changeset 111 c6699a14d3d9
parent 103 139c7537c6b6
child 115 e4200c506aad
--- a/UIPainterView.st	Wed May 21 12:40:05 1997 +0200
+++ b/UIPainterView.st	Wed May 21 12:41:01 1997 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 UIObjectView subclass:#UIPainterView
-	instanceVariableNames:'viewProperties superclassName className methodName categoryName'
+	instanceVariableNames:'listHolder superclassName className methodName categoryName'
@@ -31,6 +31,13 @@
+MultiSelectionInList subclass:#ListHolder
+	instanceVariableNames:'painter propertyList masterElement disabledChanged'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:UIPainterView
 !UIPainterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -63,6 +70,167 @@
 ! !
+!UIPainterView class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
+  ^ #(#Menu #(
+        #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'copy'
+                #'nameKey:' #copySelection
+                #'shortcutKeyCharacter:' #Copy
+         )
+        #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'cut'
+                #'nameKey:' #deleteSelection
+                #'shortcutKeyCharacter:' #Cut
+         )
+        #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'paste'
+                #'nameKey:' #paste
+                #'submenu:'
+                        #(#Menu #(
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'paste'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #pasteBuffer
+                                        #'shortcutKeyCharacter:' #Paste
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'keep layout'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #pasteWithLayout
+                                 )
+                                )
+                                nil 
+                                nil
+                         )
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'undo'
+                #'nameKey:' #undoLast)
+         #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'arrange'
+                #'nameKey:' #arrange
+                #'submenu:'
+                        #(#Menu #(
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'to front'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #raiseSelection
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'to back'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #lowerSelection
+                                 )
+                                )
+                                nil
+                                nil
+                          )
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'dimension'
+                #'nameKey:' #dimension
+                #'submenu:'
+                        #(#Menu #(
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'default extent'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #setToDefaultExtent
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'default width'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #setToDefaultWidth
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'default height'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #setToDefaultHeight
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'copy extent'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #copyExtent
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'paste extent'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #pasteExtent
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'paste width'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #pasteWidth
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'paste height'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #pasteHeight
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'copy  layout'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #copyLayout
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'paste layout'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #pasteLayout
+                                 )
+                                )
+                                #(3 1 3) 
+                                nil
+                        )
+         )
+        #(#MenuItem
+                #'label:' 'align'
+                #'nameKey:' #align
+                #'submenu:'
+                        #(#Menu #(
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align left'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #alignSelectionLeft
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align right'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #alignSelectionRight
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align left & right'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align top'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #alignSelectionTop
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align bottom' #'nameKey:'
+                                        #alignSelectionBottom
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align centered vertical'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #alignSelectionCenterHor
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'align centered horizontal'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #alignSelectionCenterVer
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'spread horizontal'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #spreadSelectionHor
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'spread vertical'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #spreadSelectionVer
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'center horizontal in frame'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #centerSelectionHor
+                                 )
+                                #(#MenuItem
+                                        #'label:' 'center vertical in frame'
+                                        #'nameKey:' #centerSelectionVer
+                                 )
+                                )
+                               #(7 2)
+                               nil
+                        )
+         )
+        )
+        #(4) 
+        nil
+    )
+! !
 !UIPainterView methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -95,6 +263,10 @@
+    ^ listHolder
     ^ methodName
@@ -134,6 +306,55 @@
 ! !
+!UIPainterView methodsFor:'change & update'!
+    aParameter == #layout ifTrue:[
+        listHolder removeDependent:self.
+        listHolder changed:aParameter.
+        listHolder addDependent:self.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super changed:aParameter
+    ]
+    "selection has changed
+    "
+    |newSel|
+    selection notNil ifTrue:[
+        self selectionDo:[:aView||p|
+            (p := self propertyOfView:aView) notNil ifTrue:[
+                newSel isNil ifTrue:[
+                    newSel := OrderedCollection new
+                ].
+                newSel add:(listHolder indexOfName:(p name))
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    listHolder removeDependent:self.
+    listHolder selectionIndex:newSel.
+    listHolder addDependent:self.
+update:what with:aParm from:aSender
+    |loIdx newSel|
+    (what == #selectionIndex and:[aSender == listHolder]) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    loIdx := listHolder selectionIndex.
+    loIdx size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        newSel := loIdx collect:[:i|(listHolder propertyAt:i) view]
+    ].
+    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+        selection := newSel
+    ].
+! !
 !UIPainterView methodsFor:'copy & cut & paste'!
@@ -161,21 +382,21 @@
     coll := self minSetOfSuperViews:selection.
     coll notNil ifTrue:[
-        self unselect.
-        specs := coll collect:[:aView| self fullSpecFor:aView ].
-        text  := self transactionTextFor:coll.
+        listHolder disableNotificationsWhileEvaluating:[
+            self unselect.
+            specs := coll collect:[:aView| self fullSpecFor:aView ].
+            text  := self transactionTextFor:coll.
-        undoHistory transaction:#cut text:text do:[
-            coll reverseDo:[:o||p|
-                (p := self propertyOfView:o) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    self undoRemove:(p identifier)
-                ].
-                self remove:o
-            ]
-        ].
-        self setSelection:specs.
-        self changed:#tree.
+            undoHistory transaction:#cut text:text do:[
+                coll reverseDo:[:o||p|
+                    (p := self propertyOfView:o) notNil ifTrue:[
+                        self undoRemove:(p identifier)
+                    ].
+                    self remove:o
+                ]
+            ].
+            self setSelection:specs.
+        ]
@@ -189,7 +410,7 @@
 pasteSpecifications:aSpecificationOrList keepLayout:keepLayout
     "add the specs to the object view
-    |paste frame pasteOrigin pasteOffset builder|
+    |paste frame pasteOrigin pasteOffset builder newSel|
     (self canPaste:aSpecificationOrList) ifFalse:[
         ^ self
@@ -206,8 +427,8 @@
     self unselect.
-    selection := OrderedCollection new.
-    builder   := UIBuilder new.
+    newSel  := OrderedCollection new.
+    builder := UIBuilder new.
     keepLayout ifFalse:[
         pasteOffset := 0@0.
@@ -215,36 +436,35 @@
         pasteOrigin := device translatePoint:pasteOrigin from:device rootView id to:frame id.
-    paste do:[:aSpec|
-        |view|
+    listHolder disableNotificationsWhileEvaluating:[
+        paste do:[:aSpec|
+            |view|
-        view := self addSpec:aSpec builder:builder in:frame.
+            view := self addSpec:aSpec builder:builder in:frame.
-        keepLayout ifFalse:[
-            (frame bounds containsPoint:pasteOrigin) ifFalse:[
-                self moveObject:view to:pasteOffset.
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                self moveObject:view to:pasteOrigin + pasteOffset.
+            keepLayout ifFalse:[
+                (frame bounds containsPoint:pasteOrigin) ifFalse:[
+                    self moveObject:view to:pasteOffset.
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    self moveObject:view to:pasteOrigin + pasteOffset.
+                ].
+                pasteOffset := pasteOffset + 4
-            pasteOffset := pasteOffset + 4
+            view realize.
+            newSel add:view.
-        view realize.
-        selection add:view.
-    self transaction:#paste selectionDo:[:v|
+    self transaction:#paste objects:newSel do:[:v|
         self undoCreate:((self propertyOfView:v) identifier)
-    selection size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        selection := selection at:1
+    newSel size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        newSel := newSel at:1
-    self showSelection.
     self realizeAllSubViews.
     inputView raise.
+    self select:newSel.
     self elementChangedSize:frame.
-    self changed:#tree
-    "Modified: 8.4.1997 / 01:08:15 / cg"
@@ -317,7 +537,7 @@
     cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
-    viewProperties do:[:aProp |
+    listHolder propertiesDo:[:aProp |
         |modelSelector menuSelector protoSpec thisCode|
         (modelSelector := aProp model) notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -340,7 +560,17 @@
                 thisCode := (self generateAspectMethodFor:menuSelector spec:protoSpec inClass:cls).
                 code := code , thisCode
-        ]
+        ].
+        aProp spec aspectSelectors do:[:aSel|
+            (cls implements:aSel asSymbol) ifFalse:[
+                protoSpec := aProp view specClass basicNew.
+                "/ kludge ..
+                thisCode := (self generateAspectMethodFor:aSel spec:protoSpec inClass:cls).
+                code := code , thisCode
+            ]
+        ].
     ^ code
@@ -421,7 +651,7 @@
     "generate code for groups"
-    viewProperties do:[:props |
+    listHolder propertiesDo:[:props|
         g := props at:#group ifAbsent:[nil].
         g notNil ifTrue:[
             code := code , (self generateInitCodeForGroup:g)
@@ -618,7 +848,7 @@
-    viewProperties do:[:p| p storeOn:aStream]
+    listHolder propertiesDo:[:p| p storeOn:aStream]
 subviewsOf:aView do:aBlock
@@ -627,7 +857,7 @@
     (subs := aView subViews) notNil ifTrue:[
         subs do:[:v|
             (v ~~ inputView and:[v notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                (viewProperties detect:[:p | p view == v] ifNone:nil) notNil ifTrue:[ 
+                (listHolder detectProperty:[:p|p view == v]) notNil ifTrue:[ 
                     (v superView == aView) ifTrue:[
                         aBlock value:v
@@ -653,13 +883,13 @@
     self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
         group := EnterFieldGroup new.
         props := GroupProperties new.
-        name  := self uniqueNameFor:EnterFieldGroup.
+        name  := self uniqueNameFor:(EnterFieldGroup className).
         props group:group.
         props name:name.
         group groupID:name asSymbol.
         objects := OrderedCollection new.
         props controlledObjects:objects.
-        viewProperties add:props.
+        listHolder add:props.
         self selectionDo:[:aView |
             objects add:aView.
@@ -683,13 +913,13 @@
     self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
         group := RadioButtonGroup new.
         props := GroupProperties new.
-        name  := self uniqueNameFor:RadioButtonGroup.
+        name  := self uniqueNameFor:(RadioButtonGroup className).
         props group:group.
         props name:name.
         group groupID:name asSymbol.
         objects := OrderedCollection new.
         props controlledObjects:objects.
-        viewProperties add:props.
+        listHolder add:props.
         self selectionDo:[:aView |
             aView turnOff.
@@ -712,10 +942,9 @@
     className      := 'NewApplication'.
     methodName     := 'windowSpec'.
     categoryName   := 'Applications'.
-    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
+    listHolder     := ListHolder for:self.
     HandCursor     := Cursor leftHand.
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 19:58:06 / claus"
@@ -728,8 +957,8 @@
     props := ViewProperty new.
     props view:anObject.
     props spec:spec.
-    props name:(self uniqueNameFor:cls).
-    viewProperties add:props.
+    props name:(self uniqueNameFor:spec).
+    listHolder add:props.
     ((spec respondsTo:#label:) and:[self supportsLabel:anObject]) ifTrue:[
         anObject label:(props name).
@@ -744,15 +973,15 @@
     |spec builder|
-    self removeAll.
-    spec    := UISpecification from:specOrSpecArray.
-    builder := UIBuilder new.
-    spec window setupView:self topView for:builder.
-    self addSpec:(spec component) builder:builder in:self.
-    self realizeAllSubViews.
-    inputView raise.
-    self changed:#tree.
+    listHolder disableNotificationsWhileEvaluating:[
+        self removeAll.
+        spec    := UISpecification from:specOrSpecArray.
+        builder := UIBuilder new.
+        spec window setupView:self topView for:builder.
+        self addSpec:(spec component) builder:builder in:self.
+        self realizeAllSubViews.
+        inputView raise.
+    ]
 ! !
 !UIPainterView methodsFor:'menus'!
@@ -760,67 +989,25 @@
     "returns middle-button menu dependent on the selection
-    |menu canPaste undoIdx undoText|
+    |menu canPaste|
     testMode ifTrue:[^ nil ].
+    menu := MenuPanel fromSpec:(self class menu) receiver:self.
     canPaste := self canPaste:(self getSelection).
-    undoText := undoHistory lastTypeAsString.
     selection isNil ifTrue:[
-        undoIdx := 2.
-        menu := PopUpMenu labels:( resources array:#('paste' 'undo') )
-                       selectors:#( #paste #undoLast )
-                        receiver:self
-    ] ifFalse:[    
-        undoIdx := 4.
-        menu := PopUpMenu labels:( resources array:#(
-                                      'copy' 
-                                      'cut' 
-                                      'paste'
-                                      'undo'
-                                      '-' 
-                                      'arrange'
-                                      'dimension'
-                                      'align'
-                                    )
-                                  )
-                       selectors:#(   #copySelection
-                                      #deleteSelection
-                                      #paste
-                                      #undoLast
-                                      nil
-                                      #arrange
-                                      #dimension
-                                      #align
-                                  )
-                       accelerators:#(#Copy
-                                      #Cut
-                                      nil
-                                      nil
-                                      nil
-                                      nil
-                                      nil
-                                      nil
-                                  )
-                         receiver:self.
-        canPaste := (canPaste and:[self canPasteInto:selection]).
-        menu subMenuAt:#arrange   put:(self subMenuArrange).
-        menu subMenuAt:#dimension put:(self subMenuDimension).
-        menu subMenuAt:#align     put:(self subMenuAlign).
+        menu disableAll
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        canPaste := (canPaste and:[self canPasteInto:selection])
+    ].
+    menu enabledAt:#paste put:[|can|
+        can := self canPaste:(self getSelection).
+        selection isNil ifTrue:[can]
+                       ifFalse:[(can and:[self canPasteInto:selection])]
-    menu subMenuAt:#paste put:(self subMenuPaste).
-    canPaste ifFalse:[menu disable:#paste].
-    undoText notNil ifTrue:[
-        menu labelAt:undoIdx put:((menu labels at:undoIdx), ':  ', undoText)
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        menu disable:#undoLast
-    ].
+    menu enabledAt:#undoLast put:(undoHistory notEmpty).
   ^ menu
@@ -843,154 +1030,6 @@
     "Modified: 10.4.1997 / 10:06:15 / cg"
-    "returns submenu alignment
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:(
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'align left' 
-                                    'align right'
-                                    'align left & right'
-                                    'align top' 
-                                    'align bottom'
-                                    'align centered vertical'
-                                    'align centered horizontal'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'spread horizontal'
-                                    'spread vertical'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'center horizontal in frame'
-                                    'center vertical in frame'
-                                  )
-                         )
-              selectors:#(  
-                            alignSelectionLeft
-                            alignSelectionRight
-                            alignSelectionLeftAndRight
-                            alignSelectionTop
-                            alignSelectionBottom
-                            alignSelectionCenterHor
-                            alignSelectionCenterVer
-                            nil
-                            spreadSelectionHor
-                            spreadSelectionVer
-                            nil
-                            centerSelectionHor
-                            centerSelectionVer
-                         )
-               receiver:self.
-    ^ menu    
-    "returns submenu arrange
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'to front' 
-                                    'to back' 
-                                 )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(
-                                    raiseSelection
-                                    lowerSelection
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-  ^ menu
-    "returns submenu dimension
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'default extent' 
-                                    'default width' 
-                                    'default height'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'copy extent'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'paste extent'
-                                    'paste width'
-                                    'paste height'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'copy  layout'
-                                    'paste layout'
-                                 )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(
-                                    setToDefaultExtent
-                                    setToDefaultWidth
-                                    setToDefaultHeight
-                                    nil
-                                    copyExtent
-                                    nil
-                                    pasteExtent
-                                    pasteWidth
-                                    pasteHeight
-                                    nil
-                                    copyLayout
-                                    pasteLayout
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-  ^ menu
-    "returns submenu dimension
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'larger' 
-                                    'smaller'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'normal'
-                                    'bold'
-                                    'italic'
-                                    'bold italic'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'font panel'
-                                 )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(
-                                    largerFont 
-                                    smallerFont
-                                    nil
-                                    normalFont
-                                    boldFont
-                                    italicFont
-                                    boldItalicFont
-                                    nil
-                                    showFontPanel
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-  ^ menu
-    "returns submenu Paste
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( resources array:#('paste' 'keep layout') )
-                   selectors:#( #pasteBuffer #pasteWithLayout )
-                accelerators:#( #Paste       nil )
-                    receiver:self.
-  ^ menu    
 ! !
 !UIPainterView methodsFor:'misc'!
@@ -1011,7 +1050,6 @@
                 self elementChangedSize:aView.
-        self changed:#any.
     "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 12:13:27 / claus"
@@ -1032,8 +1070,7 @@
                 aView font:f.
                 self elementChangedSize:aView.
-        ].
-        self changed:#any.
+        ]
     "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 12:13:27 / claus"
@@ -1044,36 +1081,17 @@
     "remove anObject from the contents do redraw
-    |props|
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        (anObject subViews notNil) ifTrue:[
-            anObject subViews copy do:[:sub |
-                self remove:sub
-            ]
-        ].
-        (props := self propertyOfView:anObject) notNil ifTrue:[
-            viewProperties remove:props ifAbsent:nil
-        ].
-        anObject destroy
-    ]
+    listHolder remove:anObject.
     "remove all objects and properties
-    self unselect.
-    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
-    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        subViews copy do:[:sub |
-            sub ~~ inputView ifTrue:[   
-                self remove:sub
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    undoHistory reinitialize.
-    self changed:#tree
+    listHolder disableNotificationsWhileEvaluating:[
+        self unselect.
+        listHolder  removeAll.
+        undoHistory reinitialize.
+    ]
 ! !
 !UIPainterView methodsFor:'searching'!
@@ -1127,14 +1145,14 @@
     "returns property assigned to group
-    ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p group == aGroup] ifNone:nil
+    ^ listHolder detectProperty:[:p| p group == aGroup ]
     "returns property assigned to unique identifier
     anId notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p identifier == anId] ifNone:nil.
+        ^ listHolder detectProperty:[:p| p identifier == anId ]
     ^ nil
@@ -1142,8 +1160,14 @@
     "returns property assigned to name
-    aString = 'self' ifFalse:[
-        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p name = aString] ifNone:nil
+    |name|
+    aString isNil ifFalse:[
+        name := aString string withoutSeparators.
+        name = 'self' ifFalse:[
+            ^ listHolder detectProperty:[:p| p name = name ].
+        ]
     ^ nil
@@ -1152,23 +1176,30 @@
     "returns property assigned to view
     (aView isNil or:[aView == self]) ifFalse:[
-        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p view == aView] ifNone:nil
+        ^ listHolder detectProperty:[:p| p view == aView ]
     ^ nil
     "generate and return an unique name for a class
     |next name size|
-    next  := 0.
-    name  := aClass name asString copy.
-    size  := name size + 1.
+    aSpecOrString isString ifFalse:[name := aSpecOrString className asString]
+                            ifTrue:[name := aSpecOrString].
+    (name endsWith:'Spec') ifTrue:[
+        name := name copyFrom:1 to:(name size - 4).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        name := name copy
+    ].
     name at:1 put:(name at:1) asLowercase.
+    size  := name size + 1.
+    next  := 0.
-    viewProperties do:[:p||n|
+    listHolder propertiesDo:[:p|
+        |n|
         n := p name.
         (n size >= size and:[n startsWith:name]) ifTrue:[
@@ -1184,19 +1215,15 @@
-    |name prop|
+    |prop|
-    aView notNil ifTrue:[
-        prop := self propertyOfView:aView
+    (prop := self propertyOfView:aView) notNil ifTrue:[
+        prop name isNil ifTrue:[
+            prop name:(self uniqueNameFor:(prop spec)).
+        ].
+        ^ prop name
-    prop isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'self'
-    ].
-    (name := prop name) isNil ifTrue:[
-        name := self uniqueNameFor:(aView class).
-        prop name:name.
-    ].
-    ^ name
+    ^ 'self'
 ! !
@@ -1241,7 +1268,7 @@
         self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
             selection := aCollection
-        self changed:#selection
+        self selectionChanged
 ! !
@@ -1253,7 +1280,7 @@
     aBuilder applicationClass:(Smalltalk classNamed:className).
-    aBuilder componentCreationHook:[:aView :aSpec :aBdr||sv p s|
+    aBuilder componentCreationHook:[:aView :aSpec :aBdr||sv p s n|
         p := ViewProperty new.
         s := aSpec copy.
         p spec:s.
@@ -1263,10 +1290,12 @@
             s component:nil
-        (self propertyOfName:(s name)) notNil ifTrue:[
-            s name:(self uniqueNameFor:(aView class))
+        n := s name.
+        (n isNil or:[(self propertyOfName:n) notNil]) ifTrue:[
+            s name:(self uniqueNameFor:s)
-        viewProperties add:p
+        listHolder add:p
     ^ aSpecification buildViewWithLayoutFor:aBuilder in:aFrame.
@@ -1351,11 +1380,10 @@
                     aSpec setAttributesIn:aView with:builder.
                     self elementChangedSize:aView.
                 props spec:(aSpec copy).
+                listHolder propertyChanged:props.
-        ].
-        self changed:#tree
+        ]
 ! !
@@ -1556,6 +1584,7 @@
                     spec setAttributesIn:view with:builder.
                     self elementChangedSize:view.
+                listHolder propertyChanged:props.
@@ -1696,6 +1725,342 @@
     name := aName
 ! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    ^ self new for:aPainter
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ (painter notNil and:[painter testMode not])
+    "returns painter
+    "
+    ^ painter
+    "returns property at an index
+    "
+    ^ propertyList at:anIndex
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'adding & removing'!
+    "add property and update list
+    "
+    |idx list name last|
+    list := self list.
+    idx  := self findParentProperty:aProperty.
+    name := aProperty name.
+    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+        last := list size
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        last := self lastInGroupStartingAt:idx.
+        name := (String new:(4+((list at:idx) leftIndent))), name.
+    ].
+    propertyList add:aProperty afterIndex:last.
+    list         add:name      afterIndex:last.
+    self changed:#size
+    "remove all view relevant resources
+    "
+    |start|
+    aView notNil ifTrue:[
+        start := self findProperty:[:p| p view == aView ].
+        start ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            self basicRemove:start.
+            self changed:#size.
+        ]
+    ]
+    masterElement := nil.
+    self selection:#().
+    [propertyList notEmpty] whileTrue:[
+        self basicRemove:1
+    ].
+    self changed:#size.
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'change & update'!
+    "notify all dependents that the receiver has changed somehow.
+     Each dependent gets a '#update:'-message with aParameter
+     as argument. In case of disabled no notifications are raised
+    "
+    disabledChanged ifFalse:[
+        super changed:aParameter
+    ]
+    "perform block without notification; after evaluation of block,
+     a #size changed notification is raised
+    "
+    |oldState|
+    oldState := disabledChanged.
+    disabledChanged := true.
+    aBlock value.
+    disabledChanged := oldState.
+    self changed:#size.
+    "property list changed; update list names
+    "
+    |list idx oldName newName wspName view indent mid|
+    view := aProperty view.
+    idx  := self findProperty:[:p| p view == view ].
+    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ self error
+    ].
+    list    := self list.
+    oldName := list at:idx.
+    wspName := oldName string withoutSeparators.
+    newName := aProperty name.
+    wspName = newName ifFalse:[
+        mid := self masterElement.
+        list at:idx put:((String new:(oldName leftIndent)), newName).
+        idx == mid ifTrue:[
+            masterElement := nil.
+            self masterElement:idx
+        ].
+    ].
+    self changed:#property
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'enumerating'!
+    "evaluate a block for each property
+    "
+    propertyList do:aBlock
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "initialize for a painter
+    "
+    self list:(OrderedCollection new).
+    propertyList := OrderedCollection new.
+    self selection:#().
+    disabledChanged := false.
+    painter := aPainter.
+    self addDependent:painter.
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'private'!
+    "remove all resources assigned to a group starting at start;
+     no notifications are raised
+    "
+    |end view superView|
+    end  := self lastInGroupStartingAt:start.
+    view := (propertyList at:start) view.
+    view notNil ifTrue:[
+        superView := view superView.
+        view destroy.
+        superView sizeChanged:nil.
+    ].
+    propertyList removeFromIndex:start toIndex:end.
+    self list    removeFromIndex:start toIndex:end.
+    "returns index of master
+    "
+    ^ self indexOfName:masterElement.
+    "change master of selection
+    "
+    |name list oldIdx|
+    (oldIdx := self masterElement) ~~ newIndex ifTrue:[
+        list := self list.
+        oldIdx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            list at:oldIdx put:masterElement
+        ].
+        newIndex ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            masterElement := list at:newIndex.
+            name := Text string:masterElement.
+            name emphasizeFrom:(1+(name leftIndent)) with:#(#bold #underline).
+            list at:newIndex put:name.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            masterElement := nil
+        ].
+        self changed:#list.
+    ]
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'searching'!
+    "find the property, for which evaluation of the argument, aBlock
+     returns true; return the property or nil if none detected
+    "
+    |idx|
+    idx := self findProperty:aBlock.
+    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[ ^ propertyList at:idx ].
+  ^ nil
+    "returns index of parent or 0
+    "
+    |view index|
+    view := aChildProp view.
+    view notNil ifTrue:[
+        [ (view := view superView) notNil ] whileTrue:[
+            index := self findProperty:[:aProp| aProp view == view ].
+            index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                ^ index
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "find the first property, for which evaluation of the argument, aBlock
+     returns true; return its index or 0 if none detected
+    "
+    ^ propertyList findFirst:aBlock
+    "returns index assigned to a string or 0
+    "
+    |name list size|
+    aString notNil ifTrue:[
+        name := aString string withoutSeparators.
+        size := name size.
+        list := self list.
+        list keysAndValuesDo:[:anIndex :aName|
+            |el|
+            el := aName string.
+            (el endsWith:name) ifTrue:[
+                (el size - el leftIndent) == name size ifTrue:[
+                    ^ anIndex
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "returns last index of a group
+    "
+    |end list idt|
+    list := self list.
+    start < list size ifTrue:[
+        idt := (list at:start) leftIndent.
+        end := list findFirst:[:el|(el leftIndent) <= idt] startingAt:(start+1).
+        end ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            ^ end - 1
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ list size
+! !
+!UIPainterView::ListHolder methodsFor:'selection'!
+    "select all elements assigned to master
+    "
+    |start end sel size|
+    self canModify ifTrue:[
+        (start := self masterElement) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            end  := self lastInGroupStartingAt:start.
+            size := end - start + 1.
+            sel  := Array new:size.
+            1 to:size do:[:i|
+                sel at:i put:start.
+                start := start + 1
+            ].
+            self selectionIndex:sel.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (self selectionIndex) size == 0 ifFalse:[
+                self selectionIndex:#()
+            ].
+        ]
+    ]
+    "returns current selected instance; in case of multiple selection
+     or no selection nil is returned
+    "
+    |selection|
+    selection := self selectionIndex.
+    selection size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        ^ propertyList at:(selection at:1)
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    |masterIndex aSel|
+    self canModify ifTrue:[aSel := aList]
+                  ifFalse:[aSel := nil].
+    aSel size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[masterIndex := aSel at:1]
+                  ifFalse:[masterIndex := 0].
+    self masterElement:masterIndex.
+    super selectionIndex:aSel
+! !
 !UIPainterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!