author ca
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 16:32:50 +0100
changeset 43 3dd91a85c243
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intitial checkin

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

ViewPainterView subclass:#UIPainterView
	instanceVariableNames:'fontPanel code viewProperties superclassName className methodName

!UIPainterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    not yet finished, not yet published, not yet released.
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ className

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:41:30 / claus"

    className := aString

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:47:17 / claus"

    ^ methodName

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:41:34 / claus"

    methodName := aString

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:47:27 / claus"
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'builder interface'!

    self halt.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 00:46:44 / claus"

    self halt.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 00:45:35 / claus"

createdComponent:newView forSpec:aSpec
    "callBack from UISpec view building"


    props := self propertiesForNewView:newView.

    aSpec name notNil ifTrue:[
        props name:aSpec name

    props labelSelector:(aSpec labelSelector).
    props aspectSelector:(aSpec modelSelector).

    viewProperties add:props.
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'code manipulation'!

    |box classNameHolder superclassNameHolder|

    classNameHolder := (className ? 'MyClass') asValue.
    superclassNameHolder := (superclassName ? 'ApplicationModel') asValue.

    box := DialogBox new.
    box addTextLabel:'class:'.
    box addInputFieldOn:classNameHolder.
    box addTextLabel:'super class:'.
    box addInputFieldOn:superclassNameHolder.
    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.

    box open.

    box accepted ifTrue:[
        className := classNameHolder value.
        superclassName := superclassNameHolder value.


    | box names propList p n newName|

    names := VariableArray new.
    propList := VariableArray new.
    viewProperties do:[:props |
        n := props name.
        n notNil ifTrue:[
            names add:n.
            propList add:props
    box := BuilderVariablesBox new.
    box list:names.
    box selectAction:[:selection |
        p := propList at:selection
    box okAction:[
        newName := box enterValue.
Transcript showCR:('renamed ' , (p name) , 'to:' , newName).
        p name:newName
    box showAtPointer

! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'creating subviews'!

addProperties:properties for:aView
    "set properties to a view and add properties to viewProperties.
     In case that properties are nil properties are created
    |name props|

    (props := properties) isNil ifTrue:[
        props := self propertiesForNewView:aView.

    viewProperties add:props.
    name := props name.

    (aView respondsTo:#label:) ifTrue:[
        aView label:name
    aView name:name.
  ^ props

    "set default properties for a created object

    props := self addProperties:nil for:anObject.
    self undoCreate:(props identifier).

    |cls props index|

    cls := aView class.

    props := ViewProperty new.
    props view:aView.
    props elementClass:cls.
    index := self variableIndexForClass:cls.
    props nameIndex:index.
    props name:(self variableNameForClass:cls index:index).

"/    props initCode:nil.       --- add user-defined init code later

    ^ props
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'cut & paste'!

    "copy the selection into the cut&paste-buffer

    tmp := OrderedCollection new.

    self selectionDo:[:aView||topSpec|
        topSpec := aView specClass 
                        callBack:[:spec :aSubView | 
                                aSubView geometryLayout:(aSubView geometryLayout copy)
        tmp add:topSpec.

    self setSelection:tmp


    "add the objects in the paste-buffer


    Transcript showCR:'pasteBuffer'.
    sel := self getSelection.
    self unselect.
    sel do:[:aSpec |
        self createFromSpec:aSpec
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'draw-object initialization'!

    ^ self
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'generating output'!


    defCode := superclassName , ' subclass:#' , className , '\'.
    defCode := defCode , '  instanceVariableNames:'''.
    defCode := defCode , self subviewVariableNames , '''\'.
    defCode := defCode , '  classVariableNames:''''\'.
    defCode := defCode , '  poolDictionaries:''''\'.
    defCode := defCode , '  category:''' , categoryName , '''\'.
    defCode := defCode , Character excla asString , '\\'.

    code := code , (defCode withCRs)


    code := ''.
    (Smalltalk classNamed:className) isNil ifTrue:[
        self generateClassDefinition.
"/    self generateInitMethod.
    code := code , self generateWindowSpec.
    self generateOutlets.

    ^ code withCRs

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 20:57:53 / claus"
! !

!UIPainterView ignoredMethodsFor:'generating output'!

    |c name p objects outlets moreCode sym typ val|

    " <name> := <GroupClass> in:<name-of-superview>"

    p := self propertyOfGroup:aGroup.
    name := p at:#variableName.
    c := '  ' , name , ' := ' , (aGroup class name) , ' new.\'.

    code := code , c withCRs.

    " <name> <symbol>:<value>"

    objects := p at:#controlledObjects ifAbsent:[nil].
    objects notNil ifTrue:[
	objects do:[:controlledObject |
	    c := c , name , ' add:' , (self variableNameOf:controlledObject) , '.\'

    code := code , c withCRs


    |g c name p outlets moreCode sym typ val|

    "generate code for groups"

    viewProperties do:[:props |
	g := props at:#group ifAbsent:[nil].
	g notNil ifTrue:[
	    self generateInitCodeForGroup:g


    |c name p outlets moreCode sym typ val|

    " <name> := <ViewClass> in:<name-of-superview>"

    p := self propertyOfView:aView.
    name := p at:#variableName.
    c := '    ' , name , ' := ' ,
	 (aView class name) , ' in:' , (self variableNameOf:(aView superView)) , '.\'.

    " <name> origin:(...) extent:(...)"

    c := c , '    ' , name , ' origin:(', aView origin printString , ')'
		    , ' extent:(', aView extent printString , ').\'.

    moreCode := p at:#initCode ifAbsent:nil.
    moreCode notNil ifTrue:[
	c := c , moreCode , '\' withCRs

    code := code , c withCRs.

    " <name> <symbol>:<value>"

    outlets := p at:#outlets ifAbsent:[nil].
    outlets notNil ifTrue:[
	outlets do:[:selectorOutlet |
	    sym := selectorOutlet at:#selector.
	    typ := selectorOutlet at:#type.
	    val := selectorOutlet at:#value.
	    c :=  '    ' , name , ' ' , sym.
	    (typ == #number) ifTrue:[
		c := c , val printString
	    (typ == #string) ifTrue:[
		c := c , '''' , val , ''''
	    (typ == #text) ifTrue:[
		c := c , '''' , val asString , ''''
	    (typ == #strings) ifTrue:[
		c := c , '#( '.
		val asText do:[:aString |
		    c := c , '''' , aString , ''' '
		c := c , ')'
	    (typ == #block) ifTrue:[
		c := c , val
	    (typ == #color) ifTrue:[
		c := c , '(Color name:''' , val , ''')'
	    c := c , '.' , Character cr asString.
	    code := code , c

    self subviewsOf:aView do:[:v |
	self generateInitCodeForView:v

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 20:06:07 / claus"


    defCode := Character excla asString ,
	       className , ' methodsFor:''initialization''' ,
	       Character excla asString , '\\'.

    defCode := defCode , 'initialize\'.
    defCode := defCode , '    super initialize.\'.
    defCode := defCode , '    self setupSubViews.\'.
    defCode := defCode , '    self setupLocalStuff\'.
    defCode := defCode , Character excla asString , '\\'.

    defCode := defCode , 'setupSubViews\'.
    code := code , defCode withCRs.

    self subviewsOf:self do:[:v |
	self generateInitCodeForView:v

    self generateInitCodeForOtherStuff.

    code := code , '    ^ self\' withCRs.

    defCode := Character excla asString , '\\'.
    defCode := defCode , 'setupLocalStuff\'.
    defCode := defCode , '    ^ self\'.
    defCode := defCode , Character excla asString , ' ' ,
			 Character excla asString , '\\'.

    code := code , defCode withCRs

! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'generating output'!

    ^ self

    |spec specArray str|

    subViews remove:inputView.
        spec := FullSpec fromView:self callBack:[:newSpec :view | self stuffPropertiesFrom:view intoSpec:newSpec].
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        subViews addFirst:inputView.

    specArray := spec literalArrayEncoding.
    str := WriteStream on:String new.
    self prettyPrintSpecArray:specArray on:str indent:5.

    code := Character excla asString 
            , className , ' class methodsFor:''interface specs'''
            , Character excla asString , '\\'

            , methodName , '\'
            , '    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"\\'
            , '    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to\'
            , '     handle the specification if its corrupted."\\'
            , '    "UIPainter new openOnClass:' , className , ' andSelector:#' , methodName , '"\'
            , '    "' , className , ' new openInterface:#' , methodName , '"\'.

    methodName = 'windowSpec' ifTrue:[
        code := code , '    "' , className , ' open"\'
    code := code 
            , '\'
            , '    <resource: #canvas>\\'
            , '    ^\' 
            , '     ', str contents
            , '\'
            , Character excla asString
            , ' '
            , Character excla asString
            , '\\'.

    ^ code withCRs

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 21:01:35 / claus"

    ^ 'NewView'

outletValueOf:aSymbol for:aView
"/    |c name p outlets moreCode sym typ val|
"/    p := self propertyOfView:aView.
"/    outlets := p at:#outlets ifAbsent:[^ nil].
"/    outlets notNil ifTrue:[
"/        outlets do:[:selectorOutlet |
"/            sym := selectorOutlet at:#selector.
"/            (sym == aSymbol) ifTrue:[
"/                typ := selectorOutlet at:#type.
"/                val := selectorOutlet at:#value.
"/                ^ val
"/            ]
"/        ]
"/    ].
    ^ nil


prettyPrintSpecArray:spec on:aStream indent:i
    "just for your convenience: prettyPrint a specArray to aStream - it looks better that way"

    |what oneLine|

    spec isArray ifFalse:[
        spec isLiteral ifTrue:[
            aStream nextPutAll:spec storeString
        ] ifFalse:[
            self halt.
        ^ self

    spec isEmpty ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'#()'.
        ^ self

    what := spec at:1.
    what isArray ifTrue:[
        aStream cr; spaces:i+2.
        aStream nextPutAll:'#('.
        "/ a spec-collection
        spec do:[:element |
            self prettyPrintSpecArray:element on:aStream indent:i+2.
        aStream cr.
        aStream spaces:i+1.
        aStream nextPutAll:')'.
        ^ self.

    oneLine := false.
    (#(#LayoutFrame #LayoutOrigin #AlignmentOrigin 
       #Rectangle #Point
       #Color #ColorValue
    includesIdentical:what) ifTrue:[
        oneLine := true

    oneLine ifFalse:[
        aStream cr.
        aStream spaces:i+2.
    aStream nextPutAll:'#('.

    aStream nextPutAll:what storeString.

    oneLine ifFalse:[
        aStream cr.
        aStream spaces:i+4.

    2 to:spec size do:[:index |
        aStream space.
        self prettyPrintSpecArray:(spec at:index) on:aStream indent:i+4.
        oneLine ifFalse:[
            (index odd and:[index ~~ (spec size)]) ifTrue:[
                aStream cr; spaces:i+4.
    oneLine ifFalse:[
        aStream cr.
        aStream spaces:i+1.
    aStream nextPutAll:')'.

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 17:44:20 / claus"

    viewProperties do:[:p| p storeOn:aStream]

stuffPropertiesFrom:view intoSpec:newSpec
    "stuff any additional information (held in the properties) into the spec
     which was just created from view"

    |props aspectSelector changeSelector labelSelector name|

    props := self propertyOfView:view.
    props isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (aspectSelector := props aspectSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
        newSpec model:aspectSelector
    (changeSelector := props changeSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
        newSpec change:changeSelector
    (labelSelector := props labelSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
        newSpec label:labelSelector
    (name := props name) notNil ifTrue:[
        newSpec name:name



    names := ''.
    viewProperties do:[:p| names := names , ' ' , (p name)].
  ^ names

subviewsOf:aView do:aBlock
    |subs v|

    (subs := aView subViews) notNil ifTrue:[
        subs do:[:v|
            (v ~~ inputView and:[v notNil]) ifTrue:[
                (viewProperties detect:[:p | p view == v] ifNone:nil) notNil ifTrue:[ 
                    (v superView == aView) ifTrue:[
                        aBlock value:v

! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'group manipulations'!

    |props name index group objects|

    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    self selectionDo:[:aView |
        (aView isKindOf:EditField) ifFalse:[
            self warn:'select EditFields only !!'.
            ^ self
    self selectionHiddenDo:[
        group := EnterFieldGroup new.

        props := GroupProperties new.
        props elementClass:EnterFieldGroup.
        props group:group.
        index := self variableIndexForClass:EnterFieldGroup.
        props nameIndex:index.
        name := self variableNameForClass:EnterFieldGroup index:index.
        props name:name.
        objects := OrderedCollection new.
        props controlledObjects:objects.
        viewProperties add:props.

        self selectionDo:[:aView |
            objects add:aView.
            group add:aView


    |props name index group objects|

    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    self selectionDo:[:aView |
        (aView isKindOf:RadioButton) ifFalse:[
            self warn:'select RadioButtons only !!'.
            ^ self
    self selectionHiddenDo:[

        group := RadioButtonGroup new.

        props := GroupProperties new.
        props elementClass:RadioButtonGroup.
        props group:group.
        index := self variableIndexForClass:RadioButtonGroup.
        props nameIndex:index.
        name := self variableNameForClass:RadioButtonGroup index:index.
        props name:name.
        group groupID:name asSymbol.
        objects := OrderedCollection new.
        props controlledObjects:objects.
        viewProperties add:props.

        self selectionDo:[:aView |
            aView turnOff.
            objects add:aView.
            group add:aView

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 16:06:15 / claus"
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.

    superclassName := 'ApplicationModel'.
    className := 'NewApplication'.
    methodName := 'windowSpec'.
    categoryName := 'Applications'.

    pressAction := [:pressPoint | self startSelectOrMove:pressPoint].
    shiftPressAction := [:pressPoint | self startSelectMoreOrMove:pressPoint].
    motionAction := [:movePoint | true].
    releaseAction := [true].
    keyPressAction := [:key | self doKeyInput:key].

    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.

    HandCursor := Cursor leftHand.

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 19:58:06 / claus"


    labels := resources array:#(

    self middleButtonMenu:(PopUpMenu

! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'interface to Builder'!

addOutletDefinitionFor:outletSymbol type:type value:outletValue for:aView
    |outletProps selectorProps viewProps|

    viewProps := self propertyOfView:aView.
"/    outletProps := viewProps at:#outlets ifAbsent:[nil].
"/    outletProps isNil ifTrue:[
"/        outletProps := Dictionary new.
"/        viewProps at:#outlets put:outletProps
"/    ].
"/    selectorProps := outletProps at:outletSymbol ifAbsent:[nil].
"/    selectorProps isNil ifTrue:[
"/        selectorProps := Dictionary new.
"/        outletProps at:outletSymbol put:selectorProps
"/    ].
"/    selectorProps at:#selector put:outletSymbol.
"/    selectorProps at:#type put:type.
"/    selectorProps at:#value put:outletValue


    |spec builder|

    spec := UISpecification from:specOrSpecArray.

    builder := UIBuilder new.
    builder componentCreationHook:[:view :spec :aBuilder |
                self createdComponent:view forSpec:spec
    builder applicationClass:(Smalltalk classNamed:className).
    spec setupView:self for:builder.
    self realizeAllSubViews.
    inputView raise.

"/    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
"/    self generatePropertiesFor:(self subViews select:[:v | v ~~ inputView]).

    self changed:#tree.

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 23:36:55 / claus"

    ^ className

    |props aspect|

    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
    props isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ props aspectSelector


    |props aspect|

    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
    props isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
"/    ^ props changeSelector
    ^ nil

    |spec builder v|

    spec := UISpecification from:specOrSpecArray.

    builder := UIBuilder new.
    builder componentCreationHook:[:view :spec :aBuilder |
                self createdComponent:view forSpec:spec
    builder applicationClass:(Smalltalk classNamed:className).
    v := spec buildViewWithLayoutFor:builder in:self.
    self realizeAllSubViews.
    inputView raise.

    self changed:#tree.

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 23:36:55 / claus"


    "/ done as two loops, to get bread-first naming

    aCollectionOfViews do:[:aView|

        props := self propertiesForNewView:aView.
        viewProperties add:props.
        aView name:(props name).

        aView geometryLayout isNil ifTrue:[
            aView geometryLayout:(aView bounds asLayout).

    aCollectionOfViews do:[:aView |

        subs := aView subViews.
        subs notNil ifTrue:[
            self generatePropertiesFor:subs



    self singleSelectionDo:[:aView |
        p := self propertyOfView:aView.
        p inspect

setAspectSelector:aspectSymbol forView:aView

    props := self propertyOfView:aView.

    undoHistory transactionNamed:'aspect' do:[
        self selectionDo:[:aView|
            undoHistory isTransactionOpen ifTrue:[

                oldAspect := props aspectSelector.
                undoHistory addUndoBlock:[
                    props aspectSelector:oldAspect.
                    self elementChanged:aView.

    props aspectSelector:aspectSymbol


setChangeSelector:changeSymbol forView:aView

    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
    props changeSelector:changeSymbol


    self removeAll.
    self addSpec:specOrSpecArray


    fontPanel isNil ifTrue:[
	fontPanel := FontPanel new 

    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	action := [:family :face :style :size |
		       self changeFontFamily:family face:face
				       style:style size:size
	fontPanel action:action.
	fontPanel showAtPointer
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'misc'!

changeFontFamily:family face:face style:style size:size

    f := Font family:family

    f notNil ifTrue:[
        self selectionHiddenDo:[
            self selectionDo:[:aView |
                aView font:f.
                self elementChanged:aView.

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 12:13:27 / claus"

changeVariableNameOf:aView to:newName

    prop := self propertyOf:aView.

    prop isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self error:'no such view'

    ((aView respondsTo:#label:) and:[aView label = prop name]) ifTrue:[
        self selectionHiddenDo:[
            layout := aView geometryLayout copy.
            aView label:newName.
            aView geometryLayout:layout.

    prop  name:newName.
    aView name:newName.
    self changed:#widgetName



    ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| (p view == something or:[p group == something])]



    ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p group == aGroup] ifNone:nil


    aString = 'self' ifFalse:[
        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p name = aString] ifNone:nil
    ^ nil


    aView == self ifFalse:[
        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p view == aView] ifNone:nil
    ^ nil


    p := self propertyOf:aView.
    p notNil ifTrue:[viewProperties remove:p]



    max := 0.

    viewProperties do:[:p|
        p elementClass == aClass ifTrue:[
            max := max max:(p nameIndex)
    ^ max + 1


variableNameForClass:aClass index:index

    n := (aClass name) , index printString.
    n at:1 put:(n at:1) asLowercase.
  ^ n



    aView notNil ifTrue:[
        prop := self propertyOf:aView

    prop notNil ifTrue:[^ prop name]
               ifFalse:[^ 'self']

! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'private undo-actions'!


    undoHistory isTransactionOpen ifTrue:[
        undoHistory addUndoBlock:[

            p := viewProperties detect:[:p| p identifier == aViewIdentifier]

            p notNil ifTrue:[
                self removeObject:(p view)

    |clsName layout parent aView|

    undoHistory isTransactionOpen ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    aView   := propertyOfView view.
    clsName := aView class.
    layout  := aView geometryLayout.
    parent  := aView superView.

    parent ~~ self ifTrue:[
        parent := (self propertyOf:parent) identifier.
    ] ifFalse:[
        parent := nil

    propertyOfView view:nil.    

    undoHistory addUndoBlock:[
        |recreatedView props|

        parent notNil ifTrue:[
            props := viewProperties detect:[:p| p identifier == parent] ifNone:nil.

            props notNil ifTrue:[parent := props view]
                        ifFalse:[parent := self]
        ] ifFalse:[
            parent := self

        recreatedView := clsName in:parent.
        recreatedView geometryLayout:layout.
        propertyOfView view:recreatedView.    
        self addProperties:propertyOfView for:recreatedView.
        recreatedView realize.
        inputView raise.
        self changed:#tree.
    aView := nil.

! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'removing components'!

    "remove something, anObject or a collection of objects from the contents
     do redraw"

    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
	self removeObject:anObject


    "remove the argument, anObject"

    self unselect.

    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        subViews copy do:[:sub |
            sub ~~ inputView ifTrue:[   
                self removeTreeFrom:sub

    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
    undoHistory reinitialize.

    self changed:#tree

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 23:39:08 / claus"

    "remove the argument, anObject"

    self removeTreeFrom:anObject.
    self changed:#tree

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 20:51:28 / claus"

    "remove the argument, anObject and all of its children
    anObject isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    (anObject subViews notNil) ifTrue:[
        anObject subViews copy do:[:sub |
            self removeTreeFrom:sub

    self undoRemove:(self propertyOf:anObject).
    self removePropertyOf:anObject.
    anObject destroy
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'selections'!


    prop := self propertyOfName:aString.

    prop notNil ifTrue:[
        self addToSelection:(prop view)



    prop := self propertyOfName:aString.

    prop notNil ifTrue:[
        self removeFromSelection:(prop view)



    prop := self propertyOfName:aString.

    prop notNil ifTrue:[
        self select:(prop view)
    ] ifFalse:[
        self unselect
! !

!UIPainterView methodsFor:'testing'!


    (aComponent isKindOf:ScrollBar) ifTrue:[
        ^ aComponent orientation == #horizontal
    (aComponent isKindOf:Scroller) ifTrue:[
        ^ aComponent orientation == #horizontal
    (aComponent isKindOf:Slider) ifTrue:[
        ^ aComponent orientation == #horizontal
    ^ true



    (aComponent isKindOf:EditField) ifTrue:[
        ^ false
    (aComponent isKindOf:ScrollBar) ifTrue:[
        ^ aComponent orientation == #vertical
    (aComponent isKindOf:Scroller) ifTrue:[
        ^ aComponent orientation == #vertical
    (aComponent isKindOf:Slider) ifTrue:[
        ^ aComponent orientation == #vertical
    ^ true

! !

!UIPainterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !