changeset 1457 8c15098c3469
parent 1456 7435d111bb09
child 1475 b2191c13ed37
--- a/UISelectionPanel.st	Wed Apr 11 13:49:57 2001 +0200
+++ b/UISelectionPanel.st	Wed Apr 11 15:56:59 2001 +0200
@@ -137,10 +137,11 @@
 !UISelectionPanel class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
-    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
-    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
-     handle the specification if its corrupted."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
      UIPainter new openOnClass:UISelectionPanel andSelector:#nameAndSelectorSpec
@@ -149,109 +150,111 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-    ^
-       #(#FullSpec
-          #window: 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #name: 'uIPainterView'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 110 0 366 0 424 0 581 0)
-              #label: 'Painter'
-              #min: #(#Point 10 10)
-              #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
-              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 110 366 425 582)
-              #usePreferredExtent: false
-          )
-          #component: 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #collection: 
-               #(
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #name: 'title'
-                    #layout: #(#Point 5 10)
-                    #label: 'Class & selectors to access user specs:'
-                    #adjust: #left
-                    #resizeForLabel: true
-                )
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #name: 'classLabel'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 68 0.11 51 0 1 0.5)
-                    #label: 'Class:'
-                    #adjust: #right
-                    #resizeForLabel: true
-                )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #name: 'classField'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 74 0.11 39 0 -5 1.0 61 0)
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #className
-                    #type: #string
-                )
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #name: 'labelsLabel'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 68 0.11 74 0 1 0.5)
-                    #label: 'Labels:'
-                    #adjust: #right
-                    #resizeForLabel: true
-                )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #name: 'labelsField'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 74 0.11 64 0 -5 1.0 86 0)
+    ^ 
+     #(#FullSpec
+        #name: #nameAndSelectorSpec
+        #window: 
+       #(#WindowSpec
+          #label: 'Painter'
+          #name: 'Painter'
+          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+          #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 331 262)
+        )
+        #component: 
+       #(#SpecCollection
+          #collection: #(
+           #(#LabelSpec
+              #label: 'Class & selectors to access user specs:'
+              #name: 'title'
+              #layout: #(#Point 5 10)
+              #resizeForLabel: true
+              #adjust: #left
+            )
+           #(#LabelSpec
+              #label: 'Class:'
+              #name: 'classLabel'
+              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 68 0.11 51 0 1 0.5)
+              #resizeForLabel: true
+              #adjust: #right
+            )
+           #(#InputFieldSpec
+              #name: 'classField'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 74 0.11 39 0 -5 1.0 61 0)
+              #tabable: true
+              #model: #className
+              #type: #string
+              #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           #(#LabelSpec
+              #label: 'Labels:'
+              #name: 'labelsLabel'
+              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 68 0.11 74 0 1 0.5)
+              #resizeForLabel: true
+              #adjust: #right
+            )
+           #(#InputFieldSpec
+              #name: 'labelsField'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 74 0.11 64 0 -5 1.0 86 0)
+              #tabable: true
+              #model: #labelsKey
+              #type: #symbolOrNil
+              #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           #(#LabelSpec
+              #label: 'Specifications:'
+              #name: 'specsLabel'
+              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 68 0.11 99 0 1 0.5)
+              #resizeForLabel: true
+              #adjust: #right
+            )
+           #(#InputFieldSpec
+              #name: 'specsField'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 74 0.11 89 0 -5 1.0 111 0)
+              #tabable: true
+              #model: #specsKey
+              #type: #symbolOrNil
+              #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+              #name: 'commitPanel'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -23 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+              #horizontalLayout: #fitSpace
+              #verticalLayout: #fit
+              #horizontalSpace: 3
+              #verticalSpace: 3
+              #reverseOrderIfOKAtLeft: true
+              #component: 
+             #(#SpecCollection
+                #collection: #(
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #label: 'cancel'
+                    #name: 'cancel'
                     #tabable: true
-                    #model: #labelsKey
-                    #type: #symbolOrNil
-                )
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #name: 'specsLabel'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 68 0.11 99 0 1 0.5)
-                    #label: 'Specifications:'
-                    #adjust: #right
-                    #resizeForLabel: true
-                )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #name: 'specsField'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 74 0.11 89 0 -5 1.0 111 0)
+                    #model: #cancel
+                    #extent: #(#Point 152 23)
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #label: 'ok'
+                    #name: 'accept'
                     #tabable: true
-                    #model: #specsKey
-                    #type: #symbolOrNil
-                )
-                 #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
-                    #name: 'commitPanel'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -23 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
-                    #component: 
-                     #(#SpecCollection
-                        #collection: 
-                         #(
-                           #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                              #name: 'cancel'
-                              #label: 'cancel'
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #cancel
-                              #extent: #(#Point 153 23)
-                          )
-                           #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                              #name: 'accept'
-                              #label: 'ok'
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #accept
-                              #isDefault: true
-                              #extent: #(#Point 153 23)
-                          )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    #horizontalLayout: #fitSpace
-                    #verticalLayout: #fit
-                    #horizontalSpace: 3
-                    #verticalSpace: 3
-                )
-                 #(#CheckBoxSpec
-                    #name: 'updateDefaultResources'
-                    #layout: #(#Point 5 133)
-                    #model: #updateDefaultResources
-                    #label: 'Update Default Resources'
-                )
+                    #model: #accept
+                    #isDefault: true
+                    #extent: #(#Point 152 21)
+                  )
+                 )
-          )
+            )
+           #(#CheckBoxSpec
+              #label: 'Update Default Resources'
+              #name: 'updateDefaultResources'
+              #layout: #(#Point 5 133)
+              #model: #updateDefaultResources
+            )
+           )
+        )