#OTHER by cg
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sat, 07 May 2016 15:48:54 +0200
changeset 5716 f2d5d5d5d4d6
parent 5715 8baebc416a38
child 5717 94a8cc3be8ec
#OTHER by cg class: TextView fix: selecting the search result of a pattern search added: #showMatch:isMatch:atLine:col:endCol: changed: #searchBwdUsingSpec:ifAbsent: #searchFwdUsingSpec:startingAtLine:col:ifAbsent: #showMatch:atLine:col: #showMatch:isMatch:atLine:col:
--- a/TextView.st	Sat May 07 15:48:27 2016 +0200
+++ b/TextView.st	Sat May 07 15:48:54 2016 +0200
@@ -3647,10 +3647,12 @@
     startCol := pos x.
-	searchBackwardUsingSpec:searchSpec
-	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col | self showMatch:searchSpec pattern isMatch:searchSpec match atLine:line col:col]
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
+        searchBackwardUsingSpec:searchSpec
+        startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
+        ifFound:[:line :col :endColOrNil| 
+            self showMatch:searchSpec pattern isMatch:searchSpec match atLine:line col:col endCol:endColOrNil
+        ]
+        ifAbsent:aBlock
 searchForAndSelectMatchingParenthesisFromLine:startLine col:startCol
@@ -4390,8 +4392,8 @@
         startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
-        ifFound:[:line :col | 
-            self showMatch:searchSpec pattern isMatch:searchSpec match atLine:line col:col
+        ifFound:[:line :col :endColOrNil| 
+            self showMatch:searchSpec pattern isMatch:searchSpec match atLine:line col:col endCol:endColOrNil
@@ -4493,33 +4495,43 @@
 showMatch:pattern atLine:line col:col
+    <resource: #obsolete>
     "after a search, highlight the matched pattern.
      The code below needs a rewrite to take care of match-characters
      (for now, it only highlights simple patterns and '*string*' correctly)"
-    self showMatch:pattern isMatch:true atLine:line col:col
+    self showMatch:pattern isMatch:true atLine:line col:col endCol:nil
 showMatch:pattern isMatch:isMatch atLine:line col:col
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    "after a search, highlight the matched pattern."
+    self showMatch:pattern isMatch:isMatch atLine:line col:col endCol:nil
+showMatch:pattern isMatch:isMatch atLine:line col:col endCol:encColOrNil
     "after a search, highlight the matched pattern.
      The code below needs a rewrite to take care of match-characters
      (for now, it only highlights simple patterns and '*string*' correctly)"
-    |realPattern|
-    realPattern := pattern.
-    isMatch ifTrue: [
-        (realPattern startsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
-            realPattern := realPattern copyButFirst
+    |endCol realPattern|
+    (endCol := encColOrNil) isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ a hack.
+        realPattern := pattern.
+        isMatch ifTrue: [
+            (realPattern startsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
+                realPattern := realPattern copyButFirst
+            ].
+            (realPattern endsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
+                realPattern := realPattern copyButLast
+            ].
-        (realPattern endsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
-            realPattern := realPattern copyButLast
-        ].
+        endCol := (col + realPattern size - 1).
-    self selectFromLine:line col:col
-                 toLine:line col:(col + realPattern size - 1).
+    self selectFromLine:line col:col toLine:line col:endCol.
     self makeLineVisible:line