changeset 3695 bc4ff07233d7
parent 3685 854b28268aa6
child 3696 530f3998b3a2
--- a/	Thu Jul 18 19:20:43 2019 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Jul 18 21:57:25 2019 +0200
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
        name: windowSpec
-       uuid: '5fb0c294-89f6-11e9-8df0-b8f6b1108e05'
+       uuid: '4698b584-a993-11e9-b8a4-b8f6b1108e05'
          label: 'MethodFinder'
@@ -508,21 +508,32 @@
                          useIndex: false
                          sequenceList: classOfResultHolder
-                      (CodeViewSpec
-                         name: 'CodeView'
-                         uuid: '5fb106dc-89f6-11e9-8df0-b8f6b1108e05'
-                         model: codeHolder
-                         hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
-                         hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-                         autoHideScrollBars: true
-                         hasKeyboardFocusInitially: false
-                         viewClassName: 'codeViewClass'
-                         postBuildCallback: sourceCodeWidgetCreated:
+                      (ViewSpec
+                         name: 'Box4'
+                         uuid: '4698d744-a993-11e9-b8a4-b8f6b1108e05'
+                         component: 
+                        (SpecCollection
+                           collection: (
+                            (CodeViewSpec
+                               name: 'CodeView1'
+                               layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
+                               uuid: '5fb106dc-89f6-11e9-8df0-b8f6b1108e05'
+                               model: codeHolder
+                               hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+                               hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+                               autoHideScrollBars: true
+                               hasKeyboardFocusInitially: false
+                               viewClassName: 'codeViewClass'
+                               postBuildCallback: sourceCodeWidgetCreated:
+                             )
+                            )
+                         )
-                   handles: (Any 0.23999999999999999 1.0)
+                   handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
@@ -932,6 +943,13 @@
                   label: '-'
+                  label: 'Show Me How it Works'
+                  itemValue: showMeHowItWorks
+                )
+               (MenuItem
+                  label: '-'
+                )
+               (MenuItem
                   activeHelpKey: aboutThisAppliaction
                   label: 'About MethodFinder...'
                   itemValue: openAboutThisApplication
@@ -1130,11 +1148,20 @@
     ((resultArray at:1) includesSubString:'no single') ifTrue:[
-        self warn:(resultArray at:1).
+        false ifTrue:[
+            (self confirm:(c'%1\nTry a more exhaustive search (may take long)?' bindWith:(resultArray at:1)))
+            ifTrue:[
+                self search2Levels.
+            ]. 
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self warn:(resultArray at:1).
+        ].    
         ^ self
-     "the following then replaces data1 and data2 created by the method finder to the appropriate arguments"
+    "the following then replaces data1 and data2 created by the method finder to the appropriate arguments"
         keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value |
@@ -1167,7 +1194,75 @@
     "Modified: / 26-09-2011 / 12:42:28 / cg"
     "Modified: / 27-02-2018 / 11:37:58 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 08-06-2019 / 16:24:00 / Claus Gittinger"
+    "Modified: / 18-07-2019 / 21:57:12 / Claus Gittinger"
+    "Do an exhaustive search.
+     Given the original message,
+     try applying all unary messages first to the receiver,
+     then to each argument.
+     This takes O(N^2) time - so be prepared"
+    |tempReceiver tempAnswer tempArguments anArray resultArray receiverWithArgument mf|
+    tempArguments := self argumentEditorsContents.
+    tempReceiver := self receiverEditorContents.
+    tempAnswer := self messageAnswerEditorContents.
+    anArray := Array new:2.
+    receiverWithArgument := self mergeReceiver:(tempReceiver value)
+                                 withArgument:(tempArguments values).
+    anArray
+        at:1 put:receiverWithArgument;
+        at:2 put:tempAnswer value.
+    "an array now holds the following array #(#(receiver argument) answer) or #(#(receiver) answer). 
+     which should be suitable input for the method finder."
+    self withCursor:Cursor execute do:[
+        mf := MethodFinder new.
+        resultArray := mf load:anArray; findMessage.
+    ].
+    ((resultArray at:1) includesSubString:'no single') ifTrue:[
+        (self confirm:(c'%1\nTry a more exhaustive search (may take long)?' bindWith:(resultArray at:1)))
+        ifTrue:[
+            self search2Levels.
+        ].    
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "the following then replaces data1 and data2 created by the method finder to the appropriate arguments"
+    resultArray
+        keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value |
+            |newValue|
+            newValue := value copyReplaceString:'data1' 
+                              withString:(tempReceiver value storeString). "/ was: "tempReceiver key" 
+            (tempArguments size) >= 1 ifTrue:[
+                newValue := newValue copyReplaceString:'data2'
+                                     withString:(tempArguments valueAt:1) storeString "/ was "keyAt:1" 
+            ].
+            (tempArguments size) > 1 ifTrue:[
+                newValue := newValue copyReplaceString:'data3'
+                                     withString:(tempArguments valueAt:2) storeString. "/ was "keyAt:2" 
+            ].
+            (tempArguments size) > 2 ifTrue:[
+                newValue := newValue copyReplaceString:'data4'
+                                     withString:(tempArguments valueAt:3) storeString. "/ was: keyAt:3
+            ].
+            (tempArguments size) > 3 ifTrue:[
+                self halt:'unimplemented'.
+            ].
+             "    newValue:= value copyReplaceString: 'data3' withString:(self messageAnswer key). "
+            newValue := newValue , ' --> ' , (tempAnswer key).
+            newValue replaceAll:Character cr with:Character space.
+            resultArray at:key put:newValue.
+        ].
+    self resultHolder value:resultArray.
+    resultSelectors := mf selectors.
+    receiver := tempReceiver
+    "Created: / 18-07-2019 / 21:22:47 / Claus Gittinger"