refactored event dispatch loop;
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 15:01:09 +0200
changeset 3645 7ed096386bd3
parent 3644 2194ea7e8fec
child 3646 b4947102141f
refactored event dispatch loop; fixed finish of dispatchLoop when last window closes.
--- a/	Thu Jul 11 14:23:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Jul 11 15:01:09 2002 +0200
@@ -4249,27 +4249,28 @@
     dispatching ifFalse:[^ self].
     self == Display ifTrue:[
-	ExitOnLastClose == true ifFalse:[^ self].
+        ExitOnLastClose == true ifFalse:[^ self].
     exitOnLastClose == true ifFalse:[^ self].
     knownViews notNil ifTrue:[
-	(knownViews findFirst:[:slot | 
-		slot notNil 
-		and:[slot ~~ 0             "/ if there is no non-popup
-		and:[slot isRootView not   "/ non-dialog ...
-		and:[slot isTopView        "/ stop dispatching.
-		and:[slot isPopUpView not
-		and:[slot isModal not
-		"and:[slot realized]"]]]]]]) == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    "/ my last view was closed
-	    dispatching := false.
-	    'DeviceWorkstation [info]: finished dispatch (last view closed)' infoPrintCR.
-	    LastActiveScreen == self ifTrue:[
-		LastActiveScreen := nil.
-		LastActiveProcess := nil.
-	    ].
-	]
+        (knownViews findFirst:[:slot | 
+                slot notNil 
+                and:[slot ~~ 0             "/ if there is no non-popup
+                and:[slot isRootView not   "/ non-dialog ...
+                and:[slot isTopView        "/ stop dispatching.
+                and:[slot isPopUpView not
+                and:[slot isModal not
+                "and:[slot realized]"]]]]]]) == 0 ifTrue:[
+            "/ my last view was closed
+            dispatching := false.
+            'DeviceWorkstation [info]: finished dispatch (last view closed)' infoPrintCR.
+            LastActiveScreen == self ifTrue:[
+                LastActiveScreen := nil.
+                LastActiveProcess := nil.
+            ].
+            eventSema signal.  "/ get dispatchLoop out of its wait...
+        ]
     "Modified: 19.9.1995 / 11:31:54 / claus"
@@ -4295,6 +4296,24 @@
     ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    "the actual event dispatching loop."
+    [dispatching] whileTrue:[
+        AbortSignal handle:[:ex |
+            ex return
+        ] do:[
+            self eventPending ifFalse:[
+                Processor activeProcess setStateTo:#ioWait if:#active.
+                eventSema wait.
+            ].
+            dispatching ifTrue:[
+                self dispatchPendingEvents.
+            ].
+        ]
+    ]
     "get and process next event for any view as long as the 
      argument-block evaluates to true.
@@ -4426,10 +4445,70 @@
     ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    "create & start the display event dispatch process."
+    |fd checkBlock|
+    fd := self displayFileDescriptor.
+    eventSema := Semaphore new name:'display inputSema'.
+    "/ arrange for the processor to signal that semaphore when input
+    "/ is available or #eventPending returns true
+    fd isNil ifTrue:[
+        "no fd -- so have to check for input also"
+        checkBlock := [self eventPending].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "there is a fd, so checkblock has to check only the internal queue"
+        checkBlock := [self eventQueued].
+    ].
+    "/ handle all incoming events from the device, sitting on a semaphore.
+    "/ Tell Processor to trigger this semaphore when some event arrives
+    "/ for me. Since a select alone may not be enough to know if events are pending 
+    "/ (Xlib reads out event-queue while doing output), we also install a poll-check block.        
+    "/ The poll check is also req'd for systems where we cannot do a select
+    "/ on the eventQ (i.e. windows).
+    Processor signal:eventSema onInput:fd orCheck:checkBlock.
+    DeviceIOErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+        "/ test for handlerBlock until the signal is changed to be classed based.
+        ex signal handlerBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+            ex defaultAction.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: stop dispatch due to I/O error' errorPrintCR.
+            self brokenConnection.
+        ].
+        ex return.
+    ] do:[
+        self initializeDeviceResources.
+        [
+            self dispatchLoop
+        ] ifCurtailed:[
+            eventSema notNil ifTrue:[
+                Processor disableSemaphore:eventSema.
+                eventSema := nil.
+            ].
+            dispatchProcess := nil.
+            self emergencyCloseConnection.
+        ].
+        eventSema notNil ifTrue:[
+            Processor disableSemaphore:eventSema.
+            eventSema := nil.
+        ].
+        dispatchProcess := nil.
+        self close.
+    ].
     "create & start the display event dispatch process."
-    |inputSema fd p nm checkBlock|
+    |p nm|
     "/ only allow one dispatcher process per display
@@ -4438,94 +4517,25 @@
     dispatching := true.
     AllScreens isNil ifTrue:[
-	AllScreens := IdentitySet new:1
+        AllScreens := IdentitySet new:1
     AllScreens add:self.
-    fd := self displayFileDescriptor.
-    "/ handle all incoming events from the device, sitting on a semaphore.
-    "/ Tell Processor to trigger this semaphore when some event arrives
-    "/ for me. Since a select alone may not be enough to know if events are pending 
-    "/ (Xlib reads out event-queue while doing output), we also install a poll-check block.        
-    "/ The poll check is also req'd for systems where we cannot do a select
-    "/ on the eventQ (i.e. windows).
-    inputSema := Semaphore new name:'display inputSema'.
-    p := [
-	self initializeDeviceResources.
-	DeviceIOErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-	    "/ test for handlerBlock until the signal is changed to be classed based.
-	    ex signal handlerBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-		ex defaultAction.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: stop dispatch due to I/O error' errorPrintCR.
-		self brokenConnection.
-	    ].
-	    ex return.
-	] do:[
-	    [
-		[dispatching] whileTrue:[
-		    AbortSignal handle:[:ex |
-			ex return
-		    ] do:[
-			self eventPending ifFalse:[
-			    Processor activeProcess setStateTo:#ioWait if:#active.
-			    inputSema wait.
-			].
-			dispatching ifTrue:[
-			    self dispatchPendingEvents.
-			].
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ] ifCurtailed:[
-		inputSema notNil ifTrue:[
-		    Processor disableSemaphore:inputSema.
-		    inputSema := nil.
-		].
-		dispatchProcess := nil.
-		self emergencyCloseConnection.
-	    ].
-	    inputSema notNil ifTrue:[
-		Processor disableSemaphore:inputSema.
-		inputSema := nil.
-	    ].
-	    dispatchProcess := nil.
-	    self close.
-	].
-    ] newProcess.
+    p := [ self setupDispatchLoop ] newProcess.
     "/ give the process a nice name (for the processMonitor)
     (nm := self displayName) notNil ifTrue:[
-	nm := 'event dispatcher (' ,  nm , ')'.
+        nm := 'event dispatcher (' ,  nm , ')'.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	nm := 'event dispatcher'.
+        nm := 'event dispatcher'.
     p name:nm.
     p priority:(Processor userInterruptPriority).
     p beSystemProcess.
     dispatchProcess := p.
     p resume.
-    "/ finally, arrange for the processor to signal that semaphore when input
-    "/ is available or #eventPending returns true
-    fd isNil ifTrue:[
-	"no fd -- so have to check for input also"
-	checkBlock := [self eventPending].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"there is a fd, so checkblock has to check only the internal queue"
-	checkBlock := [self eventQueued].
-    ].
-    Processor signal:inputSema onInput:fd orCheck:checkBlock.
-    "Modified: / 12.12.1995 / 20:52:57 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 24.8.1998 / 18:36:29 / cg"
@@ -7550,6 +7560,6 @@
 !DeviceWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.415 2002-07-11 12:23:18 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.416 2002-07-11 13:01:09 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 DeviceWorkstation initialize!