author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 16 Dec 2008 16:42:47 +0100
changeset 2445 d5b2e523859b
parent 2405 ec54aeed9a42
child 2452 7892f26996b7
permissions -rw-r--r--

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"

"{ NameSpace: Tools }"

HierarchicalItem subclass:#ViewTreeItem
	instanceVariableNames:'widget isDrawnShown exists xOffsetApplClass'

!ViewTreeItem class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ViewTreeItems represants a pickable object within a ViewTreeModel.
    The class is used to build up the hierarchical tree.

    [Instance variables:]
        widget        <View>            the widget represented by the item
        spec          <UISpecification> the UISpecification or nil

    [Class variables:]
        HandleExtent  <Point>           keeps the extent of a handle

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]
! !

!ViewTreeItem class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "set the extent of the Handle
    HandleExtent := 6@6.
! !

!ViewTreeItem class methodsFor:'instance creation'!


    item := self basicNew initialize.
    item forView:aView.
  ^ item

    self error:'not allowed'.
  ^ nil

on:aView withSpec:aSpec

    item := self basicNew initialize.
    item on:aView withSpec:aSpec.
  ^ item
! !

!ViewTreeItem class methodsFor:'building'!

    "build the items starting from a source view;
     returns the anhor.
    |item subViews subItems|

    aView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    item     := self forView:aView.
    subViews := aView subViews.

    subViews notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        subItems := OrderedCollection new.
        subViews do:[:aSubView|
            subItems add:(self buildViewsFrom:aSubView).
        item children:subItems.
    ^ item
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'accessing'!


    widget notNil ifTrue:[
        appl := widget application.
        appl notNil ifTrue:[^ appl class ].
    ^ nil

    "returns true if the last display operations was done during the widget was shown
    ^ isDrawnShown

    isDrawnShown := aBoolean.

    "returns the widget assigned to the root or nil
    ^ parent rootView

    "returns the spec-class assigned to the item
    ^ widget specClass

    "returns the assigned treeModel, an instance of ViewTreeModel
    ^ parent treeModel

    "returns the widget assigned to the item
    ^ widget
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'accessing layout'!

    "returns the bounds relative to the root widget
    ^ self originRelativeToRoot extent:(widget extent)

    "returns the corner relative to the root widget
    ^ self originRelativeToRoot + (widget extent)

    "returns the extent of the widget
    ^ widget extent

    "returns the type of layout assigned to the wiget; nil if the
     superView cannot resize its sub widgets
    |layout specClass superView|

    (superView := widget superView) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ #Extent
    specClass := superView specClass.

    (specClass notNil and:[specClass isLayoutContainer]) ifTrue:[
        ^ specClass canResizeSubComponents ifTrue:[#Extent] ifFalse:[nil]

    (layout := widget geometryLayout) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ #Extent

    layout isLayout ifTrue:[
        layout isLayoutFrame        ifTrue:[ ^ #LayoutFrame ].
        layout isAlignmentOrigin    ifTrue:[ ^ #AlignmentOrigin ].
        layout isLayoutOrigin       ifTrue:[ ^ #LayoutOrigin ].
    ] ifFalse:[
        layout isRectangle          ifTrue:[ ^ #Rectangle ].
        layout isPoint              ifTrue:[ ^ #Point ].

    Transcript showCR:'UNSUPPORTRD LAYOUT: ', layout printString.
  ^ nil

    "returns the origin relative to the root widget
    ^ widget originRelativeTo:(self rootView)
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'accessing optimize'!

    "redefined: optimize
    ^ children

    |subViews list item|

    children size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    isExpanded := false.
    subViews   := widget subViews.

    subViews size == 0 ifTrue:[^ false].

    list := OrderedCollection new.

    subViews do:[:aSubView|
        item := self class buildViewsFrom:aSubView.
        item parent:self.
        list add:item.
    children := list.
    ^ true

    "redefined: returns list of children
    ^ children size
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'displaying'!

displayOn:aGC x:x y:y h:h
    |labelHeight paint applName|

    widget id isNil ifTrue:[
        isDrawnShown := false.
        self exists ifFalse:[^ self].
        paint := Color white.
    ] ifFalse:[
        isDrawnShown := widget shown.
        paint := isDrawnShown ifTrue:[Color black] ifFalse:[Color darkGray].
    aGC paint:paint.

    labelHeight := self heightOn:aGC.
    self displayLabel:(self label) h:labelHeight on:aGC x:x y:y h:h.

    xOffsetApplClass notNil ifTrue:[
        applName := self labelOfApplicationClass.
        applName notNil ifTrue:[
            self displayLabel:applName
                            h:labelHeight on:aGC
                            x:(x + xOffsetApplClass)

    "answer the name of the underlaying application or nil"

    self isApplicationClass ifTrue:[
        applClass := self applicationClass.

        applClass notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ ('[ ', applClass name, ' ]')
    xOffsetApplClass := nil.
    ^ nil

    "return the width of the receiver, if it is to be displayed on aGC

    width isNil ifTrue:[
        width := self widthOf:(self label) on:aGC.
        width := width + 2.

        applName := self labelOfApplicationClass.

        applName notNil ifTrue:[
            xOffsetApplClass := width + 10.
            width := xOffsetApplClass + (self widthOf:applName on:aGC).
            width := width + 2.
    ^ width
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'enumerating'!

    "evaluate the two arg block on each handle; the arguments to the block is
     the rectangle relative to the rootView and the handle type which is
     set to nil if not resizeable.

     TYPES:     type    position( X - Y )
                #LT     Left   - Top
                #LC     Left   - Center
                #LB     Left   - Bottom
                #CT     Center - Top
                #CB     Center - Bottom
                #RT     Right  - Top
                #RC     Right  - Center
                #RB     Right  - Bottom

                nil     ** handle not pickable **
    |type relOrg relCrn maxExt rootView w h
     xL    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     xC    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     xR    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yT    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yC    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yB    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    rootView := self rootView.
    relOrg   := widget originRelativeTo:rootView.
    relOrg isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].    "/ widget destroyed

    relOrg   := relOrg - (HandleExtent // 2).
    relCrn   := relOrg + widget extent.
    maxExt   := rootView extent - HandleExtent.

    xL := relOrg x max:0.
    xR := relCrn x min:(maxExt x).
    xC := xR + xL // 2.

    yT := relOrg y max:0.
    yB := relCrn y min:(maxExt y).
    yC := yB + yT // 2.

    type := self layoutType.
    w   := HandleExtent x.
    h   := HandleExtent y.

    (type == #LayoutFrame or:[type == #Rectangle]) ifTrue:[
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xL top:yT width:w height:h) value:#LT.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xL top:yC width:w height:h) value:#LC.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xL top:yB width:w height:h) value:#LB.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xC top:yT width:w height:h) value:#CT.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xC top:yB width:w height:h) value:#CB.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yT width:w height:h) value:#RT.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yC width:w height:h) value:#RC.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yB width:w height:h) value:#RB.
      ^ self

    aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xL top:yT width:w height:h) value:nil.
    aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xL top:yB width:w height:h) value:nil.
    aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yT width:w height:h) value:nil.

    type == #Extent ifTrue:[
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xC top:yB width:w height:h) value:#CB.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yC width:w height:h) value:#RC.
        aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yB width:w height:h) value:#RB.
      ^ self
    aTwoArgAction value:(Rectangle left:xR top:yB width:w height:h) value:nil.

    "recursive evaluate the block on each child which is visible
    (isExpanded and:[children size > 0]) ifTrue:[
        children do:[:aChild|
            anOneArgBlock value:aChild.
            aChild recursiveEachVisibleItemDo:anOneArgBlock.

    "evaluate aBlock for all subviews other than InputView's   

    subViews := widget subViews.

    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        subViews do:aOneArgBlock
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'initialization'!

    widget := aView.

    "setup default attributes
    super initialize.
    isDrawnShown := false.
    isExpanded   := false.
    children     := OrderedCollection new.
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'operations delete'!

    "delete self and all contained items; the assigned views are destroyed
     in case of rootView, only the children are deleted
    parent isHierarchicalItem ifTrue:[
        self criticalDo:[
            parent remove:self.
            widget destroy.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self deleteAll

    "delete all contained items; the assigned views are destroyed
    children size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    self criticalDo:[
        self nonCriticalDo:[:el| el widget destroy ].
        self removeAll
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'operations layout'!

    "convert the layout of the widget to a LayoutFrame;
    |extent layout newLyt lftFrc lftOff topFrc topOff|

    layout := widget geometryLayout.

    layout isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ widget bounds asLayout

    layout isLayout ifFalse:[
        layout isRectangle ifTrue:[
            ^ LayoutFrame leftOffset:(layout left) rightOffset:(layout right)
                           topOffset:(layout top) bottomOffset:(layout bottom)
        layout isPoint ifTrue:[
            extent := widget extent.
          ^ LayoutFrame leftOffset:(layout x)  rightOffset:(layout x + extent x)
                         topOffset:(layout y) bottomOffset:(layout y + extent y)

        Transcript showCR:'UNSUPPORTRD LAYOUT: ', layout printString.
      ^ nil

    layout isLayoutFrame ifTrue:[ ^ layout copy ].    

    lftFrc := layout leftFraction.
    lftOff := layout leftOffset.
    topFrc := layout topFraction.
    topOff := layout topOffset.
    extent := widget extent.

    newLyt := LayoutFrame leftFraction:lftFrc offset:lftOff
                         rightFraction:lftFrc offset:(lftOff + extent x)
                           topFraction:topFrc offset:topOff
                        bottomFraction:topFrc offset:(topOff + extent y).

    (      layout isAlignmentOrigin
     and:[(layout leftAlignmentFraction ~= 0 or:[layout topAlignmentFraction ~= 0])]
    ) ifTrue:[
        |svRc prBd dlta|

        svRc := widget superView viewRectangle.
        prBd := widget preferredBounds.

        dlta := (  ((layout rectangleRelativeTo:svRc preferred:prBd) corner)
                 - ((newLyt rectangleRelativeTo:svRc preferred:prBd) corner)
                ) rounded.

        newLyt   leftOffset:(lftOff + dlta x).
        newLyt  rightOffset:(lftOff + extent x + dlta x).
        newLyt    topOffset:(topOff + dlta y).
        newLyt bottomOffset:(topOff + extent y + dlta y).
    ^ newLyt

moveLeft:l top:t
    "move the widget n pixele left and right

    self isMoveable ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    (layout := widget geometryLayout) isNil ifTrue:[
        widget origin:(widget origin + (l@t)).
      ^ self

    layout := layout copy.

    layout isLayout ifTrue:[
        layout leftOffset:(layout leftOffset + l)
                topOffset:(layout topOffset  + t).

        layout isLayoutFrame ifTrue:[
            layout  rightOffset:(layout rightOffset  + l).
            layout bottomOffset:(layout bottomOffset + t).

    ] ifFalse:[
        layout isRectangle ifTrue:[
            layout setLeft:(layout left + l).
            layout  setTop:(layout top  + t).
        ] ifFalse:[
            layout isPoint ifFalse:[^ self].
            layout x:(layout x + l) y:(layout y + t).
    widget geometryLayout:layout.

resizeLeft:l top:t right:r bottom:b
    "resize the widget measured in pixels

    self isResizeable ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    (layout := widget geometryLayout) isNil ifTrue:[
        (r == l and:[b == t]) ifFalse:[
            widget extent:(widget computeExtent + ((r-l) @ (b-t))).
        ^ self

    layout isLayout ifTrue:[
        layout := layout copy.

        layout leftOffset:(layout leftOffset + l)
                topOffset:(layout topOffset  + t).

        layout isLayoutFrame ifTrue:[
            layout bottomOffset:(layout bottomOffset + b).
            layout  rightOffset:(layout rightOffset  + r).
    ] ifFalse:[
        layout isRectangle ifFalse:[^ self].
        layout := layout copy.

        layout left:(layout left   + l)
              right:(layout right  + r)
                top:(layout top    + t)
             bottom:(layout bottom + b).
    widget geometryLayout:layout.
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'operations update'!


    self do:[:el|
        el exists ifTrue:[
            el updateChildren.
        ] ifFalse:[
            list isNil ifTrue:[list := OrderedCollection new].
            list add:el.
    list notNil ifTrue:[
        list do:[:el| self remove:el ].

    "update my children against the list of items derived from
     the merged list.

    mergedList size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self removeAll ].
    children   size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self addAll:mergedList ].

    self criticalDo:[
        self nonCriticalDo:[:el| |wdg|
            wdg := el widget.
            mergedList detect:[:e2| e2 widget == wdg ] ifNone:[ self remove:el ].

        mergedList keysAndValuesDo:[:i :el| |wdg e2|
            wdg := el widget.

            e2  := self at:i ifAbsent:nil.

            (e2 isNil or:[e2 widget ~~ wdg]) ifTrue:[
                self add:el beforeIndex:i
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "get the icon used for presentation
    |specClass model|

    specClass := self specClass.
    specClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    model := self treeModel.

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model iconAt:specClass ifNonePut:[specClass icon]
    ^ specClass icon

    "get the label used for presentation
    ^ self string

    "append a a printed representation of the item to aStream
    aStream nextPutAll:(self string)

    "get the string
    ^ widget class name.
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'queries'!

    "returns true if the layout of the widget can be changed and the
     layout is not organized by its superView
    ^ self isResizeable

    "returns true if the widget can resize its sub components

    specClass := self specClass.

    specClass notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ specClass canResizeSubComponents
    ^ false

    widget id notNil ifTrue:[^ true ].

    exists ~~ false ifTrue:[
        exists := false.

        widget superView notNil ifTrue:[
            (parent isHierarchicalItem and:[parent exists]) ifTrue:[
                exists := (parent widget subViews includesIdentical:widget).
    ^ exists


    cls := widget class.

    ^ (    cls == ApplicationSubView
        or:[cls == ApplicationWindow
        or:[cls == SubCanvas]]


    model := self treeModel.
    model notNil ifTrue:[^ model isSelected:self].
    ^ false

    "returns true if the widget supports sub components

    widget isScrollWrapper ifTrue:[
        ^ false
    specClass := self specClass.

    specClass notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ specClass supportsSubComponents
    ^ false
! !

!ViewTreeItem methodsFor:'testing'!

    "returns true if the widget is in a layout container
    |sv specClass|

    sv := widget superView.

    sv notNil ifTrue:[
        specClass := sv specClass.

        specClass notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ specClass isLayoutContainer
    ^ false

    "answer whether corresponding view instances of the spec class can contain
     (and arrange) other view

    specClass := self specClass.

    specClass notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ specClass isLayoutContainer
    ^ false

    "returns true if the widget is not in a layout container
    self isInLayoutContainer ifFalse:[
        ^ widget superView notNil
    ^ false

    "returns true if the widget is resizeable
    |sv specClass|

    sv := widget superView.

    sv notNil ifTrue:[
        specClass := sv specClass.

        specClass notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ specClass canResizeSubComponents
    ^ false
! !

!ViewTreeItem class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !

ViewTreeItem initialize!