examples fixed (bitmaps access)
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 17 May 2001 14:17:46 +0200
changeset 2362 f6ace7307e4d
parent 2361 227ff51a7e7b
child 2363 1982139b2c0b
examples fixed (bitmaps access)
--- a/DialogBox.st	Tue May 15 19:46:48 2001 +0200
+++ b/DialogBox.st	Thu May 17 14:17:46 2001 +0200
@@ -153,434 +153,434 @@
     For example:
       info & warnings:
-									[exBegin]
-	Dialog information:'hi there'
-									[exEnd]
-									[exBegin]
-	Dialog warn:'oops'
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        Dialog information:'hi there'
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        Dialog warn:'oops'
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       yes/no questions:
-									[exBegin]
-	(Dialog confirm:'is this simple ?')
-	ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'thats what I expected'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'read more examples and documentation'
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        (Dialog confirm:'is this simple ?')
+        ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'thats what I expected'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:'read more examples and documentation'
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       yes/no question with cancel option:
-									[exBegin]
-	|answer|
-	answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:'is this simple ?'.
-	answer isNil ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'no easy decision'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    answer ifTrue:[
-		Transcript showCR:'thats what I expected'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		Transcript showCR:'read more examples and documentation'
-	    ]
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |answer|
+        answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:'is this simple ?'.
+        answer isNil ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'no easy decision'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            answer ifTrue:[
+                Transcript showCR:'thats what I expected'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                Transcript showCR:'read more examples and documentation'
+            ]
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       asking for a string:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog request:'enter your name, please:'.
-	s notEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'you entered: ' , s.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog request:'enter your name, please:'.
+        s notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'you entered: ' , s.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       asking for a string with given default:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog 
-		request:'enter your name, please:'
-		initialAnswer:(OperatingSystem getLoginName).
-	s notEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'you entered: ' , s.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog 
+                request:'enter your name, please:'
+                initialAnswer:(OperatingSystem getLoginName).
+        s notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'you entered: ' , s.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       asking for a filename:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog 
-		requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
-		default:''.
-	Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog 
+                requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
+                default:''.
+        Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       with a namefiler pattern:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog 
-		requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
-		default:''
-		pattern:'*.rc'.
-	Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog 
+                requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
+                default:''
+                pattern:'*.rc'.
+        Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       another namefiler pattern:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog 
-		requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
-		default:''
-		pattern:'*.rc;*.st;*.h'.
-	Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog 
+                requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
+                default:''
+                pattern:'*.rc;*.st;*.h'.
+        Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       with changed button label and pattern:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog 
-		requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
-		default:''
-		ok:'show'
-		abort:'cancel'
-		pattern:'*.rc'.
-	Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog 
+                requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
+                default:''
+                ok:'show'
+                abort:'cancel'
+                pattern:'*.rc'.
+        Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       asking for a password:
-									[exBegin]
-	|s|
-	s := Dialog 
-		requestPassword:'enter your secret, please:'.
-	Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |s|
+        s := Dialog 
+                requestPassword:'enter your secret, please:'.
+        Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       multiple choice dialogs:
-									[exBegin]
-	Dialog 
-	   choose:'choose any' 
-	   fromList:nil
-	   values:nil
-	   buttons:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
-	   values:#(1 2 3 4) 
-	   lines:nil
-	   cancel:nil
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        Dialog 
+           choose:'choose any' 
+           fromList:nil
+           values:nil
+           buttons:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
+           values:#(1 2 3 4) 
+           lines:nil
+           cancel:nil
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       multiple choice dialog, with list & buttons:
-									[exBegin]
-	 Transcript showCR:(
-	     Dialog 
-		choose:'choose example' 
-		fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
-		values:#(1 2 3 4) 
-		buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
-		values:#(5 6 7)
-		lines:4
-		cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]
-	 )
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+         Transcript showCR:(
+             Dialog 
+                choose:'choose example' 
+                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
+                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
+                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
+                values:#(5 6 7)
+                lines:4
+                cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]
+         )
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     You can (and often have to) construct custom dialogs programmatically, 
     from individual components. As shown in the following examples:
     basic (unusable) example:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     still unusable - only an ok-button:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new addOkButton; open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new addOkButton; open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     both ok- and abortButtons:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButton; open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButton; open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     with different ok-label:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButtonLabelled:'yeah'; open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButtonLabelled:'yeah'; open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     adding a (centered by default) textlabel gives an infoBox:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'hello';
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'hello';
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     a textlabel with abort- and okButton gives a yesNoBox:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'hello';
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'hello';
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     the same, adjusting the labels contents to the left:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box|
-	box := DialogBox new.
-	(box addTextLabel:'hello') adjust:#left.
-	box addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box|
+        box := DialogBox new.
+        (box addTextLabel:'hello') adjust:#left.
+        box addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     with modified buttons:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box|
-	box := DialogBox new.
-	(box addTextLabel:'are you certain ?') adjust:#left.
-	box addAbortButtonLabelled:'not really'. 
-	(box addOkButtonLabelled:'yes, absolutely') 
-		activeBackgroundColor:Color red. 
-	box open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box|
+        box := DialogBox new.
+        (box addTextLabel:'are you certain ?') adjust:#left.
+        box addAbortButtonLabelled:'not really'. 
+        (box addOkButtonLabelled:'yes, absolutely') 
+                activeBackgroundColor:Color red. 
+        box open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     mswindows style (different up/down bitmaps in buttons):
     ((try tabbing ...)
-									[exBegin]
-	|b box|
-	box := DialogBox new.
-	(box addTextLabel:'are you certain ?') adjust:#left.
-	b := Button new.
-	b activeLogo:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/cancel_down.bmp').
-	b passiveLogo:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/cancel_up.bmp').
-	b focusLogo:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/cancel_focus.bmp').
-	b beImageButton.
-	box addAbortButton:b.
-	b := Button new.
-	b activeLogo:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/ok_down.bmp').
-	b passiveLogo:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/ok_up.bmp').
-	b focusLogo:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/ok_focus.bmp').
-	b beImageButton.
-	box addOkButton:b.
-	box open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |b box|
+        box := DialogBox new.
+        (box addTextLabel:'are you certain ?') adjust:#left.
+        b := Button new.
+        b activeLogo:(Image fromFile:'cancel_down.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
+        b passiveLogo:(Image fromFile:'cancel_up.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
+        b focusLogo:(Image fromFile:'cancel_focus.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
+        b beImageButton.
+        box addAbortButton:b.
+        b := Button new.
+        b activeLogo:(Image fromFile:'ok_down.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
+        b passiveLogo:(Image fromFile:'ok_up.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
+        b focusLogo:(Image fromFile:'ok_focus.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
+        b beImageButton.
+        box addOkButton:b.
+        box open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     two textlabels:
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'hello';
-	    addTextLabel:'world';
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'hello';
+            addTextLabel:'world';
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     fixing the dialogs size (suppres it calculating its size from the
     preferredExtents of its components):
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new
-	    label:'a simple dialog';
-	    addTextLabel:'hello';
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    extent:200@200;
-	    sizeFixed:true;
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new
+            label:'a simple dialog';
+            addTextLabel:'hello';
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            extent:200@200;
+            sizeFixed:true;
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     asking the box if it was closed via ok:
-									[exBegin]
-	(DialogBox new
-	    label:'a simple dialog';
-	    addTextLabel:'hello';
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    extent:200@200;
-	    sizeFixed:true;
-	    open
-	) accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'yes'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'no'
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        (DialogBox new
+            label:'a simple dialog';
+            addTextLabel:'hello';
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            extent:200@200;
+            sizeFixed:true;
+            open
+        ) accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'yes'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:'no'
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     textLabels are not limited to strings (although, the name which is
     used for ST-80 compatibility, suggests it):
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/garfield.gif');
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
-									[exBegin]
-	DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'hello';
-	    addTextLabel:((Image fromFile:'bitmaps/garfield.gif')
-				magnifiedTo:200@150);
-	    addTextLabel:'world';
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:(Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages');
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'hello';
+            addTextLabel:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages')
+                                magnifiedTo:200@150);
+            addTextLabel:'world';
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     adding an input field (on a string model):
-									[exBegin]
-	|stringModel|
-	stringModel := '' asValue.
-	(DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'Please enter a string:';
-	    addInputFieldOn:stringModel; 
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-	) accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'entered: ', stringModel value
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |stringModel|
+        stringModel := '' asValue.
+        (DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'Please enter a string:';
+            addInputFieldOn:stringModel; 
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+        ) accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'entered: ', stringModel value
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     multiple input fields (notice, that the dialog connects the fields
     in a group, so stepping is allowed via Cursor and Return keys):
-									[exBegin]
-	|firstName lastName|
-	firstName := '' asValue.
-	lastName := '' asValue.
-	(DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'Please enter your name:';
-	    addInputFieldOn:firstName; 
-	    addVerticalSpace;
-	    addInputFieldOn:lastName; 
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton; 
-	    open
-	) accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstName value , ' ' , lastName value
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |firstName lastName|
+        firstName := '' asValue.
+        lastName := '' asValue.
+        (DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'Please enter your name:';
+            addInputFieldOn:firstName; 
+            addVerticalSpace;
+            addInputFieldOn:lastName; 
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton; 
+            open
+        ) accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstName value , ' ' , lastName value
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     of course, the model may contain a value initially:
-									[exBegin]
-	|firstName lastName p line i name|
-	firstName := '' asValue.
-	lastName := '' asValue.
-	p := PipeStream readingFrom:'finger ' , OperatingSystem getLoginName.
-	p notNil ifTrue:[
-	    line := p nextLine.
-	    (i := line findString:'Name:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		name := line copyFrom:(i + 'Name:' size).
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(i := line findString:'real life:') == 0 ifTrue:[
-		    line := p nextLine.
-		].
-		(i := line findString:'real life:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		    name := line copyFrom:(i + 'real life:' size).
-		]
-	    ].
-	    name notNil ifTrue:[
-		firstName value: name asCollectionOfWords first.
-		lastName  value: name asCollectionOfWords last.
-		Transcript showCR:'initially ' , firstName value , ' ' , lastName value.
-	    ].
-	    p close.
-	].
-	(DialogBox new
-	    addTextLabel:'Please enter your name:';
-	    addInputFieldOn:firstName; 
-	    addVerticalSpace;
-	    addInputFieldOn:lastName; 
-	    addAbortButton; 
-	    addOkButton;
-	    open
-	) accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstName value , ' ' , lastName value
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |firstName lastName p line i name|
+        firstName := '' asValue.
+        lastName := '' asValue.
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'finger ' , OperatingSystem getLoginName.
+        p notNil ifTrue:[
+            line := p nextLine.
+            (i := line findString:'Name:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                name := line copyFrom:(i + 'Name:' size).
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (i := line findString:'real life:') == 0 ifTrue:[
+                    line := p nextLine.
+                ].
+                (i := line findString:'real life:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                    name := line copyFrom:(i + 'real life:' size).
+                ]
+            ].
+            name notNil ifTrue:[
+                firstName value: name asCollectionOfWords first.
+                lastName  value: name asCollectionOfWords last.
+                Transcript showCR:'initially ' , firstName value , ' ' , lastName value.
+            ].
+            p close.
+        ].
+        (DialogBox new
+            addTextLabel:'Please enter your name:';
+            addInputFieldOn:firstName; 
+            addVerticalSpace;
+            addInputFieldOn:lastName; 
+            addAbortButton; 
+            addOkButton;
+            open
+        ) accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstName value , ' ' , lastName value
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     validated password entry:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box firstEntry secondEntry|
-	firstEntry := '' asValue.
-	secondEntry := '' asValue.
-	box := DialogBox new.
-	(box addTextLabel:'Please enter your secret:') adjust:#left.
-	(box addInputFieldOn:firstEntry) passwordCharacter:$*. 
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	(box addInputFieldOn:secondEntry) passwordCharacter:$*. 
-	box addAbortButton. 
-	box addOkButton. 
-	box open.
-	box accepted ifTrue:[
-	    firstEntry value ~= secondEntry value ifTrue:[
-		Transcript showCR:'wrong input - try again'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstEntry value
-	    ]
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box firstEntry secondEntry|
+        firstEntry := '' asValue.
+        secondEntry := '' asValue.
+        box := DialogBox new.
+        (box addTextLabel:'Please enter your secret:') adjust:#left.
+        (box addInputFieldOn:firstEntry) passwordCharacter:$*. 
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        (box addInputFieldOn:secondEntry) passwordCharacter:$*. 
+        box addAbortButton. 
+        box addOkButton. 
+        box open.
+        box accepted ifTrue:[
+            firstEntry value ~= secondEntry value ifTrue:[
+                Transcript showCR:'wrong input - try again'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstEntry value
+            ]
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
      input fields with a label:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box firstNameHolder middleNameHolder lastNameHolder|
-	firstNameHolder := 'John' asValue.
-	middleNameHolder := 'F' asValue.
-	lastNameHolder := 'Peters' asValue.
-	box := DialogBox new.
-	box 
-	    addLabelledInputField:'first name:'
-	    adjust:#right
-	    on:firstNameHolder
-	    tabable:true
-	    separateAtX:0.4.
-	box 
-	    addLabelledInputField:'middle initial:'
-	    adjust:#right
-	    on:middleNameHolder
-	    tabable:true
-	    separateAtX:0.4.
-	box 
-	    addLabelledInputField:'last name:'
-	    adjust:#right
-	    on:lastNameHolder
-	    tabable:true
-	    separateAtX:0.4.
-	box addOkButton.
-	box open.
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box firstNameHolder middleNameHolder lastNameHolder|
+        firstNameHolder := 'John' asValue.
+        middleNameHolder := 'F' asValue.
+        lastNameHolder := 'Peters' asValue.
+        box := DialogBox new.
+        box 
+            addLabelledInputField:'first name:'
+            adjust:#right
+            on:firstNameHolder
+            tabable:true
+            separateAtX:0.4.
+        box 
+            addLabelledInputField:'middle initial:'
+            adjust:#right
+            on:middleNameHolder
+            tabable:true
+            separateAtX:0.4.
+        box 
+            addLabelledInputField:'last name:'
+            adjust:#right
+            on:lastNameHolder
+            tabable:true
+            separateAtX:0.4.
+        box addOkButton.
+        box open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
      constructing a dialog from other elements:
@@ -588,359 +588,359 @@
      (since the dialog adds the component with its preferred extent,
       ignoring the 300-height, this looks ugly ... 
       ... especially when resized vertically)
-									[exBegin]
-	|top l scr fileName|
-	fileName := '' asValue.
-	top := DialogBox new.
-	l := FileSelectionList new.
-	l useIndex:false.
-	l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
-	l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
-	scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
-	scr extent:(1.0 @ 300).
-	top addComponent:scr.
-	top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	top openModal.
-	top accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top l scr fileName|
+        fileName := '' asValue.
+        top := DialogBox new.
+        l := FileSelectionList new.
+        l useIndex:false.
+        l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
+        l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
+        scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
+        scr extent:(1.0 @ 300).
+        top addComponent:scr.
+        top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        top openModal.
+        top accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     same, looks better, since the height is made larger (not using 
     fileLists preferredExtent):
-									[exBegin]
-	|top l scr fileName|
-	fileName := '' asValue.
-	top := DialogBox new.
-	l := FileSelectionList new.
-	l useIndex:false.
-	l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
-	l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
-	scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
-	top addComponent:scr withExtent:300@300.
-	top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	top openModal.
-	top accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top l scr fileName|
+        fileName := '' asValue.
+        top := DialogBox new.
+        l := FileSelectionList new.
+        l useIndex:false.
+        l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
+        l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
+        scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
+        top addComponent:scr withExtent:300@300.
+        top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        top openModal.
+        top accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     again, setting the boxes initial size and fixing it
     (let it ignore the components' preferredExtent):
-									[exBegin]
-	|top fixFrame l scr fileName|
-	fileName := '' asValue.
-	top := DialogBox new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	fixFrame := View new.
-	fixFrame extent:(1.0 @ 300).
-	l := FileSelectionList new.
-	l useIndex:false.
-	l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
-	l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
-	scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	fixFrame add:scr.
-	top addComponent:fixFrame.
-	top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	top openModal.
-	top accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top fixFrame l scr fileName|
+        fileName := '' asValue.
+        top := DialogBox new.
+        top extent:300@300.
+        fixFrame := View new.
+        fixFrame extent:(1.0 @ 300).
+        l := FileSelectionList new.
+        l useIndex:false.
+        l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
+        l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
+        scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
+        scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
+        fixFrame add:scr.
+        top addComponent:fixFrame.
+        top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        top openModal.
+        top accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
    adding a panel with checkBoxes:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top panel b value1 value2 value3 value4|
-	value1 := true asValue.
-	value2 := false asValue.
-	value3 := false asValue.
-	value4 := true asValue.
-	top := DialogBox new.
-	top extent:200@300.
-	panel := VerticalPanelView new.
-	b := CheckBox on:value1. b label:'check1'.
-	panel addSubView:b.
-	b := CheckBox on:value2. b label:'check2'.
-	panel addSubView:b.
-	b := CheckBox on:value3. b label:'check3'.
-	panel addSubView:b.
-	b := CheckBox on:value4. b label:'check4'.
-	panel addSubView:b.
-	top addComponent:panel.
-	top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	top open.
-	top accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript show:'value1: '; showCR:value1 value.
-	    Transcript show:'value2: '; showCR:value2 value.
-	    Transcript show:'value3: '; showCR:value3 value.
-	    Transcript show:'value4: '; showCR:value4 value.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top panel b value1 value2 value3 value4|
+        value1 := true asValue.
+        value2 := false asValue.
+        value3 := false asValue.
+        value4 := true asValue.
+        top := DialogBox new.
+        top extent:200@300.
+        panel := VerticalPanelView new.
+        b := CheckBox on:value1. b label:'check1'.
+        panel addSubView:b.
+        b := CheckBox on:value2. b label:'check2'.
+        panel addSubView:b.
+        b := CheckBox on:value3. b label:'check3'.
+        panel addSubView:b.
+        b := CheckBox on:value4. b label:'check4'.
+        panel addSubView:b.
+        top addComponent:panel.
+        top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        top open.
+        top accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:'value1: '; showCR:value1 value.
+            Transcript show:'value2: '; showCR:value2 value.
+            Transcript show:'value3: '; showCR:value3 value.
+            Transcript show:'value4: '; showCR:value4 value.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
    same, using a more convenient interface:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box value1 value2 value3 value4|
-	value1 := true asValue.
-	value2 := false asValue.
-	value3 := false asValue.
-	value4 := true asValue.
-	box := DialogBox new.
-	box extent:200@300.
-	box addCheckBox:'check1' on:value1.
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	box addCheckBox:'check2' on:value2.
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	box addCheckBox:'check3' on:value3.
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	box addCheckBox:'check4' on:value4.
-	box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	box open.
-	box accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript show:'value1: '; showCR:value1 value.
-	    Transcript show:'value2: '; showCR:value2 value.
-	    Transcript show:'value3: '; showCR:value3 value.
-	    Transcript show:'value4: '; showCR:value4 value.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box value1 value2 value3 value4|
+        value1 := true asValue.
+        value2 := false asValue.
+        value3 := false asValue.
+        value4 := true asValue.
+        box := DialogBox new.
+        box extent:200@300.
+        box addCheckBox:'check1' on:value1.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        box addCheckBox:'check2' on:value2.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        box addCheckBox:'check3' on:value3.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        box addCheckBox:'check4' on:value4.
+        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        box open.
+        box accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:'value1: '; showCR:value1 value.
+            Transcript show:'value2: '; showCR:value2 value.
+            Transcript show:'value3: '; showCR:value3 value.
+            Transcript show:'value4: '; showCR:value4 value.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     same, using an even better interface:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box values labels|
-	values := #(true false false true) collect:[:val | val asValue].
-	labels := #('check1' 'check2' 'check3' 'check4').
-	box := Dialog new.
-	box
-	   addColumn:(1 to:labels size)
-	   fromX:0.0
-	   toX:1.0 
-	   collect:[:index | CheckBox label:(labels at:index) model:(values at:index)]
-	   tabable:true.
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box values labels|
+        values := #(true false false true) collect:[:val | val asValue].
+        labels := #('check1' 'check2' 'check3' 'check4').
+        box := Dialog new.
+        box
+           addColumn:(1 to:labels size)
+           fromX:0.0
+           toX:1.0 
+           collect:[:index | CheckBox label:(labels at:index) model:(values at:index)]
+           tabable:true.
-	box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	box open.
-	box accepted ifTrue:[
-	   values with:labels do:[:val :lbl |
-	      Transcript show:(lbl , ': '); showCR:val value.
-	   ]
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        box open.
+        box accepted ifTrue:[
+           values with:labels do:[:val :lbl |
+              Transcript show:(lbl , ': '); showCR:val value.
+           ]
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     adding two panels in a frame:
-									[exBegin]
-	|box frame vPanel1 vPanel2 m1 m2 m3 m4 chk ef|
-	box := Dialog new.
-	box label:'example'.
-	frame := FramedBox label:'frame'.
-	vPanel1 := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:0.5@1.0 in:frame.
-	vPanel1 horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	vPanel1 verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.
-	vPanel2 := VerticalPanelView origin:0.5@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
-	vPanel2 horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	vPanel2 verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.
-	m1 := true asValue.
-	m2 := true asValue.
-	m3 := true asValue.
-	m4 := 'hello' asValue.
-	vPanel1 add:(Label label:'check1').
-	vPanel1 add:(Label label:'m2').
-	vPanel1 add:(Label label:'m3').
-	vPanel1 add:(Label label:'enter').
-	vPanel1 add:(Label label:'lbl1').
-	vPanel1 add:(Label label:'lbl2').
-	vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m1). 
-	box makeTabable:chk.
-	vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m2). 
-	box makeTabable:chk.
-	vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
-	box makeTabable:chk.
-	vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
-	box makeTabable:chk.
-	vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
-	box makeTabable:chk.
-	vPanel2 add:(ef := EditField on:m4). 
-	ef immediateAccept:true.
-	box makeTabable:ef.
-	box addComponent:frame.
-	box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	box openModal.
-	box accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:'accepted with:'.
-	    Transcript showCR:'   m1: ' , m1 value printString.
-	    Transcript showCR:'   m2: ' , m2 value printString.
-	    Transcript showCR:'   m3: ' , m3 value printString.
-	    Transcript showCR:'   m4: ' , m4 value printString.
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box frame vPanel1 vPanel2 m1 m2 m3 m4 chk ef|
+        box := Dialog new.
+        box label:'example'.
+        frame := FramedBox label:'frame'.
+        vPanel1 := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:0.5@1.0 in:frame.
+        vPanel1 horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        vPanel1 verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.
+        vPanel2 := VerticalPanelView origin:0.5@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
+        vPanel2 horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        vPanel2 verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.
+        m1 := true asValue.
+        m2 := true asValue.
+        m3 := true asValue.
+        m4 := 'hello' asValue.
+        vPanel1 add:(Label label:'check1').
+        vPanel1 add:(Label label:'m2').
+        vPanel1 add:(Label label:'m3').
+        vPanel1 add:(Label label:'enter').
+        vPanel1 add:(Label label:'lbl1').
+        vPanel1 add:(Label label:'lbl2').
+        vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m1). 
+        box makeTabable:chk.
+        vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m2). 
+        box makeTabable:chk.
+        vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
+        box makeTabable:chk.
+        vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
+        box makeTabable:chk.
+        vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
+        box makeTabable:chk.
+        vPanel2 add:(ef := EditField on:m4). 
+        ef immediateAccept:true.
+        box makeTabable:ef.
+        box addComponent:frame.
+        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        box openModal.
+        box accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'accepted with:'.
+            Transcript showCR:'   m1: ' , m1 value printString.
+            Transcript showCR:'   m2: ' , m2 value printString.
+            Transcript showCR:'   m3: ' , m3 value printString.
+            Transcript showCR:'   m4: ' , m4 value printString.
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     a full example (combined settings dialog - as in launcher):
-									[exBegin]
-	|box warnSTX allowUnderscore immutableArrays logDoits
-	 listOfLanguages listOfStyles styleNames 
-	 frame panel c resourceDir dir |
-	warnSTX := Compiler warnSTXSpecials asValue.
-	allowUnderscore := Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier asValue.
-	immutableArrays := Compiler arraysAreImmutable asValue.
-	logDoits := Smalltalk logDoits asValue.
-	listOfLanguages := SelectionInList with:#('english'
-						  'french'
-						  'german'
-						  'italian'
-						  'spanish'
-						 ).
-	listOfLanguages selection:(Language asString).
-	resourceDir := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources'.
-	dir := FileDirectory directoryNamed:resourceDir.
-	styleNames := dir select:[:aFileName | aFileName endsWith:'.style'].
-	styleNames := styleNames collect:[:aFileName | aFileName copyWithoutLast:6].
-	listOfStyles := SelectionInList with:styleNames sort.
-	listOfStyles selection:(View defaultStyle asString).
-	box := Dialog new.
-	box label:'Settings'.
-	frame := FramedBox label:'Compiler'.
-	panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
-	panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:warnSTX) label:'warn about ST/X language extensions'; resize).
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:allowUnderscore) label:'allow underscore in identifiers'; resize).
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:immutableArrays) label:'literal arrays are immutable'; resize).
-	box addComponent:frame.
-	frame := FramedBox label:'Misc'.
-	panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
-	panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:logDoits) label:'log doIts in changes file'; resize).
-	box addComponent:frame.
-	frame := FramedBox label:'Language'.
-	panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
-	panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	panel add:((PopUpList on:listOfLanguages) width:0.5).
-	box addComponent:frame.
-	frame := FramedBox label:'Style'.
-	panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
-	panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	panel add:((PopUpList on:listOfStyles) width:0.5).
-	box addComponent:frame.
-	box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-	box showAtPointer.
-	box accepted ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript topView withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
-		Compiler warnSTXSpecials:warnSTX value.
-		Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier:allowUnderscore value.
-		Compiler arraysAreImmutable:immutableArrays value.
-		Smalltalk logDoits:logDoits value.
-		Transcript showCR:'change language to ' , listOfLanguages selection , ' ...'.
-		Smalltalk at:#Language put:listOfLanguages selection asSymbol.
-		Smalltalk changed:#Language.
-		ResourcePack flushCachedResourcePacks.
-		Transcript showCR:'change style to ' , listOfStyles selection , ' ...'.
-		View defaultStyle:listOfStyles selection asSymbol.
-	    ]
-	]
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |box warnSTX allowUnderscore immutableArrays logDoits
+         listOfLanguages listOfStyles styleNames 
+         frame panel c resourceDir dir |
+        warnSTX := Compiler warnSTXSpecials asValue.
+        allowUnderscore := Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier asValue.
+        immutableArrays := Compiler arraysAreImmutable asValue.
+        logDoits := Smalltalk logDoits asValue.
+        listOfLanguages := SelectionInList with:#('english'
+                                                  'french'
+                                                  'german'
+                                                  'italian'
+                                                  'spanish'
+                                                 ).
+        listOfLanguages selection:(Language asString).
+        resourceDir := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources'.
+        dir := FileDirectory directoryNamed:resourceDir.
+        styleNames := dir select:[:aFileName | aFileName endsWith:'.style'].
+        styleNames := styleNames collect:[:aFileName | aFileName copyWithoutLast:6].
+        listOfStyles := SelectionInList with:styleNames sort.
+        listOfStyles selection:(View defaultStyle asString).
+        box := Dialog new.
+        box label:'Settings'.
+        frame := FramedBox label:'Compiler'.
+        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
+        panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        panel add:((CheckBox on:warnSTX) label:'warn about ST/X language extensions'; resize).
+        panel add:((CheckBox on:allowUnderscore) label:'allow underscore in identifiers'; resize).
+        panel add:((CheckBox on:immutableArrays) label:'literal arrays are immutable'; resize).
+        box addComponent:frame.
+        frame := FramedBox label:'Misc'.
+        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
+        panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        panel add:((CheckBox on:logDoits) label:'log doIts in changes file'; resize).
+        box addComponent:frame.
+        frame := FramedBox label:'Language'.
+        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
+        panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        panel add:((PopUpList on:listOfLanguages) width:0.5).
+        box addComponent:frame.
+        frame := FramedBox label:'Style'.
+        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
+        panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        panel add:((PopUpList on:listOfStyles) width:0.5).
+        box addComponent:frame.
+        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        box showAtPointer.
+        box accepted ifTrue:[
+            Transcript topView withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
+                Compiler warnSTXSpecials:warnSTX value.
+                Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier:allowUnderscore value.
+                Compiler arraysAreImmutable:immutableArrays value.
+                Smalltalk logDoits:logDoits value.
+                Transcript showCR:'change language to ' , listOfLanguages selection , ' ...'.
+                Smalltalk at:#Language put:listOfLanguages selection asSymbol.
+                Smalltalk changed:#Language.
+                ResourcePack flushCachedResourcePacks.
+                Transcript showCR:'change style to ' , listOfStyles selection , ' ...'.
+                View defaultStyle:listOfStyles selection asSymbol.
+            ]
+        ]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       an example from Hopkins/Horan:  
-									[exBegin]
-	|aText index|
-	aText := 'Smalltalk/X: An Introduction to Application Development' asText.
-	index := aText findString:'Smalltalk/X' startingAt:1.
-	aText emphasizeFrom:index 
-			 to:'Smalltalk/X' size + index - 1
-		       with:#bold.
-	index := aText findString:'Introduction' startingAt:index.
-	aText emphasizeFrom:index 
-			 to:'Introduction' size + index - 1
-		       with:#italic.
-	Dialog warn:aText        
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |aText index|
+        aText := 'Smalltalk/X: An Introduction to Application Development' asText.
+        index := aText findString:'Smalltalk/X' startingAt:1.
+        aText emphasizeFrom:index 
+                         to:'Smalltalk/X' size + index - 1
+                       with:#bold.
+        index := aText findString:'Introduction' startingAt:index.
+        aText emphasizeFrom:index 
+                         to:'Introduction' size + index - 1
+                       with:#italic.
+        Dialog warn:aText        
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
       the same, with colors:  
-									[exBegin]
-	|aText index|
-	aText := 'Smalltalk/X: An Introduction to Application Development' asText.
-	index := aText findString:'Smalltalk/X' startingAt:1.
-	aText emphasizeFrom:index 
-			 to:'Smalltalk/X' size + index - 1
-		       with:(Array with:#bold with:#underline with:(#color->Color red)).
-	index := aText findString:'Introduction' startingAt:index.
-	aText emphasizeFrom:index 
-			 to:'Introduction' size + index - 1
-		       with:#italic.
-	Dialog warn:aText        
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |aText index|
+        aText := 'Smalltalk/X: An Introduction to Application Development' asText.
+        index := aText findString:'Smalltalk/X' startingAt:1.
+        aText emphasizeFrom:index 
+                         to:'Smalltalk/X' size + index - 1
+                       with:(Array with:#bold with:#underline with:(#color->Color red)).
+        index := aText findString:'Introduction' startingAt:index.
+        aText emphasizeFrom:index 
+                         to:'Introduction' size + index - 1
+                       with:#italic.
+        Dialog warn:aText        
+                                                                        [exEnd]
@@ -4847,7 +4847,7 @@
      |dialog b|
-     b := Button label:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif') magnifiedBy:0.5).
+     b := Button label:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages') magnifiedBy:0.5).
      dialog := DialogBox new.
      dialog addOkButton:b.
@@ -6861,6 +6861,6 @@
 !DialogBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/DialogBox.st,v 1.164 2001-05-15 17:46:38 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/DialogBox.st,v 1.165 2001-05-17 12:17:44 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 DialogBox initialize!
--- a/InfoBox.st	Tue May 15 19:46:48 2001 +0200
+++ b/InfoBox.st	Thu May 17 14:17:46 2001 +0200
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg' }"
 DialogBox subclass:#InfoBox
 	instanceVariableNames:'formLabel textLabel'
@@ -130,10 +132,10 @@
     changing the icon:
+        |box|
         box := InfoBox title:'hello world '.
-        box image:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SBrowser.xbm').
+        box image:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SBrowser.xbm' inPackage:'stx:libtool').
         box okText:'wow'.
         box open
@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@
         box := InfoBox title:'hello garfield '.
-        box image:((Image fromFile:'bitmaps/garfield.gif') magnifiedTo:200@100).
+        box image:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages') magnifiedTo:200@100).
         box okText:'wow'.
         box open
@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@
         box := InfoBox title:'hello garfield '.
-        box image:((Image fromFile:'bitmaps/garfield.gif') magnifiedTo:200@100).
+        box image:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages') magnifiedTo:200@100).
         box okText:'wow'.
         box open.
@@ -369,5 +371,5 @@
 !InfoBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/InfoBox.st,v 1.36 1999-12-09 11:13:43 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/InfoBox.st,v 1.37 2001-05-17 12:17:40 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/WarningBox.st	Tue May 15 19:46:48 2001 +0200
+++ b/WarningBox.st	Thu May 17 14:17:46 2001 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
  hereby transferred.
+"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg' }"
 InfoBox subclass:#WarningBox
@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@
         aBox := WarningBox title:'Press ''OK'' to continue'.
         aBox okText:'yes, continue'.
-        image := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SmalltalkX.xbm'.
+        image := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SmalltalkX.xbm' inPackage:'stx:libtool'.
         aBox form:image.
         aBox showAtPointer.
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@
      box := WarningBox title:'foo bar'.
-     box image:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/QUESTION.xpm').
+     box image:(Image fromFile:'QUESTION.xpm' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/xpmBitmaps').
      box showAtPointer.
@@ -208,5 +210,5 @@
 !WarningBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/WarningBox.st,v 1.27 1999-12-09 11:10:21 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/WarningBox.st,v 1.28 2001-05-17 12:17:46 cg Exp $'
 ! !