author tz
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:57:27 +0100
changeset 537 c39e2ceeaaea
parent 327 0040d47658c6
child 809 6f127dd5e578
permissions -rw-r--r--
support argument for linked menus

"{ NameSpace: NewInspector }"

SimpleView subclass:#InspectorPanelView
	instanceVariableNames:'frames labelViews listViews scrollBar maxDepth leftHistory
		rightHistory hzpView actionBlock valueChangedAction'

!InspectorPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    example 1

    |top slv|

    top := StandardSystemView new extent:600@400.
    slv := NewInspector::InspectorPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
    slv inspect:top.
    slv action:[:el|Transcript showCR:el].
    top open.

    example 2
    |top slv edt a vvp|

    a := Array new:5.
    a at:4 put:(Array new:6).

    top := StandardSystemView new extent:600@400.
    vvp := VariableVerticalPanel origin:0.0@0.0  corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.

    slv := NewInspector::InspectorPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.5 in:vvp.
    edt := Workspace origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:vvp.
    edt acceptAction:[:theText|slv accept:theText notifying:edt].
    edt   doItAction:[:theCode|slv doIt:theCode   notifying:edt].

    slv action:[:el| Transcript showCR:(el printString)].
    slv inspect:a.

    top open.
! !

!InspectorPanelView class methodsFor:'constants'!

    "returns the minimum of views assigned to a panel
    ^ 4
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "returns number of listViews
  ^ listViews size

    "change the number of existing listViews
    |sz min|

    min := self class minDepth.

    aDepth > min ifTrue:[
        sz := aDepth min:maxDepth.

        sz < listViews size ifTrue:[
            sz := listViews size
    ] ifFalse:[
        sz := min

    listViews size == sz ifTrue:[
        sz == aDepth ifFalse:[self moveContentsLeft:1].
    ] ifFalse:[
        [self createViewWithoutRedraw. listViews size ~~ sz] whileTrue.
        self computeExtentOfFrames.

        (self topView shown) ifTrue:[
            hzpView sizeChanged:nil.
            hzpView realizeAllSubViews.

    ^ maxDepth

    "change max depth for instance
    aNumber > listViews size ifTrue:[
        aNumber >= (self class minDepth) ifTrue:[
            maxDepth := aNumber.

            maxDepth < listViews size ifTrue:[
                self depth:maxDepth
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'accessing actions'!

    "set the single click action block.
     If non-nil, that one is evaluated on single click, passing the
     selected instance as argument
    actionBlock := aOneArgBlock


    "evaluated if an instnace changed its value; passing
     the instance as argument
    valueChangedAction := aOneArgBlock
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'accessing selections'!

    "returns the current inspected object
    ^ self findLastValidListWithSelection inspectedObject

    "returns the current selected instance var
    ^ self findLastValidListWithSelection selectedInstanceVar
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'actions'!

accept:aText notifying:aView
    "evaluating aText on the last selected instance var. on success the views
     are updated.
    self doItOrAccept:[:aList|aList accept:aText notifying:aView]

doIt:aCode notifying:aView
    "evaluating aCode on the selected instance var; on success the views
     are updated.
    ^ self doItOrAccept:[:aList|aList doIt:aCode notifying:aView]

    "change the inspected object and all views

    view := listViews first.
    leftHistory  removeAll.
    rightHistory removeAll.

    view inspect:anObject.
    listViews from:2 do:[:v|v inspect:nil].
    self update.
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'event handling'!

handlesKeyPress:key inView:someView
    "all keys are handled by this instance itself
    ^ true


keyPress:key x:x y:y view:someView
    "handle some special keys
    key == #CursorLeft  ifTrue:[^ self moveContentsRight:1].
    key == #CursorRight ifTrue:[^ self moveContentsLeft:1 ].

    someView keyPress:key x:x y:y.


    "the view at an index changed its selection caused by a single click
    |view start sivar|

    rightHistory removeAll.

    view  := listViews at:anIndex.
    start := anIndex + 1.
    sivar := view selectedInstanceVar.

    start > listViews size ifTrue:[
        start >= maxDepth ifTrue:[
            self moveContentsLeft:1.
          ^ actionBlock value:sivar.

    (view selectedInstanceType) == #directory ifTrue:[
        (listViews at:start) setSelection:nil.
        (listViews at:start) inspect:sivar.
        start := start + 1.

    listViews from:start do:[:v|v inspect:nil].
    self update.
    actionBlock value:sivar.
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'initializing'!

    "initialize instance
    super initialize.

    frames       := OrderedCollection new.
    listViews    := OrderedCollection new.
    labelViews   := OrderedCollection new.
    leftHistory  := OrderedCollection new.
    rightHistory := OrderedCollection new.
    maxDepth     := self class minDepth.

    actionBlock := [:el| ].

    hzpView    := VariableHorizontalPanel origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:self.
    scrollBar  := HorizontalScrollBar origin:0.0@1.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:self.
    scrollBar asynchronousOperation.

    hzpView bottomInset:(scrollBar preferredExtent y).

    scrollBar topInset:(scrollBar preferredExtent y) negated.
    scrollBar thumbHeight:100.
    scrollBar scrollAction:[:percent | self scrollTo:percent].
    scrollBar scrollRightAction:[self moveContentsLeft:1].
    scrollBar scrollLeftAction:[self moveContentsRight:1].

    self depth:maxDepth.
! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'menu - labels & actions'!

    self classAtLabel:anIndex do:[:cls| cls browserClass openInClass:cls selector:nil ]


    self classAtLabel:anIndex do:[:cls| cls browserClass browseClassHierarchy:cls ]


    self classAtLabel:anIndex do:[:cls| cls browserClass browseFullClassProtocol:cls ]


classAtLabel:anIndex do:anAction
    "evaluate action on class assigned to label

    anIndex <= labelViews size ifTrue:[
        (cls := Smalltalk classNamed:((labelViews at:anIndex) label)) notNil ifTrue:[
            anAction value:cls


    "popup menu required by any label. Delegate the request to the corresponding label
    |sqNr view|

    view := (WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal raise) view.
    sqNr := labelViews findFirst:[:v| v == view].

    sqNr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        view := labelViews at:sqNr.

        view label notEmpty ifTrue:[
            ^ self labelMenu:sqNr
    ^ nil

    "popup menu required for a label identified by its sequence number

    menu := PopUpMenu labels:#(
                              'browse class hierarchy'
                              'browse full class protocol'

   menu args:(Array new:(menu labels size) withAll:anIndex).
 ^ menu

! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'menu - views & actions'!

    "place a trace on messages sent to the instance

    selectors := self messageMenu:anInstance.

    selectors notNil ifTrue:[
        self topView withWaitCursorDo:[MessageTracer trace:anInstance selectors:selectors]


    "place a trace on all messages sent to the instance
    self topView withWaitCursorDo:[MessageTracer traceAll:anInstance]

    "place a trap on a message sent to the instance

    selectors := self messageMenu:anInstance.

    selectors notNil ifTrue:[
        self topView withWaitCursorDo:[MessageTracer trap:anInstance selectors:selectors]

    "place a trap on all messages sent to the instance
    self topView withWaitCursorDo:[MessageTracer trapAll:anInstance]


    "remove all traps and traces to the instance
    self topView withWaitCursorDo:[MessageTracer untrace:anInstance].


    "open menu to select messages; on accepted a list of messages is returned
    |sll acl lst inset top hzp slv acv dblClcAct btp b1 b2 accepted viewSpacing|

    top := StandardSystemView new.
    top extent:500 @ 400.
    top label:(anInstance printString).

    (Label origin:(0.0 @  0.0) corner:(0.5 @ 20) in:top) label:'messages'.
    (Label origin:(0.5 @  0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 20) in:top) label:'selected'.
    hzp := VariableHorizontalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 20) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) in:top.
    btp := HorizontalPanelView origin:(0.0 @1.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) in:top.

    b1 := Button abortButtonIn:btp.
    b2 := Button okButtonIn:btp.
    accepted := false.

    b1 action:[accepted := false. top destroy].
    b2 action:[accepted := true.  top destroy].

    btp horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
    viewSpacing := top class viewSpacing.
    inset       := (b2 preferredExtent y) + viewSpacing.
    viewSpacing := viewSpacing // 2.

    hzp bottomInset:inset.
    btp topInset:((inset - viewSpacing) negated).
    btp bottomInset:viewSpacing.

    slv := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView
                       origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
                       corner:(0.5 @ 1.0)

    acv := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView
                       origin:(0.5 @ 0.0)
                       corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    slv := slv scrolledView.
    acv := acv scrolledView.

    sll := (MessageTracer realClassOf:anInstance) selectors.
    acl := OrderedCollection new.

    (MessageTracer wrappedSelectorsOf:anInstance) do:[:el|
        el notNil ifTrue:[
            acl add:el.
            sll remove:el ifAbsent:nil
    slv list:(sll copy).
    acv list:(acl copy).

    dblClcAct := [:from :to|
        to add:(from selectionValue).
        from removeIndex:(from selection).
        from redraw.

    slv doubleClickAction:[:index| dblClcAct value:slv value:acv].
    acv doubleClickAction:[:index| dblClcAct value:acv value:slv].

    top openModal.

    accepted ifFalse:[
        ^ nil
    lst := acv list.

"undo existing traps            HACK: removes traps and traces"

    acl notEmpty ifTrue:[
        MessageTracer untrace:anInstance

    lst notEmpty ifTrue:[^ lst]
                ifFalse:[^ nil]

    "popup menu required by any view. Delegate the request to the corresponding view
    |sqNr view|

    view := (WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal raise) view.
    sqNr := listViews findFirst:[:v| v == view].

    sqNr notNil ifTrue:[^ self viewMenu:sqNr]
               ifFalse:[^ nil]

    "popup menu required for a view identified by its sequence number
    |view menu inst args lbls|

    view := listViews at:anIndex.
    view hasSelection ifFalse:[^ nil].
    inst := view selectedInstanceVar.

    menu := PopUpMenu labels:#( 'update' )
                   selectors:#( #update  )

    menu actionAt:#update put:[
        view update.

        listViews from:(anIndex + 1) do:[:v|
            (view selectedInstanceType) ~~ #directory ifTrue:[
                v inspect:nil
            ] ifFalse:[
                v inspect:(view selectedInstanceVar).
                view := v.
        self update

    (InspectorList isTraceable:inst) ifFalse:[
        ^ menu

    menu  addLabels:#(
                      'untrace / untrap'

    menu actionAt:#untrace put:[self doUntrace:inst].

    args := Array new:2 withAll:inst.
    lbls := Array with:'message'
                  with:((Text string:' all ' emphasis:#underline), ' messages').

    menu subMenuAt:#trace put:(
        PopUpMenu labels:lbls selectors:#(doTrace: doTraceAll:) args:args

    menu subMenuAt:#trap put:(
        PopUpMenu labels:lbls selectors:#(doTrap: doTrapAll:) args:args

  ^ menu

! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'private'!

    "handle a doIt or accept action; on success all the folloed views are
    |index list result instVar|

    list    := self findLastValidListWithSelection.
    result  := aBlock value:list.
    instVar := list selectedInstanceVar.
    index   := listViews findLast:[:v|v == list].

    (index ~~ 0 and:[index ~~ listViews size]) ifTrue:[
        index := index + 1.
        (list selectedInstanceType) == #directory ifTrue:[
            (listViews at:index) inspect:instVar
        ] ifFalse:[
            (listViews at:index) inspect:nil
        self update
    valueChangedAction notNil ifTrue:[
        valueChangedAction value:instVar
    ^ result

    "returns last valid list with a selection; if no selection exists in any
     view, the list assigned to the inspected object is returned

    rightHistory notEmpty ifTrue:[
        ^ rightHistory first
    index := listViews findLast:[:v| v hasSelection ].

    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ listViews at:index

    leftHistory notEmpty ifTrue:[^ leftHistory last]
                        ifFalse:[^ listViews at:1]

    "update labels and scrollbar
    |pview cview stop index ispObj label|

    index := 1.
    stop  := listViews size.

    [   cview  := listViews at:index.
        ispObj := cview inspectedObject.
        label  := labelViews at:index.
        index  := index + 1.

        ispObj notNil ifTrue:[
            label label:(ispObj class name asString).
            pview := cview.
        ] ifFalse:[
            [index <= stop] whileTrue:[
                (labelViews at:index) label:''.
                index := index + 1

            (pview isNil or:[pview selectedInstanceType == #normal]) ifTrue:[
                pview notNil ifTrue:[ispObj := pview selectedInstanceVar].
                label label:ispObj class name asString
            ] ifFalse:[
                label label:''
        index > stop

    ] whileFalse.

    index := listViews size + leftHistory size + rightHistory size.

    (listViews last) selectedInstanceType notNil ifTrue:[
        index := index + 1
    scrollBar thumbHeight:(stop / index) * 100.
    scrollBar thumbOrigin:(100  / index * leftHistory size).

! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'private frames'!

    "compute the extent of all frames (origin/corner)
    |orig corn offset newX|

    orig := ( 0.0 @ 0.0 ).
    corn := ( 0.0 @ 1.0 ).

    offset := 1.0 / (frames size).
    newX   := 0.0.

    frames do:[:frame|
        (newX := newX + offset) > 1.0 ifTrue:[ newX := 1.0 ].
        corn  := newX @ corn y.
        frame origin:orig corner:corn.
        orig  := newX @ orig y.


    "add a new view at end of the panel
    |view frame label index|

    frame := SimpleView in:hzpView.

    label := Label origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@20 in:frame.
    label  leftInset:15.
    label rightInset:2.

    view  := ScrollableView for:InspectorListView miniScroller:true origin:0.0@20 
                         corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.

    view := view scrolledView.

    frames add:frame.
    labelViews add:label.
    listViews  add:view.

    index := listViews size.

    index == 1 ifTrue:[
        view includesSelf:true

    label adjust:#left.
    label label:''.
    label level:1.
    label menuHolder:self; menuMessage:#labelMenu; menuPerformer:self.

    view action:[:el|self singleClickAt:index].

    view delegate:self.
    view menuHolder:self; menuMessage:#viewMenu; menuPerformer:self.

! !

!InspectorPanelView methodsFor:'scrolling-basic'!

    "move the contents of all views one position left
    |fView stop pView index|

    (nTimes < 1 or:[listViews last isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    index := nTimes.
    stop  := (listViews size) - 1.
    fView := listViews first.
    pView := listViews at:stop.

    [   leftHistory add:(fView list).

        1 to:stop do:[:i|
            (listViews at:i) list:(listViews at:(i+1))

        rightHistory notEmpty ifTrue:[
            (listViews last) list:(rightHistory removeLast)
        ] ifFalse:[
            (listViews last) inspect:(pView selectedInstanceVar)
        ((index := index - 1) == 0 or:[listViews last isEmpty])

    ] whileFalse.

    self update.


    "move the contents of all views one position right
    |size index lView fView|

    size := leftHistory size.

    (nTimes > 0 and:[size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        nTimes > size ifFalse:[index := nTimes]
                       ifTrue:[index := size].

        size  := listViews size.
        lView := listViews last.
        fView := listViews first.

        1 to:index do:[:i|
            lView hasSelection ifTrue:[
                rightHistory add:(lView list)
            size to:2 by:-1 do:[:i|
                (listViews at:i) list:(listViews at:(i-1))
            fView list:(leftHistory removeLast)
        self update


    "set views and contents dependant on scroll bar
    |dY no noScr pR|

    noScr := listViews size + leftHistory size + rightHistory size.

    (listViews last) selectedInstanceType notNil ifTrue:[
        noScr := noScr + 1
    dY := 100 / noScr.
    pR := nPercent roundTo:dY.

    no := ((dY * leftHistory size) - pR) / dY.

    no == 0 ifTrue:[
        (nPercent - pR) > 0 ifTrue:[no := -1]
                           ifFalse:[no :=  1]
    no < 0 ifTrue:[self moveContentsLeft:(no negated)]
          ifFalse:[self moveContentsRight:no]
! !

!InspectorPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !