author tz
Fri, 09 Jan 1998 17:31:58 +0100
changeset 399 0822ecf56bf2
parent 386 71766a2845ab
permissions -rw-r--r--
checkin from browser

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

ImageView subclass:#ImageEditView
	instanceVariableNames:'magnification gridMagnification selectColors imageReaderClass
		resourceClass resourceSelector editMode mouseKeyColorMode
		undoImage modified coordInfoBlock'

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    This View will eventually be able to edit bitmap images.
    For now, it is not.

        Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
        Image Form

    [start with:]
        ImageEditView openOn:'bitmaps/gifImages/garfield.gif'
        ImageEditView openOnImage:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/gifImages/garfield.gif')
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'accessing'!

coordInfoBlock: aBlock

    coordInfoBlock := aBlock

gridMagnification: aPoint

    gridMagnification := aPoint







    magnification ~= aPoint
        magnification := aPoint asPoint.
        self scrollToTopLeft.
        self contentsChanged.
        self invalidate.



resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol

    resourceClass := aClassOrSymbol isClass ifTrue: [aClassOrSymbol name] ifFalse: [aClassOrSymbol asSymbol].



    ^resourceClass, ' ', resourceSelector

resourceMessage: aMessage

    (aMessage notNil and: [aMessage trimBlanks size > 0])
        resourceClass := aMessage readStream nextWord asSymbol.
        resourceSelector := aMessage reversed readStream nextWord reverse asSymbol.

    ^self resourceClass: resourceClass selector: resourceSelector




resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol

    resourceSelector := aStringOrSymbol asSymbol


   ^selectColors at: mouseKeyColorMode

selectedColor: aColor

    selectColors at: mouseKeyColorMode put: aColor
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'drawing'!

redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h
    |ih iw dotW dotH minX maxX minY maxY color last lastY runW x0 xI yI maskColor|

    ih := image height.
    iw := image width.
    dotW := magnification x.
    dotH := magnification y.

    minX := (x // dotW).
    minX >= iw ifTrue:[minX := iw - 1].
    minY := (y // dotH).
    minY >= ih ifTrue:[minY := ih - 1].
    maxX := (x + w) // dotW + 1.
    maxX > iw ifTrue:[maxX := iw].
    maxY := (y + h) // dotH + 1.
    maxY > ih ifTrue:[maxY := ih].

    lastY := -1.

    x0 := minX.
    runW := 0.
    maskColor := false.
    image colorsFromX:minX y:minY toX:maxX-1 y:maxY-1 do:
    [:xx :yy :color|

        yy ~~ lastY ifTrue:
            runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:
                origin := (x0 * dotW + margin)@(lastY * dotH + margin).
                self fillRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@dotH)).                    
                0 to: runW by: dotW do: [:xxx| self drawFrameAt: ((origin x + xxx) @origin y)].
                maskColor ifTrue:
                    self drawMaskPointAt: origin
                runW := 0.
            x0 := xx.
            lastY := yy.

        color ~~ last ifTrue:
            runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:
                origin := (x0 * dotW + margin)@(yy * dotH + margin).
                self fillRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@dotH)).
                0 to: runW by: dotW do: [:xxx| self drawFrameAt: ((origin x + xxx) @origin y)].
                maskColor ifTrue:
                    self drawMaskPointAt: origin
                runW := 0.

            self paint: (last := color).
            image mask notNil ifTrue:
                maskColor := false.
                (image mask colorAt: xx@yy) = Color black ifTrue:
                    self paint: (last := self viewBackground).
                    maskColor := true.
                last := nil.
            runW := 0.
            x0 := xx.
        runW := runW + dotW
    runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:
        origin := (x0 * dotW + margin)@(lastY * dotH + margin).
        self fillRectangle: (origin extent: runW@dotH).
        0 to: runW by: dotW do: [:xxx| self drawFrameAt: ((origin x + xxx) @origin y)].
        maskColor ifTrue:
            self drawMaskPointAt: origin.
        runW := 0.

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    |ih iw xI yI|

    image isNil ifTrue:[^self].

    magnification = (1@1) ifTrue:
        super redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h.
        self drawFrame.
        ^ self
    self clippingRectangle: (x@y extent: w@h). 

    self redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "/ right of image ?
    adjust == #center ifTrue:
        xI := (width - (margin * 2) - ih) // 2.
        yI := (height - (margin * 2) - iw) // 2.
        xI := yI := margin
    (x + w - 1) > (xI + (magnification x * image width)) ifTrue:
        self clearRectangleX:(xI + (magnification x * image width))
                       width:(x + w - (magnification x * image width) - xI)
    (y + h - 1) > (yI + (magnification y * image height)) ifTrue:
        self clearRectangleX:margin
                           y:(yI + (magnification y * image height))
                      height:(y + h - (magnification y * image height) - yI)  
    self drawFrame.
    self clippingRectangle: nil.
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'edit modes'!


    editMode isNil ifTrue: [editMode := 'point'].


    editMode := aMode


    ^mouseKeyColorMode printString


    mouseKeyColorMode := aMode asInteger
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:state x:x y:y

    self selectedColor notNil & image notNil & (self imageContainsPoint: x@y) & (editMode = 'point')
        ifTrue: [^self pointAt: x@y].

buttonPress:button x:x y:y

    self selectedColor notNil & image notNil & (self imageContainsPoint: x@y)
        undoImage := image copy.
        mouseKeyColorMode := button.
        (editMode = 'point')   ifTrue: [self pointAt: x@y].
        (editMode = 'replace') ifTrue: [self replaceAt: x@y].
        (editMode = 'paste')   ifTrue: [self pasteAt: x@y].
        (editMode = 'box') | (editMode = 'copy') ifTrue: [self boxAt: x@y].
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image drawing'!

boxAt: aPoint

    |firstPoint currentPoint lastCurrentPoint currentExtent imageFirstPoint imageExtent|

    firstPoint := lastCurrentPoint := aPoint//magnification*magnification.
    [Display anyButtonPressed]
        currentPoint := (0@0) max: (image extent * magnification min: (self translation negated + (device translatePoint: self sensor mousePoint from:device rootView id to:self id))).
        currentPoint := currentPoint//magnification*magnification.
        currentExtent := (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs.
        currentPoint ~= lastCurrentPoint ifTrue:
            self redraw: ((firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2).
            editMode = 'copy'
                self xoring: [self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + 1 extent: currentExtent - 1)]
            editMode = 'box'
                self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
                    ifTrue: [self paint: self selectedColor]
                    ifFalse: [self paint: self viewBackground].
                self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + 1 extent: currentExtent - 1)
        self drawLabel: currentPoint//magnification.
        lastCurrentPoint := currentPoint.

    imageFirstPoint := (firstPoint min: currentPoint)//magnification.
    imageExtent := currentExtent//magnification.
    editMode = 'box'
        self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
            image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with:Color white].
            image fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with: self selectedColor.
            self paint: self selectedColor.
            image fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with: ((image colorMap includes: Color black) ifTrue: [Color black] ifFalse: [image colorMap first]).
            image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with: Color black].
            self paint: self viewBackground.
        image restored.
        modified := true.
    editMode = 'copy'
        Clipboard := image subImageIn: (imageFirstPoint extent: imageExtent)
    self redraw: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs + 2).    

pasteAt: aPoint

    Object errorSignal handle:
        WarningBox warn: 'Pasting into this image failed!!'.
        imagePoint := aPoint//magnification.
        image copyFrom: Clipboard x:0 y:0 toX: imagePoint x y: imagePoint y width: Clipboard width height: Clipboard height.
        self redraw: (imagePoint * magnification extent: (Clipboard extent * magnification)).
        self drawLabel: imagePoint.
        image restored.
        modified := true.

pointAt: aPoint

    imagePoint := aPoint//magnification.
    self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask colorAt: imagePoint put: Color white].
        image colorAt: imagePoint put: self selectedColor.
        self paint: self selectedColor.
        image colorAt: imagePoint put: ((image colorMap includes: Color black) ifTrue: [Color black] ifFalse: [image colorMap first]).
        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask colorAt: imagePoint put: Color black].
        self paint:self viewBackground.

    self fillRectangle: (imagePoint * magnification + 1 extent: magnification).
    self selectedColor = Color noColor
        self drawMaskPointAt: imagePoint * magnification + 1.
    self drawFrameAt: aPoint.
    self drawLabel: imagePoint.
    image restored.
    modified := true.

replaceAt: aPoint

    imagePoint := aPoint//magnification.
    self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillAround: imagePoint withColor: Color white].
        image fillAround: imagePoint withColor: self selectedColor.
        self paint: self selectedColor.
        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillAround: imagePoint withColor: Color black].
        self paint:self viewBackground.
    self drawLabel: imagePoint.
    self invalidate.
    image restored.
    modified := true.



    undoImage notNil
        modified := false.
        self image: undoImage.
        self invalidate
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image editing'!


    self image: image flipHorizontal.



    self image: image flipVertical.



    self image: image negative.



    |b newSize|

    b := EnterBox new.
    b title:'resize image'.
    b okText:'apply'.
    b abortText:'abort'.
    b initialText:image extent printString.
    b showAtPointer.
    (newSize := Object readFromString: b contents onError:nil) notNil
        self image: (image magnifiedBy: newSize/image extent)


    |b rotation|

    b := EnterBox new.
    b title:'rotate image'.
    b okText:'apply'.
    b abortText:'abort'.
    b initialText: '0'.
    b showAtPointer.
    (rotation := Object readFromString: b contents onError:nil) notNil
    [   Object errorSignal handle:
            WarningBox warn: 'Image rotation failed.\' withCRs, 'An increase of image depth could help.'.
            self image: (image hardRotated: rotation)
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image emphasis'!


    self paint:Color black.
    "self lineWidth: (magnification x//3 min: 3). "
    self displayRectangle: ((0@0) extent:(image extent * magnification) + 2).
    self lineWidth:1.

drawFrameAt: aPoint

    magnification > gridMagnification
        |lineStartingPoint lineEndingPoint oldColor|
        lineStartingPoint := aPoint//magnification*magnification.
        lineEndingPoint   := aPoint//magnification*magnification + magnification.
        oldColor := self paint.
        self xoring:
            self displayLineFrom: lineEndingPoint 
                              to: (lineEndingPoint x)@(lineStartingPoint y).
            self displayLineFrom: lineEndingPoint 
                              to: (lineStartingPoint x)@(lineEndingPoint y).
        self paint: oldColor.

drawLabel: aLabel
    coordInfoBlock notNil
        coordInfoBlock value: aLabel printString

drawMaskPointAt: aPoint

    sizeOfMaskPoint := magnification//3.
    self xoring: [self fillRectangle: (aPoint + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)].
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image setting'!


    (anImage isImage and: [image isNil or: [self checkModified]])
        super image: anImage.
        image photometric = #palette
            (image usedColors includes: selectColors first) ifFalse: [selectColors at: 1 put: nil].
            (image usedColors includes: selectColors last) ifFalse: [selectColors at: 2 put: nil].

loadFromFile: aFileName

    |fileName newImage|
    fileName := aFileName asFilename.

    Object errorSignal handle:
        WarningBox warn: exeption errorString.
        newImage := Image fromFile: fileName name.

    (self image: newImage) notNil
        imageReaderClass := ImageReader allSubclasses detect: [:cls| cls isValidImageFile:fileName name] ifNone:
            [WarningBox warn: 'Unknown image file format'. ^nil].

resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol selector: aStringOrSymbol

    imageReaderClass := nil.
    self resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol.
    self resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol.
    aClass := Smalltalk at: resourceClass. 
    (aClass isClass and: [aClass class implements: resourceSelector])
        ^self image: (aClass perform: resourceSelector) copy
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'initialization'!


    super initialize.

    magnification := 1@1.
    gridMagnification := 8@8.
    modified := false.
    mouseKeyColorMode := 1.
    resourceClass := resourceSelector := ''.
    selectColors := Array with: nil with: nil.
    self menuHolder:self; menuPerformer:self; menuMessage:#imageMenu. 
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'menu actions'!

    |b newMag|

    b := EnterBox new.
    b title:'magnification (magX @ magY)'.
    b okText:'apply'.
    b abortText:'abort'.
    b action:[:string | newMag := (Object readFromString:string onError:nil)].
    b initialText:(magnification printString).
    b showAtPointer.

    newMag notNil ifTrue:[
        self magnification:newMag.

    "Modified: 31.7.1997 / 11:43:12 / cg"


    self resourceMessage: (ResourceSelectionBrowser
        openOnSuperclass: ApplicationModel
        class: self resourceClass
        selector: self resourceSelector
        resourceTypes: #(#image #fileImage))



    self image: 
        ((Image fromUser)
            asDitheredTrueColor8FormOn: Display)


    |stream psgc|

    image isNil ifTrue: [^nil].

    Printer supportsPostscript ifFalse:[
        self warn:'need a postscript printer'.
        ^ self

    stream := Printer newNative.
    stream isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'cannot open printer stream'.
        ^ nil

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        psgc := PSGraphicsContext on:stream. "/  extent:(1.0 @ 1.0).
        psgc displayForm: (image magnifiedBy: magnification) x:0 y:0.
        psgc close.


    Object errorSignal handle:
        WarningBox warn: ex errorString.
        image isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No image to save!!'].
        image fileName isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No file name for image detected!!'].
        fileName := image fileName asFilename.
        (fileName suffix = 'tiff') | (fileName suffix = 'tif') ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := TIFFReader].
        fileName suffix = 'xpm' ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := XPMReader].
        fileName suffix = 'xbm' ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := XBMReader].
        fileName suffix = 'gif' ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := GIFReader].
        (fileName suffix = 'jpg') | (fileName suffix = 'jpeg') ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := JPEGReader].
        imageReaderClass isNil ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := XPMReader. image fileName: image fileName, '.xpm'].
        image saveOn: image fileName using: imageReaderClass.
        modified := false.

    "save contents into a file 
     - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox."

    self saveImageFileAs


    Object errorSignal handle:
        WarningBox warn: ex errorString.
        |compileString stream aClass|  
        stream := WriteStream on: ''.
        self resourceSelector trimBlanks size = 0 ifTrue: [^self error: 'No image selector detected'].
        (aClass := Smalltalk at: self resourceClass) isClass ifFalse: [^self error: 'No class for image selector detected'].
        self image storeOn: stream.
        compileString :=
            self resourceSelector,
            '\\' withCRs,
            '    <resource: #image>\' withCRs,
            '    ^',
            stream contents.   
        ByteCodeCompiler compile: compileString forClass: aClass class inCategory: 'resources'.
        modified := false.



    (aFileName := (FileBrowserView requestFileName: self image fileName fileFilters: #('*.xpm' '*.gif'))) notNil
        self saveImageFileAs: aFileName

saveImageFileAs: aFileName

    image notNil
        image fileName: aFileName.
        self save
        WarningBox warn: 'No image detected'
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'queries'!


    modified ifTrue:
        aBox := YesNoBox title:'Image was modified'.        
        aBox noText:'abort'.
        aBox yesText:'ignore'.
        aBox showAtPointer.
        aBox accepted ifFalse: [^false].
        modified := false

    "return the images height"

    image isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
    ^ (image height * magnification y) rounded

imageContainsPoint: aPoint
    image isNil ifTrue: [^false].
    pi := ((aPoint - margin + 1) / magnification) floor.
    ^((0@0 corner:(image extent) - 1) containsPoint:pi)

    "return the images width"

    image isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
    ^ (image width * magnification x) rounded
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'release'!


    undoImage := nil.
    Clipboard := nil.
    super destroy.

! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !