changeset 3494 50e94e3563fa
parent 3493 4396fb652bd7
child 3496 83bb01ebff3b
--- a/	Wed Sep 13 18:12:32 2017 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Sep 14 15:44:58 2017 +0200
@@ -1943,83 +1943,84 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-     #(FullSpec
-        name: dialogSpecForNewImage
-        window: 
-       (WindowSpec
-          label: 'New Image'
-          name: 'New Image'
-          min: (Point 10 10)
-          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 301 119)
-        )
-        component: 
-       (SpecCollection
-          collection: (
-           (ViewSpec
-              name: 'View'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -35 1.0)
-              level: 1
-              component: 
-             (SpecCollection
-                collection: (
-                 (FramedBoxSpec
-                    label: 'Size'
-                    name: 'framedBox1'
-                    layout: (LayoutFrame 1 0.0 7 0.0 0 0.4 76 0)
-                    style: (FontDescription helvetica medium roman 12)
-                    labelPosition: topLeft
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (ComboBoxSpec
-                          name: 'defaultSizesComboBox'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 10 0.0 0 1 35 0.0)
-                          model: selectionOfSize
-                          type: string
-                          acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-                          comboList: listOfDefaultSizes
-                          isFilenameBox: false
-                        )
+    #(FullSpec
+       name: dialogSpecForNewImage
+       window: 
+      (WindowSpec
+         label: 'New Image'
+         name: 'New Image'
+         min: (Point 10 10)
+         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 301 119)
+       )
+       component: 
+      (SpecCollection
+         collection: (
+          (ViewSpec
+             name: 'View'
+             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -35 1.0)
+             level: 1
+             component: 
+            (SpecCollection
+               collection: (
+                (FramedBoxSpec
+                   label: 'Size'
+                   name: 'framedBox1'
+                   layout: (LayoutFrame 1 0.0 7 0.0 0 0.40000000000000002 76 0)
+                   style: (FontDescription helvetica medium roman 12)
+                   labelPosition: topLeft
+                   translateLabel: true
+                   component: 
+                  (SpecCollection
+                     collection: (
+                      (ComboBoxSpec
+                         name: 'defaultSizesComboBox'
+                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 10 0.0 0 1 35 0.0)
+                         model: selectionOfSize
+                         type: string
+                         acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+                         comboList: listOfDefaultSizes
+                         isFilenameBox: false
-                    )
-                  )
-                 (FramedBoxSpec
-                    label: 'Color Map'
-                    name: 'framedBox2'
-                    layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.4 7 0.0 -1 1.0 76 0)
-                    style: (FontDescription helvetica medium roman 12)
-                    labelPosition: topLeft
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (ComboListSpec
-                          name: 'colorMapComboBox'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 10 0.0 0 1 35 0.0)
-                          model: selectionOfColorMap
-                          comboList: listOfColorMaps
-                          useIndex: false
-                          hidePullDownMenuButton: false
-                        )
+                      )
+                   )
+                 )
+                (FramedBoxSpec
+                   label: 'Color Map'
+                   name: 'framedBox2'
+                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.40000000000000002 7 0.0 -1 1.0 76 0)
+                   style: (FontDescription helvetica medium roman 12)
+                   labelPosition: topLeft
+                   translateLabel: true
+                   component: 
+                  (SpecCollection
+                     collection: (
+                      (ComboListSpec
+                         name: 'colorMapComboBox'
+                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 10 0.0 0 1 35 0.0)
+                         model: selectionOfColorMap
+                         comboList: listOfColorMaps
+                         useIndex: false
+                         hidePullDownMenuButton: false
-                    )
-                  )
+                      )
+                   )
-              )
-            )
-           (UISubSpecification
-              name: 'windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 2 0.0 -26 1 -2 1.0 -2 1.0)
-              minorKey: windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels
-            )
+                )
+             )
-        )
-      )
+          (UISubSpecification
+             name: 'windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels'
+             layout: (LayoutFrame 2 0.0 -37 1 -2 1.0 -2 1.0)
+             minorKey: windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels
+             keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
+           )
+          )
+       )
+     )
@@ -8714,7 +8715,7 @@
     "opens a dialog with choices of size and color map for creating a new image"
-    |dialogAspects width height cMapString cMapMode cMap imageClass image szString defaultSize ext|
+    |dialogAspects width height cMapString cMapMode cMap imageClass image szString defaultSize ext depth|
     self checkModified ifFalse:[ ^ self ].
@@ -8745,23 +8746,35 @@
         cMapString := (dialogAspects at:#selectionOfColorMap) value.
         cMapMode   := self class namesOfColorMaps keyAtEqualValue:cMapString.
         cMap       := self class listOfColorMaps at:cMapMode.
-        imageClass := Image implementorForDepth:(cMap size highBit-1).
+        depth := (cMapMode startsWith:'depth') 
+                    ifTrue:[ Integer readFrom:(cMapMode copyFrom:'depth' size + 1) ]
+                    ifFalse:[ 
+                        (cMapMode startsWith:'masked') 
+                            ifTrue:[ Integer readFrom:(cMapMode copyFrom:'masked' size + 1) ]
+                            ifFalse:[ cMap size highBit-1 ]].
+        imageClass := Image implementorForDepth:depth.
         image      := imageClass width: width height: height.
         image bits:(ByteArray new:(image bytesPerRow*height)).
         LastSizeString := szString.
         LastColormapMode := cMapString.
-        (cMapMode startsWith: 'mask') ifTrue:[
+        (cMapMode startsWith:'mask') ifTrue:[
             image mask: (ImageMask width: width height: height depth: 1 fromArray: (ByteArray new: width*height)).
-        image colorMap: cMap.
+        depth == 32 ifTrue:[
+            image photometric:#rgba
+        ] ifFalse:[    
+            image colorMap: cMap.
+        ].
         (imageEditView image: image) notNil ifTrue:[
             self updateListOfColorsAndColormapMode.
             self updateLabelsAndHistory.
         image fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height with:Color white.
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2017 / 23:57:52 / cg"