scrollToPercent fix
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 12 Sep 1996 15:04:52 +0200
changeset 833 356ea2b5319d
parent 832 4c4b0e34e964
child 834 0da7c9923d1b
scrollToPercent fix
--- a/	Wed Sep 11 20:01:21 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Sep 12 15:04:52 1996 +0200
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
       leftOffset      <Number>                left offset for horizontal scroll
       nFullLinesShown <Number>                the number of unclipped lines in visible area
-                                              (internal; updated on size changes)
+					      (internal; updated on size changes)
       nLinesShown     <Number>                the number of lines in visible area, incl. partial
-                                              (internal; updated on size changes)
+					      (internal; updated on size changes)
       fgColor         <Color>                 color to draw characters
       bgColor         <Color>                 the background
@@ -121,26 +121,26 @@
       lineSpacing     <Number>                pixels between lines
       searchPattern   <String>                last pattern for searching
       wordCheck       <Block>                 rule used for check for word boundaries in word select
-                                              The default rule is to return true for alphaNumeric characters.
-                                              (can be changed to allow for underscore and other
-                                               characters to be treated as alphaCharacters)
+					      The default rule is to return true for alphaNumeric characters.
+					      (can be changed to allow for underscore and other
+					       characters to be treated as alphaCharacters)
       autoScrollBlock <Block>                 block installed as timeoutBlock when doing an
-                                              autoScroll (internal)
+					      autoScroll (internal)
       autoScrollDeltaT                        computed scroll time delta in seconds (internal)
       includesNonStrings                      cached flag if any non-strings are in list
       widthOfWidestLine                       cached width of widest line
       listMsg                                 if view has a model and listMsg is non-nil,
-                                              this is sent to the model to aquired a new contents
-                                              whenever a change of the aspect  (aspectMsg) occurs.
+					      this is sent to the model to aquired a new contents
+					      whenever a change of the aspect  (aspectMsg) occurs.
       viewOrigin                              the current origin 
       menuHolder                              who has a menu 
-                                              (default: nil or model here, self in textViews)
+					      (default: nil or model here, self in textViews)
       menuPerformer                           who performs menu actions
-                                              (default: nil or model here, self in textViews)
+					      (default: nil or model here, self in textViews)
     [StyleSheet parameters:]
@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@
       textTabPositions                   defaults to #(1 9 17 25 ...)
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
     [see also:]
-        TextView EditTextView
+	TextView EditTextView
@@ -166,151 +166,151 @@
     anyway, here are a few examples:
      basic simple setup:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       specifying textMargins (these have NOTHING to do with the viewInset):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        l topMargin:10.
-        l leftMargin:20.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
+	l topMargin:10.
+	l leftMargin:20.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       globally set the fg/bg colors:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        l foregroundColor:(Color white).
-        l backgroundColor:(Color blue).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
+	l foregroundColor:(Color white).
+	l backgroundColor:(Color blue).
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       non-string (text) entries:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top list l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors') 
-                with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
-                collect:[:s :clr | 
-                            Text string:s 
-                                 emphasis:(Array with:#bold
-                                                 with:(#color->(Color name:clr))) ].
-        l list:list.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top list l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors') 
+		with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
+		collect:[:s :clr | 
+			    Text string:s 
+				 emphasis:(Array with:#bold
+						 with:(#color->(Color name:clr))) ].
+	l list:list.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       generic non-string entries:
       (notice: ColoredListEntry is obsoleted by Text)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top list l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors') 
-                with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
-                collect:[:s :clr | ColoredListEntry string:s color:(Color name:clr) ].
-        l list:list.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top list l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors') 
+		with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
+		collect:[:s :clr | ColoredListEntry string:s color:(Color name:clr) ].
+	l list:list.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       using a model (default listMessage is aspectMessage):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top model l theModelsText|
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#modelsAspect
-                   with:[ theModelsText ].
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l model:model.
-        l aspect:#modelsAspect.
-        top open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-        theModelsText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        model changed:#modelsAspect.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top model l theModelsText|
+	model := Plug new.
+	model respondTo:#modelsAspect
+		   with:[ theModelsText ].
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l model:model.
+	l aspect:#modelsAspect.
+	top open.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:3.
+	theModelsText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
+	model changed:#modelsAspect.
+									[exEnd]
       using a model with different aspects
       for two listViews:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top model l1 l2 plainText|
-        plainText := #('').
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#modelsUppercaseText
-                   with:[ plainText asStringCollection 
-                              collect:[:l | l asUppercase]].
-        model respondTo:#modelsLowercaseText
-                   with:[ plainText asStringCollection 
-                              collect:[:l | l asLowercase]].
-        top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        l1 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5 in:top.
-        l1 model:model.
-        l1 aspect:#modelsAspect.
-        l1 listMessage:#modelsUppercaseText.
-        l2 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l2 model:model.
-        l2 aspect:#modelsAspect.
-        l2 listMessage:#modelsLowercaseText.
-        top open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-        plainText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        model changed:#modelsAspect.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top model l1 l2 plainText|
+	plainText := #('').
+	model := Plug new.
+	model respondTo:#modelsUppercaseText
+		   with:[ plainText asStringCollection 
+			      collect:[:l | l asUppercase]].
+	model respondTo:#modelsLowercaseText
+		   with:[ plainText asStringCollection 
+			      collect:[:l | l asLowercase]].
+	top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
+	l1 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5 in:top.
+	l1 model:model.
+	l1 aspect:#modelsAspect.
+	l1 listMessage:#modelsUppercaseText.
+	l2 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l2 model:model.
+	l2 aspect:#modelsAspect.
+	l2 listMessage:#modelsLowercaseText.
+	top open.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:3.
+	plainText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
+	model changed:#modelsAspect.
+									[exEnd]
 ! !
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@
     "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
     <resource: #style (#textForegroundColor #textBackgroundColor
-                       #textTabPositions
-                       #textFont)>
+		       #textTabPositions
+		       #textFont)>
     DefaultForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textForegroundColor' default:Black.
     DefaultBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textBackgroundColor' default:White.
@@ -358,11 +358,11 @@
     "set the background color"
     bgColor ~~ aColor ifTrue:[
-        bgColor := aColor.
-        self viewBackground:bgColor.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self invalidate "/ clear; redraw
-        ]
+	bgColor := aColor.
+	self viewBackground:bgColor.
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidate "/ clear; redraw
+	]
     "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:18:48 / cg"
@@ -372,26 +372,26 @@
     "set the font for all shown text.
      Redraws everything.
      CAVEAT: with the addition of Text objects,
-             this method is going to be obsoleted by a textStyle
-             method, which allows specific control over
-             normalFont/boldFont/italicFont parameters."
+	     this method is going to be obsoleted by a textStyle
+	     method, which allows specific control over
+	     normalFont/boldFont/italicFont parameters."
     aFont isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self error:'nil font'
+	^ self error:'nil font'
     font ~~ aFont ifTrue:[
-        super font:aFont.
-        realized ifTrue:[
-            widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
-            (font graphicsDevice == device) ifTrue:[
-                self getFontParameters.
-                self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
-                shown ifTrue:[
-                    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
-                ]
-            ].
-            self contentsChanged
-        ]
+	super font:aFont.
+	realized ifTrue:[
+	    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+	    (font graphicsDevice == device) ifTrue:[
+		self getFontParameters.
+		self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
+		shown ifTrue:[
+		    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
+		]
+	    ].
+	    self contentsChanged
+	]
     "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 17:55:34 / cg"
@@ -407,10 +407,10 @@
     "set the foreground color"
     fgColor ~~ aColor ifTrue:[
-        fgColor := aColor.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self invalidate 
-        ]
+	fgColor := aColor.
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidate 
+	]
     "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:19:02 / cg"
@@ -420,11 +420,11 @@
     "set both foreground and background colors"
     ((fgColor ~~ color1) or:[bgColor ~~ color2]) ifTrue:[
-        fgColor := color1.
-        bgColor := color2.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self invalidate 
-        ]
+	fgColor := color1.
+	bgColor := color2.
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidate 
+	]
     "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:19:05 / cg"
@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@
      by which lines are vertically separated."
     lineSpacing ~~ pixels ifTrue:[
-        lineSpacing := pixels.
-        self getFontParameters.
+	lineSpacing := pixels.
+	self getFontParameters.
     "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 12:22:29 / cg"
@@ -583,12 +583,12 @@
     list notNil ifTrue:[
-        line := self listAt:lineNr.
-        line notNil ifTrue:[
-            (line size >= colNr) ifTrue:[
-                ^ line at:colNr
-            ]
-        ]
+	line := self listAt:lineNr.
+	line notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (line size >= colNr) ifTrue:[
+		^ line at:colNr
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ Character space
@@ -612,9 +612,9 @@
     l := something.
     l notNil ifTrue:[
-        l isString ifTrue:[
-            l := l asStringCollection
-        ]
+	l isString ifTrue:[
+	    l := l asStringCollection
+	]
     self list:l
@@ -661,20 +661,20 @@
     |oldFirst oldLeft|
     (aCollection isNil and:[list isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "no change"
-        self scrollToTop.
-        self scrollToLeft.
-        ^ self
+	"no change"
+	self scrollToTop.
+	self scrollToLeft.
+	^ self
     list := aCollection.
     list notNil ifTrue:[
-        expand ifTrue:[
-            self expandTabs
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            includesNonStrings := (list findFirst:[:e | e isString not]) ~~ 0.
-        ].
-        includesNonStrings ifTrue:[self getFontParameters].
+	expand ifTrue:[
+	    self expandTabs
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    includesNonStrings := (list findFirst:[:e | e isString not]) ~~ 0.
+	].
+	includesNonStrings ifTrue:[self getFontParameters].
     widthOfWidestLine := nil.   "/ i.e. unknown
@@ -683,16 +683,16 @@
     firstLineShown := 1.
     leftOffset := 0.
     realized ifTrue:[
-        self contentsChanged.
-        "
-         dont use scroll here to avoid the redraw
-        "
-        oldFirst ~~ firstLineShown ifTrue:[
-            self originChanged:0 @ ((oldFirst - 1) * fontHeight negated).
-        ].
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
-        ]
+	self contentsChanged.
+	"
+	 dont use scroll here to avoid the redraw
+	"
+	oldFirst ~~ firstLineShown ifTrue:[
+	    self originChanged:0 @ ((oldFirst - 1) * fontHeight negated).
+	].
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
+	]
     "Modified: 30.8.1995 / 19:07:13 / claus"
@@ -713,20 +713,20 @@
     shown ifFalse:[^ self].
     visLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:lineNr.
     visLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        w := self widthForScrollBetween:lineNr and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
-        srcY := topMargin + (visLine * fontHeight).
-        self catchExpose.
-        self copyFrom:self x:textStartLeft y:srcY
-                         toX:textStartLeft y:(srcY - fontHeight)
-                       width:w height:((nLinesShown - visLine) * fontHeight).
-        self redrawVisibleLine:nFullLinesShown.
-        "
-         redraw last partial line - if any
-        "
-        (nFullLinesShown ~~ nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            self redrawVisibleLine:nLinesShown
-        ].
-        self waitForExpose
+	w := self widthForScrollBetween:lineNr and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
+	srcY := topMargin + (visLine * fontHeight).
+	self catchExpose.
+	self copyFrom:self x:textStartLeft y:srcY
+			 toX:textStartLeft y:(srcY - fontHeight)
+		       width:w height:((nLinesShown - visLine) * fontHeight).
+	self redrawVisibleLine:nFullLinesShown.
+	"
+	 redraw last partial line - if any
+	"
+	(nFullLinesShown ~~ nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+	    self redrawVisibleLine:nLinesShown
+	].
+	self waitForExpose
     "Modified: 26.4.1996 / 13:44:47 / cg"
@@ -786,40 +786,40 @@
     (aCollection isNil and:[list isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "no change"
-        ^ self
+	"no change"
+	^ self
     list := aCollection.
     list notNil ifTrue:[
-        expandTabs ifTrue:[
-            self expandTabs
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            includesNonStrings := (list findFirst:[:e | e isString not]) ~~ 0.
-        ].
-        includesNonStrings ifTrue:[self getFontParameters].
+	expandTabs ifTrue:[
+	    self expandTabs
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    includesNonStrings := (list findFirst:[:e | e isString not]) ~~ 0.
+	].
+	includesNonStrings ifTrue:[self getFontParameters].
 "/ new - reposition horizontally if too big
     widthOfWidestLine := nil.   "/ i.e. unknown
     innerWidth >= self widthOfContents ifTrue:[
-        leftOffset := 0.
+	leftOffset := 0.
     self contentsChanged.
 "/ new - reposition vertically if too big
     (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown) > self size ifTrue:[
-        oldFirst := firstLineShown.
-        firstLineShown := self size - nFullLinesShown + 1.
-        firstLineShown < 1 ifTrue:[firstLineShown := 1].
-        self originChanged:0 @ ((oldFirst - 1) negated * fontHeight).
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self clear.
-        ]
+	oldFirst := firstLineShown.
+	firstLineShown := self size - nFullLinesShown + 1.
+	firstLineShown < 1 ifTrue:[firstLineShown := 1].
+	self originChanged:0 @ ((oldFirst - 1) negated * fontHeight).
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    self clear.
+	]
 "/ end new
     shown ifTrue:[
-        self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
+	self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
     "Modified: 18.12.1995 / 23:27:54 / stefan"
@@ -841,23 +841,23 @@
     self checkForExistingLine:index.
     list at:index put:aString.
     includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
-        includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[aString isString not]).
+	includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[aString isString not]).
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (aString isNil or:[aString isString]) ifTrue:[
-            includesNonStrings := (list findFirst:[:l | l notNil and:[l isString not]]) ~~ 0.
-        ]
+	(aString isNil or:[aString isString]) ifTrue:[
+	    includesNonStrings := (list findFirst:[:l | l notNil and:[l isString not]]) ~~ 0.
+	]
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        aString isString ifTrue:[
-            w := font widthOf:aString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            w := aString widthOn:self
-        ].
-        w > widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
-            widthOfWidestLine := w
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            widthOfWidestLine := nil "/ means: unknown
-        ].
+	aString isString ifTrue:[
+	    w := font widthOf:aString
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    w := aString widthOn:self
+	].
+	w > widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
+	    widthOfWidestLine := w
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    widthOfWidestLine := nil "/ means: unknown
+	].
     "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 20:09:56 / cg"
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
      Can be changed with #menuPerformer:"
     menuPerformer notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ menuPerformer
+	^ menuPerformer
     ^ super menuPerformer
@@ -932,15 +932,15 @@
      plug := Plug new.
      plug respondTo:#textMenu
-               with:[ |m|
-                        m := PopUpMenu
-                                  labels:#('copy' 'foo' '-' 'others')
-                                  selectors:#(copySelection foo nil others).
-                        m subMenuAt:#others
-                                put:(PopUpMenu 
-                                        labels:#('bar' 'goto')
-                                        selectors:#(bar gotoLine))        
-                    ].
+	       with:[ |m|
+			m := PopUpMenu
+				  labels:#('copy' 'foo' '-' 'others')
+				  selectors:#(copySelection foo nil others).
+			m subMenuAt:#others
+				put:(PopUpMenu 
+					labels:#('bar' 'goto')
+					selectors:#(bar gotoLine))        
+		    ].
      top := StandardSystemView new.
      top extent:300@300.
@@ -1022,9 +1022,9 @@
     self paint:bg.
     self fillRectangleX:margin 
-                      y:y-sH
-                  width:(width - (margin * 2))
-                 height:(endVisLineNr - startVisLineNr + 1) * fontHeight + (lineSpacing - sH).
+		      y:y-sH
+		  width:(width - (margin * 2))
+		 height:(endVisLineNr - startVisLineNr + 1) * fontHeight + (lineSpacing - sH).
     list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
     y := y + fontAscent.
@@ -1033,25 +1033,25 @@
     startLine := startVisLineNr + firstLineShown - 1.
     endLine := endVisLineNr + firstLineShown - 1.
     (startLine == 0) ifTrue:[
-        y := y + fontHeight.
-        startLine := startLine + 1
+	y := y + fontHeight.
+	startLine := startLine + 1
     (endLine > listSize) ifTrue:[
-        e := listSize
+	e := listSize
     ] ifFalse:[
-        e := endLine
+	e := endLine
     (startLine <= e) ifTrue:[
-        x := textStartLeft - leftOffset.
-        self paint:fg on:bg.
-        self from:startLine to:e do:[:line |
-            line notNil ifTrue:[
-                self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:y
-            ].
-            y := y + fontHeight
-        ]
+	x := textStartLeft - leftOffset.
+	self paint:fg on:bg.
+	self from:startLine to:e do:[:line |
+	    line notNil ifTrue:[
+		self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:y
+	    ].
+	    y := y + fontHeight
+	]
     "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 16:41:48 / cg"
@@ -1067,11 +1067,11 @@
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
     self paint:bg.
     self fillRectangleX:margin y:y - (lineSpacing//2)
-                  width:(width - (2 * margin)) 
-                 height:fontHeight.
+		  width:(width - (2 * margin)) 
+		 height:fontHeight.
     line notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paint:fg on:bg.
-        self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	self paint:fg on:bg.
+	self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
     "Modified: 28.2.1996 / 14:46:07 / cg"
@@ -1090,8 +1090,8 @@
 "/                  width:(width - margin - x) 
 "/                 height:fontHeight.
     line notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paint:fg on:bg.
-        self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	self paint:fg on:bg.
+	self displayOpaqueString:line x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
     "Modified: 28.2.1996 / 18:36:33 / cg"
@@ -1116,20 +1116,20 @@
     (lineString notNil and:[lineString isString not])
-        self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
+	self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
     ] ifFalse:[
-        yf := y - (lineSpacing//2).
-        col > lineString size ifTrue:[
-            self fillRectangleX:x y:yf width:(font width) height:fontHeight.
-            self paint:fg
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            characterString := lineString copyFrom:col to:col.
-            self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
-                          width:(font widthOf:characterString)
-                         height:fontHeight.
-            self paint:fg.
-            self displayString:characterString x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-        ]
+	yf := y - (lineSpacing//2).
+	col > lineString size ifTrue:[
+	    self fillRectangleX:x y:yf width:(font width) height:fontHeight.
+	    self paint:fg
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    characterString := lineString copyFrom:col to:col.
+	    self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
+			  width:(font widthOf:characterString)
+			 height:fontHeight.
+	    self paint:fg.
+	    self displayString:characterString x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	]
     "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 12:47:07 / cg"
@@ -1141,45 +1141,45 @@
     |y yf x lineString len characterString w|
     (endCol >= startCol) ifTrue:[
-        lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
-        (lineString notNil and:[lineString isString not])
-        ifTrue:[
-            self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            x := (self xOfCol:startCol inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - leftOffset.
-            y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr).
-            yf := y - (lineSpacing // 2).
-            len := lineString size.
-            (startCol > len) ifTrue:[
-                len := endCol - startCol + 1.
-                self paint:bg.
-                self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
-                              width:(fontWidth * len) 
-                             height:fontHeight
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (endCol > len) ifTrue:[
-                    characterString := lineString species new:endCol.
-                    characterString replaceFrom:1 to:len with:lineString startingAt:1.
-                    lineString := characterString
-                ].
-                self paint:bg.
-                fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-                    w := (endCol - startCol + 1) * fontWidth
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (lineString isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
-                        w := font widthOf:lineString from:startCol to:endCol
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        w := (lineString copyFrom:startCol to:endCol) widthOn:self
-                    ]
-                ].
-                self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
-                              width:w
-                              height:fontHeight.
-                self paint:fg on:bg.
-                self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:startCol to:endCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-            ]
-        ]
+	lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
+	(lineString notNil and:[lineString isString not])
+	ifTrue:[
+	    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    x := (self xOfCol:startCol inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - leftOffset.
+	    y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr).
+	    yf := y - (lineSpacing // 2).
+	    len := lineString size.
+	    (startCol > len) ifTrue:[
+		len := endCol - startCol + 1.
+		self paint:bg.
+		self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
+			      width:(fontWidth * len) 
+			     height:fontHeight
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(endCol > len) ifTrue:[
+		    characterString := lineString species new:endCol.
+		    characterString replaceFrom:1 to:len with:lineString startingAt:1.
+		    lineString := characterString
+		].
+		self paint:bg.
+		fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
+		    w := (endCol - startCol + 1) * fontWidth
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    (lineString isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
+			w := font widthOf:lineString from:startCol to:endCol
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			w := (lineString copyFrom:startCol to:endCol) widthOn:self
+		    ]
+		].
+		self fillRectangleX:x y:yf 
+			      width:w
+			      height:fontHeight.
+		self paint:fg on:bg.
+		self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:startCol to:endCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 15:52:35 / cg"
@@ -1191,29 +1191,29 @@
     |y x lineString index1 index2|
     (startCol < 1) ifTrue:[
-        index1 := 1
+	index1 := 1
     ] ifFalse:[
-        index1 := startCol
+	index1 := startCol
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
     x := (self xOfCol:index1 inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - leftOffset.
     self paint:bg.
     self fillRectangleX:x y:y - (lineSpacing // 2)
-                  width:(width + leftOffset - x)
-                 height:fontHeight.
+		  width:(width + leftOffset - x)
+		 height:fontHeight.
     lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
     lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineString isString ifFalse:[
-            self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            index2 := lineString size.
-            (index2 < index1) ifTrue:[^ self].
-            (index1 <= index2) ifTrue:[
-                self paint:fg on:bg.
-                self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-            ]
-        ]
+	lineString isString ifFalse:[
+	    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    index2 := lineString size.
+	    (index2 < index1) ifTrue:[^ self].
+	    (index1 <= index2) ifTrue:[
+		self paint:fg on:bg.
+		self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 12:47:49 / cg"
@@ -1223,11 +1223,11 @@
     "draw a visible line in fg/bg"
-        drawLine:(self visibleAt:visLineNr) 
-        atX:(textStartLeft - leftOffset) 
-        inVisible:visLineNr 
-        with:fg 
-        and:bg
+	drawLine:(self visibleAt:visLineNr) 
+	atX:(textStartLeft - leftOffset) 
+	inVisible:visLineNr 
+	with:fg 
+	and:bg
     "Modified: 28.2.1996 / 19:30:23 / cg"
 ! !
@@ -1350,12 +1350,12 @@
      if we are behond the end, scroll up a bit
     ((firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown) > listSize) ifTrue:[
-        newOrigin := listSize - nFullLinesShown + 1.
-        newOrigin < 1 ifTrue:[
-            newOrigin := 1
-        ].
-        self scrollToLine: newOrigin.
-        ^ self
+	newOrigin := listSize - nFullLinesShown + 1.
+	newOrigin < 1 ifTrue:[
+	    newOrigin := 1
+	].
+	self scrollToLine: newOrigin.
+	^ self
     "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:19:23 / cg"
@@ -1417,19 +1417,19 @@
     extentChanged ifTrue:[
-        self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
+	self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
     firstLineShown ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-        sz := self size.
-        firstLineShown + nLinesShown > sz ifTrue:[
-            self scrollToLine:sz - nLinesShown.
-        ]
+	sz := self size.
+	firstLineShown + nLinesShown > sz ifTrue:[
+	    self scrollToLine:sz - nLinesShown.
+	]
     super realize.
     list isNil ifTrue:[
-        self getListFromModel
+	self getListFromModel
     "Modified: 26.5.1996 / 16:00:07 / cg"
@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
      for fix fonts, this is easy ...
     fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-        ^ (xRel // fontWidth) + 1
+	^ (xRel // fontWidth) + 1
@@ -1515,25 +1515,25 @@
     lineString := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
     lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineString := lineString asString.
-        (hasEmphasis := lineString hasChangeOfEmphasis) ifTrue:[
-            linePixelWidth := lineString widthOn:self
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            linePixelWidth := font widthOf:lineString
-        ]
+	lineString := lineString asString.
+	(hasEmphasis := lineString hasChangeOfEmphasis) ifTrue:[
+	    linePixelWidth := lineString widthOn:self
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    linePixelWidth := font widthOf:lineString
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        linePixelWidth := 0
+	linePixelWidth := 0
     (linePixelWidth <= xRel) ifTrue:[
-        fontWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
-            "
-             although this 'cannot happen',
-             it seems that X reports this width for some strange fonts ...
-            "
-            ^ lineString size   
-        ].
-        ^ lineString size + ((xRel - linePixelWidth) // fontWidth) + 1
+	fontWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     although this 'cannot happen',
+	     it seems that X reports this width for some strange fonts ...
+	    "
+	    ^ lineString size   
+	].
+	^ lineString size + ((xRel - linePixelWidth) // fontWidth) + 1
     "/ cannot simply count individual characters,
@@ -1543,37 +1543,37 @@
     (runCol == 0) ifTrue:[runCol := 1].
     hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
-        posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
-        posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
+	posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
+	posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
     ] ifFalse:[    
-        posLeft := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1).
-        posRight := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol.
+	posLeft := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1).
+	posRight := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol.
     done := (posLeft <= xRel) and:[posRight > xRel].
     [done] whileFalse:[
-        (posRight <= xRel) ifTrue:[
-            runCol := runCol + 1.
-            posLeft := posRight.
-            hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
-                posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                posRight := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (posLeft > xRel) ifTrue:[
-                runCol := runCol - 1.
-                (runCol == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].
-                posRight := posLeft.
-                hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
-                    posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    posLeft := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1)
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        done := (posLeft <= xRel) and:[posRight > xRel]
+	(posRight <= xRel) ifTrue:[
+	    runCol := runCol + 1.
+	    posLeft := posRight.
+	    hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
+		posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		posRight := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (posLeft > xRel) ifTrue:[
+		runCol := runCol - 1.
+		(runCol == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].
+		posRight := posLeft.
+		hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
+		    posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    posLeft := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1)
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	done := (posLeft <= xRel) and:[posRight > xRel]
     ^ runCol
@@ -1591,9 +1591,9 @@
     nLinesShown := nFullLinesShown.
     partialLines ifTrue:[
-        ((nLinesShown * fontHeight) < innerHeight) ifTrue:[
-            nLinesShown := nLinesShown + 1
-        ]
+	((nLinesShown * fontHeight) < innerHeight) ifTrue:[
+	    nLinesShown := nLinesShown + 1
+	]
     "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 14:48:43 / cg"
@@ -1612,38 +1612,38 @@
     newLine := ''.
     aList do:[:line |
-        ((line size == 0) or:[line isBlank]) ifTrue:[
-            newList add:newLine.
-            newLine := ''
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            special := ((line at:1) == ${) or:[(line includes:$\)].
-            special := special or:[(line at:1) == $}].
-            special ifFalse:[
-                newList add:(newLine , line)
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                charIndex := 1.
-                [charIndex <= line size] whileTrue:[
-                    char := line at:charIndex.
-                    ((char == ${ ) or:[char == $} ]) ifTrue:[
-                        "left-brace: ignore rest of line"
-                        charIndex := line size + 1
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        (char == $\) ifTrue:[
-                            inEscape := true
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            inEscape ifTrue:[
-                                (char == Character space) ifTrue:[
-                                    inEscape := false
-                                ]
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                newLine := newLine copyWith:char
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                        charIndex := charIndex + 1
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	((line size == 0) or:[line isBlank]) ifTrue:[
+	    newList add:newLine.
+	    newLine := ''
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    special := ((line at:1) == ${) or:[(line includes:$\)].
+	    special := special or:[(line at:1) == $}].
+	    special ifFalse:[
+		newList add:(newLine , line)
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		charIndex := 1.
+		[charIndex <= line size] whileTrue:[
+		    char := line at:charIndex.
+		    ((char == ${ ) or:[char == $} ]) ifTrue:[
+			"left-brace: ignore rest of line"
+			charIndex := line size + 1
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			(char == $\) ifTrue:[
+			    inEscape := true
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    inEscape ifTrue:[
+				(char == Character space) ifTrue:[
+				    inEscape := false
+				]
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				newLine := newLine copyWith:char
+			    ]
+			].
+			charIndex := charIndex + 1
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ newList
@@ -1659,10 +1659,10 @@
     font := font on:device.
     includesNonStrings == true ifTrue:[
-        "/ for now, we do not support variable height entries ...
-        fontHeight := list first heightOn:self
+	"/ for now, we do not support variable height entries ...
+	fontHeight := list first heightOn:self
     ] ifFalse:[
-        fontHeight := font height. "/ maxHeight.
+	fontHeight := font height. "/ maxHeight.
     fontHeight := fontHeight + lineSpacing.
     fontAscent := font ascent. "/ maxAscent.
@@ -1679,21 +1679,21 @@
     |text msg|
     model notNil ifTrue:[
-        msg := listMsg.
-        msg isNil ifTrue:[
-            msg := aspectMsg
-        ].
-        msg notNil ifTrue:[
-            text := model perform:msg.
-            text notNil ifTrue:[
-                text := text asStringCollection.
-            ].
-            text ~~ list ifTrue:[
-                self list:text
-            ].
-        ].
+	msg := listMsg.
+	msg isNil ifTrue:[
+	    msg := aspectMsg
+	].
+	msg notNil ifTrue:[
+	    text := model perform:msg.
+	    text notNil ifTrue:[
+		text := text asStringCollection.
+	    ].
+	    text ~~ list ifTrue:[
+		self list:text
+	    ].
+	].
     "Modified: 26.4.1996 / 14:09:42 / cg"
@@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@
     entry isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
     entry isString ifTrue:[
-        ^ font widthOf:entry
+	^ font widthOf:entry
     ^ entry widthOn:self
@@ -1918,25 +1918,25 @@
     tcol := col - 1.
     fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-        ^ (tcol * fontWidth) + textStartLeft
+	^ (tcol * fontWidth) + textStartLeft
     line := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
     line notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineSize := line size
+	lineSize := line size
     ] ifFalse:[
-        lineSize := 0
+	lineSize := 0
     (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (tcol * fontWidth) + textStartLeft
+	^ (tcol * fontWidth) + textStartLeft
     (lineSize < col) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (line widthOn:self) 
-          + (fontWidth * (tcol - lineSize)) 
-          + textStartLeft
+	^ (line widthOn:self) 
+	  + (fontWidth * (tcol - lineSize)) 
+	  + textStartLeft
     (line isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (font widthOf:line from:1 to:tcol) + textStartLeft
+	^ (font widthOf:line from:1 to:tcol) + textStartLeft
     ^ ((line copyTo:tcol) widthOn:self) + textStartLeft
@@ -2018,9 +2018,9 @@
     lineString := self listAt:lineNr.
     lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-        indent := lineString leftIndent.
-        indent == lineString size ifTrue:[^ 0].
-        ^ indent.
+	indent := lineString leftIndent.
+	indent == lineString size ifTrue:[^ 0].
+	^ indent.
     ^ 0
@@ -2106,42 +2106,42 @@
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[^ widthOfWidestLine + (leftMargin * 2)].
     device isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ mhmh - really dont know yet
-        f := font on:Screen current
+	"/ mhmh - really dont know yet
+	f := font on:Screen current
     ] ifFalse:[
-        f := font := font on:device.
+	f := font := font on:device.
     includesNonStrings ifTrue:[
-        max := list 
-                   inject:0 
-                   into:[:maxSoFar :entry |
-                             (
-                                 entry isNil ifTrue:[
-                                     0
-                                 ] ifFalse:[
-                                    entry isString ifTrue:[
-                                        f widthOf:entry
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        entry widthOn:self
-                                    ]
-                                 ]
-                             ) max:maxSoFar.
-                        ]
+	max := list 
+		   inject:0 
+		   into:[:maxSoFar :entry |
+			     (
+				 entry isNil ifTrue:[
+				     0
+				 ] ifFalse:[
+				    entry isString ifTrue:[
+					f widthOf:entry
+				    ] ifFalse:[
+					entry widthOn:self
+				    ]
+				 ]
+			     ) max:maxSoFar.
+			]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-            max := self lengthOfLongestLine * fontWidth
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            max := 0.
-            list notNil ifTrue:[
-                list do:[:line |
-                    line notNil ifTrue:[
-                        max := max max:(line widthOn:self)
-                    ]
-                ].
+	fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
+	    max := self lengthOfLongestLine * fontWidth
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    max := 0.
+	    list notNil ifTrue:[
+		list do:[:line |
+		    line notNil ifTrue:[
+			max := max max:(line widthOn:self)
+		    ]
+		].
 "/                max := max max:(f widthOf:list)
-            ].
-        ].
+	    ].
+	].
     widthOfWidestLine := max.
     ^ max + (leftMargin * 2)
@@ -2396,24 +2396,24 @@
     (aListLineNr isNil "or:[shown not]") ifTrue:[^ self].
     shown ifFalse:[
-        firstLineShown := (aListLineNr - 1) max:1.
-        ^ self
+	firstLineShown := (aListLineNr - 1) max:1.
+	^ self
     (aListLineNr >= firstLineShown) ifTrue:[
-        (aListLineNr < (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown)) ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ]
+	(aListLineNr < (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown)) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self
+	]
     (aListLineNr < nFullLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self scrollToLine:1
+	^ self scrollToLine:1
     (nFullLinesShown < 3) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self scrollToLine:aListLineNr
+	^ self scrollToLine:aListLineNr
     bott := self numberOfLines - (nFullLinesShown - 1).
     (aListLineNr > bott) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self scrollToLine:bott
+	^ self scrollToLine:bott
     self scrollToLine:(aListLineNr - (nFullLinesShown // 2) + 1)
@@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@
     nLines := nFullLinesShown.
     (firstLineShown + nLines + nFullLinesShown > self size) ifTrue:[
-        nLines := self size - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1
+	nLines := self size - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1
     nLines <= 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -2456,14 +2456,14 @@
     (firstLineShown == 1) ifFalse:[
-        self originWillChange.
-        oldOrg := firstLineShown.
-        firstLineShown := firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown.
-        (firstLineShown < 1) ifTrue:[
-            firstLineShown := 1
-        ].
-        self originChanged:0 @ (firstLineShown - oldOrg * fontHeight).
-        self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
+	self originWillChange.
+	oldOrg := firstLineShown.
+	firstLineShown := firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown.
+	(firstLineShown < 1) ifTrue:[
+	    firstLineShown := 1
+	].
+	self originChanged:0 @ (firstLineShown - oldOrg * fontHeight).
+	self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
@@ -2490,7 +2490,7 @@
     count := nLines.
     sz := self size.
     (firstLineShown + nLines + nFullLinesShown > sz) ifTrue:[
-        count := sz - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1
+	count := sz - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1
     count <= 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -2498,46 +2498,46 @@
     nPixel := fontHeight * count.
     shown ifFalse:[
-        firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
-        viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
+	firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
+	viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            m2 := margin * 2.
-            w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown 
-                                        and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
-            w := w + leftMargin.
-            sH := lineSpacing // 2.    
-            y0 := textStartTop - sH.
-            h := nPixel + y0.
-            n := height - h + (lineSpacing " //2 ").   
-            y1 := h + n - 1.
-            y1 >= (height - margin) ifTrue:[
-                partialCopy := true.
-                y1 := height - margin - 1
-            ].
-            self catchExpose.
-            self copyFrom:self x:margin y:h
-                             toX:margin y:y0
-                           width:w height:(y1 - h + 1).
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
-            (partialCopy == true and:[lineSpacing ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-                self paint:bgColor.
-                self fillRectangleX:margin y:(y0 + (y1 - h + 1))
-                              width:w height:sH.
-            ].
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:(nFullLinesShown - count + 1) to:nLinesShown.
-            self waitForExpose.
-        ].
+	(count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    m2 := margin * 2.
+	    w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown 
+					and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
+	    w := w + leftMargin.
+	    sH := lineSpacing // 2.    
+	    y0 := textStartTop - sH.
+	    h := nPixel + y0.
+	    n := height - h + (lineSpacing " //2 ").   
+	    y1 := h + n - 1.
+	    y1 >= (height - margin) ifTrue:[
+		partialCopy := true.
+		y1 := height - margin - 1
+	    ].
+	    self catchExpose.
+	    self copyFrom:self x:margin y:h
+			     toX:margin y:y0
+			   width:w height:(y1 - h + 1).
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
+	    (partialCopy == true and:[lineSpacing ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+		self paint:bgColor.
+		self fillRectangleX:margin y:(y0 + (y1 - h + 1))
+			      width:w height:sH.
+	    ].
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:(nFullLinesShown - count + 1) to:nLinesShown.
+	    self waitForExpose.
+	].
     self originChanged:(0 @ nPixel).
@@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@
     count := nLines.
     sz := self size.
     (firstLineShown + nLines + nFullLinesShown > sz) ifTrue:[
-        count := sz - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1
+	count := sz - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1
     count <= 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -2570,46 +2570,46 @@
     nPixel := fontHeight * count.
     shown ifFalse:[
-        firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
-        viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
+	firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
+	viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            m2 := margin * 2.
-            w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown 
-                                        and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
-            w := w + leftMargin.
-            sH := lineSpacing // 2.    
-            y0 := textStartTop - sH.
-            h := nPixel + y0.
-            n := height - h + (lineSpacing " //2 ").   
-            y1 := h + n - 1.
-            y1 >= (height - margin) ifTrue:[
-                partialCopy := true.
-                y1 := height - margin - 1
-            ].
-            self catchExpose.
-            self copyFrom:self x:margin y:h
-                             toX:margin y:y0
-                           width:w height:(y1 - h + 1).
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
-            (partialCopy == true and:[lineSpacing ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-                self paint:bgColor.
-                self fillRectangleX:margin y:(y0 + (y1 - h + 1))
-                              width:w height:sH.
-            ].
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:(nFullLinesShown - count + 1) to:nLinesShown.
-            self waitForExpose.
-        ].
+	(count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    m2 := margin * 2.
+	    w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown 
+					and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
+	    w := w + leftMargin.
+	    sH := lineSpacing // 2.    
+	    y0 := textStartTop - sH.
+	    h := nPixel + y0.
+	    n := height - h + (lineSpacing " //2 ").   
+	    y1 := h + n - 1.
+	    y1 >= (height - margin) ifTrue:[
+		partialCopy := true.
+		y1 := height - margin - 1
+	    ].
+	    self catchExpose.
+	    self copyFrom:self x:margin y:h
+			     toX:margin y:y0
+			   width:w height:(y1 - h + 1).
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown + count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixel).
+	    (partialCopy == true and:[lineSpacing ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+		self paint:bgColor.
+		self fillRectangleX:margin y:(y0 + (y1 - h + 1))
+			      width:w height:sH.
+	    ].
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:(nFullLinesShown - count + 1) to:nLinesShown.
+	    self waitForExpose.
+	].
     self originChanged:(0 @ nPixel).
@@ -2648,8 +2648,8 @@
     newLeftOffset := leftOffset - nPixel.
     newLeftOffset <= 0 ifTrue:[
-        leftOffset == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-        newLeftOffset := 0
+	leftOffset == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+	newLeftOffset := 0
     self originWillChange.
@@ -2685,7 +2685,7 @@
     wMax := self widthOfContents + 10.
     (leftOffset + nPixel + width > wMax) ifTrue:[
-        cnt := wMax - leftOffset - width
+	cnt := wMax - leftOffset - width
 " "
     cnt <= 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -2725,38 +2725,38 @@
      orgY "{ Class:SmallInteger }" |
     transformation isNil ifTrue:[
-        orgY := orgX := 0
+	orgY := orgX := 0
     ] ifFalse:[
-        orgY := transformation translation y negated.
-        orgX := transformation translation x negated
+	orgY := transformation translation y negated.
+	orgX := transformation translation x negated
     dX := newOrigin x - orgX.
     dY := newOrigin y - orgY.
     dX = 0 ifTrue:[
-        dY < 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self scrollUp:(dY negated).
-        ].
-        dY > 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self scrollDown:dY.
-        ].
-        ^ self
+	dY < 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self scrollUp:(dY negated).
+	].
+	dY > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self scrollDown:dY.
+	].
+	^ self
     dY = 0 ifTrue:[
-        dX < 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self scrollLeft:dX negated
-        ].
-        dX > 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self scrollRight:dX
-        ].
+	dX < 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self scrollLeft:dX negated
+	].
+	dX > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self scrollRight:dX
+	].
     self originWillChange.
     self setViewOrigin:newOrigin.
     shown ifTrue:[
-        m2 := margin * 2. "top & bottom margins"
-        self redrawDeviceX:margin y:margin
-                     width:(width - m2)
-                    height:(height - m2).
+	m2 := margin * 2. "top & bottom margins"
+	self redrawDeviceX:margin y:margin
+		     width:(width - m2)
+		    height:(height - m2).
     self originChanged:(dX negated @ dY negated).
@@ -2816,6 +2816,15 @@
+    "scroll to a position given in percent of total"
+    "kludge - ListView thinks in lines"
+    self scrollHorizontalToPercent:percentOrigin x.
+    self scrollVerticalToPercent:percentOrigin y.
     "change origin to start of text"
@@ -2840,34 +2849,34 @@
     count := nLines.
     count >= firstLineShown ifTrue:[
-        count := firstLineShown - 1
+	count := firstLineShown - 1
     (count == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
     self originWillChange.
     nPixel := fontHeight * count.
     shown ifFalse:[
-        firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
-        viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
+	firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
+	viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown
-                                        and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
-            w := w + leftMargin.
-            h := nPixel + margin.
-            self catchExpose.
-            self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin 
-                             toX:margin y:h
-                           width:w height:(height - h).
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:count.
-            self waitForExpose.
-        ].
+	(count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown
+					and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
+	    w := w + leftMargin.
+	    h := nPixel + margin.
+	    self catchExpose.
+	    self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin 
+			     toX:margin y:h
+			   width:w height:(height - h).
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:count.
+	    self waitForExpose.
+	].
     self originChanged:(0 @ (nPixel negated)).
@@ -2888,34 +2897,34 @@
     count := nLines.
     count >= firstLineShown ifTrue:[
-        count := firstLineShown - 1
+	count := firstLineShown - 1
     (count == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
     self originWillChange.
     nPixel := fontHeight * count.
     shown ifFalse:[
-        firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
-        viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
+	firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
+	viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown
-                                        and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
-            w := w + leftMargin.
-            h := nPixel + margin.
-            self catchExpose.
-            self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin 
-                             toX:margin y:h
-                           width:w height:(height - h).
-            firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:count.
-            self waitForExpose.
-        ].
+	(count >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    w := self widthForScrollBetween:firstLineShown
+					and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
+	    w := w + leftMargin.
+	    h := nPixel + margin.
+	    self catchExpose.
+	    self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin 
+			     toX:margin y:h
+			   width:w height:(height - h).
+	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown - count.
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - nPixel).
+	    self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:count.
+	    self waitForExpose.
+	].
     self originChanged:(0 @ (nPixel negated)).
@@ -3136,47 +3145,47 @@
     patternSize := pattern size.
     (list notNil and:[patternSize ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-        self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
+	self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
 "/            searchPattern := pattern.
-            col := startCol - 1.
-            firstChar := pattern at:1.
-            col > (list at:startLine) size ifTrue:[
-                col := -999
-            ].
-            line1 := startLine.
-            line1 to:1 by:-1 do:[:lnr |
-                lineString := list at:lnr.
-                lineString notNil ifTrue:[
+	    col := startCol - 1.
+	    firstChar := pattern at:1.
+	    col > (list at:startLine) size ifTrue:[
+		col := -999
+	    ].
+	    line1 := startLine.
+	    line1 to:1 by:-1 do:[:lnr |
+		lineString := list at:lnr.
+		lineString notNil ifTrue:[
 		    lineSize := lineString size.
-                    col == -999 ifTrue:[col := lineSize - patternSize + 1].
-                    [(col > 0) and:[(lineString at:col) ~= firstChar]] whileTrue:[
-                        col := col - 1
-                    ].
-                    [col > 0] whileTrue:[
-                        cc := col.
-                        found := true.
-                        1 to:patternSize do:[:cnr |
-                            cc > lineSize ifTrue:[
-                                found := false
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                (pattern at:cnr) ~= (lineString at:cc) ifTrue:[
-                                    found := false
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            cc := cc + 1
-                        ].
-                        found ifTrue:[
-                            ^ block1 value:lnr value:col.
-                        ].
-                        col := col - 1.
-                        [(col > 0) and:[(lineString at:col) ~= firstChar]] whileTrue:[
-                            col := col - 1
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ].
-                col := -999.
-            ]
-        ]
+		    col == -999 ifTrue:[col := lineSize - patternSize + 1].
+		    [(col > 0) and:[(lineString at:col) ~= firstChar]] whileTrue:[
+			col := col - 1
+		    ].
+		    [col > 0] whileTrue:[
+			cc := col.
+			found := true.
+			1 to:patternSize do:[:cnr |
+			    cc > lineSize ifTrue:[
+				found := false
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				(pattern at:cnr) ~= (lineString at:cc) ifTrue:[
+				    found := false
+				]
+			    ].
+			    cc := cc + 1
+			].
+			found ifTrue:[
+			    ^ block1 value:lnr value:col.
+			].
+			col := col - 1.
+			[(col > 0) and:[(lineString at:col) ~= firstChar]] whileTrue:[
+			    col := col - 1
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+		col := -999.
+	    ]
+	]
     "not found"
@@ -3197,52 +3206,52 @@
     patternSize := pattern size.
     (list notNil and:[patternSize ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-        self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
-            col := startCol + 1.
-            line1 := startLine.
-            line2 := list size.
-            pattern includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
-                p := pattern species new:0.
-                (pattern startsWith:$*) ifFalse:[
-                    p := p , '*'
-                ].
-                p := p , pattern.
-                (pattern endsWith:$*) ifFalse:[
-                    p := p , '*'
-                ].
-                realPattern := pattern.
-                (realPattern startsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
-                    realPattern := realPattern copyFrom:2
-                ].
-                line1 to:line2 do:[:lnr |
-                    lineString := list at:lnr.
-                    lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-                        "/ first a crude check ...
-                        (p match:lineString) ifTrue:[
-                            "/ ok, there it is; look at which position
-                            col := lineString findMatchString:realPattern startingAt:col ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:0.
-                            col ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                ^ block1 value:lnr value:col.
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    col := 1
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                line1 to:line2 do:[:lnr |
-                    lineString := list at:lnr.
-                    lineString isString ifTrue:[
-                        col := lineString findString:pattern startingAt:col ifAbsent:0.
-                        col ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                            ^ block1 value:lnr value:col.
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    col := 1
-                ]
-            ].
-        ]
+	self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
+	    col := startCol + 1.
+	    line1 := startLine.
+	    line2 := list size.
+	    pattern includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
+		p := pattern species new:0.
+		(pattern startsWith:$*) ifFalse:[
+		    p := p , '*'
+		].
+		p := p , pattern.
+		(pattern endsWith:$*) ifFalse:[
+		    p := p , '*'
+		].
+		realPattern := pattern.
+		(realPattern startsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
+		    realPattern := realPattern copyFrom:2
+		].
+		line1 to:line2 do:[:lnr |
+		    lineString := list at:lnr.
+		    lineString notNil ifTrue:[
+			"/ first a crude check ...
+			(p match:lineString) ifTrue:[
+			    "/ ok, there it is; look at which position
+			    col := lineString findMatchString:realPattern startingAt:col ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:0.
+			    col ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+				^ block1 value:lnr value:col.
+			    ]
+			].
+		    ].
+		    col := 1
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		line1 to:line2 do:[:lnr |
+		    lineString := list at:lnr.
+		    lineString isString ifTrue:[
+			col := lineString findString:pattern startingAt:col ifAbsent:0.
+			col ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+			    ^ block1 value:lnr value:col.
+			]
+		    ].
+		    col := 1
+		]
+	    ].
+	]
     "not found"
@@ -3262,20 +3271,20 @@
     includesNonStrings := false.
     list notNil ifTrue:[
-        nLines := self size.
-        1 to:nLines do:[:index |
-            line := self at:index.
-            line notNil ifTrue:[
-                line isString ifTrue:[
-                    newLine := line withTabsExpanded.
-                    newLine ~~ line ifTrue:[
-                        self withoutRedrawAt:index put:newLine
-                    ].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    includesNonStrings := true.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	nLines := self size.
+	1 to:nLines do:[:index |
+	    line := self at:index.
+	    line notNil ifTrue:[
+		line isString ifTrue:[
+		    newLine := line withTabsExpanded.
+		    newLine ~~ line ifTrue:[
+			self withoutRedrawAt:index put:newLine
+		    ].
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    includesNonStrings := true.
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: 30.8.1995 / 19:06:37 / claus"
@@ -3365,8 +3374,8 @@
     nTabs := 1.
     newLine := line copyFrom:9.
     [newLine startsWith:eightSpaces] whileTrue:[
-        newLine := newLine copyFrom:9.
-        nTabs := nTabs + 1.
+	newLine := newLine copyFrom:9.
+	nTabs := nTabs + 1.
     ^ (line species new:nTabs withAll:Character tab) asString , newLine.
@@ -3399,35 +3408,35 @@
     tmpString := line species new:currentMax.
     dstIndex := 1.
     line do:[:character |
-        (character == (Character tab)) ifTrue:[
-            nextTab := self nextTabAfter:dstIndex in:tabulatorTable.
-            [dstIndex < nextTab] whileTrue:[
-                tmpString at:dstIndex put:(Character space).
-                dstIndex := dstIndex + 1
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            tmpString at:dstIndex put:character.
-            dstIndex := dstIndex + 1
-        ].
-        (dstIndex > currentMax) ifTrue:[
-            "
-             this cannot happen with <= 8 tabs
-            "
-            currentMax := currentMax + currentMax.
-            nString := line species new:currentMax.
-            nString replaceFrom:1 to:(dstIndex - 1) 
-                           with:tmpString startingAt:1.
-            tmpString := nString.
-            nString := nil
-        ].
-        "make stc-optimizer happy
-         - no need to return value of ifTrue:/ifFalse above"
-        0
+	(character == (Character tab)) ifTrue:[
+	    nextTab := self nextTabAfter:dstIndex in:tabulatorTable.
+	    [dstIndex < nextTab] whileTrue:[
+		tmpString at:dstIndex put:(Character space).
+		dstIndex := dstIndex + 1
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    tmpString at:dstIndex put:character.
+	    dstIndex := dstIndex + 1
+	].
+	(dstIndex > currentMax) ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     this cannot happen with <= 8 tabs
+	    "
+	    currentMax := currentMax + currentMax.
+	    nString := line species new:currentMax.
+	    nString replaceFrom:1 to:(dstIndex - 1) 
+			   with:tmpString startingAt:1.
+	    tmpString := nString.
+	    nString := nil
+	].
+	"make stc-optimizer happy
+	 - no need to return value of ifTrue:/ifFalse above"
+	0
     dstIndex := dstIndex - 1.
     dstIndex == currentMax ifTrue:[
-        ^ tmpString
+	^ tmpString
     ^ tmpString copyTo:dstIndex
@@ -3445,5 +3454,5 @@
 !ListView  class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.101 1996-08-19 08:25:20 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.102 1996-09-12 13:04:52 cg Exp $'
 ! !