fixed widthOfContents with variable fonts (win32);
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sat, 03 Oct 1998 23:54:14 +0200
changeset 1700 3538310c2724
parent 1699 b10682bac6f9
child 1701 ace9b923b375
fixed widthOfContents with variable fonts (win32); slightly tuned partial line drawing (horiz. scrolling)
--- a/	Fri Oct 02 19:52:40 1998 +0200
+++ b/	Sat Oct 03 23:54:14 1998 +0200
@@ -1188,11 +1188,13 @@
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:startVisLineNr.
     sH := lineSpacing // 2.
-    self paint:bg.
-    self fillRectangleX:margin 
-		      y:y-sH
-		  width:(width - (margin * 2))
-		 height:(endVisLineNr - startVisLineNr + 1) * fontHeight + (lineSpacing - sH).
+    backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
+        self paint:bg.
+        self fillRectangleX:margin 
+                          y:y-sH
+                      width:(width - (margin * 2))
+                     height:(endVisLineNr - startVisLineNr + 1) * fontHeight + (lineSpacing - sH).
+    ].
     list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
     y := y + fontAscent.
@@ -1201,28 +1203,28 @@
     startLine := startVisLineNr + firstLineShown - 1.
     endLine := endVisLineNr + firstLineShown - 1.
     (startLine == 0) ifTrue:[
-	y := y + fontHeight.
-	startLine := startLine + 1
+        y := y + fontHeight.
+        startLine := startLine + 1
     (endLine > listSize) ifTrue:[
-	e := listSize
+        e := listSize
     ] ifFalse:[
-	e := endLine
+        e := endLine
     (startLine <= e) ifTrue:[
-	x := textStartLeft - leftOffset.
-	self paint:fg on:bg.
-	self from:startLine to:e do:[:line |
-	    line notNil ifTrue:[
-		self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:y
-	    ].
-	    y := y + fontHeight
-	]
+        x := textStartLeft - leftOffset.
+        self paint:fg on:bg.
+        self from:startLine to:e do:[:line |
+            line notNil ifTrue:[
+                self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:y
+            ].
+            y := y + fontHeight
+        ]
-    "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 16:41:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.10.1998 / 23:06:41 / cg"
 drawLine:line atX:x inVisible:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
@@ -1233,16 +1235,18 @@
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
-    self paint:bg.
-    self fillRectangleX:margin y:y - (lineSpacing//2)
-		  width:(width - (2 * margin)) 
-		 height:fontHeight.
+    backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
+        self paint:bg.
+        self fillRectangleX:margin y:y - (lineSpacing//2)
+                      width:(width - (2 * margin)) 
+                     height:fontHeight.
+    ].
     line notNil ifTrue:[
-	self paint:fg on:bg.
-	self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+        self paint:fg on:bg.
+        self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-    "Modified: 28.2.1996 / 14:46:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.10.1998 / 23:05:17 / cg"
 drawLine:line fromX:x inVisible:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
@@ -1315,53 +1319,62 @@
 drawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol to:endCol with:fg and:bg
     "draw part of a visible line in fg/bg"
-    |y yf x lineString len characterString w sCol|
+    |y yf x lineString len characterString w sCol eCol|
     (endCol >= startCol) ifTrue:[
-	sCol := startCol max:1.
-	lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
-	(lineString notNil and:[lineString isString not])
-	ifTrue:[
-	    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    x := (self xOfCol:sCol inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - leftOffset.
-	    y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr).
-	    yf := y - (lineSpacing // 2).
-	    len := lineString size.
-	    (sCol > len) ifTrue:[
-		len := endCol - sCol + 1.
-		self paint:bg.
-		self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
-			      width:(fontWidth * len) 
-			     height:fontHeight
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(endCol > len) ifTrue:[
-		    characterString := lineString species new:endCol.
-		    characterString replaceFrom:1 to:len with:lineString startingAt:1.
-		    lineString := characterString
-		].
-		self paint:bg.
-		(lineString isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
-		    fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-			w := (endCol - sCol + 1) * fontWidth
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			w := font widthOf:lineString from:sCol to:endCol
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    w := (lineString copyFrom:sCol to:endCol) widthOn:self
-		].
-		self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
-			      width:w
-			      height:fontHeight.
-		self paint:fg on:bg.
-		self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:sCol to:endCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-	    ]
-	]
+        sCol := startCol max:1.
+        lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
+        (lineString notNil and:[lineString isString not])
+        ifTrue:[
+            self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            x := (self xOfCol:sCol inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - leftOffset.
+            y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr).
+            yf := y - (lineSpacing // 2).
+            len := lineString size.
+            (sCol > len) ifTrue:[
+                len := endCol - sCol + 1.
+                backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
+                    self paint:bg.
+                    self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
+                                   width:(fontWidth * len) 
+                                  height:fontHeight
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                eCol := endCol.
+                (endCol > len) ifTrue:[
+                    backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
+                        characterString := lineString species new:endCol.
+                        characterString replaceFrom:1 to:len with:lineString startingAt:1.
+                        lineString := characterString.
+                    ] ifTrue:[
+                        eCol := len.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                (lineString isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
+                    fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
+                        w := (eCol - sCol + 1) * fontWidth
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        w := font widthOf:lineString from:sCol to:eCol
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    w := (lineString copyFrom:sCol to:eCol) widthOn:self
+                ].
+                backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
+                    self paint:bg.
+                    self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
+                                  width:w
+                                  height:fontHeight.
+                ].
+                self paint:fg on:bg.
+                self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:sCol to:eCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+            ]
+        ]
-    "Modified: / 3.9.1998 / 21:54:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.10.1998 / 22:59:41 / cg"
 drawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol with:fg and:bg
@@ -1370,32 +1383,33 @@
     |y x lineString index1 index2|
     (startCol < 1) ifTrue:[
-	index1 := 1
+        index1 := 1
     ] ifFalse:[
-	index1 := startCol
+        index1 := startCol
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
     x := (self xOfCol:index1 inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - leftOffset.
-    self paint:bg.
-    self fillRectangleX:x y:y - (lineSpacing // 2)
-		  width:(width + leftOffset - x)
-		 height:fontHeight.
+    backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
+        self paint:bg.
+        self fillRectangleX:x y:y - (lineSpacing // 2)
+                      width:(width + leftOffset - x)
+                     height:fontHeight.
+    ].
     lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
     lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-	lineString isString ifFalse:[
-	    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-	] ifTrue:[
-	    index2 := lineString size.
-	    (index2 < index1) ifTrue:[^ self].
-	    (index1 <= index2) ifTrue:[
-		self paint:fg on:bg.
-		self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-	    ]
-	]
+        lineString isString ifFalse:[
+            self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            index2 := lineString size.
+            (index2 < index1) ifTrue:[^ self].
+            (index1 <= index2) ifTrue:[
+                self paint:fg on:bg.
+                self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+            ]
+        ]
-    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 12:47:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.10.1998 / 23:07:56 / cg"
 drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
@@ -2510,47 +2524,47 @@
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[^ widthOfWidestLine + (leftMargin * 2)].
     device isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/ mhmh - really dont know yet
-	f := font on:Screen current
+        "/ mhmh - really dont know yet
+        f := font on:Screen current
     ] ifFalse:[
-	f := font := font on:device.
+        f := font := font on:device.
     includesNonStrings ifTrue:[
-	max := list 
-		   inject:0 
-		   into:[:maxSoFar :entry |
-			     (
-				 entry isNil ifTrue:[
-				     0
-				 ] ifFalse:[
-				    entry isString ifTrue:[
-					f widthOf:entry
-				    ] ifFalse:[
-					entry widthOn:self
-				    ]
-				 ]
-			     ) max:maxSoFar.
-			]
+        max := list 
+                   inject:0 
+                   into:[:maxSoFar :entry |
+                             (
+                                 entry isNil ifTrue:[
+                                     0
+                                 ] ifFalse:[
+                                    entry isString ifTrue:[
+                                        f widthOf:entry
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        entry widthOn:self
+                                    ]
+                                 ]
+                             ) max:maxSoFar.
+                        ]
     ] ifFalse:[
-	fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-	    max := self lengthOfLongestLine * fontWidth
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    max := 0.
-	    list notNil ifTrue:[
-		list do:[:line |
-		    line notNil ifTrue:[
-			max := max max:(line widthOn:self)
-		    ]
-		].
+        false "fontIsFixedWidth" ifTrue:[
+            max := self lengthOfLongestLine * fontWidth
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            max := 0.
+            list notNil ifTrue:[
+                list do:[:line |
+                    line notNil ifTrue:[
+                        max := max max:(line widthOn:self)
+                    ]
+                ].
 "/                max := max max:(f widthOf:list)
-	    ].
-	].
+            ].
+        ].
     widthOfWidestLine := max.
     ^ max + (leftMargin * 2)
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 13:54:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24.9.1998 / 18:21:08 / cg"
@@ -3821,5 +3835,5 @@
 !ListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.175 1998-10-02 17:52:40 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.176 1998-10-03 21:54:14 cg Exp $'
 ! !