changeset 1614 46cc531eecc6
parent 1610 cb3e093aa6d5
child 1617 dd4bd2e32826
--- a/	Wed Oct 02 10:36:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/	Wed Oct 02 14:44:49 2002 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 ResourceSpecEditor subclass:#MenuEditor
 	instanceVariableNames:'selectionHolder tabHolder listOfItems listOfTabs
-		selectedSuperItems notifyDisabledCounter wizards listOfItemsView'
+		selectedSuperItems notifyDisabledCounter wizards listOfItemsView
+		redefineAspectMethods'
@@ -347,6 +348,9 @@
 'Opens a Workspace showing the current menu spec.'
+'Generates aspect methods for defined aspect selectors of the menu.'
 'If on, the menu hides itself after the item was activated.'
@@ -764,6 +768,35 @@
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:MenuEditor andSelector:#generateMenu
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(MenuEditor generateMenu)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ 
+     #(#Menu
+        #(
+         #(#MenuItem
+            #label: 'Aspect Methods'
+            #value: #doGenerateAspectMethods
+            #activeHelpKey: #generateAspectMethods
+            #enabled: #hasValidSpecClass
+          )
+         )
+        nil
+        nil
+      )
     "This resource specification was automatically generated
      by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
@@ -874,6 +907,13 @@
             #submenuChannel: #menuHistory
+            #label: 'Generate'
+            #translateLabel: true
+            #activeHelpKey: #generate
+            #submenuChannel: #generateMenu
+            #keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
             #label: '&Help'
             #translateLabel: true
             #startGroup: #right
@@ -1685,6 +1725,7 @@
     super initialize.
     notifyDisabledCounter := 0.
+    redefineAspectMethods := true.
     Item withAllSubclasses do:[:aClass|
         aClass addBindingsTo:aspects for:self.
@@ -1903,6 +1944,211 @@
     selectionHolder value:selection.
 ! !
+!MenuEditor methodsFor:'user actions - aspects'!
+    |selectors|
+    selectors := IdentitySet new.
+    listOfItems root recursiveDo:[:el|
+        el actionSelectors do:[:s| selectors add:s ].
+    ].
+    ^ selectors asOrderedCollection
+    |selectors|
+    selectors := IdentitySet new.
+    listOfItems root recursiveDo:[:el|
+        el aspectSelectors do:[:s| selectors add:s ].
+    ].
+    ^ selectors asOrderedCollection
+    "genearte aspect messages
+    "
+    |cls stream code|
+    specClass ifNil:[
+        self warn:'Define the class first !!'.
+      ^ self
+    ].
+    cls := self resolveName:specClass.
+    cls ifNil:[
+        self warn:'Class ', specClass asString, ' does not exist!!'.
+      ^ self  
+    ].
+    stream := '' writeStream.
+    self collectActionSelectors do:[:aSel|
+        code := self generateActionMethodFor:aSel inClass:cls.
+        code ifNotNil:[ stream nextPutAll:code ].
+    ].
+    self collectAspectSelectors do:[:aSel|
+        code := self generateAspectMethodFor:aSel inClass:cls.
+        code ifNotNil:[ stream nextPutAll:code ].
+    ].
+    code := stream contents.
+    code size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        code readStream fileIn
+    ].
+generateActionMethodFor:selector inClass:targetClass
+    "genearte aspect messages
+    "
+    | alreadyInSuperclass numArgs method args showIt code|
+    (targetClass includesSelector:selector) ifTrue:[
+        "/ Transcript showCR:'#' , selector , ' skipped - already implemented in the class'.
+      ^ nil
+    ].
+    alreadyInSuperclass := targetClass superclass canUnderstand:selector.
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        redefineAspectMethods ifFalse:[
+            "/ Transcript showCR:'#' , selector , ' skipped - already implemented in superclass'.
+          ^ nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    numArgs := selector numArgs.
+    method  := selector.
+    numArgs == 1 ifTrue:[
+        args   := 'anArgument'.
+        showIt := ''' , anArgument printString , '' ...''.\'.
+    ] ifFalse:[    
+        args := ''.
+        showIt := ' ...''.\'.
+        numArgs ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            method := ''.
+            selector keywords keysAndValuesDo:[:i :key|
+                method := method, key, 'arg', i printString, ' '
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    code := '!!' , targetClass name , ' methodsFor:''menu actions''!!\\' ,
+                method , args , '\' ,
+                '    "automatically generated by MenuEditor ..."\\' ,
+                '    "*** the code below performs no action"\' ,
+                '    "*** (except for some feedback on the Transcript)"\' ,
+                '    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."\' ,
+                '    "*** (and replace this comment by something more useful ;-)"\' ,
+                '\' .
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        code := code ,
+                    '    "action for ' , selector , ' is already provided in a superclass."\' ,
+                    '    "It may be redefined here ..."\\'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        code := code ,
+                    '    "action to be added ..."\\'.
+    ].
+    code := code ,
+                '    Transcript showCR:self class name, '': '.
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        code := code , 'inherited '.
+    ].
+    code := code , 'action for ' , selector , showIt.
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        code := code ,
+                        '    super ' , selector , args , '.\'.
+    ].
+    code := code ,
+                '!! !!\\'.
+    ^ code withCRs
+generateAspectMethodFor:aspect inClass:targetClass
+    "genearte aspect messages
+    "
+    | alreadyInSuperclass numArgs method args showIt code|
+    (targetClass includesSelector:aspect) ifTrue:[
+        "/ Transcript showCR:'#' , aspect , ' skipped - already implemented in the class'.
+      ^ nil
+    ].
+    alreadyInSuperclass := targetClass superclass canUnderstand:aspect.
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        redefineAspectMethods ifFalse:[
+            "/ Transcript showCR:'#' , aspect , ' skipped - already implemented in superclass'.
+          ^ nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    numArgs := aspect numArgs.
+    method  := aspect.
+    numArgs == 1 ifTrue:[
+        args   := 'anArgument'.
+        showIt := ''' , anArgument printString , '' ...''.\'.
+    ] ifFalse:[    
+        args := ''.
+        showIt := ' ...''.\'.
+        numArgs ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            method := ''.
+            aspect keywords keysAndValuesDo:[:i :key|
+                method := method, key, 'arg', i printString, ' '
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    code := '!!' , targetClass name , ' methodsFor:''menu aspect''!!\\' ,
+                method , args , '\' ,
+                '    "automatically generated by MenuEditor ..."\\' ,
+                '    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked"\' ,
+                '    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"\' ,
+                '    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."\' ,
+                '    "*** (and replace this comment by something more useful ;-)"\' ,
+                '\' .
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        code := code ,
+                    '    "aspect for ' , aspect , ' is already provided in a superclass."\' ,
+                    '    "It may be redefined here ..."\\'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        code := code ,
+                    '    "aspect to be added ..."\\'.
+    ].
+    code := code ,
+                '    Transcript showCR:self class name, '': '.
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        code := code , 'inherited '.
+    ].
+    code := code , 'aspect for ' , aspect , showIt, '\'.
+    alreadyInSuperclass ifTrue:[
+        code := code ,
+                        '    ^ super ' , aspect , args , '.\'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        code := code ,
+                        '    ^ builder valueAspectFor:#' , aspect , ' initialValue:true.\'.
+   ].
+    code := code ,
+                '!! !!\\'.
+    ^ code withCRs
+! !
 !MenuEditor methodsFor:'user actions - building'!
@@ -2799,6 +3045,32 @@
     ^ false
 ! !
+!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'queries - editor'!
+    "returns my action selectors
+    "
+    |value|
+    value := menuItem value.
+    value isSymbol ifTrue:[ ^ Array with:value ].
+  ^ #()
+    "returns my aspect selectors
+    "
+    |aspects|
+    aspects := OrderedCollection new.
+    #( indication choice enabled isVisible ) do:[:aKey| |sel|
+        sel := menuItem perform:aKey.
+        sel isSymbol ifTrue:[ aspects add:sel ]
+    ].    
+    ^ aspects
+! !
 !MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'queries - operation'!
@@ -3955,6 +4227,20 @@
     ^ true
 ! !
+!MenuEditor::ItemRoot methodsFor:'queries - editor'!
+    "returns my action selectors
+    "
+    ^ #()
+    "returns my aspect selectors
+    "
+    ^ #()
+! !
 !MenuEditor::ItemRoot methodsFor:'queries - operation'!