authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 19:16:52 +0200
changeset 584 e3b11115fc18
parent 583 2ec13b7ceba5
child 585 8f395aba0173
--- a/	Thu Apr 25 18:44:20 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Apr 25 19:16:52 1996 +0200
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
     and some other (slave-)view.
     Please see the documentation and examples in my superclass, ScrollableView
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
 ! !
@@ -283,5 +286,5 @@
 !HVScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.15 1996-04-22 22:20:01 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.16 1996-04-25 17:16:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Thu Apr 25 18:44:20 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Apr 25 19:16:52 1996 +0200
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
     and some other (slave-)view.
     Please see the documentation and examples in my superclass, ScrollableView
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
 ! !
@@ -283,5 +286,5 @@
 !HVScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.15 1996-04-22 22:20:01 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.16 1996-04-25 17:16:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Thu Apr 25 18:44:20 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Apr 25 19:16:52 1996 +0200
@@ -44,83 +44,91 @@
     this is an abstract class providing common mechanisms - actual instances are
     DrawView, DirectoryView, LogicView or DocumentView.
-    Instance variables:
-	contents        <Collection>            the objects. The order in which
-						these are in that collection defines
-						their appearance in the z-plane:
-						an object located after another one
-						here will be drawn ABOVE the other.
-	sorted          <Boolean>               if set, redraw and picking methods
-						assume that the objects are sorted by 
-						>= y-coordinates. These operations are
-						a bit faster then, since a binary search
-						can be done. (use with care).
-	lastButt        <Point>                 last pointer press position
-						(internal)
-	pressAction     <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer
-						is pressed. Can be set to something like
-						[self startCreate], [self startSelectOrMove]
-						etc.
-	releaseAction   <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer is
-						released. Typically set in one of the
-						startXXX methods.
-	shiftPressAction        <Block>         like pressAction, if shift key is
-						pressed.
-	doublePressAction       <Block>         same for double-clicks
-	motionAction            <Block>         action to perform on mouse-pointer
-						motion.
-	keyPressAction          <Block>         action for keyboard events
-	selection               <any>           the current selection; either a single
-						object or a collection of objects.
-	gridShown               <Boolean>       internal
-	gridPixmap              <Form>          internal
-	scaleMetric             <Symbol>        either #mm or #inch; used to
-						decide how the grid is defined
-	dragObject                              internal
-	leftHandCursor                          cursor shown while dragging a rectangle
-	oldCursor                               saved original cursor while dragging a rectangle
-	movedObject                             internal
-	moveStartPoint                          internal
-	moveDelta                               internal
-	documentFormat          <Symbol>        defines the size and layout of the
-						document. Can be any of
-						#letter, #a4, #a3 etc.
-	canDragOutOfView        <Boolean>       if true, objects can be dragged out of the
-						view. If false, dragging is restricted to within
-						this view.
-	rootMotion                              internal
-	rootView                                internal
-	aligning                <Boolean>       if true, pointer positions are
-						aligned (snapped) to the point
-						specified in gridAlign
-	gridAlign               <Point>         if aligning is true, this point
-						defines the snapping. For example,
-						12@12 defines snap to the nearest
-						12-point grid.
+    [Instance variables:]
+        contents        <Collection>            the objects. The order in which
+                                                these are in that collection defines
+                                                their appearance in the z-plane:
+                                                an object located after another one
+                                                here will be drawn ABOVE the other.
+        sorted          <Boolean>               if set, redraw and picking methods
+                                                assume that the objects are sorted by 
+                                                >= y-coordinates. These operations are
+                                                a bit faster then, since a binary search
+                                                can be done. (use with care).
+        lastButt        <Point>                 last pointer press position
+                                                (internal)
+        pressAction     <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer
+                                                is pressed. Can be set to something like
+                                                [self startCreate], [self startSelectOrMove]
+                                                etc.
+        releaseAction   <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer is
+                                                released. Typically set in one of the
+                                                startXXX methods.
+        shiftPressAction        <Block>         like pressAction, if shift key is
+                                                pressed.
+        doublePressAction       <Block>         same for double-clicks
+        motionAction            <Block>         action to perform on mouse-pointer
+                                                motion.
+        keyPressAction          <Block>         action for keyboard events
+        selection               <any>           the current selection; either a single
+                                                object or a collection of objects.
+        gridShown               <Boolean>       internal
+        gridPixmap              <Form>          internal
+        scaleMetric             <Symbol>        either #mm or #inch; used to
+                                                decide how the grid is defined
+        dragObject                              internal
+        leftHandCursor                          cursor shown while dragging a rectangle
+        oldCursor                               saved original cursor while dragging a rectangle
+        movedObject                             internal
+        moveStartPoint                          internal
+        moveDelta                               internal
+        documentFormat          <Symbol>        defines the size and layout of the
+                                                document. Can be any of
+                                                #letter, #a4, #a3 etc.
+        canDragOutOfView        <Boolean>       if true, objects can be dragged out of the
+                                                view. If false, dragging is restricted to within
+                                                this view.
+        rootMotion                              internal
+        rootView                                internal
+        aligning                <Boolean>       if true, pointer positions are
+                                                aligned (snapped) to the point
+                                                specified in gridAlign
+        gridAlign               <Point>         if aligning is true, this point
+                                                defines the snapping. For example,
+                                                12@12 defines snap to the nearest
+                                                12-point grid.
     written spring/summer 89 by claus
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+    [see also:]
+        DrawTool LogicTool
+        DrawObject
+        DisplayObject
@@ -2763,5 +2771,5 @@
 !ObjectView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.32 1996-04-10 20:25:49 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.33 1996-04-25 17:16:52 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Thu Apr 25 18:44:20 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Apr 25 19:16:52 1996 +0200
@@ -44,83 +44,91 @@
     this is an abstract class providing common mechanisms - actual instances are
     DrawView, DirectoryView, LogicView or DocumentView.
-    Instance variables:
-	contents        <Collection>            the objects. The order in which
-						these are in that collection defines
-						their appearance in the z-plane:
-						an object located after another one
-						here will be drawn ABOVE the other.
-	sorted          <Boolean>               if set, redraw and picking methods
-						assume that the objects are sorted by 
-						>= y-coordinates. These operations are
-						a bit faster then, since a binary search
-						can be done. (use with care).
-	lastButt        <Point>                 last pointer press position
-						(internal)
-	pressAction     <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer
-						is pressed. Can be set to something like
-						[self startCreate], [self startSelectOrMove]
-						etc.
-	releaseAction   <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer is
-						released. Typically set in one of the
-						startXXX methods.
-	shiftPressAction        <Block>         like pressAction, if shift key is
-						pressed.
-	doublePressAction       <Block>         same for double-clicks
-	motionAction            <Block>         action to perform on mouse-pointer
-						motion.
-	keyPressAction          <Block>         action for keyboard events
-	selection               <any>           the current selection; either a single
-						object or a collection of objects.
-	gridShown               <Boolean>       internal
-	gridPixmap              <Form>          internal
-	scaleMetric             <Symbol>        either #mm or #inch; used to
-						decide how the grid is defined
-	dragObject                              internal
-	leftHandCursor                          cursor shown while dragging a rectangle
-	oldCursor                               saved original cursor while dragging a rectangle
-	movedObject                             internal
-	moveStartPoint                          internal
-	moveDelta                               internal
-	documentFormat          <Symbol>        defines the size and layout of the
-						document. Can be any of
-						#letter, #a4, #a3 etc.
-	canDragOutOfView        <Boolean>       if true, objects can be dragged out of the
-						view. If false, dragging is restricted to within
-						this view.
-	rootMotion                              internal
-	rootView                                internal
-	aligning                <Boolean>       if true, pointer positions are
-						aligned (snapped) to the point
-						specified in gridAlign
-	gridAlign               <Point>         if aligning is true, this point
-						defines the snapping. For example,
-						12@12 defines snap to the nearest
-						12-point grid.
+    [Instance variables:]
+        contents        <Collection>            the objects. The order in which
+                                                these are in that collection defines
+                                                their appearance in the z-plane:
+                                                an object located after another one
+                                                here will be drawn ABOVE the other.
+        sorted          <Boolean>               if set, redraw and picking methods
+                                                assume that the objects are sorted by 
+                                                >= y-coordinates. These operations are
+                                                a bit faster then, since a binary search
+                                                can be done. (use with care).
+        lastButt        <Point>                 last pointer press position
+                                                (internal)
+        pressAction     <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer
+                                                is pressed. Can be set to something like
+                                                [self startCreate], [self startSelectOrMove]
+                                                etc.
+        releaseAction   <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer is
+                                                released. Typically set in one of the
+                                                startXXX methods.
+        shiftPressAction        <Block>         like pressAction, if shift key is
+                                                pressed.
+        doublePressAction       <Block>         same for double-clicks
+        motionAction            <Block>         action to perform on mouse-pointer
+                                                motion.
+        keyPressAction          <Block>         action for keyboard events
+        selection               <any>           the current selection; either a single
+                                                object or a collection of objects.
+        gridShown               <Boolean>       internal
+        gridPixmap              <Form>          internal
+        scaleMetric             <Symbol>        either #mm or #inch; used to
+                                                decide how the grid is defined
+        dragObject                              internal
+        leftHandCursor                          cursor shown while dragging a rectangle
+        oldCursor                               saved original cursor while dragging a rectangle
+        movedObject                             internal
+        moveStartPoint                          internal
+        moveDelta                               internal
+        documentFormat          <Symbol>        defines the size and layout of the
+                                                document. Can be any of
+                                                #letter, #a4, #a3 etc.
+        canDragOutOfView        <Boolean>       if true, objects can be dragged out of the
+                                                view. If false, dragging is restricted to within
+                                                this view.
+        rootMotion                              internal
+        rootView                                internal
+        aligning                <Boolean>       if true, pointer positions are
+                                                aligned (snapped) to the point
+                                                specified in gridAlign
+        gridAlign               <Point>         if aligning is true, this point
+                                                defines the snapping. For example,
+                                                12@12 defines snap to the nearest
+                                                12-point grid.
     written spring/summer 89 by claus
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+    [see also:]
+        DrawTool LogicTool
+        DrawObject
+        DisplayObject
@@ -2763,5 +2771,5 @@
 !ObjectView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.32 1996-04-10 20:25:49 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.33 1996-04-25 17:16:52 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Thu Apr 25 18:44:20 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Apr 25 19:16:52 1996 +0200
@@ -51,26 +51,26 @@
     There are two ways to create a ScrollableView:
     if the type of the view to be scrolled is known in advance,
-	v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass>
+        v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass>
-	v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass> in:someSuperView
+        v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass> in:someSuperView
     otherwise, create the scrollableView empty with:
-	v := ScrollableView new
+        v := ScrollableView new
-	v := ScrollableView in:someSuperView
+        v := ScrollableView in:someSuperView
     and define the view later with:
-	v scrolledView:aViewToBeScrolled
+        v scrolledView:aViewToBeScrolled
     Finally, if the view to be scrolled has been already created,
-	v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled
+        v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled
-	v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled in:someSuperView
+        v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled in:someSuperView
     It is also possible to change the scrolledView later (even multiple times).
     This may be useful, if different views are needed to display different types
@@ -87,20 +87,27 @@
     miniscrollers which take up less screen space.
-	this is pretty old and needs a rewrite. There are quite some
-	historic leftovers found here and things can be done better
-	(especially in initializeFor...)
+        this is pretty old and needs a rewrite. There are quite some
+        historic leftovers found here and things can be done better
+        (especially in initializeFor...)
+        Also, it should be rewritten into one class which supports both
+        Vertical-only, Horizontal-only and HV scrolling.
+        Currently, horizontal-only scrolling is not available.
+        (you have to write your own class ...)
-	Also, it should be rewritten into one class which supports both
-	Vertical-only, Horizontal-only and HV scrolling.
-	Currently, horizontal-only scrolling is not available.
-	(you have to write your own class ...)
+        Finally, some means to hide scrollbars should be added - this would
+        give more screenspace to the view when all is visible 
+        (and therefore, the scrollbars are not needed, anyway)
+        Expect the above things to be fixed in an upcoming version.
-	Finally, some means to hide scrollbars should be added - this would
-	give more screenspace to the view when all is visible 
-	(and therefore, the scrollbars are not needed, anyway)
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
-	Expect the above things to be fixed in an upcoming version.
+    [see also:]
+        ScrollBar Scroller
+         HVScrollableView
@@ -944,5 +951,5 @@
 !ScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.29 1996-04-22 22:19:16 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.30 1996-04-25 17:15:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Thu Apr 25 18:44:20 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Apr 25 19:16:52 1996 +0200
@@ -51,26 +51,26 @@
     There are two ways to create a ScrollableView:
     if the type of the view to be scrolled is known in advance,
-	v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass>
+        v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass>
-	v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass> in:someSuperView
+        v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass> in:someSuperView
     otherwise, create the scrollableView empty with:
-	v := ScrollableView new
+        v := ScrollableView new
-	v := ScrollableView in:someSuperView
+        v := ScrollableView in:someSuperView
     and define the view later with:
-	v scrolledView:aViewToBeScrolled
+        v scrolledView:aViewToBeScrolled
     Finally, if the view to be scrolled has been already created,
-	v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled
+        v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled
-	v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled in:someSuperView
+        v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled in:someSuperView
     It is also possible to change the scrolledView later (even multiple times).
     This may be useful, if different views are needed to display different types
@@ -87,20 +87,27 @@
     miniscrollers which take up less screen space.
-	this is pretty old and needs a rewrite. There are quite some
-	historic leftovers found here and things can be done better
-	(especially in initializeFor...)
+        this is pretty old and needs a rewrite. There are quite some
+        historic leftovers found here and things can be done better
+        (especially in initializeFor...)
+        Also, it should be rewritten into one class which supports both
+        Vertical-only, Horizontal-only and HV scrolling.
+        Currently, horizontal-only scrolling is not available.
+        (you have to write your own class ...)
-	Also, it should be rewritten into one class which supports both
-	Vertical-only, Horizontal-only and HV scrolling.
-	Currently, horizontal-only scrolling is not available.
-	(you have to write your own class ...)
+        Finally, some means to hide scrollbars should be added - this would
+        give more screenspace to the view when all is visible 
+        (and therefore, the scrollbars are not needed, anyway)
+        Expect the above things to be fixed in an upcoming version.
-	Finally, some means to hide scrollbars should be added - this would
-	give more screenspace to the view when all is visible 
-	(and therefore, the scrollbars are not needed, anyway)
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
-	Expect the above things to be fixed in an upcoming version.
+    [see also:]
+        ScrollBar Scroller
+         HVScrollableView
@@ -944,5 +951,5 @@
 !ScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.29 1996-04-22 22:19:16 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.30 1996-04-25 17:15:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !