changeset 63 6714daee4b26
parent 61 85ef247db6b1
child 67 09e9d4b57142
equal deleted inserted replaced
62:0e8573b4329a 63:6714daee4b26
    19 	classVariableNames:''
    19 	classVariableNames:''
    20 	poolDictionaries:''
    20 	poolDictionaries:''
    21 	privateIn:UIObjectView::UndoHistory
    21 	privateIn:UIObjectView::UndoHistory
    22 !
    22 !
    25 !UIObjectView class methodsFor:'conversion'!
    27 asLayoutFrameFromView:aView
    28     "convert layout from aView to a frameLayout. On success the frameLayout is
    29      returned otherwise nil
    30     "
    31     |lF lO rF rO tF tO bF bO layout|
    33     (layout := aView geometryLayout) isNil ifTrue:[
    34         ^ nil
    35     ].
    37     layout isLayout ifTrue:[
    38         layout isLayoutFrame ifTrue:[^ layout copy].
    40         lF := layout leftFraction.
    41         lO := layout leftOffset.
    42         tF := layout topFraction.
    43         tO := layout topOffset.
    44         bF := tF.
    45         bO := tO + aView extent y.
    46         rF := lF.
    47         rO := lO + aView extent x.
    48     ] ifFalse:[
    49         lF := rF := tF := bF := 0.
    51         layout isRectangle ifTrue:[
    52             lO := layout left.
    53             tO := layout top.
    54             rO := layout right.
    55             bO := layout bottom.
    56         ] ifFalse:[
    57             layout isPoint ifFalse:[ ^ nil ].
    59             lO := layout x.
    60             tO := layout y.
    61             rO := lO + aView extent x.
    62             bO := tO + aView extent y.
    63         ].
    64     ].
    66     ^ LayoutFrame leftFraction:lF offset:lO  rightFraction:rF offset:rO
    67                    topFraction:tF offset:tO bottomFraction:bF offset:bO
    68 ! !
    25 !UIObjectView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
    70 !UIObjectView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
    27 defaultGrid
    72 defaultGrid
    28     ^ 4 @ 4
    73     ^ 4 @ 4
  1555 ! !
  1600 ! !
  1557 !UIObjectView methodsFor:'user actions - position'!
  1602 !UIObjectView methodsFor:'user actions - position'!
  1604 alignFrameLayout:aBlock
  1605     "perform block on a frameLayout assigned to the current single selection
  1606     "
  1607     self transaction:#align selectionDo:[:aView|
  1608         layout := self class asLayoutFrameFromView:aView.
  1610         layout notNil ifTrue:[
  1611             self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1612             aBlock value:layout.
  1613             aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1614             self elementChangedSize:aView.
  1615         ]
  1616     ]
  1617 !
  1559 alignSelectionBottom
  1619 alignSelectionBottom
  1560     "align selection to the bottom of the first object in the selection; in case
  1620     "align selection to the bottom of the first object in the selection; in case
  1561      of one selection the object is aligned to the bottom of its superview
  1621      of one selection the object is aligned to the bottom of its superview
  1562     "
  1622     "
  1563     |bmost delta layout|
  1623     |bmost delta|
  1565     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1625     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1566         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1626         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1567             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1627             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1568                 bmost := (selection at:1) computeCorner y.
  1628                 bmost := (selection at:1) computeCorner y.
  1571                     (delta := bmost - (v computeCorner y)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1631                     (delta := bmost - (v computeCorner y)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1572                         self shiftLayout:v top:delta bottom:delta.
  1632                         self shiftLayout:v top:delta bottom:delta.
  1573                     ]
  1633                     ]
  1574                 ]
  1634                 ]
  1575             ] ifFalse:[
  1635             ] ifFalse:[
  1576                 layout := selection geometryLayout.
  1636                 self alignFrameLayout:[:aLayout|
  1637                     aLayout bottomOffset:0.
  1578                 (layout isLayout and:[layout isLayoutFrame]) ifTrue:[
  1638                     aLayout bottomFraction:1.0
  1579                     self transaction:#layout selectionDo:[:aView|
  1580                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1581                         layout := aView geometryLayout.
  1582                         layout bottomOffset:0.
  1583                         layout bottomFraction:1.0.
  1584                         aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1585                     ]
  1586                 ]
  1639                 ]
  1587             ]
  1640             ]
  1588         ].
  1641         ].
  1589         self changed:#layout
  1642         self changed:#layout
  1590     ]
  1643     ]
  1665 alignSelectionLeft
  1718 alignSelectionLeft
  1666     "align selection to the left of the first object in the selection; in case
  1719     "align selection to the left of the first object in the selection; in case
  1667      of one selection the object is aligned to the left of its superview
  1720      of one selection the object is aligned to the left of its superview
  1668     "
  1721     "
  1669     |lmost delta layout|
  1722     |lmost delta|
  1671     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1724     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1672         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1725         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1673             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1726             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1674                 lmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin x.
  1727                 lmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin x.
  1677                     (delta := lmost - (v computeOrigin x)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1730                     (delta := lmost - (v computeOrigin x)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1678                         self shiftLayout:v left:delta right:delta
  1731                         self shiftLayout:v left:delta right:delta
  1679                     ]
  1732                     ]
  1680                 ]
  1733                 ]
  1681             ] ifFalse:[
  1734             ] ifFalse:[
  1682                 self transaction:#layout selectionDo:[:aView|
  1735                 self alignFrameLayout:[:aLayout|
  1683                     layout := aView geometryLayout.
  1736                     aLayout leftOffset:0.
  1737                     aLayout leftFraction:0.0.
  1685                     layout isLayout ifTrue:[
  1686                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1687                         layout leftOffset:0.
  1688                         layout leftFraction:0.0.
  1689                         aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1690                     ]
  1691                 ]
  1738                 ]
  1692             ]
  1739             ]
  1693         ].
  1740         ].
  1694         self changed:#layout
  1741         self changed:#layout
  1695     ]
  1742     ]
  1698 alignSelectionLeftAndRight
  1745 alignSelectionLeftAndRight
  1699     "align selection to the left/right of the first object in the selection; in case
  1746     "align selection to the left/right of the first object in the selection; in case
  1700      of one selection the object is aligned to the left/right of its superview
  1747      of one selection the object is aligned to the left/right of its superview
  1701     "
  1748     "
  1702     |lmost rmost layout|
  1749     |lmost rmost|
  1704     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1751     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1705         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1752         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1706             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1753             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1707                 lmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin x.
  1754                 lmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin x.
  1712                                      right:(rmost - (v computeCorner x)).
  1759                                      right:(rmost - (v computeCorner x)).
  1714                     self elementChangedSize:v.
  1761                     self elementChangedSize:v.
  1715                 ]
  1762                 ]
  1716             ] ifFalse:[
  1763             ] ifFalse:[
  1717                 self transaction:#layout selectionDo:[:aView|
  1764                 self alignFrameLayout:[:aLayout|
  1718                     layout := aView geometryLayout.
  1765                     aLayout leftOffset:0.
  1766                     aLayout leftFraction:0.0.
  1720                     layout isLayout ifTrue:[
  1767                     aLayout rightOffset:0.
  1721                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1768                     aLayout rightFraction:1.0.
  1722                         layout leftOffset:0.
  1723                         layout leftFraction:0.0.
  1725                         (layout isLayout and:[layout isLayoutFrame]) ifTrue:[
  1726                             layout rightOffset:0.
  1727                             layout rightFraction:1.0.
  1728                         ].
  1729                         aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1730                         self elementChangedSize:aView.
  1731                     ]
  1732                 ]
  1769                 ]
  1733             ]
  1770             ]
  1734         ].
  1771         ].
  1735         self changed:#layout
  1772         self changed:#layout
  1736     ].
  1773     ].
  1740 alignSelectionRight
  1777 alignSelectionRight
  1741     "align selection to the right of the first object in the selection; in case
  1778     "align selection to the right of the first object in the selection; in case
  1742      of one selection the object is aligned to the right of its superview
  1779      of one selection the object is aligned to the right of its superview
  1743     "
  1780     "
  1744     |rmost delta layout|
  1781     |rmost delta|
  1746     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1783     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1747         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1784         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1748             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1785             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1749                 rmost := (selection at:1) computeCorner x.
  1786                 rmost := (selection at:1) computeCorner x.
  1752                     (delta := rmost - (v computeCorner x)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1789                     (delta := rmost - (v computeCorner x)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1753                         self shiftLayout:v left:delta right:delta
  1790                         self shiftLayout:v left:delta right:delta
  1754                     ]
  1791                     ]
  1755                 ]
  1792                 ]
  1756             ] ifFalse:[
  1793             ] ifFalse:[
  1757                 layout := selection geometryLayout.
  1794                 self alignFrameLayout:[:aLayout|
  1795                     aLayout rightOffset:0.
  1759                 (layout isLayout and:[layout isLayoutFrame]) ifTrue:[
  1796                     aLayout rightFraction:1.0.
  1760                     self transaction:#layout selectionDo:[:aView|
  1761                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1762                         layout := aView geometryLayout.
  1763                         layout rightOffset:0.
  1764                         layout rightFraction:1.0.
  1765                         aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1766                     ]
  1767                 ]
  1797                 ]
  1768             ]
  1798             ]
  1769         ].
  1799         ].
  1770         self changed:#layout
  1800         self changed:#layout
  1771     ]
  1801     ]
  1774 alignSelectionTop
  1804 alignSelectionTop
  1775     "align selection to the top of the first object in the selection; in case
  1805     "align selection to the top of the first object in the selection; in case
  1776      of one selection the object is aligned to the top of its superview
  1806      of one selection the object is aligned to the top of its superview
  1777     "
  1807     "
  1778     |tmost delta layout|
  1808     |tmost delta|
  1780     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1810     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1781         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1811         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1782             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1812             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1783                 tmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin y.
  1813                 tmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin y.
  1786                     (delta := tmost - (v computeOrigin y)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1816                     (delta := tmost - (v computeOrigin y)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
  1787                         self shiftLayout:v top:delta bottom:delta
  1817                         self shiftLayout:v top:delta bottom:delta
  1788                     ]
  1818                     ]
  1789                 ]
  1819                 ]
  1790             ] ifFalse:[
  1820             ] ifFalse:[
  1791                 self transaction:#layout selectionDo:[:aView|
  1821                 self alignFrameLayout:[:aLayout|
  1792                     layout := aView geometryLayout.
  1822                     aLayout topOffset:0.
  1823                     aLayout topFraction:0.0.
  1794                     layout isLayout ifTrue:[
  1795                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1796                         layout topOffset:0.
  1797                         layout topFraction:0.0.
  1798                         aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1799                     ]
  1800                 ]
  1824                 ]
  1801             ]
  1825             ]
  1802         ].
  1826         ].
  1803         self changed:#layout
  1827         self changed:#layout
  1804     ]
  1828     ]
  1808 alignSelectionTopAndBottom
  1832 alignSelectionTopAndBottom
  1809     "align selection to the top/bottom of the first object in the selection; in case
  1833     "align selection to the top/bottom of the first object in the selection; in case
  1810      of one selection the object is aligned to the top/bottom of its superview
  1834      of one selection the object is aligned to the top/bottom of its superview
  1811     "
  1835     "
  1812     |tmost bmost layout|
  1836     |tmost bmost|
  1814     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1838     (self canMove:selection) ifTrue:[
  1815         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1839         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1816             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1840             self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
  1817                 tmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin y.
  1841                 tmost := (selection at:1) computeOrigin y.
  1821                     self shiftLayout:v top:(tmost - (v computeOrigin y))
  1845                     self shiftLayout:v top:(tmost - (v computeOrigin y))
  1822                                     bottom:(bmost - (v computeCorner y)).
  1846                                     bottom:(bmost - (v computeCorner y)).
  1823                     self elementChangedSize:v.
  1847                     self elementChangedSize:v.
  1824                 ]
  1848                 ]
  1825             ] ifFalse:[
  1849             ] ifFalse:[
  1826                 self transaction:#align selectionDo:[:aView|
  1850                 self alignFrameLayout:[:aLayout|
  1827                     layout := aView geometryLayout.
  1851                     aLayout topOffset:0.
  1852                     aLayout topFraction:0.0.
  1829                     layout isLayout ifTrue:[
  1853                     aLayout bottomOffset:0.
  1830                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1854                     aLayout bottomFraction:1.0.
  1831                         layout topOffset:0.
  1832                         layout topFraction:0.0.
  1834                         (layout isLayout and:[layout isLayoutFrame]) ifTrue:[
  1835                             layout bottomOffset:0.
  1836                             layout bottomFraction:1.0.
  1837                         ].
  1838                         aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1839                     ] ifFalse:[
  1840                         |y x|
  1842                         self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1843                         x := aView extent x.
  1844                         y := aView superView extent y.
  1845                         aView extent:(x @ y)
  1846                     ].
  1847                     self elementChangedSize:aView.
  1848                 ]
  1855                 ]
  1849             ]
  1856             ]
  1850         ].
  1857         ].
  1851         self changed:#layout
  1858         self changed:#layout
  1852     ]
  1859     ]
  1853 !
  1855 alignSingleSelection:aBlock
  1857     |type layout|
  1859     self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
  1860         self transaction:#align selectionDo:[:aView|
  1861             type := self class layoutType:aView.
  1863             type notNil ifTrue:[
  1864                 self undoLayoutView:aView.
  1866                 layout := aView layout.
  1868                 type == #LayoutFrame ifFalse:[
  1869                     layout := aView bounds asLayout
  1870                 ].
  1871                 aBlock value:layout.
  1872                 aView geometryLayout:layout.
  1873             ]
  1874         ]
  1875     ].
  1876     self changed:#layout
  1880 !
  1860 !
  1882 centerSelection:aOneArgBlockXorY orientation:orientation
  1862 centerSelection:aOneArgBlockXorY orientation:orientation
  1883     "center selection horizontal or vertical dependant on the block result( x or y).
  1863     "center selection horizontal or vertical dependant on the block result( x or y).
  1884      The argument to the block is the point.
  1864      The argument to the block is the point.