changeset 984 f1b6d6b68510
parent 973 59d86476798a
child 1021 8c1deb0281c7
--- a/UIPainter.st	Sun Sep 06 15:13:37 1998 +0200
+++ b/UIPainter.st	Tue Sep 08 12:28:09 1998 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1995-1998 by eXept Software AG
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1995-1998 by eXept Software AG
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@
     opening the application.
     [start with:]
-        UIPainter open
+	UIPainter open
-        Claus Gittinger, eXept Software AG
-        Claus Atzkern, eXept Software AG
-        Thomas Zwick, eXept Software AG
+	Claus Gittinger, eXept Software AG
+	Claus Atzkern, eXept Software AG
+	Thomas Zwick, eXept Software AG
     [see also:]
-        UIBuilder
-        ApplicationModel
-        UISpecification
+	UIBuilder
+	ApplicationModel
+	UISpecification
 ! !
@@ -304,19 +304,19 @@
      per line
-        max     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-        size    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-        start   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-        stop    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-        cpySz   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-        lnSz    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-        atBeginOfLine|
+	max     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+	size    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+	start   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+	stop    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+	cpySz   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+	lnSz    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+	atBeginOfLine|
     maxCharactersPerLine < 20 ifFalse:[max := maxCharactersPerLine - 1]
-                               ifTrue:[max := 20].
+			       ifTrue:[max := 20].
     (size := aString size) <= max ifTrue:[
-        ^ aString
+	^ aString
     start  := 1.
     lnSz   := 0.
@@ -325,35 +325,35 @@
     atBeginOfLine := true.
     [start <= size] whileTrue:[
-        (start := aString indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:start) == 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ stream contents
-        ].
-        (aString at:start) == $\ ifTrue:[
-            skipLineFeed ifFalse:[
-                stream nextPut:$\
-            ].
-            start := start + 1.
-            stream cr.
-            start := start + 1.
-            lnSz := 0.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (stop := aString indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:start) == 0 ifTrue:[
-                stop := size + 1
-            ].
-            (aString at:(stop - 1)) == $\ ifTrue:[
-                stop := stop - 1
-            ].
-            cpySz := stop - start.
-            lnSz == 0 ifFalse:[
-                (lnSz := lnSz + cpySz) >= max ifTrue:[stream cr.    lnSz := cpySz. atBeginOfLine := true. ]
-                                             ifFalse:[stream space. lnSz := lnSz + 1]
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                lnSz := cpySz
-            ].
-            stream nextPutAll:aString startingAt:start to:(stop - 1).
-            start := stop.
-        ]
+	(start := aString indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:start) == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ stream contents
+	].
+	(aString at:start) == $\ ifTrue:[
+	    skipLineFeed ifFalse:[
+		stream nextPut:$\
+	    ].
+	    start := start + 1.
+	    stream cr.
+	    start := start + 1.
+	    lnSz := 0.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (stop := aString indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:start) == 0 ifTrue:[
+		stop := size + 1
+	    ].
+	    (aString at:(stop - 1)) == $\ ifTrue:[
+		stop := stop - 1
+	    ].
+	    cpySz := stop - start.
+	    lnSz == 0 ifFalse:[
+		(lnSz := lnSz + cpySz) >= max ifTrue:[stream cr.    lnSz := cpySz. atBeginOfLine := true. ]
+					     ifFalse:[stream space. lnSz := lnSz + 1]
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		lnSz := cpySz
+	    ].
+	    stream nextPutAll:aString startingAt:start to:(stop - 1).
+	    start := stop.
+	]
     ^ stream contents
@@ -376,8 +376,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignB'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@G@@@@@@@G@E@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@E@G@G@@@G@G@G@K@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@K@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@G C@G @@G'' @G'' @G'' @G'' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' O??0O??0@@@@@@@C@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
+	constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignB'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@G@@@@@@@G@E@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@E@G@G@@@G@G@G@K@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@K@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@G C@G @@G'' @G'' @G'' @G'' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' O??0O??0@@@@@@@C@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
@@ -394,8 +394,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignL'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(UUUP@I@(_??0@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(UUUU@@@(_???@@@(@@@@@E@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(UU@@@@@(_?@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@F@@@G?>@G?>@G?>@G?>@F@@@F@@@G?? G?? G?? G?? F@@@F@@@G? @G? @G? @G? @F@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
+	constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignL'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(UUUP@I@(_??0@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(UUUU@@@(_???@@@(@@@@@E@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@(UU@@@@@(_?@@@@@(@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@F@@@G?>@G?>@G?>@G?>@F@@@F@@@G?? G?? G?? G?? F@@@F@@@G? @G? @G? @G? @F@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignLR'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(UUUR I@(_??2 @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(UUUR @@(_??2 @@(@@@B E@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(UUUR @@(_??B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@F@A G?? G?? G?? G?? F@A F@A G?? G?? G?? G?? F@A F@A G?? G?? G?; G?? F@A @@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
+	constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignLR'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(UUUR I@(_??2 @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(UUUR @@(_??2 @@(@@@B E@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@(UUUR @@(_??B @@(@@@B @@(@@@B @@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@F@A G?? G?? G?? G?? F@A F@A G?? G?? G?? G?? F@A F@A G?? G?? G?; G?? F@A @@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
@@ -430,8 +430,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignR'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@UUUR I@@_??2 @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@EUUUR @@G???2 @@@@@@B E@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@EUR @@@@G?2 @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@A A?? A?? A?? A?? @@A @@A G?? G?? G?? G?? @@A @@A @G? @G? @G? @G? @@A @@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]!
+	constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignR'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@UUUR I@@_??2 @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@EUUUR @@G???2 @@@@@@B E@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@EUR @@@@G?2 @@@@@@B @@@@@@B @@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@A A?? A?? A?? A?? @@A @@A G?? G?? G?? G?? @@A @@A @G? @G? @G? @G? @@A @@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]!
     "This resource specification was automatically generated
@@ -447,8 +447,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignT'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@E@E@E@K@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@K@G@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@@@@@@@G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@C@@@@O??0O??0G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' @G'' @G'' @G'' @G'' @G @@G C@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
+	constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignT'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@E@E@E@K@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@K@G@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@G@@@@@G@@@@@@@G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@C@@@@O??0O??0G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' @G'' @G'' @G'' @G'' @G @@G C@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignTB'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@E@E@E@G@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@H@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@D@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@C@@@@O??0O??0G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G''''!!G''& G'''' O??0O??2@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
+	constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignTB'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@E@E@E@G@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@H@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@D@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@C@@@@O??0O??0G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G''''!!G''& G'''' O??0O??2@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself]
 ! !
 !UIPainter class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
@@ -488,86 +488,86 @@
-          #window: 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #name: 'GUI Painter'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 291 0 130 0 637 0 289 0)
-              #label: 'GUI Painter'
-              #min: #(#Point 350 160)
-              #max: #(#Point 500 160)
-              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 291 130 638 290)
-              #usePreferredExtent: false
-          )
-          #component: 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #collection: 
-               #(
-                 #(#FramedBoxSpec
-                    #name: 'FramedBox'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 1.0 -35 1.0)
-                    #component: 
-                     #(#SpecCollection
-                        #collection: 
-                         #(
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'selectorLabel'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 67 0.11 29 0 1 0.5)
-                              #label: 'Selector:'
-                              #translateLabel: true
-                              #adjust: #right
-                              #resizeForLabel: true
-                          )
-                           #(#InputFieldSpec
-                              #name: 'methodNameField'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 70 0.11 18 0 4 1.0 40 0)
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #methodNameChannel
-                              #group: #inputGroup
-                          )
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'classLabel'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 67 0.11 54 0 1 0.5)
-                              #label: 'Class:'
-                              #translateLabel: true
-                              #adjust: #right
-                              #resizeForLabel: true
-                          )
-                           #(#InputFieldSpec
-                              #name: 'classNameField'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 70 0.11 43 0 4 1.0 65 0)
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #classNameChannel
-                              #group: #inputGroup
-                          )
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'superClassLabel'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 67 0.11 79 0 1 0.5)
-                              #label: 'Superclass:'
-                              #translateLabel: true
-                              #adjust: #right
-                              #resizeForLabel: true
-                          )
-                           #(#ComboBoxSpec
-                              #name: 'superclassNameComboBox'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 70 0.11 68 0 4 1.0 90 0)
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #superclassNameChannel
-                              #comboList: #superclassNameDefaults
-                          )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    #label: 'Define Class And Selector'
-                    #labelPosition: #topLeft
-                    #translateLabel: true
-                )
-                 #(#UISubSpecification
-                    #name: 'subSpec'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -29 1 0 1.0 -5 1)
-                    #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
-                    #minorKey: #windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels
-                )
-              )
-          )
+	  #window: 
+	   #(#WindowSpec
+	      #name: 'GUI Painter'
+	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 291 0 130 0 637 0 289 0)
+	      #label: 'GUI Painter'
+	      #min: #(#Point 350 160)
+	      #max: #(#Point 500 160)
+	      #bounds: #(#Rectangle 291 130 638 290)
+	      #usePreferredExtent: false
+	  )
+	  #component: 
+	   #(#SpecCollection
+	      #collection: 
+	       #(
+		 #(#FramedBoxSpec
+		    #name: 'FramedBox'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 1.0 -35 1.0)
+		    #component: 
+		     #(#SpecCollection
+			#collection: 
+			 #(
+			   #(#LabelSpec
+			      #name: 'selectorLabel'
+			      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 67 0.11 29 0 1 0.5)
+			      #label: 'Selector:'
+			      #translateLabel: true
+			      #adjust: #right
+			      #resizeForLabel: true
+			  )
+			   #(#InputFieldSpec
+			      #name: 'methodNameField'
+			      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 70 0.11 18 0 4 1.0 40 0)
+			      #tabable: true
+			      #model: #methodNameChannel
+			      #group: #inputGroup
+			  )
+			   #(#LabelSpec
+			      #name: 'classLabel'
+			      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 67 0.11 54 0 1 0.5)
+			      #label: 'Class:'
+			      #translateLabel: true
+			      #adjust: #right
+			      #resizeForLabel: true
+			  )
+			   #(#InputFieldSpec
+			      #name: 'classNameField'
+			      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 70 0.11 43 0 4 1.0 65 0)
+			      #tabable: true
+			      #model: #classNameChannel
+			      #group: #inputGroup
+			  )
+			   #(#LabelSpec
+			      #name: 'superClassLabel'
+			      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 67 0.11 79 0 1 0.5)
+			      #label: 'Superclass:'
+			      #translateLabel: true
+			      #adjust: #right
+			      #resizeForLabel: true
+			  )
+			   #(#ComboBoxSpec
+			      #name: 'superclassNameComboBox'
+			      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 70 0.11 68 0 4 1.0 90 0)
+			      #tabable: true
+			      #model: #superclassNameChannel
+			      #comboList: #superclassNameDefaults
+			  )
+			)
+		    )
+		    #label: 'Define Class And Selector'
+		    #labelPosition: #topLeft
+		    #translateLabel: true
+		)
+		 #(#UISubSpecification
+		    #name: 'subSpec'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -29 1 0 1.0 -5 1)
+		    #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
+		    #minorKey: #windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels
+		)
+	      )
+	  )
     "Modified: / 13.8.1998 / 19:59:44 / cg"
@@ -590,83 +590,83 @@
-          #window: 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #name: 'GUI Painter'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 291 0 130 0 572 0 327 0)
-              #label: 'GUI Painter'
-              #min: #(#Point 300 200)
-              #max: #(#Point 300 200)
-              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 291 130 573 328)
-              #usePreferredExtent: false
-          )
-          #component: 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #collection: 
-               #(
-                 #(#FramedBoxSpec
-                    #name: 'FramedBox'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 1.0 -35 1.0)
-                    #component: 
-                     #(#SpecCollection
-                        #collection: 
-                         #(
-                           #(#CheckBoxSpec
-                              #name: 'ShowGridCheckBox'
-                              #layout: #(#Point 13 14)
-                              #model: #showGrid
-                              #label: 'Show Grid'
-                          )
-                           #(#CheckBoxSpec
-                              #name: 'AlignCheckBox'
-                              #layout: #(#Point 13 42)
-                              #model: #alignToGrid
-                              #label: 'Align To Grid'
-                          )
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'HorizontalPixelsLabel'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 138 0 89 0 1 0.5)
-                              #label: 'Horizontal Pixels:'
-                              #translateLabel: true
-                              #adjust: #right
-                              #resizeForLabel: true
-                          )
-                           #(#InputFieldSpec
-                              #name: 'HorizontalPixelsField'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 144 0 77 0 197 0 99 0)
-                              #model: #hspace
-                              #group: #inputGroup
-                              #type: #numberOrNil
-                          )
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'VerticalPixelsLabel'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 139 0 114 0 1 0.5)
-                              #label: 'Vertical Pixels:'
-                              #translateLabel: true
-                              #adjust: #right
-                              #resizeForLabel: true
-                          )
-                           #(#InputFieldSpec
-                              #name: 'VerticalPixelsField'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 144 0 102 0 197 0 124 0)
-                              #model: #vspace
-                              #group: #inputGroup
-                              #type: #numberOrNil
-                          )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    #label: 'Grid Parameter'
-                    #labelPosition: #topLeft
-                    #translateLabel: true
-                )
-                 #(#UISubSpecification
-                    #name: 'subSpec'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -29 1 0 1.0 -5 1)
-                    #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
-                    #minorKey: #windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels
-                )
-              )
-          )
+	  #window: 
+	   #(#WindowSpec
+	      #name: 'GUI Painter'
+	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 291 0 130 0 572 0 327 0)
+	      #label: 'GUI Painter'
+	      #min: #(#Point 300 200)
+	      #max: #(#Point 300 200)
+	      #bounds: #(#Rectangle 291 130 573 328)
+	      #usePreferredExtent: false
+	  )
+	  #component: 
+	   #(#SpecCollection
+	      #collection: 
+	       #(
+		 #(#FramedBoxSpec
+		    #name: 'FramedBox'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 1.0 -35 1.0)
+		    #component: 
+		     #(#SpecCollection
+			#collection: 
+			 #(
+			   #(#CheckBoxSpec
+			      #name: 'ShowGridCheckBox'
+			      #layout: #(#Point 13 14)
+			      #model: #showGrid
+			      #label: 'Show Grid'
+			  )
+			   #(#CheckBoxSpec
+			      #name: 'AlignCheckBox'
+			      #layout: #(#Point 13 42)
+			      #model: #alignToGrid
+			      #label: 'Align To Grid'
+			  )
+			   #(#LabelSpec
+			      #name: 'HorizontalPixelsLabel'
+			      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 138 0 89 0 1 0.5)
+			      #label: 'Horizontal Pixels:'
+			      #translateLabel: true
+			      #adjust: #right
+			      #resizeForLabel: true
+			  )
+			   #(#InputFieldSpec
+			      #name: 'HorizontalPixelsField'
+			      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 144 0 77 0 197 0 99 0)
+			      #model: #hspace
+			      #group: #inputGroup
+			      #type: #numberOrNil
+			  )
+			   #(#LabelSpec
+			      #name: 'VerticalPixelsLabel'
+			      #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 139 0 114 0 1 0.5)
+			      #label: 'Vertical Pixels:'
+			      #translateLabel: true
+			      #adjust: #right
+			      #resizeForLabel: true
+			  )
+			   #(#InputFieldSpec
+			      #name: 'VerticalPixelsField'
+			      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 144 0 102 0 197 0 124 0)
+			      #model: #vspace
+			      #group: #inputGroup
+			      #type: #numberOrNil
+			  )
+			)
+		    )
+		    #label: 'Grid Parameter'
+		    #labelPosition: #topLeft
+		    #translateLabel: true
+		)
+		 #(#UISubSpecification
+		    #name: 'subSpec'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -29 1 0 1.0 -5 1)
+		    #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
+		    #minorKey: #windowSpecForCommitWithoutChannels
+		)
+	      )
+	  )
     "Modified: / 13.8.1998 / 20:00:00 / cg"
@@ -688,167 +688,169 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-          #window: 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #name: 'GUI Painter'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 42 0 188 0 561 0 689 0)
-              #label: 'GUI Painter'
-              #min: #(#Point 560 460)
-              #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
-              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 42 188 562 690)
-              #menu: #menu
-              #usePreferredExtent: false
-          )
-          #component: 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #collection: 
-               #(
-                 #(#MenuPanelSpec
-                    #name: 'menuToolbarView'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #menu: #menuToolbar
-                )
-                 #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
-                    #name: 'hpanel'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -26 1.0)
-                    #component: 
-                     #(#SpecCollection
-                        #collection: 
-                         #(
-                           #(#ArbitraryComponentSpec
-                              #name: 'treeView'
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #menu: #menuEdit
-                              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
-                              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-                              #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
-                              #miniScrollerVertical: true
-                              #component: #treeView
-                              #hasBorder: false
-                          )
-                           #(#ViewSpec
-                              #name: 'specHolderView'
-                              #component: 
-                               #(#SpecCollection
-                                  #collection: 
-                                   #(
-                                     #(#MenuPanelSpec
-                                        #name: 'menuToolbar2View'
-                                        #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -1 0.0 -2 0 -1 1.0 30 0)
-                                        #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                        #tabable: true
-                                        #menu: #menuToolbar2
-                                    )
-                                     #(#NoteBookViewSpec
-                                        #name: 'noteBook'
-                                        #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -30 1.0)
-                                        #enableChannel: #enableChannel
-                                        #tabable: true
-                                        #model: #tabModel
-                                        #menu: #tabList
-                                        #style: #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 10)
-                                        #canvas: #noteBookView
-                                    )
-                                     #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
-                                        #name: 'horizontalPanelView1'
-                                        #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -163 1 -1 0 -35 1.0 31 0)
-                                        #component: 
-                                         #(#SpecCollection
-                                            #collection: 
-                                             #(
-                                               #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                                  #name: 'MoveLeftButton'
-                                                  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionLeft
-                                                  #tabable: true
-                                                  #model: #moveSelectionLeft
-                                                  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                                  #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                                  #direction: #left
-                                                  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
-                                              )
-                                               #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                                  #name: 'MoveRightButton'
-                                                  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionRight
-                                                  #model: #moveSelectionRight
-                                                  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                                  #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                                  #direction: #right
-                                                  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
-                                              )
-                                               #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                                  #name: 'MoveDownButton'
-                                                  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionDown
-                                                  #model: #moveSelectionDown
-                                                  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                                  #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                                  #direction: #down
-                                                  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
-                                              )
-                                               #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                                  #name: 'MoveUpButton'
-                                                  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionUp
-                                                  #model: #moveSelectionUp
-                                                  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                                  #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                                  #direction: #up
-                                                  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
-                                              )
-                                            )
-                                        )
-                                        #horizontalLayout: #fit
-                                        #verticalLayout: #fit
-                                        #horizontalSpace: 0
-                                        #verticalSpace: 0
-                                    )
-                                     #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                                        #name: 'openWidgetDocumentationButton'
-                                        #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -32 1 -1 0 0 1 31 0)
-                                        #activeHelpKey: #editOpenSpecDocumentation
-                                        #hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
-                                        #label: 'helpIcon'
-                                        #model: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
-                                    )
-                                     #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                                        #name: 'cancelButton'
-                                        #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 2 0 -26 1 -1 0.5 -2 1)
-                                        #activeHelpKey: #commitCancel
-                                        #label: 'Cancel'
-                                        #tabable: true
-                                        #model: #cancel
-                                        #enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                                    )
-                                     #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                                        #name: 'acceptButton'
-                                        #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.5 -26 1 -2 1 -2 1)
-                                        #activeHelpKey: #commitOK
-                                        #label: 'OK'
-                                        #tabable: true
-                                        #model: #accept
-                                        #enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                                    )
-                                  )
-                              )
-                              #borderWidth: 1
-                          )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    #level: 1
-                    #handles: #(#Any 0.318868 1.0)
-                )
-                 #(#UISubSpecification
-                    #name: 'infoBarSubSpec'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
-                    #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
-                    #minorKey: #windowSpecForInfoBar
-                )
-              )
-          )
+	  #window: 
+	   #(#WindowSpec
+	      #name: 'GUI Painter'
+	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 134 0 100 0 653 0 601 0)
+	      #label: 'GUI Painter'
+	      #min: #(#Point 560 460)
+	      #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
+	      #bounds: #(#Rectangle 134 100 654 602)
+	      #menu: #menu
+	      #usePreferredExtent: false
+	  )
+	  #component: 
+	   #(#SpecCollection
+	      #collection: 
+	       #(
+		 #(#MenuPanelSpec
+		    #name: 'menuToolbarView'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
+		    #tabable: true
+		    #menu: #menuToolbar
+		)
+		 #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
+		    #name: 'hpanel'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -26 1.0)
+		    #component: 
+		     #(#SpecCollection
+			#collection: 
+			 #(
+			   #(#ArbitraryComponentSpec
+			      #name: 'treeView'
+			      #tabable: true
+			      #menu: #menuEdit
+			      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+			      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+			      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
+			      #miniScrollerVertical: true
+			      #component: #treeView
+			      #hasBorder: false
+			  )
+			   #(#ViewSpec
+			      #name: 'specHolderView'
+			      #component: 
+			       #(#SpecCollection
+				  #collection: 
+				   #(
+				     #(#MenuPanelSpec
+					#name: 'menuToolbar2View'
+					#layout: #(#LayoutFrame -1 0.0 -2 0 -1 1.0 30 0)
+					#enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+					#tabable: true
+					#menu: #menuToolbar2
+				    )
+				     #(#NoteBookViewSpec
+					#name: 'noteBook'
+					#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -30 1.0)
+					#enableChannel: #enableChannel
+					#tabable: true
+					#model: #tabModel
+					#menu: #tabList
+					#canvas: #noteBookView
+				    )
+				     #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+					#name: 'horizontalPanelView1'
+					#layout: #(#LayoutFrame -163 1 -1 0 -35 1.0 31 0)
+					#component: 
+					 #(#SpecCollection
+					    #collection: 
+					     #(
+					       #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+						  #name: 'MoveLeftButton'
+						  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionLeft
+						  #tabable: true
+						  #model: #moveSelectionLeft
+						  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+						  #isTriggerOnDown: true
+						  #direction: #left
+						  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
+					      )
+					       #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+						  #name: 'MoveRightButton'
+						  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionRight
+						  #model: #moveSelectionRight
+						  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+						  #isTriggerOnDown: true
+						  #direction: #right
+						  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
+					      )
+					       #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+						  #name: 'MoveDownButton'
+						  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionDown
+						  #model: #moveSelectionDown
+						  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+						  #isTriggerOnDown: true
+						  #direction: #down
+						  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
+					      )
+					       #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+						  #name: 'MoveUpButton'
+						  #activeHelpKey: #changePositionUp
+						  #model: #moveSelectionUp
+						  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+						  #isTriggerOnDown: true
+						  #direction: #up
+						  #extent: #(#Point 32 32)
+					      )
+					    )
+					)
+					#horizontalLayout: #fit
+					#verticalLayout: #fit
+					#horizontalSpace: 0
+					#verticalSpace: 0
+				    )
+				     #(#ActionButtonSpec
+					#name: 'openWidgetDocumentationButton'
+					#layout: #(#LayoutFrame -32 1 -1 0 0 1 31 0)
+					#activeHelpKey: #editOpenSpecDocumentation
+					#hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+					#label: 'helpIcon'
+					#model: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
+				    )
+				     #(#ActionButtonSpec
+					#name: 'cancelButton'
+					#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 2 0 -26 1 -1 0.5 -2 1)
+					#activeHelpKey: #commitCancel
+					#label: 'Cancel'
+					#tabable: true
+					#model: #cancel
+					#enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
+				    )
+				     #(#ActionButtonSpec
+					#name: 'acceptButton'
+					#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.5 -26 1 -2 1 -2 1)
+					#activeHelpKey: #commitOK
+					#label: 'OK'
+					#tabable: true
+					#model: #accept
+					#enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
+				    )
+				  )
+			      )
+			      #borderWidth: 1
+			  )
+			)
+		    )
+		    #level: 1
+		    #handles: #(#Any 0.318868 1.0)
+		)
+		 #(#UISubSpecification
+		    #name: 'infoBarSubSpec'
+		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+		    #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
+		    #minorKey: #windowSpecForInfoBar
+		)
+	      )
+	  )
+    "Modified: / 5.9.1998 / 17:42:12 / cg"
 ! !
 !UIPainter class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
@@ -869,327 +871,327 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'About'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #about
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #menuIcon)
-                #submenuChannel: #menuAbout
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'File'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #file
-                #enabled: #enableChannel
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'About'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #about
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #menuIcon)
+		#submenuChannel: #menuAbout
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'File'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #file
+		#enabled: #enableChannel
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'New'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doNew
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileNew
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Load...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doLoad
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileLoad
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Load Subspec...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doLoadSubspec
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileLoadSubspec
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Save'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doSave
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileSave
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Save As...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doSaveAs
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Define Class And Selector...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doDefineClassAndSelector
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Pick A Window Spec...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doPickAView
-                          #activeHelpKey: #filePickAnInterface
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Show Window Spec'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doWindowSpec
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileShowWindowSpec
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Browse Class'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doBrowseClass
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseClass
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Browse Aspect Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doBrowseAspectMethods
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseAspectMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Exit'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #closeRequest
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileExit
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Edit'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #edit
-                #submenuChannel: #menuEdit
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #align
-                #submenuChannel: #menuAlign
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Generate'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #generate
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'New'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doNew
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileNew
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Load...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doLoad
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileLoad
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Load Subspec...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doLoadSubspec
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileLoadSubspec
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Save'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doSave
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileSave
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Save As...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doSaveAs
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Define Class And Selector...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doDefineClassAndSelector
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Pick A Window Spec...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doPickAView
+			  #activeHelpKey: #filePickAnInterface
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Show Window Spec'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doWindowSpec
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileShowWindowSpec
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Browse Class'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doBrowseClass
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseClass
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Browse Aspect Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doBrowseAspectMethods
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseAspectMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Exit'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #closeRequest
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileExit
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Edit'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #edit
+		#submenuChannel: #menuEdit
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #align
+		#submenuChannel: #menuAlign
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Generate'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #generate
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Aspect Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doGenerateAspectMethods
-                          #activeHelpKey: #generateAspectMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Menu Stub Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doGenerateMenuMethods
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Hook Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doGenerateHookMethods
-                          #activeHelpKey: #generateHookMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Test'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #test
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Aspect Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doGenerateAspectMethods
+			  #activeHelpKey: #generateAspectMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Menu Stub Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doGenerateMenuMethods
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Hook Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doGenerateHookMethods
+			  #activeHelpKey: #generateHookMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Test'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #test
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Start Application'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doStartApplication
-                          #activeHelpKey: #testStartApplication
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Geometry Test Mode'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #testGeometryTestMode
-                          #indication: #testMode:
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Settings'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #settings
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Start Application'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doStartApplication
+			  #activeHelpKey: #testStartApplication
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Geometry Test Mode'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #testGeometryTestMode
+			  #indication: #testMode:
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Settings'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #settings
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Canvas'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsCanvas
-                          #indication: #painterShown
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Gallery'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsGallery
-                          #indication: #galleryShown
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Redefine Aspect Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsRedefineAspectMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                          #indication: #redefineAspectMethods:
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Aspects As Instances'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsAspectsAsInstances
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                          #indication: #generateAspectsAsInstanceVariables:
-                      )
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-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Fonts'
-                          #submenuChannel: #menuFont
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-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Undo Manager...'
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-                          #value: #openUndoMenu
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsUndoManager
-                          #enabled: #hasUndoHistory
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Grid Manager...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doDefineGrid
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsGridManager
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
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-                #label: 'History'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #history
-                #submenuChannel: #menuHistory
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Help'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #startGroup: #right
-                #activeHelpKey: #help
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-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Canvas'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsCanvas
+			  #indication: #painterShown
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Gallery'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsGallery
+			  #indication: #galleryShown
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Redefine Aspect Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsRedefineAspectMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+			  #indication: #redefineAspectMethods:
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Aspects As Instances'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsAspectsAsInstances
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+			  #indication: #generateAspectsAsInstanceVariables:
+		      )
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+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Fonts'
+			  #submenuChannel: #menuFont
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+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Undo Manager...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openUndoMenu
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsUndoManager
+			  #enabled: #hasUndoHistory
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Grid Manager...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doDefineGrid
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsGridManager
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
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+		#label: 'History'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #history
+		#submenuChannel: #menuHistory
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Help'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#startGroup: #right
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+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Tutorial'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpTutorial
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/TOP.html'
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-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Functions'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpFunctions
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Functions.html'
-                      )
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-                          #label: 'Examples'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpExamples
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Examples.html'
-                      )
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-                      )
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-                          #label: 'Help Tool'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpHelpTool
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/HelpTool.html'
-                      )
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-                          #label: 'Layout Tool'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpLayoutTool
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/LayoutTool.html'
-                      )
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-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Selected Widget'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
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-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Show Help Texts'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpShowHelp
-                          #indication: #showingHelp:
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Tutorial'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpTutorial
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/TOP.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Functions'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpFunctions
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Functions.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Examples'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpExamples
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Examples.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Help Tool'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpHelpTool
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/HelpTool.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Layout Tool'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpLayoutTool
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/LayoutTool.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Selected Widget'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpSelectedWidget
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Show Help Texts'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpShowHelp
+			  #indication: #showingHelp:
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
     "Modified: / 23.8.1998 / 16:09:22 / cg"
@@ -1213,108 +1215,108 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Left'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionLeft
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-                #label: 'Right'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionRight
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-            )
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-                #label: 'Left & Right'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignLR 'Left & Right')
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-                #label: 'Top'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionTop
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-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
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-                #label: 'Bottom'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionBottom
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionBottom
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
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-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Top & Bottom'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
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-            )
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-                #label: '-'
-            )
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-                #label: 'Centered Horizontal'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionCenterHor
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionCenterHor
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-            )
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-                #label: 'Centered Vertical'
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-                #value: #alignSelectionCenterVer
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionCenterVer
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
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-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Center Horizontal In Frame'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #centerSelectionHor
-                #activeHelpKey: #centerSelectionHor
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Center Vertical In Frame'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #centerSelectionVer
-                #activeHelpKey: #centerSelectionVer
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Spread Horizontal'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #spreadSelectionHor
-                #activeHelpKey: #spreadSelectionHor
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Spread Vertical'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #spreadSelectionVer
-                #activeHelpKey: #spreadSelectionVer
-                #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Left'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionLeft
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeft
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignL 'Left')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Right'
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+		#value: #alignSelectionRight
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionRight
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignR 'Right')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Left & Right'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignLR 'Left & Right')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Top'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionTop
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTop
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignT 'Top')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Bottom'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionBottom
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionBottom
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignB 'Bottom')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Top & Bottom'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignTB 'Top & Bottom')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Centered Horizontal'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionCenterHor
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionCenterHor
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Centered Vertical'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionCenterVer
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionCenterVer
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Center Horizontal In Frame'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #centerSelectionHor
+		#activeHelpKey: #centerSelectionHor
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Center Vertical In Frame'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #centerSelectionVer
+		#activeHelpKey: #centerSelectionVer
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Spread Horizontal'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #spreadSelectionHor
+		#activeHelpKey: #spreadSelectionHor
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Spread Vertical'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #spreadSelectionVer
+		#activeHelpKey: #spreadSelectionVer
+		#enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
     "Modified: / 20.5.1998 / 01:42:57 / cg"
@@ -1338,178 +1340,178 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Undo'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #nameKey: #undo
-                #value: #undoLast
-                #activeHelpKey: #editUndo
-                #enabled: #hasUndoHistory
-                #shortcutKeyCharacter: #Cmdu
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Cut'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #deleteSelection
-                #activeHelpKey: #editCut
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanCut
-                #shortcutKeyCharacter: #Cut
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Copy'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #copySelection
-                #activeHelpKey: #editCopy
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanCopy
-                #shortcutKeyCharacter: #Copy
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Paste'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #pasteBuffer
-                #activeHelpKey: #pasteBuffer
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanPaste
-                #shortcutKeyCharacter: #Paste
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Delete'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #deleteTotalSelection
-                #activeHelpKey: #editDelete
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanCut
-                #shortcutKeyCharacter: #Delete
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Paste With Layout'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #pasteWithLayout
-                #activeHelpKey: #pasteWithLayout
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Move'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #enabled: #canMoveSelection
-                #submenuChannel: #menuMove
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Dimension'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #enabled: #hasSelection
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Undo'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#nameKey: #undo
+		#value: #undoLast
+		#activeHelpKey: #editUndo
+		#enabled: #hasUndoHistory
+		#shortcutKeyCharacter: #Cmdu
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Cut'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #deleteSelection
+		#activeHelpKey: #editCut
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanCut
+		#shortcutKeyCharacter: #Cut
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Copy'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #copySelection
+		#activeHelpKey: #editCopy
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanCopy
+		#shortcutKeyCharacter: #Copy
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Paste'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #pasteBuffer
+		#activeHelpKey: #pasteBuffer
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanPaste
+		#shortcutKeyCharacter: #Paste
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Delete'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #deleteTotalSelection
+		#activeHelpKey: #editDelete
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanCut
+		#shortcutKeyCharacter: #Delete
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Paste With Layout'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #pasteWithLayout
+		#activeHelpKey: #pasteWithLayout
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Move'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#enabled: #canMoveSelection
+		#submenuChannel: #menuMove
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Dimension'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#enabled: #hasSelection
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Default Extent'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #setToDefaultExtent
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionDefaultExtent
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Default Width'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #setToDefaultWidth
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionDefaultWidth
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Default Height'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #setToDefaultHeight
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionDefaultHeight
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Copy Layout'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #copyLayout
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionCopyLayout
-                          #enabled: #hasSingleSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Copy Extent'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #copyExtent
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionCopyExtent
-                          #enabled: #hasSingleSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Paste Layout'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #pasteLayout
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteLayout
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Paste Extent'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #pasteExtent
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteExtent
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Paste Width'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #pasteWidth
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteWidth
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Paste Height'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #pasteHeight
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteHeight
-                          #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
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-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Open Widget Documentation'
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-             #(#MenuItem
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-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Inspect View'
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-                #value: #doInspectView
-                #activeHelpKey: #editInspectView
-                #enabled: #hasOneSelectionOtherThanCanvas
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Inspect Spec'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #doInspectSpec
-                #activeHelpKey: #editInspectSpec
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Default Extent'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #setToDefaultExtent
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionDefaultExtent
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Default Width'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #setToDefaultWidth
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionDefaultWidth
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Default Height'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #setToDefaultHeight
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionDefaultHeight
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Copy Layout'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #copyLayout
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionCopyLayout
+			  #enabled: #hasSingleSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Copy Extent'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #copyExtent
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionCopyExtent
+			  #enabled: #hasSingleSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Paste Layout'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #pasteLayout
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteLayout
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Paste Extent'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #pasteExtent
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteExtent
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Paste Width'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #pasteWidth
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteWidth
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Paste Height'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #pasteHeight
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editDimensionPasteHeight
+			  #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Open Widget Documentation'
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+		#value: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
+		#activeHelpKey: #editOpenSpecDocumentation
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: '-'
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Inspect View'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #doInspectView
+		#activeHelpKey: #editInspectView
+		#enabled: #hasOneSelectionOtherThanCanvas
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Inspect Spec'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #doInspectSpec
+		#activeHelpKey: #editInspectSpec
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
     "Modified: / 20.5.1998 / 01:46:00 / cg"
@@ -1533,41 +1535,41 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Up'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #doStepUp
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetUp
-                #enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #upIcon 'Up')
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Down'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #doStepDown
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetDown
-                #enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downIcon 'Down')
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Into'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #doStepIn
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetInto
-                #enabled: #canMoveSelectionIntoContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downRightIcon 'Into')
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Out'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #value: #doStepOut
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetOut
-                #enabled: #canMoveSelectionOutOfContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #leftDownIcon 'Out')
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Up'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #doStepUp
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetUp
+		#enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #upIcon 'Up')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Down'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #doStepDown
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetDown
+		#enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downIcon 'Down')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Into'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #doStepIn
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetInto
+		#enabled: #canMoveSelectionIntoContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downRightIcon 'Into')
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Out'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#value: #doStepOut
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetOut
+		#enabled: #canMoveSelectionOutOfContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #leftDownIcon 'Out')
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
@@ -1589,123 +1591,123 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Start'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doStartApplication
-                #activeHelpKey: #testStartApplication
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #startIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: ''
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'New'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doNew
-                #activeHelpKey: #fileNew
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #newIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Load'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doLoad
-                #activeHelpKey: #fileLoad
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #loadIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Save'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doSave
-                #activeHelpKey: #fileSave
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #saveIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: ''
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Cut'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #deleteSelection
-                #activeHelpKey: #editCut
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanCut
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #cutIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Copy'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #copySelection
-                #activeHelpKey: #editCopy
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanCopy
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #copyIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Paste With Layout'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #pasteWithLayout
-                #activeHelpKey: #editPaste
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #pasteIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Delete'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #deleteTotalSelection
-                #activeHelpKey: #editDelete
-                #enabled: #valueOfCanCut
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #deleteIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: ''
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Move Up'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doStepUp
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetUp
-                #enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #upIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Move Down'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doStepDown
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetDown
-                #enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Move Into'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doStepIn
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetInto
-                #enabled: #canMoveSelectionIntoContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downRightIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Move Out'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #doStepOut
-                #activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetOut
-                #enabled: #canMoveSelectionOutOfContainer
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #leftDownIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: ''
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Canvas'
-                #activeHelpKey: #settingsCanvas
-                #indication: #painterShown
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Gallery'
-                #activeHelpKey: #settingsGallery
-                #indication: #galleryShown
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Start'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doStartApplication
+		#activeHelpKey: #testStartApplication
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #startIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: ''
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'New'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doNew
+		#activeHelpKey: #fileNew
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #newIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Load'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doLoad
+		#activeHelpKey: #fileLoad
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #loadIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Save'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doSave
+		#activeHelpKey: #fileSave
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #saveIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: ''
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Cut'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #deleteSelection
+		#activeHelpKey: #editCut
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanCut
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #cutIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Copy'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #copySelection
+		#activeHelpKey: #editCopy
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanCopy
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #copyIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Paste With Layout'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #pasteWithLayout
+		#activeHelpKey: #editPaste
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #pasteIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Delete'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #deleteTotalSelection
+		#activeHelpKey: #editDelete
+		#enabled: #valueOfCanCut
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #deleteIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: ''
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Move Up'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doStepUp
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetUp
+		#enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #upIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Move Down'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doStepDown
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetDown
+		#enabled: #canChangeOrderInContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Move Into'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doStepIn
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetInto
+		#enabled: #canMoveSelectionIntoContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #downRightIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Move Out'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #doStepOut
+		#activeHelpKey: #moveWidgetOut
+		#enabled: #canMoveSelectionOutOfContainer
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #leftDownIcon)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: ''
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Canvas'
+		#activeHelpKey: #settingsCanvas
+		#indication: #painterShown
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Gallery'
+		#activeHelpKey: #settingsGallery
+		#indication: #galleryShown
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
@@ -1727,54 +1729,54 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align Left'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionLeft
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeft
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignL)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align Right'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionRight
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionRight
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignR)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align Left & Right'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignLR)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: ''
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align Top'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionTop
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTop
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignT)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align Bottom'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionBottom
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionBottom
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignB)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align Top & Bottom'
-                #isButton: true
-                #value: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
-                #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignTB)
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align Left'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionLeft
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeft
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignL)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align Right'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionRight
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionRight
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignR)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align Left & Right'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignLR)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: ''
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align Top'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionTop
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTop
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignT)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align Bottom'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionBottom
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionBottom
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignB)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align Top & Bottom'
+		#isButton: true
+		#value: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
+		#activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #iconAlignTB)
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
 ! !
@@ -1835,8 +1837,8 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#galleryShown) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#galleryShown put:(holder :=  true asValue).
-        holder addDependent:self
+	builder aspectAt:#galleryShown put:(holder :=  true asValue).
+	holder addDependent:self
     ^ holder
@@ -1867,34 +1869,34 @@
     |noteBook channel helpTool layoutTool specTool|
     (noteBook := builder bindingAt:#noteBookView) isNil ifTrue:[
-        noteBook   := View new.
-        layoutTool := UILayoutTool new.
-        helpTool   := UIHelpTool   new.
-        helpTool buildFromClass:specClass.
-        specTool   := UISpecificationTool new.
-        channel    := self modifiedChannel.
-        layoutTool masterApplication:self.
-        specTool   masterApplication:self.
-        helpTool   masterApplication:self.
-        layoutCanvas := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
-        helpCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
-        specCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
-        layoutCanvas client:layoutTool.
-        helpCanvas   client:helpTool.
-        specTool builder:(specCanvas client:specTool).
-        layoutTool masterApplication:self.
-        specTool   masterApplication:self.
-        helpTool   masterApplication:self.
-        layoutTool modifiedHolder:channel.
-        helpTool   modifiedHolder:channel.
-        specTool   modifiedHolder:channel.
-        builder aspectAt:#noteBookView put:noteBook.
+	noteBook   := View new.
+	layoutTool := UILayoutTool new.
+	helpTool   := UIHelpTool   new.
+	helpTool buildFromClass:specClass.
+	specTool   := UISpecificationTool new.
+	channel    := self modifiedChannel.
+	layoutTool masterApplication:self.
+	specTool   masterApplication:self.
+	helpTool   masterApplication:self.
+	layoutCanvas := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
+	helpCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
+	specCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
+	layoutCanvas client:layoutTool.
+	helpCanvas   client:helpTool.
+	specTool builder:(specCanvas client:specTool).
+	layoutTool masterApplication:self.
+	specTool   masterApplication:self.
+	helpTool   masterApplication:self.
+	layoutTool modifiedHolder:channel.
+	helpTool   modifiedHolder:channel.
+	specTool   modifiedHolder:channel.
+	builder aspectAt:#noteBookView put:noteBook.
     ^ noteBook
@@ -1905,8 +1907,8 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#painterShown) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#painterShown put:(holder :=  true asValue).
-        holder addDependent:self
+	builder aspectAt:#painterShown put:(holder :=  true asValue).
+	holder addDependent:self
     ^ holder
@@ -1918,7 +1920,7 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#tabList) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#tabList put:(holder :=  #(Basics Details Layout) asValue).
+	builder aspectAt:#tabList put:(holder :=  #(Basics Details Layout) asValue).
     ^ holder
@@ -1929,8 +1931,8 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#tabModel) isNil ifTrue:[
-        holder := AspectAdaptor new subject:self; forAspect:#tabSelection.
-        builder aspectAt:#tabModel put:holder.
+	holder := AspectAdaptor new subject:self; forAspect:#tabSelection.
+	builder aspectAt:#tabModel put:holder.
     ^ holder
@@ -1945,7 +1947,7 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout put:(holder :=  false asValue).
+	builder aspectAt:#valueOfCanPasteWithKeepingLayout put:(holder :=  false asValue).
     ^ holder
@@ -1961,8 +1963,8 @@
     |cls loadedFromClass loadedFromSpec editor tableColumnsOrSelector|
     (cls := self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
-        cls := self resolveName:specClass.
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
+	cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     loadedFromSpec := loadedFromClass := false.
@@ -1972,34 +1974,34 @@
     editor rowClassName:(self specTool specification rowClassName).
     ((tableColumnsOrSelector := self specTool specification columnHolder) notNil and: 
     [cls class implements: tableColumnsOrSelector]) ifTrue: [
-        editor openModalOnClass: cls andSelector: tableColumnsOrSelector.
-        loadedFromClass := true.
+	editor openModalOnClass: cls andSelector: tableColumnsOrSelector.
+	loadedFromClass := true.
     ] ifFalse: [       
-        (tableColumnsOrSelector := self specTool specification columns) isNil ifTrue: [
-            editor openModal
-        ] ifFalse: [         
-            editor openModalOnResourceSpec:tableColumnsOrSelector.
-            loadedFromSpec := true
-        ].
+	(tableColumnsOrSelector := self specTool specification columns) isNil ifTrue: [
+	    editor openModal
+	] ifFalse: [         
+	    editor openModalOnResourceSpec:tableColumnsOrSelector.
+	    loadedFromSpec := true
+	].
     loadedFromClass ifTrue: [
-        self specTool specification columns:nil.
-        self specTool specification rowClassName:nil.
-        self modifiedChannel value:true.
-        self accept.
+	self specTool specification columns:nil.
+	self specTool specification rowClassName:nil.
+	self modifiedChannel value:true.
+	self accept.
     (loadedFromSpec not and: [editor hasSaved and:[editor specSelector ~= tableColumnsOrSelector]]) ifTrue:[
-        self specTool specification columnHolder:editor specSelector.
-        self modifiedChannel value:true.
-        self accept.
-        ^self
+	self specTool specification columnHolder:editor specSelector.
+	self modifiedChannel value:true.
+	self accept.
+	^self
     loadedFromClass ifFalse: [
-        self specTool specification columns:(editor columns).
-        self specTool specification rowClassName:(editor rowClassName).
-        self modifiedChannel value: editor modified.
+	self specTool specification columns:(editor columns).
+	self specTool specification rowClassName:(editor rowClassName).
+	self modifiedChannel value: editor modified.
@@ -2011,42 +2013,42 @@
     |cls selectorOrMenu editor selectedSpec spec|
     (cls := self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
-        cls := self resolveName:specClass.
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
+	cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     cls notNil ifTrue:[
-        spec := self specTool specification.
-        (selectorOrMenu := spec menuSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
-            selectorOrMenu := selectorOrMenu asSymbol
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ cg: q&d hack ...
-            (selectedSpec := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
-                Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
-                    selectorOrMenu := nil.
-                ] do:[
-                    selectorOrMenu := selectedSpec view asMenu.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        editor := MenuEditor new.
-        editor masterApplication:self.
-        editor specClass: cls.
-        editor useHelpTool: self helpTool. 
-        selectorOrMenu class ~~ Menu
-            ifTrue:  [editor openModalOnClass:cls andSelector:selectorOrMenu]
-            ifFalse: [editor openModalOnMenu:selectorOrMenu].
-        self helpTool updateList.
-        editor specSelector ~= selectorOrMenu ifTrue:[
-            editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
-                spec menuSelector:editor specSelector.
-                self modifiedChannel value:true.
-                self accept
-            ]
-        ].
+	spec := self specTool specification.
+	(selectorOrMenu := spec menuSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    selectorOrMenu := selectorOrMenu asSymbol
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "/ cg: q&d hack ...
+	    (selectedSpec := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
+		Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+		    selectorOrMenu := nil.
+		] do:[
+		    selectorOrMenu := selectedSpec view asMenu.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	editor := MenuEditor new.
+	editor masterApplication:self.
+	editor specClass: cls.
+	editor useHelpTool: self helpTool. 
+	selectorOrMenu class ~~ Menu
+	    ifTrue:  [editor openModalOnClass:cls andSelector:selectorOrMenu]
+	    ifFalse: [editor openModalOnMenu:selectorOrMenu].
+	self helpTool updateList.
+	editor specSelector ~= selectorOrMenu ifTrue:[
+	    editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
+		spec menuSelector:editor specSelector.
+		self modifiedChannel value:true.
+		self accept
+	    ]
+	].
     "Modified: / 16.7.1998 / 18:16:42 / cg"
@@ -2058,12 +2060,12 @@
     |selector editor spec|
     (self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self]
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self]
     spec := self specTool specification.
     (selector := spec hierarchicalList) notNil ifTrue:[
-        selector := selector asSymbol
+	selector := selector asSymbol
     editor := HierarchicalListEditor new.
@@ -2071,11 +2073,11 @@
     editor openModalOnClass:specClass andSelector:selector.
     editor specSelector ~= selector ifTrue:[
-        editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
-            spec hierarchicalList:editor specSelector.
-            self modifiedChannel value:true.
-            self accept
-        ]
+	editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
+	    spec hierarchicalList:editor specSelector.
+	    self modifiedChannel value:true.
+	    self accept
+	]
     "Modified: / 16.7.1998 / 18:15:46 / cg"
@@ -2087,24 +2089,24 @@
     |spec cls meta sel|
     (self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self]
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self]
     spec := self specTool specification.
     cls := spec majorKey.
     cls isNil ifTrue:[
-        cls := specClass.
+	cls := specClass.
     (cls := self resolveName:cls inClass:(Smalltalk at: specClass asSymbol)) isNil ifTrue:[
-        spec majorKey isNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ self warn:'Cannot find class (no majorKey specified)'.
-        ].
-        ^ self warn:'Cannot find class ', spec majorKey asBoldText, '!!'.
+	spec majorKey isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self warn:'Cannot find class (no majorKey specified)'.
+	].
+	^ self warn:'Cannot find class ', spec majorKey asBoldText, '!!'.
     sel := spec minorKey.
     meta := cls class whichClassIncludesSelector:sel.
     meta isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self warn:'Cannot find selector #', (sel ? '') asBoldText, ' in class ', cls name asBoldText, '!!'
+	^ self warn:'Cannot find selector #', (sel ? '') asBoldText, ' in class ', cls name asBoldText, '!!'
     self class openOnClass:meta soleInstance andSelector:spec minorKey.
@@ -2117,23 +2119,23 @@
     |selector editor spec|
     (self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self]
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self]
     spec := self specTool specification.
     (selector := spec listSelector) isArray 
-        ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Cannot open the Tab List Editor on an array!!'].
+	ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Cannot open the Tab List Editor on an array!!'].
     editor := TabListEditor new.
     editor masterApplication:self.
     editor openModalOnClass:specClass andSelector:selector.
     editor specSelector ~= selector ifTrue:[
-        editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
-            spec listSelector:editor specSelector.
-            self modifiedChannel value:true.
-            self accept.
-        ]
+	editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
+	    spec listSelector:editor specSelector.
+	    self modifiedChannel value:true.
+	    self accept.
+	]
     "Modified: / 16.7.1998 / 18:15:14 / cg"
@@ -2146,8 +2148,8 @@
      widget has changed"
     self isModified ifFalse:[
-        self layoutTool update.
-        self modifiedChannel value:false
+	self layoutTool update.
+	self modifiedChannel value:false
@@ -2158,14 +2160,14 @@
     (property := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
-        self specTool specification:(property spec copy).
-        self setViewInLayoutTool:(property view).
-        self modifiedChannel value:false
+	self specTool specification:(property spec copy).
+	self setViewInLayoutTool:(property view).
+	self modifiedChannel value:false
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self layoutTool layoutView notNil ifTrue:[
-            self modifiedChannel value:false.
-            self treeSelection
-        ]
+	self layoutTool layoutView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self modifiedChannel value:false.
+	    self treeSelection
+	]
@@ -2175,30 +2177,30 @@
     someObject == treeView model ifTrue:[
-        (something == #selection
-        or:[something == #selectionIndex]) ifTrue:[self treeSelection].
+	(something == #selection
+	or:[something == #selectionIndex]) ifTrue:[self treeSelection].
       ^ self
     someObject == self galleryShown ifTrue:[
-        "/ galleryShown toggle changed
-        window := selectionPanel window.
-        (someObject value) ifTrue:[
-            self raiseUIView:window
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self hideUIView:window
-        ].
+	"/ galleryShown toggle changed
+	window := selectionPanel window.
+	(someObject value) ifTrue:[
+	    self raiseUIView:window
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self hideUIView:window
+	].
       ^ self
     someObject == self painterShown ifTrue:[
-        "/ canvasShown toggle changed
-        window := self painter topView.
-        (someObject value) ifTrue:[
-            self raiseUIView:window
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self hideUIView:window
-        ].
+	"/ canvasShown toggle changed
+	window := self painter topView.
+	(someObject value) ifTrue:[
+	    self raiseUIView:window
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self hideUIView:window
+	].
       ^ self
@@ -2219,18 +2221,18 @@
     treeView notNil
-        treeSelection := treeView selection.
-        "/ the top-node cannot be cut, copied or pasted.
-        canCutOrCopy := treeSelection size >= 1 and:[treeSelection first ~~ 1].
-        clipboard := self getSelection.
-        clipboard isCollection ifTrue:[clipboard notEmpty ifTrue:[sel := clipboard first]]
-                              ifFalse:[sel := clipboard].
-        canPaste := (sel isKindOf:UISpecification) and: 
-                    [treeSelection size  = 1 
-                    and:[treeSelection first == 1 
-                    or: [self canPasteInto: treeView selectedNode contents view]]]
+	treeSelection := treeView selection.
+	"/ the top-node cannot be cut, copied or pasted.
+	canCutOrCopy := treeSelection size >= 1 and:[treeSelection first ~~ 1].
+	clipboard := self getSelection.
+	clipboard isCollection ifTrue:[clipboard notEmpty ifTrue:[sel := clipboard first]]
+			      ifFalse:[sel := clipboard].
+	canPaste := (sel isKindOf:UISpecification) and: 
+		    [treeSelection size  = 1 
+		    and:[treeSelection first == 1 
+		    or: [self canPasteInto: treeView selectedNode contents view]]]
     self valueOfCanCut value: canCutOrCopy.
@@ -2262,7 +2264,7 @@
     painter := self painter.
     (painter respondsTo:(aMessage selector)) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aMessage sendTo:painter
+	^ aMessage sendTo:painter
     super doesNotUnderstand:aMessage
@@ -2290,13 +2292,13 @@
     (modified or: [self painter isModified or: [self helpTool modified]])
-        ((YesNoBox title:(resources string:'Window Spec was modified !!'))        
-            noText:(resources string:'Cancel');
-            yesText:(resources string:'Forget it and proceed');
-            showAtPointer;
-            accepted) ifFalse: [^false].
-        modified := false.
-        self painter resetModification
+	((YesNoBox title:(resources string:'Window Spec was modified !!'))        
+	    noText:(resources string:'Cancel');
+	    yesText:(resources string:'Forget it and proceed');
+	    showAtPointer;
+	    accepted) ifFalse: [^false].
+	modified := false.
+	self painter resetModification
@@ -2309,10 +2311,10 @@
     self askForSectionModification.    
     ((YesNoBox title:'No application class defined yet!!')        
-        noText:'Cancel';
-        yesText:'Define';
-        showAtPointer;
-        accepted) ifFalse: [^false].
+	noText:'Cancel';
+	yesText:'Define';
+	showAtPointer;
+	accepted) ifFalse: [^false].
     self doSave.
@@ -2323,11 +2325,11 @@
     "asks for section modification in the notebook"
     self isModified ifTrue:[
-        (self confirm:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
-            self accept
-        ] ifFalse: [
-            self cancel
-        ]
+	(self confirm:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
+	    self accept
+	] ifFalse: [
+	    self cancel
+	]
@@ -2341,54 +2343,54 @@
     cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     cls isNil ifTrue:[
-        superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass.
-        superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
-            ^ false.
-        ].
-        (self confirm:'Create class ' , specClass asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
-            superclass subclass:(specClass asSymbol)
-                       instanceVariableNames:''
-                       classVariableNames:''
-                       poolDictionaries:''
-                       category:'Applications'.
-            ^ true.
-        ].
-        ^ false.
+	superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass.
+	superclass isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
+	    ^ false.
+	].
+	(self confirm:'Create class ' , specClass asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
+	    superclass subclass:(specClass asSymbol)
+		       instanceVariableNames:''
+		       classVariableNames:''
+		       poolDictionaries:''
+		       category:'Applications'.
+	    ^ true.
+	].
+	^ false.
     cls isBehavior ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'A global named ' , specClass , ' exists, but it is no class.'.
-        ^ false.
+	self warn:'A global named ' , specClass , ' exists, but it is no class.'.
+	^ false.
     specSuperclass isBehavior ifFalse:[
-        specSuperclass isEmpty ifFalse:[
-            superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            specSuperclass := nil.
-        ]
+	specSuperclass isEmpty ifFalse:[
+	    superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    specSuperclass := nil.
+	]
     ] ifTrue:[
-        superclass := specSuperclass
+	superclass := specSuperclass
     specSuperclass notNil ifTrue:[
-        superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
-            ^ false.
-        ].
-        (cls isSubclassOf:superclass) ifFalse:[
-            self information:('A global named ' , specClass , ' exists,\' ,
-                              'but is not a subclass of ' , superclass name , '.\\' ,
-                              'Check and try again if that is not what you want.') withCRs.
-        ]
+	superclass isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
+	    ^ false.
+	].
+	(cls isSubclassOf:superclass) ifFalse:[
+	    self information:('A global named ' , specClass , ' exists,\' ,
+			      'but is not a subclass of ' , superclass name , '.\\' ,
+			      'Check and try again if that is not what you want.') withCRs.
+	]
     superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-        cls notNil ifTrue:[
-            specSuperclass := cls superclass name
-        ]
+	cls notNil ifTrue:[
+	    specSuperclass := cls superclass name
+	]
     ^ true
@@ -2406,14 +2408,14 @@
     self isLayoutToolSelected ifTrue:[
-        layoutCanvas raise
+	layoutCanvas raise
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self isHelpToolSelected ifTrue:[
-            helpCanvas raise
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self specTool selection:tabSelection.
-            specCanvas raise
-        ]
+	self isHelpToolSelected ifTrue:[
+	    helpCanvas raise
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self specTool selection:tabSelection.
+	    specCanvas raise
+	]
@@ -2430,17 +2432,17 @@
     (aString notNil and: [self askForModification]) 
-        |msg cls sel|
-        msg := aString asCollectionOfWords.
-        (msg size == 2 and:
-        [(cls := self resolveName:(msg at:1)) notNil])
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            self specClass:cls.
-            specSuperclass := cls superclass name.
-            specSelector := (msg at: 2) asSymbol.
-            ^true
-        ]
+	|msg cls sel|
+	msg := aString asCollectionOfWords.
+	(msg size == 2 and:
+	[(cls := self resolveName:(msg at:1)) notNil])
+	ifTrue:
+	[
+	    self specClass:cls.
+	    specSuperclass := cls superclass name.
+	    specSelector := (msg at: 2) asSymbol.
+	    ^true
+	]
@@ -2458,17 +2460,17 @@
     (self aspectFor:#superclassNameChannel) value:superClassName.
     self painter 
-            className:clsName 
-            superclassName:superClassName
-            selector:(selector ? '').
+	    className:clsName 
+	    superclassName:superClassName
+	    selector:(selector ? '').
     self specClass:clsName.
     specSelector := (selector ? '').
     specSuperclass := superClassName.
     specClass notNil & selector notNil ifTrue:[
-        self addToHistory: (specClass, ' ', specSelector) -> #loadFromMessage:.
-        self updateInfoLabel
+	self addToHistory: (specClass, ' ', specSelector) -> #loadFromMessage:.
+	self updateInfoLabel
     "Modified: / 5.2.1998 / 09:44:58 / stefan"
@@ -2480,7 +2482,7 @@
     self painter topView == aView ifTrue:[
-        type := #Extent
+	type := #Extent
     self layoutTool layoutView:aView type:type
@@ -2490,7 +2492,7 @@
     "sets the specClass and updates the Help Tool"
     specClass := aClass isBehavior ifTrue:[aClass name]
-                                   ifFalse:[aClass].
+				   ifFalse:[aClass].
     self helpTool buildFromClass:specClass.    
     self helpTool updateList.
@@ -2504,7 +2506,7 @@
     "returns the help tool"
     helpCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
-        self noteBookView
+	self noteBookView
     ^ helpCanvas application
@@ -2513,7 +2515,7 @@
     "returns the layout tool"
     layoutCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
-        self noteBookView
+	self noteBookView
     ^ layoutCanvas application
@@ -2528,7 +2530,7 @@
     "returns the spec tool"
     specCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
-        self noteBookView
+	self noteBookView
     ^ specCanvas application
 ! !
@@ -2546,7 +2548,7 @@
      the window spec is stored is defined"
     specSelector size > 1 ifTrue:[
-        ^ self hasSpecClass
+	^ self hasSpecClass
     ^ false
@@ -2589,20 +2591,20 @@
     (something isNil or:[tabSelection = something]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     self isModified ifTrue:[
-        whatToDo := DialogBox 
-                        confirmWithCancel:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?'
-                        labels:#('Cancel' 'Ignore' 'Accept')
-                        default:3.
-        whatToDo isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-        whatToDo == true ifTrue:[
-            self accept
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cancel
-        ]
+	whatToDo := DialogBox 
+			confirmWithCancel:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?'
+			labels:#('Cancel' 'Ignore' 'Accept')
+			default:3.
+	whatToDo isNil ifTrue:[^self].
+	whatToDo == true ifTrue:[
+	    self accept
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self cancel
+	]
     tabSelection := something.
@@ -2617,62 +2619,62 @@
     |view list spec slices size property tabComponent|
     self isModified ifTrue:[
-        (self confirm:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
-            self accept
-        ]
+	(self confirm:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
+	    self accept
+	]
     treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue:[
-        spec := treeView canvasSpec.
-        view := self painter topView.
+	spec := treeView canvasSpec.
+	view := self painter topView.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        (property := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
-            treeView canResizeSelectedWidget ifTrue:[
-                view := property view.
-            ].
-            spec := property spec copy.
-        ]
+	(property := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    treeView canResizeSelectedWidget ifTrue:[
+		view := property view.
+	    ].
+	    spec := property spec copy.
+	]
     tabComponent := builder componentAt:#noteBook.
     self setViewInLayoutTool:view.
     self specTool specification:spec.
     spec notNil ifTrue:[
-        self helpTool helpKey:(spec activeHelpKey).
-        slices := spec class slices.
-        size   := slices size.
-        view notNil ifTrue:[
-            self treeView isCanvasSelected 
-            ifFalse:
-            [
-                list := Array new:(size + 2).
-                list at:(size + 2) put:(UILayoutTool label).
-            ]
-            ifTrue:
-            [
-                list := Array new:(size + 1).
-                list at:(size + 1) put:(UILayoutTool label).
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            list := Array new:(size + 1).
-        ].
-        1 to:size do:[:i| list at:i put:((slices at:i) first asString)].
-        self treeView isCanvasSelected ifFalse: [list at:(size + 1) put:(UIHelpTool label)].
-        self tabList value:list.
-        self showHelp:spec class name for:self.
-        tabComponent enabled:true.
-        (tabSelection := tabComponent selection) isNil ifTrue:[
-            tabComponent setSelection:(tabSelection := list first)
-        ].
-        self raiseTabView
+	self helpTool helpKey:(spec activeHelpKey).
+	slices := spec class slices.
+	size   := slices size.
+	view notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self treeView isCanvasSelected 
+	    ifFalse:
+	    [
+		list := Array new:(size + 2).
+		list at:(size + 2) put:(UILayoutTool label).
+	    ]
+	    ifTrue:
+	    [
+		list := Array new:(size + 1).
+		list at:(size + 1) put:(UILayoutTool label).
+	    ].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    list := Array new:(size + 1).
+	].
+	1 to:size do:[:i| list at:i put:((slices at:i) first asString)].
+	self treeView isCanvasSelected ifFalse: [list at:(size + 1) put:(UIHelpTool label)].
+	self tabList value:list.
+	self showHelp:spec class name for:self.
+	tabComponent enabled:true.
+	(tabSelection := tabComponent selection) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    tabComponent setSelection:(tabSelection := list first)
+	].
+	self raiseTabView
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self helpTool helpKey:nil.
-        tabComponent enabled:false.
-        self defaultInfoLabel.
+	self helpTool helpKey:nil.
+	tabComponent enabled:false.
+	self defaultInfoLabel.
     self modifiedChannel value:false.
@@ -2728,8 +2730,8 @@
     self painter release.
     selectionPanel notNil ifTrue:[
-        selectionPanel masterApplication:nil.
-        selectionPanel closeRequest
+	selectionPanel masterApplication:nil.
+	selectionPanel closeRequest
     selectionPanel := nil.
     treeView       := nil.
@@ -2744,18 +2746,18 @@
     (topView := self window) == aTopView ifTrue:[
-        super closeRequestFor:aTopView
+	super closeRequestFor:aTopView
     ] ifFalse:[
-        aTopView = selectionPanel window ifTrue:[
-            self galleryShown value:false
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            aTopView == (self painter topView) ifTrue:[
-                self painterShown value:false
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                aTopView closeRequest
-            ]
-        ].
-        topView raise.
+	aTopView = selectionPanel window ifTrue:[
+	    self galleryShown value:false
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    aTopView == (self painter topView) ifTrue:[
+		self painterShown value:false
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		aTopView closeRequest
+	    ]
+	].
+	topView raise.
@@ -2765,19 +2767,19 @@
     ((aMessage size > 0) and: [self askForModification])
-        |readStream aClass aSelector|
-        readStream := aMessage readStream.
-        (aClass := Smalltalk at: (readStream upTo: $ ) asSymbol) notNil
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            aSelector :=  readStream upToEnd asSymbol.
-            self setClass: aClass selector: aSelector.    
-            (aClass respondsTo:aSelector) 
-            ifTrue:
-            [   
-                self painter setupFromSpec:(aClass perform:aSelector)
-            ]
-        ]
+	|readStream aClass aSelector|
+	readStream := aMessage readStream.
+	(aClass := Smalltalk at: (readStream upTo: $ ) asSymbol) notNil
+	ifTrue:
+	[
+	    aSelector :=  readStream upToEnd asSymbol.
+	    self setClass: aClass selector: aSelector.    
+	    (aClass respondsTo:aSelector) 
+	    ifTrue:
+	    [   
+		self painter setupFromSpec:(aClass perform:aSelector)
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -2791,24 +2793,24 @@
     aspects := IdentityDictionary new.
     aspects at:#classNameChannel put:(
-        (specClass notNil ifTrue:[specClass]
-                         ifFalse:['NewApplication']) asValue
+	(specClass notNil ifTrue:[specClass]
+			 ifFalse:['NewApplication']) asValue
     specSuperclass isNil ifTrue:[
-        specClass notNil ifTrue:[
-            (cls := self resolveName:specClass) notNil ifTrue:[
-                specSuperclass := cls superclass name.
-            ]
-        ]
+	specClass notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (cls := self resolveName:specClass) notNil ifTrue:[
+		specSuperclass := cls superclass name.
+	    ]
+	]
     aspects at:#superclassNameChannel put:(
-        (specSuperclass notNil ifTrue:[specSuperclass]
-                         ifFalse:['ApplicationModel']) asValue
+	(specSuperclass notNil ifTrue:[specSuperclass]
+			 ifFalse:['ApplicationModel']) asValue
     aspects at:#superclassNameDefaults put:#('ApplicationModel' 'SimpleDialog') asValue.
     aspects at:#methodNameChannel put:(
-        (specSelector notNil ifTrue:[specSelector asValue]
-                            ifFalse:[#windowSpec]) asValue
+	(specSelector notNil ifTrue:[specSelector asValue]
+			    ifFalse:[#windowSpec]) asValue
     treeView    := TreeView new.
@@ -2863,8 +2865,8 @@
     "opens the GUI Painter on aClass and aSelector
     aClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        (self confirm:'No class given to the GUI Painter (class was probably renamed?)\\Open anyway (to create a new window spec) ?' withCRs)
-        ifFalse:[^ nil].
+	(self confirm:'No class given to the GUI Painter (class was probably renamed?)\\Open anyway (to create a new window spec) ?' withCRs)
+	ifFalse:[^ nil].
     specSelector := aSelector.
@@ -2888,7 +2890,7 @@
     cls := specClass.
     cls isString ifTrue:[
-        cls := Smalltalk at:(cls string asSymbol)
+	cls := Smalltalk at:(cls string asSymbol)
     sel := specSelector.
     specSelector := nil.
@@ -2906,11 +2908,11 @@
     painter clear.
     cls notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setClass:cls selector:sel.
-        (cls respondsTo:sel) ifTrue:[  
-            painter setupFromSpec:(cls perform:sel).
-        ]
+	self setClass:cls selector:sel.
+	(cls respondsTo:sel) ifTrue:[  
+	    painter setupFromSpec:(cls perform:sel).
+	]
     treeView selection: #(1).
@@ -2930,27 +2932,27 @@
     painter := self painter.
     self isLayoutToolSelected ifTrue:[
-        layoutTool := self layoutTool.
-        (layout := layoutTool layout) notNil ifTrue:[
-            layoutTool layoutType == #Extent ifTrue:[
-                layoutTool layoutView == painter topView ifTrue:[
-                    layoutTool layoutView extent:layout
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    painter setExtent:layout
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                painter setLayout:layout
-            ]
-        ]
+	layoutTool := self layoutTool.
+	(layout := layoutTool layout) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    layoutTool layoutType == #Extent ifTrue:[
+		layoutTool layoutView == painter topView ifTrue:[
+		    layoutTool layoutView extent:layout
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    painter setExtent:layout
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		painter setLayout:layout
+	    ]
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        spec := self specTool specification.
-        self isHelpToolSelected ifTrue:[
-            self helpTool accept.      
-            spec activeHelpKey:self helpTool helpKey.
-        ].      
-        painter updateFromSpec:spec
+	spec := self specTool specification.
+	self isHelpToolSelected ifTrue:[
+	    self helpTool accept.      
+	    spec activeHelpKey:self helpTool helpKey.
+	].      
+	painter updateFromSpec:spec
@@ -2970,20 +2972,20 @@
     (newSel := self pasteSpecifications:aSpec keepLayout:false at:0@0) notNil
-        self select: newSel
+	self select: newSel
-        ((treeView selection size = 0) or: [treeView selectedNode isNil])
-        ifTrue:
-        [                          
-            treeView selection: #(1).
-        ]
-        ifFalse:
-        [  
-            treeView selectNode: (treeView detectNode: [:n| n = treeView selectedNode parent])
-        ].
-        self addWidgetOfSpec: aSpec
+	((treeView selection size = 0) or: [treeView selectedNode isNil])
+	ifTrue:
+	[                          
+	    treeView selection: #(1).
+	]
+	ifFalse:
+	[  
+	    treeView selectNode: (treeView detectNode: [:n| n = treeView selectedNode parent])
+	].
+	self addWidgetOfSpec: aSpec
@@ -2995,23 +2997,23 @@
     |spec key view|
     self isModified ifTrue:[
-        (spec := self painter specForSelection) notNil ifTrue:[
-            key := spec activeHelpKey.
-        ].
-        self helpTool helpKey:key.
-        treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue: [
-            spec := treeView canvasSpec.
-        ].
-        self specTool specification:spec.
-        view := self layoutTool layoutView.
-        self setViewInLayoutTool:view.
-        spec class == DataSetSpec ifTrue:[
-            view columnDescriptors:(spec columns)
-        ].        
-        self modifiedChannel value:false.
-        modified := false
+	(spec := self painter specForSelection) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    key := spec activeHelpKey.
+	].
+	self helpTool helpKey:key.
+	treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue: [
+	    spec := treeView canvasSpec.
+	].
+	self specTool specification:spec.
+	view := self layoutTool layoutView.
+	self setViewInLayoutTool:view.
+	spec class == DataSetSpec ifTrue:[
+	    view columnDescriptors:(spec columns)
+	].        
+	self modifiedChannel value:false.
+	modified := false
@@ -3021,12 +3023,12 @@
     self painter isModified ifTrue:[
-        self warn:'The current window spec has not yet been saved!!\\The System Browser may show the code of the old aspect methods.' withCRs.
+	self warn:'The current window spec has not yet been saved!!\\The System Browser may show the code of the old aspect methods.' withCRs.
     (methods := self painter aspectMethods) isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        self warn:'No aspect methods found!!'.
-        ^ self.
+	self warn:'No aspect methods found!!'.
+	^ self.
     SystemBrowser browseMethods:methods title:'Aspect methods'.
@@ -3036,7 +3038,7 @@
     "opens a System Browser on the specClass"
     self painter isModified ifTrue:[
-        self warn:'The current window spec has not yet been saved!!\\The System Browser will show the code of the old window spec.' withCRs.
+	self warn:'The current window spec has not yet been saved!!\\The System Browser will show the code of the old window spec.' withCRs.
     SystemBrowser openInClass:(self resolveName:specClass)
@@ -3049,39 +3051,39 @@
     |again tmp helpDict helpKey helpTool|
-        again := false.
-        (tmp := specClass) isNil ifTrue:[tmp := 'NewApplication'].
-        aspects at:#classNameChannel put:tmp asValue.
-        (tmp := specSelector) isNil ifTrue:[tmp := 'windowSpec'].
-        aspects at:#methodNameChannel put:tmp asValue.
-        (tmp := specSuperclass) isNil ifTrue:[tmp := 'ApplicationModel'].
-        aspects at:#superclassNameChannel put:tmp asValue.
-        (self openDialogInterface:#dialogSpecForDefiningClassAndSelector) ifTrue:[
-            specClass    := (self aspectFor:#classNameChannel) value.
-            specSelector := (self aspectFor:#methodNameChannel) value.
-            specSelector notNil ifTrue:[specSelector := specSelector asSymbol].
-            specSuperclass := (self aspectFor:#superclassNameChannel) value.
-            (again := self checkClassAndSelector not) ifFalse:[
-                self painter className:specClass
-                        superclassName:specSuperclass
-                              selector:specSelector.
-            ]
-        ]
-        ifFalse:
-        [
-            ^nil
-        ]
+	again := false.
+	(tmp := specClass) isNil ifTrue:[tmp := 'NewApplication'].
+	aspects at:#classNameChannel put:tmp asValue.
+	(tmp := specSelector) isNil ifTrue:[tmp := 'windowSpec'].
+	aspects at:#methodNameChannel put:tmp asValue.
+	(tmp := specSuperclass) isNil ifTrue:[tmp := 'ApplicationModel'].
+	aspects at:#superclassNameChannel put:tmp asValue.
+	(self openDialogInterface:#dialogSpecForDefiningClassAndSelector) ifTrue:[
+	    specClass    := (self aspectFor:#classNameChannel) value.
+	    specSelector := (self aspectFor:#methodNameChannel) value.
+	    specSelector notNil ifTrue:[specSelector := specSelector asSymbol].
+	    specSuperclass := (self aspectFor:#superclassNameChannel) value.
+	    (again := self checkClassAndSelector not) ifFalse:[
+		self painter className:specClass
+			superclassName:specSuperclass
+			      selector:specSelector.
+	    ]
+	]
+	ifFalse:
+	[
+	    ^nil
+	]
     ] doWhile:[again].
     specClass := specClass isBehavior ifTrue:[specClass name]
-                                      ifFalse:[specClass].
+				      ifFalse:[specClass].
     helpTool := self helpTool.
     helpDict := helpTool dictionary.
@@ -3113,7 +3115,7 @@
     bindings at:#vspace      put:((gridPara at:2) asValue).
     (self openDialogInterface:#dialogSpecForDefiningGridParameters withBindings:bindings) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     hspace := (bindings at:#hspace) value ? 5.
@@ -3172,12 +3174,12 @@
     (spec := self specForSelection) isNil ifTrue:[
-        treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue:[
-            spec := treeView canvasSpec.
-        ]
+	treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue:[
+	    spec := treeView canvasSpec.
+	]
     spec notNil ifTrue:[
-        spec inspect
+	spec inspect
@@ -3189,9 +3191,9 @@
     ((selection := self painter selection) isCollection and: [selection size >= 1]) ifTrue:[
-        selection first inspect
+	selection first inspect
     ] ifFalse: [
-        selection inspect
+	selection inspect
@@ -3202,12 +3204,12 @@
     self askForModification ifFalse: [^nil].
     self loadFromMessage: 
-        (ResourceSelectionBrowser
-            request: 'Load Window Spec From Class'
-            onSuperclass: nil
-            andClass: specClass
-            andSelector: specSelector ? #windowSpec
-            withResourceTypes: #(canvas))
+	(ResourceSelectionBrowser
+	    request: 'Load Window Spec From Class'
+	    onSuperclass: nil
+	    andClass: specClass
+	    andSelector: specSelector ? #windowSpec
+	    withResourceTypes: #(canvas))
@@ -3218,26 +3220,26 @@
     self askForSectionModification.
     (subSpecMessage := ResourceSelectionBrowser
-            request: 'Load Subspec From Class'
-            onSuperclass: nil
-            andClass: specClass
-            andSelector: specSelector
-            withResourceTypes: #(canvas)) notNil
+	    request: 'Load Subspec From Class'
+	    onSuperclass: nil
+	    andClass: specClass
+	    andSelector: specSelector
+	    withResourceTypes: #(canvas)) notNil
-        |readStream aClass aSelector|
-        readStream := subSpecMessage readStream.
-        (aClass := Smalltalk at: (readStream upTo: $ ) asSymbol) notNil
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            aSelector :=  readStream upToEnd asSymbol.
-            (aClass name == specClass and: [aSelector == specSelector]) ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Current interface as subspec not allowed!!'].
-            (aClass respondsTo:aSelector) 
-            ifTrue:
-            [
-                self addWidgetOfSpec: (Array with: (UISubSpecification new majorKey: aClass name; minorKey: aSelector))
-            ]
-        ]
+	|readStream aClass aSelector|
+	readStream := subSpecMessage readStream.
+	(aClass := Smalltalk at: (readStream upTo: $ ) asSymbol) notNil
+	ifTrue:
+	[
+	    aSelector :=  readStream upToEnd asSymbol.
+	    (aClass name == specClass and: [aSelector == specSelector]) ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Current interface as subspec not allowed!!'].
+	    (aClass respondsTo:aSelector) 
+	    ifTrue:
+	    [
+		self addWidgetOfSpec: (Array with: (UISubSpecification new majorKey: aClass name; minorKey: aSelector))
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -3262,14 +3264,14 @@
     |spec document|
     (spec := self specForSelection) isNil ifTrue:[
-        treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue:[
-            spec := nil
-        ]
+	treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue:[
+	    spec := nil
+	]
     spec notNil ifTrue:[
-        document := 'tools/uipainter/', spec userFriendlyName,'.html'
+	document := 'tools/uipainter/', spec userFriendlyName,'.html'
     ] ifFalse: [
-        document := 'tools/uipainter/WindowSpec.html'
+	document := 'tools/uipainter/WindowSpec.html'
     HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile: document 
@@ -3284,9 +3286,9 @@
     self askForModification ifFalse: [^nil].
     (view := Screen current viewFromUser) notNil ifTrue:[
-        view == Screen current rootView ifFalse:[
-            self painter setupFromSpec:(UISpecification fromView:view topView).
-        ]
+	view == Screen current rootView ifFalse:[
+	    self painter setupFromSpec:(UISpecification fromView:view topView).
+	]
     self updateInfoLabel
@@ -3301,20 +3303,20 @@
     self askForSectionModification.
     self hasSpecClassAndSelector ifFalse:[
-        self doDefineClassAndSelector isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
+	self doDefineClassAndSelector isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
     (specClass notNil and: [(Smalltalk at: specClass asSymbol) isClass])
-        ^nil
+	^nil
     painter := self painter.
     painter className:specClass
-             selector:specSelector.
+	     selector:specSelector.
     code := painter generateWindowSpecMethodSource withCRs.
@@ -3329,7 +3331,7 @@
     ((Smalltalk at: specClass asSymbol) class implements: specSelector) 
-        self addToHistory: (specClass, ' ', specSelector) -> #loadFromMessage:.
+	self addToHistory: (specClass, ' ', specSelector) -> #loadFromMessage:.
@@ -3343,21 +3345,21 @@
     self askForSectionModification.
     (resourceMessage := ResourceSelectionBrowser
-            request: 'Save Window Spec In Class'
-            onSuperclass: #Object
-            andClass: (specClass ? #ApplicationModel) asSymbol
-            andSelector: specSelector ? #windowSpec
-            withResourceTypes: #(canvas)) notNil
+	    request: 'Save Window Spec In Class'
+	    onSuperclass: #Object
+	    andClass: (specClass ? #ApplicationModel) asSymbol
+	    andSelector: specSelector ? #windowSpec
+	    withResourceTypes: #(canvas)) notNil
-        modified := false.
-        self painter resetModification.
-        (self resourceMessage: resourceMessage)
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            self doSave.
-            ^true
-        ]
+	modified := false.
+	self painter resetModification.
+	(self resourceMessage: resourceMessage)
+	ifTrue:
+	[
+	    self doSave.
+	    ^true
+	]
@@ -3368,23 +3370,23 @@
     self hasSpecClassAndSelector ifFalse:[
-        self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
+	self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
     ] ifTrue: [
-        self askForSectionModification.    
-        (modified or: [self painter isModified or: [self helpTool modified]])
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            ((YesNoBox title:'Window Spec was modified!!')        
-                noText:'Cancel';
-                yesText:'Save it and start';
-                showAtPointer;
-                accepted) ifFalse: [^nil].
-            self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
-        ]
+	self askForSectionModification.    
+	(modified or: [self painter isModified or: [self helpTool modified]])
+	ifTrue:
+	[
+	    ((YesNoBox title:'Window Spec was modified!!')        
+		noText:'Cancel';
+		yesText:'Save it and start';
+		showAtPointer;
+		accepted) ifFalse: [^nil].
+	    self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
+	]
     ((application := (self resolveName:specClass) new) respondsTo:#openInterface:) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self warn:('The application does not respond to the ''openInterface:'' message.\\(maybe its supposed to be used as subApplication/subCanvas)') withCRs.
+	^ self warn:('The application does not respond to the ''openInterface:'' message.\\(maybe its supposed to be used as subApplication/subCanvas)') withCRs.
     application openInterface:specSelector
@@ -3419,8 +3421,8 @@
     self askForSectionModification.
-        openWith: self painter generateWindowSpecMethodSource 
-        title: 'Window Spec'
+	openWith: self painter generateWindowSpecMethodSource 
+	title: 'Window Spec'
 ! !
@@ -3431,13 +3433,13 @@
     selection in tree view; only used by the UIPainter
     [see also:]
-        SelectionInTreeView
-        SelectionInTree
-        TreeItem
-        UIPainter
+	SelectionInTreeView
+	SelectionInTree
+	TreeItem
+	UIPainter
-        Claus Atzkern
+	Claus Atzkern
@@ -3475,7 +3477,7 @@
     spec fromView:(self canvas topView) callBack:nil.
     windowSpec notNil ifTrue:[
-        spec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec
+	spec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec
     ^ spec
@@ -3498,9 +3500,9 @@
     "returns item assigned to view or nil"
     aView notNil ifTrue:[
-        self allItemsDo:[:anItem|
-            (anItem contents view == aView) ifTrue:[^ anItem]
-        ]
+	self allItemsDo:[:anItem|
+	    (anItem contents view == aView) ifTrue:[^ anItem]
+	]
     ^ nil
@@ -3529,7 +3531,7 @@
     "evaluates the block on each property"
     self allItemsDo:[:anItem|
-        (aOneArgBlock value:(anItem contents)) ifTrue:[^ anItem contents]
+	(aOneArgBlock value:(anItem contents)) ifTrue:[^ anItem contents]
     ^ nil
@@ -3542,9 +3544,9 @@
     selection size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        (idx := selection first) ~~ 1 ifTrue:[          "canvas: not yet supported"
-            ^ (listOfNodes at:idx) contents
-        ]
+	(idx := selection first) ~~ 1 ifTrue:[          "canvas: not yet supported"
+	    ^ (listOfNodes at:idx) contents
+	]
     ^ nil
@@ -3560,7 +3562,7 @@
     parent := self detectItemRespondsToView:(aProperty view superView).
     parent notNil ifTrue:[
-        model add:(TreeItem new contents:aProperty) below:parent
+	model add:(TreeItem new contents:aProperty) below:parent
@@ -3572,7 +3574,7 @@
     windowSpec := nil.
     self canvas subViews copy do:[:aView|
-        (aView isKindOf:InputView) ifFalse:[aView destroy]
+	(aView isKindOf:InputView) ifFalse:[aView destroy]
     model root name: UIPainter defaultNameOfCanvas asBoldText.
     model removeAllOtherThanRoot.
@@ -3585,9 +3587,9 @@
     |item prnt|
     ((item := self itemOfView:aView) notNil and:[(prnt := item parent) notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        aView destroy.
-        prnt contents view sizeChanged:nil.
-        model remove:item
+	aView destroy.
+	prnt contents view sizeChanged:nil.
+	model remove:item
@@ -3603,12 +3605,12 @@
     fullSpec := FullSpec new.
     fullSpec fromBuilder:(self canvas topView)
-              components:(SpecCollection new collection:aSpecArray).
+	      components:(SpecCollection new collection:aSpecArray).
     windowSpec notNil ifTrue:[
-        winSpec := fullSpec window.
-        winSpec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec.
-        winSpec name: winSpec label.
+	winSpec := fullSpec window.
+	winSpec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec.
+	winSpec name: winSpec label.
     ^ fullSpec literalArrayEncoding.
@@ -3631,19 +3633,19 @@
     |sel list size|
     ((sel := aSelection) isNil or:[sel isCollection]) ifFalse:[
-        sel := Array with:sel
+	sel := Array with:sel
     (size := sel size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        list := OrderedCollection new:size.
-        sel do:[:aView||item|
-            (item := self itemOfView:aView) notNil ifTrue:[
-                list add:item.
-                model doMakeVisible:item.
-            ]
-        ].
-        sel := list collect:[:anItem| self indexOfNode:anItem ].
+	list := OrderedCollection new:size.
+	sel do:[:aView||item|
+	    (item := self itemOfView:aView) notNil ifTrue:[
+		list add:item.
+		model doMakeVisible:item.
+	    ]
+	].
+	sel := list collect:[:anItem| self indexOfNode:anItem ].
     self cvsEventsDisabledDo:[ self selection:sel ].            
@@ -3660,13 +3662,13 @@
     item := self itemOfView:aView.
     item notNil ifTrue:[
-        model doMakeVisible:item.
-        (index := self indexOfNode:item) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            oldSel := selection copy.
-            self addToSelection:index.
-            self selectionChangedFrom:oldSel
-        ]        
+	model doMakeVisible:item.
+	(index := self indexOfNode:item) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    oldSel := selection copy.
+	    self addToSelection:index.
+	    self selectionChangedFrom:oldSel
+	]        
@@ -3682,9 +3684,9 @@
      and:[(index := self indexOfNode:item) ~~ 0
      and:[self isInSelection:index]]
     ) ifTrue:[
-        oldSel := selection copy.
-        self removeFromSelection:index.
-        self selectionChangedFrom:oldSel.
+	oldSel := selection copy.
+	self removeFromSelection:index.
+	self selectionChangedFrom:oldSel.
@@ -3704,8 +3706,8 @@
      and:[(self propertyDetect:[:p| p name = name]) isNil
      and:[node name ~= name]]]
     ) ifTrue:[
-        node name: name asBoldText.
-        node changed.   
+	node name: name asBoldText.
+	node changed.   
@@ -3714,7 +3716,7 @@
      application will be informed to update its layout
     selection size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        self application layoutChanged
+	self application layoutChanged
@@ -3728,29 +3730,29 @@
     item := self itemOfView:(aProperty view).
     item notNil ifTrue:[
-        item contents:aProperty.
-        item name = aProperty name ifFalse:[
-            idx := self firstLineShown.
-            (end := self lastLineShown) > listOfNodes size ifTrue:[
-                end := listOfNodes size
-            ].                          
-            item changed.   
-            [idx <= end] whileTrue:[
-                (listOfNodes at:idx) == item ifTrue:[
-                    self redrawLine:idx.                "/ is visible; redraw line
-                    end := 0
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    idx := idx + 1
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        self selectedNode == item ifTrue:[              "/ inform application
-            self application propertyChanged
-        ]
+	item contents:aProperty.
+	item name = aProperty name ifFalse:[
+	    idx := self firstLineShown.
+	    (end := self lastLineShown) > listOfNodes size ifTrue:[
+		end := listOfNodes size
+	    ].                          
+	    item changed.   
+	    [idx <= end] whileTrue:[
+		(listOfNodes at:idx) == item ifTrue:[
+		    self redrawLine:idx.                "/ is visible; redraw line
+		    end := 0
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    idx := idx + 1
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	self selectedNode == item ifTrue:[              "/ inform application
+	    self application propertyChanged
+	]
@@ -3800,7 +3802,7 @@
     "disables collapsing of the root item"
     self selectedNode == model root ifFalse:[
-        super doubleClicked
+	super doubleClicked
@@ -3814,12 +3816,12 @@
     super redrawLabelAt:x y:yTop index:anIndex.
     ((selection size > 1) and: [selection first == anIndex]) ifTrue:[
-        dX := textInset - 1.
-        self paint:(Color red). "/ self application painter handleMasterColor.
-        self fillRectangleX:(x - dX - 2)
-                          y:yTop + ((fontHeight - dX) // 2)
-                      width:dX
-                     height:dX
+	dX := textInset - 1.
+	self paint:(Color red). "/ self application painter handleMasterColor.
+	self fillRectangleX:(x - dX - 2)
+			  y:yTop + ((fontHeight - dX) // 2)
+		      width:dX
+		     height:dX
 ! !
@@ -3837,18 +3839,18 @@
     self model iconAction: 
-        |specClass|       
-        (specClass := aNode contents spec) isNil 
-            ifTrue: [WindowSpec icon]
-            ifFalse:[specClass class icon]
+	|specClass|       
+	(specClass := aNode contents spec) isNil 
+	    ifTrue: [WindowSpec icon]
+	    ifFalse:[specClass class icon]
     self model labelAction: 
-        |spec|
-        (spec := aNode contents spec) notNil
-            ifTrue: [self nameForSpecInList:spec] 
-            ifFalse:[aNode name]
+	|spec|
+	(spec := aNode contents spec) notNil
+	    ifTrue: [self nameForSpecInList:spec] 
+	    ifFalse:[aNode name]
 ! !
@@ -3870,32 +3872,32 @@
     size := selection size.
     cvsEventsDisabled ifFalse:[
-        (size ~~ 0 and:[size ~~ 1 or:[selection first ~~ 1]]) ifTrue:[
-            sel := OrderedCollection new.
-            selection do:[:i|
-                i ~~ 1 ifTrue:[sel add:(listOfNodes at:i) contents view]
-            ]
-        ].
-        self canvas updateSelectionFromModel:sel
+	(size ~~ 0 and:[size ~~ 1 or:[selection first ~~ 1]]) ifTrue:[
+	    sel := OrderedCollection new.
+	    selection do:[:i|
+		i ~~ 1 ifTrue:[sel add:(listOfNodes at:i) contents view]
+	    ]
+	].
+	self canvas updateSelectionFromModel:sel
     size = 1 ifTrue:[
-        oldSelection size > 1 ifTrue: [
-            (listOfNodes at:lastDrawnMaster) retrieveLabel.
-            self redrawLine: lastDrawnMaster. 
-            lastDrawnMaster := selection first
-        ]
+	oldSelection size > 1 ifTrue: [
+	    (listOfNodes at:lastDrawnMaster) retrieveLabel.
+	    self redrawLine: lastDrawnMaster. 
+	    lastDrawnMaster := selection first
+	]
     size > 1 ifTrue:[
-        selection first ~~ lastDrawnMaster ifTrue: [
-            (listOfNodes at:selection first) retrieveLabel.
-            lastDrawnMaster notNil ifTrue: [(listOfNodes at:lastDrawnMaster) retrieveLabel].
-            self redrawLine: lastDrawnMaster. 
-            self redrawLine: (lastDrawnMaster := selection first)
-        ]
+	selection first ~~ lastDrawnMaster ifTrue: [
+	    (listOfNodes at:selection first) retrieveLabel.
+	    lastDrawnMaster notNil ifTrue: [(listOfNodes at:lastDrawnMaster) retrieveLabel].
+	    self redrawLine: lastDrawnMaster. 
+	    self redrawLine: (lastDrawnMaster := selection first)
+	]
     ifFalse: [
-        lastDrawnMaster := nil
+	lastDrawnMaster := nil
 ! !
@@ -3917,15 +3919,15 @@
      can change their layout through to a move or align operation"
     selection size == 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ false
+	^ false
     selection do:[:i|
-        i == 1 ifTrue:[^ false].
-        (self canvas canChangeLayoutOfView:((listOfNodes at:i) contents view)) ifFalse:[
-            ^ false
-        ]
+	i == 1 ifTrue:[^ false].
+	(self canvas canChangeLayoutOfView:((listOfNodes at:i) contents view)) ifFalse:[
+	    ^ false
+	]
     ^ true
@@ -3941,7 +3943,7 @@
       or:[(prnt := prnt childAt:((prnt indexOfChild:item) + 1)) isNil
       or:[prnt contents spec class supportsSubComponents not]]]
     ) ifTrue:[
-        ^ false
+	^ false
     ^ true
@@ -3956,7 +3958,7 @@
       or:[(prnt := item parent) isNil
       or:[prnt parent isNil]]
     ) ifTrue:[
-        ^ false
+	^ false
     ^ true
@@ -3968,9 +3970,9 @@
     (selectedNode := self selectedNode) notNil ifTrue:[
-        (selectedNode := selectedNode parent) notNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ (selectedNode parent isNil or:[selectedNode contents spec class canResizeSubComponents])
-        ]
+	(selectedNode := selectedNode parent) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ (selectedNode parent isNil or:[selectedNode contents spec class canResizeSubComponents])
+	]
     ^ false
@@ -3998,9 +4000,9 @@
     |view item|
     (view := aView) notNil ifTrue:[
-        [(item := self itemOfView:view) isNil] whileTrue:[
-            (view := view superView) isNil ifTrue:[^ listOfNodes at:1]
-        ].
+	[(item := self itemOfView:view) isNil] whileTrue:[
+	    (view := view superView) isNil ifTrue:[^ listOfNodes at:1]
+	].
     ^ item
@@ -4013,7 +4015,7 @@
     anItem isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     self setSelection:nil.
@@ -4031,7 +4033,7 @@
       or:[(prnt := prnt childAt:((prnt indexOfChild:item) + 1)) isNil
       or:[prnt contents spec class supportsSubComponents not]]]
     ) ifFalse:[
-        self doChangeHierarchyOf:prnt
+	self doChangeHierarchyOf:prnt
@@ -4039,7 +4041,7 @@
     ((item := self selectedNode) notNil and:[(item := item parent) notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        self doChangeHierarchyOf:(item parent)
+	self doChangeHierarchyOf:(item parent)
@@ -4053,12 +4055,12 @@
      or:[(size := prnt children size) < 2
      or:[(idx  := prnt indexOfChild:item) == 0]]]
     ) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     idx := idx + anIndex.
     idx < 1 ifTrue:[idx := size]
-           ifFalse:[idx > size ifTrue:[idx := 1]].
+	   ifFalse:[idx > size ifTrue:[idx := 1]].
     self setSelection:nil.
     model remove:item.
@@ -4073,13 +4075,13 @@
  "/ input view might by contained in sequence
     ((size := canvas findInputViewIn:spVw) ~~ 0 and:[idx >= size]) ifTrue:[
-        idx := idx + 1
+	idx := idx + 1
     spVw changeSequenceOrderFor:view to:idx.
     spVw specClass isLayoutContainer ifFalse:[
-        spVw subViews do:[:v| v raise ].
-        canvas inputView raise
+	spVw subViews do:[:v| v raise ].
+	canvas inputView raise
     canvas showSelection.
     self selectNode:item.