better indent/undent behavior (delayed redraw)
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 17:56:33 +0200
changeset 288 ffd914a69270
parent 287 8151d262bd27
child 289 20c821948867
better indent/undent behavior (delayed redraw)
--- a/keyboard.rc	Thu Jun 04 16:55:54 1998 +0200
+++ b/keyboard.rc	Thu Jun 04 17:56:33 1998 +0200
@@ -41,118 +41,120 @@
 macros at:#F99 put:'
-		    "replace selection by 
-		     corresponding
-		     unix commands output"
+	"replace selection by 
+	 corresponding
+	 unix commands output"
-		    |sel|
+	|sel|
-		    sel := self selection.
-		    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-			self replace:
-			    (PipeStream readingFrom:(sel asString))
-				contents asString
-		    ]'.
+	sel := self selection.
+	sel notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self replace:
+		(PipeStream readingFrom:(sel asString))
+		    contents asString
+	]'.
 "/ macro to toggle tabs
 macros at:#F98 put:'
-		    "toggle between 4-col 
-		     and 8-col tabs"
+	"toggle between 4-col 
+	 and 8-col tabs"
-		    (tabPositions == self class tab4Positions)
-			 ifTrue:[self setTab8]
-			 ifFalse:[self setTab4]'.
+	(tabPositions == self class tab4Positions)
+	     ifTrue:[self setTab8]
+	     ifFalse:[self setTab4]'.
 "/ macro to get next spelling error, and select it
 macros at:#F97 put:'
-		    |errs thisErr sl sc|
+	|errs thisErr sl sc|
-		    thisErr := Smalltalk at:#''_thisError''.
-		    thisErr isNil ifTrue:[
-			errs := Smalltalk at:#''_spellOutput''.
-			(errs notNil and:[errs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-			    thisErr := errs removeFirst.
-			    errs isEmpty ifTrue:[Smalltalk removeKey:''_spellOut'']
-			].
-			Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine'' put:1.
-			Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol'' put:1.
-		    ].
-		    thisErr notNil ifTrue:[
-			sl := Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine''.
-			sc := Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol''.
-			self searchForwardFor:thisErr
-			     startingAtLine:sl col:sc 
-			     ifFound:[:fl :fc | self selectWordAtLine:fl col:fc.
-						Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine'' put:fl.
-						Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol'' put:fc+1]
-			     ifAbsent:[self device beep]
-		    ]'.
+	thisErr := Smalltalk at:#''_thisError''.
+	thisErr isNil ifTrue:[
+	    errs := Smalltalk at:#''_spellOutput''.
+	    (errs notNil and:[errs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
+		thisErr := errs removeFirst.
+		errs isEmpty ifTrue:[Smalltalk removeKey:''_spellOut'']
+	    ].
+	    Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine'' put:1.
+	    Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol'' put:1.
+	].
+	thisErr notNil ifTrue:[
+	    sl := Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine''.
+	    sc := Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol''.
+	    self searchForwardFor:thisErr
+		 startingAtLine:sl col:sc 
+		 ifFound:[:fl :fc | self selectWordAtLine:fl col:fc.
+				    Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine'' put:fl.
+				    Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol'' put:fc+1]
+		 ifAbsent:[self device beep]
+	]'.
 "/ macro to send contents to spell; remember spelling errors
 "/ does not work on all systems (some do not have spell ...)
 macros at:#F96 put:'
-		    |p f s|
+	|p f s|
-		    f := Filename newTemporary. s := f writeStream.
-		    s nextPutAll:self contents asString.
-		    s close.
-		    p := PipeStream readingFrom:''spell '' , f pathName.
-		    Smalltalk at:#''_spellOutput'' put:p contents asString asCollectionOfLines.
-		    p close.
-		    self information:''F7 positions on the next spelling error''.
-		    '.
+	f := Filename newTemporary. s := f writeStream.
+	s nextPutAll:self contents asString.
+	s close.
+	p := PipeStream readingFrom:''spell '' , f pathName.
+	Smalltalk at:#''_spellOutput'' put:p contents asString asCollectionOfLines.
+	p close.
+	self information:''F7 positions on the next spelling error''.
+	'.
 "/ macro to indent by 4
 macros at:#F95 put:'
-		    "indent selected line-range 
-		     by 4 spaces (i.e. to the right)"
+	"indent selected line-range 
+	 by 4 spaces (i.e. to the right)"
-		    self selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[    
-			self selectionStartLine to:self selectionEndLine-1 do:[:lineNr |
-			    |line|
+	self selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[    
+	    self selectionStartLine to:self selectionEndLine-1 do:[:lineNr |
+		|line|
-			    line := self listAt:lineNr.
-			    line notNil ifTrue:[
-				line notEmpty ifTrue:[
-				    line := ''    '' , line.
-				    self at:lineNr put:line
-				]
-			    ]
-			]
+		line := self listAt:lineNr.
+		line notNil ifTrue:[
+		    line notEmpty ifTrue:[
+			line := ''    '' , line.
+			self withoutRedrawAt:lineNr put:line.
+			self invalidateLine:lineNr.
-		    '.
+		]
+	    ].
+	]
+	'.
 "/ macro to undent by 4
 macros at:#F94 put:'
-		    "undent selected line-range 
-		     by 4 spaces (i.e. to the left)"
+	"undent selected line-range 
+	 by 4 spaces (i.e. to the left)"
-		    self selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[    
-			self selectionStartLine to:self selectionEndLine-1 do:[:lineNr |
-			    |line|
+	self selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[    
+	    self selectionStartLine to:self selectionEndLine-1 do:[:lineNr |
+		|line|
-			    line := self listAt:lineNr.
-			    line notNil ifTrue:[
-				line notEmpty ifTrue:[
-				    (line startsWith:''    '') ifTrue:[
-					line := line copyFrom:5.
-					self at:lineNr put:line
-				    ]
-				]
-			    ]
+		line := self listAt:lineNr.
+		line notNil ifTrue:[
+		    line notEmpty ifTrue:[
+			(line startsWith:''    '') ifTrue:[
+			    line := line copyFrom:5.
+			    self withoutRedrawAt:lineNr put:line.
+			    self invalidateLine:lineNr.
-		    '.
+		]
+	    ].
+	]
+	'.