changeset 1636 85ab98a850c8
parent 1634 1dd4cd7ea43b
child 1641 7e63a11f3333
equal deleted inserted replaced
1635:116bf6f0ff62 1636:85ab98a850c8
   347 #basicsIndication
   347 #basicsIndication
   348 'Aspect for boolean holder, block, or method, specifying the indication state (CheckToggle behavior).'
   348 'Aspect for boolean holder, block, or method, specifying the indication state (CheckToggle behavior).'
   350 #basicsIsButton
   350 #basicsIsButton
   351 'Enable/disable button-like behavior.'
   351 'Button-like look and behavior.'
   353 #basicsKey
   353 #basicsKey
   354 'Internal key of the item (optional, for programmed accesses).'
   354 'Internal key of the item (optional, for programmed accesses).'
   356 #basicsLabel
   356 #basicsLabel
   392 #detailsStartGroup
   392 #detailsStartGroup
   393 'Specify start of a right-aligned item group.'
   393 'Specify start of a right-aligned item group.'
   395 #detailsVisibility
   395 #detailsVisibility
   396 'Aspect or binding providing a boolean value holder for the visibility-state of the menu item.'
   396 'Boolean, or aspect or binding for a boolean holder controlling the visibility of the menu item.'
   398 #fileLoad
   398 #fileLoad
   399 'Open a dialog to select and load a menu spec from a class.'
   399 'Open a dialog to select and load a menu spec from a class.'
   401 #fileNew
   401 #fileNew
   440 #keepLinkedMenu
   440 #keepLinkedMenu
   441 'Keep the linked menu after activation (do not destroy).'
   441 'Keep the linked menu after activation (do not destroy).'
   443 #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
   443 #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
   444 'If on, a busy cursor is shown while the items action is performing.'
   444 'If on, a busy cursor is shown while the items action is performing.'
   446 #sendToOriginator
   447 'Send action-Message to widget (instead of application).'
   446 #settingsRedefineAspectMethods
   449 #settingsRedefineAspectMethods
   447 'Toggles the permission to overwrite existing aspect methods.'
   450 'Toggles the permission to overwrite existing aspect methods.'
   449 #triggerOnDown
   452 #triggerOnDown
  1517     "boolean holder, true if the current selected item accepts a delayed menu
  1520     "boolean holder, true if the current selected item accepts a delayed menu
  1518     "
  1521     "
  1519     ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#canCreateDelayedMenuChannel
  1522     ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#canCreateDelayedMenuChannel
  1520 !
  1523 !
  1525 hasItemValue
  1526     "boolean holder, true if any item is selected
  1527     "
  1528     ^ BlockValue 
  1529         with:[:holder | holder value size > 0]
  1530         argument:(self aspectFor:#itemValue)
  1531 !
  1522 hasSelectionChannel
  1533 hasSelectionChannel
  1523     "boolean holder, true if any item is selected
  1534     "boolean holder, true if any item is selected
  1524     "
  1535     "
  1525     ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasSelectionChannel
  1536     ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasSelectionChannel
  1526 !
  1537 !
  2878     <resource: #canvas>
  2889     <resource: #canvas>
  2880     ^ 
  2891     ^ 
  2881      #(#FullSpec
  2892      #(#FullSpec
  2882 	#name: #detailsEditSpec
  2893         #name: #detailsEditSpec
  2883 	#window: 
  2894         #window: 
  2884        #(#WindowSpec
  2895        #(#WindowSpec
  2885 	  #label: 'Details Edit'
  2896           #label: 'Details Edit'
  2886 	  #name: 'Details Edit'
  2897           #name: 'Details Edit'
  2887 	  #min: #(#Point 10 10)
  2898           #min: #(#Point 10 10)
  2888 	  #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
  2899           #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
  2889 	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 43 153 303 398)
  2900           #bounds: #(#Rectangle 43 153 303 398)
  2890 	)
  2901         )
  2891 	#component: 
  2902         #component: 
  2892        #(#SpecCollection
  2903        #(#SpecCollection
  2893 	  #collection: #(
  2904           #collection: #(
  2894 	   #(#LabelSpec
  2905            #(#LabelSpec
  2895 	      #label: 'Accelerator:'
  2906               #label: 'Accelerator:'
  2896 	      #name: 'shortcutKeyLabel'
  2907               #name: 'shortcutKeyLabel'
  2897 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 26 0 1 0.5)
  2908               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 26 0 1 0.5)
  2898 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccelerator
  2909               #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccelerator
  2899 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  2910               #resizeForLabel: true
  2900 	      #adjust: #right
  2911               #adjust: #right
  2901 	    )
  2912             )
  2902 	   #(#InputFieldSpec
  2913            #(#InputFieldSpec
  2903 	      #name: 'shortcutKeyField'
  2914               #name: 'shortcutKeyField'
  2904 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 15 0 -5 1.0 37 0)
  2915               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 15 0 -5 1.0 37 0)
  2905 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccelerator
  2916               #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccelerator
  2906 	      #tabable: true
  2917               #tabable: true
  2907 	      #model: #shortcutKeyCharacter
  2918               #model: #shortcutKeyCharacter
  2908 	      #group: #inputGroup
  2919               #group: #inputGroup
  2909 	      #type: #symbolOrNil
  2920               #type: #symbolOrNil
  2910 	      #immediateAccept: false
  2921               #immediateAccept: false
  2911 	      #acceptOnReturn: true
  2922               #acceptOnReturn: true
  2912 	      #acceptOnTab: true
  2923               #acceptOnTab: true
  2913 	      #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2924               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2914 	      #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2925               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2915 	      #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2926               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2916 	    )
  2927             )
  2917 	   #(#LabelSpec
  2928            #(#LabelSpec
  2918 	      #label: 'Enabled:'
  2929               #label: 'Enabled:'
  2919 	      #name: 'enabledLabel'
  2930               #name: 'enabledLabel'
  2920 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 51 0 1 0.5)
  2931               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 51 0 1 0.5)
  2921 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsEnabled
  2932               #activeHelpKey: #detailsEnabled
  2922 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  2933               #resizeForLabel: true
  2923 	      #adjust: #right
  2934               #adjust: #right
  2924 	    )
  2935             )
  2925 	   #(#InputFieldSpec
  2936            #(#InputFieldSpec
  2926 	      #name: 'enabledField'
  2937               #name: 'enabledField'
  2927 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 40 0 -5 1.0 62 0)
  2938               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 40 0 -5 1.0 62 0)
  2928 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsEnabled
  2939               #activeHelpKey: #detailsEnabled
  2929 	      #tabable: true
  2940               #tabable: true
  2930 	      #model: #enabled
  2941               #model: #enabled
  2931 	      #group: #inputGroup
  2942               #group: #inputGroup
  2932 	      #type: #symbolOrNil
  2943               #type: #symbolOrBooleanOrNil
  2933 	      #immediateAccept: false
  2944               #immediateAccept: false
  2934 	      #acceptOnReturn: true
  2945               #acceptOnReturn: true
  2935 	      #acceptOnTab: true
  2946               #acceptOnTab: true
  2936 	      #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2947               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2937 	      #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2948               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2938 	      #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2949               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2939 	    )
  2950             )
  2940 	   #(#LabelSpec
  2951            #(#LabelSpec
  2941 	      #label: 'Visibility:'
  2952               #label: 'Visibility:'
  2942 	      #name: 'visibilityLabel'
  2953               #name: 'visibilityLabel'
  2943 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 76 0 1 0.5)
  2954               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 76 0 1 0.5)
  2944 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsVisibility
  2955               #activeHelpKey: #detailsVisibility
  2945 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  2956               #resizeForLabel: true
  2946 	      #adjust: #right
  2957               #adjust: #right
  2947 	    )
  2958             )
  2948 	   #(#InputFieldSpec
  2959            #(#InputFieldSpec
  2949 	      #name: 'isVisibleInputField'
  2960               #name: 'isVisibleInputField'
  2950 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 65 0 -5 1.0 87 0)
  2961               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 65 0 -5 1.0 87 0)
  2951 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsVisibility
  2962               #activeHelpKey: #detailsVisibility
  2952 	      #tabable: true
  2963               #tabable: true
  2953 	      #model: #isVisible
  2964               #model: #isVisible
  2954 	      #group: #inputGroup
  2965               #group: #inputGroup
  2955 	      #type: #symbolOrNil
  2966               #type: #symbolOrBooleanOrNil
  2956 	      #immediateAccept: false
  2967               #immediateAccept: false
  2957 	      #acceptOnReturn: true
  2968               #acceptOnReturn: true
  2958 	      #acceptOnTab: true
  2969               #acceptOnTab: true
  2959 	      #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2970               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2960 	      #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2971               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2961 	      #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2972               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2962 	    )
  2973             )
  2963 	   #(#LabelSpec
  2974            #(#LabelSpec
  2964 	      #label: 'Aux Value'
  2975               #label: 'Aux Value'
  2965 	      #name: 'auxLabel'
  2976               #name: 'auxLabel'
  2966 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 101 0 1 0.5)
  2977               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 101 0 1 0.5)
  2967 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsAuxValue
  2978               #activeHelpKey: #detailsAuxValue
  2968 	      #translateLabel: true
  2979               #translateLabel: true
  2969 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  2980               #resizeForLabel: true
  2970 	      #adjust: #right
  2981               #adjust: #right
  2971 	    )
  2982             )
  2972 	   #(#InputFieldSpec
  2983            #(#InputFieldSpec
  2973 	      #name: 'auxInputField'
  2984               #name: 'auxInputField'
  2974 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 90 0 -5 1.0 112 0)
  2985               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 90 0 -5 1.0 112 0)
  2975 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsAuxValue
  2986               #activeHelpKey: #detailsAuxValue
  2976 	      #tabable: true
  2987               #tabable: true
  2977 	      #model: #auxValue
  2988               #model: #auxValue
  2978 	      #group: #inputGroup
  2989               #group: #inputGroup
  2979 	      #type: #smalltalkObject
  2990               #type: #smalltalkObject
  2980 	      #immediateAccept: false
  2991               #immediateAccept: false
  2981 	      #acceptOnReturn: true
  2992               #acceptOnReturn: true
  2982 	      #acceptOnTab: true
  2993               #acceptOnTab: true
  2983 	      #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2994               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  2984 	      #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2995               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  2985 	      #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2996               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  2986 	    )
  2997             )
  2987 	   #(#LabelSpec
  2998            #(#LabelSpec
  2988 	      #label: 'Start Group:'
  2999               #label: 'Start Group:'
  2989 	      #name: 'StartGroupLabel'
  3000               #name: 'StartGroupLabel'
  2990 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 139 0 1 0.5)
  3001               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 139 0 1 0.5)
  2991 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsStartGroup
  3002               #activeHelpKey: #detailsStartGroup
  2992 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  3003               #resizeForLabel: true
  2993 	      #adjust: #right
  3004               #adjust: #right
  2994 	    )
  3005             )
  2995 	   #(#PopUpListSpec
  3006            #(#PopUpListSpec
  2996 	      #label: 'left'
  3007               #label: 'left'
  2997 	      #name: 'StartGroupPopUp'
  3008               #name: 'StartGroupPopUp'
  2998 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 128 0 -5 1.0 150 0)
  3009               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 128 0 -5 1.0 150 0)
  2999 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsStartGroup
  3010               #activeHelpKey: #detailsStartGroup
  3000 	      #tabable: true
  3011               #tabable: true
  3001 	      #model: #startGroup
  3012               #model: #startGroup
  3002 	      #menu: 
  3013               #menu: 
  3003 	     #(#left
  3014              #(#left
  3004 		#right
  3015                 #right
  3005 	      )
  3016               )
  3006 	    )
  3017             )
  3007 	   #(#LabelSpec
  3018            #(#LabelSpec
  3008 	      #label: 'Access Character Position:'
  3019               #label: 'Access Character Position:'
  3009 	      #name: 'accessCharLabel'
  3020               #name: 'accessCharLabel'
  3010 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 217 0 170 0 1 0.5)
  3021               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 217 0 170 0 1 0.5)
  3011 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccessCharaterPosition
  3022               #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccessCharaterPosition
  3012 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  3023               #resizeForLabel: true
  3013 	      #adjust: #right
  3024               #adjust: #right
  3014 	    )
  3025             )
  3015 	   #(#InputFieldSpec
  3026            #(#InputFieldSpec
  3016 	      #name: 'accessCharField'
  3027               #name: 'accessCharField'
  3017 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 220 0 159 0 -5 1.0 181 0)
  3028               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 220 0 159 0 -5 1.0 181 0)
  3018 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccessCharaterPosition
  3029               #activeHelpKey: #detailsAccessCharaterPosition
  3019 	      #tabable: true
  3030               #tabable: true
  3020 	      #model: #accessCharacterPosition
  3031               #model: #accessCharacterPosition
  3021 	      #group: #inputGroup
  3032               #group: #inputGroup
  3022 	      #type: #numberOrNil
  3033               #type: #numberOrNil
  3023 	      #immediateAccept: false
  3034               #immediateAccept: false
  3024 	      #acceptOnReturn: true
  3035               #acceptOnReturn: true
  3025 	      #acceptOnTab: true
  3036               #acceptOnTab: true
  3026 	      #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  3037               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  3027 	      #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  3038               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  3028 	      #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  3039               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  3029 	    )
  3040             )
  3030 	   #(#LabelSpec
  3041            #(#LabelSpec
  3031 	      #label: 'Font:'
  3042               #label: 'Font:'
  3032 	      #name: 'fontLabel'
  3043               #name: 'fontLabel'
  3033 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 75 0 219 0 1 0.5)
  3044               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 75 0 219 0 1 0.5)
  3034 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  3045               #resizeForLabel: true
  3035 	      #adjust: #right
  3046               #adjust: #right
  3036 	    )
  3047             )
  3037 	   #(#FontMenuSpec
  3048            #(#FontMenuSpec
  3038 	      #attributes: 
  3049               #attributes: 
  3039 	     #(#tabable
  3050              #(#tabable
  3040 		true
  3051                 true
  3041 	      )
  3052               )
  3042 	      #name: 'fontMenu'
  3053               #name: 'fontMenu'
  3043 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 78 0 208 0 -5 1.0 230 0)
  3054               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 78 0 208 0 -5 1.0 230 0)
  3044 	      #activeHelpKey: #fontMenu
  3055               #activeHelpKey: #fontMenu
  3045 	      #model: #font
  3056               #model: #font
  3046 	    )
  3057             )
  3047 	   )
  3058            )
  3049 	)
  3060         )
  3050       )
  3061       )
  3051 ! !
  3062 ! !
  3053 !MenuEditor::Item class methodsFor:'testing'!
  3064 !MenuEditor::Item class methodsFor:'testing'!
  3374        #(#WindowSpec
  3385        #(#WindowSpec
  3375           #label: 'basicsEditSpec'
  3386           #label: 'basicsEditSpec'
  3376           #name: 'basicsEditSpec'
  3387           #name: 'basicsEditSpec'
  3377           #min: #(#Point 10 10)
  3388           #min: #(#Point 10 10)
  3378           #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
  3389           #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
  3379           #bounds: #(#Rectangle 42 67 382 407)
  3390           #bounds: #(#Rectangle 314 340 654 680)
  3380         )
  3391         )
  3381         #component: 
  3392         #component: 
  3382        #(#SpecCollection
  3393        #(#SpecCollection
  3383           #collection: #(
  3394           #collection: #(
  3384            #(#LabelSpec
  3395            #(#LabelSpec
  3444               #tabable: true
  3455               #tabable: true
  3445               #model: #itemValue
  3456               #model: #itemValue
  3446               #group: #inputGroup
  3457               #group: #inputGroup
  3447               #type: #symbolOrNil
  3458               #type: #symbolOrNil
  3448               #immediateAccept: false
  3459               #immediateAccept: false
  3460               #acceptOnLeave: true
  3449               #acceptOnReturn: true
  3461               #acceptOnReturn: true
  3450               #acceptOnTab: true
  3462               #acceptOnTab: true
  3451               #acceptOnLostFocus: false
  3463               #acceptOnLostFocus: true
  3452               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  3464               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  3453               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  3465               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  3454               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  3466               #acceptOnPointerLeave: true
  3455             )
  3467             )
  3456            #(#LabelSpec
  3468            #(#LabelSpec
  3457               #label: 'Argument:'
  3469               #label: 'Argument:'
  3458               #name: 'argumentLabel'
  3470               #name: 'argumentLabel'
  3459               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 107 0 1 0.5)
  3471               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 107 0 1 0.5)
  3598             )
  3610             )
  3599            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  3611            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  3600               #label: 'Send To Originating Widget'
  3612               #label: 'Send To Originating Widget'
  3601               #name: 'sendToOriginator'
  3613               #name: 'sendToOriginator'
  3602               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 7 0 313 0 0 0)
  3614               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 7 0 313 0 0 0)
  3603               #activeHelpKey: #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
  3615               #activeHelpKey: #sendToOriginator
  3616               #enableChannel: #hasItemValue
  3604               #tabable: true
  3617               #tabable: true
  3605               #model: #sendToOriginator
  3618               #model: #sendToOriginator
  3606               #translateLabel: true
  3619               #translateLabel: true
  3607             )
  3620             )
  3608            )
  3621            )
  3906               #visibilityChannel: #notDelayedMenu
  3919               #visibilityChannel: #notDelayedMenu
  3907               #tabable: true
  3920               #tabable: true
  3908               #model: #isButton
  3921               #model: #isButton
  3909             )
  3922             )
  3910            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  3923            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  3911               #label: 'Has Horizontal Layout'
  3924               #label: 'Horizontal Layout'
  3912               #name: 'horizontalLayout'
  3925               #name: 'horizontalLayout'
  3913               #layout: #(#Point 20 263)
  3926               #layout: #(#Point 20 263)
  3914               #activeHelpKey: #horizontalLayout
  3927               #activeHelpKey: #horizontalLayout
  3915               #tabable: true
  3928               #tabable: true
  3916               #model: #horizontalLayout
  3929               #model: #horizontalLayout
  3917             )
  3930             )
  3918            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  3931            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  3919               #label: 'Do not destroy linked Menu'
  3932               #label: 'Do not Destroy Linked Menu'
  3920               #name: 'keepLinkedMenu'
  3933               #name: 'keepLinkedMenu'
  3921               #layout: #(#Point 20 288)
  3934               #layout: #(#Point 20 288)
  3922               #activeHelpKey: #keepLinkedMenu
  3935               #activeHelpKey: #keepLinkedMenu
  3923               #tabable: true
  3936               #tabable: true
  3924               #model: #keepLinkedMenu
  3937               #model: #keepLinkedMenu
  4139               #visibilityChannel: #notDelayedMenu
  4152               #visibilityChannel: #notDelayedMenu
  4140               #tabable: true
  4153               #tabable: true
  4141               #model: #isButton
  4154               #model: #isButton
  4142             )
  4155             )
  4143            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  4156            #(#CheckBoxSpec
  4144               #label: 'Has Horizontal Layout'
  4157               #label: 'Horizontal Layout'
  4145               #name: 'horizontalLayout'
  4158               #name: 'horizontalLayout'
  4146               #layout: #(#Point 20 263)
  4159               #layout: #(#Point 20 263)
  4147               #activeHelpKey: #horizontalLayout
  4160               #activeHelpKey: #horizontalLayout
  4148               #tabable: true
  4161               #tabable: true
  4149               #model: #horizontalLayout
  4162               #model: #horizontalLayout
  4964     <resource: #canvas>
  4977     <resource: #canvas>
  4966     ^ 
  4979     ^ 
  4967      #(#FullSpec
  4980      #(#FullSpec
  4968 	#name: #basicsEditSpec
  4981         #name: #basicsEditSpec
  4969 	#window: 
  4982         #window: 
  4970        #(#WindowSpec
  4983        #(#WindowSpec
  4971 	  #label: 'basicsEditSpec'
  4984           #label: 'basicsEditSpec'
  4972 	  #name: 'basicsEditSpec'
  4985           #name: 'basicsEditSpec'
  4973 	  #min: #(#Point 10 10)
  4986           #min: #(#Point 10 10)
  4974 	  #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
  4987           #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
  4975 	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 160 398 420 643)
  4988           #bounds: #(#Rectangle 160 398 420 643)
  4976 	)
  4989         )
  4977 	#component: 
  4990         #component: 
  4978        #(#SpecCollection
  4991        #(#SpecCollection
  4979 	  #collection: #(
  4992           #collection: #(
  4980 	   #(#LabelSpec
  4993            #(#LabelSpec
  4981 	      #label: 'Separator:'
  4994               #label: 'Separator:'
  4982 	      #name: 'separatorLabel'
  4995               #name: 'separatorLabel'
  4983 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 26 0 1 0.5)
  4996               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 26 0 1 0.5)
  4984 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  4997               #resizeForLabel: true
  4985 	      #adjust: #right
  4998               #adjust: #right
  4986 	    )
  4999             )
  4987 	   #(#ComboListSpec
  5000            #(#ComboListSpec
  4988 	      #name: 'seperatorList'
  5001               #name: 'seperatorList'
  4989 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 15 0 -5 1.0 37 0)
  5002               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 15 0 -5 1.0 37 0)
  4990 	      #activeHelpKey: #basicsSeparatorType
  5003               #activeHelpKey: #basicsSeparatorType
  4991 	      #tabable: true
  5004               #tabable: true
  4992 	      #model: #seperatorSelection
  5005               #model: #seperatorSelection
  4993 	      #comboList: #seperatorList
  5006               #comboList: #seperatorList
  4994 	      #useIndex: true
  5007               #useIndex: true
  4995 	    )
  5008             )
  4996 	   #(#LabelSpec
  5009            #(#LabelSpec
  4997 	      #label: 'Visibility:'
  5010               #label: 'Visibility:'
  4998 	      #name: 'visibilityLabel'
  5011               #name: 'visibilityLabel'
  4999 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 51 0 1 0.5)
  5012               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 51 0 1 0.5)
  5000 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  5013               #resizeForLabel: true
  5001 	      #adjust: #right
  5014               #adjust: #right
  5002 	    )
  5015             )
  5003 	   #(#InputFieldSpec
  5016            #(#InputFieldSpec
  5004 	      #name: 'visibilityInputField'
  5017               #name: 'visibilityInputField'
  5005 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 40 0 -5 1.0 62 0)
  5018               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 40 0 -5 1.0 62 0)
  5006 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsVisibility
  5019               #activeHelpKey: #detailsVisibility
  5007 	      #tabable: true
  5020               #tabable: true
  5008 	      #model: #isVisible
  5021               #model: #isVisible
  5009 	      #group: #inputGroup
  5022               #group: #inputGroup
  5010 	      #type: #symbolOrNil
  5023               #type: #symbolOrBooleanOrNil
  5011 	      #immediateAccept: false
  5024               #immediateAccept: false
  5012 	      #acceptOnReturn: true
  5025               #acceptOnReturn: true
  5013 	      #acceptOnTab: true
  5026               #acceptOnTab: true
  5014 	      #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  5027               #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
  5015 	      #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  5028               #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
  5016 	      #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  5029               #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
  5017 	    )
  5030             )
  5018 	   #(#LabelSpec
  5031            #(#LabelSpec
  5019 	      #label: 'Start Group:'
  5032               #label: 'Start Group:'
  5020 	      #name: 'startGroupLabel'
  5033               #name: 'startGroupLabel'
  5021 	      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 88 0 1 0.5)
  5034               #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 107 0 88 0 1 0.5)
  5022 	      #resizeForLabel: true
  5035               #resizeForLabel: true
  5023 	      #adjust: #right
  5036               #adjust: #right
  5024 	    )
  5037             )
  5025 	   #(#PopUpListSpec
  5038            #(#PopUpListSpec
  5026 	      #label: 'left'
  5039               #label: 'left'
  5027 	      #name: 'startGroupPopUp'
  5040               #name: 'startGroupPopUp'
  5028 	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 77 0 -5 1.0 99 0)
  5041               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 77 0 -5 1.0 99 0)
  5029 	      #activeHelpKey: #detailsStartGroup
  5042               #activeHelpKey: #detailsStartGroup
  5030 	      #tabable: true
  5043               #tabable: true
  5031 	      #model: #startGroup
  5044               #model: #startGroup
  5032 	      #menu: 
  5045               #menu: 
  5033 	     #(#left
  5046              #(#left
  5034 		#right
  5047                 #right
  5035 	      )
  5048               )
  5036 	    )
  5049             )
  5037 	   )
  5050            )
  5039 	)
  5052         )
  5040       )
  5053       )
  5041 ! !
  5054 ! !
  5043 !MenuEditor::SeparatorItem methodsFor:'accessing'!
  5056 !MenuEditor::SeparatorItem methodsFor:'accessing'!