*** empty log message ***
Mon, 21 Nov 1994 17:49:32 +0100
changeset 28 ca403f4c5b86
parent 27 12e5a38bf0a8
child 29 b1663ac8f532
*** empty log message ***
--- a/Make.proto	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/Make.proto	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 objs::					\
                 Ruler.$(O) 		\
-		TextRuler.$(O) 		\
       		Slider.$(O) 		\
 		HSlider.$(O)		\
 		LEnterFld.$(O)		\
@@ -22,6 +21,11 @@
 	        FNmEdtFld.$(O)		\
+		TextRuler.$(O) 		\
+		TabSpec.$(O) 		\
+		ParSpec.$(O)
 obsolete:				\
 		RetButton.$(O)          \
                 MenuButt.$(O)		\
@@ -101,3 +105,6 @@
 TabSpec.$(O):		$(OBJECT)
 TextBox.$(O):           TextBox.st $(ENTERBOX)
+TabSpec.$(O):		TabSpec.st $(OBJECT)
+ParSpec.$(O):		ParSpec.st $(I)/TabSpec.H $(OBJECT)
--- a/Ruler.st	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/Ruler.st	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 a Ruler for page layout.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/Ruler.st,v 1.8 1994-11-17 14:42:26 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/Ruler.st,v 1.9 1994-11-21 16:49:32 claus Exp $
 written oct 91 by claus
@@ -73,19 +73,26 @@
     super setViewOrigin:origin.
     self redraw
+    ^ (device horizontalPixelPerInch * paperWidth) rounded
+    ^ (device verticalPixelPerInch * paperHeight) rounded
 ! !
 !Ruler methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-    "redraw scale"
+    "redraw the scale"
     |x pixelPerMM pixelPerInch mod pos shortLen veryShortLen longLen charY
      top paperWidthMM paperWidthPixel xOrigin labelRight stringRight marg|
     shown ifFalse:[^ self].
-"/    self fill:viewBackground.
     self clear.
     xOrigin := self viewOrigin x.
@@ -116,31 +123,27 @@
 	paperWidthMM := self inchToMillimeter:paperWidth.
 	pixelPerMM := (self millimeterToPixel:1) * scale.
 	pos := 5.
-	labelRight := stringRight := marg + (font widthOf:'cm').
+	labelRight := stringRight := marg + (font widthOf:'cm') + 3.
 	x := (pixelPerMM * pos - xOrigin) rounded.
 	[(x < width) and:[pos <= paperWidthMM]] whileTrue:[
-	    (mod == 1) ifTrue:[
-		self displayLineFromX:x y:top
-				  toX:x y:(top + shortLen)
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		x < stringRight ifTrue:[
-		    l := shortLen
-		] ifFalse:[
+	    l := shortLen.
+	    (mod ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
+		x < stringRight ifFalse:[
 		    l := longLen
-		self displayLineFromX:x y:top
-				  toX:x y:(top + l).
+	    ].
+	    self displayLineFromX:x y:top
+			      toX:x y:(top + l).
-		x < stringRight ifFalse:[
-		    self displayString:(pos // 10) printString
-				     x:(x + marg)
-				     y:charY.
-		    stringRight := x + marg 
-				    + (font widthOf:(pos // 10) printString)
-		]
+	    ((x < stringRight) or:[mod == 1]) ifFalse:[
+		self displayString:(pos // 10) printString
+				 x:(x + marg)
+				 y:charY.
+		stringRight := x + marg 
+				+ (font widthOf:(pos // 10) printString)
 	    mod := (mod + 1) \\ 2.
 	    pos := pos + 5.
@@ -154,28 +157,31 @@
 	pixelPerInch := (self inchToPixel:1) * scale.
 	pos := 0.25.
-	labelRight := marg + (font widthOf:'inch').
+	labelRight := marg + (font widthOf:'inch') + 3.
 	x := (pixelPerInch * pos - xOrigin) rounded.
 	veryShortLen := longLen // 4.
 	[(x < width) and:[pos <= paperWidth]] whileTrue:[
+	    |l|
+	    l := shortLen.    
 	    (mod == 0) ifTrue:[
 		x < labelRight ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:x y:top
-				      toX:x y:(top + longLen).
-		    self displayString:pos asInteger printString
-				     x:(x + marg)
-				     y:charY
+		    l := longLen
 	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(mod == 2) ifTrue:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:x y:top
-				      toX:x y:(top + shortLen)
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:x y:top
-				      toX:x y:(top + veryShortLen)
+		(mod == 2) ifFalse:[
+		    l := veryShortLen
+	    self displayLineFromX:x y:top
+			      toX:x y:(top + l).
+	    (mod == 0 and:[x >= labelRight]) ifTrue:[
+		self displayString:pos asInteger printString
+				 x:(x + marg)
+				 y:charY
+	    ].
 	    mod := (mod + 1) \\ 4.
 	    pos := pos + 0.25.
 	    x := (pixelPerInch * pos - xOrigin) rounded
@@ -193,7 +199,7 @@
     fgColor := Black.
     bitGravity := #NorthWest.
-    self height:(font height + font descent + font descent). 
+    self height:(font height + (2 * font descent)). 
     (Language == #english) ifTrue:[
 	metric := #inch
     ] ifFalse:[
--- a/TabSpec.st	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/TabSpec.st	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,26 @@
 !TabulatorSpecification class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/Attic/TabSpec.st,v 1.3 1994-11-21 16:49:03 claus Exp $
     This is a helper class for table widgets and tabular data in
@@ -16,7 +36,11 @@
     A tabulatorSpecification keeps track of where the tabs are,
     and how they align. They are to be used un conjunction with
     MultiColumnListEntry or the upcoming tableWidget.
     Example use (in a ListView):
 	|listView tabSpec entry|
@@ -62,8 +86,99 @@
 	listView at:3 put:entry.
 	listView open
-		tabSpec widths:     #(2     0.3   2     1      0.7    0.5      1).
-		"                   name  type  mode  owner  group  size     type"
+    defining field positions in millimeter :
+	|listView tabSpec entry|
+	listView := ListView new.
+	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+	tabSpec unit:#mm.
+	tabSpec positions:#(0 10 20 40).
+	tabSpec align:    #left.          
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
+	      colAt:2 put:'2';
+	      colAt:3 put:'3';
+	      colAt:4 put:'4'.
+	listView at:1 put:entry.
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
+	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
+	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
+	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.
+	listView at:2 put:entry.
+	listView open
+    defining field widths in millimeter :
+	|listView tabSpec entry|
+	listView := ListView new.
+	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+	tabSpec unit:#mm.
+	tabSpec widths:#(10 10 20 10).
+	tabSpec align:    #left.        
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
+	      colAt:2 put:'2';
+	      colAt:3 put:'3';
+	      colAt:4 put:'4'.
+	listView at:1 put:entry.
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
+	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
+	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
+	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.
+	listView at:2 put:entry.
+	listView open
+    defining field widths in pixels :
+	|listView tabSpec entry|
+	listView := ListView new.
+	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+	tabSpec unit:#pixel.
+	tabSpec widths:#(50 30 30 50).
+	tabSpec align:    #left.        
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
+	      colAt:2 put:'2';
+	      colAt:3 put:'3';
+	      colAt:4 put:'4'.
+	listView at:1 put:entry.
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
+	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
+	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
+	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.
+	listView at:2 put:entry.
+	listView open
 ! !
@@ -98,6 +213,20 @@
     ^ 1.
+    "return the type of the tab at position index."
+    tabPositions isNil ifTrue:[^ #left].
+    tabTypes notNil ifTrue:[
+	(tabTypes isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ tabTypes
+	].
+	^ tabTypes at:index.
+    ].
+    "default is left"
+    ^ #left
 positionOfTab:index on:aGC
     "return the position (in device units) of the tab at index"
@@ -119,15 +248,7 @@
     pos := self positionOfTab:index on:aGC.
     pos isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    tabTypes notNil ifTrue:[
-	(tabTypes isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
-	    type := tabTypes
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    type := tabTypes at:(index).
-	].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	type := #left
-    ].
+    type := self typeOfTab:index.
     type == #right ifTrue:[
 	^ pos - (aGC font widthOf:aString).
@@ -145,11 +266,16 @@
     "default is left"
     ^ pos
 ! !
 !TabulatorSpecification methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the number of tabs in this spec"
+    ^ tabPositions size
     "set the unit.
      allowed are: #inch, #mm, #cm, #pixel and #col"
@@ -190,6 +316,25 @@
     ^ tabTypes
+    "return a width-vector"
+    |prev|
+    prev := 0.
+    ^ tabPositions collect:[:p | |w| w := p - prev. prev := p. w].
+    "
+     |spec|
+     spec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+     spec unit:#inch.
+     spec positions:#(0     1     2.5    3.5    4       5        ).
+     spec align:    #(#left #left #right #right #center #decimal ).
+     spec widths
+    "
     "set the position-vector from a vector of field widths"
--- a/TabulatorSpecification.st	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/TabulatorSpecification.st	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,26 @@
 !TabulatorSpecification class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/TabulatorSpecification.st,v 1.3 1994-11-21 16:49:03 claus Exp $
     This is a helper class for table widgets and tabular data in
@@ -16,7 +36,11 @@
     A tabulatorSpecification keeps track of where the tabs are,
     and how they align. They are to be used un conjunction with
     MultiColumnListEntry or the upcoming tableWidget.
     Example use (in a ListView):
 	|listView tabSpec entry|
@@ -62,8 +86,99 @@
 	listView at:3 put:entry.
 	listView open
-		tabSpec widths:     #(2     0.3   2     1      0.7    0.5      1).
-		"                   name  type  mode  owner  group  size     type"
+    defining field positions in millimeter :
+	|listView tabSpec entry|
+	listView := ListView new.
+	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+	tabSpec unit:#mm.
+	tabSpec positions:#(0 10 20 40).
+	tabSpec align:    #left.          
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
+	      colAt:2 put:'2';
+	      colAt:3 put:'3';
+	      colAt:4 put:'4'.
+	listView at:1 put:entry.
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
+	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
+	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
+	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.
+	listView at:2 put:entry.
+	listView open
+    defining field widths in millimeter :
+	|listView tabSpec entry|
+	listView := ListView new.
+	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+	tabSpec unit:#mm.
+	tabSpec widths:#(10 10 20 10).
+	tabSpec align:    #left.        
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
+	      colAt:2 put:'2';
+	      colAt:3 put:'3';
+	      colAt:4 put:'4'.
+	listView at:1 put:entry.
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
+	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
+	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
+	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.
+	listView at:2 put:entry.
+	listView open
+    defining field widths in pixels :
+	|listView tabSpec entry|
+	listView := ListView new.
+	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+	tabSpec unit:#pixel.
+	tabSpec widths:#(50 30 30 50).
+	tabSpec align:    #left.        
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
+	      colAt:2 put:'2';
+	      colAt:3 put:'3';
+	      colAt:4 put:'4'.
+	listView at:1 put:entry.
+	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
+	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
+	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
+	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.
+	listView at:2 put:entry.
+	listView open
 ! !
@@ -98,6 +213,20 @@
     ^ 1.
+    "return the type of the tab at position index."
+    tabPositions isNil ifTrue:[^ #left].
+    tabTypes notNil ifTrue:[
+	(tabTypes isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ tabTypes
+	].
+	^ tabTypes at:index.
+    ].
+    "default is left"
+    ^ #left
 positionOfTab:index on:aGC
     "return the position (in device units) of the tab at index"
@@ -119,15 +248,7 @@
     pos := self positionOfTab:index on:aGC.
     pos isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    tabTypes notNil ifTrue:[
-	(tabTypes isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
-	    type := tabTypes
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    type := tabTypes at:(index).
-	].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	type := #left
-    ].
+    type := self typeOfTab:index.
     type == #right ifTrue:[
 	^ pos - (aGC font widthOf:aString).
@@ -145,11 +266,16 @@
     "default is left"
     ^ pos
 ! !
 !TabulatorSpecification methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the number of tabs in this spec"
+    ^ tabPositions size
     "set the unit.
      allowed are: #inch, #mm, #cm, #pixel and #col"
@@ -190,6 +316,25 @@
     ^ tabTypes
+    "return a width-vector"
+    |prev|
+    prev := 0.
+    ^ tabPositions collect:[:p | |w| w := p - prev. prev := p. w].
+    "
+     |spec|
+     spec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+     spec unit:#inch.
+     spec positions:#(0     1     2.5    3.5    4       5        ).
+     spec align:    #(#left #left #right #right #center #decimal ).
+     spec widths
+    "
     "set the position-vector from a vector of field widths"
--- a/TextRuler.st	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/TextRuler.st	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -1,130 +1,368 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.4 on 18-nov-1994 at 16:11:48'!
 Ruler subclass:#TextRuler
-         instanceVariableNames:'leftMargin rightMargin tabSpec moving'
-            classVariableNames:'LeftAlignForm RightAlignForm
-                                AlignForm CenterForm LeftMarginForm
-                                RightMarginForm LeftTabForm RightTabForm
-                                CenterTabForm DecimalTabForm'
-         poolDictionaries:''
-         category:'Views-Interactors'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'leftMargin rightMargin spec moving settingTab'
+	 classVariableNames:'LeftAlignForm RightAlignForm AlignForm CenterForm LeftMarginForm
+		RightMarginForm LeftTabForm RightTabForm CenterTabForm
+		DecimalTabForm'
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Views-Interactors'
 TextRuler comment:'
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
 a Ruler for page layout showing tabs., margins etc.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/TextRuler.st,v 1.7 1994-08-23 23:44:32 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/TextRuler.st,v 1.8 1994-11-21 16:48:42 claus Exp $
 written oct 91 by claus
+!TextRuler class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    This is a special ruler built for text processing
+    applications. Currently, it is not used in the system.
+    It allows setting of margins, tabs and text-layout.
+    TextRuler new open
+! !
 !TextRuler class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "return the form displayed in the align-button"
+    "return the form displayed for the right margin marker"
+    RightMarginForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	RightMarginForm := Form fromFile:'rightMarg.xbm' resolution:100
+    ].
+    ^ RightMarginForm
+    "return the form displayed for the left margin marker"
-    AlignForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        AlignForm := Form fromFile:'align.xbm' resolution:100
+    LeftMarginForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	LeftMarginForm := Form fromFile:'leftMargin.xbm' resolution:100
-    ^ AlignForm
+    ^ LeftMarginForm
+    "return the form displayed in the rightAlign-button"
+    RightAlignForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	RightAlignForm :=  Form fromFile:'rightAlign.xbm' resolution:100
+    ].
+    ^ RightAlignForm
+    "return the form displayed in the leftTab-button"
+    LeftTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	LeftTabForm := Form fromFile:'leftTab.xbm' resolution:100
+    ].
+    ^ LeftTabForm
     "return the form displayed in the center-button"
     CenterForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        CenterForm := Form fromFile:'center.xbm' resolution:100
+	CenterForm := Form fromFile:'center.xbm' resolution:100
     ^ CenterForm
+    "return the form displayed in the align-button"
+    AlignForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	AlignForm := Form fromFile:'align.xbm' resolution:100
+    ].
+    ^ AlignForm
+    "return the form displayed in the rightTab-button"
+    RightTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	RightTabForm := Form fromFile:'rightTab.xbm' resolution:100
+    ].
+    ^ RightTabForm
     "return the form displayed in the leftAlign-button"
     LeftAlignForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        LeftAlignForm := Form fromFile:'leftAlign.xbm' resolution:100
+	LeftAlignForm := Form fromFile:'leftAlign.xbm' resolution:100
     ^ LeftAlignForm
-    "return the form displayed in the rightAlign-button"
-    RightAlignForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        RightAlignForm :=  Form fromFile:'rightAlign.xbm' resolution:100
-    ].
-    ^ RightAlignForm
-    "return the form displayed in the rightTab-button"
+    "return the form displayed in the decimalTab-button"
-    RightTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        RightTabForm := Form fromFile:'rightTab.xbm' resolution:100
+    DecimalTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
+	DecimalTabForm := Form fromFile:'decimalTab.xbm' resolution:100
-    ^ RightTabForm
-    "return the form displayed in the leftTab-button"
-    LeftTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        LeftTabForm := Form fromFile:'leftTab.xbm' resolution:100
-    ].
-    ^ LeftTabForm
+    ^ DecimalTabForm
     "return the form displayed in the centerTab-button"
     CenterTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        CenterTabForm := Form fromFile:'centerTab.xbm' resolution:100
+	CenterTabForm := Form fromFile:'centerTab.xbm' resolution:100
     ^ CenterTabForm
+! !
+!TextRuler methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    spec := aSpec
+! !
+!TextRuler methodsFor:'redrawing'!
+    "redraw margin & tab marks"
+    |x top form tab type tabStops tabAlign viewOrigin orgX orgY|
+    super redraw.
+    viewOrigin := self viewOrigin.
+    orgX := viewOrigin x.
+    orgY := viewOrigin y.
+    self paint:fgColor.
+    top := height - (font height) - (font ascent).
+    x := (self inchToPixel:leftMargin) rounded.
+    form := self class leftMarginForm.
+    self displayForm:form 
+		   x:(x - (form width // 2) - orgX)
+		   y:(top - form height - orgY).
+    x := (self inchToPixel:rightMargin) rounded.
+    form := self class rightMarginForm.
+    self displayForm:form 
+		   x:(x - (form width // 2) - orgX)
+		   y:(top - form height - orgY).
+    spec notNil ifTrue:[
+	tabStops := spec positions.
+	tabAlign := spec align.
+	tabStops notNil ifTrue:[
+	    1 to:tabStops size do:[:tabNr |
+		tab := tabStops at:tabNr.
+		type := tabAlign at:tabNr.
+		x := (spec positionOfTab:tabNr on:self) rounded.
+		(type == #left) ifTrue:[
+		    form := self class leftTabForm
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    (type == #right) ifTrue:[
+			form := self class rightTabForm
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			(type == #center) ifTrue:[
+			    form := self class centerTabForm
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    (type == #decimal) ifTrue:[
+				form := self class decimalTabForm
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+		self displayForm:form 
+			       x:(x - (form width // 2) - orgX)
+			       y:(top - form height - orgY)
+	    ]
+	]
+    ]
+    "clear margin"
-    "return the form displayed in the decimalTab-button"
+    |this other otherX otherX2 x x2 top form symOther viewOrigin|
+    self paint:viewBackground.
+    top := height - (font height) - (font ascent).
-    DecimalTabForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        DecimalTabForm := Form fromFile:'decimalTab.xbm' resolution:100
+    (which == #left) ifTrue:[
+	this := leftMargin.
+	other := rightMargin. symOther := #right.
+	form := self class leftMarginForm
+    ].
+    (which == #right) ifTrue:[
+	this := rightMargin.
+	other := leftMargin. symOther := #left.
+	form := self class rightMarginForm
-    ^ DecimalTabForm
+    x := (self inchToPixel:this) rounded - (form width // 2).
+    viewOrigin := self viewOrigin.
+    self displayForm:form 
+		   x:x + viewOrigin x
+		   y:(top - form height - viewOrigin y).
+    "
+     if it covers any other, redraw them
+    "
+    x2 := x + form width.
+    otherX := (self inchToPixel:other) rounded - (form width // 2).
+    otherX2 := otherX + form width.
+    otherX  > x2 ifFalse:[
+	otherX2 < x ifFalse:[
+	    self drawMargin:symOther
+	]
+    ].
-    "return the form displayed for the left margin marker"
+    "clear margin"
+    |x top form viewOrigin|
+    self paint:fgColor.
+    top := height - (font height) - (font ascent).
-    LeftMarginForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        LeftMarginForm := Form fromFile:'leftMargin.xbm' resolution:100
+    (which == #left) ifTrue:[
+	x := (self inchToPixel:leftMargin) rounded.
+	form := self class leftMarginForm
+    ].
+    (which == #right) ifTrue:[
+	x := (self inchToPixel:rightMargin) rounded.
+	form := self class rightMarginForm
-    ^ LeftMarginForm
+    viewOrigin := self viewOrigin.
+    self displayForm:form 
+		   x:(x - (form width // 2) - viewOrigin x)
+		   y:(top - form height - viewOrigin y).
+! !
+!TextRuler methodsFor:'user interaction'!
+buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    "position a tab or start moving a ruler"
+    moving := nil
-    "return the form displayed for the right margin marker"
+buttonPress:button x:pX y:y
+    "position a tab or start moving a ruler"
+    |mpos x|
+    ((button == #select) or:[button == 1]) ifFalse:[
+	^ super buttonPress:button x:pX y:y
+    ].
+    x := pX + self viewOrigin x.
+    settingTab notNil ifTrue:[
+	self setTabX:x.
+	settingTab := nil.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    mpos := self inchToPixel:leftMargin.
+    (((mpos - 4) <= x) and:[x <= (mpos + 4)]) ifTrue:[
+	"start moving left margin"
+	moving := #left.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    mpos := self inchToPixel:rightMargin.
+    (((mpos - 4) <= x) and:[x <= (mpos + 4)]) ifTrue:[
+	"start moving right margin"
+	moving := #right.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    ^ self
+buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
+    "position a tab or start moving a ruler"
+    |mpos|
-    RightMarginForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        RightMarginForm := Form fromFile:'rightMarg.xbm' resolution:100
-    ].
-    ^ RightMarginForm
+    moving notNil ifTrue:[
+	self clearMargin:moving.
+	mpos := self pixelToInch:x + self viewOrigin x.
+	(mpos < 0) ifTrue:[
+	    mpos := 0
+	].
+	(mpos > paperWidth) ifTrue:[
+	    mpos := paperWidth
+	].
+	(moving == #left) ifTrue:[
+	    leftMargin := mpos
+	].
+	(moving == #right) ifTrue:[
+	    rightMargin := mpos
+	].
+	self drawMargin:moving
+    ]
+    ^ self
+    ^ self
+    settingTab := #left.
+    ^ self
+    ^ self
+    settingTab := #center.
+    settingTab := #right.
+    settingTab := #decimal.
 ! !
 !TextRuler methodsFor:'initializing'!
+    super initEvents.
+    self enableButtonEvents.
+    self enableButtonMotionEvents
     |leftAlignToggle alignToggle centerToggle rightAlignToggle
      leftTabButton centerTabButton rightTabButton decimalTabButton
@@ -137,251 +375,59 @@
     h := self class leftAlignForm height.
     panel1 := HorizontalPanelView
-                        origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
-                        extent:[(width // 3) @ (h*2) "(height - scaleHeight)"]
-                            in:self.
+			origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
+			extent:[(width // 3 * 2) @ (h*2)]
+			    in:self.
     panel1 borderWidth:0.
-    panel1 layout:#left.
-    panel2 := HorizontalPanelView
-                        origin:[(width // 3) @ margin]
-                        extent:[(width // 3) @ (h*2) "(height - scaleHeight)"]
-                            in:self.
-    panel2 borderWidth:0.
-    panel2 layout:#center.
+    panel1 layout:#leftSpace.
     panel3 := HorizontalPanelView
-                        origin:[(width // 3 * 2) @ margin]
-                        extent:[((width // 3)-margin) @ (h*2) "(height - scaleHeight)"]
-                            in:self.
+			origin:[(width // 3 * 2) @ margin]
+			extent:[((width // 3)-margin) @ (h*2) "(height - scaleHeight)"]
+			    in:self.
     panel3 borderWidth:0.
     panel3 layout:#right.
     leftAlignToggle := RadioButton form:(self class leftAlignForm)
-                                 action:[self leftAlign]
-                                     in:panel1.
+				 action:[self leftAlign]
+				     in:panel1.
     alignToggle := RadioButton form:(self class alignForm)
-                             action:[self align]
-                                 in:panel1.
+			     action:[self align]
+				 in:panel1.
     centerToggle := RadioButton form:(self class centerForm)
-                              action:[self center]
-                                  in:panel1.
+			      action:[self center]
+				  in:panel1.
     rightAlignToggle := RadioButton form:(self class rightAlignForm)
-                                  action:[self rightAlign]
-                                      in:panel1.
+				  action:[self rightAlign]
+				      in:panel1.
     group := RadioButtonGroup new.
     group add:leftAlignToggle.
     group add:alignToggle.
     group add:centerToggle.
     group add:rightAlignToggle.
+    "separator"
+    (View in:panel1) extent:(50 @ 2); borderWidth:0; level:0.
     leftTabButton := Button form:(self class leftTabForm)
-                          action:[self leftTab]
-                              in:panel2.
+			  action:[self leftTab]
+			      in:panel1.
     centerTabButton := Button form:(self class centerTabForm)
-                            action:[self centerTab]
-                                in:panel2.
+			    action:[self centerTab]
+				in:panel1.
     rightTabButton := Button form:(self class rightTabForm)
-                           action:[self rightTab]
-                               in:panel2.
+			   action:[self rightTab]
+			       in:panel1.
     decimalTabButton := Button form:(self class decimalTabForm)
-                             action:[self decimalTab]
-                                 in:panel2.
+			     action:[self decimalTab]
+				 in:panel1.
-    lineSpacingField := EditField in:panel3.
+"/    lineSpacingField := EditField in:panel3.
-    leftMargin := 0.25.
-    rightMargin := 8.25
-    "TextRuler new realize"
+    leftMargin := 0.0.
+    rightMargin := 8.5 
-    super initEvents.
-    self enableButtonEvents.
-    self enableButtonMotionEvents
+    "TextRuler new open"
 ! !
-!TextRuler methodsFor:'user interaction'!
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-    ^ self
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "position a tab or start moving a ruler"
-    |mpos|
-    mpos := self inchToPixel:leftMargin.
-    (((mpos - 4) <= x) and:[x <= (mpos + 4)]) ifTrue:[
-        "start moving left margin"
-        moving := #left.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    mpos := self inchToPixel:rightMargin.
-    (((mpos - 4) <= x) and:[x <= (mpos + 4)]) ifTrue:[
-        "start moving right margin"
-        moving := #right.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    ^ self
-buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
-    "position a tab or start moving a ruler"
-    |mpos|
-    moving notNil ifTrue:[
-        self clearMargin:moving.
-        mpos := self pixelToInch:x.
-        (mpos < 0) ifTrue:[
-            mpos := 0
-        ].
-        (mpos > paperWidth) ifTrue:[
-            mpos := paperWidth
-        ].
-        (moving == #left) ifTrue:[
-            leftMargin := mpos
-        ].
-        (moving == #right) ifTrue:[
-            rightMargin := mpos
-        ].
-        self drawMargin:moving
-    ]
-buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    "position a tab or start moving a ruler"
-    moving := nil
-! !
-!TextRuler methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-    "clear margin"
-    |x top form|
-    self paint:viewBackground.
-    self background:viewBackground.
-    top := height - (font height) - (font ascent).
-    (which == #left) ifTrue:[
-        x := (self inchToPixel:leftMargin) rounded.
-        form := self class leftMarginForm
-    ].
-    (which == #right) ifTrue:[
-        x := (self inchToPixel:rightMargin) rounded.
-        form := self class rightMarginForm
-    ].
-    self displayOpaqueForm:form x:(x - (form width // 2))
-    "clear margin"
-    |x top form|
-    self paint:fgColor.
-    self background:viewBackground.
-    top := height - (font height) - (font ascent).
-    (which == #left) ifTrue:[
-        x := (self inchToPixel:leftMargin) rounded.
-        form := self class leftMarginForm
-    ].
-    (which == #right) ifTrue:[
-        x := (self inchToPixel:rightMargin) rounded.
-        form := self class rightMarginForm
-    ].
-    self displayOpaqueForm:form x:(x - (form width // 2))
-    "redraw margin & tab marks"
-    |x top form tab type tabStops tabAlign|
-    super redraw.
-    self paint:fgColor.
-    self background:viewBackground.
-    top := height - (font height) - (font ascent).
-    x := (self inchToPixel:leftMargin) rounded.
-    form := self class leftMarginForm.
-    self displayOpaqueForm:form x:(x - (form width // 2))
-                             y:(top - form height).
-    x := (self inchToPixel:rightMargin) rounded.
-    form := self class rightMarginForm.
-    self displayOpaqueForm:form 
-                         x:(x - (form width // 2))
-                         y:(top - form height).
-    tabStops := tabSpec positions.
-    tabAlign := tabSpec align.
-    tabStops notNil ifTrue:[
-        1 to:tabStops size do:[:tabNr |
-            tab := tabStops at:tabNr.
-            type := tabAlign at:tabNr.
-            x := (tabSpec positionOfTab:tabNr on:self) rounded.
-            (type == #left) ifTrue:[
-                form := self class leftTabForm
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (type == #right) ifTrue:[
-                    form := self class rightTabForm
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (type == #center) ifTrue:[
-                        form := self class centerTabForm
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        (type == #decimal) ifTrue:[
-                            form := self class decimalTabForm
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            self displayOpaqueForm:form 
-				 x:(x - (form width // 2))
-                                 y:(top - form height)
-        ]
-    ]
-! !
--- a/VRuler.st	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/VRuler.st	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 a VerticalRuler for page layout.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/Attic/VRuler.st,v 1.1 1994-11-17 14:42:58 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/Attic/VRuler.st,v 1.2 1994-11-21 16:48:22 claus Exp $
 written oct 91 by claus
@@ -51,14 +51,13 @@
 !VerticalRuler methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-    "redraw scale"
+    "redraw the scale"
     |y pixelPerMM pixelPerInch mod pos shortLen veryShortLen longLen charX
      left paperHeightMM paperHeightPixel yOrigin labelBot marg fontHeight|
     shown ifFalse:[^ self].
-"/    self fill:viewBackground.
     self clear.
     yOrigin := self viewOrigin y.
@@ -95,18 +94,21 @@
 	y := (pixelPerMM * pos - yOrigin) rounded.
 	[(y < height) and:[pos <= paperHeightMM]] whileTrue:[
-	    (mod == 1) ifTrue:[
-		self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				  toX:(left + shortLen) y:y
-	    ] ifFalse:[
+	    |l|
+	    l := shortLen.
+	    (mod ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
 		y < labelBot ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + longLen) y:y.
-		    self displayString:(pos // 10) printString
-				     x:charX
-				     y:(y + marg + fontHeight)
+		    l := longLen
+	    self displayLineFromX:left y:y toX:(left + l) y:y.
+	    (mod ~~ 1 and:[y >= labelBot]) ifTrue:[
+		self displayString:(pos // 10) printString
+				 x:charX
+				 y:(y + marg + fontHeight)
+	    ].
 	    mod := (mod + 1) \\ 2.
 	    pos := pos + 5.
 	    y := (pixelPerMM * pos - yOrigin) rounded 
@@ -124,22 +126,26 @@
 	y := (pixelPerInch * pos - yOrigin) rounded.
 	veryShortLen := longLen // 4.
 	[(y < height) and:[pos <= paperHeight]] whileTrue:[
+	    |l|
+	    l := shortLen.
 	    (mod == 0) ifTrue:[
 		y < labelBot ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + longLen) y:y.
+		    l := longLen.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(mod == 2) ifFalse:[
+		    l := veryShortLen
+		]
+	    ].
+	    self displayLineFromX:left y:y toX:(left + l) y:y.
+	    (mod == 0) ifTrue:[
+		y < labelBot ifFalse:[
 		    self displayString:pos asInteger printString
 				     y:(y + marg + fontHeight)
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(mod == 2) ifTrue:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + shortLen) y:y
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + veryShortLen) y:y
-		]
 	    mod := (mod + 1) \\ 4.
 	    pos := pos + 0.25.
--- a/VerticalRuler.st	Thu Nov 17 15:42:58 1994 +0100
+++ b/VerticalRuler.st	Mon Nov 21 17:49:32 1994 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 a VerticalRuler for page layout.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/VerticalRuler.st,v 1.1 1994-11-17 14:42:58 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/VerticalRuler.st,v 1.2 1994-11-21 16:48:22 claus Exp $
 written oct 91 by claus
@@ -51,14 +51,13 @@
 !VerticalRuler methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-    "redraw scale"
+    "redraw the scale"
     |y pixelPerMM pixelPerInch mod pos shortLen veryShortLen longLen charX
      left paperHeightMM paperHeightPixel yOrigin labelBot marg fontHeight|
     shown ifFalse:[^ self].
-"/    self fill:viewBackground.
     self clear.
     yOrigin := self viewOrigin y.
@@ -95,18 +94,21 @@
 	y := (pixelPerMM * pos - yOrigin) rounded.
 	[(y < height) and:[pos <= paperHeightMM]] whileTrue:[
-	    (mod == 1) ifTrue:[
-		self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				  toX:(left + shortLen) y:y
-	    ] ifFalse:[
+	    |l|
+	    l := shortLen.
+	    (mod ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
 		y < labelBot ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + longLen) y:y.
-		    self displayString:(pos // 10) printString
-				     x:charX
-				     y:(y + marg + fontHeight)
+		    l := longLen
+	    self displayLineFromX:left y:y toX:(left + l) y:y.
+	    (mod ~~ 1 and:[y >= labelBot]) ifTrue:[
+		self displayString:(pos // 10) printString
+				 x:charX
+				 y:(y + marg + fontHeight)
+	    ].
 	    mod := (mod + 1) \\ 2.
 	    pos := pos + 5.
 	    y := (pixelPerMM * pos - yOrigin) rounded 
@@ -124,22 +126,26 @@
 	y := (pixelPerInch * pos - yOrigin) rounded.
 	veryShortLen := longLen // 4.
 	[(y < height) and:[pos <= paperHeight]] whileTrue:[
+	    |l|
+	    l := shortLen.
 	    (mod == 0) ifTrue:[
 		y < labelBot ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + longLen) y:y.
+		    l := longLen.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(mod == 2) ifFalse:[
+		    l := veryShortLen
+		]
+	    ].
+	    self displayLineFromX:left y:y toX:(left + l) y:y.
+	    (mod == 0) ifTrue:[
+		y < labelBot ifFalse:[
 		    self displayString:pos asInteger printString
 				     y:(y + marg + fontHeight)
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(mod == 2) ifTrue:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + shortLen) y:y
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    self displayLineFromX:left y:y
-				      toX:(left + veryShortLen) y:y
-		]
 	    mod := (mod + 1) \\ 4.
 	    pos := pos + 0.25.