class: WindowsIconReader
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:45:44 +0100
changeset 3404 703c3b400e7d
parent 3403 67c06ca6cbd6
child 3405 20506fdebee7
class: WindowsIconReader changed: #fromWindowsICOStream:alreadyRead: added support for 32bit per pixel images.
--- a/	Sun Nov 23 17:56:09 2014 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Nov 26 13:45:44 2014 +0100
@@ -987,8 +987,8 @@
     "read the header"
     header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(6 + 16 + 40).
-    bytesAlreadyRead size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	header replaceFrom:1 with:bytesAlreadyRead
+    bytesAlreadyRead notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        header replaceFrom:1 with:bytesAlreadyRead
     aStream nextBytes:((6 + 16 + 40)-bytesAlreadyRead size) into:header startingAt:(1+bytesAlreadyRead size).
@@ -1006,22 +1006,21 @@
     inDepth := header at:16r25.
     "/ mhmh - some depth4 icons seem to have a 0 in the depth field ...
     inDepth == 0 ifTrue:[
-	inDepth := 4
+        inDepth := 4
-    (#(4 8) includes:inDepth) ifFalse:[
-	"/ only tested for depth 4/8 images.
-	^ self fileFormatError:'only depth 4/8 ico-images supported (depth is ' , inDepth printString , ')'.
+    (#(4 8 32) includes:inDepth) ifFalse:[
+        "/ only tested for depth 4/8 images.
+        ^ self fileFormatError:'only depth 4/8/32 ico-images supported (depth is ' , inDepth printString , ')'.
 "/        self halt:'only depth 4 ico-images supported (depth is ' , inDepth printString , ')'.
     self reportDimension.
-    "read the colormap"
-    cmapSize := (1 bitShift:inDepth).
+    nColor > 0 ifTrue:[
+        "read the colormap"
+        cmapSize := (1 bitShift:inDepth).
-    colorMap := self
-		readColorMap:cmapSize
-		numBytesPerColor:4
-		from:aStream.
+        colorMap := self readColorMap:cmapSize numBytesPerColor:4 from:aStream.
+    ].
     "read the data bits"
@@ -1042,27 +1041,28 @@
     srcIndex := 1.
     dstIndex := (height - 1) * bytesPerRow + 1.
     1 to:height do:[:row |
-	tmp replaceFrom:dstIndex to:(dstIndex + bytesPerRow - 1)
-		   with:rawData startingAt:srcIndex.
-	srcIndex := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
-	dstIndex := dstIndex - bytesPerRow.
+        tmp replaceFrom:dstIndex to:(dstIndex + bytesPerRow - 1)
+                   with:rawData startingAt:srcIndex.
+        srcIndex := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
+        dstIndex := dstIndex - bytesPerRow.
     rawData := tmp.
-    photometric := #palette.
-    samplesPerPixel := 1.
-    false ifTrue:[
-	"expand into bytes"
+    nColor > 0 ifTrue:[
+        photometric := #palette.
+        samplesPerPixel := 1.
+        bitsPerSample := (Array with:inDepth).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        inDepth == 32 ifTrue:[
+            photometric := #rgba.
+            samplesPerPixel := 4.
+            bitsPerSample := #(8 8 8 8).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            ^ self fileFormatError:'unsupported image depth: ' , inDepth printString.
+        ]
+    ].
-	data := ByteArray new:(width * height).
-	rawData expandPixels:inDepth width:width height:height
-		      into:data mapping:nil.
-	bitsPerSample := #(8).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	data := rawData.
-	bitsPerSample := (Array with:inDepth).
-    ].
+    data := rawData.
     ^ self image
@@ -1318,11 +1318,11 @@
 !WindowsIconReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.67 2013-08-10 11:25:55 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.68 2014-11-26 12:45:44 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.67 2013-08-10 11:25:55 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.68 2014-11-26 12:45:44 cg Exp $'
 ! !