support 8-bit rgb displays
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 17:58:34 +0200
changeset 855 9b5aa569679f
parent 854 36f47b36b463
child 856 9f802d4d0c1a
support 8-bit rgb displays
--- a/	Fri Jun 14 17:57:21 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jun 14 17:58:34 1996 +0200
@@ -160,276 +160,6 @@
     "Modified: 10.6.1996 / 18:54:36 / cg"
-    "return a dithered pseudoForm from the palette picture. Depend
-     on dither colors being preallocated (see Color>>getColors*)"
-    ^ self paletteImageAsDitheredPseudoFormOn:aDevice 
-	   colors:Color fixColors 
-	   nRed:Color numFixRed
-	   nGreen:Color numFixGreen
-	   nBlue:Color numFixBlue
-paletteImageAsDitheredPseudoFormOn:aDevice colors:fixColors nRed:nRed nGreen:nGreen nBlue:nBlue 
-    "return a floyd-steinberg dithered pseudoForm from the palette picture. 
-     Use the colors in the fixColors array, which must be fixR x fixG x fixB
-     colors assigned to aDevice, such as the preallocated colors of the
-     Color class. 
-     By passing the ditherColors as extra array, this method can
-     also be used to dither an 8bit image into a smaller number of colors,
-     for example to create dithered Depth4Images from Depth8Images."
-    |pseudoBits f has8BitImage deviceDepth
-     rgbBytes
-     w     "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     h     "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     index "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     fixR  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     fixG  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     fixB  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     fixIds failed map colorMapSize
-     error clr|
-    aDevice ~~ Display ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    fixR := nRed.
-    fixR == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
-    fixG := nGreen.
-    fixG == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
-    fixB := nBlue.
-    fixB == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
-    "/ simple check
-    (fixR * fixG * fixB) ~~ fixColors size ifTrue:[
-        self error:'invalid color array passed'.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    fixIds := (fixColors asArray collect:[:clr | clr colorId]) asByteArray.
-    deviceDepth := aDevice depth.
-    deviceDepth == 8 ifTrue:[
-        has8BitImage := true.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        has8BitImage := false.
-        aDevice supportedImageFormats do:[:fmt |
-            (fmt at:#bitsPerPixel) == 8 ifTrue:[
-                has8BitImage := true.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    has8BitImage ifFalse:[^ nil].
-    "/
-    "/ collect color components as integer values (for integer arithmetic)
-    "/
-    rgbBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:256 * 3.
-    index := 1.
-    0 to:255 do:[:i |
-        clr := self colorFromValue:i.
-        rgbBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
-        rgbBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
-        rgbBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).
-        index := index + 3.
-    ].
-    pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
-    w := width + 2.
-    error := ByteArray uninitializedNew:w*(3*2).
-    w := width.
-    h := height.
-    failed := true.
-    int __x, __y;
-    int __eR, __eG, __eB;
-    unsigned char *srcP, *dstP;
-    unsigned char *rgbP;
-    unsigned char *idP;
-    short *errP, *eP;
-    int __fR, __fG, __fB;
-    int iR, iG, iB;
-    int idx;
-    int __w = __intVal(w);
-    if (__isByteArray(__INST(bytes))
-     && __isByteArray(pseudoBits)
-     && __isByteArray(rgbBytes)
-     && __isByteArray(fixIds)
-     && __isByteArray(error)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(fixR, fixG)
-     && __isSmallInteger(fixB)) {
-        failed = false;
-        srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
-        dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pseudoBits)->ba_element;
-        rgbP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(rgbBytes)->ba_element;
-        idP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(fixIds)->ba_element;
-        errP = (short *) _ByteArrayInstPtr(error)->ba_element;
-        __fR = __intVal(fixR)-1;
-        __fG = __intVal(fixG)-1;
-        __fB = __intVal(fixB)-1;
-        /*
-         * clear error accumulator
-         */
-        eP = errP;
-        bzero(eP, (__w+2) * 2 * 3);
-        for (__y=__intVal(h); __y>0; __y--) {
-            __eR = __eG = __eB = 0;
-            eP = &(errP[3]);
-            __eR = eP[0];
-            __eG = eP[1];
-            __eB = eP[2];
-            for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
-                int __want;
-                int pix;
-                int __wantR, __wantG, __wantB;
-                int idx;
-                int tR, tG, tB;
-                int nR, nG, nB;
-                pix = *srcP++;
-                /*
-                 * wR, wG and wB is the wanted r/g/b value;
-                 */
-                idx = pix+pix+pix;  /* pix * 3 */
-                __wantR = rgbP[idx]   + __eR;
-                __wantG = rgbP[idx+1] + __eG;
-                __wantB = rgbP[idx+2] + __eB;
-                if (__wantR > 255) __want = 255;
-                else if (__wantR < 0) __want = 0;
-                else __want = __wantR;
-                iR = (__want * __fR + 128) / 255; /* red index rounded */
-                idx = iR * (__fG+1);
-                if (__wantG > 255) __want = 255;
-                else if (__wantG < 0) __want = 0;
-                else __want = __wantG;
-                iG = (__want * __fG + 128) / 255; /* green index rounded */
-                idx = (idx + iG) * (__fB+1);
-                if (__wantB > 255) __want = 255;
-                else if (__wantB < 0) __want = 0;
-                else __want = __wantB;
-                iB = (__want * __fB + 128) / 255; /* blue index rounded */
-                idx = idx + iB;
-                /*
-                 * store the corresponding dither colors colorId
-                 */
-                *dstP++ = idP[idx];
-                /*
-                 * the new error:
-                 */
-                __eR = __wantR - (iR * 255 / __fR); 
-                __eG = __wantG - (iG * 255 / __fG); 
-                __eB = __wantB - (iB * 255 / __fB); 
-                /*
-                 * distribute the error
-                 */
-                tR = __eR >> 4;  /* 16th of error */
-                tG = __eG >> 4;
-                tB = __eB >> 4;
-                nR = eP[3] + (tR * 7);/* from accu: error for (x+1 / y) */
-                nG = eP[4] + (tG * 7);/* plus 7/16'th of this error */
-                nB = eP[5] + (tB * 7);
-                eP[0] = tR*5;         /* 5/16th for (x / y+1) */
-                eP[1] = tG*5;
-                eP[2] = tB*5;
-                eP[-3] = tR*3;        /* 3/16th for (x-1 / y+1) */
-                eP[-2] = tG*3;
-                eP[-1] = tB*3;
-                eP[3] = __eR - (tR*15);  /* 1/16th for (x+1 / y+1) */
-                eP[4] = __eG - (tG*15);
-                eP[5] = __eB - (tB*15);
-                __eR = nR;
-                __eG = nG;
-                __eB = nB;
-                eP += 3;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    failed ifTrue:[
-        self primitiveFailed.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
-    f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    "/
-    "/ have to create a funny colorMap, where
-    "/ color at:index == color colorId:index
-    "/
-    map := Array new:256.
-    fixColors do:[:clr |
-        map at:clr colorId + 1 put:clr
-    ].
-    f colorMap:map. 
-    f initGC.
-    f bits:pseudoBits.
-    aDevice drawBits:pseudoBits bitsPerPixel:8 depth:deviceDepth  
-               width:width height:height
-                   x:0 y:0
-                into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
-               width:width height:height with:(f gcId).
-    ^ f
-    "
-     example: 
-        color reduction from Depth8 to Depth4 (dithering) can be done by:
-     |img8 reducedImg8 img4 map form|
-     map := #( 
-                  (0     0   0)
-                  (0     0 100)
-                  (0    50   0)
-                  (0    50 100)
-                  (0   100   0)
-                  (0   100 100)
-                  (100   0   0)
-                  (100   0 100)
-                  (100  50   0)
-                  (100  50 100)
-                  (100 100   0)
-                  (100 100 100)) collect:[:rgb | (Color red:(rgb at:1)
-                                                      green:(rgb at:2)
-                                                       blue:(rgb at:3)) on:Display].
-     img8 := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/bf.im8'.
-     form := img8 paletteImageAsDitheredPseudoFormOn:Display 
-                      colors:map 
-                        nRed:2
-                      nGreen:3
-                       nBlue:2.
-     img8 := Depth8Image fromForm:form.    'dithered version of original image'.
-     img4 := Depth4Image fromImage:img8.
-    "
     "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture. The main work is
      in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired."
@@ -444,18 +174,23 @@
      m          "{Class: SmallInteger }" |
     Color fixColors notNil ifTrue:[
-	f := self paletteImageAsDitheredPseudoFormOn:aDevice.
-	f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
+        f := self
+               asFloydSteinbergDitheredDepth8FormOn:aDevice 
+               colors:Color fixColors 
+               nRed:Color numFixRed
+               nGreen:Color numFixGreen
+               nBlue:Color numFixBlue.
+        f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
     "find used colors"
     usedColors := bytes usedValues.    "gets us an array filled with used values"
-				       "(could use bytes asBag)"
+                                       "(could use bytes asBag)"
     maxIndex := usedColors max + 1.
     usedColors size > 20 ifTrue:[
-	('D8IMAGE: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintNL.
+        ('D8IMAGE: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintNL.
     "sort by usage"
@@ -481,55 +216,55 @@
     gcRound := 0.
     usedColors do:[:aColorIndex |
-	|devColor color
-	 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+        |devColor color
+         r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-	fit ifTrue:[
-	    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
+        fit ifTrue:[
+            gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
-	    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-	    color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-	    color colorId notNil ifTrue:[
-		"wow - an immediate hit"
-		devColor := color
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-		devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-		    "
-		     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush 
-		     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by 
-		     already free images.
-		    "
-		    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
-			ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
-			devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-			gcRound := 1
-		    ].
-		    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-			gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
-			    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
-				'D8IMAGE: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintNL.
-				ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
-				devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-			    ].    
-			    gcRound := 2
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-		imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
-		lastOK := lastOK + 1.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		fit := false
-	    ]
-	]
+            mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+            color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+            color colorId notNil ifTrue:[
+                "wow - an immediate hit"
+                devColor := color
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+                devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                    "
+                     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush 
+                     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by 
+                     already free images.
+                    "
+                    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
+                        ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
+                        devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+                        gcRound := 1
+                    ].
+                    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                        gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
+                            CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
+                                'D8IMAGE: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintNL.
+                                ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
+                                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+                            ].    
+                            gcRound := 2
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
+                lastOK := lastOK + 1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                fit := false
+            ]
+        ]
     fit ifFalse:[
@@ -551,103 +286,103 @@
 "/            imgMap at:mapIndex put:(tree findBest:(colorMap at:mapIndex))
 "/        ].
-	"
-	 again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
-	"
-	error := 10.
-	[fit] whileFalse:[
-	    fit := true.
-	    usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
-		|devColor color
-		 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+        "
+         again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
+        "
+        error := 10.
+        [fit] whileFalse:[
+            fit := true.
+            usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
+                |devColor color
+                 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-		fit ifTrue:[
-		    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
+                fit ifTrue:[
+                    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
-		    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-		    color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-		    r := (color red * 255 / 100) rounded.
-		    g := (color green * 255 / 100) rounded.
-		    b := (color blue * 255 / 100) rounded.
+                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+                    color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+                    r := (color red * 255 / 100) rounded.
+                    g := (color green * 255 / 100) rounded.
+                    b := (color blue * 255 / 100) rounded.
-		    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
-				 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
-				  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.
+                    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
+                                 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
+                                  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.
-		    color colorId notNil ifTrue:[
-			"wow - an immediate hit"
-			devColor := color
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice error:error.
-			devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-			    "
-			     no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
-			     colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
-			     free images.
-			    "
-			    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
-				ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
-				devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice error:error.
-				gcRound := 1
-			    ].
-			    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-				gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
-				    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
-					'D8IMAGE: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintNL.
-					ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
-					devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice error:error.
-				    ].
-				    gcRound := 2
-				]
-			    ]
-			].
-		    ].
-		    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-			imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
-			lastOK := lastOK + 1.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			fit := false
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	    error := error * 2.
-	    error > 1000 ifTrue:[
-		"
-		 break out, if the error becomes too big.
-		"
-		'D8IMAGE: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w' infoPrintNL.
-		"
-		 map to b&w as a last fallback.
-		 (should really do a dither here)
-		"
-		usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
-		    |color
-		     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+                    color colorId notNil ifTrue:[
+                        "wow - an immediate hit"
+                        devColor := color
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice error:error.
+                        devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                            "
+                             no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
+                             colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
+                             free images.
+                            "
+                            gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
+                                ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
+                                devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice error:error.
+                                gcRound := 1
+                            ].
+                            devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                                gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
+                                    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
+                                        'D8IMAGE: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintNL.
+                                        ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
+                                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice error:error.
+                                    ].
+                                    gcRound := 2
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                        imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
+                        lastOK := lastOK + 1.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        fit := false
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            error := error * 2.
+            error > 1000 ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 break out, if the error becomes too big.
+                "
+                'D8IMAGE: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w' infoPrintNL.
+                "
+                 map to b&w as a last fallback.
+                 (should really do a dither here)
+                "
+                usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
+                    |color
+                     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-		    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-		    color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-		    color brightness > 0.5 ifTrue:[
-			color := Color white.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			color := Color black.
-		    ].
-		    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color on:aDevice).
-		].
-		fit := true.
-	    ]
-	].
+                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+                    color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+                    color brightness > 0.5 ifTrue:[
+                        color := Color white.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        color := Color black.
+                    ].
+                    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color on:aDevice).
+                ].
+                fit := true.
+            ]
+        ].
-	error > 100 ifTrue:[
-	    'D8IMAGE: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintNL
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    'D8IMAGE: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintNL.
-	]
+        error > 100 ifTrue:[
+            'D8IMAGE: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintNL
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            'D8IMAGE: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintNL.
+        ]
@@ -655,11 +390,11 @@
     map := ByteArray new:256.
     1 to:imgMap size do:[:i |
-	|clr|
+        |clr|
-	(clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
-	    map at:i put:clr colorId
-	]
+        (clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
+            map at:i put:clr colorId
+        ]
@@ -667,14 +402,14 @@
     deviceDepth := aDevice depth.
     deviceDepth == 8 ifTrue:[
-	has8BitImage := true.
+        has8BitImage := true.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	has8BitImage := false.
-	aDevice supportedImageFormats do:[:fmt |
-	    (fmt at:#bitsPerPixel) == 8 ifTrue:[
-		has8BitImage := true.
-	    ]
-	]
+        has8BitImage := false.
+        aDevice supportedImageFormats do:[:fmt |
+            (fmt at:#bitsPerPixel) == 8 ifTrue:[
+                has8BitImage := true.
+            ]
+        ]
@@ -682,26 +417,26 @@
      the pixel values
     has8BitImage ifTrue:[
-	pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
+        pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
-	bytes expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
-		    width:width 
-		   height:height
-		     into:pseudoBits
-		  mapping:map.
+        bytes expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
+                    width:width 
+                   height:height
+                     into:pseudoBits
+                  mapping:map.
-	map := nil.
+        map := nil.
-	f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
-	f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-	f colorMap:imgMap. 
-	f initGC.
-	aDevice drawBits:pseudoBits bitsPerPixel:8 depth:deviceDepth  
-		   width:width height:height
-		       x:0 y:0
-		    into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
-		   width:width height:height with:(f gcId).
-	^ f
+        f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
+        f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+        f colorMap:imgMap. 
+        f initGC.
+        aDevice drawBits:pseudoBits bitsPerPixel:8 depth:deviceDepth  
+                   width:width height:height
+                       x:0 y:0
+                    into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
+                   width:width height:height with:(f gcId).
+        ^ f
@@ -714,10 +449,10 @@
     newImage bits:(ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * newImage bytesPerRow)).
     0 to:height-1 do:[:row |
-	0 to:width-1 do:[:col |
-	    pxl := self valueAtX:col y:row.
-	    newImage atX:col y:row putValue:(map at:pxl)
-	]
+        0 to:width-1 do:[:col |
+            pxl := self valueAtX:col y:row.
+            newImage atX:col y:row putValue:(map at:pxl)
+        ]
     f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
@@ -726,11 +461,13 @@
     f initGC.
     aDevice drawBits:(newImage bits) depth:deviceDepth width:width height:height
-		   x:0 y:0
-		into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
-	       width:width height:height with:(f gcId).
+                   x:0 y:0
+                into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
+               width:width height:height with:(f gcId).
     ^ f
+    "Modified: 14.6.1996 / 16:55:24 / cg"
 ! !
 !Depth8Image methodsFor:'dither helpers'!
@@ -1522,5 +1259,5 @@
 !Depth8Image class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.49 1996-06-14 14:09:25 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.50 1996-06-14 15:58:34 cg Exp $'
 ! !