bug fix: saving a spec while grid is on saved the grid-Form
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:51:44 +0100
changeset 2222 23205ddb56e1
parent 2221 8ac60d4545ad
child 2223 7cddff46d0ad
bug fix: saving a spec while grid is on saved the grid-Form as backgroundColor in the spec.
--- a/UIPainter.st	Mon Dec 17 12:05:23 2007 +0100
+++ b/UIPainter.st	Tue Jan 08 12:51:44 2008 +0100
@@ -3904,6 +3904,10 @@
+    self doBrowseActionMethod:aspectSelector nameAs:aspectSelector
+doBrowseActionMethod:aspectSelector nameAs:aspectNameShown
     |cls spec aspect code|
     cls := self specClass.
@@ -3917,8 +3921,8 @@
     aspect := spec perform:aspectSelector.
     aspect isNil ifTrue:[
         Dialog information:(resources 
-                                string:'Please enter a Method name for %1 first.'
-                                with:aspectSelector allBold).
+                                string:'Please enter a Method name for "%1" first.'
+                                with:(resources string:aspectNameShown) allBold).
         ^ self
@@ -4721,6 +4725,11 @@
     fullSpec fromBuilder:(self canvas)
               components:(SpecCollection new collection:aSpecArray).
+    "/ kludge: if grid was on, its now present in the windowSpec (which should not)
+    self canvas gridShown ifTrue:[
+        fullSpec window backgroundColor:nil.    
+    ].
     windowSpec notNil ifTrue:[
         winSpec := fullSpec window.
         winSpec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec.