renamed DisplayMedium to Graphicsmedium & changed inheritance
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Tue, 28 May 1996 16:36:26 +0200
changeset 721 ba7861418087
parent 720 a582a7af45f4
child 722 33424440b4e4
renamed DisplayMedium to Graphicsmedium & changed inheritance
--- a/	Tue May 28 14:26:18 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Tue May 28 16:36:26 1996 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  hereby transferred.
-DisplayMedium subclass:#DeviceDrawable
+GraphicsContext subclass:#DeviceDrawable
 	instanceVariableNames:'device drawableId gcId realized deviceFont foreground background'
 	classVariableNames:'CachedScaledForms CachedScales Lobby'
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
     clipRect isNil ifTrue:[
-        rect := 0@0 extent:width@height.
+        rect := 0@0 extent:(self extent).
         transformation notNil ifTrue:[
             rect := transformation applyInverseTo:rect.
@@ -3140,6 +3140,6 @@
 !DeviceDrawable class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.53 1996-05-22 11:26:15 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.54 1996-05-28 14:35:39 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 DeviceDrawable initialize!
--- a/	Tue May 28 14:26:18 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Tue May 28 16:36:26 1996 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  hereby transferred.
-DeviceDrawable subclass:#Form
+GraphicsMedium subclass:#Form
 	instanceVariableNames:'depth localColorMap offset data fileName'
 	classVariableNames:'VeryLightGreyForm LightGreyForm GreyForm DarkGreyForm
 		VeryDarkGreyForm AdditionalBitmapDirectoryNames
@@ -2211,6 +2211,6 @@
 !Form class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.47 1996-05-13 08:32:07 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.48 1996-05-28 14:35:59 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 Form initialize!
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue May 28 16:36:26 1996 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+DeviceDrawable subclass:#GraphicsMedium
+	instanceVariableNames:'width height'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Graphics-Support'
+!GraphicsMedium class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    this is an abstract superclass for all kinds of drawables which
+    have a physical representation (i.e. have an extent). Dont use messages
+    from here - it will vanish soon.
+    [Instance variables:]
+        width           <SmallInteger>  the width (device dependent, usually pixels or inches)
+        height          <SmallInteger>  the height (device dependent, usually pixels or inches)
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'GC access'!
+    "return pixel value at coordinate"
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    "set the pattern to be drawn with - the pattern may be a color,
+     a bitmap or pixmap"
+    aPattern isColor ifTrue:[
+	self paint:aPattern
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	self mask:aPattern
+    ]
+    "ST-80 compatibility;
+     in STX a displayMedium is its own graphicsContext"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the topCenter point"
+    ^ (self left + (width//2) - 1) @ (self top + height - 1)
+    "return the bottomLeft point"
+    ^ (self left) @ (self top + height - 1)
+    "return the point at the center of the receiver"
+    ^ (self left + (width // 2)) @ (self top + (height // 2))
+    "return the corner point i.e. the bottom-right point"
+    ^ (self left + width - 1) @ (self top + height - 1)
+    "set the corner point i.e. change extent so that corner will be
+     aPoint while leaving the origin unchanging "
+    self extent:(aPoint x - self left + 1)
+		@
+		(aPoint y - self top + 1)
+    "return the extent i.e. a point with width as x, height as y
+     coordinate"
+    ^ width @ height
+    "set the extent"
+    width := extent x.
+    height := extent y
+    "return the height of the receiver"
+    ^ height
+    "set the height of the receiver"
+    height := anInteger
+    "return true, if the receiver is a view"
+    ^ false
+    "return the left i.e. x-coordinate of top-left of the receiver"
+    ^ 0
+    "return the leftCenter point"
+    ^ (self left) @ (self top + (height // 2) - 1)
+    "return the origin i.e. coordinate of top-left of the receiver"
+    ^ 0 @ 0
+    "return the leftCenter point"
+    ^ (self left + width - 1) @ (self top + (height // 2) - 1)
+setWidth:w height:h
+    "set both width and height - not to be redefined"
+    width := w.
+    height := h
+    "return the top i.e. y-coordinate of top-left of the receiver"
+    ^ 0
+    "return the topCenter point"
+    ^ (self left + (width//2) - 1) @ (self top)
+    "return the topRight point"
+    ^ (self left + width - 1) @ (self top)
+    "return the width of the receiver"
+    ^ width
+    "set the width of the receiver"
+    width := anInteger
+width:w height:h
+    "set both width and height of the receiver"
+    width := w.
+    height := h
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'evaluating in another context'!
+clippedTo:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "evaluate aBlock with clipping rectangle set to aRectangle"
+    |oldClip|
+    oldClip := clipRect.
+    self clipRect:aRectangle.
+    aBlock value.
+    self clipRect:oldClip
+withFunction:aFunction do:aBlock
+    "evaluate aBlock with function set to aFunction"
+    |oldFun|
+    oldFun := function.
+    self function:aFunction.
+    aBlock value.
+    self function:oldFun
+withMask:aMask do:aBlock
+    "evaluate aBlock with mask set to aMask"
+    |oldMask|
+    oldMask := mask.
+    self mask:aMask.
+    aBlock value.
+    self mask:oldMask
+withPattern:aPattern do:aBlock
+    |old|
+    aPattern isColor ifTrue:[
+	old := paint.
+	self paint:aPattern.
+	aBlock value.
+	self paint:old
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	old := mask.
+	self mask:aPattern.
+	aBlock value.
+	self mask:old
+    ]
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'filling'!
+    "fill the receiver with black"
+    self fill:Black
+    "clear the receiver with background"
+    "currently need this kludge for form ..."
+    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
+	self clearRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	self clearDeviceRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height
+    ]
+    "clear the receiver with background - ST-80 compatibility"
+    ^ self clear
+    "clear the rectangular area in the receiver to background"
+    self clearRectangleX:(aRectangle left)
+		       y:(aRectangle top)
+		   width:(aRectangle width)
+		  height:(aRectangle height)
+clearRectangleX:left y:top width:w height:h
+    "clear the rectangular area in the receiver to background"
+    self fillRectangleX:left
+		      y:top
+		  width:w
+		 height:h
+		   with:bgPaint
+    "fill the receiver with something;
+     something may be a Form, Color or colorIndex"
+    self fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height with:something
+fillArcX:x y:y w:w h:h from:startAngle angle:angle with:aPattern
+    "fill an arc in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #fillArcX:y:width:height:from:angle:with:'.
+    self fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle with:aPattern
+    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:41:26 / cg"
+fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle with:aPattern
+    "fill an arc in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    self withPattern:aPattern do:[
+        self fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle
+    ]
+    "Created: 8.5.1996 / 08:40:41 / cg"
+fillCircle:aPoint radius:aNumber with:aPattern
+    "fill a circle in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    self fillCircleX:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y) radius:aNumber with:aPattern
+fillCircleX:x y:y radius:r with:aPattern
+    "fill a circle with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    |d|
+    d := 2 * r.
+    self 
+        fillArcX:(x - r) 
+               y:(y - r)
+           width:d
+          height:d
+            from:0
+           angle:360
+            with:aPattern
+    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:40:14 / cg"
+fillPolygon:aPolygon with:aPattern
+    "fill a polygon in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Form or Color"
+    self withPattern:aPattern do:[
+	self fillPolygon:aPolygon
+    ]
+fillRectangle:aRectangle with:something
+    "fill the rectangular area in the receiver with something;
+     something may be a Form, Color or colorIndex"
+    self fillRectangleX:(aRectangle left)
+		      y:(aRectangle top)
+		  width:(aRectangle width)
+		 height:(aRectangle height)
+		   with:something
+fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h with:aPattern
+    "fill the rectangular area in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Form or Color"
+    self withPattern:aPattern do:[
+	self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
+    ]
+    "
+     Display rootView 
+	fillRectangleX:0
+		     y:0
+		 width:50
+		height:50
+		  with:(Color grey:50)
+    "
+    "invert a rectangle in the receiver"
+    self xoring:[
+	self fillRectangle:aRectangle
+    ]
+    "fill the receiver with white"
+    self fill:White
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "set up some useful default values"
+    super initialize.
+    width := 0.
+    height := 0
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.1 1996-05-28 14:36:26 cg Exp $'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue May 28 16:36:26 1996 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+DeviceDrawable subclass:#GraphicsMedium
+	instanceVariableNames:'width height'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Graphics-Support'
+!GraphicsMedium class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    this is an abstract superclass for all kinds of drawables which
+    have a physical representation (i.e. have an extent). Dont use messages
+    from here - it will vanish soon.
+    [Instance variables:]
+        width           <SmallInteger>  the width (device dependent, usually pixels or inches)
+        height          <SmallInteger>  the height (device dependent, usually pixels or inches)
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'GC access'!
+    "return pixel value at coordinate"
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    "set the pattern to be drawn with - the pattern may be a color,
+     a bitmap or pixmap"
+    aPattern isColor ifTrue:[
+	self paint:aPattern
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	self mask:aPattern
+    ]
+    "ST-80 compatibility;
+     in STX a displayMedium is its own graphicsContext"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the topCenter point"
+    ^ (self left + (width//2) - 1) @ (self top + height - 1)
+    "return the bottomLeft point"
+    ^ (self left) @ (self top + height - 1)
+    "return the point at the center of the receiver"
+    ^ (self left + (width // 2)) @ (self top + (height // 2))
+    "return the corner point i.e. the bottom-right point"
+    ^ (self left + width - 1) @ (self top + height - 1)
+    "set the corner point i.e. change extent so that corner will be
+     aPoint while leaving the origin unchanging "
+    self extent:(aPoint x - self left + 1)
+		@
+		(aPoint y - self top + 1)
+    "return the extent i.e. a point with width as x, height as y
+     coordinate"
+    ^ width @ height
+    "set the extent"
+    width := extent x.
+    height := extent y
+    "return the height of the receiver"
+    ^ height
+    "set the height of the receiver"
+    height := anInteger
+    "return true, if the receiver is a view"
+    ^ false
+    "return the left i.e. x-coordinate of top-left of the receiver"
+    ^ 0
+    "return the leftCenter point"
+    ^ (self left) @ (self top + (height // 2) - 1)
+    "return the origin i.e. coordinate of top-left of the receiver"
+    ^ 0 @ 0
+    "return the leftCenter point"
+    ^ (self left + width - 1) @ (self top + (height // 2) - 1)
+setWidth:w height:h
+    "set both width and height - not to be redefined"
+    width := w.
+    height := h
+    "return the top i.e. y-coordinate of top-left of the receiver"
+    ^ 0
+    "return the topCenter point"
+    ^ (self left + (width//2) - 1) @ (self top)
+    "return the topRight point"
+    ^ (self left + width - 1) @ (self top)
+    "return the width of the receiver"
+    ^ width
+    "set the width of the receiver"
+    width := anInteger
+width:w height:h
+    "set both width and height of the receiver"
+    width := w.
+    height := h
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'evaluating in another context'!
+clippedTo:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "evaluate aBlock with clipping rectangle set to aRectangle"
+    |oldClip|
+    oldClip := clipRect.
+    self clipRect:aRectangle.
+    aBlock value.
+    self clipRect:oldClip
+withFunction:aFunction do:aBlock
+    "evaluate aBlock with function set to aFunction"
+    |oldFun|
+    oldFun := function.
+    self function:aFunction.
+    aBlock value.
+    self function:oldFun
+withMask:aMask do:aBlock
+    "evaluate aBlock with mask set to aMask"
+    |oldMask|
+    oldMask := mask.
+    self mask:aMask.
+    aBlock value.
+    self mask:oldMask
+withPattern:aPattern do:aBlock
+    |old|
+    aPattern isColor ifTrue:[
+	old := paint.
+	self paint:aPattern.
+	aBlock value.
+	self paint:old
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	old := mask.
+	self mask:aPattern.
+	aBlock value.
+	self mask:old
+    ]
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'filling'!
+    "fill the receiver with black"
+    self fill:Black
+    "clear the receiver with background"
+    "currently need this kludge for form ..."
+    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
+	self clearRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	self clearDeviceRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height
+    ]
+    "clear the receiver with background - ST-80 compatibility"
+    ^ self clear
+    "clear the rectangular area in the receiver to background"
+    self clearRectangleX:(aRectangle left)
+		       y:(aRectangle top)
+		   width:(aRectangle width)
+		  height:(aRectangle height)
+clearRectangleX:left y:top width:w height:h
+    "clear the rectangular area in the receiver to background"
+    self fillRectangleX:left
+		      y:top
+		  width:w
+		 height:h
+		   with:bgPaint
+    "fill the receiver with something;
+     something may be a Form, Color or colorIndex"
+    self fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height with:something
+fillArcX:x y:y w:w h:h from:startAngle angle:angle with:aPattern
+    "fill an arc in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #fillArcX:y:width:height:from:angle:with:'.
+    self fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle with:aPattern
+    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:41:26 / cg"
+fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle with:aPattern
+    "fill an arc in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    self withPattern:aPattern do:[
+        self fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle
+    ]
+    "Created: 8.5.1996 / 08:40:41 / cg"
+fillCircle:aPoint radius:aNumber with:aPattern
+    "fill a circle in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    self fillCircleX:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y) radius:aNumber with:aPattern
+fillCircleX:x y:y radius:r with:aPattern
+    "fill a circle with aPattern,
+     which may be a Color or Form"
+    |d|
+    d := 2 * r.
+    self 
+        fillArcX:(x - r) 
+               y:(y - r)
+           width:d
+          height:d
+            from:0
+           angle:360
+            with:aPattern
+    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:40:14 / cg"
+fillPolygon:aPolygon with:aPattern
+    "fill a polygon in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Form or Color"
+    self withPattern:aPattern do:[
+	self fillPolygon:aPolygon
+    ]
+fillRectangle:aRectangle with:something
+    "fill the rectangular area in the receiver with something;
+     something may be a Form, Color or colorIndex"
+    self fillRectangleX:(aRectangle left)
+		      y:(aRectangle top)
+		  width:(aRectangle width)
+		 height:(aRectangle height)
+		   with:something
+fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h with:aPattern
+    "fill the rectangular area in the receiver with aPattern,
+     which may be a Form or Color"
+    self withPattern:aPattern do:[
+	self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
+    ]
+    "
+     Display rootView 
+	fillRectangleX:0
+		     y:0
+		 width:50
+		height:50
+		  with:(Color grey:50)
+    "
+    "invert a rectangle in the receiver"
+    self xoring:[
+	self fillRectangle:aRectangle
+    ]
+    "fill the receiver with white"
+    self fill:White
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "set up some useful default values"
+    super initialize.
+    width := 0.
+    height := 0
+! !
+!GraphicsMedium class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.1 1996-05-28 14:36:26 cg Exp $'
+! !
--- a/Make.proto	Tue May 28 14:26:18 1996 +0200
+++ b/Make.proto	Tue May 28 16:36:26 1996 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Make.proto,v 1.68 1996-05-11 12:32:07 cg Exp $
+# $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Make.proto,v 1.69 1996-05-28 14:36:09 cg Exp $
 # -------------- no need to change anything below ----------
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
 	      DevViewH.$(O)                     \
 	      DevFormH.$(O)                     \
 	    GC.$(O)                             \
-	      DMedium.$(O)                      \
-		DevDraw.$(O)                    \
+	      DevDraw.$(O)                      \
+	      GMedium.$(O)                      \
 		  Form.$(O)                     \
 		  PseudoV.$(O)                  \
 		    SimpleView.$(O)             \
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
 # BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it 
 ActiveHelp.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/EventListener.H ../include/Object.H
-ActiveHelpView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+ActiveHelpView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 AlignOrg.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/LayoutOrg.H ../include/Layout.H ../include/Object.H
 AppControl.o: $(STCHDR)
 AppModel.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
@@ -229,16 +229,15 @@
 Controll.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 ConvValue.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ValHolder.H ../include/ValModel.H ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
 Cursor.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
-DMedium.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 DObject.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
-DRootView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+DRootView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 Depth1Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Image.H ../include/Object.H
 Depth24Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Image.H ../include/Object.H
 Depth2Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Image.H ../include/Object.H
 Depth4Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Image.H ../include/Object.H
 Depth8Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Image.H ../include/Object.H
 Depth16Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Image.H ../include/Object.H
-DevDraw.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+DevDraw.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 DevFormH.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevHandle.H ../include/Object.H
 DevHandle.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 DevViewH.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevHandle.H ../include/Object.H
@@ -247,22 +246,23 @@
 FaceReader.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 Font.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/FontDescr.H ../include/Object.H
 FontDescr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
-Form.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+Form.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 GC.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 GIFReader.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 GLXWorkstat.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/XWorkstat.H ../include/DevWorkst.H ../include/Object.H
+GMedium.o: ../include/Object.H
 GraphAttr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 HersheyFont.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Font.H ../include/FontDescr.H ../include/Object.H
 Image.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 ImageRdr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
-InputView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+InputView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 JPEGReader.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 KeybdFwd.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 KeybdMap.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/IdDict.H ../include/Dict.H ../include/Set.H ../include/Coll.H ../include/Object.H
 Layout.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 LayoutFrm.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/LayoutOrg.H ../include/Layout.H ../include/Object.H
 LayoutOrg.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Layout.H ../include/Object.H
-ModalBox.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/StdSysV.H ../include/TopView.H ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+ModalBox.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/StdSysV.H ../include/TopView.H ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 Model.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 NXWorkst.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevWorkst.H ../include/Object.H
 NewGC.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
@@ -270,26 +270,26 @@
 PCXReader.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 Plug.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
 PlugAdptr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ValModel.H ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
-PopUpView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/TopView.H ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+PopUpView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/TopView.H ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 PrintConv.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 ProtAdptr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ValModel.H ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
-PseudoV.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+PseudoV.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 RsrcPack.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Dict.H ../include/Set.H ../include/Coll.H ../include/Object.H
 STFormRdr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 SWSensor.$(O): $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
-ShadowV.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
-SimpleView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+ShadowV.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+SimpleView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 StdSysC.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Controll.H ../include/Object.H
-StdSysV.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/TopView.H ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+StdSysV.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/TopView.H ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 SunReader.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 TIFFRdr.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
 TargaReader.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ImageRdr.H ../include/Object.H
-TopView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+TopView.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/View.H ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 TriggerVal.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ValHolder.H ../include/ValModel.H ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
 UIBuilder.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/WinBuilder.H ../include/Object.H
 ValHolder.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/ValModel.H ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
 ValModel.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Model.H ../include/Object.H
-View.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/DMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
+View.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/SimpleView.H ../include/PseudoV.H ../include/DevDraw.H ../include/GMedium.H ../include/GC.H ../include/Object.H
 ViewStyle.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/RsrcPack.H ../include/Dict.H ../include/Set.H ../include/Coll.H ../include/Object.H
 WEvent.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
 WGroup.o: $(STCHDR) ../include/Object.H
--- a/	Tue May 28 14:26:18 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Tue May 28 16:36:26 1996 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  hereby transferred.
-DeviceDrawable subclass:#PseudoView
+GraphicsMedium subclass:#PseudoView
 	instanceVariableNames:'viewBackground cursor eventMask middleButtonMenu keyCommands
 		gotExpose exposePending backed saveUnder delegate'
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
 clearDeviceRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
     "clear a rectangular area to viewBackground -
-     redefined since DisplayMedium fills with background
+     redefined since GraphicsMedium fills with background
      - not viewBackground as we want here."
     |oldPaint org|
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
 clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
     "clear a rectangular area to viewBackground -
-     redefined since DisplayMedium fills with background
+     redefined since GraphicsMedium fills with background
      - not viewBackground as we want here."
     |oldPaint org|
@@ -1678,5 +1678,5 @@
 !PseudoView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.65 1996-05-20 15:45:55 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Attic/,v 1.66 1996-05-28 14:36:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !