*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 13:59:34 +0200
changeset 525 59e97643a8bc
parent 524 2911c30d10b3
child 526 263d3775d846
*** empty log message ***
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AVIReader.st	Mon Apr 14 13:59:34 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1440 @@
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:3.1.5 on 11-apr-1997 at 6:49:43 pm'                  !
+RIFFReader subclass:#AVIReader
+	instanceVariableNames:'frames nframes frameBuffer frameBufferSize imageBuffer redPalette
+		greenPalette bluePalette flags frameDelay streamType depth
+		compression colorTable numColors deltaMethod'
+	classVariableNames:'MAXCOLORS UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Graphics-Images-Support'
+!AVIReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    Read frames from a AVI file.
+    this is a very first attempt in reading FLI files;
+    its very experimental and may change.
+    (will introduce a new class hierarchy based upon
+     MovieReader ...).
+    When used like an imageReader, #fromFile: will return
+    the very first frame.
+    Warning: right now, the complete movie is read and huge
+    amounts of memoru are allocated. The interface will be changed
+    to allow stream operation ...
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+    [see also:]
+        ImageReader
+    |reader film view tNext|
+    reader := AVIReader readFile:'/usr/local/AVI/jeffmild.fli'.
+    reader isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    film := reader images.
+    view := StandardSystemView extent:(film first extent).
+    view openAndWait.
+    tNext := Time millisecondClockValue + (reader frameDelay).
+    film do:[:frame |
+        frame displayOn:view x:0 y:0.
+        (Delay untilMilliseconds:tNext) wait.
+        tNext := tNext + (reader frameDelay).
+    ].
+! !
+!AVIReader class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
+    MAXCOLORS := 256.
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal isNil ifTrue:[
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#unsupportedFormatErrorSignal.
+    ].
+    "
+     AVIReader initialize
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:37:08 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader class methodsFor:'testing'!
+    "return true, if aFileName contains an AVI-movie"
+    |data1 len data3 inStream|
+    inStream := self streamReadingFile:aFileName.
+    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+    inStream binary.
+    data1 := String new:4.
+    inStream nextBytes:4 into:data1.
+    len := inStream nextLongMSB:true.
+    data3 := String new:4.
+    inStream nextBytes:4 into:data3.
+    ((data1 = 'RIFF')
+    and:[data3 = 'AVI ']) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    inStream close.
+    ^ false.
+    "
+     AVIReader isValidImageFile:'bitmaps/magtape.xpm'    
+     AVIReader isValidImageFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/drlair.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: 4.4.1997 / 23:15:39 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'frameDelay' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ frameDelay
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+    ^ frames size > 1
+    "Modified: 4.4.1997 / 21:42:59 / cg"
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+    "return a collection of all images as represented by myself"
+    |images image depth|
+    depth := self bitsPerPixel.
+    images := OrderedCollection new.
+    frames do:[:aFrame |
+        image := (Image implementorForDepth:depth) new.
+        image 
+            width:width 
+            height:height
+            photometric:photometric
+            samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel
+            bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample
+            colorMap:colorMap
+            bits:aFrame
+            mask:mask.
+        images add:image.
+    ].
+    ^ images
+    "Modified: 20.6.1996 / 17:09:04 / cg"
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader methodsFor:'decoders'!
+ * Routine to Decode an AVI CRAM chunk
+ */
+#define AVI_CRAM_C1(ip,clr,rdec) { \
+ *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip = clr; ip -= rdec; \
+ *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip = clr; ip -= rdec; \
+ *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip = clr; ip -= rdec; \
+ *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip++ = clr; *ip = clr; }
+#define AVI_CRAM_C2(ip,flag,cA,cB,rdec) { \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x01)?(cB):(cA); *ip++ =(flag&0x02)?(cB):(cA); \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x04)?(cB):(cA); *ip   =(flag&0x08)?(cB):(cA); ip-=rdec; \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x10)?(cB):(cA); *ip++ =(flag&0x20)?(cB):(cA); \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x40)?(cB):(cA); *ip   =(flag&0x80)?(cB):(cA); }
+#define AVI_CRAM_C4(ip,flag,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,rdec) { \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x01)?(cB0):(cA0); *ip++ =(flag&0x02)?(cB0):(cA0); \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x04)?(cB1):(cA1); *ip   =(flag&0x08)?(cB1):(cA1); ip-=rdec; \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x10)?(cB0):(cA0); *ip++ =(flag&0x20)?(cB0):(cA0); \
+  *ip++ =(flag&0x40)?(cB1):(cA1); *ip   =(flag&0x80)?(cB1):(cA1); }
+#define AVI_MIN_MAX_CHECK(x,y,min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y) { \
+    if (x < min_x) min_x = x; if (y > max_y) max_y = y; \
+    if (x > max_x) max_x = x; if (y < min_y) min_y = y; } 
+#define AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex) { x += 4; if (x>=imagex) { x=0; y -= 4; } }
+#define AVI_GET_16(data,dptr) { data = *dptr++; data |= (*dptr++) << 8; }
+#define AVI_CRAM_rgbC1(ip,r,g,b) { \
+ *ip++=r; *ip++=g; *ip++=b; *ip++=r; *ip++=g; *ip++=b; \
+ *ip++=r; *ip++=g; *ip++=b; *ip++=r; *ip++=g; *ip  =b; }
+#define AVI_CRAM_rgbC2(ip,flag,rA,gA,bA,rB,gB,bB) { \
+  if (flag&0x01) {*ip++=rB; *ip++=gB; *ip++=bB;} \
+  else           {*ip++=rA; *ip++=gA; *ip++=bA;} \
+  if (flag&0x02) {*ip++=rB; *ip++=gB; *ip++=bB;} \
+  else           {*ip++=rA; *ip++=gA; *ip++=bA;} \
+  if (flag&0x04) {*ip++=rB; *ip++=gB; *ip++=bB;} \
+  else           {*ip++=rA; *ip++=gA; *ip++=bA;} \
+  if (flag&0x08) {*ip++=rB; *ip++=gB; *ip  =bB;} \
+  else           {*ip++=rA; *ip++=gA; *ip  =bA;}  }
+#define AVI_CRAM_rgbC4(ip,flag,rA,gA,bA,rB,gB,bB) { \
+  if (flag&0x01) {*ip++=rB; *ip++=gB; *ip++=bB;} \
+  else           {*ip++=rA; *ip++=gA; *ip++=bA;} \
+  if (flag&0x02) {*ip++=rB; *ip++=gB; *ip  =bB;} \
+  else           {*ip++=rA; *ip++=gA; *ip  =bA;} }
+#define AVI_Get_RGBColor(r,g,b,color) \
+{ register ULONG _r,_g,_b; \
+  _r = (color >> 10) & 0x1f; r = (_r << 3) | (_r >> 2); \
+  _g = (color >>  5) & 0x1f; g = (_g << 3) | (_g >> 2); \
+  _b =  color & 0x1f;        b = (_b << 3) | (_b >> 2); \
+  if (xa_gamma_flag==TRUE) { r = xa_gamma_adj[r]>>8;    \
+     g = xa_gamma_adj[g]>>8; b = xa_gamma_adj[b]>>8; } }
+                                                xs,ys,xe,ye,special,extra)
+UBYTE *image;           /* Image Buffer. */
+UBYTE *delta;           /* delta data. */
+ULONG dsize;            /* delta size */
+XA_CHDR *chdr;          /* color map info */
+ULONG *map;             /* used if it's going to be remapped. */
+ULONG map_flag;         /* whether or not to use remap_map info. */
+ULONG imagex,imagey;    /* Size of image buffer. */
+ULONG imaged;           /* Depth of Image. (IFF specific) */
+ULONG *xs,*ys;          /* pos of changed area. */
+ULONG *xe,*ye;          /* size of changed area. */
+ULONG special;          /* Special Info. */
+void *extra;            /* extra info needed to decode delta */
+  ULONG row_dec,exitflag,changed,block_cnt;
+  ULONG code0,code1;
+  LONG x,y,min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y;
+  UBYTE *dptr;
+  changed = 0;
+  max_x = max_y = 0;    min_x = imagex; min_y = imagey;
+  dptr = delta;
+  row_dec = imagex + 3;
+  x = 0;
+  y = imagey - 1;
+  exitflag = 0;
+  block_cnt = ((imagex * imagey) >> 4) + 1;
+  if (map_flag == TRUE)
+  {
+    if (x11_bytes_pixel == 4)
+    {
+      while(!!exitflag)
+      {
+        code0 =  *dptr++;       code1 =  *dptr++;       block_cnt--;
+        if ( ((code1==0) && (code0==0) && !!block_cnt) || (y<0)) exitflag = 1;
+        else
+        {
+          if ((code1 >= 0x84) && (code1 <= 0x87)) /* skip */
+          { ULONG skip = ((code1 - 0x84) << 8) + code0;
+            block_cnt -= (skip-1); while(skip--) AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          }
+          else /* single block encoded */
+          {
+            if (code1 >= 0x90) /* 8 color quadrant encoding */
+            { ULONG cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1;
+              ULONG *i_ptr = (ULONG *)(image + ((y * imagex + x) << 2) );
+              cB0 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];  cA0 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];
+              cB1 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];  cA1 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code0,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec); i_ptr -=row_dec;
+              cB0 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];  cA0 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];
+              cB1 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];  cA1 = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code1,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec);
+            } else if (code1 < 0x80) /* 2 color encoding */
+            { register ULONG clr_A,clr_B;
+              ULONG *i_ptr = (ULONG *)(image + ((y * imagex + x) << 2) );
+              clr_B = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];   clr_A = (ULONG)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code0,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec); i_ptr -= row_dec;
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code1,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec);
+            }
+            else /* 1 color encoding */
+            { ULONG clr = (ULONG)map[code0]; 
+              ULONG *i_ptr = (ULONG *)(image + ((y * imagex + x) << 2) );
+              AVI_CRAM_C1(i_ptr,clr,row_dec);
+            }
+            AVI_MIN_MAX_CHECK(x,y,min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y);
+            changed = 1; AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } /* end of single block */
+        } /* end of not term code */
+      } /* end of not while exit */
+    } /* end of 4 bytes pixel */
+    else if (x11_bytes_pixel == 2)
+    {
+      while(!!exitflag)
+      {
+        code0 =  *dptr++;       code1 =  *dptr++;       block_cnt--;
+        if ( ((code1==0) && (code0==0) && !!block_cnt) || (y<0)) exitflag = 1;
+        else
+        {
+          if ((code1 >= 0x84) && (code1 <= 0x87)) /* skip */
+          { ULONG skip = ((code1 - 0x84) << 8) + code0;
+            block_cnt -= (skip-1); while(skip--) AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } else /* single block encoded */
+          {
+            if (code1 >= 0x90) /* 8 color quadrant encoding */
+            {
+              USHORT cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1;
+              USHORT *i_ptr = (USHORT *)(image + ((y * imagex + x) << 1) );
+              cB0 = map[*dptr++];  cA0 = map[*dptr++];
+              cB1 = map[*dptr++];  cA1 = map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code0,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec); i_ptr -=row_dec;
+              cB0 = map[*dptr++];  cA0 = map[*dptr++];
+              cB1 = map[*dptr++];  cA1 = map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code1,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec);
+            } /* end of 8 color quadrant encoding */
+            else if (code1 < 0x80) /* 2 color encoding */
+            { USHORT clr_A,clr_B;
+              USHORT *i_ptr = (USHORT *)(image + ((y * imagex + x) << 1) );
+              clr_B = (USHORT)map[*dptr++];   clr_A = (USHORT)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code0,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec); i_ptr -= row_dec;
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code1,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec);
+            } /* end of 2 color */
+            else /* 1 color encoding */
+            { USHORT clr = (USHORT)map[code0];
+              USHORT *i_ptr = (USHORT *)(image + ((y * imagex + x) << 1) );
+              AVI_CRAM_C1(i_ptr,clr,row_dec);
+            }
+            AVI_MIN_MAX_CHECK(x,y,min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y);
+            changed = 1; AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } /* end of single block */
+        } /* end of not term code */
+      } /* end of not while exit */
+    } /* end of 2 bytes pixel */
+    else /* (x11_bytes_pixel == 1) */
+    {
+      while(!!exitflag)
+      {
+        code0 =  *dptr++;       code1 =  *dptr++;       block_cnt--;
+        if ( ((code1==0) && (code0==0) && !!block_cnt) || (y<0)) exitflag = 1;
+        else
+        {
+          if ((code1 >= 0x84) && (code1 <= 0x87)) /* skip */
+          { ULONG skip = ((code1 - 0x84) << 8) + code0;
+            block_cnt -= (skip-1); while(skip--) AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } else /* single block encoded */
+          { 
+            if (code1 >= 0x90) /* 8 color quadrant encoding */
+            { UBYTE cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1;
+              UBYTE *i_ptr = (UBYTE *)(image + y * imagex + x);
+              cB0 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];  cA0 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];
+              cB1 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];  cA1 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code0,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec); i_ptr -=row_dec;
+              cB0 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];  cA0 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];
+              cB1 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];  cA1 = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code1,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec);
+            } 
+            else if (code1 < 0x80) /* 2 color encoding */
+            { UBYTE clr_A,clr_B;
+              UBYTE *i_ptr = (UBYTE *)(image + y * imagex + x);
+              clr_B = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];   clr_A = (UBYTE)map[*dptr++];
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code0,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec); i_ptr -= row_dec;
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code1,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec);
+            }
+            else /* 1 color encoding */
+            { UBYTE clr = (UBYTE)map[code0];
+              UBYTE *i_ptr = (UBYTE *)(image + y * imagex + x);
+              AVI_CRAM_C1(i_ptr,clr,row_dec);
+            }
+            AVI_MIN_MAX_CHECK(x,y,min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y);
+            changed = 1; AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } /* end of single block */
+        } /* end of not term code */
+      } /* end of not while exit */
+    } /* end of 1 bytes pixel */
+  } /* end of map is TRUE */
+  else
+  {
+      while(!!exitflag)
+      {
+        code0 =  *dptr++;       code1 =  *dptr++;       block_cnt--;
+        if ( ((code1==0) && (code0==0) && !!block_cnt) || (y<0)) exitflag = 1;
+        else
+        {
+          if ((code1 >= 0x84) && (code1 <= 0x87)) /* skip */
+          { ULONG skip = ((code1 - 0x84) << 8) + code0;
+            block_cnt -= (skip-1); while(skip--) AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } else /* single block encoded */
+          {
+            if (code1 >= 0x90) /* 8 color quadrant encoding */
+            {
+              UBYTE cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1;
+              UBYTE *i_ptr = (UBYTE *)(image + y * imagex + x);
+              cB0 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;  cA0 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;
+              cB1 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;  cA1 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code0,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec); i_ptr -=row_dec;
+              cB0 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;  cA0 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;
+              cB1 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;  cA1 = (UBYTE)*dptr++;
+              AVI_CRAM_C4(i_ptr,code1,cA0,cA1,cB0,cB1,row_dec);
+            } 
+            else if (code1 < 0x80) /* 2 color encoding */
+            { UBYTE clr_A,clr_B;
+              UBYTE *i_ptr = (UBYTE *)(image + y * imagex + x);
+              clr_B = (UBYTE)*dptr++;   clr_A = (UBYTE)*dptr++;
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code0,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec); i_ptr -= row_dec;
+              AVI_CRAM_C2(i_ptr,code1,clr_A,clr_B,row_dec);
+            } /* end of 2 color */
+            else /* 1 color encoding */
+            {
+              UBYTE clr = (UBYTE)code0;
+              UBYTE *i_ptr = (UBYTE *)(image + y * imagex + x);
+              AVI_CRAM_C1(i_ptr,clr,row_dec);
+            }
+            AVI_MIN_MAX_CHECK(x,y,min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y);
+            changed = 1; AVI_BLOCK_INC(x,y,imagex);
+          } /* end of single block */
+        } /* end of not term code */
+      } /* end of not while exit */
+  }
+  if (xa_optimize_flag == TRUE)
+  {
+    if (changed) { *xs=min_x; *ys=min_y - 3; *xe=max_x + 4; *ye=max_y + 1; }
+    else  { *xs = *ys = *xe = *ye = 0; return(ACT_DLTA_NOP); }
+  }
+  else { *xs = *ys = 0; *xe = imagex; *ye = imagey; }
+  if (map_flag) return(ACT_DLTA_MAPD);
+  else return(ACT_DLTA_NORM);
+    'AVI_Decode_CRAM' infoPrint.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 16:06:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.4.1997 / 14:03:32 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader methodsFor:'helpers'!
+    "make height a multiple of the argument"
+    height := multiple * ((height + multiple - 1) // multiple).
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:47:36 / cg"
+    "make width & height a multiple of the argument"
+    width := multiple * ((width + multiple - 1) // multiple).
+    height := multiple * ((height + multiple - 1) // multiple).
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 14:47:54 / cg"
+    "make height a multiple of the argument"
+    width := multiple * ((width + multiple - 1) // multiple).
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 14:47:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:47:41 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader methodsFor:'reading from stream'!
+    "read a AVI-movie from aStream. Return a frame sequence."
+    inStream := aStream.
+    inStream binary.
+    [inStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        self getChunk
+    ].
+    "/ return the first frame as image
+    colorMap := Colormap 
+                    redVector:redPalette 
+                    greenVector:greenPalette 
+                    blueVector:bluePalette.
+    photometric := #palette.
+    samplesPerPixel := 1.
+    bitsPerSample := #(8).
+    frames notNil ifTrue:[
+        data := frames at:1.
+    ]
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/drlair.avi'      
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:53 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:54 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader ignoredMethodsFor:'reading from stream'!
+    "get a single chunk"
+    |id sel sTyp|
+    'getChunk -> ' infoPrint.
+    id := '    '.
+    inStream nextBytes:4 into:id startingAt:1.
+    chunkSize := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    (id at:1) == $0 ifTrue:[
+        sTyp := streamTypes at:((id at:2) digitValue + 1).
+        sel := 'getChunk_' , sTyp , '_' , (id copyFrom:3).
+"/id infoPrint. ' -> ' infoPrint. sel infoPrintCR.
+        sel := sel asSymbolIfInterned.
+        (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+            sel := 'getChunk_' , sTyp , '_Unknown'.
+"/'  ' infoPrint. id infoPrint. ' -> ' infoPrint. sel infoPrintCR.
+            sel := sel asSymbolIfInterned.
+            (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+                '[' infoPrint. ('getChunk_' , sTyp , '_' , (id copyFrom:3)) infoPrint. '] ' infoPrint.
+                sel := #'getChunk_Unknown'.    
+"/'    ' infoPrint. id infoPrint. ' -> ' infoPrint. sel infoPrintCR.
+            ].
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (id at:4) == Character space ifTrue:[
+            id := id copyTo:3
+        ].
+        sel := ('getChunk_' , id) asSymbolIfInterned.
+        (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+            '[' infoPrint. ('getChunk_' , id) infoPrint. '] ' infoPrint.
+            sel := #'getChunk_Unknown'    
+        ].
+"/id infoPrint. ' -> ' infoPrint. sel infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    self perform:sel.
+    '' infoPrintCR.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:50:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:47:48 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader methodsFor:'reading from stream'!
+    "process (ignore) a DISP chunk"
+    'getChunk_DISP -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:19:10 / cg"
+    "process (ignore) a ISBJ chunk"
+    'getChunk_ISBJ -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:19:17 / cg"
+    "ignore JUNK chunk"
+    'getChunk_JUNK -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 14:12:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:47 / cg"
+    "process a LIST chunk"
+    'getChunk_LIST' infoPrint.
+    inStream skip:4.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:18:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:45 / cg"
+    "process a RIFF chunk"
+    'getChunk_RIFF' infoPrint.
+    inStream skip:4.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:18:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:42 / cg"
+    "ignore any other chunk"
+    'getChunk_Unknown -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 00:03:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:39 / cg"
+    "process an auds chunk"
+    |format channels rate av_bps align size|
+    'getChunk_auds' infoPrint.
+    format      := inStream nextShortMSB:false.
+    channels    := inStream nextShortMSB:false.
+    rate        := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    av_bps      := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    align       := inStream nextShortMSB:false.
+    size        := inStream nextShortMSB:false.
+    inStream skip:(chunkSize - 16).
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 00:01:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:36 / cg"
+    "process (ignore for now) an auds chunk"
+    'getChunk_auds_wb -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 13:57:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:33 / cg"
+    "process an avih chunk"
+    |us_frame max_bps pad_gram flags tot_frames init_frames nstreams
+     sug_bsize scale rate start length|
+    'getChunk_avih' infoPrint.
+    chunkSize ~~ 56 ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'bad chunk size'.
+    ].
+    us_frame    := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    max_bps     := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    pad_gram    := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    flags       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    tot_frames  := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    init_frames := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    nstreams    := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    sug_bsize   := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    width       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    height      := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    scale       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    rate        := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    start       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    length      := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    streamTypes := OrderedCollection new:nstreams.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:19:37 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:30 / cg"
+    "process (ignore) a hdrl chunk"
+    'getChunk_hdrl -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:18:07 / cg"
+    "process (ignore) a idx1 chunk"
+    'getChunk_idx1 -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:17:53 / cg"
+    "process a strf chunk"
+    |sel|
+    'getChunk_strf -> ' infoPrint.
+    sel := ('getChunk_' , streamType) asSymbolIfInterned.
+    (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+        '[' infoPrint. ('getChunk_' , streamType) infoPrint. '] ' infoPrint.
+        sel := #'getChunk_Unknown'
+    ].
+    self perform:sel.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:41:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:05:00 / cg"
+    "process a strh chunk"
+    |fcc_type fcc_handler priority flags rate init_frames streams
+     sug_bsize scale start length quality samp_size size|
+    'getChunk_strh' infoPrint.
+    chunkSize < 48 ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'bad chunk size'.
+    ].
+    fcc_type    := String new:4.
+                   inStream nextBytes:4 into:fcc_type.
+    fcc_handler := inStream nextLongMSB:true.
+    flags       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    priority    := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    init_frames := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    scale       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    rate        := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    start       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    length      := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    sug_bsize   := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    quality     := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    samp_size   := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    size := chunkSize.
+    (size bitTest:1) ifTrue:[
+        size := size + 1
+    ].
+    inStream skip:(size - 48).
+    streamTypes add:fcc_type.
+    streamType := fcc_type.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:25:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:23 / cg"
+    "process (ignore) a strl chunk"
+    'getChunk_strl -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:18:01 / cg"
+    "process (ignore) a vedt chunk"
+    'getChunk_vedt -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:17:43 / cg"
+    "process a vids chunk"
+    |size sz
+     width height planes image_size
+     xpels_meter ypels_meter num_colors imp_colors
+     sel nMore|
+    'getChunk_vids -> ' infoPrint.
+    sz := chunkSize.
+    (sz bitTest:1) ifTrue:[
+        sz := sz + 1
+    ].
+    colorTable := true.
+    size        := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    width       := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    height      := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    planes      := inStream nextShortMSB:false.
+    depth       := inStream nextShortMSB:false.
+    compression := String new:4.
+                   inStream nextBytes:4 into:compression.
+    image_size  := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    xpels_meter := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    ypels_meter := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    num_colors  := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    imp_colors  := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    sz := sz - 40.
+    numColors := num_colors.
+    (numColors == 0 and:[depth <= 8]) ifTrue:[
+        numColors := 1 bitShift:depth.
+    ].
+    sel := ('setupData_vids_' , compression) asSymbolIfInterned.
+    (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+        '[' infoPrint. ('setupData_vids_' , compression) infoPrint. '] ' infoPrint.
+        sel := #'setupData_vids_Unknown'
+    ].
+    "/ setup compression-specific data
+    self perform:sel.
+    "/ read a colorTable - if any
+    ((depth <= 8) and:[colorTable]) ifTrue:[
+        redPalette := ByteArray new:256.
+        greenPalette := ByteArray new:256.
+        bluePalette := ByteArray new:256.
+        1 to:numColors do:[:i |
+            sz > 0 ifTrue:[
+                bluePalette at:i put:(inStream nextByte).
+                greenPalette at:i put:(inStream nextByte).
+                redPalette at:i put:(inStream nextByte).
+                inStream nextByte. "/ padding
+                sz := sz - 4.
+            ].
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ read more compression-specific data
+    sel := ('readData_vids2_' , compression) asSymbolIfInterned.
+    (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        nMore := self perform:sel.
+        sz := sz  - nMore.
+    ].
+    inStream skip:sz.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:25:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:32:10 / cg"
+    "process a vids chunk"
+    |sz data sel|
+    'getChunk_vids_dc -> ' infoPrint.
+    sz := chunkSize.
+    (sz bitTest:1) ifTrue:[
+        sz := sz + 1
+    ].
+    sz == 0 ifTrue:[
+        "/ NOP wait frame
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    data := ByteArray new:sz.
+    inStream nextBytes:sz into:data startingAt:1.
+    sel := deltaMethod.
+    (self respondsTo:sel) not ifTrue:[
+        '[' infoPrint. deltaMethod infoPrint. '] ' infoPrint.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self perform:deltaMethod with:data.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 01:01:37 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:44:46 / cg"
+    "more extra data here"
+    |offset jsize format cspace|
+    'readData_vids2_IJPG' infoPrint.
+    offset := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    jsize := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    format := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    cspace := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    self JFIF_Read_IJPG_Tables.
+    ^ 16 + 128.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:08:04 / cg"
+    "more extra data here"
+    |offset jsize format cspace bits hsubsamp vsubsamp|
+    'readData_vids2_IJPG' infoPrint.
+    offset := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    jsize := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    format := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    cspace := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    bits := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    hsubsamp := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    vsubsamp := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    ^ 28.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:08:43 / cg"
+    "CRAM specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_CRAM' infoPrint.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4
+    self alignTo:4.
+    depth == 8 ifTrue:[
+        deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_CRAM:
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        depth == 16 ifTrue:[
+            deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_CRAM16:
+        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            'AVI [info]: CRAM but depth ~~ 8/16 format not supported' errorPrintCR.
+            UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'CRAM but depth ~~ 8/16'.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:42:12 / cg"
+    "CVID specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_CVID' infoPrint.
+"/    'AVI [info]: Radius Cinepak format not supported' errorPrintCR.
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'Radius Cinepak format not supported'.
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:42:38 / cg"
+    "IJPG specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_IJPG' infoPrint.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4@2
+    self alignWidthTo:4.
+    self alignHeightTo:2.
+    depth > 8 ifTrue:[
+        self QT_Gen_YUV_Tabs.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        colorTable := false
+    ].
+    self jpg_alloc_MCU_bufs:width.
+    depth ~~ 24 ifTrue:[
+"/    'AVI [info]: IJPG but depth ~~ 24' errorPrintCR.
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'IJPG but depth ~~ 24'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    deltaMethod := #JFIF_Decode_JPEG:
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:55:55 / cg"
+    "IV31 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_IV31' infoPrint.
+"/    'AVI [info]: AVI: Intel Indeo Video Codec Not Supported' errorPrintCR.
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'AVI: Intel Indeo Video Codec Not Supported'.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:56:43 / cg"
+    "IV32 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_IV32' infoPrint.
+"/    'AVI [info]: AVI: Intel Indeo Video Codec Not Supported' errorPrintCR.
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'AVI: Intel Indeo Video Codec Not Supported'.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:56:49 / cg"
+    "JPEG specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_JPEG' infoPrint.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4@2
+    self alignWidthTo:4.
+    self alignHeightTo:2.
+    depth > 8 ifTrue:[
+        self QT_Gen_YUV_Tabs.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        colorTable := false
+    ].
+    self jpg_alloc_MCU_bufs:width.
+    depth ~~ 8 ifTrue:[
+        depth ~~ 24 ifTrue:[
+"/        'AVI [info]: JPEG but depth ~~ 8/24' errorPrintCR.
+            UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'JPEG but depth ~~ 8/24'.
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    deltaMethod := #JFIF_Decode_JPEG:
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:55:05 / cg"
+    "MJPG specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_MJPG' infoPrint.
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'MJPG not yet supported'.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4@2
+    self alignWidthTo:4.
+    self alignHeightTo:2.
+    depth > 8 ifTrue:[
+        self QT_Gen_YUV_Tabs.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        colorTable := false
+    ].
+    self jpg_alloc_MCU_bufs:width.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:53:08 / cg"
+    "MSVC specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_MSVC' infoPrint.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4
+    self alignTo:4.
+    depth == 8 ifTrue:[
+        deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_CRAM:
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        depth == 16 ifTrue:[
+            deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_CRAM16:
+        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            'AVI [info]: MSVC but depth ~~ 8/16 format not supported' errorPrintCR.
+            UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'MSVC but depth ~~ 8/16'.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:41:56 / cg"
+    "NONE specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_NONE' infoPrint.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:34:25 / cg"
+    "PACK specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_PACK' infoPrint.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:34:31 / cg"
+    "RGB specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_RGB' infoPrint.
+    depth == 8 ifTrue:[
+        deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_RGB:
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        depth == 24 ifTrue:[
+            deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_RGB24:
+        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            'AVI [info]: RGB but depth ~~ 8/24 format not supported' errorPrintCR.
+            UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'RGB but depth ~~ 8/24'.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:41:56 / cg"
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:48:47 / cg"
+    "RLE4 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_RLE4' infoPrint.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:34:38 / cg"
+    "RLE8 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_RLE8' infoPrint.
+    depth ~~ 8 ifTrue:[
+"/        'AVI [info]: RLE8 but depth ~~ 8 format not supported' errorPrintCR.
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'RLE8 but depth ~~ 8'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_RLE8:
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:43:22 / cg"
+    "RT21 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_RT21' infoPrint.
+"/    'AVI [info]: AVI: Intel Indeo Video Codec Not Supported' errorPrintCR.
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'AVI: Intel Indeo Video Codec Not Supported'.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:56:37 / cg"
+    "TRAN specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_TRAN' infoPrint.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:34:53 / cg"
+    "ULTI specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_ULTI' infoPrint.
+    depth == 16 ifTrue:[
+        deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_ULTI:
+    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        'AVI [info]: ULTI depth ~~ 16 format not supported' errorPrintCR.
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal raiseErrorString:'ULTI depth ~~ 16'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    "/ need to be multiple of 8
+    self alignTo:8.
+    self AVI_ULTI_Gen_YUV.
+    self AVI_Ulti_Gen_LTC.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:46:14 / cg"
+    "ignore an unknown vids chunk"
+    'setupData_vids_Unknown' infoPrint.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:32:52 / cg"
+    "XMPG specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_XMPG' infoPrint.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4
+    self alignTo:4.
+    self QT_Gen_YUV_Tabs.
+    self jpg_alloc_MCU_bufs:width.
+    self jpg_setup_samp_limit_table.
+    self mpg_init_stuff.
+    deltaMethod := #MPG_Decode_I:
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:49:53 / cg"
+    "YUV9 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_YUV9' infoPrint.
+    self QT_Gen_YUV_Tabs.
+    self jpg_setup_samp_limit_table.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4
+    self alignTo:4.
+    deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_YUV9:
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:49:19 / cg"
+    "YVU9 specific setup"
+    'setupData_vids_YVU9' infoPrint.
+    self QT_Gen_YUV_Tabs.
+    self jpg_setup_samp_limit_table.
+    "/ need to be multiple of 4
+    self alignTo:4.
+    deltaMethod := #AVI_Decode_YUV9:
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:49:32 / cg"
+    "same as CVID"
+    'setupData_vids_cvid' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'CVID'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_CVID.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:35:32 / cg"
+    "same as IV31"
+    'setupData_vids_iv31' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'IV31'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_IV31.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:35:39 / cg"
+    "same as IV32"
+    'setupData_vids_iv32' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'IV32'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_IV32.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:35:45 / cg"
+    "same as JPEG"
+    'setupData_vids_jpeg' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'JPEG'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_JPEG.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:35:53 / cg"
+    "same as NONE"
+    'setupData_vids_none' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'NONE'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_NONE.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:02 / cg"
+    "same as PACK"
+    'setupData_vids_pack' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'PACK'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_PACK.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:08 / cg"
+    "same as RLE4"
+    'setupData_vids_rle4' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'RLE4'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_RLE4.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:14 / cg"
+    "same as RLE8"
+    'setupData_vids_rle8' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'RLE8'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_RLE8.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:21 / cg"
+    "same as RT21"
+    'setupData_vids_rt21' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'RT21'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_RT21.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:28 / cg"
+    "same as TRAN"
+    'setupData_vids_tran' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'TRAN'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_TRAN.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:35 / cg"
+    "same as XMPG"
+    'setupData_vids_xmpg' infoPrint.
+    compression := 'XMPG'.
+    ^ self setupData_vids_XMPG.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 15:29:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 15:36:43 / cg"
+    "skip a chunk"
+    |sz|
+    'skipChunk' infoPrint.
+    sz := chunkSize.
+    (sz bitTest:1) ifTrue:[
+        sz := sz + 1
+    ].
+    inStream skip:sz.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 14:13:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 14:34:07 / cg"
+! !
+!AVIReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/AVIReader.st,v 1.1 1997-04-14 11:59:31 cg Exp $'
+! !
+AVIReader initialize!
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RIFFReader.st	Mon Apr 14 13:59:34 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:3.1.5 on 11-apr-1997 at 6:49:46 pm'                  !
+ImageReader subclass:#RIFFReader
+	instanceVariableNames:'chunkSize streamTypes'
+	classVariableNames:'UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Graphics-Images-Support'
+!RIFFReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    Helper to read RIFF files.
+! !
+!RIFFReader class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
+    UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal isNil ifTrue:[
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+        UnsupportedFormatErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#unsupportedFormatErrorSignal.
+    ].
+    "
+     RIFFReader initialize
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 16:12:16 / cg"
+! !
+!RIFFReader class methodsFor:'testing'!
+    "return true, if aFileName contains RIFF-encoded data"
+    |data1 inStream|
+    inStream := self streamReadingFile:aFileName.
+    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+    inStream binary.
+    data1 := String new:4.
+    inStream nextBytes:4 into:data1.
+    inStream close.
+    ^ (data1 = 'RIFF')
+    "
+     RIFFReader isRIFFFile:'bitmaps/magtape.xpm'    
+     RIFFReader isRIFFFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/drlair.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 22:35:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 16:12:16 / cg"
+! !
+!RIFFReader methodsFor:'reading from stream'!
+    "get a single chunk"
+    |id s sel streamNr streamType|
+    'getChunk -> ' infoPrint.
+    id := '    '.
+    inStream nextBytes:4 into:id startingAt:1.
+    chunkSize := inStream nextLongMSB:false.
+    (id at:4) == Character space ifTrue:[
+        id := id copyTo:3
+    ].
+    (id at:1) isDigit ifTrue:[
+        streamNr := Number readFrom:(id copyTo:2).
+        streamType := streamTypes at:(streamNr + 1).
+        s := 'getChunk_' , streamType , '_' , (id copyFrom:3).       
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        s := 'getChunk_' , id.
+    ].
+    sel := s asSymbolIfInterned.
+    (sel isNil or:[(self respondsTo:sel) not]) ifTrue:[
+        '[' infoPrint. s infoPrint. '] ' infoPrint.
+        sel := #'getChunk_Unknown'    
+    ].
+    self perform:sel.
+    '' infoPrintCR.
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 16:29:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.4.1997 / 14:00:42 / cg"
+    "process a LIST chunk"
+    'getChunk_LIST' infoPrint.
+    inStream skip:4.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:18:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 16:12:16 / cg"
+    "process a RIFF chunk"
+    'getChunk_RIFF' infoPrint.
+    inStream skip:4.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 23:18:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 16:12:16 / cg"
+    "ignore any other chunk"
+    'getChunk_Unknown -> ' infoPrint.
+    self skipChunk
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 00:03:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 16:12:16 / cg"
+    "skip a chunk"
+    |sz|
+    'skipChunk' infoPrint.
+    sz := chunkSize.
+    (sz bitTest:1) ifTrue:[
+        sz := sz + 1
+    ].
+    inStream skip:sz.
+    "
+     AVIReader fromFile:'/home2/pd_stuff/movies/avi/hangldm.avi'      
+    "
+    "Created: 5.4.1997 / 14:13:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: 5.4.1997 / 16:12:16 / cg"
+! !
+!RIFFReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/RIFFReader.st,v 1.1 1997-04-14 11:59:34 cg Exp $'
+! !
+RIFFReader initialize!