].
     ^ defaultValue value
@@ -832,124 +832,124 @@
     "translate a string.
      Some special 'intelligence' has been added:
-        if no value for aKey is found,
-          lookup aKey with first character caseChanged and change the results first characters case.
-          or aKey is '(...)', then lookup ... wrap () around the result.
-          or aKey is '[...]', then lookup ... wrap [] around the result.
-          or aKey is '{...}', then lookup ... wrap {} around the result.
-          or aKey starts with a '\', then lookup aKey without '\' and prepend '\' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '\', then lookup aKey without '\' and append '\' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a ':', then lookup aKey without ':' and append ':' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '=', then lookup aKey without '=' and append '=' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '.', then lookup aKey without '.' and append '.' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a ',', then lookup aKey without ',' and append ',' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '?', then lookup aKey without '?' and append '?' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '!!', then lookup aKey without '!!' and append '!!' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a ' ', then lookup aKey without ' ' and append ' ' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a ' ...', then lookup aKey without ' ...' and append '...' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '...', then lookup aKey without '...' and append '...' to the result.
-          or aKey includes '&', then lookup aKey without '&'.
+	if no value for aKey is found,
+	  lookup aKey with first character caseChanged and change the results first characters case.
+	  or aKey is '(...)', then lookup ... wrap () around the result.
+	  or aKey is '[...]', then lookup ... wrap [] around the result.
+	  or aKey is '{...}', then lookup ... wrap {} around the result.
+	  or aKey starts with a '\', then lookup aKey without '\' and prepend '\' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a '\', then lookup aKey without '\' and append '\' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a ':', then lookup aKey without ':' and append ':' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a '=', then lookup aKey without '=' and append '=' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a '.', then lookup aKey without '.' and append '.' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a ',', then lookup aKey without ',' and append ',' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a '?', then lookup aKey without '?' and append '?' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a '!!', then lookup aKey without '!!' and append '!!' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a ' ', then lookup aKey without ' ' and append ' ' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a ' ...', then lookup aKey without ' ...' and append '...' to the result.
+	  or aKey ends with a '...', then lookup aKey without '...' and append '...' to the result.
+	  or aKey includes '&', then lookup aKey without '&'.
      This means, that only a single translation is required to provide local translations for
-     things like 
-        'search'
-        'search:'
-        'search...'
+     things like
+	'search'
+	'search:'
+	'search...'
     |val alternativeKey usedKey idx first last|
     val := super at:aKey ifAbsent:nil.
     val notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ val value
+	^ val value
     (aKey isString and:[aKey notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-        first := aKey first.
-        last := aKey last.
+	first := aKey first.
+	last := aKey last.
-        "/ try with case-first swapped...
-        first isLetter ifTrue:[
-            alternativeKey := first isUppercase 
-                                ifTrue:[aKey asLowercaseFirst]
-                                ifFalse:[aKey asUppercaseFirst].
-            val := super at:alternativeKey ifAbsent:nil.
-            val notNil ifTrue:[
-                first isUppercase ifTrue:[
-                    ^ val asUppercaseFirst
-                ].
-                ^ val asLowercaseFirst.                
-            ].
-        ].
+	"/ try with case-first swapped...
+	first isLetter ifTrue:[
+	    alternativeKey := first isUppercase
+				ifTrue:[aKey asLowercaseFirst]
+				ifFalse:[aKey asUppercaseFirst].
+	    val := super at:alternativeKey ifAbsent:nil.
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[
+		first isUppercase ifTrue:[
+		    ^ val asUppercaseFirst
+		].
+		^ val asLowercaseFirst.
+	    ].
+	].
-        ((first == $( and:[last == $) ])
-        or:[ (first == $[ and:[last == $] ])
-        or:[ (first == ${ and:[last == $} ]) ]]) ifTrue:[
-            usedKey := aKey copyFrom:2 to:aKey size-1.
+	((first == $( and:[last == $) ])
+	or:[ (first == $[ and:[last == $] ])
+	or:[ (first == ${ and:[last == $} ]) ]]) ifTrue:[
+	    usedKey := aKey copyFrom:2 to:aKey size-1.
-            val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-            val notNil ifTrue:[^ first asString,val,last asString]. 
-        ].
+	    val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[^ first asString,val,last asString].
+	].
-        last == $. ifTrue:[
-            (aKey endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
-                usedKey := aKey copyButLast:4.
+	last == $. ifTrue:[
+	    (aKey endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
+		usedKey := aKey copyButLast:4.
-                val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ val , ' ...'].
-            ].
-            (aKey endsWith:'...') ifTrue:[
-                usedKey := aKey copyButLast:3.
+		val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ val , ' ...'].
+	    ].
+	    (aKey endsWith:'...') ifTrue:[
+		usedKey := aKey copyButLast:3.
-                val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ val , '...'].
-            ].
-        ].
+		val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ val , '...'].
+	    ].
+	].
-        first isSeparator ifTrue:[
-            usedKey := aKey withoutLeadingSeparators.
+	first isSeparator ifTrue:[
+	    usedKey := aKey withoutLeadingSeparators.
-            val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-            val notNil ifTrue:[^ (aKey copyTo:(aKey size - usedKey size)), val]. "/ prepend the stripped separators
-        ].
-        last isSeparator ifTrue:[
-            usedKey := aKey withoutTrailingSeparators.
+	    val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[^ (aKey copyTo:(aKey size - usedKey size)), val]. "/ prepend the stripped separators
+	].
+	last isSeparator ifTrue:[
+	    usedKey := aKey withoutTrailingSeparators.
-            val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-            val notNil ifTrue:[^ val, (aKey copyFrom:usedKey size + 1)].      "/ append the stripped separators
-        ].
+	    val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[^ val, (aKey copyFrom:usedKey size + 1)].      "/ append the stripped separators
+	].
-        ('*:=.?!!,-><\' includes:last) ifTrue:[
-            aKey size >= 2 ifTrue:[
-                usedKey := aKey copyButLast:1.
+	('*:=.?!!,-><\' includes:last) ifTrue:[
+	    aKey size >= 2 ifTrue:[
+		usedKey := aKey copyButLast:1.
-                val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ val copyWith:last].
-            ].
-        ].
-        ('*:=.?!!-><\' includes:first) ifTrue:[
-            aKey size >= 2 ifTrue:[
-                usedKey := aKey copyFrom:2.
+		val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ val copyWith:last].
+	    ].
+	].
+	('*:=.?!!-><\' includes:first) ifTrue:[
+	    aKey size >= 2 ifTrue:[
+		usedKey := aKey copyFrom:2.
-                val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ first asString , val].
-            ].
-        ].
+		val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ first asString , val].
+	    ].
+	].
-        (first == $( and:[last == $)]) ifTrue:[
-            usedKey := aKey copyFrom:2 to:(aKey size - 1).
+	(first == $( and:[last == $)]) ifTrue:[
+	    usedKey := aKey copyFrom:2 to:(aKey size - 1).
-            val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
-            val notNil ifTrue:[^ '(' , val , ')'].
-        ].
+	    val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[^ '(' , val , ')'].
+	].
-        (idx := aKey indexOf:$&) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            (aKey at:idx+1 ifAbsent:nil) ~~ $& ifTrue:[
-                usedKey := (aKey copyTo:idx-1) , (aKey copyFrom:idx+1).
-                val := self localAt:usedKey.    "/ recursion
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
-            ].
-        ].
+	(idx := aKey indexOf:$&) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    (aKey at:idx+1 ifAbsent:nil) ~~ $& ifTrue:[
+		usedKey := (aKey copyTo:idx-1) , (aKey copyFrom:idx+1).
+		val := self localAt:usedKey.    "/ recursion
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ val].
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ nil.
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
      NewLauncher classResources
-	string:'LICENCEFILE' 
+	string:'LICENCEFILE'
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@
      NewLauncher classResources
-	string:'fooBar' default:'Hello world'  
+	string:'fooBar' default:'Hello world'
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@
      NewLauncher classResources
-	string:'%1 fooBar' default:'Hello %1' with:'foo' 
+	string:'%1 fooBar' default:'Hello %1' with:'foo'
@@ -1108,13 +1108,13 @@
      NewLauncher classResources
-        stringWithCRs:'LICENCEFILE'  
+	stringWithCRs:'LICENCEFILE'
 stringWithCRs:s with:arg
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand arg.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg)
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@
 stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2)
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@
 stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3)
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@
 stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4)
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@
 stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5)
@@ -1162,9 +1162,9 @@
     "Modified: / 21.3.2003 / 14:21:55 / cg"
-stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5 with:arg6 
+stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5 with:arg6
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5 with:arg6)
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@
 stringWithCRs:s with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5 with:arg6 with:arg7
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is donw before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
     ^ self stringWithCRs:s withArgs:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4 with:arg5 with:arg6 with:arg7)
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@
 stringWithCRs:s withArgs:argArray
     "translate, replace \'s with CRs and finally expand args.
-     CR-replacement is done before args are inserted 
+     CR-replacement is done before args are inserted
      i.e. if any arg contains a backslash (DOS filenames), those are not translated."
@@ -1205,37 +1205,37 @@
     val notNil ifTrue:[^ self].
     (projectPack := self projectPack) notNil ifTrue:[
-        val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
-        val notNil ifTrue:[^ projectPack].
+	val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
+	val notNil ifTrue:[^ projectPack].
     alreadySearched := Set new.
     projectPack notNil ifTrue:[ alreadySearched add:projectPack ].
     pack := self superPack.
     [ pack notNil ] whileTrue:[
-        val := pack localAt:aKey.
-        val notNil ifTrue:[^ pack].
+	val := pack localAt:aKey.
+	val notNil ifTrue:[^ pack].
-        (projectPack := pack projectPack) notNil ifTrue:[
-            (alreadySearched includes:projectPack) ifFalse:[
-                val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
-                val notNil ifTrue:[^ projectPack].
-                alreadySearched add:projectPack.
-            ].
-        ].
-        pack := pack superPack
+	(projectPack := pack projectPack) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (alreadySearched includes:projectPack) ifFalse:[
+		val := projectPack localAt:aKey.
+		val notNil ifTrue:[^ projectPack].
+		alreadySearched add:projectPack.
+	    ].
+	].
+	pack := pack superPack
     alreadySearched copy do:[:projectPack |
-        |p|
+	|p|
-        p := projectPack superPack.
-        [p notNil and:[(alreadySearched includes:p) not]] whileTrue:[
-            val := p localAt:aKey.
-            val notNil ifTrue:[^ p].
-            alreadySearched add:p.
-            p := p superPack.
-        ].
+	p := projectPack superPack.
+	[p notNil and:[(alreadySearched includes:p) not]] whileTrue:[
+	    val := p localAt:aKey.
+	    val notNil ifTrue:[^ p].
+	    alreadySearched add:p.
+	    p := p superPack.
+	].
     ^ nil
@@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@
     "process a single valid line (i.e. #ifdef & #include has already been processed)"
     self class
-        processResourceLine:lineString 
-        encoding:encodingSymbolOrEncoder 
-        file:fileName 
-        printErrorWith:printError 
-        for:self
+	processResourceLine:lineString
+	encoding:encodingSymbolOrEncoder
+	file:fileName
+	printErrorWith:printError
+	for:self
 readFromFile:fileName directory:dirName
@@ -1341,39 +1341,39 @@
     "/ need to catch errors here, as the handler might itself need resources.
     "/ (happens when is not present in libbasic/
     ExternalStream openErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-        Transcript showCR:'ResourcePack: failed to open file: ',fileName asString,' in ',dirName asString.
-        inStream := nil.
+	Transcript showCR:'ResourcePack: failed to open file: ',fileName asString,' in ',dirName asString.
+	inStream := nil.
     ] do:[
-        dirName = 'resources' ifTrue:[
-            inStream := Smalltalk resourceFileStreamFor:fileName
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            inStream := Smalltalk systemFileStreamFor:
-                            (dirName isNil 
-                                ifTrue:[fileName]
-                                ifFalse:[dirName asFilename construct:fileName]).
-        ].
+	dirName = 'resources' ifTrue:[
+	    inStream := Smalltalk resourceFileStreamFor:fileName
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    inStream := Smalltalk systemFileStreamFor:
+			    (dirName isNil
+				ifTrue:[fileName]
+				ifFalse:[dirName asFilename construct:fileName]).
+	].
     inStream isNil ifTrue:[
-        "
-         an empty pack
-        "
-        ^ self nonexistingFileRead
+	"
+	 an empty pack
+	"
+	^ self nonexistingFileRead
     triedFilename := inStream pathName.
-        ok := self readFromResourceStream:inStream in:(triedFilename asFilename directoryName).
+	ok := self readFromResourceStream:inStream in:(triedFilename asFilename directoryName).
     ] ensure:[
-        inStream close.
+	inStream close.
     ok ifTrue:[
-        packsFileName := triedFilename
+	packsFileName := triedFilename
     ] ifFalse:[
-        fileReadFailed := true.
+	fileReadFailed := true.
-        ('ResourcePack [warning]: "' , triedFilename , '" contains error(s) - data may be incomplete.') errorPrintCR.
+	('ResourcePack [warning]: "' , triedFilename , '" contains error(s) - data may be incomplete.') errorPrintCR.
     "Modified: / 20-08-2011 / 17:10:02 / cg"
@@ -1384,21 +1384,21 @@
      specify where #include files are searched for.
      Return true, if the style sheet could be read without errors, false otherwise."
-    |lineString l lineNumber rest value ifLevel skipping first ok encoding decoder pack errorHandler 
+    |lineString l lineNumber rest value ifLevel skipping first ok encoding decoder pack errorHandler
      printError fileName pushedSkipValues|
-    fileName := (inStream isFileStream 
-                    ifTrue:[inStream pathName asFilename baseName]
-                    ifFalse:['---']).
+    fileName := (inStream isFileStream
+		    ifTrue:[inStream pathName asFilename baseName]
+		    ifFalse:['---']).
     printError := [:message |
-                    'ResourcePack [warning]: ' errorPrint.
-                    message errorPrint.
-                    ' in file:' errorPrint.
-                    fileName errorPrint.
-                    ' line: ' errorPrint.
-                    lineNumber errorPrintCR
-                  ].
+		    'ResourcePack [warning]: ' errorPrint.
+		    message errorPrint.
+		    ' in file:' errorPrint.
+		    fileName errorPrint.
+		    ' line: ' errorPrint.
+		    lineNumber errorPrintCR
+		  ].
     printError := [:message | ].
@@ -1410,137 +1410,137 @@
     lineNumber := 0.
     pushedSkipValues := OrderedCollection new.
-    errorHandler := [:ex | 
-                        |con|
+    errorHandler := [:ex |
+			|con|
-                        Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [warning]: ''' , ex description , '''') "errorPrintCR".
-                        Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]: file: ' , inStream pathName printString , ' line: ' , lineNumber printString , ': ''' , lineString , '''') "errorPrintCR".
-                        con := ex suspendedContext.
-                        Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]: in: ' , con fullPrintString) "errorPrintCR".
-                        con := con sender.
-                        Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]:   : ' , con fullPrintString) "errorPrintCR".
-                        con := con sender.
-                        Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]:   : ' , con fullPrintString) "errorPrintCR".
-                        value := nil.
-                        ok := false.
-                    ].
+			Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [warning]: ''' , ex description , '''') "errorPrintCR".
+			Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]: file: ' , inStream pathName printString , ' line: ' , lineNumber printString , ': ''' , lineString , '''') "errorPrintCR".
+			con := ex suspendedContext.
+			Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]: in: ' , con fullPrintString) "errorPrintCR".
+			con := con sender.
+			Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]:   : ' , con fullPrintString) "errorPrintCR".
+			con := con sender.
+			Transcript showCR:('ResourcePack [info]:   : ' , con fullPrintString) "errorPrintCR".
+			value := nil.
+			ok := false.
+		    ].
     [inStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-        lineString := inStream nextLine. lineNumber := lineNumber + 1.
-        [lineString notNil and:[lineString endsWith:$\]] whileTrue:[
-            lineString := lineString copyButLast:1.
-            l := inStream nextLine. lineNumber := lineNumber + 1.
-            l notNil ifTrue:[
-                lineString := lineString , l.
-            ].
-        ].
+	lineString := inStream nextLine. lineNumber := lineNumber + 1.
+	[lineString notNil and:[lineString endsWith:$\]] whileTrue:[
+	    lineString := lineString copyButLast:1.
+	    l := inStream nextLine. lineNumber := lineNumber + 1.
+	    l notNil ifTrue:[
+		lineString := lineString , l.
+	    ].
+	].
-        (lineString size > 0) ifTrue:[
-            first := lineString at:1.
-            "/
-            "/ for your convenience: treat both ';' AND '"/' as comment-line
-            "/
-            ((first == $;) or:[lineString startsWith:'"/']) ifFalse:[
-                ((first == $#) and:[(lineString startsWith:'#(') not]) ifTrue:[
-                    "/ a directive
-                    lineString := (lineString copyFrom:2) withoutSpaces.
+	(lineString size > 0) ifTrue:[
+	    first := lineString at:1.
+	    "/
+	    "/ for your convenience: treat both ';' AND '"/' as comment-line
+	    "/
+	    ((first == $;) or:[lineString startsWith:'"/']) ifFalse:[
+		((first == $#) and:[(lineString startsWith:'#(') not]) ifTrue:[
+		    "/ a directive
+		    lineString := (lineString copyFrom:2) withoutSpaces.
-                    (lineString startsWith:'if') ifTrue:[
-                        pushedSkipValues add:skipping.
-                        skipping ifFalse:[
-                            rest := lineString copyFrom:3.
-                            Error, UserInformation
-                                handle:errorHandler 
-                                do:[
-                                    value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
-                                ].
-                            (value == #Error) ifTrue:[
-                                printError value:('error in resource:' , lineString).
-                            ].
-                            (value == false) ifTrue:[
-                                skipping := true
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                        ifLevel := ifLevel + 1
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        (lineString startsWith:'endif') ifTrue:[
-                            ifLevel == 0 ifTrue:[
-                                printError value:('if/endif nesting error').
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                ifLevel := ifLevel - 1.
-                                skipping := pushedSkipValues removeLast.
-                            ]
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            (lineString startsWith:'else') ifTrue:[
-                                (pushedSkipValues includes:true) ifFalse:[
-                                    skipping := skipping not
-                                ]
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                skipping ifFalse:[
-                                    (lineString startsWith:'superpack') ifTrue:[
-                                        rest := lineString copyFrom:('superpack' size + 1).
-                                        value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
-                                        (value isKindOf:ResourcePack) ifTrue:[
-                                            superPack := value
-                                        ]
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        (lineString startsWith:'include') ifTrue:[
-                                            (lineString startsWith:'includeResourcesFor') ifTrue:[
-                                                "/ include those resources ...
-                                                rest := lineString copyFrom:('includeResourcesFor' size + 1).
-                                                value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
-                                                value isBehavior ifTrue:[
-                                                    pack := self class for:value.
-                                                    pack notNil ifTrue:[
-                                                        self addAll:pack.
-                                                    ]
-                                                ]
-                                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                                rest := lineString copyFrom:('include' size + 1).
-                                                value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
-                                                value isString ifFalse:[
-                                                    printError value:('bad include filename: ' , value printString, ' "',lineString,'"').
-                                                ] ifTrue:[
-                                                    self readFromFile:value directory:dirName
-                                                ]
-                                            ]
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            (lineString startsWith:'encoding') ifTrue:[
+		    (lineString startsWith:'if') ifTrue:[
+			pushedSkipValues add:skipping.
+			skipping ifFalse:[
+			    rest := lineString copyFrom:3.
+			    Error, UserInformation
+				handle:errorHandler
+				do:[
+				    value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
+				].
+			    (value == #Error) ifTrue:[
+				printError value:('error in resource:' , lineString).
+			    ].
+			    (value == false) ifTrue:[
+				skipping := true
+			    ]
+			].
+			ifLevel := ifLevel + 1
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			(lineString startsWith:'endif') ifTrue:[
+			    ifLevel == 0 ifTrue:[
+				printError value:('if/endif nesting error').
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				ifLevel := ifLevel - 1.
+				skipping := pushedSkipValues removeLast.
+			    ]
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    (lineString startsWith:'else') ifTrue:[
+				(pushedSkipValues includes:true) ifFalse:[
+				    skipping := skipping not
+				]
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				skipping ifFalse:[
+				    (lineString startsWith:'superpack') ifTrue:[
+					rest := lineString copyFrom:('superpack' size + 1).
+					value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
+					(value isKindOf:ResourcePack) ifTrue:[
+					    superPack := value
+					]
+				    ] ifFalse:[
+					(lineString startsWith:'include') ifTrue:[
+					    (lineString startsWith:'includeResourcesFor') ifTrue:[
+						"/ include those resources ...
+						rest := lineString copyFrom:('includeResourcesFor' size + 1).
+						value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
+						value isBehavior ifTrue:[
+						    pack := self class for:value.
+						    pack notNil ifTrue:[
+							self addAll:pack.
+						    ]
+						]
+					    ] ifFalse:[
+						rest := lineString copyFrom:('include' size + 1).
+						value := Compiler evaluate:rest compile:false.
+						value isString ifFalse:[
+						    printError value:('bad include filename: ' , value printString, ' "',lineString,'"').
+						] ifTrue:[
+						    self readFromFile:value directory:dirName
+						]
+					    ]
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    (lineString startsWith:'encoding') ifTrue:[
 "/decoder notNil ifTrue:[self halt:'oops - encoding change in file'].
-                                                encoding := self class extractEncodingFromLine:lineString.
-                                                decoder := CharacterEncoder encoderFor:encoding ifAbsent:nil.
-                                            ]
-                                        ]
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    skipping ifFalse:[
-                        Error, UserInformation
-                            handle:errorHandler 
-                            do:[
-                                (lineString at:1) == $!! ifTrue:[
-                                    "/ evaluate the rest
-                                    Compiler evaluate:(lineString copyFrom:2)
-                                                      receiver:self
-                                                      notifying:nil
-                                                      compile:false.
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    "/ process as resource
-                                    self 
-                                        processLine:lineString 
-                                        encoding:decoder 
-                                        file:(inStream isFileStream 
-                                                ifTrue:[inStream pathName]
-                                                ifFalse:['---'])
-                                        printErrorWith:printError
-                                ]]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+						encoding := self class extractEncodingFromLine:lineString.
+						decoder := CharacterEncoder encoderFor:encoding ifAbsent:nil.
+					    ]
+					]
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ].
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    skipping ifFalse:[
+			Error, UserInformation
+			    handle:errorHandler
+			    do:[
+				(lineString at:1) == $!! ifTrue:[
+				    "/ evaluate the rest
+				    Compiler evaluate:(lineString copyFrom:2)
+						      receiver:self
+						      notifying:nil
+						      compile:false.
+				] ifFalse:[
+				    "/ process as resource
+				    self
+					processLine:lineString
+					encoding:decoder
+					file:(inStream isFileStream
+						ifTrue:[inStream pathName]
+						ifFalse:['---'])
+					printErrorWith:printError
+				]]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ ok
@@ -1555,9 +1555,9 @@
     "/ what a kludge - Dolphin and Squeak mean: printOn: a stream;
     "/ ST/X (and some old ST80's) mean: draw-yourself on a GC.
     (aGCOrStream isStream) ifTrue:[
-        aGCOrStream nextPutAll:'ResourcePack for: '.
-        packsClassName printOn:aGCOrStream.
-        ^ self.
+	aGCOrStream nextPutAll:'ResourcePack for: '.
+	packsClassName printOn:aGCOrStream.
+	^ self.
     ^ super displayOn:aGCOrStream
@@ -1566,11 +1566,11 @@
 !ResourcePack class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.162 2015-03-01 21:54:21 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header$'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.162 2015-03-01 21:54:21 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header$'
 ! !
--- a/bc.mak	Sat Jul 04 16:17:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/bc.mak	Fri Jul 24 06:59:47 2015 +0200
@@ -43,11 +43,14 @@
 ! ifdef USEVC
 # X11_LIBS=..\libvc\X11.lib ..\libvc\Xext.lib
 ! else
+!  ifdef USEMINGW32
+#X11_LIBS=..\lib\bc\X11OMF.lib ..\lib\bc\XextOMF.lib
+!  endif
 ! endif
@@ -69,6 +72,19 @@
+..\lib\bc\X11OMF.lib: ..\support\win32\borland\X11OMF.lib
+	copy ..\support\win32\borland\X11OMF.lib ..\lib\bc
+..\lib\bc\XextOMF.lib: ..\support\win32\borland\XextOMF.lib
+	copy ..\support\win32\borland\XextOMF.lib ..\lib\bc
+..\lib\vc\X11.lib: ..\support\win32\msc\X11.lib
+	copy ..\support\win32\msc\X11.lib ..\lib\vc
+..\lib\vc\Xext.lib: ..\support\win32\msc\Xext.lib
+	copy ..\support\win32\msc\Xext.lib ..\lib\vc
 ..\libbc\X11OMF.lib: ..\support\win32\borland\X11OMF.lib
 	copy ..\support\win32\borland\X11OMF.lib ..\libbc
@@ -88,7 +104,7 @@
 test: $(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports\NUL
 	pushd $(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports & $(MAKE_BAT)
 	$(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports\report-runner.bat -D . -r Builder::TestReport -p $(PACKAGE)
 	del *.$(CSUFFIX)
--- a/	Sat Jul 04 16:17:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jul 24 06:59:47 2015 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
  COPYRIGHT (c) 2006 by eXept Software AG
 	      All Rights Reserved
@@ -372,6 +370,10 @@
     ^ '$(XINCLUDE) $(XDEFS) $(CC_3D_FLAGS)'
     ^ '+optinline +optinline2'