authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 22:05:53 +0100
changeset 1475 5347f953763a
parent 1474 9f1ed72c31be
child 1476 fa1269fa6af6
--- a/	Thu Mar 20 16:47:57 1997 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Mar 20 22:05:53 1997 +0100
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@
 	instanceVariableNames:'visualType monitorType depth ncells bitsPerRGB bitsRed bitsGreen
 		bitsBlue redMask greenMask blueMask redShift greenShift blueShift
 		hasColors hasGreyscales width height widthMM heightMM
-		resolutionHor resolutionVer idToTableIndexMapping knownViews knownIds
-		knownBitmaps knownBitmapIds dispatching dispatchProcess ctrlDown
-		shiftDown metaDown altDown motionEventCompression lastId lastView
-		keyboardMap rootView isSlow activeKeyboardGrab activePointerGrab
-		buttonTranslation multiClickTimeDelta altModifiers metaModifiers
-		ctrlModifiers shiftModifiers supportsDeepIcons preferredIconSize
-		ditherColors fixColors numFixRed numFixGreen numFixBlue
-		copyBuffer lastCopyBuffer blackColor whiteColor'
+		resolutionHor resolutionVer idToTableIndexMapping knownViews
+		knownIds knownBitmaps knownBitmapIds dispatching dispatchProcess
+		ctrlDown shiftDown metaDown altDown motionEventCompression lastId
+		lastView keyboardMap rootView isSlow activeKeyboardGrab
+		activePointerGrab buttonTranslation multiClickTimeDelta
+		altModifiers metaModifiers ctrlModifiers shiftModifiers
+		supportsDeepIcons preferredIconSize ditherColors fixColors
+		numFixRed numFixGreen numFixBlue copyBuffer lastCopyBuffer
+		blackColor whiteColor'
 	classVariableNames:'ButtonTranslation MultiClickTimeDelta DeviceErrorSignal
 		ErrorPrinting DefaultScreen AllScreens ExitOnLastClose
 		CurrentScreenQuerySignal LastActiveScreen LastActiveProcess'
@@ -4993,21 +4994,8 @@
-    "restore the cursors of all views to their current cursor"
-"/    idToViewMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-"/      idToViewMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:viewId :view |
-"/          |curs cid|
-"/          curs := view cursor.
-"/          curs notNil ifTrue:[
-"/              cid := curs id.
-"/              cid notNil ifTrue:[
-"/                 self setCursor:cid in:viewId
-"/              ]
-"/          ]
-"/       ].
-"/       self flush
-"/  ]
+    "restore the cursors of all views to their current cursor.
+     This undoes the effect of #setCursors:"
     knownViews notNil ifTrue:[
         knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
@@ -5023,10 +5011,13 @@
         self flush
-    "Display setCursors:(Cursor wait)"
-    "Display restoreCursors"
-    "Modified: 23.1.1997 / 21:32:47 / cg"
+    "
+     Display setCursors:(Cursor wait).
+     Delay waitForSeconds:5.
+     Display restoreCursors
+    "
+    "Modified: 20.3.1997 / 16:28:25 / cg"
 setBackingStore:how in:aWindowId
@@ -5052,31 +5043,34 @@
-    "change the cursor of all views to aCursorId"
+    "change the cursor of all views on the receiver device
+     to aCursorId, without affecting the views idea of what
+     the cursor is (so that it can be restored from the views
+     cursor instance variable later).
+     Use of this is not recommended - its better to change
+     the cursor of a windowGroup alone."
     | id |
     id := (aCursor on:self) id.
     id notNil ifTrue:[
-"/        idToViewMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-"/          idToViewMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:viewId :view |
-"/              self setCursor:id in:viewId
-"/          ].
-            knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
-                |vid|
-                (vid := aView id) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    self setCursor:id in:vid
-                ]
-            ].
-            self flush
-"/        ]
+        knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
+            |vid|
+            (vid := aView id) notNil ifTrue:[
+                self setCursor:id in:vid
+            ]
+        ].
+        self flush
-    "Display setCursors:Cursor wait"
-    "Display restoreCursors"
-    "Modified: 23.1.1997 / 21:33:12 / cg"
+    "
+     Display setCursors:(Cursor wait).
+     Delay waitForSeconds:5.
+     Display restoreCursors.
+    "
+    "Modified: 20.3.1997 / 16:36:58 / cg"
 setIconName:aString in:aWindowId
@@ -5196,6 +5190,6 @@
 !DeviceWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.189 1997-03-20 15:46:28 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.190 1997-03-20 21:05:53 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 DeviceWorkstation initialize!
--- a/	Thu Mar 20 16:47:57 1997 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Mar 20 22:05:53 1997 +0100
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@
 	instanceVariableNames:'visualType monitorType depth ncells bitsPerRGB bitsRed bitsGreen
 		bitsBlue redMask greenMask blueMask redShift greenShift blueShift
 		hasColors hasGreyscales width height widthMM heightMM
-		resolutionHor resolutionVer idToTableIndexMapping knownViews knownIds
-		knownBitmaps knownBitmapIds dispatching dispatchProcess ctrlDown
-		shiftDown metaDown altDown motionEventCompression lastId lastView
-		keyboardMap rootView isSlow activeKeyboardGrab activePointerGrab
-		buttonTranslation multiClickTimeDelta altModifiers metaModifiers
-		ctrlModifiers shiftModifiers supportsDeepIcons preferredIconSize
-		ditherColors fixColors numFixRed numFixGreen numFixBlue
-		copyBuffer lastCopyBuffer blackColor whiteColor'
+		resolutionHor resolutionVer idToTableIndexMapping knownViews
+		knownIds knownBitmaps knownBitmapIds dispatching dispatchProcess
+		ctrlDown shiftDown metaDown altDown motionEventCompression lastId
+		lastView keyboardMap rootView isSlow activeKeyboardGrab
+		activePointerGrab buttonTranslation multiClickTimeDelta
+		altModifiers metaModifiers ctrlModifiers shiftModifiers
+		supportsDeepIcons preferredIconSize ditherColors fixColors
+		numFixRed numFixGreen numFixBlue copyBuffer lastCopyBuffer
+		blackColor whiteColor'
 	classVariableNames:'ButtonTranslation MultiClickTimeDelta DeviceErrorSignal
 		ErrorPrinting DefaultScreen AllScreens ExitOnLastClose
 		CurrentScreenQuerySignal LastActiveScreen LastActiveProcess'
@@ -4993,21 +4994,8 @@
-    "restore the cursors of all views to their current cursor"
-"/    idToViewMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-"/      idToViewMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:viewId :view |
-"/          |curs cid|
-"/          curs := view cursor.
-"/          curs notNil ifTrue:[
-"/              cid := curs id.
-"/              cid notNil ifTrue:[
-"/                 self setCursor:cid in:viewId
-"/              ]
-"/          ]
-"/       ].
-"/       self flush
-"/  ]
+    "restore the cursors of all views to their current cursor.
+     This undoes the effect of #setCursors:"
     knownViews notNil ifTrue:[
         knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
@@ -5023,10 +5011,13 @@
         self flush
-    "Display setCursors:(Cursor wait)"
-    "Display restoreCursors"
-    "Modified: 23.1.1997 / 21:32:47 / cg"
+    "
+     Display setCursors:(Cursor wait).
+     Delay waitForSeconds:5.
+     Display restoreCursors
+    "
+    "Modified: 20.3.1997 / 16:28:25 / cg"
 setBackingStore:how in:aWindowId
@@ -5052,31 +5043,34 @@
-    "change the cursor of all views to aCursorId"
+    "change the cursor of all views on the receiver device
+     to aCursorId, without affecting the views idea of what
+     the cursor is (so that it can be restored from the views
+     cursor instance variable later).
+     Use of this is not recommended - its better to change
+     the cursor of a windowGroup alone."
     | id |
     id := (aCursor on:self) id.
     id notNil ifTrue:[
-"/        idToViewMapping notNil ifTrue:[
-"/          idToViewMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:viewId :view |
-"/              self setCursor:id in:viewId
-"/          ].
-            knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
-                |vid|
-                (vid := aView id) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    self setCursor:id in:vid
-                ]
-            ].
-            self flush
-"/        ]
+        knownViews validElementsDo:[:aView |
+            |vid|
+            (vid := aView id) notNil ifTrue:[
+                self setCursor:id in:vid
+            ]
+        ].
+        self flush
-    "Display setCursors:Cursor wait"
-    "Display restoreCursors"
-    "Modified: 23.1.1997 / 21:33:12 / cg"
+    "
+     Display setCursors:(Cursor wait).
+     Delay waitForSeconds:5.
+     Display restoreCursors.
+    "
+    "Modified: 20.3.1997 / 16:36:58 / cg"
 setIconName:aString in:aWindowId
@@ -5196,6 +5190,6 @@
 !DeviceWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.189 1997-03-20 15:46:28 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.190 1997-03-20 21:05:53 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 DeviceWorkstation initialize!