author Claus Gittinger <>
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:48:16 +0100
changeset 2951 c2b24bf7b967
parent 2921 bea9c6bb6a90
child 2958 d842f4a91d44
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: UIPainterView class definition changed: #pasteBuffer #pasteSpecifications:into:beforeIndex:keepLayout:keepPosition:at:

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2009 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"

"{ NameSpace: Tools }"

Object subclass:#ProjectBuilder
	instanceVariableNames:'package projectDefinitionClass sourceCodeManager buildDirectory
		myWorkingDirectory mySTXTopDirectory myTopDirectory outputStream
		makeExeOnly usedCompiler stdOut stdErr'

!ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2009 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
! !

!ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ PreviousBuildDirectory

    PreviousBuildDirectory := something.
! !

!ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'examples'!

    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:projects/helloWorldApp' asAutoloaded:true.

    self new


    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:clients/Demos/foxCalcApplication' asAutoloaded:true.

    builder := self new.

    UserPreferences fileBrowserClass openOnDirectory:builder packageBuildDirectory.

    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 19:23:53 / cg"
! !

!ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'queries'!


    (compiler := UserPreferences current usedCompilerForBuild) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ compiler

    ^ OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike 
        ifTrue:[ 'bcc' ]
        ifFalse:[ 'gcc' ]

    "Created: / 21-01-2012 / 14:06:51 / cg"

    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
        OperatingSystem getLoginName = 'cg' ifTrue:[
            ^ #(
                'bcc'   "/ OK
                'vc'    "/ almost OK
                'lcc'   "/ experimental, but only free for non-commercial work
                'tcc'   "/ experimental; limited but free
                'mingw' "/ experimental; free
        ^ #('bcc' 'vc' "'lcc' 'mingw'" )
    ^ #('gcc')

    "Created: / 21-01-2012 / 14:04:15 / cg"

    usedCompiler = 'bcc' ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Borland C-Compiler'.
    usedCompiler = 'vc' ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Microsoft Visual C C-Compiler'.
    usedCompiler = 'lcc' ifTrue:[
        ^ 'LCC C-Compiler'.
    usedCompiler = 'tcc' ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Tiny C-Compiler'.
    usedCompiler = 'gcc' ifTrue:[
        ^ 'GNU C-Compiler'.
    usedCompiler = 'mingw' ifTrue:[
        ^ 'MINGW GNU C-Compiler'.
    self halt:'unknown compiler'.

    ^ 'C-Compiler'.

    "Created: / 06-09-2012 / 15:58:33 / cg"
! !

!ProjectBuilder methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ buildDirectory

    buildDirectory := something.

    makeExeOnly := aBoolean.

    package := aPackageIDOrSymbol asPackageId.

    "the directoray, where the deployable binary is created (xxxSetup.exe)"

    ^ buildDirectory / (package asPackageId module) / (package asPackageId directory)

    projectDefinitionClass := something.

    ^ OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:['.H'] ifFalse:['.STH']

    usedCompiler := something.

    "Created: / 22-01-2012 / 10:50:48 / cg"
! !

!ProjectBuilder methodsFor:'building'!

    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).


    makeOutput := TextStream on:(Text new:10000).
    self buildWithColorizedOutputTo:makeOutput.

    TextView openWith:makeOutput contents.

    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).


    lock := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.

    stdErr := ActorStream new
                    nextPutBlock:[:char |
                        lock critical:[
                                withEmphasis:{#backgroundColor->Color red. #color->Color white.}
                                do:[makeOutput nextPut:char].
                    nextPutAllBlock:[:string |
                        lock critical:[          
                            "/ (string includesString:'das Ziel' )ifTrue:[self halt].
                                withEmphasis:{#backgroundColor->Color red. #color->Color white.}
                                do:[makeOutput nextPutAll:string].
    stdOut := ActorStream new
                    nextPutBlock:[:char |
                        lock critical:[
                            makeOutput nextPut:char.
                    nextPutAllBlock:[:string |
                        lock critical:[         
                            "/ (string includesString:'das Ziel' )ifTrue:[self halt].
                            makeOutput nextPutAll:string.

    self buildWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr.

    "Modified: / 06-09-2012 / 16:15:50 / cg"

buildWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr
    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

    |module directory|

    projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:package.
    projectDefinitionClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:('Missing ProjectDefinition class for "',package asString,'"')

    "/ ensure that everything is loaded...
    projectDefinitionClass loadAsAutoloaded:false.
    projectDefinitionClass loadExtensions.
    projectDefinitionClass loadAllClassesAsAutoloaded:false.

    module := package module.
    directory := package directory.

    buildDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
        buildDirectory := PreviousBuildDirectory ifNil:[ UserPreferences current buildDirectory ].
        buildDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
            buildDirectory := Filename tempDirectory construct:'stx_build'.
    buildDirectory := buildDirectory asFilename.

    "/ self validateBuildDirectoryIsPresent.

    PreviousBuildDirectory := buildDirectory.

    "/ UserPreferences current localBuild:true
    UserPreferences current localBuild ifFalse:[
        SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
            sourceCodeManager := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default sourceCodeManagerFor:projectDefinitionClass.
    sourceCodeManager := nil.

    myTopDirectory := 
        Smalltalk packagePath 
            detect:[:aPath |
                (aPath asFilename / 'stx' / 'include') exists
                and: [ (aPath asFilename / 'stx' / 'rules') exists ]]
    myTopDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:('Cannot figure out my top directory (where stx/include and stx/rules are)')
    myTopDirectory := myTopDirectory asFilename.
    mySTXTopDirectory := myTopDirectory / 'stx'.

    self setupBuildDirectory.
    self activityNotification:'Generating stc directory...'.
    self copySTCDirectoryForBuild.
    self activityNotification:'Generating source files...'.
    self generateSourceFiles.
    self activityNotification:'Copying dlls for linkage...'.
    self copyDLLsForLinkage.
    self activityNotification:'Copying support files for compilation and linkage...'.
    self copySupportFilesForCompilation.
    self copySupportFilesForLinkage.
    self copyStartupFilesFromSmalltalk.

    self activityNotification:'Executing make...'.
    self makeWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2012 / 00:49:52 / cg"
! !

!ProjectBuilder methodsFor:'building/private'!

    |targetBuildDir preRequisites dllRelativeSourcePathes dllRelativeDestPathes|

    targetBuildDir := buildDirectory / package module / package directory.

    preRequisites := projectDefinitionClass allPreRequisites.
    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
        "For now: unix Makefiles require some libs implicitely..."
        preRequisites := preRequisites union:#(

    preRequisites do:[:eachPackageToFileout |
        |packageId packageDef packageModule packageDirectory packageTargetDir
         dllSource dllSourceDir libraryName dllRelativePathSource 
         dllRelativePathDest objDirSource objDirDest alternativeObjDirSource|

        packageId := eachPackageToFileout asPackageId.
        packageModule := packageId module.
        packageDirectory := packageId directory.
        packageTargetDir := (buildDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory) recursiveMakeDirectory.

        packageDef := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
        libraryName := packageDef libraryName.

        "/ mhmh - take them from my tree or from the projects/smalltalk execution directory ??
        dllSourceDir := myTopDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory.

        OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
            objDirDest := self objDirForUsedCompiler:usedCompiler.
            objDirSource := objDirDest.
"/            "/ use visual-c files for tcc linkage
"/            usedCompiler = 'tcc' ifTrue:[
"/                objDirSource := self objDirForUsedCompiler:'vc'.
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                objDirSource := objDirDest
"/            ].
            (dllSourceDir / objDirSource / (libraryName, '.dll')) exists ifFalse:[
                alternativeObjDirSource := self objDirForUsedCompiler:'vc'.
                (dllSourceDir / alternativeObjDirSource / (libraryName, '.dll')) exists ifTrue:[
                    objDirSource := alternativeObjDirSource.
                    stdErr nextPutLine:(('Warning: using alternative %1 from %2 (%3 version)...' 
                                                with:(self class suiteNameOfCompiler:'vc'))
                                            emphasizeAllWith:(#color -> Color red darkened)).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    alternativeObjDirSource := self objDirForUsedCompiler:'bcc'.
                    (dllSourceDir / alternativeObjDirSource / (libraryName, '.dll')) exists ifTrue:[
                        objDirSource := alternativeObjDirSource.
                        stdErr nextPutLine:('Warning: using alternative %1 from %2 (%3 version)...' 
                                    with:(self class suiteNameOfCompiler:'bcc')).

"/            dllRelativePath := objDir,'/',(libraryName,'.dll').
"/            (dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) exists 
            dllRelativeSourcePathes := Array with:(objDirSource,'\', libraryName, '.dll').
            dllRelativeDestPathes := Array with:(objDirDest,'\', libraryName, '.dll').
        ] ifFalse:[
            dllRelativeSourcePathes := Array with:(libraryName,'.so').
            (packageModule = 'stx' and:[packageDirectory = 'libview']) ifTrue:[
                dllRelativeSourcePathes := dllRelativeSourcePathes, #('' '').
        dllRelativeSourcePathes with:dllRelativeDestPathes do:[:dllRelativeSourcePath :dllRelativeDestPath|
            |source dest|

            source := dllSourceDir / dllRelativeSourcePath.
            dest := packageTargetDir / dllRelativeDestPath.
            (dest exists not
             or:[source fileSize ~= dest fileSize
             or:[source modificationTime >= dest modificationTime
             "/ or:[ ((dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) sameContentsAs:(packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath)) not ]
            ]]) ifTrue:[
                Transcript showCR:'updating ',dllRelativeDestPath.
                dest directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
                source copyTo:dest.    

    "Modified: / 06-09-2012 / 16:19:29 / cg"

    "/ need rules in stx
    ((Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'stx') asFilename construct:relativepath)
        recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory construct:'stx').

    |targetDir targetFile|

    targetDir := buildDirectory / 'stx' / subdir.
    targetDir exists ifFalse:[
        targetDir makeDirectory.
    (mySTXTopDirectory / subdir) directoryContentsAsFilenamesDo:[:eachFile |
        eachFile isDirectory ifFalse:[
            targetFile := targetDir / eachFile baseName.
            (targetFile exists not
            or:[ targetFile modificationTime < eachFile modificationTime ]) ifTrue:[
                self activityNotification:'copying ',eachFile pathName,'...'.
                eachFile copyTo:(targetDir construct:eachFile baseName)
    self activityNotification:nil

    |module directory|

    module := aPackage asPackageId module.
    directory := aPackage asPackageId directory.

    (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'resources' ) exists ifTrue:[
        (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'resources' )
            recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
    (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'styles' ) exists ifTrue:[
        (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'styles' )
            recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory / module / directory)

    "copy stc files to the build directory"

    |targetDir stc files|

    targetDir := buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'stc'.
    targetDir exists ifFalse:[ targetDir makeDirectory ].

    stc := OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike 
                ifTrue:[ 'stc.exe' ]
                ifFalse:[ 'stc' ].

    files := #( ) copyWith:stc.

    files do:[:eachFile |
        |sourceFile targetFile|

        sourceFile := mySTXTopDirectory / 'stc' / eachFile.
        targetFile := targetDir / eachFile.
        (targetFile exists not
        or:[ targetFile modificationTime < sourceFile modificationTime ]) ifTrue:[
            self activityNotification:'copying ',sourceFile pathName,'...'.
            sourceFile copyTo:targetFile

    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
        (targetDir / 'stc') makeExecutableForAll    

    self activityNotification:nil

    "Modified (comment): / 04-09-2012 / 00:49:19 / cg"

    "copy additional smalltalk startup files to the build directory"

    (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' ) exists ifFalse:[
        (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' ) recursiveMakeDirectory.

    ) do:[:fn |
        (myTopDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' / fn)
            copyTo: (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' / fn)

    (myTopDirectory / 'stx' / 'doc/online/english/LICENCE_STX.html')
            copyTo: (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' / 'LICENCE_STX.html').

    "Modified (comment): / 04-09-2012 / 00:48:47 / cg"

    "copy the tcc compiler to the build directory"


    files := #().

    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
        usedCompiler = 'tcc' ifTrue:[
            files := files , #( 
    ] ifFalse:[
        files := files , #(
    files := files asOrderedCollection.

    files do:[:relativePath |
        (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) exists ifTrue:[
            ((buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) exists
            and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) fileSize = (buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) fileSize
            and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) modificationTime < (buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) modificationTime
            "/ and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / dllRelativePath) sameContentsAs:(targetBuildDir / dllRelativePath) ]
            ]]) ifFalse:[
                (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath).    
        ] ifFalse:[
            self error:'Missing directory: ',relativePath printString mayProceed:true.

    "Created: / 04-09-2012 / 00:47:49 / cg"

    "copy additional files which are req'd for linkage to the build directory"


    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
        files := #( 

        usedCompiler = 'bcc' ifTrue:[
            files := files , #( 
        usedCompiler = 'vc' ifTrue:[
            files := files , #( 
        usedCompiler = 'tcc' ifTrue:[
            files := files , #( 
                        'librun/objvc/librun.dll'   "/ linkage is against vc version!!
        usedCompiler = 'lcc' ifTrue:[
            files := files , #( 
                        'librun/objvc/librun.dll'   "/ linkage is against vc version!!
        usedCompiler = 'mingw' ifTrue:[
            files := files , #( 
                        'librun/objvc/librun.dll'   "/ linkage is against vc version!!
    ] ifFalse:[
        files := #(
    files := files asOrderedCollection.

    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
        projectDefinitionClass applicationIconFileName notNil ifTrue:[
            files add:('projects/smalltalk/',projectDefinitionClass applicationIconFileName,'.ico')
        projectDefinitionClass splashFileName notNil ifTrue:[
            files add:('projects/smalltalk/',projectDefinitionClass splashFileName,'.bmp')

    files do:[:relativePath |
        (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) exists ifTrue:[
            ((buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) exists
            and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) fileSize = (buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) fileSize
            and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) modificationTime < (buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) modificationTime
            "/ and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / dllRelativePath) sameContentsAs:(targetBuildDir / dllRelativePath) ]
            ]]) ifFalse:[
                (buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath) directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
                (mySTXTopDirectory / relativePath) copyTo:(buildDirectory / 'stx' / relativePath).    
        ] ifFalse:[
            self error:'Missing file: ',relativePath printString mayProceed:true.

    "Modified: / 05-09-2012 / 16:26:25 / cg"

createHeaderFileFor:aClass in:packageTargetDir
    |instVarList classInstVarList classVarList bindings superclassFilename
     template file newContents oldContents|

    instVarList := StringCollection new.
    aClass instVarNames do:[:v |
        instVarList add:('OBJ %1;' bindWith:v)
    classInstVarList := StringCollection new.
    aClass class instVarNames do:[:v |
(v includes:$_) ifTrue:[self halt].
        classInstVarList add:('OBJ %1;' bindWith:v)
    classVarList := StringCollection new.
    aClass classVarNames do:[:v |
        classVarList add:('extern OBJ %1_%2;' bindWith:aClass name with:v)

    bindings := Dictionary new.
    bindings at:'ClassName' put:aClass name. 
    aClass superclass isNil ifTrue:[
        bindings at:'SuperclassName' put:'-'. 
        bindings at:'SuperclassFileInclude' put:''.
    ] ifFalse:[
        bindings at:'SuperclassName' put:aClass superclass name. 
        bindings at:'SuperclassFileName' put:(superclassFilename := Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass superclass).
        bindings at:'SuperclassFileInclude' put:('#include "%1.STH"' bindWith:superclassFilename).
    bindings at:'InstVarList' put:instVarList asString. 
    bindings at:'ClassVarList' put:classVarList asString. 
    bindings at:'ClassInstVarList' put:classInstVarList asString. 

    template := 
'/* This file was generated by ProjectBuilder. */
/* !!!!!!!! Do not change by hand !!!!!!!! */

/* Class: %(ClassName) */
/* Superclass: %(SuperclassName) */


#ifdef _HEADER_INST_
#endif /* _HEADER_INST_ */

#endif /* _HEADER_CLASS_ */

#endif /* _HEADER_CLASSINST_ */
    newContents := template bindWithArguments:bindings.
    file := packageTargetDir asFilename / ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass),(self suffixForHeaderFiles)).
    (file exists not
    or:[ (oldContents := file contents) ~= newContents ]) ifTrue:[
        file contents: newContents.

    "Modified: / 15-08-2011 / 14:58:46 / cg"

    sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ check out / generate files there
        self generateSourceFilesByCheckingOutUsing:sourceCodeManager
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ local build
        "/ fileout the project
        self generateSourceFilesByFilingOut

    "/ will no longer be needed/supported

    |repository stxRepository module directory|

    self breakPoint:#cg.

    "/ check out / generate files there
    repository := (aSourceCodeManager repositoryNameForModule:module) ifNil:[aSourceCodeManager repositoryName].
    stxRepository := aSourceCodeManager repositoryName.

    (buildDirectory construct:'stx') exists ifFalse:[
        (module ~= 'stx') ifTrue:[
                executeCommand:('cvs -d ',stxRepository,' co stx')
                onError:[:status| self error:'cvs update stx failed'].

    ((buildDirectory construct:module) construct:'CVS') exists ifFalse:[
            executeCommand:('cvs -d ',repository,' co -l ',directory)
            onError:[:status| self error:'cvs update failed'].
        executeCommand:'cvs upd -d'
        inDirectory:(buildDirectory construct:module)
        onError:[:status| self error:'cvs update failed'].
self halt.

    "Modified: / 29-12-2011 / 14:02:56 / cg"

    "/ local build
    "/ fileout the project


    (package module ~= 'stx') ifTrue:[
        (buildDirectory / package module) makeDirectory.

    "/ file out the package(s) which are to be built
    ((Array with:package))
    do:[:eachPackageToFileout |
        |packageId packageModule packageDirectory packageTargetDir packageDef|

        packageId := eachPackageToFileout asPackageId.
        packageModule := packageId module.
        packageDirectory := packageId directory.
        packageTargetDir := (buildDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory) recursiveMakeDirectory.

        packageDef := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
        (packageDef compiled_classNames_common ,
        packageDef compiled_classNamesForPlatform) do:[:eachClassName |
            |cls fileName newSource|

            cls := Smalltalk classNamed:eachClassName.
            self assert:cls isLoaded.
            fileName := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls),'.st'.
            fileName := packageTargetDir asFilename construct:fileName.
            fileName exists ifTrue:[
                newSource := String streamContents:[:s | cls fileOutOn:s withTimeStamp:false].
                newSource = fileName contentsAsString ifFalse:[
                    fileName contents:newSource
            ] ifFalse:[
                cls fileOutIn:packageTargetDir withTimeStamp:false

"/        (Smalltalk allClassesInPackage:eachPackageToFileout) do:[:cls |
"/            cls isPrivate ifFalse:[
"/                cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
"/                    self halt.
"/                    cls autoload.
"/                ].
"/                cls fileOutIn:packageTargetDir
"/            ]
"/        ].

        projectDefinitionClass forEachFileNameAndGeneratedContentsDo:[:fileName :fileContents |
            fullPathName := packageTargetDir construct:fileName.
            fullPathName directory exists ifFalse:[
                "take care for files like 'autopackage/default.apspec'"
                fullPathName directory makeDirectory.
            (fullPathName exists
             and:[ fullPathName contents = fileContents ]) ifFalse:[
                fullPathName contents:fileContents.

    "/ generate header files in prerequisite packages...
    (projectDefinitionClass allPreRequisites)
    do:[:eachPackageToFileout |
        |packageId packageDef packageModule packageDirectory packageTargetDir|

        packageId := eachPackageToFileout asPackageId.
        packageModule := packageId module.
        packageDirectory := packageId directory.
        packageTargetDir := (buildDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory) recursiveMakeDirectory.

        packageDef := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
        (packageDef compiled_classNames_common ,
        packageDef compiled_classNamesForPlatform) do:[:eachClassName |

            cls := Smalltalk classNamed:eachClassName.
            "/ self assert:cls isLoaded.
            cls isLoaded ifTrue:[    
                self createHeaderFileFor:cls in:packageTargetDir
        self copyResourcesForPackage:eachPackageToFileout.

"/    stx_libbasic2 preRequisitesForBuilding#(#'stx:libbasic')

    usedCompiler = 'bcc' ifTrue:[ 
        ^ 'bmake'.
    usedCompiler = 'vc' ifTrue:[ 
        ^ 'vcmake'. "/ compilerFlag := '-DUSEVC' 
    usedCompiler = 'lcc' ifTrue:[ 
        ^ 'lccmake'. "/ compilerFlag := '-DUSELCC' 
    usedCompiler = 'tcc' ifTrue:[ 
        ^ 'tccmake'. "/ compilerFlag := '-DUSELCC' 
    usedCompiler = 'gcc' ifTrue:[ 
        ^ 'make'.       "/ compilerFlag := '-DUSEGCC' 
    usedCompiler = 'mingw' ifTrue:[ 
        ^ 'mingwmake'.  "/ compilerFlag := '-DUSEMINGW' 
    self error:'unknown compiler specified'.

    "Created: / 03-09-2012 / 19:46:07 / cg"

makeWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr
    |module directory makeCommand|

    module := package module.
    directory := package directory.

    makeCommand := ParserFlags makeCommand.
    usedCompiler isNil ifTrue:[
        usedCompiler := ParserFlags usedCompiler.
    makeCommand := self makeCommandOfCompiler:usedCompiler.

    "/ makeCommand := makeCommand, ' TOP=', mySTXTopDirectory pathName.

    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
        "/ generate the makefile first
            executeCommand:('sh %1/rules/stmkmf' bindWith:mySTXTopDirectory pathName)
            inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
            onError:[:status | self error:'make failed'].

    projectDefinitionClass isLibraryDefinition ifTrue:[
        "/ generate the library
            executeCommand:(makeCommand,' classLibRule')
            inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
            onError:[:status | self error:'make failed'].
    ] ifFalse:[
            "/ generate the executable
            executeCommand:(makeCommand,' exe')
            inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
            onError:[:status | self error:'make failed'].

        (makeExeOnly ? false) ifFalse:[
            "/ generate the self-installable package
                executeCommand:(makeCommand,' setup')
                inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
                onError:[:status | self error:'make failed'].

    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 19:47:15 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 06-09-2012 / 16:22:38 / cg"

    ^ self objDirForUsedCompiler:usedCompiler

    "Created: / 20-08-2012 / 17:01:13 / cg"

    usedCompiler = 'gcc' ifTrue:[^ 'obj'].      "/ unix case

    usedCompiler = 'bcc' ifTrue:[^ 'objbc'].
    usedCompiler = 'vc' ifTrue:[^ 'objvc'].
    usedCompiler = 'tcc' ifTrue:[^ 'objtcc'].
    usedCompiler = 'lcc' ifTrue:[^ 'objlcc'].
    usedCompiler = 'mingw' ifTrue:[^ 'objmingw'].
    self halt:'please fill in here'.
    ^ 'objbc'

    "Created: / 03-09-2012 / 19:55:34 / cg"


    targetDir := buildDirectory / 'stx' / subdir.
    targetDir exists ifFalse:[
        targetDir makeDirectory.
    (mySTXTopDirectory / subdir) directoryContentsAsFilenamesDo:[:eachFile |
        eachFile recursiveCopyTo:(targetDir construct:eachFile baseName)
    self activityNotification:nil

    buildDirectory exists ifFalse:[
        buildDirectory recursiveMakeDirectory.
    (buildDirectory / 'stx') exists ifFalse:[
        (buildDirectory / 'stx') makeDirectory.

    self copyDirectoryForBuild:'include'.
    self copyDirectoryForBuild:'rules'.
    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
        self recursiveCopyDirectoryForBuild:'configurations'.


    ^ self.

"/    [
"/        |default directoryIsOKForMe stc |
"/        default := (buildDirectory ?
"/                          PreviousBuildDirectory)
"/                          ifNil:[ UserPreferences current buildDirectory].
"/        buildDirectory := Dialog requestDirectoryName:'Temporary Work-ROOT for build:'
"/                                 default:default.
"/        buildDirectory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
"/        buildDirectory := buildDirectory asFilename.
"/        directoryIsOKForMe := true.
"/        buildDirectory exists ifFalse:[
"/            Dialog warn:(self classResources string:'Work directory %1 does not exist.' with:buildDirectory).
"/            directoryIsOKForMe := false.
"/        ] ifTrue:[
"/            (buildDirectory construct:'stx') exists ifFalse:[
"/                Dialog warn:(self classResources stringWithCRs:'Work directory must contain an stx subDirectory,\which contains (at least) the stc and include subdirectories.').
"/                directoryIsOKForMe := false.
"/            ] ifTrue:[
"/                stc := (OperatingSystem isMSDOSlike) ifTrue:['stc.exe'] ifFalse:['stc'].
"/                (((buildDirectory construct:'stx')construct:'stc')construct:stc) exists ifFalse:[
"/                    Dialog warn:(self classResources stringWithCRs:'Work directory must contain an stc compiler in the stx/stc subDirectory.').
"/                    directoryIsOKForMe := false.
"/                ].
"/                ((buildDirectory construct:'stx')construct:'include') exists ifFalse:[
"/                    Dialog warn:(self classResources stringWithCRs:'Work directory must have had a make run before (for include files to exists).').
"/                    directoryIsOKForMe := false.
"/                ].
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/        directoryIsOKForMe
"/    ] whileFalse
! !

!ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !