no abbrevs
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 12:52:02 +0200
changeset 2009 853cece96ee7
parent 2008 1d02c2e994b6
child 2010 ca8dcc8723dc
no abbrevs
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-Button subclass:#ArrowButton
-	instanceVariableNames:'arrowStyle direction'
-	classVariableNames:'DownArrowForm UpArrowForm LeftArrowForm RightArrowForm
-		CachedStyle DefaultArrowStyle DefaultBackgroundColor
-		DefaultForegroundColor DefaultActiveBackgroundColor
-		DefaultActiveForegroundColor DefaultEnteredBackgroundColor
-		DefaultEnteredForegroundColor DefaultDisabledForegroundColor
-		DefaultArrowButtonActiveLevel DefaultArrowButtonPassiveLevel
-		DownArrowFormFile UpArrowFormFile LeftArrowFormFile
-		RightArrowFormFile'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Interactors'
-!ArrowButton class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    ArrowButtons display an arrow as their label; they are mainly
-    used for scrollbars, but can be useful on their own in some applications.
-    Beside the contents, their default behavior is to perform their action
-    when pressed - not (as is the default for normal buttons) when released.
-    Indivdual ArrowButtons can be created by sending one of:
-            ArrowButton upIn:aView /downIn: / leftIn: or rightIn:
-    passing the parent view as argument.
-    See examples.
-    [styleSheet parameters:]
-        arrowButtonStyle            <Symbol>        the style of the button;
-                                                    #motif, #st80 or nil (default)
-        arrowButtonForegroundColor  <nil | Color>   foregroundColor 
-        arrowButtonBackgroundColor  <nil | Color>   backgroundColor 
-        arrowButtonActiveForegroundColor            foregroundColor when pressed
-        arrowButtonActiveBackgroundColor            backgroundColor when pressed
-        arrowButtonEnteredForegroundColor           foregroundColor when mouse pointer entered
-        arrowButtonEnteredBackgroundColor           backgroundColor when mouse pointer entered
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [See also:]
-         Button  Toggle CheckToggle CheckBox
-         ScrollBar
-    example1:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v p b1 b2 b3 b4|
-        v := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        p := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
-        b1 := ArrowButton upIn:p.
-        b2 := ArrowButton downIn:p.
-        b3 := ArrowButton leftIn:p.
-        b4 := ArrowButton rightIn:p.
-        b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    example2:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v p b1 b2 b3 b4|
-        v := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        p := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
-        b1 := (ArrowButton upIn:p) extent:30@30.
-        b2 := (ArrowButton downIn:p) extent:30@30.
-        b3 := (ArrowButton leftIn:p) extent:30@30.
-        b4 := (ArrowButton rightIn:p) extent:30@30.
-        b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    example3:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v p b1 b2 b3 b4|
-        v := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        p := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
-        b1 := (ArrowButton upIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.67 @ 0.33).
-        b3 := (ArrowButton leftIn:p) origin:(0.0 @ 0.33) corner:(0.33 @ 0.67).
-        b4 := (ArrowButton rightIn:p) origin:(0.67 @ 0.33) corner:(1.0 @ 0.67).
-        b2 := (ArrowButton downIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.67) corner:(0.67 @ 1.0).
-        b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    example4 (not good coding style, to explicitely use a particular style,
-              just a demonstration how it looks ..):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v p b1 b2 b3 b4 oldStyle|
-        oldStyle := View defaultStyle.
-        View defaultStyle:#motif.
-        v := StandardSystemView extent:100@100.
-        p := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
-        b1 := (ArrowButton upIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.67 @ 0.33).
-        b3 := (ArrowButton leftIn:p) origin:(0.0 @ 0.33) corner:(0.33 @ 0.67).
-        b4 := (ArrowButton rightIn:p) origin:(0.67 @ 0.33) corner:(1.0 @ 0.67).
-        b2 := (ArrowButton downIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.67) corner:(0.67 @ 1.0).
-        b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
-        View defaultStyle:oldStyle.
-        v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!ArrowButton class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-    "create and return a new down-button in aView"
-    ^ (super in:aView) direction:#down
-    "Modified: 22.1.1997 / 11:59:08 / cg"
-    "create and return a new left-button in aView"
-    ^ (super in:aView) direction:#left
-    "Modified: 22.1.1997 / 11:59:14 / cg"
-    "return a new arrowButton - direction defaults to #up"
-    ^ super new direction:#up
-    "create and return a new right-button in aView"
-    ^ (super in:aView) direction:#right
-    "Modified: 22.1.1997 / 11:59:21 / cg"
-    "create and return a new up-button in aView"
-    ^ (super in:aView) direction:#up
-    "Modified: 22.1.1997 / 11:59:27 / cg"
-! !
-!ArrowButton class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    ^DownArrowForm
-    ^LeftArrowForm
-    ^RightArrowForm
-    ^UpArrowForm
-    "return the default form used for the scrollDown Button 
-     (if no styleSheet value is defined, and no form can be constructed)"
-    <resource: #image>
-    StyleSheet name == #win95 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Form 
-            width:11 height:11 
-            fromArray:#[
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00111111 2r10000000
-                         2r00011111 2r00000000
-                         2r00001110 2r00000000
-                         2r00000100 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                        ]
-    ].
-    ^ Form width:16 height:16 
-                  fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000
-                              2r00001111 2r11110000
-                              2r00001000 2r00010000
-                              2r00001000 2r00010000
-                              2r00001000 2r00010000
-                              2r00001000 2r00010000
-                              2r00001000 2r00010000
-                              2r01111000 2r00011110
-                              2r01000000 2r00000010
-                              2r00100000 2r00000100
-                              2r00010000 2r00001000
-                              2r00001000 2r00010000
-                              2r00000100 2r00100000
-                              2r00000010 2r01000000
-                              2r00000001 2r10000000
-                              2r00000000 2r00000000]
-    "
-     self defaultDownArrowButtonForm
-    "
-    "Modified: / 26.3.1999 / 15:16:07 / cg"
-    "return the default form used for the scrollLeft Button
-     (if no styleSheet value is defined, and no form can be constructed)"
-    <resource: #image>
-    StyleSheet name == #win95 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Form 
-            width:11 height:11 
-            fromArray:#[
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000010 2r00000000
-                         2r00000110 2r00000000
-                         2r00001110 2r10000000
-                         2r00011110 2r00000000
-                         2r00001110 2r00000000
-                         2r00000110 2r00000000
-                         2r00000010 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                        ]
-    ].
-    ^ Form width:16 height:16 
-                     fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000010 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000100 2r10000000
-                                 2r00001000 2r11111110
-                                 2r00010000 2r00000010
-                                 2r00100000 2r00000010
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000010
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000010
-                                 2r00100000 2r00000010
-                                 2r00010000 2r00000010
-                                 2r00001000 2r11111110
-                                 2r00000100 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000010 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000000 2r00000000]
-    "
-     self defaultLeftArrowButtonForm
-    "
-    "Modified: / 26.3.1999 / 15:17:38 / cg"
-    "return the default form used for the scrollRight Button 
-     (if no styleSheet value is defined, and no form can be constructed)"
-    <resource: #image>
-    StyleSheet name == #win95 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Form 
-            width:11 height:11 
-            fromArray:#[
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00001000 2r00000000
-                         2r00001100 2r00000000
-                         2r00001110 2r10000000
-                         2r00001111 2r00000000
-                         2r00001110 2r00000000
-                         2r00001100 2r00000000
-                         2r00001000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                        ]
-    ].
-    ^ Form width:16 height:16 
-                     fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r01000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r00100000
-                                 2r01111111 2r00010000
-                                 2r01000000 2r00001000
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000100
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000010
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000010
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000100
-                                 2r01000000 2r00001000
-                                 2r01111111 2r00010000
-                                 2r00000001 2r00100000
-                                 2r00000001 2r01000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000000 2r00000000]
-    "
-     self defaultRightArrowButtonForm
-    "
-    "Modified: / 26.3.1999 / 15:18:29 / cg"
-    "return the default form used for the scrollUp Button 
-     (if no styleSheet value is defined, and no form can be constructed)"
-    <resource: #image>
-    StyleSheet name == #win95 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Form 
-            width:11 height:11 
-            fromArray:#[
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000100 2r00000000
-                         2r00001110 2r00000000
-                         2r00011111 2r00000000
-                         2r00111111 2r10000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                         2r00000000 2r00000000
-                        ]
-    ].
-    ^ Form width:16 height:16 
-                     fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000
-                                 2r00000001 2r10000000
-                                 2r00000010 2r01000000
-                                 2r00000100 2r00100000
-                                 2r00001000 2r00010000
-                                 2r00010000 2r00001000
-                                 2r00100000 2r00000100
-                                 2r01000000 2r00000010
-                                 2r01111000 2r00011110
-                                 2r00001000 2r00010000
-                                 2r00001000 2r00010000
-                                 2r00001000 2r00010000
-                                 2r00001000 2r00010000
-                                 2r00001000 2r00010000
-                                 2r00001111 2r11110000
-                                 2r00000000 2r00000000]
-    "
-     self defaultUpArrowButtonForm
-    "
-    "Modified: / 26.3.1999 / 15:19:11 / cg"
-downArrowButtonForm:styleSymbol on:aDevice
-    "return the form used for the scrollDown Button"
-    <resource: #style (#'arrowButton.downForm')>
-    |form|
-    "
-     use cached form, if device is appropriate
-    "
-    CachedStyle ~~ styleSymbol ifTrue:[
-        DownArrowForm := nil
-    ].
-    ((form := DownArrowForm) notNil and:[form device == aDevice]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ form
-    ].
-    form := DownArrowForm := StyleSheet at:#'arrowButton.downForm' default:nil.
-    form notNil ifTrue:[^ form].
-    "
-     special treatment for st80 arrows 
-     - they do not really fit into the general (bitmap) scheme ...
-     (i.e. they are computed instead of drawn from a bitmap)
-    "
-    styleSymbol ~~ #st80 ifTrue:[
-        DownArrowFormFile notNil ifTrue:[
-            form := Image fromFile:DownArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[
-                form := Image fromFile:('bitmaps/' , DownArrowFormFile) resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-                form isNil ifTrue:[
-                    'ArrowButton [info]: no bitmapFile: ' infoPrint. DownArrowFormFile infoPrintCR.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "
-     form to use as a fallback, if no bitmap file is present
-     (actually not really needed - just to show something useful, in
-      case of a bad installation)
-    "
-    form isNil ifTrue:[
-        styleSymbol == #st80 ifTrue:[
-            form := Form width:9 height:9 depth:1 on:Display.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-            form clear.
-            form lineWidth:2.
-            form capStyle:#round.
-            form paint:(Color colorId:1).
-            form displayLineFromX:0 y:2 toX:4 y:6.
-            form displayLineFromX:4 y:6 toX:8 y:2.
-            form beImmediateForm.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            form  := self defaultDownArrowButtonForm onDevice:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-        ].
-    ].
-    "
-     remember form for next use
-    "
-    CachedStyle := styleSymbol.
-    DownArrowForm := form.
-    ^ form
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 17:01:54 / cg"
-leftArrowButtonForm:styleSymbol on:aDevice
-    "return the form used for the scrollLeft Button"
-    <resource: #style (#'arrowButton.leftForm')>
-    |form|
-    "
-     use cached form, if device is appropriate
-    "
-    CachedStyle ~~ styleSymbol ifTrue:[
-        LeftArrowForm := nil
-    ].
-    ((form := LeftArrowForm) notNil and:[form device == aDevice]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ form
-    ].
-    form := LeftArrowForm := StyleSheet at:#'arrowButton.leftForm' default:nil.
-    form notNil ifTrue:[^ form].
-    "
-     special treatment for st80 arrows 
-     - they do not really fit into the general (bitmap) scheme ...
-     (i.e. they are computed instead of drawn from a bitmap)
-    "
-    styleSymbol ~~ #st80 ifTrue:[
-        LeftArrowFormFile notNil ifTrue:[
-            form := Image fromFile:LeftArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[
-                form := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/' , LeftArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-                form isNil ifTrue:[
-                    'ArrowButton [info]: no bitmapFile: ' infoPrint. LeftArrowFormFile infoPrintCR.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "
-     form to use as a fallback, if no bitmap file is present
-     (actually not really needed - just to show something useful, in
-      case of a bad installation)
-    "
-    form isNil ifTrue:[
-        styleSymbol == #st80 ifTrue:[
-            form := Form width:9 height:9 depth:1 on:Display.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-            form clear.
-            form lineWidth:2.
-            form capStyle:#round.
-            form paint:(Color colorId:1).
-            form displayLineFromX:6 y:0 toX:2 y:4.
-            form displayLineFromX:2 y:4 toX:6 y:8.
-            form beImmediateForm.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            form  := self defaultLeftArrowButtonForm onDevice:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-        ].
-    ].
-    "
-     remember form for next use
-    "
-    CachedStyle := styleSymbol.
-    LeftArrowForm := form.
-    ^ form
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 17:01:47 / cg"
-rightArrowButtonForm:styleSymbol on:aDevice
-    "return the form used for the scrollRight Button"
-    <resource: #style (#'arrowButton.rightForm')>
-    |form|
-    "
-     use cached form, if device is appropriate
-    "
-    CachedStyle ~~ styleSymbol ifTrue:[
-        RightArrowForm := nil
-    ].
-    ((form := RightArrowForm) notNil and:[form device == aDevice]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ form
-    ].
-    form := RightArrowForm := StyleSheet at:#'arrowButton.rightForm' default:nil.
-    form notNil ifTrue:[^ form].
-    "
-     special treatment for st80 arrows 
-     - they do not really fit into the general (bitmap) scheme ...
-     (i.e. they are computed instead of drawn from a bitmap)
-    "
-    styleSymbol ~~ #st80 ifTrue:[
-        RightArrowFormFile notNil ifTrue:[
-            form := Image fromFile:RightArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[
-                form := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/' , RightArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-                form isNil ifTrue:[
-                    'ArrowButton [info]: no bitmapFile: ' infoPrint. RightArrowFormFile infoPrintCR.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "
-     form to use as a fallback, if no bitmap file is present
-     (actually not really needed - just to show something useful, in
-      case of a bad installation)
-    "
-    form isNil ifTrue:[
-        styleSymbol == #st80 ifTrue:[
-            form := Form width:9 height:9 depth:1 on:Display.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-            form clear.
-            form lineWidth:2.
-            form capStyle:#round.
-            form paint:(Color colorId:1).
-            form displayLineFromX:2 y:0 toX:6 y:4.
-            form displayLineFromX:6 y:4 toX:2 y:8.
-            form beImmediateForm.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            form  := self defaultRightArrowButtonForm onDevice:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-        ].
-    ].
-    "
-     remember form for next use
-    "
-    CachedStyle := styleSymbol.
-    RightArrowForm := form.
-    ^ form
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 17:01:40 / cg"
-upArrowButtonForm:styleSymbol on:aDevice
-    "return the form used for the scrollUp Button"
-    <resource: #style (#'arrowButton.upForm')>
-    |form|
-    "
-     use cached form, if device is appropriate
-    "
-    CachedStyle ~~ styleSymbol ifTrue:[
-        UpArrowForm := nil
-    ].
-    ((form := UpArrowForm) notNil and:[form device == aDevice]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ form
-    ].
-    form := UpArrowForm := StyleSheet at:#'arrowButton.upForm' default:nil.
-    form notNil ifTrue:[^ form].
-    "
-     special treatment for st80 arrows 
-     - they do not really fit into the general (bitmap) scheme ...
-     (i.e. they are computed instead of drawn from a bitmap)
-    "
-    styleSymbol ~~ #st80 ifTrue:[
-        UpArrowFormFile notNil ifTrue:[
-            form := Image fromFile:UpArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[
-                form := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/' , UpArrowFormFile resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-                form isNil ifTrue:[
-                    'ArrowButton [info]: no bitmapFile: ' infoPrint. UpArrowFormFile infoPrintCR.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "
-     form to use as a fallback, if no bitmap file is present
-     (actually not really needed - just to show something useful, in
-      case of a bad installation)
-    "
-    form isNil ifTrue:[
-        styleSymbol == #st80 ifTrue:[
-            form := Form width:9 height:9 depth:1 on:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-            form clear.
-            form lineWidth:2.
-            form capStyle:#round.
-            form paint:(Color colorId:1).
-            form displayLineFromX:0 y:6 toX:4 y:2.
-            form displayLineFromX:4 y:2 toX:8 y:6.
-            form beImmediateForm.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            form  := self defaultUpArrowButtonForm onDevice:aDevice.
-            form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-        ].
-    ].
-    "
-     remember form for next use
-    "
-    CachedStyle := styleSymbol.
-    UpArrowForm := form.
-    ^ form
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 17:01:32 / cg"
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'' 
-                       #'arrowButton.activeLevel' #'arrowButton.passiveLevel'
-                       #'arrowButton.backgroundColor' #'arrowButton.foregroundColor'
-                       #'arrowButton.activeBackgroundColor' #'arrowButton.activeForegroundColor'
-                       #'arrowButton.enteredBackgroundColor' #'arrowButton.enteredForegroundColor'
-                       #'arrowButton.disabledForegroundColor' 
-                       #'arrowButton.downForm'     #'arrowButton.upForm'
-                       #'arrowButton.leftForm'     #'arrowButton.rightForm'
-                       #'arrowButton.downFormFile' #'arrowButton.upFormFile'
-                       #'arrowButton.leftFormFile' #'arrowButton.rightFormFile')>
-    |styleSheet|
-    styleSheet := StyleSheet.
-    DefaultArrowStyle := styleSheet at:#'' default:styleSheet name.
-    DefaultArrowStyle := DefaultArrowStyle asSymbol.
-    DefaultArrowButtonActiveLevel := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.activeLevel' default:nil.
-    DefaultArrowButtonPassiveLevel := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.passiveLevel' default:nil.
-    DefaultBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.backgroundColor'.
-    DefaultForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.foregroundColor'.
-    DefaultActiveBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.activeBackgroundColor'.
-    DefaultActiveForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.activeForegroundColor'.
-    DefaultEnteredBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.enteredBackgroundColor'.
-    DefaultEnteredForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.enteredForegroundColor'.
-    DefaultDisabledForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'arrowButton.disabledForegroundColor'.
-    DownArrowForm := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.downForm' default:nil.
-    UpArrowForm := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.upForm' default:nil.
-    LeftArrowForm := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.leftForm' default:nil.
-    RightArrowForm := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.rightForm' default:nil.
-    UpArrowFormFile := DownArrowFormFile := LeftArrowFormFile := RightArrowFormFile := nil.
-    UpArrowForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        UpArrowFormFile := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.upFormFile' default:'ScrollUp.xbm'.
-    ].
-    DownArrowForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        DownArrowFormFile := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.downFormFile' default:'ScrollDn.xbm'.
-    ].
-    LeftArrowForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        LeftArrowFormFile := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.leftFormFile' default:'ScrollLt.xbm'.
-    ].
-    RightArrowForm isNil ifTrue:[
-        RightArrowFormFile := styleSheet at:#'arrowButton.rightFormFile' default:'ScrollRt.xbm'.
-    ].
-    "
-     self updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 03:01:14 / claus"
-    "Modified: 20.10.1997 / 13:50:57 / cg"
-! !
-!ArrowButton methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the buttons direction - a symbol"
-    ^ direction
-    "create and return a new arrow button in aView"
-    |form|
-    aDirectionSymbol == #up ifTrue:[
-        form := (self class upArrowButtonForm:arrowStyle on:device).
-    ].
-    aDirectionSymbol == #down ifTrue:[
-        form := (self class downArrowButtonForm:arrowStyle on:device).
-    ].
-    aDirectionSymbol == #left ifTrue:[
-        form := (self class leftArrowButtonForm:arrowStyle on:device).
-    ].
-    aDirectionSymbol == #right ifTrue:[
-        form := (self class rightArrowButtonForm:arrowStyle on:device).
-    ].
-    direction := aDirectionSymbol.
-    self form:form
-    "Modified: 24.2.1997 / 21:19:59 / cg"
-! !
-!ArrowButton methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    super viewBackground:something.
-    bgColor := activeBgColor := enteredBgColor := something
-! !
-!ArrowButton methodsFor:'focus handling'!
-    "no, do not catch the keyboard focus on button click"
-    ^ false
-! !
-!ArrowButton methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "setup viewStyle specifics"
-    super initStyle.
-    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        bgColor := DefaultBackgroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultActiveForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        activeFgColor := DefaultActiveForegroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultActiveBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        activeBgColor := DefaultActiveBackgroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultEnteredForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        enteredFgColor := DefaultEnteredForegroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultEnteredBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        enteredBgColor := DefaultEnteredBackgroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultDisabledForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        disabledFgColor := DefaultDisabledForegroundColor onDevice:device
-    ].
-    arrowStyle := DefaultArrowStyle.
-    DefaultArrowButtonActiveLevel notNil ifTrue:[onLevel := DefaultArrowButtonActiveLevel].
-    DefaultArrowButtonPassiveLevel notNil ifTrue:[offLevel := DefaultArrowButtonPassiveLevel].
-    offLevel ~~ level ifTrue:[self level:offLevel].
-"/    "
-"/     special treatment for motif arrows 
-"/     - they do not really fit into the general (bitmap) scheme ...
-"/    "
-"/    arrowStyle == #motif ifTrue:[
-"/        onLevel := 0.
-"/        offLevel := 0.
-"/        self level:0.
-"/    ]
-    "Modified: 22.1.1997 / 11:57:00 / cg"
-    super initialize.
-    hSpace := vSpace := 0.
-    controller beTriggerOnDown.
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 20:58:49 / cg"
-! !
-!ArrowButton methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-drawWith:fg and:bg
-    "this is a q&d hack for motif ..."
-    |topLeft botRight isString orgX orgY r colors|
-    arrowStyle ~~ #motif ifTrue:[
-        ^ super drawWith:fg and:bg.
-    ].
-    "
-     the code below does a lot of bitmap drawing, but allows
-     to 3D-ify any logo (it draws it displaced by some pixels
-     to the upper left in one-color and displaced to the 
-     lower right in the other color). It should be rewritten to
-     cache the result for later drawing operations.
-    "
-    logo notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paint:bg.
-        self fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height.
-        shadowColor := shadowColor onDevice:device.
-        lightColor := lightColor onDevice:device.
-        controller pressed ifTrue:[
-            topLeft := shadowColor.
-            botRight := lightColor
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            topLeft := lightColor.
-            botRight := shadowColor
-        ].
-        isString := logo isString.
-        isString ifFalse:[
-            logo depth ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-                "/ allow for deep logos (for motif)
-                "/ one catch: if the view background is a complex pixmap
-                "/ we cannot use this as colorMap entry.
-                "/ therefore, compute the average colors and take these
-                "/ (this looks ok for buttons ...)
-                r := (0@0 corner:10@10).
-                colors := (Array with:(bg averageColorIn:r)
-                                       with:(topLeft averageColorIn:r)
-                                       with:(botRight averageColorIn:r)
-                                       with:(fg averageColorIn:r)).
-                colors ~= logo colorMap ifTrue:[
-                    logo release.
-                    logo colorMap:colors.
-                ].
-                logo photometric:#palette.
-                logo := logo on:device.
-                self displayForm:logo x:labelOriginX  y:labelOriginY.
-                ^ self
-            ].
-            logo := logo onDevice:device.
-            orgX := labelOriginX.
-            orgY := labelOriginY.
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            orgY := height - font height // 2 + font ascent.
-            orgX := width - labelOriginX // 4 - 1.
-        ].
-        self paint:topLeft.
-        #(-1 0 -1) with:#(-1 -1 0) do:[:dX :dY |
-            |x y|
-            x := orgX + dX.
-            y := orgY + dY.
-            isString ifTrue:[
-                self displayString:logo x:x y:y.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self displayForm:logo x:x y:y.
-            ]    
-        ].
-        self paint:botRight.
-        #(1 1 0) with:#(0 1 1) do:[:dX :dY |
-            |x y|
-            x := orgX + dX.
-            y := orgY + dY.
-            isString ifTrue:[
-                self displayString:logo x:x y:y.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self displayForm:logo x:x y:y.
-            ]    
-        ].
-        "
-         finally, the form itself
-        "
-        self paint:fg.
-        isString ifTrue:[
-            self displayString:logo x:orgX y:orgY.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self displayForm:logo x:orgX y:orgY.
-        ]    
-    ]
-    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 03:03:12 / claus"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 17:11:22 / cg"
-! !
-!ArrowButton class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.55 1999-08-18 15:14:19 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-Object subclass:#EnterFieldGroup
-	instanceVariableNames:'fields currentField leaveAction wrap leaveOnTabLast'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support'
-!EnterFieldGroup class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    EnterFieldGroup controls the interaction between EnterFields
-    enabling the next/prev field when a field is left. 
-    Instances of this class keep track of which field of the group is the 
-    currentField (i.e. the one getting keyboard input) and forwards input
-    to that one.
-    This is done by arranging for all of my fields to delegate their
-    input to me, which is then forwarded to the active field).
-    The block accessable as leaveAction is evaluated when the last
-    field of the group is left (by cursor-down or cr). 
-    Usually this block triggers accept on the fields (if they did not already)
-    and/or performs some followup processing and possibly closes the topview 
-    (for example: in a dialog).
-    EnterFieldGroups can be used as a delegate (of the topView) to forward
-    input (entered into the topView) to the currently active field.
-    Stepping to previous field is via CursorUp/PreviousField,
-    to next field via CursorDown/NextField/Tab.
-    By default, tabbing via #Tab is disabled - to enable it, send the field
-    a #makeTabable or #makeAllTabable to the group.
-    All of this here is low level stuff, providing a lot of freedom in
-    which keys are handled and how they perform.
-    Normally, these are not required for most users - the DialogBox sets up
-    things correctly for most cases.
-    [Instance variables:]
-        fields          <Collection of EditField>       the fields of the group
-        currentField    <EditField>                     the active field
-        leaveAction     <nil|Block>                     action to perform, when the
-                                                        last field is left by a non-wrap
-        wrap            <Boolean>                       if true, non-return next-keys wrap
-                                                        back to the first field.
-                                                        If false (the default), next in
-                                                        the last field is taken as return.
-                                                        This is ignored, if no leaveAction was 
-                                                        defined.
-        leaveOnTabLast  <Boolean>                       if true, tabbing out of the last
-                                                        field leaves the group.
-                                                        The default is false.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        DialogBox
-        EditField
-    without a group - user has to enter mouse into the next field to activate it;
-    Cursor-keys dont work:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    with a group - Return-key or CursorKey enables next field:
-    (but still, mouse pointer has to be moved into any of the fields,
-     because the topView does not forward its input into the fields.
-     Also, tabbing is not possible here)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    same, enables tabbing within the group via the Tab key
-    (but still, the mouse pointer must be in one of the fields):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        field1 makeTabable.
-        field2 makeTabable.
-        field3 makeTabable.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    individual makeTabable messages to the fields allows single
-    fields to be sticky (i.e. explicit click is needed to get out
-    of it) - this is very seldom required.
-    To make all fields tabable (the usual case), there is a shortCut:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        group makeAllTabable.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    use a delagation from the outerView to the group - 
-    Return-key or CursorKey enables next field:
-    input for topView is delegated to the group, which also behaves
-    as a unit w.r.t. keyboard focus (move pointer in and out).
-    Again, without tabbing:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        top delegate:group.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    and, with tabbing:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        group makeAllTabable.
-        top delegate:group.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    as above, but close the box when the last field is left
-    via return - notice, that tabbing still wraps around:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        group leaveAction:[top destroy].
-        group makeAllTabable.
-        top delegate:group.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    in the next example, tabbing out of the last field
-    closes the box as well:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        group leaveAction:[top destroy].
-        group makeAllTabable.
-        group leaveOnTabLast:true.
-        top delegate:group.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    the next example shows that the input order is defined by the
-    order in the group; NOT by the physical layout of the fields in the superview:
-    (i.e. you can arrange your fields in multiple framedBoxes, panels or
-     subviews - independent of the tab-stepping order)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3|
-        top := StandardSystemView label:'reverse'.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field3; add:field2; add:field1.
-        group leaveAction:[top destroy].
-        group makeAllTabable.
-        top delegate:group.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    using a single model for all fields:
-    (here, we use a Plug to simulate a more complex model):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel group field1 field2 field3 model
-         value1 value2 value3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel add:(field1 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field2 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        panel add:(field3 := EditField extent:(1.0 @ nil)).
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        group add:field1; add:field2; add:field3.
-        group leaveAction:[top destroy].
-        group makeAllTabable.
-        value1 := 'one'. value2 := 'two'. value3 := 'three'.
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#value1 with:[value1].
-        model respondTo:#value1: with:[:arg | value1 := arg].
-        model respondTo:#value2 with:[value2].
-        model respondTo:#value2: with:[:arg | value2 := arg].
-        model respondTo:#value3 with:[value3].
-        model respondTo:#value3: with:[:arg | value3 := arg].
-        field1 model:model; aspect:#value1; change:#value1:.
-        field2 model:model; aspect:#value2; change:#value2:.
-        field3 model:model; aspect:#value3; change:#value3:.
-        top delegate:group.
-        top openModal.
-        Transcript showCR:'value1: ' , value1.
-        Transcript showCR:'value2: ' , value2.
-        Transcript showCR:'value3: ' , value3.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    all of the above is done automatically for you, 
-    if you add inputFields to a dialogBox.
-    Here, all fields use the same model, but different aspects:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box model
-         value1 value2 value3|
-        box := DialogBox new.
-        box extent:200@200.
-        value1 := 'one'. value2 := 'two'. value3 := 'three'.
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#value1 with:[value1].
-        model respondTo:#value1: with:[:arg | value1 := arg].
-        model respondTo:#value2 with:[value2].
-        model respondTo:#value2: with:[:arg | value2 := arg].
-        model respondTo:#value3 with:[value3].
-        model respondTo:#value3: with:[:arg | value3 := arg].
-        (box addInputFieldOn:model) aspect:#value1; change:#value1:.
-        box addVerticalSpace.
-        (box addInputFieldOn:model) aspect:#value2; change:#value2:.
-        box addVerticalSpace.
-        (box addInputFieldOn:model) aspect:#value3; change:#value3:.
-        box addOkButton.
-        box open.
-        Transcript showCR:'value1: ' , value1.
-        Transcript showCR:'value2: ' , value2.
-        Transcript showCR:'value3: ' , value3.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    Here, the fields use different models, but the same aspect:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box model
-         valueHolder1 valueHolder2 valueHolder3|
-        box := DialogBox new.
-        box extent:200@200.
-        valueHolder1 := 'one' asValue. 
-        valueHolder2 := 'two' asValue. 
-        valueHolder3 := 'three' asValue.
-        box addInputFieldOn:valueHolder1.
-        box addVerticalSpace.
-        box addInputFieldOn:valueHolder2.
-        box addVerticalSpace.
-        box addInputFieldOn:valueHolder3.
-        box addOkButton.
-        box open.
-        Transcript showCR:'value1: ' , valueHolder1 value.
-        Transcript showCR:'value2: ' , valueHolder2 value.
-        Transcript showCR:'value3: ' , valueHolder3 value.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 16:43:28 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return a collection of the inputFields contained in the group."
-     ^ fields
-    "set the action to perform when the last field is left.
-     Usually, this is to accept the values of all fields and perform
-     some additional processing (such as closing a dialog)."
-    leaveAction := aBlock
-    "specifies if leaving the last field via Tab
-     should leave the group or stay in the group.
-     (if staying, either wrap or not, depending on the setting of wrap)
-     The default is to stay in the group"
-    leaveOnTabLast := aBoolean
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 17:22:30 / cg"
-    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 17:22:44 / cg"
-    "make all fields tabable"
-    fields do:[:field |
-        field makeTabable
-    ]
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 17:11:41 / cg"
-    "specifies if leaving the last field via non-Return
-     (i.e. Tab or Cursor-Down) should wrap back to the first, 
-     or leave the group.
-     The default is to not leave the group and wrap back to the first field."
-    wrap := aBoolean
-    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 17:19:50 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup methodsFor:'adding / removing'!
-    "add another field to the group.
-     Cursor motion out of the previous field will lead to the next
-     one and vice versa."
-    self add:aField before:nil
-    "Modified: 18.10.1997 / 03:19:51 / cg"
-add:aField before:anotherField
-    "add another field to the group into a particular position
-     within the tabbing order.
-     Cursor motion out of the previous field will lead to the next
-     one and vice versa."
-    fields isNil ifTrue:[
-        fields := OrderedCollection new
-    ].
-    anotherField isNil ifTrue:[
-        fields add:aField.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        fields add:aField before:anotherField
-    ].
-    aField delegate:self.
-    aField hideCursor.
-"/    aField disable.
-    "set the fields enableAction to disable active field"
-    aField clickAction:[:field |
-        self makeActive:field
-    ].
-    "set the fields leaveAction to enable next field"
-    aField leaveAction:[:field :key |
-        self fieldLeft:field withKey:key
-    ].
-    fields size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        "the first one"
-        self makeActive:aField
-    ]
-    "Created: 18.10.1997 / 03:06:00 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.10.1997 / 03:20:36 / cg"
-    "remove a field from the group."
-    fields isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    (fields includesIdentical:aField) ifFalse:[^ self].
-    fields removeIdentical:aField.
-    "Created: 18.10.1997 / 02:53:29 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.10.1997 / 03:21:09 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup methodsFor:'event forwarding'!
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y view:aView
-    "clicking on a field activates it and forwards the click to it"
-    self makeActive:aView.
-    aView buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-handlesButtonPress:button inView:aView
-    "query from event processor: am I interested in button-events ?
-     yes I am (to activate the clicked-on field)."
-   ^ true
-handlesKeyPress:key inView:aView
-    "query from event processor: am I interested in key-events ?
-     yes I am (to forward it to the active field)."
-    ^ true
-handlesKeyRelease:key inView:aView
-    "query from event processor: am I interested in key-events ?
-     yes I am (to forward it to the active field)."
-    ^ true
-keyPress:key x:x y:y view:aView
-    "key-press in any field - forward the key to the active field
-     (with nil coordinates to indicate that the key was pressed
-      outside. However, this info is not used by any view currently)"
-    currentField notNil ifTrue:[
-        currentField keyPress:key x:nil y:nil
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 18.9.1998 / 20:00:36 / cg"
-keyRelease:key x:x y:y view:aView
-    "key-release in any field - forward the key to the active field.
-     (with -1/-1 as coordinate to indicate that the key was pressed
-      outside. However, this info is not used by any view currently)"
-    currentField notNil ifTrue:[
-	currentField keyRelease:key x:-1 y:-1
-    ]
-    "forward focus display to the active field "
-    currentField notNil ifTrue:[
-        currentField showFocus:onOrOff
-    ]
-    "Modified: 4.3.1996 / 22:18:22 / cg"
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 16:41:38 / cg"
-    "forward nofocus display to the active field "
-    currentField notNil ifTrue:[
-        currentField showNoFocus:onOrOff
-    ]
-    "Modified: 4.3.1996 / 22:18:22 / cg"
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 16:42:07 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup methodsFor:'group control'!
-fieldLeft:aField withKey:key
-    "some of my fields was left using key.
-     Figure out, which one to give the focus:
-     If there are more fields, go to that one;
-     otherwise, handle this like tabbing to the next component"
-    |thisIndex action next wg explicit nFields nextField fs
-     delta|
-    action := key.
-    nFields := fields size.
-    thisIndex := fields indexOf:aField.
-    "/ if there is a windowGroup, which has a focusSequence,
-    "/ and the group is left, let it control who is going to get the
-    "/ focus. Otherwise, stay within the group.
-    "/ Q: is this a good idea (or should we always stay here) ?
-    ((wg := aField windowGroup) notNil
-    and:[(fs := wg focusSequence) notNil
-    and:[fs includesIdentical:aField]]) ifTrue:[
-        ((key == #CursorUp) or:[key == #PreviousField]) ifTrue:[
-            (thisIndex == 1) ifTrue:[
-                ^ wg focusPreviousFrom:aField
-            ].
-        ].
-        ((key == #CursorDown) 
-        or:[key == #NextField
-        or:[key == #Tab]]) ifTrue:[
-            (thisIndex == nFields) ifTrue:[
-                ^ wg focusNextFrom:aField
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    ((key == #CursorUp) or:[key == #PreviousField]) ifTrue:[
-        delta := -1.
-        (thisIndex == 1) ifTrue:[
-            next := nFields
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            next := thisIndex - 1
-        ]
-    ].
-    ((key == #CursorDown) 
-    or:[key == #NextField
-    or:[key == #Tab]]) ifTrue:[
-        delta := 1.
-        (thisIndex == nFields) ifTrue:[
-            next := 1.
-            wrap == false ifTrue:[
-                action := #Return.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            next := thisIndex + 1
-        ]
-    ].
-    ((action == #Return)
-    or:[key == #Tab and:[leaveOnTabLast == true]]) ifTrue:[
-        delta := 1.
-        (thisIndex == nFields) ifTrue:[
-            leaveAction notNil ifTrue:[
-                self makeInactive:aField.
-                currentField := nil.
-                leaveAction value.
-                next := nil
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                next := 1
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            next := thisIndex + 1
-        ]
-    ].
-    next notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ search for the next enabled field
-        nextField := fields at:next.
-        [nextField notNil 
-         and:[nextField enabled not
-               or:[nextField realized not]]] whileTrue:[
-            next := next + delta.
-            next < 1 ifTrue:[
-                next := fields size.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                next > fields size ifTrue:[
-                    next := 1
-                ]
-            ].
-            next == thisIndex ifTrue:[
-                nextField := next := nil
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                nextField := fields at:next.
-            ]
-        ].
-        next isNil ifTrue:[
-            delta < 0 ifTrue:[
-                ^ wg focusPreviousFrom:aField
-            ].
-            ^ wg focusNextFrom:aField.
-        ].
-        nextField := fields at:next.
-        explicit := false.
-        (wg := currentField windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-            wg focusView == currentField ifTrue:[
-                explicit := true.
-            ]
-        ].
-        explicit ifTrue:[
-            wg focusView:nextField byTab:(wg focusCameByTab).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self makeActive:nextField 
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: / 18.10.1997 / 03:03:34 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 18.9.1998 / 20:16:48 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup methodsFor:'misc'!
-    "pass controll to my first field"
-    fields notNil ifTrue:[
-        self makeActive:fields first
-    ]
-    "Modified: 7.2.1996 / 15:23:09 / cg"
-    "pass controll to my first field, if there is no current field"
-    currentField isNil ifTrue:[
-        self activateFirst
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        currentField requestFocus
-    ]
-    "Created: / 13.8.1998 / 21:22:35 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 15.3.1999 / 08:22:18 / cg"
-    "pass controll to my last field"
-    fields notNil ifTrue:[
-        self makeActive:fields last
-    ]
-    "Modified: 7.2.1996 / 15:23:09 / cg"
-    "Created: 22.5.1996 / 19:04:05 / cg"
-    ^ aView == currentField
-    "Created: / 18.9.1998 / 19:57:49 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 18.9.1998 / 19:58:23 / cg"
-    "make the current field inActive (take its focus)"
-    self makeInactive:currentField
-    "Created: 22.5.1996 / 18:58:56 / cg"
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 19:03:44 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup methodsFor:'private'!
-    "make a specific field the active one"
-    currentField == aField ifTrue:[^ self].
-    currentField notNil ifTrue:[
-        currentField hideCursor.
-        currentField hasKeyboardFocus:false.
-    ].
-    currentField := aField.
-    currentField showCursor.
-    currentField hasKeyboardFocus:true.
-    "Modified: 21.5.1996 / 21:21:07 / cg"
-    "make a specific field inActive"
-    currentField == aField ifTrue:[currentField := nil].
-    aField notNil ifTrue:[
-        aField hideCursor.
-        aField hasKeyboardFocus:false.
-    ].
-    "Created: 21.5.1996 / 21:20:57 / cg"
-! !
-!EnterFieldGroup class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.37 1999-03-16 14:13:29 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4670 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-TextView subclass:#EditTextView
-	instanceVariableNames:'cursorLine cursorVisibleLine cursorCol cursorShown
-		prevCursorState readOnly modifiedChannel fixedSize exceptionBlock
-		cursorFgColor cursorBgColor cursorNoFocusFgColor cursorType
-		cursorTypeNoFocus undoAction typeOfSelection lastString
-		lastReplacement lastAction replacing showMatchingParenthesis
-		hasKeyboardFocus acceptAction lockUpdates tabMeansNextField
-		autoIndent insertMode trimBlankLines wordWrap
-		replacementWordSelectStyle acceptChannel acceptEnabled st80Mode'
-	classVariableNames:'DefaultCursorForegroundColor DefaultCursorBackgroundColor
-		DefaultCursorType DefaultCursorNoFocusForegroundColor ST80Mode
-		DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Text'
-!EditTextView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a view for editable text - adds editing functionality to TextView
-    Also, it adds accept functionality, and defines a new actionBlock: 
-    acceptAction to be performed for accept
-    If used with a model, this is informed by sending it a changeMsg with
-    the current contents as argument.
-    (however, it is possible to define both changeMsg and acceptAction)
-    Please read the historic notice in the ListView class.
-    [Instance variables:]
-	cursorLine              <Number>        line where cursor sits (1..)
-	cursorVisibleLine       <Number>        visible line where cursor sits (1..nLinesShown)
-	cursorCol               <Number>        col where cursor sits (1..)
-	cursorShown             <Boolean>       true, if cursor is currently shown
-	readOnly                <Boolean>       true, if text may not be edited
-	modifiedChannel         <ValueHolder>   holding true, if text has been modified.
-						cleared on accept.
-	acceptChannel           <ValueHolder>   holding true, if text has been accepted.
-	fixedSize               <Boolean>       true, if no lines may be added/removed
-	exceptionBlock          <Block>         block to be evaluated when readonly text is about to be modified
-						if it returns true, the modification will be done anyway.
-						if it returns anything else, the modification is not done.
-	cursorFgColor           <Color>         color used for cursor drawing
-	cursorBgColor           <Color>         color used for cursor drawing
-	cursorType              <Symbol>        how the cursor is drawn; currently implemented
-						are #block (solid-block cursor), #ibeam
-						(vertical bar at insertion point) 
-						and #caret (caret below insertion-point)
-	cursorTypeNoFocus       <Symbol>        like above, if view has no focus
-						nil means: hide the cursor.
-	undoAction              <Block>         block which undoes last cut, paste or replace
-						(not yet fully implemented)
-	typeOfSelection         <Symbol>        #paste, if selection created by paste, nil otherwise
-						this affects the next keyPress: if #paste it does not
-						replace; otherwise it replaces the selection.
-	lastCut                 <String>        last cut or replaced string
-	lastReplacement         <String>        last replacement
-	replacing               <Boolean>       true if entered characters replace last selection
-	showMatchingParenthesis <Boolean>       if true, shows matching parenthesis
-						when entering one; this is the default.
-	hasKeyboardFocus        <Boolean>       true if this view has the focus
-	acceptAction            <Block>         accept action - evaluated passing the contents as 
-						argument 
-	tabMeansNextField       <Boolean>       if true, Tab is ignored as input and shifts keyboard
-						focus to the next field. For editTextViews, this is false
-						by default (i.e. tabs can be entered into the text).
-						For some subclasses (inputFields), this may be true.
-	trimBlankLines          <Boolean>       if true, trailing blanks are
-						removed when editing.
-						Default is true.
-	wordWrap                <Boolean>       Currently not used.
-	lockUpdates             <Boolean>       internal, private
-	prevCursorState         <Boolean>       temporary, private
-    class variables:
-	ST80Mode                <Boolean>       if true, cursor positioning is
-						done as in vi or ST80; i.e.
-						wysiwyg mode is somewhat relaxed,
-						in that the cursor cannot be
-						positioned behind a lines end.
-						This is not yet completely implemented.
-    used globals:
-	DeleteHistory           <Text>          last 1000 lines of deleted text
-						(but only if this variable exists already)
-    [styleSheet parameters:]
-	textCursorForegroundColor <Color>       cursor fg color; default: text background
-	textCursorBackgroundColor <Color>       cursor bg color; default: text foreground
-	textCursorNoFocusForegroundColor 
-				  <Color>       cursor fg color if no focus; default: cursor fg color
-	textCursorType            <Symbol>      cursor type; default:  #block
-    [author:]
-	Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-	CodeView Workspace TextView ListView
-	EditField
-  non MVC operation:
-    basic setup:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top textView|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@200.
-	textView := EditTextView new.
-	textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top addSubView:textView.
-	textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
-	top open.
-									[exEnd]
-    with vertical scrollbar:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scrollView textView|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@200.
-	scrollView := ScrollableView for:EditTextView.
-	textView := scrollView scrolledView.
-	scrollView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top addSubView:scrollView.
-	textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
-	top open.
-									[exEnd]
-    with horizontal & vertical scrollbars:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scrollView textView|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@200.
-	scrollView := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView.
-	textView := scrollView scrolledView.
-	scrollView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top addSubView:scrollView.
-	textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
-	top open.
-									[exEnd]
-    set the action for accept:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top textView|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@200.
-	textView := EditTextView new.
-	textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top addSubView:textView.
-	textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
-	textView acceptAction:[:contents |
-				Transcript showCR:'will not overwrite the file with:'.
-				Transcript showCR:contents asString
-			      ].
-	top open.
-									[exEnd]
-    non-string (text) items:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top textView list|
-	list := '/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile asStringCollection.
-	1 to:list size by:2 do:[:nr |
-	    list at:nr put:(Text string:(list at:nr)
-				 emphasis:(Array with:#bold with:(#color->Color red)))
-	].
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@200.
-	textView := EditTextView new.
-	textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top addSubView:textView.
-	textView contents:list.
-	top open.
-									[exEnd]
-  MVC operation:
-    (the examples model here is a plug simulating a real model;
-     real world applications would not use a plug ..)
-									[exBegin]
-	|top textView model|
-	model := Plug new.
-	model respondTo:#accepted:
-		   with:[:newContents | 
-				Transcript showCR:'will not overwrite the file with:'.
-				Transcript showCR:newContents asString
-			].
-	model respondTo:#getList
-		   with:['/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile].
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@200.
-	textView := EditTextView new.
-	textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top addSubView:textView.
-	textView listMessage:#getList;
-		 model:model;
-		 changeMessage:#accepted:;
-		 aspect:#list.
-	top open.
-									[exEnd]
-    two textViews on the same model:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top1 textView1 top2 textView2 model currentContents|
-	model := Plug new.
-	model respondTo:#accepted:
-		   with:[:newContents |
-				Transcript showCR:'accepted:'.
-				Transcript showCR:newContents asString.
-				currentContents := newContents.
-				model changed:#contents
-			].
-	model respondTo:#getList
-		   with:[Transcript showCR:'query'.
-			 currentContents].
-	top1 := StandardSystemView new.
-	top1 extent:300@200.
-	textView1 := EditTextView new.
-	textView1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top1 addSubView:textView1.
-	textView1 listMessage:#getList;
-		  model:model;
-		  aspect:#contents;
-		  changeMessage:#accepted:.
-	top1 open.
-	top2 := StandardSystemView new.
-	top2 extent:300@200.
-	textView2 := EditTextView new.
-	textView2 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-	top2 addSubView:textView2.
-	textView2 listMessage:#getList;
-		  model:model;
-		  aspect:#contents;
-		  changeMessage:#accepted:.
-	top2 open.
-									[exEnd]
-! !
-!EditTextView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "return true, if the st80 editing mode is turned on.
-     This setting affects the behavior of the cursor, when positioned
-     behond the end of a line or the end of the text.
-     The default is initialized from the viewStyle."
-    ^ ST80Mode
-   "
-    EditTextView st80Mode:true
-    EditTextView st80Mode:false
-   "
-    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 22:54:57 / cg"
-    "turns on/off st80 behavior, where the cursor cannot be positioned
-     behond the end of a line or the last line"
-    ST80Mode := aBoolean.
-   "
-    EditTextView st80Mode:true
-    EditTextView st80Mode:false
-   "
-    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 22:55:19 / cg"
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'textCursor.foregroundColor' #'textCursor.backgroundColor'
-                       #'textCursor.noFocusForegroundColor' 
-                       #'textCursor.type' #'textCursor.typeNoFocus'
-                       #'editText.st80Mode')>
-    DefaultCursorForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textCursor.foregroundColor'.
-    DefaultCursorBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textCursor.backgroundColor'.
-    DefaultCursorNoFocusForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textCursor.noFocusForegroundColor'.
-    DefaultCursorType := StyleSheet at:'textCursor.type' default:#block.
-    DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus := StyleSheet at:'textCursor.typeNoFocus'.
-    ST80Mode := StyleSheet at:'editText.st80Mode' default:false.
-    "
-     self updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Modified: / 20.5.1998 / 04:27:41 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'ST-80 compatibility'!
-    "ignored for now"
-    "Created: / 5.6.1998 / 15:30:32 / cg"
-    "ignored for now"
-    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 00:03:49 / cg"
-    self readOnly:aBoolean not
-    "Created: / 30.3.1999 / 15:10:23 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 15:10:53 / stefan"
-    ^ self modified
-    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 00:09:43 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'ST-80 compatibility editing'!
-    self cut
-    "Created: / 31.10.1997 / 03:29:50 / cg"
-    "remove the selection"
-    ^ self unselect
-    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 02:41:54 / cg"
-    self searchFwd:pattern ifAbsent:nil
-    "Created: / 29.1.1999 / 19:09:42 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 29.1.1999 / 19:10:12 / cg"
-insert:aString at:aCharacterPosition
-    "insert a string at aCharacterPosition."
-    |line col|
-    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:aCharacterPosition.
-    col := aCharacterPosition - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
-    col < 1 ifTrue:[
-        col := 1
-    ].
-    self insertString:aString atLine:line col:col.
-    "
-     |top v|
-     top := StandardSystemView new.
-     top extent:300@300.
-     v := EditTextView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-     top openAndWait.
-     v contents:'1234567890\1234567890\1234567890\' withCRs.
-     v insert:'<- hello there' at:5.
-    "
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 17:20:08 / cg"
-insertAndSelect:aString at:aCharacterPosition
-    "insert a selected string at aCharacterPosition."
-    |line col|
-    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:aCharacterPosition.
-    col := aCharacterPosition - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
-    self insertString:aString atLine:line col:col.
-    self selectFromLine:line col:col toLine:line col:col + aString size - 1
-    "
-     |v|
-     v := EditTextView new openAndWait.
-     v contents:'1234567890\1234567890\1234567890\' withCRs.
-     v insertAndSelect:'<- hello there' at:5.
-    "
-    self paste
-    "Created: / 31.10.1997 / 03:28:53 / cg"
-    ^ self replaceSelectionBy:aString
-    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 02:42:32 / cg"
-    "move the cursor before cursorPosition."
-    self cursorToCharacterPosition:pos
-    "Modified: / 19.6.1998 / 02:41:28 / cg"
-    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 02:43:39 / cg"
-selectFrom:startPos to:endPos
-    "change the selection given two aCharacterPositions."
-    |line1 col1 line2 col2|
-    startPos > endPos ifTrue:[
-        ^ self unselect
-    ].
-    line1 := self lineOfCharacterPosition:startPos.
-    col1 := startPos - (self characterPositionOfLine:line1 col:1) + 1.
-    col1 < 1 ifTrue:[
-        col1 := 1
-    ].
-    line2 := self lineOfCharacterPosition:endPos.
-    col2 := startPos - (self characterPositionOfLine:line2 col:1) + 1.
-    col2 < 1 ifTrue:[
-        col2 := 1
-    ].
-    self selectFromLine:line1 col:col1 toLine:line2 col:col2
-    "Modified: / 19.6.1998 / 02:41:28 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "return the action to be performed on accept (or nil)"
-    ^ acceptAction
-    "set the action to be performed on accept"
-    acceptAction := aBlock
-    "enable/disable accept. This greys the corresponding item in the menu"
-    acceptEnabled := aBoolean
-    "Created: 7.3.1997 / 11:04:34 / cg"
-    autoIndent := aBoolean
-    "Created: 5.3.1996 / 14:37:50 / cg"
-    "define the action to be triggered when user tries to modify
-     readonly text"
-    exceptionBlock := aBlock
-    insertMode := aBoolean
-    "Created: 6.3.1996 / 12:24:05 / cg"
-    "set/clear tabbing to the next field.
-     If true, Tab is ignored and shifts the keyboard focus.
-     If false, tabs can be entered into the text.
-     The default is true for editTextView, false for single-line
-     input fields."
-    tabMeansNextField := aBoolean
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!
-    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was accepted.
-     By placing a true into this channel, an accept can also be forced."
-    ^ acceptChannel
-    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:17:11 / cg"
-    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was accepted.
-     By placing a true into this channel, an accept can also be forced."
-    |prev|
-    prev := acceptChannel.
-    acceptChannel := aValueHolder.
-    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev
-    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:51:09 / cg"
-    "return true if text was accepted"
-    ^ acceptChannel value
-    "Created: 14.2.1997 / 16:43:46 / cg"
-    "set/clear the accepted flag.
-     This may force my current contents to be placed into my model."
-    acceptChannel value:aBoolean.
-    "Created: / 14.2.1997 / 16:44:01 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:20:15 / cg"
-at:lineNr basicPut:aLine
-    "change a line without change notification"
-    (self at:lineNr) = aLine ifFalse:[
-        super at:lineNr put:aLine.
-    ].
-at:lineNr put:aLine
-    (self at:lineNr) = aLine ifFalse:[
-	super at:lineNr put:aLine.
-	self textChanged
-    ].
-    "return the character under the cursor - space if behond line.
-     For non-block cursors, this is the character immediately to the right
-     of the insertion-bar or caret."
-    cursorCol == 1 ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ self characterAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1
-    "Created: / 17.6.1998 / 15:16:41 / cg"
-    "return the character under the cursor - space if behond line.
-     For non-block cursors, this is the character immediately to the right
-     of the insertion-bar or caret."
-    ^ self characterAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
-    "return the contents as a String"
-    list isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
-    self removeTrailingBlankLines.
-    ^ list asStringWithCRs
-    "return the cursors col (1..).
-     This is the absolute col; NOT the visible col"
-    ^ cursorCol
-    "return the cursors line (1..). 
-     This is the absolute line; NOT the visible line"
-    ^ cursorLine
-    "make the texts size fixed (no lines may be added).
-     OBSOLETE: use readOnly"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #readOnly:'.
-    readOnly == true ifFalse:[
-        readOnly := true.
-        middleButtonMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-            middleButtonMenu disableAll:#(cut paste replace indent)
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:24 / cg"
-    "return true, if the text is readonly."
-    ^ readOnly value
-    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:56 / cg"
-    "position cursor home when setting contents"
-    super list:something.
-    self cursorHome
-    "return true if text was modified"
-    ^ modifiedChannel value
-    "set/clear the modified flag"
-    modifiedChannel value:aBoolean
-    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 16:44:05 / cg"
-    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"
-    ^ modifiedChannel
-    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"
-    |prev|
-    prev := modifiedChannel.
-    modifiedChannel := aValueHolder.
-    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev
-    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:51:32 / cg"
-    "make the text readonly.
-     Somewhat obsolete - use #readOnly:"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #readOnly:'.
-    readOnly := true
-    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:56 / cg"
-    "make the text readonly (aBoolean == true) or writable (aBoolean == false).
-     The argument may also be a valueHolder."
-    readOnly := aBoolean
-    "Created: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:39 / cg"
-    |selType|
-    selType := typeOfSelection.
-    super setContents:something.
-    typeOfSelection := selType.
-    "Created: / 31.3.1998 / 23:35:06 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-cursorForegroundColor:color1 backgroundColor:color2
-    "set both cursor foreground and cursor background colors"
-    |wasOn|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    cursorFgColor := color1 onDevice:device.
-    cursorBgColor := color2 onDevice:device.
-    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
-    "return the style of the text cursor.
-     Currently, supported are: #block, #frame, #ibeam, #caret, #solidCaret
-                               #bigCaret and #bigSolidCaret"
-    ^ cursorType
-    "Modified: / 5.5.1999 / 14:52:33 / cg"
-    "set the style of the text cursor.
-     Currently, supported are: #block, #frame, #ibeam, #caret, #solidCaret
-			       #bigCaret and #bigSolidCaret"
-    cursorType := aCursorTypeSymbol.
-    "Created: 21.9.1997 / 13:42:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 13:43:35 / cg"
-    "return the style of the text cursor when the view has no focus.
-     If left unspecified, this is the same as the regular cursorType."
-    ^ cursorTypeNoFocus
-    "Created: / 5.5.1999 / 14:52:46 / cg"
-    "set the style of the text cursor when the view has no focus.
-     If left unspecified, this is the same as the regular cursorType."
-    cursorTypeNoFocus := aCursorTypeSymbol
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'change & update '!
-    "accept the current contents by executing the accept-action and/or
-     changeMessage."
-    acceptEnabled == false ifTrue:[
-        device beep.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    lockUpdates := true.
-    "/
-    "/ ST-80 way of doing it
-    "/
-    model notNil ifTrue:[
-        self sendChangeMessageWith:self argForChangeMessage.
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ ST/X way of doing things
-    "/ as a historic (and temporary) leftover,
-    "/ the block is called with a stringCollection
-    "/ - not with the actual string
-    "/
-    acceptAction notNil ifTrue:[
-        acceptAction value:self list
-    ].
-    "/ NO - must be manually reset by application
-    "/ self modified:false.
-    "/ self accepted:true.
-    "/ changed to:
-    acceptChannel value:true withoutNotifying:self.
-    lockUpdates := false.
-    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:19:00 / cg"
-    "return the argument to be passed with the change notification.
-     Defined as separate method for easier subclassability."
-    ^ self contents
-    "Modified: 29.4.1996 / 12:42:14 / cg"
-    "get my contents from the model.
-     Redefined to ignore updates resulting from my own changes
-     (i.e. if lockUpdates is true)."
-    "
-     ignore updates from my own change
-    "
-    lockUpdates ifTrue:[
-	lockUpdates := false.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    ^ super getListFromModel
-    "Modified: 29.4.1996 / 12:42:33 / cg"
-update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
-    changedObject == acceptChannel ifTrue:[
-        acceptChannel value == true ifTrue:[ 
-            self accept.
-        ].
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
-    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:15:56 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 1.2.1998 / 13:15:55 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'cursor handling'!
-    "move cursor to prev tabstop"
-    self cursorCol:(self prevTabBefore:cursorCol).
-    "move cursor to some column in the current line"
-    |wasOn|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:newCol inLine:cursorLine.
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 14:25:53 / cg"
-    "move cursor down; scroll if at end of visible text;
-     beep if at end of physical text."
-    |wasOn|
-    self cursorDown:1.
-    "/ cursor behond text ?
-    cursorLine > list size ifTrue:[
-        wasOn := self hideCursor.
-        cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:(list size + 1).
-        cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:cursorCol inLine:cursorLine.
-        cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-        "/ wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
-        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-        self beep.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 17:00:23 / cg"
-    "move cursor down by n lines; scroll if at end of visible text"
-    |wasOn nv|
-    cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        wasOn := self hideCursor.
-        nv := cursorVisibleLine + n - 1.
-        (nv >= nFullLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            self scrollDown:(nv - nFullLinesShown + 1)
-        ].
-        cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:(cursorLine + n).
-        cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:cursorCol inLine:cursorLine.
-        cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-        "/ wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
-        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[
-            cursorLine := firstLineShown
-        ].
-        cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:(cursorLine + n).
-        cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:cursorCol inLine:cursorLine.
-        cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 16:59:17 / cg"
-    "scroll to top AND move cursor to first line of text."
-    self cursorLine:1 col:1
-"/    |wasOn|
-"/    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-"/    self scrollToTop.
-"/    cursorLine := cursorVisibleLine := 1.
-"/    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:1 inLine:cursorLine.
-"/    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:26:42 / cg"
-    "move cursor to left"
-    (cursorCol ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
-        self cursorCol:(cursorCol - 1)
-    ] ifFalse:[
-"/ no, do not wrap back to previous line
-"/        cursorLine ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-"/            ST80Mode == true ifTrue:[
-"/                self cursorUp.
-"/                self cursorToEndOfLine.
-"/           ]
-"/        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 12:37:13 / cg"
-cursorLine:line col:col
-    "this positions onto physical - not visible - line"
-    |wasOn newCol|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:line.
-    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-    (col < 1) ifTrue:[
-        newCol := 1
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newCol := col.
-    ].
-    st80Mode ifTrue:[
-        (cursorLine == list size
-        and:[cursorLine ~~ line]) ifTrue:[
-            newCol := (self listAt:(list size)) size + 1.
-        ]
-    ].
-    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:newCol inLine:cursorLine.
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:06 / cg"
-    "return true, if the user may move the cursor around
-     (via button-click, or cursor-key with selection).
-     By default, true is returned, but this may be redefined
-     in special subclasses (such as a terminal view), where
-     this is not wanted"
-    ^ true
-    "Created: / 18.6.1998 / 14:11:16 / cg"
-    "move cursor to start of next line; scroll if at end of visible text"
-    |wasOn|
-    self checkForExistingLine:(cursorLine + 1).
-    cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	nFullLinesShown notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (cursorVisibleLine >= nFullLinesShown) ifTrue:[self scrollDown]
-	]
-    ].
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:cursorLine + 1.
-    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:1 inLine:cursorLine.
-    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:27:34 / cg"
-    "move cursor to right"
-    |l|
-    st80Mode == true ifTrue:[
-        l := (self listAt:cursorLine).
-        cursorCol >= (l size + 1) ifTrue:[
-"/ no, do not wrap to next line
-"/            cursorLine < list size ifTrue:[
-"/                self cursorReturn.
-"/            ].
-            ^ self    
-        ]
-    ].    
-    self cursorCol:(cursorCol + 1)
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:07 / cg"
-    "change cursor visibility
-     return true if cursor was visible before."
-    |oldState|
-    oldState := cursorShown.
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        self drawCursor.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (cursorShown and:[shown]) ifTrue: [
-            self undrawCursor.
-        ].
-    ].
-    cursorShown := aBoolean.
-    ^ oldState
-    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 15:32:43 / stefan"
-    "Created: / 30.3.1999 / 15:59:30 / stefan"
-    "move cursor to next tabstop"
-    self cursorCol:(self nextTabAfter:cursorCol).
-    "move cursor to start of current line"
-    self cursorCol:1
-    "move cursor to last line of text"
-    |wasOn newTop|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    newTop := list size - nFullLinesShown.
-    (newTop < 1) ifTrue:[
-	newTop := 1
-    ].
-    self scrollToLine:newTop.
-    cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:list size.
-    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:1 inLine:cursorLine.
-    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:27:45 / cg"
-    "compute line/col from character position (1..)
-     and move the cursor onto that char"
-    |line col|
-    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:pos.
-    col := pos - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
-    self cursorLine:line col:col
-    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 21:55:33 / cg"
-    "move cursor down below last line of text"
-    |wasOn newTop l line|
-    l := list size.
-    cursorLine >= l ifTrue:[
-	line := self listAt:cursorLine.
-	(line isNil or:[line isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self
-	]
-    ].
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    l := l + 1.
-    newTop :=  l - nFullLinesShown.
-    (newTop < 1) ifTrue:[
-	newTop := 1
-    ].
-    self scrollToLine:newTop.
-    cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:l.
-    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:1 inLine:1.
-    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:27:53 / cg"
-    "move cursor to end of current line"
-    |line|
-    line := (self listAt:cursorLine).
-    self cursorCol:(line size + 1)
-    "Modified: 13.8.1997 / 15:34:02 / cg"
-    "place cursor into the first visible line; do not scroll."
-    self cursorLine:(self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:1) col:1
-    "place cursor into the first visible line; do not scroll."
-    self cursorLine:(self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:nFullLinesShown) col:1
-    "move the cursor to the beginning of the next word"
-    |col line searching|
-    (cursorLine > list size) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    self wordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol do:[
-	:beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style | 
-	line := endLine.
-	col := endCol + 1.
-	searching := true.
-	[searching 
-	 and:[(self characterAtLine:line col:col) isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
-	    self wordAtLine:line col:col do:[
-		:beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
-		(line > list size) ifTrue:[
-		    "break out"
-		    searching := false
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    line := endLine.
-		    col := endCol + 1.
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	self cursorLine:line col:col
-    ]
-    "move the cursor to the beginning of this or the previous word"
-    |col line searching l|
-    (cursorLine > list size) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    self wordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol do:[
-	:beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style | 
-	line := beginLine.
-	col := beginCol.
-	style == #wordLeft ifTrue:[
-	    col := col + 1
-	].
-	(cursorLine == line
-	and:[cursorCol == col]) ifTrue:[
-	    searching := true.
-	    col > 1 ifTrue:[
-		col := col - 1.
-	    ].
-	    [searching] whileTrue:[
-		(col == 1) ifTrue:[    
-		    line == 1 ifTrue:[
-			searching := false
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			line := line - 1.
-			l := list at:line.
-			col := l size + 1.
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    (self characterAtLine:line col:col) isSeparator ifFalse:[
-			self wordAtLine:line col:col do:[
-			    :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
-			    line := beginLine.
-			    col := beginCol.
-			    style == #wordLeft ifTrue:[
-				col := col + 1
-			    ].
-			    searching := false.
-			]
-		    ] ifTrue:[
-			col := col - 1
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	self cursorLine:line col:col
-    ]
-    "Created: 8.3.1996 / 21:52:48 / cg"
-    "Modified: 8.3.1996 / 22:12:45 / cg"
-    "move cursor to absolute home"
-    self cursorLine:1 col:1
-    "move cursor up; scroll if at start of visible text"
-    self cursorUp:1
-    "move cursor up n lines; scroll if at start of visible text"
-    |wasOn nv nl|
-    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[
-	cursorLine := firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown - 1.
-    ].
-    nl := cursorLine - n.
-    nl < 1 ifTrue:[nl := 1].
-    (nl ~~ cursorLine) ifTrue: [
-	wasOn := self hideCursor.
-	cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	    nv := cursorVisibleLine - n.
-	    nv < 1 ifTrue:[
-		self scrollUp:(nv negated + 1)
-	    ].
-	].
-	cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:nl.
-	cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-	cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:cursorCol inLine:cursorLine.
-	wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
-"/ to make cursor visible (even if below visible end):
-"/      self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    ]
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:28:11 / cg"
-cursorVisibleLine:visibleLineNr col:colNr
-    "put cursor to visibleline/col"
-    |wasOn newCol|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    cursorLine := self validateCursorLine:(self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:visibleLineNr).
-    cursorVisibleLine := visibleLineNr.
-    newCol := colNr.
-    (newCol < 1) ifTrue:[
-        newCol := 1
-    ].
-    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:newCol inLine:cursorLine.
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:40:28 / cg"
-cursorX:x y:y
-    "put cursor to position next to x/y coordinate in view"
-    |line col|
-    line := self visibleLineOfY:y.
-    col := self colOfX:x inVisibleLine:line.
-    self cursorVisibleLine:line col:col.
-    "draw the cursor if shown and cursor is visible.
-     (but not, if there is a selection - to avoid confusion)"
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
-		self drawCursorCharacter
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-drawCursor:cursorType with:fgColor and:bgColor
-    "draw a cursor; the argument cursorType specifies what type
-     of cursor should be drawn.
-     Currently, supported are: #block, #frame, #ibeam, #caret, #solidCaret
-                               #bigCaret and #bigSolidCaret"
-    |x y w char y2 x1 x2 oldPaint oldClip|
-    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
-        "
-         hide cursor, if there is a selection
-        "
-        ^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
-    ].
-    cursorType == #none ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    cursorType == #block ifTrue:[
-        super drawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine 
-                          col:cursorCol 
-                         with:fgColor
-                          and:bgColor.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    x := (self xOfCol:cursorCol inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine) - leftOffset.
-    y := self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
-    oldPaint := self paint. "/ do not clobber GC
-    cursorType == #frame ifTrue:[
-        super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
-        char := self characterUnderCursor asString.
-        self paint:bgColor.
-        self displayRectangleX:x y:y 
-                         width:(font widthOf:char) height:fontHeight.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self paint:bgColor.
-        cursorType == #ibeam ifTrue:[
-            x1 := x - 1.
-            y2 := y + fontHeight - 1.
-            self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y toX:x1 y:y2. 
-            self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:y2. 
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        cursorType == #Ibeam ifTrue:[
-            x1 := x - 1.
-            y2 := y + fontHeight - 1.
-            self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y toX:x1 y:y2. 
-            self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:y2. 
-            self displayLineFromX:x1-2 y:y toX:x+2 y:y. 
-            self displayLineFromX:x1-2 y:y2 toX:x+2 y:y2. 
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        y := y + fontHeight - 3.
-        ((cursorType == #bigCaret) or:[cursorType == #bigSolidCaret]) ifTrue:[
-            w := (fontWidth * 2 // 3) max:4.
-            y2 := y + w + (w//2).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            w := (fontWidth // 2) max:4.
-            y2 := y + w.
-        ].
-        x1 := x - w.
-        x2 := x + w.
-        oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
-        self clippingRectangle:(margin@margin extent:(width-margin) @ (height-margin)).
-        cursorType == #caret ifTrue:[
-            self lineWidth:2.
-            self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y2 toX:x y:y. 
-            self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x2 y:y2. 
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "anything else: solidCaret"
-            self fillPolygon:(Array with:(x1 @ y2)
-                                    with:(x @ y)
-                                    with:(x2 @ y2))
-        ].
-        self clippingRectangle:oldClip
-    ].
-    self paint:oldPaint.
-    "Modified: 18.2.1997 / 15:19:03 / cg"
-    "draw the cursor. 
-     (i.e. the cursor if no selection)
-     - helper for many cursor methods"
-    (hasKeyboardFocus 
-    and:[self enabled
-    and:[readOnly not]]) ifTrue:[
-        self drawFocusCursor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self drawNoFocusCursor
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 23.3.1999 / 13:52:48 / cg"
-    "draw the cursor when the focus is in the view."
-    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
-	^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
-    ].
-    cursorType == #none ifTrue:[
-	^ self undrawCursor
-    ].
-    self drawCursor:cursorType with:cursorFgColor and:cursorBgColor.
-    "Modified: 22.9.1997 / 00:16:38 / cg"
-    "draw the cursor for the case when the view has no keyboard focus" 
-    |cType|
-    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
-	^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
-    ].
-    cType := cursorTypeNoFocus ? cursorType.
-    cType == #none ifTrue:[
-	^ self undrawCursor
-    ].
-    cType == #block ifTrue:[
-	^ self drawCursor:#frame with:cursorNoFocusFgColor and:cursorBgColor
-    ].
-    ^ self drawCursor:cType with:cursorNoFocusFgColor and:cursorNoFocusFgColor.
-    "Modified: 22.9.1997 / 00:16:13 / cg"
-    "position cursor onto line, aLineNumber.
-     Make certain that this line is visible"
-    self makeLineVisible:aLineNumber.
-    self cursorLine:aLineNumber col:1
-    "make cursor invisible if currently invisible"
-    ^ self cursorShown:false
-    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 16:02:28 / stefan"
-    "scroll text to make cursorline visible 
-     (i.e. to have cursorLine in visible area)"
-    |line col|
-    cursorLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	line := cursorLine.
-	col := cursorCol.
-	"
-	 if there is a selection, its better to
-	 have its start being visible, instead of the end
-	"
-	(selectionStartLine notNil 
-	and:[selectionEndLine notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	    expandingTop ~~ false ifTrue:[
-		line := selectionStartLine.
-		col := selectionStartCol.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		line := selectionEndLine.
-		col := selectionEndCol
-	    ]
-	].
-	self makeLineVisible:line.
-	self makeColVisible:col inLine:line 
-    ]
-    "Modified: 6.3.1996 / 13:46:46 / cg"
-    "scroll to make cursorLine visible;
-     if flag is true, draw the cursor"
-    self makeCursorVisible.
-    flag ifTrue:[self showCursor]
-    "make cursor visible if currently invisible"
-    ^ self cursorShown:true
-    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 16:02:34 / stefan"
-    "undraw the cursor (i.e. redraw the character(s) under the cursor)"
-    |prevCol line oldClip x y|
-    cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        prevCol := cursorCol - 1.
-        ((cursorType == #caret)
-         or:[cursorType == #solidCaret
-         or:[cursorType == #bigSolidCaret
-         or:[cursorType == #bigCaret
-         or:[cursorType == #Ibeam]]]]) ifTrue:[
-            "caret-cursor touches 4 characters"
-            ((cursorCol > 1) and:[fontIsFixedWidth]) ifTrue:[
-                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
-                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine+1 from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "care for left margin"
-                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine; redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine+1.
-            ].
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        cursorType == #ibeam ifTrue:[
-            "ibeam-cursor touches 2 characters"
-            cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
-                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "care for left margin"
-                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
-            ].
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        "block cursor is simple - just one character under cursor"
-        "/ however, if italic characters are involved, we must care
-        "/ for the chars before/after the cursor.
-        "/ We redraw the part of the previous character which got
-        "/ detroyed by the block cursor.
-        "/ (must change the clip, to avoid destroying the prev-prev character) 
-        line := self visibleAt:cursorVisibleLine.
-        (line notNil and:[line isText]) ifTrue:[
-            cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
-                oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
-                x := (self xOfCol:cursorCol inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine) - leftOffset.
-                y := self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
-                self clippingRectangle:(x@y extent:((font width * 2) @ fontHeight)).
-                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine from:cursorCol-1 to:cursorCol.
-                self clippingRectangle:oldClip.
-                ^ self.
-            ].
-        ].
-        super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 22.4.1998 / 09:13:07 / cg"
-validateCursorCol:col inLine:line
-    "check of col is a valid cursor position; return a new col-nr if not.
-     Here, no limits are enforced (and col is returned), 
-     but it may be redefined in EditFields or views which dont like the 
-     cursor to be positioned behind the end of a textLine (vi/st-80 behavior)"
-    |l max|
-    "/ in ST80 mode,
-    "/ the cursor may not be positioned behond the
-    "/ end of a line or behond the last line of the text
-    "/
-    st80Mode == true ifTrue:[
-        l := (self listAt:line).
-        max := l size + 1.
-        col > max ifTrue:[
-            ^ max
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ col
-    "Created: / 22.5.1996 / 14:25:30 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:24 / cg"
-    "check of line is a valid cursor line; return a fixed line-nr if not.
-     Here, no limits are enforced (and line is returned), but it may be 
-     redefined in views which dont like the cursor to be positioned
-     behind the end of the text (vi/st-80 behavior), or want to
-     skip reserved regions"
-    "/
-    "/ in st80Mode, the cursor may not be positioned
-    "/ behond the last line
-    "/
-    st80Mode == true ifTrue:[
-        ^ (line min:(list size)) max:1
-    ].
-    ^ line
-    "Created: / 22.5.1996 / 18:22:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:26 / cg"
-    "evaluate aBlock with cursor off; turn it on afterwards."
-    (shown not or:[cursorShown not]) ifTrue:[
-	^ aBlock value
-    ].
-    self hideCursor.
-    aBlock valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-	self showCursor
-    ]
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'editing'!
-    "copy the selection into the pastBuffer and delete it"
-    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	self setTextSelection:(self selection).
-	self deleteSelection.
-    ].
-    "Created: 27.1.1996 / 16:23:28 / cg"
-    "delete single character under cursor; does not merge lines"
-    |wasOn|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    self deleteCharAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
-deleteCharAtLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "delete a single character at colNr in line lineNr"
-    self deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:colNr toCol:colNr
-    "delete single character to the left of cursor and move cursor to left"
-    |soCol wasOn lineNrAboveCursor ln|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-	(autoIndent
-    and:[cursorCol  ~~ 1
-    and:[cursorLine <= (list size)]]) 
-     ifTrue:[
-	soCol := (self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine) + 1.
-	(cursorCol == soCol and:[soCol > 1]) ifTrue:[
-	    ln := list at:cursorLine.
-	    (ln notNil and:[(ln indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1) < soCol]) ifTrue:[
-		soCol := 1
-	    ]
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	soCol := 1
-    ].
-    (cursorCol ~~ soCol and:[cursorCol ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 somewhere in the middle of a line
-	"
-	self cursorLeft.
-	self deleteCharAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 at begin of line - merge with previous line;
-	 except for the very first line.
-	"
-	(cursorLine == 1) ifFalse:[
-	    lineNrAboveCursor := self validateCursorLine:(cursorLine - 1).
-	    lineNrAboveCursor < cursorLine ifTrue:[
-		self mergeLine:lineNrAboveCursor removeBlanks:false.
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ]
-    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 22:33:04 / cg"
-deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:colNr
-    "delete characters from colNr up to the end in line lineNr"
-    |line|
-    (line := self listAt:lineNr) notNil ifTrue:[
-	self deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:colNr toCol:(line size)
-    ]
-deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr toCol:colNr
-    "delete characters from start up to colNr in line lineNr"
-    self deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:1 toCol:colNr
-    "delete the line where the cursor sits"
-    self deleteLine:cursorLine
-    "delete line"
-    self deleteFromLine:lineNr toLine:lineNr
-deleteLinesWithoutRedrawFrom:startLine to:endLine
-    "delete lines - no redraw;
-     return true, if something was really deleted"
-    |lastLine|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    (list isNil or:[startLine > list size]) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    (endLine > list size) ifTrue:[
-        lastLine := list size
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        lastLine := endLine
-    ].
-    list removeFromIndex:startLine toIndex:lastLine.
-    "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
-    "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
-    "/ length was (one of) the longest.
-    "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
-    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
-    self textChanged.
-    ^ true
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 23:55:29 / cg"
-    "delete the selection"
-    |wasOn startLine startCol endLine endCol|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	wasOn := self hideCursor.
-	startLine := selectionStartLine.
-	startCol := selectionStartCol.
-	endLine := selectionEndLine.
-	endCol := selectionEndCol.
-	self unselectWithoutRedraw.
-	self deleteFromLine:startLine col:startCol 
-		     toLine:endLine col:endCol.
-	cursorCol := startCol.
-	cursorLine := startLine.
-	cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-	self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn
-    ]
-    "insert a single character at cursor-position - advance cursor."
-    |wasOn|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    aCharacter == Character tab ifTrue:[
-        "/ needs special care to advance cursor correctly
-        self insertTabAtCursor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self insert:aCharacter atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-        aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
-            self cursorReturn
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cursorRight.
-        ].
-    ].
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Modified: / 12.6.1998 / 21:50:20 / cg"
-insertLine:aString before:lineNr
-    "insert the line aString before line lineNr"
-    ^ self insertLines:(Array with:aString) from:1 to:1  before:lineNr.
-    "Modified: 14.5.1996 / 13:42:54 / cg"
-insertLines:aStringCollection before:lineNr
-    "insert a bunch before line lineNr"
-    self insertLines:aStringCollection from:1 to:aStringCollection size before:lineNr
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 20:51:03 / claus"
-insertLines:lines withCR:withCr
-    "insert a bunch of lines at cursor position. 
-     Cursor is moved behind insertion.
-     If withCr is true, append cr after last line"
-    |start end nLines wasOn|
-    lines notNil ifTrue:[
-        nLines := lines size.
-        (nLines == 1) ifTrue:[
-            self insertStringAtCursor:(lines at:1).
-            withCr ifTrue:[
-                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr)
-            ] 
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (cursorCol ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
-                self insertStringAtCursor:(lines at:1).
-                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
-                start := 2
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                start := 1
-            ].
-            withCr ifTrue:[
-                end := nLines
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                end := nLines - 1
-            ].
-            (start < nLines) ifTrue:[
-                (end >= start) ifTrue:[
-                    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-                    self insertLines:lines from:start to:end before:cursorLine.
-                    cursorLine := cursorLine + (end - start + 1).
-                    cursorVisibleLine := self absoluteLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-                    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
-                ]
-            ].
-            withCr ifFalse:[
-                "last line without cr"
-                self insertStringAtCursor:(lines at:nLines)
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: / 18.5.1996 / 15:32:06 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 12.6.1998 / 21:51:16 / cg"
-insertLines:lines withCr:withCr
-    "insert a bunch of lines at cursor position. Cursor
-     is moved behind insertion.
-     If withCr is true, append cr after last line"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #insertLines:withCR:'.
-    self insertLines:lines withCR:withCr.
-    "Modified: 31.7.1997 / 23:07:22 / cg"
-    "insert the argument, aString at cursor position and select it"
-    |startLine startCol|
-    startLine := cursorLine.
-    startCol := cursorCol.
-    self insertStringAtCursor:aString.
-    self selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol
-		 toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1)
-insertString:aString atCharacterPosition:charPos
-    "insert the argument, aString at a character position"
-    |line col|
-    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:charPos.
-    col := charPos - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
-    self insertString:aString atLine:line col:col
-insertString:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "insert the string, aString at line/col;
-     handle cr's correctly"
-    |start           "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     stop            "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     end             "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     subString c
-     l               "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    (aString includes:(Character cr)) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self insertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    ].
-    l := lineNr.
-    c := colNr.
-    start := 1.
-    end := aString size.
-    [start <= end] whileTrue:[
-        stop := aString indexOf:(Character cr) startingAt:start.
-        stop == 0 ifTrue:[
-            stop := end + 1
-        ].
-        subString := aString copyFrom:start to:(stop - 1).
-        self insertStringWithoutCRs:subString atLine:l col:c.
-        (stop <= end) ifTrue:[
-            c := c + subString size.
-            self insert:(Character cr) atLine:l col:c.
-            l := l + 1.
-            c := 1
-        ].
-        start := stop + 1
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:03:59 / cg"
-    "insert the argument, aString at cursor position
-     handle cr's correctly. A nil argument is interpreted as an empty line."
-    aString isNil ifTrue:[
-        "new:"
-        self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (aString includes:(Character cr)) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self insertStringWithoutCRsAtCursor:aString
-    ].
-    self insertLines:aString asStringCollection withCR:false.
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:03:21 / cg"
-insertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "insert aString (which has no crs) at lineNr/colNr"
-    self withoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
-    shown ifTrue:[self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr]
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:51:14 / cg"
-    "insert a string (which has no crs) at cursor position
-     - advance cursor"
-    |wasOn oldLen newLen|
-    aString notNil ifTrue:[
-        wasOn := self hideCursor.
-        (aString includes:Character tab) ifTrue:[
-            self checkForExistingLine:cursorLine.
-            oldLen := (list at:cursorLine) size.
-            self insertString:aString atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-            newLen := (list at:cursorLine) size.
-            cursorCol := cursorCol + (newLen - oldLen).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self insertString:aString atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-            cursorCol := cursorCol + aString size.
-        ].
-        wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 20:43:52 / cg"
-    "insert spaces to next tab"
-    |wasOn nextTab|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    nextTab := self nextTabAfter:cursorCol.
-    self insertStringAtCursor:(String new:(nextTab - cursorCol)).
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "remove all blank lines at end of text"
-    |lastLine "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     line finished|
-    lastLine := list size.
-    finished := false.
-    [finished] whileFalse:[
-	(lastLine <= 1) ifTrue:[
-	    finished := true
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    line := list at:lastLine.
-	    line notNil ifTrue:[
-		line isBlank ifTrue:[
-		    list at:lastLine put:nil.
-		    line := nil
-		]
-	    ].
-	    line notNil ifTrue:[
-		finished := true
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		lastLine := lastLine - 1
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    (lastLine ~~ list size) ifTrue:[
-	list grow:lastLine.
-"/        self textChanged
-    ]
-    "replace a single character at cursor-position - advance cursor"
-    |wasOn|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
-	self cursorReturn
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	self replace:aCharacter atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-	self cursorRight.
-    ].
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Created: 6.3.1996 / 12:27:42 / cg"
-replaceLines:lines withCR:withCr
-    "replace a bunch of lines at cursor position. Cursor
-     is moved behind replacement.
-     If withCr is true, move to the beginning of the next line
-     after the last line"
-    |line col nLines wasOn|
-    lines notNil ifTrue:[
-        wasOn := self hideCursor.
-        nLines := lines size.
-        line := cursorLine.
-        col := cursorCol.
-        lines keysAndValuesDo:[:i :l |
-            self replaceString:l atLine:line col:col.
-            (i ~~ nLines or:[withCr]) ifTrue:[
-                line := line + 1.
-                col := 1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                col := col + (l size).
-            ]
-        ].
-        self cursorLine:line col:col.
-        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-        "/ wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
-    ]
-    "Created: / 18.5.1996 / 15:32:06 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 12.6.1998 / 22:05:51 / cg"
-    "delete the selection (if any) and insert something, a character or string;
-     leave cursor after insertion"
-    self replaceSelectionBy:something keepCursor:false
-replaceSelectionBy:something keepCursor:keep
-    "delete the selection (if any) and insert something, a character or string;
-     leave cursor after insertion or leave it, depending on keep"
-    |sel l c|
-    l := cursorLine.
-    c := cursorCol.
-    sel := self selection.
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	lastString := sel.
-	self deleteSelection.
-	replacing := true.
-	lastReplacement := ''
-    ].
-    (something isMemberOf:Character) ifTrue:[
-	lastReplacement notNil ifTrue:[
-"/ "XXX - replacing text with spaces ..."
-"/            (lastReplacement endsWith:Character space) ifTrue:[
-"/                lastReplacement := lastReplacement copyWithoutLast:1 "copyTo:(lastReplacement size - 1)".
-"/                lastReplacement := lastReplacement copyWith:something.
-"/                lastReplacement := lastReplacement copyWith:Character space
-"/            ] ifFalse:[
-		lastReplacement := lastReplacement copyWith:something.
-"/            ]
-	].
-	insertMode ifTrue:[
-	    self insertCharAtCursor:something
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self replaceCharAtCursor:something
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	lastReplacement := something.
-	insertMode ifTrue:[
-	    self insertStringAtCursor:something
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self replaceStringAtCursor
-	]
-    ].
-    keep ifTrue:[
-	self cursorLine:l col:c
-    ]
-    "Modified: 9.10.1996 / 16:14:35 / cg"
-    "replace multiple characters at cursor-position - advance cursor"
-    |wasOn i1 i2|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    (aString includes:Character tab) ifTrue:[
-        "/ need special care for TAB (to move cursor correctly)
-        i1 := 1.
-        [i1 ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-            i2 := aString indexOf:Character tab startingAt:i1.
-            i2 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                i1 ~~ i2 ifTrue:[
-                    self replaceString:(aString copyFrom:i1 to:i2-1) atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-                    self cursorCol:(cursorCol + (i2 - i1)).
-                ].
-                self replaceTABAtCursor.
-                i2 := i2 + 1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self replaceString:(aString copyFrom:i1) atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-                self cursorCol:(cursorCol + (aString size - i1 + 1)).
-            ].
-            i1 := i2.
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self replaceString:aString atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
-        self cursorCol:(cursorCol + aString size).
-    ].
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Created: / 9.6.1998 / 20:33:20 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 19:41:02 / cg"
-    "replace a single character at cursor-position by a TAB character"
-    |wasOn nextTab|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    nextTab := self nextTabAfter:cursorCol.
-    self replaceStringAtCursor:(String new:(nextTab - cursorCol)).
-    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
-    "Created: / 12.6.1998 / 21:53:23 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'editing - basic'!
-deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol
-    "delete characters from startCol to endCol in line lineNr
-    "
-    |line lineSize newLine start stop prevWidth newWidth|
-    line := self listAt:lineNr.
-    (self checkModificationsAllowed and:[line notNil]) ifTrue:[ 
-        lineSize := line size.
-        startCol == 0     ifFalse:[ start := startCol ]
-                           ifTrue:[ start := 1 ]. 
-        endCol > lineSize ifFalse:[ stop  := endCol ]
-                           ifTrue:[ stop  := lineSize ].
-        stop >= start ifTrue:[
-            start ~~ 1 ifTrue:[ newLine := line copyFrom:1 to:(start-1) ]
-                      ifFalse:[ newLine := '' ].
-            stop == lineSize ifFalse:[
-                line bitsPerCharacter > newLine bitsPerCharacter ifTrue:[
-                    newLine := line string species fromString:newLine.
-                ].
-                newLine := newLine, (line copyFrom:(stop + 1) to:lineSize)
-            ].
-            (trimBlankLines and:[newLine isBlank]) ifTrue:[
-                newLine := nil
-            ].
-            prevWidth := self widthOfLine:lineNr.
-            list at:lineNr put:newLine.
-            (prevWidth = widthOfWidestLine) ifTrue:[
-                "/ remember old width of this line,
-                "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this lines
-                "/ length was (one of) the longest.
-                "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
-                widthOfWidestLine := nil.   "i.e. unknown"
-                "/ scroll left if reqiured
-                viewOrigin x > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    newWidth := self widthOfLine:lineNr.
-                    newWidth < (viewOrigin x + width) ifTrue:[
-                        self scrollHorizontalTo:(newWidth 
-                                                 - width 
-                                                 + margin + margin 
-                                                 + (font widthOf:'  '))
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            self textChanged.
-            self redrawLine:lineNr from:start.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 00:01:09 / cg"
-deleteFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol
-    "delete all text from startLine/startCol to endLine/endCol -
-     joining lines if nescessary"
-    |line newLine lineSize nMore|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    startLine > list size ifTrue:[ ^ self]. "/ deleted space below text
-    (startLine == endLine) ifTrue:[
-        "/ delete chars within a line
-        self deleteCharsAtLine:startLine fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    ((startCol == 1) and:[endCol == 0]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ delete full lines only
-        endLine > startLine ifTrue:[
-            self deleteFromLine:startLine toLine:(endLine - 1)
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/ delete right rest of 1st line
-    self deleteCharsAtLine:startLine fromCol:startCol.
-    "/ delete the inner lines ...
-    endLine > (startLine + 1) ifTrue:[
-        self deleteFromLine:(startLine + 1) toLine:(endLine - 1)
-    ].
-    (endCol ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-        "/ delete the left rest of the last line
-        self deleteCharsAtLine:(startLine + 1) toCol:endCol.
-        "/ must add blanks, if startCol lies behond end of startLine
-        line := list at:startLine.
-        lineSize := line size.
-        (startCol > lineSize) ifTrue:[
-            newLine := line.
-            line isNil ifTrue:[
-                newLine := String new:(startCol - 1)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                nMore := startCol - 1 - lineSize.
-                nMore > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    newLine := line , (line species new:nMore)
-                ]
-            ].
-            newLine ~~ line ifTrue:[
-                list at:startLine put:newLine.
-            ].
-            "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
-            "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
-            "/ length was (one of) the longest.
-            "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
-            widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
-            self textChanged.
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ merge the left rest of 1st line with right rest of last line into one
-    self mergeLine:startLine removeBlanks:false
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 23:52:59 / cg"
-deleteFromLine:startLineNr toLine:endLineNr
-    "delete some lines"
-    |wasOn nLines|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    "/ isnt this the same as:
-    "/ self deleteLinesWithoutRedrawFrom:startLineNr to:endLineNr.
-    list removeFromIndex:startLineNr toIndex:(endLineNr min:list size).
-    "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
-    "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
-    "/ length was (one of) the longest.
-    "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
-    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
-    self textChanged.
-    self redrawFromLine:startLineNr.
-    nLines := list size.
-    (firstLineShown >= nLines) ifTrue:[
-        self makeLineVisible:nLines
-    ].
-    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 23:55:05 / cg"
-    "delete line - no redraw;
-     return true, if something was really deleted"
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    (list isNil or:[lineNr > list size]) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    list removeIndex:lineNr.
-    "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
-    "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
-    "/ length was (one of) the longest.
-    "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
-    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
-    self textChanged.
-    ^ true
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 23:53:24 / cg"
-insert:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "insert a single character at lineNr/colNr; 
-     set emphasis to character at current position"
-    |line lineSize newLine drawCharacterOnly attribute oldClip x y|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
-        self splitLine:lineNr before:colNr.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    drawCharacterOnly := false.
-    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
-    line := list at:lineNr.
-    lineSize := line size.
-    st80Mode ~~ true ifTrue:[
-        (trimBlankLines 
-        and:[colNr > lineSize
-        and:[aCharacter == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := aCharacter asString species new:colNr.
-        drawCharacterOnly := true
-    ] ifFalse: [
-        (colNr > lineSize) ifTrue: [
-            colNr == (lineSize +1) ifTrue:[
-                attribute := line emphasisAt:lineSize
-            ].
-            newLine := line species new:colNr.
-            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize
-                           with:line startingAt:1.
-            drawCharacterOnly := true
-        ] ifFalse: [
-            attribute := line emphasisAt:colNr.
-            newLine   := line species new:(lineSize + 1).
-            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:(colNr - 1)
-                           with:line startingAt:1.
-            newLine replaceFrom:(colNr + 1) to:(lineSize + 1)
-                           with:line startingAt:colNr
-        ]
-    ].
-    newLine at:colNr put:aCharacter.
-    attribute notNil ifTrue:[
-        newLine emphasisAt:colNr put:attribute
-    ].
-    aCharacter == (Character tab) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine.
-        drawCharacterOnly := false
-    ].
-    list at:lineNr put:newLine.
-    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
-    ].
-    self textChanged.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        "/ care for italic text - in this case, we must also
-        "/ redraw the character before the insertion in order
-        "/ to fix the slanted piece of the character.
-        "/ (but we must clip, to avoid destoying the character before)
-        (newLine notNil and:[newLine isText]) ifTrue:[
-            colNr > 1 ifTrue:[
-                oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
-                x := (self xOfCol:colNr inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine) - leftOffset.
-                y := self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
-                drawCharacterOnly ifTrue:[
-                    self clippingRectangle:(x@y extent:((font width * 2) @ fontHeight)).
-                    self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr-1 to:colNr
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self clippingRectangle:(x@y extent:((width - x) @ fontHeight)).
-                    self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr-1
-                ].
-                self clippingRectangle:oldClip.
-                ^ self.
-            ].
-        ].
-        drawCharacterOnly ifTrue:[
-            self redrawLine:lineNr col:colNr
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:22 / cg"
-insertLines:someText from:start to:end before:lineNr
-    "insert a bunch of lines before line lineNr"
-    |text indent visLine w nLines "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     srcY "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     dstY "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    autoIndent ifTrue:[
-        indent := self leftIndentForLine:lineNr.
-        text := someText collect:[:ln||line|
-            ln notNil ifTrue:[
-                line := ln withoutLeadingSeparators.
-                (line isEmpty or:[indent == 0]) ifFalse:[
-                    line := (String new:indent), line
-                ].
-                line
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                nil
-            ]
-        ].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        text := someText
-    ].
-    visLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:lineNr.
-    (shown not or:[visLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        self withoutRedrawInsertLines:text
-                                 from:start to:end
-                               before:lineNr.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        nLines := end - start + 1.
-        ((visLine + nLines) >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
-            self withoutRedrawInsertLines:text
-                                     from:start to:end
-                                   before:lineNr.
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:visLine to:nLinesShown
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            w := self widthForScrollBetween:(lineNr + nLines)
-                                        and:(firstLineShown + nLines + nLinesShown).
-            srcY := topMargin + ((visLine - 1) * fontHeight).
-            dstY := srcY + (nLines * fontHeight).
-            "/
-            "/ scroll ...
-            "/
-            "
-             stupid: must catchExpose before inserting new
-             stuff - since catchExpose may perform redraws
-            "
-            self catchExpose.
-            self withoutRedrawInsertLines:text
-                                     from:start to:end
-                                   before:lineNr.
-            self 
-                copyFrom:self 
-                x:textStartLeft y:srcY
-                toX:textStartLeft y:dstY
-                width:w
-                height:(height - dstY)
-                async:true.
-            self redrawFromVisibleLine:visLine to:(visLine + nLines - 1).
-            self waitForExpose
-        ].
-    ].
-    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        text do:[:line |
-            widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
-        ]
-    ].
-    self textChanged.
-    "Modified: 29.1.1997 / 13:02:39 / cg"
-    "merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1"
-    self mergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:true
-    "Modified: 9.9.1997 / 09:28:03 / cg"
-mergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:removeBlanks
-    "merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1"
-    |leftPart rightPart bothParts nextLineNr i|
-    (list notNil and:[(list size) > lineNr]) ifFalse:[
-	^ self
-    ].
-    leftPart := self listAt:lineNr.
-    leftPart isNil ifTrue:[
-	leftPart := ''.
-	autoIndent ifTrue:[
-	    (i := self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine) == 0 ifFalse:[
-		leftPart := String new:i
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    self cursorLine:lineNr col:((leftPart size) + 1).
-    nextLineNr := self validateCursorLine:(lineNr + 1).
-    nextLineNr > (list size) ifFalse:[
-	(rightPart := self listAt:nextLineNr) isNil ifTrue:[
-	    rightPart := ''
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    removeBlanks ifTrue:[
-		rightPart := rightPart withoutLeadingSeparators.
-	    ]
-	].
-	bothParts := leftPart , rightPart.
-	(trimBlankLines and:[bothParts isBlank]) ifTrue:[bothParts := nil].
-	list at:lineNr put:bothParts.
-	self redrawLine:lineNr.
-	self deleteLine:nextLineNr
-    ]
-    "Created: 9.9.1997 / 09:27:38 / cg"
-    "Modified: 9.9.1997 / 09:28:27 / cg"
-replace:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "replace a single character at lineNr/colNr"
-    |line lineSize newLine drawCharacterOnly|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    drawCharacterOnly := true.
-    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
-    line := list at:lineNr.
-    lineSize := line size.
-    (trimBlankLines
-    and:[colNr > lineSize
-    and:[aCharacter == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := aCharacter asString species new:colNr.
-    ] ifFalse: [
-        (colNr > lineSize) ifTrue: [
-            newLine := line species new:colNr.
-            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
-        ] ifFalse: [
-            newLine := line copy.
-        ]
-    ].
-    newLine at:colNr put:aCharacter.
-    aCharacter == (Character tab) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine.
-        drawCharacterOnly := false
-    ].
-    list at:lineNr put:newLine.
-    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
-    ].
-    self textChanged.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        drawCharacterOnly ifTrue:[
-            self redrawLine:lineNr col:colNr
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: / 6.3.1996 / 12:29:20 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 18:50:18 / cg"
-replaceString:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "replace multiple characters starting at lineNr/colNr.
-     This is not prepared to encounter special chars (except TAB)
-     in the string."
-    |line lineSize newLine endCol|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
-    line := list at:lineNr.
-    lineSize := line size.
-    endCol := colNr + aString size - 1.
-    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := aString species new:endCol.
-    ] ifFalse: [
-        (endCol > lineSize) ifTrue: [
-            aString isText ifTrue:[
-                newLine := aString species new:endCol.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                newLine := line species new:endCol.
-            ].
-            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
-        ] ifFalse: [
-            aString isText ifTrue:[
-                newLine := aString species new:line size.
-                newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                newLine := line copy.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    newLine replaceFrom:colNr with:aString.
-    (aString includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine.
-    ].
-    list at:lineNr put:newLine.
-    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
-    ].
-    self textChanged.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
-    ]
-    "Created: / 11.6.1998 / 10:38:32 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 20:23:50 / cg"
-splitLine:lineNr before:colNr
-    "split the line linNr before colNr; the right part (from colNr)
-     is cut off and inserted after lineNr; the view is redrawn"
-    |line lineSize leftRest rightRest visLine w h mustWait    
-     srcY    "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    list isNil ifFalse:[
-	lineNr > (list size) ifFalse:[
-	    (colNr == 1) ifTrue:[
-		self insertLine:nil before:lineNr.
-		^ self
-	    ].
-	    line := list at:lineNr.
-	    line isNil ifFalse:[
-		lineSize := line size.
-		(colNr <= lineSize) ifTrue:[
-		    rightRest := line copyFrom:colNr to:lineSize.
-		    (colNr > 1) ifTrue:[
-			leftRest := line copyTo:(colNr - 1)
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    leftRest := line
-		]
-	    ].
-	    leftRest notNil ifTrue:[
-		(trimBlankLines and:[leftRest isBlank]) ifTrue:[leftRest := nil]
-	    ].
-	    list at:lineNr put:leftRest.
-	    self withoutRedrawInsertLine:rightRest before:(lineNr + 1).
-	    visLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:(lineNr).
-	    visLine notNil ifTrue:[
-		w := self widthForScrollBetween:lineNr
-					    and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
-		srcY := topMargin + (visLine * fontHeight).
-		h := ((nLinesShown - visLine - 1) * fontHeight).
-		(mustWait := (w > 0 and:[h > 0])) ifTrue:[
-		    self catchExpose.
-		    self 
-			copyFrom:self 
-			x:textStartLeft y:srcY
-			toX:textStartLeft y:(srcY + fontHeight)
-			width:w
-			height:((nLinesShown - visLine - 1) * fontHeight)
-			async:true.
-		].
-		self redrawLine:lineNr.
-		self redrawLine:(lineNr + 1).
-		mustWait ifTrue:[self waitForExpose]
-	    ].
-	    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ unknown
-	    self textChanged.
-	]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 29.1.1997 / 13:03:22 / cg"
-withoutRedrawInsertLine:aString before:lineNr
-    "insert the argument, aString before line lineNr; the string
-     becomes line nileNr; everything else is moved down; the view
-     is not redrawn"
-    |line|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    line := aString.
-    line notNil ifTrue:[
-        line isString ifTrue:[
-            line isBlank ifTrue:[
-                line := nil
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (line includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
-                    line := self withTabsExpanded:line
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    list isNil ifTrue: [
-        list := StringCollection new:lineNr
-    ] ifFalse: [
-        list grow:((list size + 1) max:lineNr)
-    ].
-    "I have changed 'replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:' to correctly handle 
-     overlapping copy - if it didn't, we had to use:"
-    index := list size.
-    [index > lineNr] whileTrue: [
-        pIndex := index - 1.
-        list at:index put:(list at:pIndex).
-        index := pIndex
-    ].
-    list replaceFrom:(lineNr + 1) to:(list size) with:list startingAt:lineNr.
-    list at:lineNr put:line.
-    self contentsChanged
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:00:56 / cg"
-withoutRedrawInsertLines:lines from:start to:end before:lineNr
-    "insert a bunch of lines before line lineNr; the view is not redrawn"
-    |newLine newLines nLines|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    nLines := end - start + 1.
-    newLines := Array new:(lines size).
-    start to:end do:[:index |
-        newLine := lines at:index.
-        newLine notNil ifTrue:[
-            newLine isString ifTrue:[
-                newLine isBlank ifTrue:[
-                    newLine := nil
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (newLine includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
-                        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        newLines at:index put:newLine
-    ].
-    list isNil ifTrue: [
-        list := StringCollection new:(lineNr + nLines + 1)
-    ] ifFalse: [
-        list grow:((list size + nLines) max:(lineNr + nLines - 1))
-    ].
-    "I have changed 'replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:' to correctly handle 
-     overlapping copy - if it didn't, we had to use:"
-    index := list size.
-    [index > lineNr] whileTrue: [
-        pIndex := index - 1.
-        list at:index put:(list at:pIndex).
-        index := pIndex
-    ].
-    list replaceFrom:(lineNr + nLines) to:(list size) with:list startingAt:lineNr.
-    list replaceFrom:lineNr to:(lineNr + nLines - 1) with:newLines startingAt:start.
-    self contentsChanged
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:01:16 / cg"
-withoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
-    "insert aString (which has no crs) at lineNr/colNr"
-    |isText strLen line lineSize newLine stringType sz|
-    (aString notNil) ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    strLen := aString size.
-    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
-    stringType := aString string species.
-    isText     := aString isText.
-    line       := list at:lineNr.
-    line notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineSize := line size.
-        line bitsPerCharacter > aString bitsPerCharacter ifTrue:[
-            stringType := line string species
-        ].
-        line isText ifTrue:[ isText := true ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        lineSize := 0
-    ].
-    ((colNr == 1) and:[lineSize == 0]) ifTrue: [
-        newLine := aString
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (lineSize == 0 or:[colNr > lineSize]) ifTrue: [
-            sz := colNr + strLen - 1
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sz := lineSize + strLen
-        ].
-        isText ifFalse:[
-            newLine := stringType new:sz
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            newLine := Text string:(stringType new:sz)
-        ].
-        (lineSize ~~ 0) ifTrue: [
-            (colNr > lineSize) ifTrue: [
-                newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize
-                               with:line startingAt:1
-            ] ifFalse: [
-                newLine replaceFrom:1 to:(colNr - 1)
-                               with:line startingAt:1.
-                newLine replaceFrom:(colNr + strLen) to:(lineSize + strLen)
-                               with:line startingAt:colNr
-            ]
-        ].
-        newLine replaceFrom:colNr to:(colNr + strLen - 1)
-                       with:aString startingAt:1
-    ].
-    (aString includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
-        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine
-    ].
-    list at:lineNr put:newLine.
-    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:newLine).
-    ].
-    self textChanged.
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:01:52 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'event processing'!
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "hide the cursor when button is activated"
-    hasKeyboardFocus := true.
-    cursorShown ifTrue: [
-        self drawCursor
-    ].
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        self hideCursor
-    ].
-    (button == #paste) ifTrue:[
-        self pasteOrReplace.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "Modified: / 23.3.1999 / 13:51:40 / cg"
-buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    "move the cursor to the click-position of previous button press"
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        typeOfSelection := nil. 
-        selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[
-            clickCol notNil ifTrue:[
-                self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
-                    self cursorLine:clickLine col:clickCol
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            lastString := nil. "new selection invalidates remembered string"
-        ].
-        self showCursor
-    ].
-    super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    "Modified: / 18.6.1998 / 14:14:05 / cg"
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "handle keyboard input"
-    <resource: #keyboard (#Paste #Insert #Cut #Again #Replace #Accept
-                          #Delete #BasicDelete #BackSpace #BasicBackspace
-                          #SelectWord
-                          #SearchMatchingParent #SelectMatchingParents 
-                          #SelectToEnd #SelectFromBeginning
-                          #BeginOfLine #EndOfLine #NextWord #PreviousWord
-                          #CursorRight #CursorDown #CursorLeft #CursorUp
-                          #Return #Tab #Escape
-                          #GotoLine #Delete #BeginOfText #EndOfText
-                          #SelectLine #ExpandSelectionByLine #DeleteLine
-                          #InsertLine
-                          #SelectLineFromBeginning
-                          #'F*' #'f*')>
-    |sensor n fKeyMacros shifted i|
-    sensor := self sensor.
-    shifted := (sensor ? device) shiftDown.
-    (key isMemberOf:Character) ifTrue:[
-        self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
-            self flash
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
-                "pasted selection will NOT be replaced by keystroke"
-                self unselect
-            ].
-            "replace selection by what is typed in -
-             if word was selected with a space, keep it"
-            (selectStyle == #wordLeft) ifTrue:[
-                self replaceSelectionBy:(' ' copyWith:key)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (selectStyle == #wordRight) ifTrue:[
-                    self replaceSelectionBy:(key asString , ' ').
-                    self cursorLeft
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self replaceSelectionBy:key
-                ]
-            ].
-            selectStyle := nil.
-            showMatchingParenthesis ifTrue:[
-                "emacs style parenthesis shower"
-                "claus: only do it for closing parenthesis -
-                        otherwise its too anoying.
-                "
-                (#( $( $) $[ $] ${ $} ) includes:key) ifTrue:[
-                (#( $) $] $} ) includes:key) ifTrue:[
-                self searchForMatchingParenthesisFromLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1)
-                                   ifFound:[:line :col |
-                                                |savLine savCol|
-                                                self withCursor:Cursor eye do:[
-                                                    savLine := cursorLine.
-                                                    savCol := cursorCol.
-                                                    self cursorLine:line col:col.
-                                                    device flush.
-                                                    "/ want to wait 200ms, but not if another keyPress
-                                                    "/ arrives in the meantime ...
-                                                    "/
-                                                    5 timesRepeat:[
-                                                        (sensor notNil and:[sensor hasKeyPressEventFor:self]) ifFalse:[
-                                                            Processor activeProcess millisecondDelay:40.
-                                                        ]
-                                                    ].
-                                                    self cursorLine:savLine col:savCol
-                                                ]
-                                           ]
-                                ifNotFound:[self showNotFound]
-                                   onError:[self beep]
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].                         
-    replacing := false.
-    "
-     Fn      pastes a key-sequence (but only if not overlayed with
-             another function in the keyboard map)
-     see TextView>>:x:y
-    "
-    (key at:1) asLowercase == $f ifTrue:[
-        (('[fF][0-9]' match:key)
-        or:['[fF][0-9][0-9]' match:key]) ifTrue:[
-            shifted ifFalse:[
-                fKeyMacros := UserPreferences current functionKeySequences.
-                fKeyMacros notNil ifTrue:[
-                    (fKeyMacros includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
-                        self pasteOrReplace:(fKeyMacros at:key) asStringCollection.
-                        ^ self
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    (key == #Accept)  ifTrue:[^ self accept].
-    ((key == #Paste) or:[key == #Insert]) ifTrue:[self pasteOrReplace. ^self].
-    (key == #Cut) ifTrue:[self cut. ^self].
-    (key == #Again) ifTrue:[self again. ^self].
-    (key == #Replace) ifTrue:[self replace. ^self].
-    (key == #SelectWord) ifTrue:[
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        ^ self selectWordUnderCursor. 
-    ].
-    (key == #SearchMatchingParent) ifTrue:[^ self searchForMatchingParenthesis.].
-    (key == #SelectMatchingParents) ifTrue:[^ self searchForAndSelectMatchingParenthesis.].
-    (key == #SelectToEnd) ifTrue:[^ self selectUpToEnd.].
-    (key == #SelectFromBeginning) ifTrue:[^ self selectFromBeginning.].
-" disabled - nobody liked it ...
-  and if you like it, its better done in the keymap.
-    (key == #Ctrlb) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorLeft. ^ self].
-    (key == #Ctrlf) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorRight. ^ self].
-    (key == #Ctrln) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorDown. ^ self].
-    (key == #Ctrlp) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorUp. ^ self].
-    (key == #BeginOfLine) ifTrue:[
-        self unselect.
-        shifted ifTrue:[
-            self cursorHome
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cursorToBeginOfLine. 
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #EndOfLine) ifTrue:[
-        self unselect.
-        shifted ifTrue:[
-            self cursorToBottom
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cursorToEndOfLine. 
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #NextWord) ifTrue:[self cursorToNextWord. ^self].
-    (key == #PreviousWord) ifTrue:[self cursorToPreviousWord. ^self].
-    (key == #GotoLine) ifTrue:[self gotoLine. ^self].
-    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
-        (shifted and:[selectionStartLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
-            selectionStartLine := selectionEndLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine.
-            selectionStartCol := selectionEndCol := clickStartCol := cursorCol.
-            expandingTop := false.
-            ^ self redrawLine:selectionStartLine. 
-        ].
-        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
-                "/
-                "/ treat the whole selection as cursor
-                "/
-                cursorLine := selectionEndLine.
-                cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-                selectionEndCol == 0 ifTrue:[
-                    selectionEndCol := 1.
-                ].
-                cursorCol := selectionEndCol.
-                shifted ifTrue:[
-                    self expandSelectionRight.
-                    ^ self
-                ].
-                self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-                cursorCol == 1 ifTrue:[^ self].
-            ].
-        ].
-        self cursorRight. ^self
-    ].
-    (key == #CursorDown) ifTrue:[
-        (shifted and:[selectionStartLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
-            selectionStartLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine. selectionEndLine := cursorLine + 1.
-            selectionStartCol := clickStartCol := selectionEndCol := cursorCol.
-            self redrawLine:selectionStartLine. 
-            expandingTop := false.
-            ^ self redrawLine:selectionEndLine. 
-        ].
-        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
-                "/
-                "/ treat the whole selection as cursor
-                "/
-                cursorLine := selectionEndLine.
-                cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-                cursorCol := selectionStartCol.
-                cursorCol == 0 ifTrue:[
-                    cursorCol := 1.
-                    cursorLine := cursorLine - 1.
-                    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-                ].
-                self makeCursorVisible.
-                shifted ifTrue:[
-                    clickLine := cursorLine.
-                    clickCol := cursorCol.
-                    self expandSelectionDown.
-                    ^ self
-                ].
-                self unselect. 
-            ].
-        ].
-        sensor isNil ifTrue:[
-            n := 1
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            n := 1 + (sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:#CursorDown).
-        ].
-        self cursorDown:n. 
-        "/
-        "/ flush keyboard to avoid runaway cursor
-        "/
-        sensor notNil ifTrue:[self sensor flushKeyboardFor:self].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #CursorLeft or:[key == #CursorUp]) ifTrue:[
-        (shifted and:[selectionStartLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
-            expandingTop := true.
-            key == #CursorLeft ifTrue:[
-                cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
-                    selectionStartLine := selectionEndLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine.
-                    selectionEndCol := clickStartCol := cursorCol-1.
-                    selectionStartCol := cursorCol-1.
-                    ^ self redrawLine:selectionStartLine. 
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                cursorLine > 1 ifTrue:[
-                    selectionEndLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine.
-                    selectionEndCol := selectionStartCol := clickStartCol := cursorCol.
-                    selectionStartLine := cursorLine - 1.
-                    ^ self redrawFromLine:selectionStartLine to:cursorLine. 
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
-                "/
-                "/ treat the whole selection as cursor
-                "/
-                cursorLine := selectionStartLine.
-                cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-                cursorCol := selectionStartCol.
-                (key == #CursorLeft) ifTrue:[    
-                    cursorCol := cursorCol+1.  "/ compensate for followup crsr-left
-                ].
-                self makeCursorVisible.
-                shifted ifTrue:[
-                    (key == #CursorUp) ifTrue:[
-                        clickLine := cursorLine.
-                        ^ self expandSelectionUp.
-                    ].
-                    ^ self expandSelectionLeft.
-                ].
-                self unselect. 
-            ].
-        ].
-        (key == #CursorLeft) ifTrue:[
-            self cursorLeft. ^self
-        ].
-        (key == #CursorUp)        ifTrue:[
-            sensor isNil ifTrue:[
-                n := 1
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                n := 1 + (sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:#CursorUp).
-            ].
-            self cursorUp:n. 
-            "/
-            "/ flush keyboard to avoid runaway cursor
-            "/
-            sensor notNil ifTrue:[sensor flushKeyboardFor:self].
-            ^ self
-        ].
-    ].
-    (key == #Return)    ifTrue:[
-        shifted ifTrue:[
-            self unselect. self cursorReturn. ^self
-        ].
-        self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
-            self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-            self cursorReturn
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            insertMode ifFalse:[
-                self cursorReturn.
-                autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
-                    i := self leftIndentForLine:(cursorLine + 1).
-                    self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
-                ]
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                "/ old version just unselected ...
-                "/ self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-                "/ new version deletes ...
-                typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
-                    self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self copyAndDeleteSelection.            
-                ].
-                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr). 
-                autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
-                    i := self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine.
-                    self indentFromLine:cursorLine toLine:cursorLine.
-                    self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
-        ^self
-    ].
-    (key == #Tab) ifTrue:[
-        self tabMeansNextField ifTrue:[^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y].
-        shifted ifTrue:[
-            "
-             the old version used shift-tab as backtab,
-             however, backtab was seldom used.
-             An alternative is to make it a non-inserting tab ...
-            "
-            "/ self unselect. self cursorBacktab.
-            self unselect. self cursorTab. 
-            ^self
-        ].
-        "
-         uncomment line below, if you like RAND/INed/MAXed editor behavior
-         (where tab-key is only cursor positioning)
-         this was the original behavior of the TAB key, but many people
-         complained ....
-        "
-        insertMode ifFalse:[
-            self unselect. self cursorTab. ^self
-        ].
-        self unselect. self insertTabAtCursor. 
-        ^self
-    ].
-    (key == #BackSpace
-     or:[key == #BasicBackspace]) ifTrue:[
-        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-            (key == #BasicBackspace) ifTrue:[
-                ^ self deleteSelection.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                ^ self copyAndDeleteSelection.
-            ].
-        ].
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self deleteCharBeforeCursor. ^self
-    ].
-    (key == #Delete
-     or:[key == #BasicDelete]) ifTrue:[
-        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-            (key == #BasicDelete) ifTrue:[
-                ^ self deleteSelection.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                ^ self copyAndDeleteSelection.
-            ].
-        ].
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self deleteCharAtCursor. ^self
-    ].
-    (key == #BeginOfText) ifTrue:[     "i.e. HOME"
-        self unselect. 
-        cursorVisibleLine == 1 ifTrue:[
-            self cursorHome.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cursorToFirstVisibleLine
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #EndOfText) ifTrue:[       "i.e. END"
-        self unselect.
-        cursorVisibleLine == nFullLinesShown ifTrue:[
-            self cursorToBottom.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cursorToLastVisibleLine
-        ].
-        ^self
-    ].
-    ((key == #Escape)
-    or:[key == #SelectLineFromBeginning])    ifTrue:[
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self unselect. self selectCursorLineFromBeginning. ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #SelectLine)    ifTrue:[
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self unselect. self selectCursorLine. ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #ExpandSelectionByLine)    ifTrue:[
-"/        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self selectExpandCursorLine. ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #DeleteLine)    ifTrue:[
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self unselect. self deleteCursorLine. ^self
-    ].
-    (key == #InsertLine)    ifTrue:[
-        self makeCursorVisible.
-        self unselect. self insertLine:nil before:cursorLine. ^self
-    ].
-    super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 11:59:59 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 20.9.1998 / 17:55:11 / cg"
-    "view was made visible"
-    super mapped.
-"/    self makeCursorVisible.
-    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-    "Modified: 20.12.1996 / 14:15:56 / cg"
-pointerEnter:state x:x y:y
-    "mouse pointer entered - request the keyboard focus (sometimes)"
-    self wantsFocusWithPointerEnter ifTrue:[
-        self requestFocus.
-    ].
-    "make certain, cursor is visible after the sizechange"
-    |cv|
-    cv := cursorVisibleLine.
-    super sizeChanged:how.
-    cv notNil ifTrue:[
-	self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
-    ]
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'focus handling'!
-    "sent by the windowGroup, a delegate or myself to make me show a block cursor
-     (otherwise, I would not know about this)"
-    hasKeyboardFocus := aBoolean.
-    (cursorShown 
-    and:[self enabled 
-    and:[readOnly not]]) ifTrue:[
-        self drawCursor
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 23.3.1999 / 13:49:35 / cg"
-    "in addition to however my superclass thinks how a focusView is to be
-     displayed, show the cursor when I got the focus"
-    self showCursor.
-    self hasKeyboardFocus:true.
-    super showFocus:explicit
-    "Modified: 11.12.1996 / 16:56:54 / cg"
-    "return true, if I want the focus when
-     the mouse pointer enters"
-    |pref|
-    pref := UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse.
-    (pref ~~ false
-    and:[(styleSheet at:#'editText.requestFocusOnPointerEnter' default:true)
-    and:[self enabled 
-    and:[readOnly not]]]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ false
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'formatting'!
-    "indent selected line-range"
-    |start end|
-    selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    start := selectionStartLine.
-    end := selectionEndLine.
-    (selectionEndCol == 0) ifTrue:[
-	end := end - 1
-    ].
-    self unselect.
-    self indentFromLine:start toLine:end
-indentFromLine:start toLine:end
-    "indent a line-range - this is don by searching for the 
-     last non-empty line before start, and change the indent
-     of the line based on that indent."
-    |leftStart delta d line spaces|
-    leftStart := self leftIndentForLine:start.
-    (leftStart == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    delta := leftStart - (self leftIndentOfLine:start).
-    (delta == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    (delta > 0) ifTrue:[
-	spaces := String new:delta
-    ].
-    start to:end do:[:lineNr |
-	line := self listAt:lineNr.
-	line notNil ifTrue:[
-	    line isBlank ifTrue:[
-		list at:lineNr put:nil
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(delta > 0) ifTrue:[
-		    line := spaces , line.
-		    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-			widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    "check if deletion is ok"
-		    d := delta negated + 1.
-		    line size > d ifTrue:[
-			(line copyTo:(d - 1)) withoutSeparators isEmpty ifTrue:[
-			    line := line copyFrom:d
-			]
-		    ].
-		    widthOfWidestLine := nil
-		].
-		list at:lineNr put:line.
-		self textChanged.
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    self redrawFromLine:start to:end
-    "Modified: 5.3.1996 / 14:59:18 / cg"
-    "find an appropriate indent for a line.
-     this is done by searching for the last non-empty line before it
-     and returning its indent."
-    "SHOULD GO TO ListView"
-    |line lnr indent|
-    lnr := lineNr.
-    [lnr ~~ 1] whileTrue:[
-	lnr  := lnr - 1.
-	line := self listAt:lnr.
-	line notNil ifTrue:[
-	    indent := line indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
-	    indent ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		^ indent - 1
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ 0
-    "Created: 5.3.1996 / 14:58:53 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "fetch device colors, to avoid reallocation at redraw time"
-    super fetchDeviceResources.
-    cursorFgColor notNil ifTrue:[cursorFgColor := cursorFgColor onDevice:device].
-    cursorBgColor notNil ifTrue:[cursorBgColor := cursorBgColor onDevice:device].
-    cursorNoFocusFgColor notNil ifTrue:[cursorNoFocusFgColor := cursorNoFocusFgColor onDevice:device].
-    "Created: 14.1.1997 / 00:15:24 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.2.1997 / 15:02:46 / cg"
-    "enable enter/leave events in addition"
-    super initEvents.
-    self enableEnterLeaveEvents
-    "initialize style specific stuff"
-    super initStyle.
-    lockUpdates := false.
-    cursorFgColor := DefaultCursorForegroundColor.
-    cursorFgColor isNil ifTrue:[cursorFgColor := bgColor].
-    cursorBgColor := DefaultCursorBackgroundColor.
-    cursorBgColor isNil ifTrue:[cursorBgColor := fgColor].
-    cursorType := cursorTypeNoFocus := DefaultCursorType.
-    DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus notNil ifTrue:[
-        cursorTypeNoFocus := DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus.
-    ].
-    cursorNoFocusFgColor := DefaultCursorNoFocusForegroundColor.
-    cursorNoFocusFgColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        cursorType ~~ #block ifTrue:[
-            cursorNoFocusFgColor := cursorBgColor
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            cursorNoFocusFgColor := cursorFgColor
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 20.5.1998 / 04:26:31 / cg"
-    "initialize a new EditTextView;
-     setup some instance variables"
-    super initialize.
-    self level:-1.
-    readOnly := false.
-    fixedSize := false.
-    exceptionBlock := [:errorText | ].
-    cursorShown := prevCursorState := true.
-    cursorLine := 1.
-    cursorVisibleLine := 1.
-    cursorCol := 1.
-    modifiedChannel := ValueHolder newBoolean.
-    acceptChannel := ValueHolder newBoolean.
-    acceptChannel addDependent:self.
-    showMatchingParenthesis := false.
-    hasKeyboardFocus := false. "/ true.
-    tabMeansNextField := false.
-    autoIndent := false.
-    insertMode := true.
-    st80Mode := ST80Mode.
-    trimBlankLines := st80Mode not. "true."
-    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:17 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'menu actions'!
-    "cut selection into copybuffer"
-    |line col history sel s|
-    (self checkModificationsAllowed) ifFalse:[
-        self flash.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    sel := self selection.
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastString := s := sel asStringWithCRs.
-        line := selectionStartLine.
-        col := selectionStartCol.
-        undoAction := [ self cursorLine:line col:col.
-                        self insertLines:(Array with:s) withCR:false.
-                      ].
-        "
-         remember in CopyBuffer
-        "
-        self setTextSelection:lastString.
-        "
-         append to DeleteHistory (if there is one)
-        "
-        history := Smalltalk at:#DeleteHistory.
-        history notNil ifTrue:[
-            history addAll:(lastString asStringCollection).
-            history size > 1000 ifTrue:[
-                history := history copyFrom:(history size - 1000)
-            ].
-        ].
-        "
-         now, delete it
-        "
-        self deleteSelection.
-        lastReplacement := nil
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "
-         a cut without selection will search&cut again
-        "
-        self again
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:51:53 / cg"
-    "return a default value to show in the gotoLine box"
-    cursorLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ cursorLine
-    ].
-    ^ super defaultForGotoLine
-    "return the views middleButtonMenu"
-    <resource: #keyboard (#Again #Copy #Cut #Paste #Accept #Find #GotoLine #SaveAs #Print)>
-    <resource: #programMenu>
-    |items m sub sensor|
-    ((sensor := self sensor) notNil and:[sensor ctrlDown]) ifTrue:[
-        items := #(
-                        ('again (for all)'      multipleAgain)  
-                  ).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        items := #(
-"/                        ('undo'     undo                   )
-                        ('again'   again            Again  )
-                        ('-'                               )
-                        ('copy'    copySelection    Copy   )
-                        ('cut'     cut              Cut    )
-                        ('paste'   pasteOrReplace   Paste  )
-                        ('-'                               )
-                        ('accept'  accept           Accept )
-                        ('='                               )
-                        ('others'  others                  )
-                  ).
-    ].
-    m := PopUpMenu itemList:items resources:resources.
-    items := #(
-                    ('search ...'    search         Find         )
-                    ('goto ...'      gotoLine       GotoLine     )
-                    ('-'                                         )
-                    ('font ...'      changeFont                  )
-                    ('-'                                         )
-                    ('indent'        indent                      )
-                    ('autoIndent \c' autoIndent:                 )
-                    ('insertMode \c' insertMode:                 )
-                    ('-'                                         )
-                    ('save as ...'   save           SaveAs       )
-                    ('print'         doPrint        Print        )
-              ).
-    sub := PopUpMenu itemList:items resources:resources performer:model.
-    m subMenuAt:#others put:sub.
-    sub checkToggleAt:#autoIndent: put:autoIndent.
-    sub checkToggleAt:#insertMode: put:insertMode.
-    self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
-        m disableAll:#(paste pasteOrReplace cut indent autoIndent: insertMode:)
-    ].
-    self hasSelection not ifTrue:[
-        m disable:#copySelection.
-    ].
-    (self hasSelection not or:[self isReadOnly]) ifTrue:[
-        m disable:#cut.
-    ].
-    (undoAction isNil) ifTrue:[
-        m disable:#undo.
-    ].
-    acceptEnabled == false ifTrue:[
-        m disable:#accept
-    ].
-    ^ m.
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 15:52:38 / cg"
-    "paste the copybuffer; if there is a selection, unselect first.
-     Then paste at cursor position."
-    |sel|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[
-        self flash.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    sel := self getTextSelection.
-    self unselect.  
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paste:sel.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:55:02 / cg"
-    "paste someText at cursor"
-    |s nLines startLine startCol l1 l2 c1 c2|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
-    someText notNil ifTrue:[
-        s := someText.
-        s isString ifTrue:[
-            s := s asStringCollection
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (s isStringCollection) ifFalse:[
-                self warn:'selection (' , s class name , ') is not convertable to Text'.
-                ^ self
-            ]
-        ].
-        (nLines := s size) == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-        (nLines == 1 and:[(s at:1) size == 0]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-        startLine := l1 := cursorLine.
-        startCol := c1 := cursorCol.
-        self insertLines:(s withTabsExpanded) withCR:false.
-        l2 := cursorLine.
-        c2 := (cursorCol - 1).
-        self selectFromLine:l1 col:c1 toLine:l2 col:c2.
-        typeOfSelection := #paste.
-        undoAction := [ self unselect.
-                        self deleteFromLine:l1 col:c1 toLine:l2 col:c2.
-                        self cursorLine:l1 col:c1.
-                      ].
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 14.2.1996 / 11:14:14 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 12.6.1998 / 22:12:00 / cg"
-    "paste the copybuffer; if there is a selection, replace it.
-     otherwise paste at cursor position. Replace is not done
-     for originating by a paste, to allow multiple
-     paste."
-    |sel|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[
-        self flash.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    sel := self getTextSelection.
-    self pasteOrReplace:sel.
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:55:16 / cg"
-    "paste someText; if there is a selection, replace it.
-     otherwise paste at cursor position. Replace is not done
-     for originating by a paste, to allow multiple
-     paste."
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
-    ((self hasSelection == true) and:[typeOfSelection ~~ #paste]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self replace:someText
-    ].
-    self paste:someText.
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:55:21 / cg"
-    "replace the selection by the contents of the copybuffer"
-    |sel|
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
-    sel := self getTextSelection.
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-        self replace:sel
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:55:24 / cg"
-    "replace the selection by someText"
-    |selected selectedString| 
-    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
-    selected := self selection.
-    selected isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self paste:someText
-    ].
-    self deleteSelection.
-    "take care, if we replace a selection without space by a word selected
-     with one - in this case we usually do not want the space.
-     But, if we replace a word-selected selection by something without a
-     space, we DO want the space added."
-    selected size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        selectedString := selected at:1.
-    ].
-    someText size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        |cutOffSpace addSpace replacement replacementString|
-        cutOffSpace := false.
-        addSpace := false.
-        replacement := someText copy.
-        selectedString notNil ifTrue:[
-            ((selectedString startsWith:' ') or:[selectedString endsWith:' ']) ifFalse:[
-               "selection has no space"
-                ((selectStyle == #wordleft) or:[selectStyle == #wordRight]) ifTrue:[
-                    cutOffSpace := true
-                ]
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                addSpace := true
-            ]
-        ].
-        replacementString := replacement at:1.
-        cutOffSpace ifTrue:[
-            (replacementString startsWith:' ') ifTrue:[
-                replacementString := replacementString withoutSpaces
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            selectStyle == #wordLeft ifTrue:[
-                "want a space at left"
-                (replacementString startsWith:' ') ifFalse:[
-                    replacementString := replacementString withoutSpaces.
-                    replacementString := ' ' , replacementString
-                ]
-            ].
-            selectStyle == #wordRight ifTrue:[
-                "want a space at right"
-                (replacementString endsWith:' ') ifFalse:[
-                    replacementString := replacementString withoutSpaces.
-                    replacementString := replacementString , ' '
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        replacement at:1 put: replacementString.
-        self paste:replacement.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self paste:someText
-    ].
-    lastString := selectedString.
-    lastReplacement := someText
-    "Modified: / 14.2.1996 / 10:37:02 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:55:28 / cg"
-    "open a readonly editor on all deleted text"
-    |v|
-    v := EditTextView openWith:(Smalltalk at:#DeleteHistory).
-    v readOnly:true.
-    v topView label:'deleted text'.
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'private'!
-    "check if the text can be modified (i.e. is not readOnly).
-     evaluate the exceptionBlock if not.
-     This block should be provided by the application or user of the textView,
-     and may show a warnBox or whatever."
-    self isReadOnly ifTrue: [
-        exceptionBlock isNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ false
-        ].
-        (exceptionBlock value:'Text may not be modified') ~~ true ifTrue:[
-            ^ false
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    "Modified: / 17.6.1998 / 15:51:10 / cg"
-    "my text was modified (internally).
-     Sent whenever text has been edited (not to confuse with
-     contentsChanged, which is triggered when the size has changed, and
-     is used to notify scrollers, other views etc.)"
-    self contentsChanged.
-    self modified:true.
-    contentsWasSaved := false
-    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 16:58:38 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "the current line (for relative gotos)"
-    ^ cursorLine
-    "Created: / 17.5.1998 / 20:07:52 / cg"
-    "return true, if the receiver is a keyboard consumer;
-     Return true here, redefined from SimpleView."
-    ^ true
-    "redefined, since the name of my specClass is nonStandard (i.e. not EditTextSpec)"
-    self class == EditTextView ifTrue:[^ TextEditorSpec].
-    ^ super specClass
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 19:48:19 / cg"
-    "return true, if a Tab character should shift focus."
-    "if not readOnly, I want my tab keys ..."
-    ^ self isReadOnly or:[tabMeansNextField]
-    "Created: 7.2.1996 / 19:15:31 / cg"
-    "return the width of the contents in pixels
-     Redefined to add the size of a space (for the cursor).
-     this enables us to scroll one position further than the longest
-     line (and possibly see the cursor behind the line)"
-    |w dev|
-    w := super widthOfContents.
-    (dev := device) isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/ really dont know ...
-	dev := Screen current
-    ].
-    ^ w + (font widthOn:dev)
-    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 19:32:25 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'realization'!
-    "make the view visible - scroll to make the cursor visible."
-    super realize.
-    self makeCursorVisible.
-    cursorFgColor := cursorFgColor onDevice:device.
-    cursorBgColor := cursorBgColor onDevice:device.
-    "Modified: 20.12.1996 / 14:16:05 / cg"
-    "Created: 24.7.1997 / 18:24:12 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-redrawCursorIfBetweenVisibleLine:startVisLine and:endVisLine
-    "redraw the cursor, if it sits in a line range"
-    cursorShown ifTrue:[
-	cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (cursorVisibleLine between:startVisLine and:endVisLine) ifTrue:[
-		self drawCursorCharacter
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-    "redraw the cursor, if it sits in visible line"
-    cursorShown ifTrue:[
-	(visLine == cursorVisibleLine) ifTrue:[
-	    self drawCursorCharacter
-	]
-    ]
-redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLine to:endVisLine
-    "redraw a visible line range"
-    super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLine to:endVisLine.
-    self redrawCursorIfBetweenVisibleLine:startVisLine and:endVisLine
-    "redraw a visible line"
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine.
-    self redrawCursorIfInVisibleLine:visLine
-redrawVisibleLine:visLine col:colNr
-    "redraw the single character in visibleline at colNr"
-    cursorShown ifTrue:[
-	(visLine == cursorVisibleLine) ifTrue:[
-	    (colNr == cursorCol) ifTrue:[
-		self drawCursorCharacter.
-		^ self
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine col:colNr
-redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol
-    "redraw a visible line from startCol to the end of line"
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol.
-    self redrawCursorIfInVisibleLine:visLine
-redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol to:endCol
-    "redraw a visible line from startCol to endCol"
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol to:endCol.
-    self redrawCursorIfInVisibleLine:visLine
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'scrolling'!
-    "half a page down - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
-     within the real text  "
-    |prevCursorLine|
-    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
-    super halfPageDown.
-    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
-    "half a page up - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
-     within the real text  "
-    |prevCursorLine|
-    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
-    super halfPageUp.
-    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
-    "sent after scrolling - have to show the cursor if it was on before"
-    super originChanged:delta.
-    "
-     should we move the cursor with the scroll - or leave it ?
-    "
-    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
-    prevCursorState ifTrue:[
-        self showCursor
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 17.6.1998 / 16:13:24 / cg"
-    "sent before scrolling - have to hide the cursor"
-    prevCursorState := cursorShown.
-    "/ cursorShown := false.
-    cursorShown ifTrue:[
-        self hideCursor
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 6.7.1998 / 13:07:23 / cg"
-    "page down - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
-     within the real text  "
-    |prevCursorLine|
-    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
-    super pageDown.
-    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
-    "page up - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
-     within the real text  "
-    |prevCursorLine|
-    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
-    super pageUp.
-    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'searching'!
-searchBwd:pattern ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "do a backward search"
-    |startLine startCol|
-    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	startLine := selectionStartLine.
-	startCol := selectionStartCol
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	startLine := cursorLine min:list size.
-	startCol := cursorCol
-    ].
-    self 
-	searchBackwardFor:pattern 
-	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col |
-	    self cursorLine:line col:col.
-	    self showMatch:pattern atLine:line col:col.
-"/            self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
-	    typeOfSelection := #search] 
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 13:02:04 / cg"
-searchBwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "do a backward search"
-    |startLine startCol|
-    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	startLine := selectionStartLine.
-	startCol := selectionStartCol
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	startLine := cursorLine min:list size.
-	startCol := cursorCol
-    ].
-    self 
-	searchBackwardFor:pattern
-	ignoreCase:ign
-	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col |
-	    self cursorLine:line col:col.
-	    self showMatch:pattern atLine:line col:col.
-"/            self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
-	    typeOfSelection := #search] 
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 13:02:13 / cg"
-    "select characters enclosed by matching parenthesis if one is under cusor"
-    self 
-	searchForMatchingParenthesisFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col | 
-		  self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
-			       toLine:line col:col]
-	ifNotFound:[self showNotFound]
-	onError:[self beep]
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:57:34 / cg"
-    "search for a matching parenthesis starting at cursor position. 
-     Search for the corresponding character is done forward if its an opening, 
-     backwards if its a closing parenthesis.
-     Positions the cursor if found, peeps if not"
-     self 
-	searchForMatchingParenthesisFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col | self cursorLine:line col:col]
-	ifNotFound:[self showNotFound]
-	onError:[self beep]
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:56:30 / cg"
-searchFwd:pattern ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "do a forward search"
-    |startCol|
-    "/ if there is no selection and the cursor is at the origin, 
-    "/ assume its the first search and do not skip the very first match
-    startCol := cursorCol.
-    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
-	(cursorLine == 1 and:[cursorCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
-	    startCol := 0
-	]
-    ].
-    self 
-	searchFwd:pattern 
-	startingAtLine:cursorLine col:startCol 
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:58:59 / cg"
-searchFwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "do a forward search"
-    |startCol|
-    "/ if there is no selection and the cursor is at the origin, 
-    "/ assume its the first search and do not skip the very first match
-    startCol := cursorCol.
-    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
-	(cursorLine == 1 and:[cursorCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
-	    startCol := 0
-	]
-    ].
-    self 
-	searchFwd:pattern
-	ignoreCase:ign
-	startingAtLine:cursorLine col:startCol 
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:58:59 / cg"
-    "Created: 9.10.1997 / 13:04:10 / cg"
-searchFwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "do a forward search"
-    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    self 
-	searchForwardFor:pattern 
-	ignoreCase:ign
-	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col |
-	    self cursorLine:line col:col.
-	    self showMatch:pattern atLine:line col:col.
-"/            self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
-	    typeOfSelection := #search]
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:57:47 / cg"
-    "Created: 9.10.1997 / 13:01:12 / cg"
-searchFwd:pattern startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "do a forward search"
-    self 
-	searchForwardFor:pattern 
-	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
-	ifFound:[:line :col |
-	    self cursorLine:line col:col.
-	    self showMatch:pattern atLine:line col:col.
-	    typeOfSelection := #search]
-	ifAbsent:aBlock
-    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 13:07:52 / cg"
-    "set the searchpattern from the selection if there is one, and position
-     cursor to start of pattern"
-    |sel|
-    "/
-    "/ if the last operation was a replcae, set pattern to last
-    "/ original string (for search after again)
-    "/
-    (lastString notNil 
-     and:[lastReplacement notNil
-     and:[typeOfSelection ~~ #search]]) ifTrue:[
-	lastSearchPattern := lastString asString withoutSeparators.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ if there is a selection:
-    "/    if there was no previous search, take it as search pattern.
-    "/    if there was a previous search, only take the selection if
-    "/    it did not result from a paste.
-    "/    (to allow search-paste to be repeated)
-    "/
-    sel := self selection.
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	(lastSearchPattern isNil
-	or:[typeOfSelection ~~ #paste]) ifTrue:[
-	    self cursorLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol.
-	    lastSearchPattern := sel asString withoutSeparators
-	]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 20.4.1996 / 12:50:13 / cg"
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'selections'!
-    "return true, if the cursor should be automatically moved to the
-     end of a selection.
-     Redefined to return false in terminaViews, where the cursor should
-     not be affected by selecting"
-    ^ true
-    "select the whole text.
-     redefined to send super selectFrom... since we dont want the
-     cursor to be moved in this case."
-    list isNil ifTrue:[
-	self unselect
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	super selectFromLine:1 col:1 toLine:(list size + 1) col:0.
-	typeOfSelection := nil
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.2.1997 / 19:14:54 / cg"
-    "select cursorline"
-    self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:1 toLine:cursorLine+1 col:0 
-    "select cursorline up to cursor position"
-    cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
-	self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:1
-		     toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol-1)
-    ]
-    "Modified: 16.8.1996 / 19:14:14 / cg"
-    "expand selection by one line or select cursorline"
-    selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[
-	self selectCursorLine
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	self selectFromLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol
-		     toLine:cursorLine+1 col:0.
-	self makeLineVisible:selectionEndLine
-    ]
-    "select the text from the beginning to the current cursor position."
-    |col|
-    list isNil ifTrue:[
-	self unselect
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	cursorCol == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    col := 0
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    col := cursorCol - 1
-	].
-	super selectFromLine:1 col:1 toLine:cursorLine col:col.
-	typeOfSelection := nil
-    ]
-selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol
-    "when a range is selected, position the cursor behind the selection
-     for easier editing. Also typeOfSelection is nilled here."
-    super selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol.
-    (selectionEndLine notNil and:[self autoMoveCursorToEndOfSelection]) ifTrue:[
-        self cursorLine:selectionEndLine col:(selectionEndCol + 1).
-    ].
-    typeOfSelection := nil
-    "select the text from the current cursor position to the end."
-    list isNil ifTrue:[
-	self unselect
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	super selectFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol toLine:(list size + 1) col:0.
-	typeOfSelection := nil
-    ]
-    "select the word under the cursor"
-    self selectWordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
-    "forget and unhilight selection - must take care of cursor here"
-    |wasOn|
-    wasOn := self hideCursor.
-    super unselect.
-    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
-! !
-!EditTextView methodsFor:'undo & again'!
-    "repeat the last action (which was a cut or replace).
-     If current selection is not last string, search forward to
-     next occurence of it before repeating the last operation."
-    |s l c sel savedSelectStyle|
-    lastString notNil ifTrue:[
-	s := lastString asString.
-	"remove final cr"
-	s := s copyWithoutLast:1.
-"/        s := s withoutSpaces.        "XXX - replacing text with spaces ..."
-	savedSelectStyle := selectStyle.
-	selectStyle := nil.
-	sel := self selection.
-	"if we are already there (after a find), ommit search"
-	(sel notNil and:[sel asString withoutSeparators = s]) ifTrue:[
-	    undoAction := [self insertLines:lastString atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol].
-	    l := selectionStartLine "cursorLine". 
-	    c := selectionStartCol "cursorCol".
-	    self deleteSelection.
-	    lastReplacement notNil ifTrue:[
-		self insertLines:lastReplacement asStringCollection withCR:false.
-		self selectFromLine:l col:c toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1).
-	    ].
-	    selectStyle := savedSelectStyle.
-	    ^ true
-	].
-	self searchForwardFor:s startingAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol 
-	    ifFound:
-		[
-		    :line :col |
-		    |repl|
-		    self selectFromLine:line col:col
-				 toLine:line col:(col + s size - 1).
-		    self makeLineVisible:line.
-		    undoAction := [self insertLines:lastString atLine:line col:col].
-		    self deleteSelection.
-		    lastReplacement notNil ifTrue:[
-			lastReplacement isString ifFalse:[
-			    repl := lastReplacement asString withoutSpaces
-			] ifTrue:[
-			    repl := lastReplacement withoutSpaces.
-			].
-			self insertLines:repl asStringCollection withCR:false.
-			self selectFromLine:line col:col toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1).
-		    ].
-		    selectStyle := savedSelectStyle.
-		    ^ true
-		] 
-	   ifAbsent:
-		[
-		    self showNotFound.
-		    selectStyle := savedSelectStyle.
-		    ^ false
-		]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 9.10.1996 / 16:14:11 / cg"
-    "repeat the last action (which was a cut or replace) until search fails"
-    [self again] whileTrue:[]
-    "currently not implemented"
-    undoAction notNil ifTrue:[
-        undoAction value.
-        undoAction := nil.
-    ]
-! !
-!EditTextView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.212 1999-08-18 15:06:16 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-FileSelectionBox subclass:#FileSaveBox
-	instanceVariableNames:'appendButton appendAction'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-DialogBoxes'
-!FileSaveBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    Instances of FileSaveBox add an 'append'-button, and an
-    associated append-action. 
-    The other behavior is that of a FileSelectionBox.
-    [Instance variables:]
-        appendAction            action to be performed when append is pressed
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        DialogBox
-        EnterBox2 FilenameEnterBox YesNoBox
-        ListSelectionBox FileSelectionBox 
-! !
-!FileSaveBox methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "set the action to be performed when append is pressed"
-    appendAction := aBlock
-! !
-!FileSaveBox methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    <resource: #style (#'dialogBox.okAtLeft')>
-    super initialize.
-    label := resources string:'Save file dialog'.
-    okButton label:(resources string:'save').
-    "
-     insert an append-button between abort- and save-buttons
-    "
-    appendButton := Button okButton.
-    appendButton isReturnButton:false.
-    appendButton label:(resources string:'append').
-    appendButton action:[appendButton turnOffWithoutRedraw. self appendPressed].
-    (styleSheet at:'dialogBox.okAtLeft' default:false) ifTrue:[
-        self addButton:appendButton after:okButton.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self addButton:appendButton before:okButton.
-    ].
-! !
-!FileSaveBox methodsFor:'user interaction'!
-    "append was pressed - evaluate the append-action"
-    self hideAndEvaluate:[:string |
-        appendAction notNil ifTrue:[
-            appendAction value:string 
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 21:45:52 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSaveBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.14 1999-03-06 03:03:50 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ListSelectionBox subclass:#FileSelectionBox
-	instanceVariableNames:'patternField selectingDirectory'
-	classVariableNames:'LastFileSelectionDirectory'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-DialogBoxes'
-!FileSelectionBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    this class implements file selection boxes. Instances show a list of
-    files, and perform an action block with the selected pathname as
-    argument when ok is clicked. It is also possible, to open the box
-    without action and ask it afterward if it has been left with ok
-    (i.e. the ST-80 way, asking 'aBox accepted ifTrue:[...]')
-    There is an optional PatternField, which shows itself when a pattern
-    is defined (i.e. if there is no pattern, it is hidden). 
-    If there is a pattern, only files matching the pattern are shown in 
-    the list. Directories are not affected by the patternField.
-    In addition, there is an optional matchBlock (actually this is defined 
-    in the FileSelectionList). Only names for which this matchblock
-    returns true will be presented. The matchBlock affects both regular files
-    and names of directories. The argument passed to the matchBlock is the full
-    pathname.
-    All of the actual work is done in the fileList; see the documentation
-    of FileSelectionList for more options 
-    (you can access a boxes fileList via 'aBox>>listView' and get access to all
-     of those fancy settings)
-    For example, by accessing the list, it is possible to hide all directories 
-    ('aBox listView ignoreDirectories:true'), to hide the parentDirectory alone 
-    ('aBox listView ignoreParentDirectory') and to turn off the marking 
-    of subdirectories ('aBox listView markSubdirectories:false').
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        DialogBox
-        EnterBox2 FilenameEnterBox YesNoBox
-        ListSelectionBox FileSaveBox
-        FileSelectionList SelectionInListView
-  simple standard queries
-    very simple:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |name|
-        name := FileSelectionBox requestFileName.
-        Transcript showCR:name
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    simple:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |name|
-        name := FileSelectionBox requestFileName:'which file ?'.
-        Transcript showCR:name
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    with initial selection:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |name|
-        name := FileSelectionBox requestFileName:'which file ?' default:'Make.proto'.
-        Transcript showCR:name
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  more detailed setup
-    setting title:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , box pathName
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    setting a matchpattern:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box pattern:'*.rc'.
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    setting multiple patterns:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box pattern:'*.rc;*.st'.
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    setting a matchblock:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box directory:'/etc'.
-        box pattern:'*'.
-        box matchBlock:[:name | name asFilename baseName first between:$a and:$z].
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    both pattern and matchBlock:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which directory ?'.
-        box selectingDirectory:true.
-        box pattern:'l*'.
-        box matchBlock:[:name | OperatingSystem isDirectory:name].
-        box action:[:fn | Transcript showCR:fn].
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dont show the parent directory:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which directory ?'.
-        box listView ignoreParentDirectory:true.
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dont show any directory:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box listView ignoreDirectories:true.
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dont show any directory or hidden file:
-    (notice the basename extraction - we are not interested in the full pathName)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box listView ignoreDirectories:true.
-        box matchBlock:[:name | (name asFilename baseName startsWith:'.') not].
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dont allow direct filename entry:
-    (i.e. avoid the user choosing files from other directories)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which one ?'.
-        box enterField beInvisible.
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'path is ' , box pathName
-        ].
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    combined with above directory ignoring,
-    this limits selection of files from a single directory:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which file ?'.
-        box enterField beInvisible.
-        box listView ignoreDirectories:true.
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'path is ' , box pathName
-        ].
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    finally, an action:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which directory ?'.
-        box pattern:'l*'.
-        box matchBlock:[:name | OperatingSystem isDirectory:name].
-        box action:[:name | Transcript showCR:name].
-        box open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  concrete examples:
-    only show files beginning with lowercase characters
-    and ending in '.c':
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := FileSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'Which directory ?'.
-        box matchBlock:[:name |
-                            box pathName asFilename isDirectory
-                            or:[name first isLowercase
-                                and:[name endsWith:'.c']]
-                       ].
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'full path:  ' , box pathName.
-            Transcript showCR:'files name: ' , box fileName.
-            Transcript showCR:'directory : ' , box directory pathName.
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox class methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the name of the directory used in the previous
-     fileSelection dialog. This will be used as default for the next dialog,
-     if no explicit path is specified (see requestFileName:* methods)"
-    |f|
-    LastFileSelectionDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
-        ((f := LastFileSelectionDirectory asFilename) exists 
-        and:[f isDirectory]) ifFalse:[
-            LastFileSelectionDirectory := nil.
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ LastFileSelectionDirectory
-    "Created: / 9.9.1997 / 10:03:17 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16.6.1998 / 15:11:20 / cg"
-    "set the name of the directory used in the previous
-     fileSelection dialog. This will be used as default for the next dialog,
-     if no explicit path is specified (see requestFileName:* methods)"
-    LastFileSelectionDirectory := aDirectoryString
-    "Created: / 9.9.1997 / 10:03:42 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 15.6.1998 / 14:05:21 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "return the type of listView - using a FileSelectionList here"
-    ^ FileSelectionList
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the current entered value (i.e. the enterFields string).
-     redefined to return the full pathname."
-    |string|
-    string := super contents.
-    string isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ selectionList directory pathName
-    ].
-    (string asFilename isAbsolute) ifTrue:[
-        ^ string
-    ].
-    ^ (selectionList directory pathName asFilename construct:string) asString
-    "Modified: / 9.9.1998 / 21:23:16 / cg"
-    "return the directory which is currently shown"
-    ^ selectionList directory
-    "change the directory shown in the list."
-    selectionList directory:directoryName
-    "if some filename has been entered, return it (without the directory path)
-     otherwise, return nil"
-    |string|
-    string := super contents.
-    string isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ self pathName asFilename baseName
-    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 09:54:01 / cg"
-    "set the matchBlock (in the selectionList). Only files
-     for which the block returns true are shown.
-     The matching is actually done in the fileSelectionList."
-    selectionList matchBlock:aBlock 
-    "open the box showing files in aPath.
-     This is only a shortcut message - no new functionality."
-    self directory:aPath.
-    self showAtPointer
-    "same as contents - return the full pathname of the selected file,
-     or the pathname of the directory if nothing has been entered"
-    ^ self contents
-    "set the pattern - this also enables the PatternField
-     (if the pattern is non-nil) or hides it (if nil)."
-    |focusSequence|
-    patternField initialText:aPattern.
-    selectionList pattern:aPattern.
-    aPattern isNil ifTrue:[
-        patternField beInvisible.
-        self makeUntabable:patternField.
-        focusSequence := (Array 
-                             with:enterField 
-                             with:selectionList 
-                             with:okButton 
-                             with:abortButton)
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        patternField beVisible.
-        self makeTabable:patternField before:enterField.
-        focusSequence := (Array 
-                             with:patternField 
-                             with:enterField 
-                             with:selectionList 
-                             with:okButton 
-                             with:abortButton)
-    ].
-    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-        windowGroup focusSequence:focusSequence
-    ].
-    "Modified: 18.10.1997 / 03:02:05 / cg"
-    "setup the box for directory selection (hides regular files).
-     Use this, to ask the user for a directories name"
-    selectingDirectory := aBoolean.
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        selectionList directoryChangeAction:[:entry | self directoryChanged].
-        selectionList directorySelectAction:[:entry | self directorySelected].
-        selectionList ignoreFiles:true.
-    ]
-    "Modified: 22.10.1996 / 13:24:50 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox methodsFor:'change & update'!
-update:something with:argument from:changedObject
-    |commonName index s|
-    something == #directory ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 sent by fileNameEnterField, if a filename
-	 completion was not possible due to multiple
-	 matches.
-	"
-	selectionList directory:argument.
-	s := enterField contents.
-	s notNil ifTrue:[
-	    commonName := s asFilename baseName.
-	    commonName size > 0 ifTrue:[
-		index := selectionList list findFirst:[:entry | entry startsWith:commonName].
-		index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		    selectionList makeLineVisible:index
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "if the (optional) class FilenameEditField is present, use
-     it, since it provides filename completion. Otherwise, we have
-     to live with the dumb (default) field ...
-    "
-    FilenameEditField notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ FilenameEditField new.
-    ].
-    ^ super createEnterField
-    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 20:02:24 / cg"
-    |corner|
-    super initialize.
-    selectingDirectory := false.
-    label := resources string:'File dialog'.
-    labelField extent:(0.7 @ labelField height).
-    labelField label:(resources string:'select a file:').
-    labelField adjust:#left.
-    patternField := EditField in:self.
-    self is3D ifTrue:[
-        corner := (1.0 @ (labelField origin y+patternField heightIncludingBorder)).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        corner := [(width - ViewSpacing - (patternField borderWidth * 2)) @ (labelField origin y+patternField height"IncludingBorder")].
-    ].
-    patternField origin:(0.7 @ labelField origin y) corner:corner.
-    patternField rightInset:ViewSpacing.
-    patternField initialText:'*'.
-    patternField leaveAction:[:reason | self patternChanged]. 
-    patternField crAction:[self patternChanged].
-    patternField hiddenOnRealize:true. "delay showing, until a pattern is defined"
-"/ no, since its invisible
-"/    self makeTabable:patternField before:enterField.
-    enterField addDependent:self.
-    "
-     FileSelectionBox open
-     FileSelectionBox new show
-    "
-    "Modified: 18.10.1997 / 02:47:49 / cg"
-    "if some default is present in the enterField,
-     scroll to make this one visible"
-    |contents|
-    super postRealize.
-    (contents := enterField contents) notNil ifTrue:[
-        contents notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            selectionList makeVisible:contents
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: 24.7.1997 / 18:19:14 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox methodsFor:'private'!
-    selectionList updateList
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return my preferred extent - thats the minimum size 
-     to make everything visible"
-    |wWanted hWanted mm|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    mm := ViewSpacing.
-    wWanted := mm + 
-               labelField preferredExtent x + 
-               (mm * 2) + 
-               patternField preferredExtent x + 
-               mm.
-    (wWanted < width) ifTrue:[
-        wWanted := width
-    ].
-    hWanted := mm + labelField height +
-               mm + enterField height +
-               mm + selectionList height +
-               mm + buttonPanel preferredExtent y +
-               mm.
-    (hWanted < height) ifTrue:[
-        hWanted := height
-    ].
-    ^ (wWanted @ hWanted)
-    "Modified: 19.7.1996 / 20:44:04 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox methodsFor:'user actions'!
-    selectingDirectory ifTrue:[
-        selectionList changeDirectory.
-        enterField contents:(selectionList directory pathName).
-        selectionList setSelection:nil.
-    ].
-    "Created: 18.4.1996 / 18:38:21 / cg"
-    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 12:27:05 / cg"
-    "a directory was selected - show the new path in the inputField,
-     if we are in directory mode"
-    selectingDirectory ifTrue:[
-        |newDir|
-        newDir := (selectionList directory)
-                      construct:selectionList selectionValue.
-        enterField contents:newDir pathName.
-    ].
-    "Created: / 18.4.1996 / 18:46:15 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 7.8.1998 / 17:19:26 / cg"
-    |entry|
-    entry := selectionList selectionValue.
-    entry notNil ifTrue:[
-        ((selectionList directory asFilename construct:entry) isDirectory) ifFalse:[
-            selectingDirectory ifFalse:[
-                enterField contents:entry.
-                self okPressed
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: 19.10.1997 / 00:17:37 / cg"
-    "called for both on ok-press and on return-key"
-    |dir string fname|
-    string := enterField contents.
-    (string notNil and:[string notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-        string := string withoutSeparators.
-        string asFilename isAbsolute ifTrue:[
-            fname := string asFilename
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            dir := selectionList directory pathName asFilename.
-            fname := dir construct:string
-        ].
-        fname isDirectory ifTrue:[
-            selectingDirectory ifFalse:[
-                selectionList directory:fname asString.
-                self updateList.
-                ^ self
-            ]    
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        selectingDirectory ifTrue:[
-            enterField contents:(selectionList directory pathName).
-        ].
-    ].
-    super okPressed
-    "Modified: / 10.9.1998 / 22:19:11 / cg"
-    selectionList pattern:patternField contents. 
-    self updateList
-    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 20:30:23 / cg"
-    |entry|
-    entry := selectionList selectionValue.
-    (selectionList directory asFilename construct:entry) type == #directory ifFalse:[
-        selectingDirectory ifTrue:[
-            enterField contents:(selectionList directory pathName).
-            selectionList setSelection:nil.
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    enterField contents:entry
-    "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 12:07:55 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.56 1999-03-19 21:12:13 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1016 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-SelectionInListView subclass:#FileSelectionList
-	instanceVariableNames:'pattern directory timeStamp directoryId directoryName
-		directoryContents directoryFileTypes realAction matchBlock
-		stayInDirectory ignoreParentDirectory markDirectories
-		ignoreDirectories directoryChangeCheckBlock quickDirectoryChange
-		directoryChangeAction directorySelectAction fileSelectAction
-		ignoreFiles directoryHolder'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Lists'
-!FileSelectionList class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    this class implements file selection lists - its basically a
-    selection-in-list-view, but adds some right-arrows to directories.
-    (and will soon remember the previous position when changing directories).
-    You can specify an optional filename-pattern (such as '*.st') and an
-    optional matchBlock (such as: [:name | name startsWith:'A']).
-    Only files (plus directories) matching the pattern (if present) and
-    for which the matchBlock returns true (if present), are shown.
-    Except for file-browser like applications, FileSelectionLists are almost 
-    exclusively used with FileSelectionBoxes (see examples there).
-    [Instance variables:]
-            pattern                 the matchpattern
-            directory               the current directory
-            timeStamp               the time, when directoryContents was last taken
-            directoryId             the directories id (inode-nr) when it was taken
-            directoryName           the path when it was taken
-            directoryContents       (cached) contents of current directory
-            directoryFileTypes      (cached) file types (symbols) of current directory
-            fileTypes               file types as shown in list (i.e only matching ones)
-            matchBlock              if non-nil: block evaluated per full filename;
-                                    only files for which matchBlock returns true are shown.
-            realAction              (internal) the action to perform when a file is selected
-            quickDirectoryChange    if true, directories can be changed with a single click
-                                    if false (the default), they need a double click.
-                                    Makes sense if a directory is what we are interested in,
-                                    for files its better to leave it as false.
-            stayInDirectory         if true, no directoryChanges are allowed.
-                                    Makes sense to limit the user to choose among certain files.    
-                                    The default is false.
-            ignoreParentDirectory   if true, the parent directory is not shown.
-                                    Makes sense to limit the user to files below the initial
-                                    directory. Default is false.
-            ignoreDirectories       if true, no directories are shown at all.
-                                    Makes sense to limit the user to choose among regular files.
-                                    Default is false.
-            ignoreFiles             if true, no regular files are shown at all.
-                                    Makes sense to limit the user to choose among directories files.
-                                    Default is false.
-            directoryChangeCheckBlock 
-                                    if nonNil, directoryChanges are only allowed if this block
-                                    returns true. It is evaluated with one argument, the pathName.
-                                    Defaults to nil (i.e. no checks).
-            directorySelectAction 
-                                    if nonNil, a directory-select evaluate this block.
-                                    Possible hook for others (used with Boxes)
-                                    Defaults to nil.
-            fileSelectAction 
-                                    if nonNil, file-select evaluate this block.
-                                    Possible hook for others (used with Boxes)
-                                    Defaults to nil.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        DialogBox
-        EnterBox2 YesNoBox
-        ListSelectionBox FileSelectionBox FileSaveBox 
-    FileSelectionLists are typically used in FileSelectionBoxes,
-    or file-browser-like applications.
-    Thus, the following examples are a bit untypical.
-    example (plain file-list):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |list|
-        list := FileSelectionList new.
-        list open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    setting a directory holder:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |holder list|
-        holder := '/etc' asValue.
-        list := FileSelectionList new.
-        list directoryHolder:holder.
-        list open.
-        (EditField on:holder) open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    scrolled & some action:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    ignore the parentDirectory:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list ignoreParentDirectory:true.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    ignore all directories (i.e. regular files only):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list ignoreDirectories:true.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    ignore all regular files (i.e. directories only):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list ignoreFiles:true.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dont show the directory arrow-mark:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list markDirectories:false.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    adds a pattern, only showing .st files and directories:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list pattern:'*.st'.
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    a more complicated pattern:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list pattern:'[A-D]*.st'.
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    adds a matchblock to show only writable files:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list matchBlock:[:name | 
-                            |fileName|
-                            fileName := name asFilename.
-                            fileName isWritable or:[fileName isDirectory]
-                        ].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    adds a matchblock to suppress directories:
-    (this can be done easier with #ignoreDirectories)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list matchBlock:[:name | 
-                            name asFilename isDirectory not
-                        ].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    the above can be done more convenient:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list ignoreDirectories:true.
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    adds a matchblock to block parent dirs (i.e. only allow files here & below):
-    (can be done easier with #ignoreParentDirectory)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list currentDir|
-        currentDir := '.' asFilename pathName.
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list matchBlock:[:name | 
-                            ((name endsWith:'/..') and:[list directory pathName = currentDir]) not
-                        ].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    do not allow changing up AND show all .rc-files only:
-    (but allow going down)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list currentDir|
-        currentDir := '.' asFilename pathName.
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list pattern:'*.rc'.
-        list matchBlock:[:name |  
-                            ((name endsWith:'/..') and:[list directory pathName = currentDir]) not
-                        ].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    show only .rc-files in current directory:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list currentDir|
-        currentDir := '.' asFilename pathName.
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list pattern:'*.rc'.
-        list matchBlock:[:name | 
-                            name asFilename isDirectory not
-                        ].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    show only h*-files in /etc; dont allow directory changes:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list directory:'/etc'.
-        list pattern:'h*'.
-        list matchBlock:[:name | name printNL.
-                            name asFilename isDirectory not
-                        ].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    only allow changing into directories below the current one; i.e. not up;
-    but show it
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v list here|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:(300 @ 200).
-        v := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:top.
-        v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        list := v scrolledView.
-        list directoryChangeCheckBlock:[:dirPath |
-                        dirPath asFilename pathName
-                            startsWith:Filename currentDirectory pathName].
-        list action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , list selectionValue].
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    living in a box:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box listView|
-        box := Dialog new.
-        box addTextLabel:'which file ?'.
-        listView := box 
-                        addListBoxOn:nil 
-                        class:FileSelectionList
-                        withNumberOfLines:10 
-                        hScrollable:false 
-                        vScrollable:true.
-        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-        box stickAtBottomWithVariableHeight:listView.
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:listView selectedPathname
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    living in a box (local files only, no directory change allowed):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box listView|
-        box := Dialog new.
-        box addTextLabel:'which file ?'.
-        listView := box 
-                        addListBoxOn:nil 
-                        class:FileSelectionList
-                        withNumberOfLines:10 
-                        hScrollable:false 
-                        vScrollable:true.
-        listView ignoreDirectories:true.
-        listView ignoreParentDirectory:true.
-        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-        box stickAtBottomWithVariableHeight:listView.
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:listView selectedPathname
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    living in a box (local files only; immediately show owner in another field):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box listView lbl|
-        box := Dialog new.
-        box addTextLabel:'which file ?'.
-        listView := box 
-                        addListBoxOn:nil 
-                        class:FileSelectionList
-                        withNumberOfLines:10 
-                        hScrollable:false 
-                        vScrollable:true.
-        lbl := box addTextLabel:''.
-        lbl adjust:#left.
-        listView fileSelectAction:[:index |
-            |ownerId owner|
-            ownerId := listView selectedPathname asFilename info at:#uid.
-            ownerId == OperatingSystem getUserID ifTrue:[
-                lbl label:('one of yours').
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                owner := OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:ownerId.
-                lbl label:(owner , '''s property').
-            ]
-        ].
-        listView directorySelectAction:[:index |
-            |ownerId owner|
-            ownerId := listView selectedPathname asFilename info at:#uid.
-            ownerId == OperatingSystem getUserID ifTrue:[
-                lbl label:('your files there').
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                owner := OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:ownerId.
-                lbl label:(owner , '''s files there').
-            ]    
-        ].
-        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-        box stickAtBottomWithFixHeight:lbl.
-        box stickAtBottomWithVariableHeight:listView.
-        box open.
-        box accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:listView selectedPathname
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "set the action to be performed on a selection"
-    realAction := aBlock
-    "set the action to be performed on a directory change"
-    directoryChangeAction := aBlock
-    "Created: 5.3.1996 / 02:37:08 / cg"
-    "set the directoryChangeCheckBlock - if non-nil, it controls if
-     a directory change is legal."
-    directoryChangeCheckBlock := aBlock
-    "set the action to be performed when a directory is selected.
-     Useful if someone else wants to show additional information
-     (readable/owner ...) somewhere."
-    directorySelectAction := aBlock
-    "Created: 18.4.1996 / 18:45:13 / cg"
-    "set the action to be performed when a file is selected.
-     Useful if someone else wants to show additional information
-     (readable/owner ...) somewhere."
-    fileSelectAction := aBlock
-    "Created: 18.4.1996 / 18:45:24 / cg"
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if directories are ignored
-     (i.e. hidden). The default is false (i.e. dirs are shown)"
-    ignoreDirectories := aBoolean
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if plain files are ignored
-     (i.e. hidden). The default is false (i.e. they are shown)"
-    ignoreFiles := aBoolean
-    "Created: 18.4.1996 / 18:48:43 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 18:49:23 / cg"
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if the parent directory (..)
-     is shown in the list. The default is false (i.e. show it)"
-    ignoreParentDirectory := aBoolean
-    "turn on/off marking of directories with an arrow.
-     The default is on"
-     markDirectories := aBoolean
-    "set the matchBlock - if non-nil, it controls which
-     names are shown in the list."
-    matchBlock := aBlock
-    "set the pattern - if it changes, update the list."
-    pattern ~= aPattern ifTrue:[
-	pattern := aPattern.
-	realized ifTrue:[
-	    self updateList
-	].
-    ].
-    "set/clear quick change (i.e. chdir with single click).
-     The default is false (i.e. double click is required)"
-    quickDirectoryChange := aBoolean
-    "Created: 4.3.1996 / 17:37:58 / cg"
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if selecting a directory
-     should locally change (if false) or be handled just like
-     the selection of a file (if true).
-     The default is false (i.e. change and do not tell via action)"
-    stayInDirectory := aBoolean
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'accessing-channels'!
-    directoryHolder := aValueHolder.
-    directoryHolder onChangeSend:#directoryHolderChange to:self.
-    self directoryHolderChange
-    "Modified: 20.9.1997 / 13:16:58 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!
-    "return the shown directory"
-    ^ directory
-    "set the lists contents to the filenames in the directory.
-     This does not validate the change with any directoryChangeBlock."
-    |oldPath f|
-    nameOrDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
-        directory := nil.
-        directoryHolder notNil ifTrue:[directoryHolder value:directory].
-        ^ self updateList
-    ].
-    directory notNil ifTrue:[
-        oldPath := directory pathName.
-    ].
-    directory := nameOrDirectory asFilename.
-    (directory exists 
-    and:[directory isDirectory]) ifFalse:[
-        directory := Filename currentDirectory
-    ].
-    directoryHolder notNil ifTrue:[directoryHolder value:directory].
-    realized ifTrue:[
-        (directory pathName = oldPath) ifFalse:[
-            self updateList
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 23:42:27 / stefan"
-    "Modified: 20.9.1997 / 13:29:02 / cg"
-    "if there is a selection, return its full pathname.
-     Of there is no selection, return nil."
-    |sel|
-    sel := self selectionValue.
-    sel isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ directory constructString:sel.
-    "Modified: 7.9.1997 / 23:49:01 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 23:49:16 / stefan"
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'drawing'!
-redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr
-    "redefined to look for directory in every line"
-    |l|
-    "first, draw chunk of lines"
-    super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr.
-    markDirectories ifFalse:[^ self].
-    "then draw marks"
-    startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr do:[:visLineNr |
-        l := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-        l notNil ifTrue:[
-            (directoryFileTypes at:l) == true ifTrue:[
-                self drawRightArrowInVisibleLine:visLineNr
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 22.9.1998 / 12:32:24 / cg"
-    "if the line is one for a directory, draw a right arrow"
-    |l|
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr.
-    markDirectories ifFalse:[^ self].
-    l := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-    l notNil ifTrue:[
-        (directoryFileTypes at:l) == true ifTrue:[
-            self drawRightArrowInVisibleLine:visLineNr
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 22.9.1998 / 12:32:34 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'events'!
-    self directory:directoryHolder value.
-    "Created: 20.9.1997 / 13:12:45 / cg"
-    self selectionIsDirectory ifTrue:[
-        stayInDirectory not ifTrue:[
-            quickDirectoryChange ifFalse:[
-                directoryChangeAction notNil ifTrue:[
-                    directoryChangeAction value:self selection
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self changeDirectory
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    super doubleClicked
-    "Created: 4.3.1996 / 17:39:58 / cg"
-    "Modified: 5.3.1996 / 02:38:06 / cg"
-    "if the selection changed, check for it being a directory
-     and possibly go there. If its not a directory, perform the realAction."
-    self selection isCollection ifFalse:[
-        self selectionIsDirectory ifTrue:[
-            (stayInDirectory not and:[quickDirectoryChange]) ifTrue:[
-                directoryChangeAction notNil ifTrue:[
-                    directoryChangeAction value:self selection
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self changeDirectory
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                directorySelectAction notNil ifTrue:[
-                    directorySelectAction value:self selection
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            realAction notNil ifTrue:[
-                realAction value:self selection
-            ].
-            fileSelectAction notNil ifTrue:[
-                fileSelectAction value:self selection
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 18:44:30 / cg"
-    "redraw marks if any"
-    super sizeChanged:how.
-    (shown and:[markDirectories]) ifTrue:[
-        self invalidate
-    ]
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:15:12 / cg"
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    directory := Filename currentDirectory.
-    stayInDirectory := ignoreParentDirectory := ignoreDirectories := false.
-    ignoreFiles := quickDirectoryChange := false.
-    markDirectories := true.
-    super initialize.
-    pattern := '*'.
-    self initializeAction.
-    "nontypical use ..."
-    "
-     FileSelectionList new open
-     (FileSelectionList new directory:'/etc') open
-     (ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList) open
-     (HVScrollableView for:FileSelectionList) open
-    "
-    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 18:49:19 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 18:52:03 / stefan"
-    "setup action as: selections in list get forwarded to enterfield if not 
-     a directory; otherwise directory is changed"
-    actionBlock := [:lineNr | self selectionChanged].
-"/    doubleClickActionBlock := [:lineNr | self selectionChanged].
-    "Modified: 4.3.1996 / 17:39:08 / cg"
-    directory := Filename currentDirectory.
-    super reinitialize
-    "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 18:52:16 / stefan"
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'private'!
-    "change directory to the selected one"
-    |entry ok newDir warnMessage oldDir|
-    entry := self selectionValue.
-    (entry isNil or:[entry isEmpty]) ifTrue:[ ^ false].
-    (entry endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
-        entry := entry copyWithoutLast:4.
-    ].
-    ok := false.
-    oldDir := directory baseName.
-    newDir := directory construct:entry.
-    (directoryChangeCheckBlock isNil
-    or:[directoryChangeCheckBlock value:newDir]) ifTrue:[
-        newDir isReadable ifFalse:[
-            warnMessage := 'not allowed to read directory %1'
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            newDir isExecutable ifFalse:[
-                warnMessage := 'not allowed to change to directory %1'
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                ok := true.
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    ok ifFalse:[
-        warnMessage notNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:(resources string:warnMessage with:entry).
-        ].
-        self setSelection:nil
-    ] ifTrue:[
-        self directory:newDir.
-        entry = '..' ifTrue:[
-            self setSelectElement:oldDir 
-        ].
-    ].
-    "Created: 4.3.1996 / 17:45:18 / cg"
-    "Modified: 26.5.1996 / 15:03:21 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 23:34:39 / stefan"
-    "return true, if the current selection is a directory"
-    |entry|
-    entry := self selectionValue.
-    (entry isNil or:[entry isEmpty]) ifTrue:[ ^ false].
-    (entry endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
-        entry := entry copyWithoutLast:4.
-    ].
-    ^ (directory construct:entry) isDirectory
-    "Created: / 4.3.1996 / 17:43:26 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 18.9.1997 / 23:37:05 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 22.9.1998 / 12:30:21 / cg"
-    "set the lists contents to the filenames in the directory"
-    |oldCursor files newList index obsolete 
-     matching patternList dir|
-    directory isNil ifTrue:[
-        super list:nil.
-        files :=  newList := nil.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    oldCursor := cursor.
-    self cursor:(Cursor read).
-    "
-     if the directory-id changed, MUST update.
-     (can happen after a restart, when a file is no longer
-      there, has moved or is NFS-mounted differently)
-    "
-    obsolete := directoryId ~~ directory id
-                or:[directoryName ~= directory pathName
-                or:[timeStamp notNil
-                    and:[directory modificationTime > timeStamp]]].
-    obsolete ifTrue:[
-        timeStamp := directory modificationTime.
-        directoryId := directory id.
-        directoryName := directory pathName.
-        directoryContents := (directory fullDirectoryContents ? #()) sort.
-        directoryFileTypes := OrderedCollection new.
-        directoryContents do:[:name | 
-            |f|
-            f := directory construct:name.
-            directoryFileTypes add:(f isDirectory)
-        ].
-    ].
-    files := directoryContents.
-    newList := OrderedCollection new.
-    index := 1.
-    dir := directory pathName asFilename.
-    files do:[:name |
-        |type fullName|
-        fullName := dir constructString:name.
-        (matchBlock isNil or:[matchBlock value:fullName]) ifTrue:[
-            (directoryFileTypes at:index) == true ifTrue:[
-                ignoreDirectories ifFalse:[
-                    name = '..' ifTrue:[
-                        ignoreParentDirectory ifFalse:[
-                            newList add:name.
-                        ]
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        name = '.' ifTrue:[
-                            "ignore"
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            newList add:(name ", ' ...'").
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                ignoreFiles ifFalse:[
-                    matching := true.
-                    (pattern isNil 
-                    or:[pattern isEmpty]) ifFalse:[
-                        pattern = '*' ifFalse:[
-                            (pattern includes:$;) ifTrue:[
-                                patternList := pattern asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$;.
-                                patternList := patternList collect:[:p | p withoutSeparators].
-                                matching := (patternList findFirst:[:subPattern | subPattern match:name]) ~~ 0.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                matching := pattern match:name
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    matching ifTrue:[
-                        newList add:name.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        index := index + 1
-    ].
-    super list:newList.
-    self cursor:oldCursor.
-    "Modified: / 18.9.1997 / 23:43:52 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 22.9.1998 / 14:44:02 / cg"
-    |l|
-    l := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-    l notNil ifTrue:[
-        (directoryFileTypes at:l) == true ifTrue:[^ true].
-        ^ super visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "Modified: / 22.9.1998 / 12:32:48 / cg"
-widthForScrollBetween:firstLine and:lastLine
-    "return the width in pixels for a scroll between firstLine and lastLine
-     - return full width here since there might be directory marks"
-    ^ (width - margin - margin)
-! !
-!FileSelectionList methodsFor:'realization'!
-    "check if directory is still valid (using timestamp and inode numbers)
-     - reread if not"
-    super realize.
-    (timeStamp isNil 
-     or:[(directory modificationTime > timeStamp) 
-     or:[(directoryId isNil)
-     or:[directoryId ~~ directory id]]]) ifTrue:[
-        directoryId := nil.
-        self updateList
-    ].
-    "Created: 24.7.1997 / 18:24:36 / cg"
-    "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 23:36:10 / stefan"
-! !
-!FileSelectionList class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.45 1999-06-18 19:42:30 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-MiniScroller subclass:#HorizontalMiniScroller
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Interactors'
-!HorizontalMiniScroller class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    like a scroller, but taking less screen space.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!HorizontalMiniScroller methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "ignored -
-     but implemented, so that scroller can be used in place of a scrollbar"
-    "Created: 17.4.1996 / 14:04:29 / cg"
-    "ignored -
-     but implemented, so that scroller can be used in place of a scrollbar"
-    "Created: 17.4.1996 / 14:04:30 / cg"
-! !
-!HorizontalMiniScroller methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    orientation := #horizontal.
-    super initialize.
-    "Created: 17.4.1996 / 14:01:26 / cg"
-! !
-!HorizontalMiniScroller class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.9 1996-04-25 17:22:22 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1468 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-PanelView subclass:#HorizontalPanelView
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Layout'
-!HorizontalPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a View which arranges its child-views in a horizontal row.
-    All real work is done in PanelView - only the layout computation is
-    redefined here.
-    The layout is controlled the instance variables: 
-	horizontalLayout and verticalLayout
-    in addition to 
-	horizontalSpace and verticalSpace.
-    HorizontalSpace and verticalSpace control the spacing between elements;
-    they default to some 1mm.
-    The horizontal layout can be any of:
-	#left           arrange elements at left
-	#leftSpace      arrange elements at the left, start with spacing
-	#fixLeft        same as #left, but do not reduce spacing in case of no fit
-	#fixLeftSpace   same as #leftSpace, but do not reduce spacing in case of no fit
-	#right          arrange elements at the right
-	#rightSpace     arrange elements at the right, start with spacing
-	#center         arrange elements in the center
-	#spread         spread elements evenly
-	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at the ends
-	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, with additional spacing at the far ends
-	#leftFit        like #left, but extend the last (rightMost) element to the right
-	#leftSpaceFit   like #leftSpace, but extend the last (rightMost) element to the right
-	#rightFit       like #right, but extend the first (leftMost) element to the left
-	#rightSpaceFit  like #rightSpace, but extend the first (leftMost) element to the left
-	#leftMax        like corresponding non-Max layouts,
-	#leftSpaceMax   but resize all components to width of widest components
-	#rightMax
-	#rightSpaceMax
-	#centerMax
-	#spreadMax
-	#spreadSpaceMax
-    the vertical layout can be:
-	#top            place element at the top
-	#topSpace       place element at the top, offset by verticalSpace
-	#center         place it horizontally centered
-	#bottom         place it at the bottom
-	#bottomSpace    place it at the bottom, offset by verticalSpace
-	#fit            resize elements vertically to fit this panel
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, but with spacing
-	#topMax         like #top, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#topSpaceMax    like #topSpace, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#bottomMax      like #bottom, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#bottomSpaceMax like #bottomSpace, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#centerMax      like #center, but resize all views vertically to max height
-    The defaults is #center for both directions.
-    The layout is changed by the messages #verticalLayout: and #horizontalLayout:.
-    For backward compatibility (to times, where only hLayout existed), the simple
-    #layout: does the same as #horizontalLayout:. 
-    Do not use this old method; it will vanish and currently outputs a warning.
-    The panel assumes, that the elements do not resize themselfes, after it
-    became visible. This is not true for all widgets (buttons, labels or
-    inputFields may like to change). 
-    If you have changing elements, tell this to the panel
-    with 'aPanel elementsChangeSize:true'. In that case, the panel will react
-    to size changes of its elements, and reorganize things.
-    By combining Horizontal- and VerticalPanels (i.e. place a hPanel into a
-    vPanel), most layouts should be implementable.
-    However, iff none of these layout/space combinations is exactly what you need 
-    in your application, create a subclass, and redefine the setChildPositions 
-    method there.
-    TODO: for completeness, support #fixRight, #fixRightSpace,
-	  #rightFit, #rightSpaceFit layouts
-    CAVEAT: this class started with #left and no vertical alignments;
-    as time went by, more layouts were added (by users requests)
-    and now, many layout combinations are possible.
-    Reflecting this, the setup should be changed to use different selectors 
-    for space-on/off, max-resize and alignment
-    (i.e. having more and more layout symbols makes things a bit confusing ...)
-    [see also:]
-	VerticalPanelView
-	VariableVerticalPanel VariableHorizontalPanel
-	Label
-    [author:]
-	Claus Gittinger
-    [author:]
-	Claus Gittinger
-    These examples show the effect of various horizontalLayout and
-    verticalLayout settings. Try them all. Especially, notice the
-    differences between the xxx and xxxSpace layouts and the effect of
-    setting different values for the spacing.
-    Try resizing the view and see how the elements get rearranged.
-    Most of the examples below place 3 buttons onto a panel; 
-    Of course, you can put any other view into a panel ... the last examples show this.
-    (The fit layouts are especially useful to be used with SelectionInListViews;
-     you can combine multiple labels & editFields with a selectionInListView, which
-     is expanded to fill the remaining area of the view)
-    example: default layout (center)
-	centers components
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'default: center'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: same (default center layout) with different sized elements
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'default: center'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal default (center); vertical centerMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=centerMax'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#centerMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal default (center); vertical topMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=topMax'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#topMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal default (center); vertical topSpaceMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=topSpaceMax'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#topSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal default (center); vertical bottomMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=bottomMax'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal default (center); vertical bottomSpaceMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=bottomSpaceMax'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: left-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-	fills left-to-right; no spacing before leftMost component
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=left; vL=default (center)'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#left.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: left starting with spacing (vertical is default -> center)
-	fills left-to-right; spacing before leftMost component
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=leftSpace; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: leftFit-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-	fills left-to-right; resizes the rightMost component to fit
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=leftFit; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: leftSpaceFit-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-	fills left-to-right; 
-	starts with spacing & resizes the rightMost component to fit with spacing
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=leftSpaceFit; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftSpaceFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: right-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-	right-to-left
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=right; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#right.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: right with initial spacing (vertical is default -> center)
-	right-to-left with spacing after last component
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=rightSpace; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: rightFit-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-	right-to-left; resize the leftMost component to fit
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=rightFit; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: rightSpaceFit with initial spacing (vertical is default -> center)
-	right-to-left; start with spacing & resize the leftMost to fit
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=rightSpaceFit; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightSpaceFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	v label:'hL=fit; vL=center'.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: full fit i.e. no spacing (vertical is default -> center)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	p horizontalSpace:0.
-	v label:'hL=fit hS=0; vL=center'.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit with spacing (vertical is default -> center)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fitSpace; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spread-layout (vertical is default -> center)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#spread.
-	v label:'hL=spread; vL=center'.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spread with spacing (vertical is default -> center)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=spreadSpace; vL=center'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#spreadSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spread with spacing; vertical fit
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=spreadSpace; vL=fit'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#spreadSpace.
-	p verticalLayout:#fit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spread with spacing; vertical fit with spacing
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=spreadSpace; vL=fitSpace'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#spreadSpace.
-	p verticalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit - top
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fit; vL=top'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit with initial spacing
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fitSpace; vL=top'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit with initial spacing in both directions
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fitSpace; vL=fitSpace'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p verticalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit without spacing in both directions
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fit hS=0; vL=fit'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	p verticalLayout:#fit.
-	p horizontalSpace:0.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit with initial spacing; top with spacing
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fitSpace; vL=topSpace'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p verticalLayout:#topSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit - top without spacing
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fit; vL=top'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p horizontalSpace:0.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit - bottom with spacing and bottomSpace
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fitSpace; vL=bottomSpace'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit no horizontal space - bottom with spacing and bottomSpace
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=fit; vL=bottomSpace'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomSpace.
-	p horizontalSpace:0.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: leftMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=leftMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: leftSpaceMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=leftSpaceMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: rightMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=rightMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: rightSpaceMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=rightSpaceMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: centerMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=centerMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#centerMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spreadMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=spreadMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#spreadMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spreadSpaceMax - vertical default
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=spreadSpaceMax; vL=default'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#spreadSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'but3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: maximize elements in both directions and center
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'hL=centerMax; vL=centerMax'.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#centerMax.
-	p verticalLayout:#centerMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'but1' in:p. b1 font:(b1 font size:8).
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.      b2 font:(b1 font size:24).
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: placing hPanels into a vPanel
-									[exBegin]
-	|v vP hP1 hP2 hP3 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	vP := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	vP origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	vP verticalLayout:#fit;
-	   verticalSpace:0;
-	   horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	hP1 := HorizontalPanelView in:vP.
-	hP1 horizontalLayout:#fitSpace;
-	    verticalLayout:#center.
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:hP1.
-	b2 := Button label:'button2' in:hP1.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:hP1.
-	hP2 := HorizontalPanelView in:vP.
-	hP2 horizontalLayout:#fitSpace;
-	    verticalLayout:#center.
-	b4 := Button label:'button4' in:hP2.
-	b5 := Button label:'button5' in:hP2.
-	b6 := Button label:'button6' in:hP2.
-	hP3 := HorizontalPanelView in:vP.
-	hP3 horizontalLayout:#fitSpace;
-	    verticalLayout:#center.
-	b7 := Button label:'button7' in:hP3.
-	b8 := Button label:'button8' in:hP3.
-	b9 := Button label:'button9' in:hP3.
-	v extent:300 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: a browser like table, the two left tables have a fix width,
-	     while the rightmost list extends to the far right.
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p l1 l2 l3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'hL=leftFit hS=0; vL=fit'.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftFit.
-	p horizontalSpace:0.
-	p verticalLayout:#fit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	l1 := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:p.
-	l1 stayInDirectory:true.
-	l1 ignoreParentDirectory:true.
-	l1 directory:'/'.
-	l1 action:[:selection | l2 directory:(l1 selectedPathname)].
-	l2 := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:p.
-	l2 stayInDirectory:true.
-	l2 directory:nil.
-	l2 ignoreParentDirectory:true.
-	l2 action:[:selection | l3 directory:(l2 selectedPathname)].
-	l3 := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList in:p.
-	l3 directory:nil.
-	l3 ignoreParentDirectory:false.
-	v extent:400 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    trouble example: self-resizing elements may cause trouble
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p l1 l2 l3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) in:v.
-	l1 := (Label label:'one' in:p) level:-1.
-	l2 := (Label label:'two' in:p) level:-1.
-	l3 := (Label label:'three' in:p) level:-1.
-	v extent:400 @ 300.
-	v open.
-	(Delay forSeconds:5) wait.
-	l1 label:'oneone'.
-	l2 label:'twotwo'.
-	l3 label:'threethree'.
-									[exEnd]
-    fixed trouble example: tell the panel that this situation may happen
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p l1 l2 l3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := HorizontalPanelView origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) in:v.
-	p elementsChangeSize:true.
-	l1 := (Label label:'one' in:p) level:-1.
-	l2 := (Label label:'two' in:p) level:-1.
-	l3 := (Label label:'three' in:p) level:-1.
-	v extent:400 @ 300.
-	v open.
-	(Delay forSeconds:5) wait.
-	l1 label:'oneone'.
-	l2 label:'twotwo'.
-	l3 label:'threethree'.
-									[exEnd]
-! !
-!HorizontalPanelView methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the horizontal layout as symbol.
-     the returned value is one of
-	#left           arrange elements at the left
-	#leftSpace      arrange elements at the left, start with spacing
-	#fixLeft        same as #left, but do not reduce spacing in case of no fit
-	#fixLeftSpace   same as #leftSpace, but do not reduce spacing in case of no fit
-	#right          arrange elements at the right
-	#rightSpace     arrange elements at the right, start with spacing
-	#center         arrange elements in the center
-	#spread         spread elements evenly
-	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at the ends
-	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, with additional spacing at the far ends
-	#leftFit        like #left, but resize the last element to fit
-	#leftSpaceFit   like #leftSpace, but resize the last element to fit
-	#rightFit       like #right, but resize the first element to fit
-	#rightSpaceFit  like #rightSpace, but resize the first element to fit
-      the default is #center
-      See the class documentation for  the meanings.
-    "
-    ^ hLayout
-    "Modified: 17.8.1997 / 15:21:26 / cg"
-    "change the horizontal layout as symbol.
-     The argument, aSymbol must be one of:
-	#left           arrange elements at the left
-	#leftSpace      arrange elements at the left, start with spacing
-	#fixLeft        same as #left, but do not reduce spacing in case of no fit
-	#fixLeftSpace   same as #leftSpace, but do not reduce spacing in case of no fit
-	#right          arrange elements at the right
-	#rightSpace     arrange elements at the right, start with spacing
-	#center         arrange elements in the center
-	#spread         spread elements evenly
-	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at the ends
-	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, with additional spacing at the far ends
-	#leftFit        like #left, but resize the last element to fit
-	#leftSpaceFit   like #leftSpace, but resize the last element to fit
-	#rightFit       like #right, but resize the first element to fit
-	#rightSpaceFit  like #rightSpace, but resize the first element to fit
-	#leftMax        like non-Max layouts, resizing components to
-	#leftSpaceMax   the width of the widest component
-	#rightMax
-	#rightSpaceMax
-	#centerMax
-	#spreadMax
-	#spreadSpaceMax
-      the default (if never changed) is #center.
-      See the class documentation for the meanings.
-    "
-    (hLayout ~~ aSymbol) ifTrue:[
-	hLayout := aSymbol.
-	self layoutChanged
-    ]
-    "Modified: 17.8.1997 / 15:21:16 / cg"
-    "OBSOLETE compatibility interface. Will vanish.
-     leftover for historic reasons - do not use any more.
-     In the meantime, try to figure out what is meant ... a kludge"
-    something isLayout ifTrue:[^ super layout:something].
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #horizontalLayout:'.
-    ^ self horizontalLayout:something
-    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 23:07:33 / claus"
-    "return the vertical layout as a symbol.
-     the returned value is one of
-	#top            place element at the top
-	#topSpace       place element at the top, offset by verticalSpace
-	#center         place it horizontally centered
-	#bottom         place it at the bottom
-	#bottomSpace    place it at the bottom, offset by verticalSpace
-	#fit            resize elements vertically to fit this panel
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, but with spacing
-	#topMax         like #top, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#topSpaceMax    like #topSpace, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#bottomMax      like #bottom, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#bottomSpaceMax like #bottomSpace, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#centerMax      like #center, but resize all views vertically to max height
-      the default is #center
-      See the class documentation for  the meanings.
-    "
-    ^ vLayout
-    "change the vertical layout as a symbol.
-     The argument, aSymbol must be one of:
-	#top            place element at the top
-	#topSpace       place element at the top, offset by verticalSpace
-	#center         place it horizontally centered
-	#bottom         place it at the bottom
-	#bottomSpace    place it at the bottom, offset by verticalSpace
-	#fit            resize elements vertically to fit this panel
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, but with spacing
-	#topMax         like #top, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#topSpaceMax    like #topSpace, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#bottomMax      like #bottom, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#bottomSpaceMax like #bottomSpace, but resize all views vertically to max height
-	#centerMax      like #center, but resize all views vertically to max height
-      the default (if never changed) is #center
-      See the class documentation for  the meanings.
-    "
-    (vLayout ~~ aSymbol) ifTrue:[
-	vLayout := aSymbol.
-	self layoutChanged
-    ]
-! !
-!HorizontalPanelView methodsFor:'layout'!
-    "(re)compute position of every child whenever childs are added or
-     my size has changed"
-    |xpos space sumOfWidths numChilds l wEach wInside hL vL resizeToMaxV 
-     resizeToMaxH maxHeight maxWidth d m2 subViews ext
-     restWidth|
-    subViews := self subViewsToConsider.
-    subViews size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    extentChanged ifTrue:[
-        ext := self computeExtent.
-        width := ext x.
-        height := ext y.
-    ].
-    space := horizontalSpace.
-    numChilds := subViews size.
-    m2 := margin * 2.
-    wInside := width - m2 + (borderWidth*2) - subViews last borderWidth.
-    hL := hLayout.
-    vL := vLayout.
-    resizeToMaxH := false.
-    (hL endsWith:'Max') ifTrue:[
-        resizeToMaxH := true.
-        wEach := maxWidth := subViews inject:0 into:[:maxSoFar :child | maxSoFar max:child widthIncludingBorder].
-        hL := (hL copyWithoutLast:3) asSymbol.
-    ].
-    numChilds == 1 ifTrue:[
-        (hL == #leftFit or:[hL == #rightFit]) ifTrue:[
-            hL := #fit
-        ].
-        (hL == #leftSpaceFit or:[hL == #rightSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-            hL := #fitSpace
-        ].
-    ].
-    hL == #fitSpace ifTrue:[
-        "
-         adjust childs extents and set origins.
-         Be careful to avoid accumulation of rounding errors
-        "
-        wEach := (wInside - (numChilds + 1 * space)) / numChilds.
-        xpos := space + margin - borderWidth.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        hL == #fit ifTrue:[
-            "
-             adjust childs extents and set origins.
-             Be careful to avoid accumulation of rounding errors
-            "
-            wEach := (wInside - (numChilds - 1 * space)) / numChilds.
-            xpos := margin - borderWidth.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            l := hL.
-            "/ adjust - do not include width of last(first) element if doing a fit
-            (hL == #leftFit or:[hL == #leftSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                subViews last width:0.
-            ].
-            (hL == #rightFit or:[hL == #rightSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                subViews first width:0.
-            ].
-            "
-             compute net width needed
-            "
-            resizeToMaxH ifTrue:[
-                sumOfWidths := subViews inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :child | sumSoFar + maxWidth + (child borderWidth*2)].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                sumOfWidths := subViews inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :child | sumSoFar + child widthIncludingBorder].
-            ].
-            restWidth := width - sumOfWidths.
-            ((l == #center) and:[numChilds == 1]) ifTrue:[l := #spread].
-            (l == #spread and:[numChilds == 1]) ifTrue:[l := #spreadSpace].
-            "
-             compute position of leftmost subview and space between them;
-             if they do hardly fit, leave no space between them 
-            "
-            ((sumOfWidths >= (width - m2)) 
-            and:[l ~~ #fixLeftSpace and:[l ~~ #fixLeft]]) ifTrue:[
-                xpos := margin.
-                space := 0
-            ] ifFalse: [
-                l == #fixLeftSpace ifTrue:[
-                    l := #leftSpace
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    l == #fixLeft ifTrue:[
-                        l := #left
-                    ]
-                ].
-                ((l == #right) or:[l == #rightSpace
-                or:[l == #rightFit or:[l == #rightSpaceFit]]]) ifTrue:[
-                    xpos := restWidth - (space * (numChilds - 1)).
-"/                    borderWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
-"/                        xpos := xpos + space 
-"/                    ].
-                    (l == #rightSpace   
-                    or:[l == #rightSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                        xpos >= space ifTrue:[
-                            xpos := xpos - space
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    xpos := xpos - margin.
-                    xpos < 0 ifTrue:[
-                        space := space min:(restWidth // (numChilds + 1)).
-                        xpos := restWidth - (space * numChilds).
-                    ]
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (l == #spread) ifTrue:[
-                        space := (restWidth - m2) // (numChilds - 1).
-                        xpos := margin.
-                        (space == 0) ifTrue:[
-                            xpos := restWidth // 2
-                        ]
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                      (l == #spreadSpace) ifTrue:[
-                        space := (restWidth - m2) // (numChilds + 1).
-                        xpos := space + margin.
-                        (space == 0) ifTrue:[
-                            xpos := restWidth // 2
-                        ]
-                      ] ifFalse:[
-                        ((l == #left) or:[l == #leftSpace
-                        or:[l == #leftFit or:[l == #leftSpaceFit]]]) ifTrue:[
-                            space := space min:(restWidth - m2) // (numChilds + 1).
-                            (hL == #fixLeft or:[hL == #fixLeftSpace]) ifTrue:[
-                                space := space max:horizontalSpace.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                space := space max:0.
-                            ].
-                            (l == #leftSpace or:[l == #leftSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                                xpos := space + margin.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                "/
-                                "/ if the very first view has a 0-level AND
-                                "/ my level is non-zero, begin with margin
-                                "/
-                                true "(margin ~~ 0 and:[subViews first level == 0])" ifTrue:[
-                                    xpos := margin
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    xpos := 0
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            "center"
-                            xpos := (restWidth - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) // 2.
-                            xpos < 0 ifTrue:[
-                                space := restWidth // (numChilds + 1).
-                                xpos := (restWidth - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) // 2.
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                      ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    resizeToMaxV := false.
-    (vL endsWith:'Max') ifTrue:[
-        resizeToMaxV := true.
-        maxHeight := subViews inject:0 into:[:maxSoFar :child | maxSoFar max:child heightIncludingBorder].
-        vL := (vL copyWithoutLast:3) asSymbol.
-    ].
-    "
-     now set positions
-    "
-    subViews keysAndValuesDo:[:index :child |
-        |ypos advance bwChild hChild newHChild|
-        hChild := child heightIncludingBorder.
-        bwChild := child borderWidth.
-        resizeToMaxV ifTrue:[
-            child height:(hChild := maxHeight - (bwChild  * 2)).
-        ].
-        vL == #top ifTrue:[
-            ypos := margin
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            vL == #topSpace ifTrue:[
-                ypos :=  margin + verticalSpace
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                vL == #bottom ifTrue:[
-                    ypos := height - margin - child heightIncludingBorder
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    vL == #bottomSpace ifTrue:[
-                        ypos := height - margin 
-                                - verticalSpace - child heightIncludingBorder.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        vL == #fitSpace ifTrue:[
-                            ypos := verticalSpace.
-                            newHChild := height - (verticalSpace + bwChild * 2).
-                            ypos := ypos + margin.
-                            newHChild := newHChild - m2.
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            vL == #fit ifTrue:[
-                                newHChild := height - (bwChild * 2).
-                                "/
-                                "/ if the view has a 0-level AND
-                                "/ my level is non-zero, begin with margin
-                                "/
-                                true "(level ~~ 0 and:[child level == 0])" ifTrue:[
-                                    ypos := margin.
-                                    newHChild := newHChild - m2.
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    ypos := 0. 
-                                ].
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                "centered"
-                                ypos := margin + ((height - m2 - hChild) // 2).
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        newHChild notNil ifTrue:[
-            child height:newHChild
-        ].
-        (ypos < 0) ifTrue:[ypos := 0].
-        (hL == #fit 
-         or:[hL == #fitSpace
-         or:[resizeToMaxH]]) ifTrue:[
-"/cg: removed this (OLD) piece of code,
-"/ which prevents resizing of label-like things if their sizeFixed
-"/ is set to true (I dont remember why I ever added this)
-"/            child sizeFixed ifTrue:[
-"/                d := wEach - (child widthIncludingBorder) // 2.
-"/                child origin:(xpos truncated + d @ ypos)
-"/            ] ifFalse:[
-                child origin:(xpos truncated @ ypos)
-                      corner:(xpos + wEach - (child borderWidth) - 1) truncated
-                             @ (ypos + child height - 1).
-"/            ].
-            advance := wEach.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            child origin:(xpos @ ypos).
-            advance := child widthIncludingBorder
-        ].
-        index == numChilds ifTrue:[
-            |x|
-            (hL == #leftFit or:[hL == #leftSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                x := width - margin - 1 - (child borderWidth * 2) + borderWidth.
-                hL == #leftSpaceFit ifTrue:[
-                    x := x - space
-                ].
-                child corner:(x @ (ypos + child height - 1))
-            ].
-        ].
-        index == 1 ifTrue:[
-            |x xR|
-            (hL == #rightFit or:[hL == #rightSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                x := margin + 0 + (child borderWidth * 2) - borderWidth.
-                hL == #rightSpaceFit ifTrue:[
-                    x := x + space
-                ].
-                xR := child corner x.
-                child origin:(x @ (child origin y))
-                      corner:(xR @ (child corner y))
-            ].
-        ].
-        xpos := xpos + advance + space.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 4.9.1995 / 18:43:10 / claus"
-    "Modified: / 27.1.1998 / 21:03:06 / cg"
-! !
-!HorizontalPanelView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return a good extent, one that makes subviews fit"
-    |sumOfWidths maxHeight maxWidth m2 subViews|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    subViews := self subViewsToConsider.
-    (subViews size == 0) ifTrue:[
-	^ super preferredExtent.
-	"/ ^ horizontalSpace @ verticalSpace].
-    ].
-    "compute net height needed"
-    sumOfWidths := 0.
-    maxHeight := 0.
-    maxWidth := 0.
-    subViews do:[:child |
-	|childsPreference|
-	"/ better to use component's preferredExtent ...
-	childsPreference := child preferredExtent.
-	sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + childsPreference x.
-	maxHeight := maxHeight max:childsPreference y.
-	maxWidth := maxWidth max:childsPreference x.
-	"/ ... instead of actual extent
-"/        sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + child widthIncludingBorder.
-"/        maxHeight := maxHeight max:(child heightIncludingBorder).
-"/        maxWidth := maxWidth max:(child widthIncludingBorder).
-    ].
-    borderWidth ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + (horizontalSpace * 2).
-	maxHeight := maxHeight + (verticalSpace * 2).
-    ].
-    (hLayout == #fit 
-    or:[hLayout == #fitSpace
-    or:[hLayout endsWith:'Max']]) ifTrue:[
-	sumOfWidths := maxWidth * subViews size.
-	borderWidth ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + (horizontalSpace * 2).
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + ((subViews size - 1) * horizontalSpace).
-	((hLayout == #leftSpace) or:[hLayout == #rightSpace]) ifTrue:[
-	    sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + horizontalSpace
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    ((hLayout == #center) or:[hLayout == #spread]) ifTrue:[
-		sumOfWidths := sumOfWidths + (horizontalSpace * 2)
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    ((vLayout == #topSpace) 
-    or:[vLayout == #bottomSpace]) ifTrue:[
-	maxHeight := maxHeight + verticalSpace
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	((vLayout == #fitSpace) 
-	or:[vLayout == #center
-	or:[vLayout == #centerSpace]]) ifTrue:[
-	    maxHeight := maxHeight + (verticalSpace * 2)
-	]        
-    ].
-    m2 := margin * 2.
-    ^ (sumOfWidths + m2) @ (maxHeight + m2)
-    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 00:18:38 / cg"
-! !
-!HorizontalPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.37 1999-02-18 10:47:48 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
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@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ScrollBar subclass:#HorizontalScrollBar
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Interactors'
-!HorizontalScrollBar class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    this class implements horizontal scrollbars with scroller and
-    2 step-scroll buttons. When moved or stepped, it performs a
-    predefined action.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!HorizontalScrollBar methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    orientation := #horizontal.
-    super initialize
-! !
-!HorizontalScrollBar class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.29 1999-07-07 18:53:37 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-Scroller subclass:#HorizontalScroller
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Interactors'
-!HorizontalScroller class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    Actually simply a scroller which preinitializes itself to have
-    a horizontal orientation.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!HorizontalScroller methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "ignored -
-     but implemented, so that scroller can be used in place of a scrollbar"
-    "ignored -
-     but implemented, so that scroller can be used in place of a scrollbar"
-! !
-!HorizontalScroller methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    orientation := #horizontal. 
-    super initialize.
-    orientation := #horizontal.
-    "Modified: / 7.3.1999 / 00:01:08 / cg"
-! !
-!HorizontalScroller class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.16 1999-03-07 13:26:38 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-ScrollableView subclass:#HVScrollableView
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Basic'
-!HVScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    This class is now void; all horizontal scroll functionality is
-    now contained in ScrollableView.
-    It remains here, for backward compatibility with applications using
-    it.
-    Please see the documentation and examples in my superclass, ScrollableView
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!HVScrollableView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    ^ true
-! !
-!HVScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.27 1999-06-17 08:51:08 tm Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-EnterBox subclass:#ListSelectionBox
-	instanceVariableNames:'selectionList'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-DialogBoxes'
-!ListSelectionBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    this class implements boxes for selection from a list. It offers
-    both an ok- and abort-buttons. The ok-button, if pressed will
-    evaluate the okAction (see EnterBox>>action).
-    see examples for typical uses.
-    Notice, for file selections there is a specialized FileSelectionBox,
-    which supports matchPatterns, changing directory etc.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    simple:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := ListSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'select something:'.
-        box list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        box okAction:[:sel | Transcript showCR:'the selection was:' , sel].
-        box showAtPointer
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    with a default:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := ListSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'select something:'.
-        box list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        box okAction:[:sel | Transcript showCR:'the selection was:' , sel].
-        box initialText:'foo'.
-        box showAtPointer
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    opening the box modeless (a stand-by box):
-    (in this case, the default ok- and abortActions do not hide the box;
-     therefore, we have to set those explicitely)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |box|
-        box := ListSelectionBox new.
-        box title:'select something:'.
-        box list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        box abortText:'close'.
-        box okText:'apply'.
-        box okAction:[:sel | Transcript showCR:'the selection was:' , sel].
-        box abortAction:[:dummy | box hide].
-        box openModeless
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-title:titleString okText:okText abortText:abortText list:aList action:aBlock
-    "create and return a new listSelectionBox with list already defined"
-    |newBox|
-    newBox := super title:titleString okText:okText abortText:abortText
-		    action:aBlock.
-    ^ newBox list:aList
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "return the default extent of my instances.
-     The value returned here is usually ignored, and
-     the value from preferredExtent taken instead."
-    ^ (Screen current pixelPerMillimeter * (80 @ 100)) rounded
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 13:53:46 / cg"
-    "return the type of listView 
-     - for easier redefinition in subclasses"
-    ^ SelectionInListView
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return my contents"
-    enterField isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ selectionList selectionValue
-    ].
-    ^ super contents
-    "Created: 26.2.1996 / 20:05:47 / cg"
-    "in addition to showing the initial text, also select it in the list"
-    super initialText:someString.
-    selectionList setSelectElement:someString.
-    "Modified: 26.5.1996 / 15:03:37 / cg"
-    "set the list to be displayed in selection list"
-    selectionList list:aList
-    ^ selectionList selection
-    "Created: 14.10.1996 / 16:28:50 / cg"
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox methodsFor:'accessing-components'!
-    "return the listView component"
-    ^ selectionList
-    "Created: 26.10.1995 / 17:08:32 / cg"
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    "suppress the enterField - now only existing items are selectable;
-     the default is to present an enterField."
-    enterField destroy.
-    enterField := nil
-    "Created: 26.10.1995 / 17:12:38 / cg"
-    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 21:49:14 / cg"
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    |space2 halfSpace v vbw|
-    super initialize.
-    label := resources string:'Select or enter'.
-    "need more space than an enterBox"
-    "self height:(height + (font height * 5)).  "
-    space2 := 2 * ViewSpacing.
-    halfSpace := ViewSpacing // 2.
-    v := ScrollableView for:(self class listViewType) in:self.
-"/ old:
-"/    v origin:[0.0
-"/              @
-"/              (enterField origin y + enterField height + ViewSpacing)]
-"/      extent:[1.0
-"/              @ 
-"/              (height
-"/               - ViewSpacing - labelField heightIncludingBorder
-"/               - ViewSpacing - enterField heightIncludingBorder
-"/               - buttonPanel heightIncludingBorder - ViewSpacing
-"/               - space2)
-"/             ].
-"/ new:
-    v origin:[enterField notNil ifTrue:[
-                0.0 @ (enterField origin y + enterField height + ViewSpacing)
-              ] ifFalse:[
-                0.0 @ (labelField origin y + labelField height + ViewSpacing)
-              ]
-             ]
-      corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-    v bottomInset:(buttonPanel preferredExtent y + ViewSpacing).
-    vbw := v borderWidth.
-    v leftInset:halfSpace+vbw;
-      rightInset:halfSpace+vbw.
-    selectionList := v scrolledView.
-    self makeTabable:selectionList.
-    "self updateList."
-    "I am interested in what is done in the selectionList
-     (could also create a SelectionInList-model and catch its changes ...)"
-    selectionList action:[:lineNr | self selectionChanged].
-    selectionList doubleClickAction:[:lineNr | self doubleClick].
-    enterField removeDependent:self. "dont want preferredExtent-changes"
-    "
-     mhm: the lists keyboard functions are disabled,
-     and input passed to the enterfield (except cursor keys)
-    "
-    selectionList delegate:(
-        KeyboardForwarder 
-            toView:enterField 
-            condition:#noFocus
-            filter:[:key | (key ~~ #CursorUp) and:[key ~~ #CursorDown]]
-        )
-    "Modified: 31.5.1996 / 22:02:33 / cg"
-    "update the list now.
-     This was not done in #initialize to allow settings to be changed before,
-     in case list-updating is a slow operation - such as reading a directory"
-    super postRealize.
-    self updateList.
-    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 21:50:50 / cg"
-    "Created: 24.7.1997 / 18:22:19 / cg"
-    "setup contents of list; 
-     nothing done here but typically redefined in subclasses."
-    ^ self
-    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 21:51:10 / cg"
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return my preferred extent - thats the minimum size 
-     I like to have, to make everything visible"
-    |wWanted hWanted eH mm|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    mm := ViewSpacing.
-    wWanted := mm + labelField width + mm.
-    (wWanted > width) ifFalse:[
-        wWanted := width
-    ].
-    enterField notNil ifTrue:[
-        eH := enterField height + mm
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        eH := 0
-    ].
-    hWanted := mm + labelField height +
-               eH +
-               mm + selectionList height +
-               mm + buttonPanel preferredExtent y +
-               mm - (mm * 2).
-    (hWanted < height) ifTrue:[
-        hWanted := height
-    ].
-    ^ (wWanted @ hWanted)
-    "Modified: 19.7.1996 / 20:44:52 / cg"
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox methodsFor:'user actions'!
-    "doubleClick on an entry is select & ok"
-    enterField notNil ifTrue:[
-        enterField contents:(selectionList selectionValue).
-    ].
-    self okPressed
-    "Modified: 26.2.1996 / 20:05:45 / cg"
-    "selections in list get forwarded to enterfield"
-    enterField notNil ifTrue:[
-	enterField contents:(selectionList selectionValue)
-    ]
-    "Modified: 26.10.1995 / 17:20:06 / cg"
-! !
-!ListSelectionBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.39 1997-07-26 14:21:52 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-Controller subclass:#ListViewController
-	 instanceVariableNames:''
-	 classVariableNames:''
-	 poolDictionaries:''
-	 category:'Interface-Support'
-!ListViewController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.2 1995-11-11 16:21:22 cg Exp $'
-    a very simple controller: only handles some keys to pageup/down
-    the view.
-! !
-!ListViewController methodsFor:'event processing'!
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "a key was pressed - handle page-keys here"
-    (key == #Prior)    ifTrue: [^ view pageUp].
-    (key == #Next)     ifTrue: [^ view pageDown].
-    (key == #Ctrlb) ifTrue:[^ view pageUp].
-    (key == #Ctrlf) ifTrue:[^ view pageDown].
-    (key == #Ctrld) ifTrue:[^ view halfPageDown].
-    (key == #Ctrlu) ifTrue:[^ view halfPageUp].
-    (key == #ScrollUp) ifTrue:[^ view scrollUp].
-    (key == #ScrollDown) ifTrue:[^ view scrollDown].
-    super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
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@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-SelectionInList subclass:#MultiSelectionInList
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Models'
-!MultiSelectionInList class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    Like a selectionInList, but allows for multiple selected items.
-    For use as a model for SelectionInListViews, with multipleSelectOk set to true.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!MultiSelectionInList methodsFor:'accessing-values'!
-    "return the selections value (i.e. the entry numbers in the list)"
-    |l s|
-    (     (l := self list) isNil                                "/ mhmh - no list; what should we do here ?
-      or:[(s := selectionIndexHolder value) size == 0]          "/ mhmh - can be nil ?
-    ) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self zeroIndex
-    ].
-    ^ s collect:[:index | l at:index ]
-    "Created: 26.10.1995 / 16:52:27 / cg"
-    "Modified: 20.4.1996 / 13:14:29 / cg"
-    "set the selection to be anObjectList."
-    |l indizes objList|
-    "/
-    "/ for your convenience: allow 0 and nil as empty
-    "/ selections
-    "/
-    anObjectList size == 0 ifTrue:[
-        (anObjectList isCollection or:[anObjectList isNil]) ifTrue:[
-            ^ self selectionIndex:#()
-        ].
-        objList := Array with:anObjectList
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        objList := anObjectList
-    ].
-    l := self list.
-    l isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ mhmh - no list; what should we do here ?
-    indizes := OrderedCollection new.
-    objList do:[:o |
-        |idx|
-        idx := l indexOf:o ifAbsent:0.
-        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            indizes add:idx
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ self selectionIndex:indizes
-    "Created: 26.10.1995 / 16:40:24 / cg"
-    "Modified: 25.4.1996 / 09:07:44 / cg"
-    "set list of indexes
-    "
-    indexes size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ super selectionIndex:indexes
-    ].
-    (indexes isCollection or:[indexes isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ super selectionIndex:#()
-    ].
-  ^ super selectionIndex:(OrderedCollection with:indexes)
-    "added for ST-80 compatibility
-    "
-    ^ self selectionIndex value
-    "added for ST-80 compatibility
-    "
-    ^ self selectionIndex:indizes
-! !
-!MultiSelectionInList methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return the number of selected entries
-    "
-    ^ selectionIndexHolder value size
-    "return the selectionIndex returned when nothing is selected.
-     Here, an empty collection is returned."
-    ^ Array new
-    "Modified: 20.4.1996 / 13:12:58 / cg"
-! !
-!MultiSelectionInList methodsFor:'selections'!
-    "ST80 compatibility"
-    self selection:nil.
-    "ST80 compatibility"
-    |indizes size|
-    (size := listHolder value size) == 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ self clearAll
-    ].
-    indizes := Array new:size.
-    1 to:size do:[:i| indizes at:i put:i].
-    self selectionIndex:indizes.
-    "obsolete - almost the same as selection"
-    |selectionIndices|
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning.
-    selectionIndices := selectionIndexHolder value.
-    (selectionIndices isNil
-     or:[selectionIndices == 0     
-     or:[selectionIndices isEmpty]]) ifFalse:[
-        ^ selectionIndices collect:[:index | listHolder value at:index]
-    ].
-    ^ Array new
-    "Modified: 25.4.1996 / 09:09:45 / cg"
-    "ST80 compatibility"
-    ^ self selection:aCollection
-    "Created: / 8.11.1997 / 12:55:23 / cg"
-! !
-!MultiSelectionInList class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.16 1998-01-14 15:17:01 ca Exp $'
-! !
--- a/Make.proto	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ b/Make.proto	Thu Sep 09 12:52:02 1999 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Make.proto,v 1.66 1999-09-08 18:14:55 cg Exp $
+# $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Make.proto,v 1.67 1999-09-09 10:51:43 cg Exp $
 # -------------- no need to change anything below ----------
@@ -25,102 +25,104 @@
 	    Button.$(O)                    \
 	    ButtonController.$(O)          \
 	    Toggle.$(O)                    \
-	    ToggleController.$(O)                   \
-	    RadioButton.$(O)                   \
-	    RButtC.$(O)                    \
-	    RButtGrp.$(O)                  \
-	    CheckToggle.$(O)                 \
+	    ToggleController.$(O)          \
+	    RadioButton.$(O)               \
+	    RadioButtController.$(O)       \
+	    RadioButtGroup.$(O)            \
+	    CheckToggle.$(O)               \
 	    CheckLabel.$(O)                \
 	    ScrollBar.$(O)                 \
-	    HScrBar.$(O)                   \
-	    MiniScr.$(O)                   \
-	    HMiniScr.$(O)                  \
+	    HorizontalScrollBar.$(O)       \
+	    MiniScroller.$(O)              \
+	    HorizontalMiniScroller.$(O)    \
 	    DialogBox.$(O)                 \
+	    OptionBox.$(O)                 \
 	    EnterBox.$(O)                  \
 	    EnterBox2.$(O)                 \
-	    LSelBox.$(O)                   \
-	    FSelBox.$(O)                   \
-	    FSaveBox.$(O)                  \
+	    ListSelectionBox.$(O)          \
+	    FileSelelectionBox.$(O)        \
+	    FileSaveBox.$(O)               \
 	    InfoBox.$(O)                   \
-	    WarnBox.$(O)                   \
+	    WarningBox.$(O)                \
 	    YesNoBox.$(O)                  \
-	    MSelList.$(O)                  \
+	    MultiSelectionInList.$(O)      \
 	    FramedBox.$(O)                 \
 	    Workspace.$(O)                 \
+	    VariablePanelController.$(O)   \
+	    VariableVerticalPanelController.$(O)   \
+	    VariableHorizontalPanelController.$(O) \
+	    PopUpListController.$(O)       \
 OBJS=                                      \
 	    ListView.$(O)                  \
 	    PanelView.$(O)                 \
-	    ScrView.$(O)                   \
-	      HVScrView.$(O)               \
+	    ScrollableView.$(O)            \
+	      HVScrollableView.$(O)        \
 	      SequenceView.$(O)            \
 	    Label.$(O)                     \
 	    Scroller.$(O)                  \
-	      MiniScr.$(O)                 \
+	      MiniScroller.$(O)            \
 	    ScrollBar.$(O)                 \
-	    ObjView.$(O)                   \
+	    ObjectView.$(O)                \
 	    PopUpMenu.$(O)                 \
 	      DialogBox.$(O)               \
 		InfoBox.$(O)               \
 	      TextView.$(O)                \
-	      SelListV.$(O)                \
-	      HPanelV.$(O)                 \
-	      VPanelV.$(O)                 \
-	      VarPanel.$(O)                \
-		VarVPanel.$(O)             \
-		  VarHPanel.$(O)           \
+	      SelectionInListView.$(O)     \
+	      HorizontalPanelView.$(O)     \
+	      VerticalPanelView.$(O)       \
+	      VariablePanel.$(O)           \
+		VariableVerticalPanel.$(O) \
+		  VariableHorizontalPanel.$(O) \
 	      Button.$(O)                  \
-		ArrButton.$(O)             \
-	      HScroller.$(O)               \
-		HMiniScr.$(O)              \
-	      HScrBar.$(O)                 \
+		ArrowButton.$(O)           \
+	      HorizontalScroller.$(O)      \
+		HorizontalMiniScroller.$(O)\
+	      HorizontalScrollBar.$(O)     \
 	      EnterBox.$(O)                \
-		WarnBox.$(O)               \
+		WarningBox.$(O)            \
 		YesNoBox.$(O)              \
 		MenuView.$(O)              \
-		FSelList.$(O)              \
-		ETxtView.$(O)              \
+		FileSelectionList.$(O)     \
+		EditTextView.$(O)          \
 		Toggle.$(O)                \
-		LSelBox.$(O)               \
+		ListSelectionBox.$(O)      \
 		EnterBox2.$(O)             \
 		  EditField.$(O)           \
-		  TextColl.$(O)            \
+		  TextCollector.$(O)       \
 		    Workspace.$(O)         \
 		      CodeView.$(O)        \
-	    FSelBox.$(O)                   \
-	    PullDMenu.$(O)                 \
-	    OptBox.$(O)                    \
+	    FileSelectionBox.$(O)          \
+	    PullDownMenu.$(O)              \
+	    OptionBox.$(O)                 \
 	    CheckToggle.$(O)               \
 	    CheckLabel.$(O)                \
-	    FSaveBox.$(O)                  \
+	    FileSaveBox.$(O)               \
 	    ButtonController.$(O)          \
-	      PopUpLstC.$(O)               \
+	      PopUpListController.$(O)     \
 	    ToggleController.$(O)          \
-	      RButtC.$(O)                  \
+	      RadioButtonController.$(O)   \
 		ClickMenuView.$(O)         \
-	    EFGroup.$(O)                   \
+	    EnterFieldGroup.$(O)           \
 	    FontPanel.$(O)                 \
 	    PopUpList.$(O)                 \
 	    FramedBox.$(O)                 \
-	    RButtGrp.$(O)                  \
+	    RadioButtonGroup.$(O)          \
 	    RadioButton.$(O)               \
-	    VarPanelC.$(O)                 \
-	      VarVPanelC.$(O)              \
-	      VarHPanelC.$(O)              \
-	    SelList.$(O)                   \
-	      MSelList.$(O)
-obsolete:   Notifier.$(O)                  \
-	    ErrNotify.$(O)
+	    VariablePanelController.$(O)   \
+	      VariableVerticalPanelController.$(O)   \
+	      VariableHorizontalPanelController.$(O) \
+	    SelectionInList.$(O)           \
+	      MultiSelectionInList.$(O)
 # on (my) aix system, this one cannot be compiled with 
 # optimizer - running out of space during compile
 AIX::       ListView.o TextView.o
-	    $(MAKE) OPT="" ETxtView.o
-	    $(MAKE) OPT="" ObjView.o
+	    $(MAKE) OPT="" EditTextView.o
+	    $(MAKE) OPT="" ObjectView.o
 	    @-rm -f *.c *.H
@@ -154,7 +156,7 @@
@@ -162,8 +164,8 @@
 # special BIG-rule (kludge for HP)
@@ -178,10 +180,10 @@
-#       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=ObjView CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
+#       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=ObjectView CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
 #       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=DialogBox CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
 #       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=TextView CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
-#       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=SelListV CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
+#       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=SelectionInListView CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
 #       $(MAKE) $(BIG_STFILE_RULE) BIG_FILE=MenuView CC=$(CC) OPT="$(OPT)"
@@ -190,7 +192,7 @@
 SUN::   SUNfiles
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-Scroller subclass:#MiniScroller
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:'MiniScrollerSize'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Interactors'
-!MiniScroller class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    like a scroller, but taking less screen space
-    [author:]
-	Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!MiniScroller class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'miniScroller.size')>
-    MiniScrollerSize := StyleSheet at:'miniScroller.size'.
-    "
-     self updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Created: 15.8.1997 / 01:51:38 / cg"
-    "Modified: 20.10.1997 / 15:06:36 / cg"
-! !
-!MiniScroller methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "setup viewStyle specifics"
-    |style lvl|
-    super initStyle.
-    style := StyleSheet name.
-    style == #iris ifTrue:[
-        tallyLevel := tallyMarks := 0.
-        thumbEdgeStyle := nil.
-        thumbLevel := thumbActiveLevel := 2.
-    ].
-    ((style ~~ #normal) and:[style ~~ #mswindows]) ifTrue:[
-        style == #st80 ifTrue:[
-            lvl := 1.
-            "/ lvl := 0.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            lvl := -1.
-        ].
-        self level:lvl.
-        self borderWidth:0
-    ].
-    shadowForm := lightForm := nil.
-    fixThumbHeight := false.
-    thumbImage := nil.
-    "Modified: / 12.5.1998 / 20:41:52 / cg"
-    "initialize - setup instvars from defaults"
-    orientation isNil ifTrue:[orientation := #vertical].
-    super initialize.
-! !
-!MiniScroller methodsFor:'queries'!
-    ^ true
-    "Created: 7.3.1997 / 16:20:22 / cg"
-    "return my preferredExtent - make my width very small"
-    |defExt w h mm|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    defExt := self class defaultExtent.
-    (mm := MiniScrollerSize) isNil ifTrue:[
-	mm := (thumbLevel ~~ 0) ifTrue:[1.8] ifFalse:[1.5].
-	styleSheet name == #st80 ifTrue:[
-	    mm := 2
-	].
-    ].
-    w := defExt x.
-    h := defExt y.
-    orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-	w := (device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter asFloat * mm) rounded.
-	"/ dont let it become too small for thumb ...
-	w := w max:((level abs + thumbLevel) * 2 + 1).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	h := (device verticalPixelPerMillimeter asFloat * mm) rounded.
-	"/ dont let it become too small for thumb ...
-	h := h max:((level abs + thumbLevel) * 2 + 1).
-    ].
-    preferredExtent := w @ h.
-    ^ preferredExtent.
-    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 00:57:07 / cg"
-! !
-!MiniScroller class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.21 1998-05-12 19:00:42 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3229 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-View subclass:#ObjectView
-	instanceVariableNames:'contents sorted lastButt pressAction releaseAction
-		shiftPressAction doublePressAction motionAction keyPressAction
-		selection gridShown gridPixmap scaleMetric dragObject
-		leftHandCursor oldCursor movedObject moveStartPoint moveDelta
-		documentFormat canDragOutOfView rootMotion rootView aligning
-		gridAlign aligningMove'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Basic'
-!ObjectView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a View which can hold DisplayObjects, can make selections, move them around etc.
-    this is an abstract class providing common mechanisms - actual instances are
-    DrawView, DirectoryView, LogicView or DocumentView.
-    [Instance variables:]
-        contents        <Collection>            the objects. The order in which
-                                                these are in that collection defines
-                                                their appearance in the z-plane:
-                                                an object located after another one
-                                                here will be drawn ABOVE the other.
-        sorted          <Boolean>               if set, redraw and picking methods
-                                                assume that the objects are sorted by 
-                                                >= y-coordinates. These operations are
-                                                a bit faster then, since a binary search
-                                                can be done. (use with care).
-        lastButt        <Point>                 last pointer press position
-                                                (internal)
-        pressAction     <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer
-                                                is pressed. Can be set to something like
-                                                [self startCreate], [self startSelectOrMove]
-                                                etc.
-        releaseAction   <Block>                 action to perform when mouse pointer is
-                                                released. Typically set in one of the
-                                                startXXX methods.
-        shiftPressAction        <Block>         like pressAction, if shift key is
-                                                pressed.
-        doublePressAction       <Block>         same for double-clicks
-        motionAction            <Block>         action to perform on mouse-pointer
-                                                motion.
-        keyPressAction          <Block>         action for keyboard events
-        selection               <any>           the current selection; either a single
-                                                object or a collection of objects.
-        gridShown               <Boolean>       internal
-        gridPixmap              <Form>          internal
-        scaleMetric             <Symbol>        either #mm or #inch; used to
-                                                decide how the grid is defined
-        dragObject                              internal
-        leftHandCursor                          cursor shown while dragging a rectangle
-        oldCursor                               saved original cursor while dragging a rectangle
-        movedObject                             internal
-        moveStartPoint                          internal
-        moveDelta                               internal
-        documentFormat          <Symbol>        defines the size and layout of the
-                                                document. Can be any of
-                                                #letter, #a4, #a3 etc.
-        canDragOutOfView        <Boolean>       if true, objects can be dragged out of the
-                                                view. If false, dragging is restricted to within
-                                                this view.
-        rootMotion                              internal
-        rootView                                internal
-        aligning                <Boolean>       if true, pointer positions are
-                                                aligned (snapped) to the point
-                                                specified in gridAlign
-        gridAlign               <Point>         if aligning is true, this point
-                                                defines the snapping. For example,
-                                                12@12 defines snap to the nearest
-                                                12-point grid.
-    written spring/summer 89 by claus
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        DrawTool LogicTool
-        DrawObject
-        DisplayObject
-    typically, ObjectViews are not used on their own, but instead
-    subclassed and thereby provide the common functionality for
-    views which show (possibly overlapping) objects.
-    The methods here provide all mechanisms to handle redraws, picking
-    (i.e. finding an object by position), gridding, moving objects with
-    minimum redraw etc.
-    Also, zooming and scrolling is handled.
-    All objects which respond to the DisplayObject protocol can be handled
-    by ObjectView - therefore, you can add almost any object and have it
-    displayed and handled here. (as an example, try to copy a LogicGate
-    from a LogicView and paste it into a DrawTool - it will work).
-    Reminder: ObjectViews are not to be used as below, but instead to be
-    subclassed. Therefore, the examples below are somewhat untypical.
-    simple example:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v o|
-        v := ObjectView new.
-        v extent:200@200.
-        o := DrawRectangle new.
-        o origin:10@10 corner:100@100.
-        v add:o.
-        o := DrawText new.
-        o text:'hello there'; origin:50@50; foreground:Color red.
-        v add:o.
-        v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    add scrolling:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v top o|
-        top := HVScrollableView for:ObjectView.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        v := top scrolledView.
-        o := DrawRectangle new.
-        o origin:10@10 corner:100@100.
-        v add:o.
-        o := DrawText new.
-        o text:'hello there'; origin:50@50; foreground:Color red.
-        v add:o.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    or, using miniscrollers:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v top o|
-        top := HVScrollableView for:ObjectView 
-                                miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:true.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        v := top scrolledView.
-        o := DrawRectangle new.
-        o origin:10@10 corner:100@100.
-        v add:o.
-        o := DrawText new.
-        o text:'hello there'; origin:50@50; foreground:Color red.
-        v add:o.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    grid:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v top o|
-        top := HVScrollableView for:ObjectView 
-                                miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:true.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        v := top scrolledView.
-        v showGrid.
-        o := DrawRectangle new.
-        o origin:10@10 corner:100@100.
-        v add:o.
-        o := DrawText new.
-        o text:'hello there'; origin:50@50; foreground:Color red.
-        v add:o.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    zoom:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v top o|
-        top := HVScrollableView for:ObjectView 
-                                miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:true.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        v := top scrolledView.
-        v showGrid.
-        o := DrawRectangle new.
-        o origin:10@10 corner:100@100.
-        v add:o.
-        o := DrawText new.
-        o text:'hello there'; origin:50@50; foreground:Color red.
-        v add:o.
-        top open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:5.
-        v zoom:2.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:5.
-        v zoom:0.35.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:5.
-        v zoom:1.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   private benchmark: display 10000 objects ...
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |v top o rnd|
-        top := HVScrollableView for:ObjectView 
-                                miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:true.
-        top extent:200@200.
-        v := top scrolledView.
-        rnd := Random new.
-        10000 timesRepeat:[
-            o := DrawLine new.
-            o origin:(rnd nextIntegerBetween:0 and:700) @ (rnd nextIntegerBetween:0 and:700)
-              corner:(rnd nextIntegerBetween:0 and:700) @ (rnd nextIntegerBetween:0 and:700).
-            v add:o.
-        ].
-        top openAndWait.
-        Transcript showCR:(
-            Time millisecondsToRun:[
-                v redraw              
-            ])
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!ObjectView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "size of blob drawn for handles"
-    ^ (Display horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 1.2) rounded asInteger
-    "when clicking an object, allow for hitDelta pixels around object;
-     0 is exact; 1*pixelPerMillimeter is good for draw programs"
-    ^ 0
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    ^ contents
-    "Created: / 4.7.1999 / 15:15:15 / cg"
-    ^ gridShown
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'accessing - behavior'!
-    "setup actions for default behavior (do - nothing)"
-    motionAction := [:movePoint | nil].
-    releaseAction := [nil]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 18:55:01 / cg"
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'adding / removing'!
-    "add something, anObject or a collection of objects to the contents
-     with redraw"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self addObject:anObject
-    ]
-    "add the argument, anObject to the contents - with redraw"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        contents addLast:anObject.
-        self changed:#addObject.
-        "its on top - only draw this one"
-        shown "realized" ifTrue:[
-            self showUnselected:anObject
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:24 / cg"
-    "add the argument, anObject to the beginning of the contents - with redraw"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        contents addFirst:anObject.
-        self changed:#addObject.
-        "its on top - only draw this one"
-        shown "realized" ifTrue:[
-            self showUnselected:anObject
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:22 / cg"
-    "add the argument, anObject to the start of the contents - no redraw"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        contents addFirst:anObject.
-        self changed:#addObject.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:19 / cg"
-    "add the argument, anObject to the contents - no redraw"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        contents addLast:anObject.
-        self changed:#addObject.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:16 / cg"
-    "add something, anObject or a collection of objects to the contents
-     and select it"
-    self add:something.
-    self select:something
-    "add something, anObject or a collection of objects to the contents
-     do not redraw"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self addObjectWithoutRedraw:anObject
-    ]
-    "remove something, anObject or a collection of objects from the contents
-     do redraw"
-    something size > (contents size / 4) ifTrue:[
-        "
-         better to remove first, then redraw rest
-        "
-        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-            self removeFromSelection:anObject.
-            contents remove:anObject.
-            self changed:#removeObject.
-        ].
-        self invalidate.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-        self removeObject:anObject
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:09 / cg"
-    "remove all - redraw"
-    self removeAllWithoutRedraw.
-    self invalidate
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:20:28 / cg"
-    "remove all - no redraw"
-    contents := OrderedCollection new.
-    self changed:#removeObject.
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-        selection := nil.
-        self changed:#selection.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:43 / cg"
-    "remove the argument, anObject from the contents - no redraw"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        self removeFromSelection:anObject.
-        contents remove:anObject.
-        self changed:#removeObject.
-        shown "realized" ifTrue:[
-            self redrawObjectsIn:(anObject frame)
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:49 / cg"
-    "remove the argument, anObject from the contents - no redraw"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        self removeFromSelection:anObject.
-        contents remove:anObject.
-        self changed:#removeObject.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:50:58 / cg"
-    "remove something, anObject or a collection of objects from the contents
-     do not redraw"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self removeObjectWithoutRedraw:anObject
-    ]
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'cut & paste '!
-    "return a converted version of anObject to be pasted, or nil if
-     the object is not compatible with me.
-     Return nil here; concrete subclasses should try to convert.
-     Notice: anObject may be a collection of to-be-pasted objects."
-    "in concrete subclasses, you can use:"
-    |s|
-    (anObject respondsTo:#asDisplayObject) ifTrue:[
-	^ anObject asDisplayObject
-    ].
-    (anObject isString or:[anObject isMemberOf:Text]) ifTrue:[
-    ].
-    anObject size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	(anObject inject:true into:[:okSoFar :element |
-	    okSoFar and:[element respondsTo:#asDisplayObject]
-	]) ifFalse:[
-	    self warn:'selection not convertable to DisplayObject'.
-	    ^ nil
-	].
-	^ anObject collect:[:element | element asDisplayObject].
-    ].
-    ^ nil.
-    "copy the selection into the cut&paste-buffer"
-    |tmp|
-    tmp := OrderedCollection new.
-    self selectionDo:[:object |
-	tmp add:(object copy)
-    ].
-"/    self forEach:tmp do:[:anObject |
-"/        anObject moveTo:(anObject origin + (8 @ 8))
-"/    ].
-    self setSelection:tmp
-    "cut the selection into the cut&paste buffer"
-    |tmp|
-    tmp := selection.
-    tmp notNil ifTrue:[
-        self unselect.
-        self remove:tmp.
-        self setSelection:tmp
-    ]
-    "Created: / 4.7.1999 / 15:07:59 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:29:50 / cg"
-    "delete the selection"
-    |tmp|
-    tmp := selection.
-    tmp notNil ifTrue:[
-        self unselect.
-        self remove:tmp.
-"/    self setSelection:tmp
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:29:55 / cg"
-    "add the objects in the cut&paste-buffer"
-    |s|
-    s := self convertForPaste:something .
-    s isNil ifTrue:[
-        self warn:'selection not convertable'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self unselect.
-    self addSelected:s 
-    "add the objects in the paste-buffer"
-    |sel|
-    sel := self getSelection.
-    ((device platformName = 'WIN32')
-    or:[device getSelectionOwnerOf:(device atomIDOf:'PRIMARY') == drawableId])
-    ifTrue:[
-        "
-         a local selection - paste with some offset
-        "
-        sel size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            sel := sel collect:[:element |
-                element copy moveTo:(element origin + (8 @ 8))
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sel := sel copy moveTo:(sel origin + (8 @ 8))
-        ]
-    ].
-    self paste:sel
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:10:46 / cg"
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'dragging line'!
-    "do drag a line"
-    self invertDragLine.
-    dragObject corner:aPoint.
-    self invertDragLine.
-    "cleanup after line drag; select them. Find the origin and destination
-     views and relative offsets, then dispatch to one of the endLineDrag methods.
-     These can be redefined in subclasses to allow connect between views."
-    |rootPoint viewId offs 
-     lastViewId destinationId destinationView destinationPoint inMySelf|
-    self invertDragLine.
-    self cursor:oldCursor.
-    "check if line drag is into another view"
-    rootMotion ifTrue:[
-	rootPoint := lastButt.
-	"
-	 get device coordinates
-	"
-	transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-	    rootPoint := transformation applyTo:rootPoint.
-	].
-	viewId := rootView id.
-	"
-	 translate to screen
-	"
-	offs := device translatePoint:0@0 from:(self id) to:viewId.
-	rootPoint := rootPoint + offs.
-	"search view the drop is in"
-	[viewId notNil] whileTrue:[
-	    destinationId := device viewIdFromPoint:rootPoint in:viewId.
-	    lastViewId := viewId.
-	    viewId := destinationId
-	].
-	destinationView := device viewFromId:lastViewId.
-	destinationId := lastViewId.
-	inMySelf := (destinationView == self).
-	rootMotion := false
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	inMySelf := true
-    ].
-    inMySelf ifTrue:[
-	"a simple line within myself"
-	self lineDragFrom:dragObject origin to:dragObject corner
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"into another one"
-	destinationView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    destinationPoint := device translatePoint:rootPoint
-						 from:(rootView id) 
-						   to:(destinationView id).
-	    destinationView transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-		destinationPoint := destinationView transformation applyInverseTo:destinationPoint
-	    ].
-	    "
-	     move into another smalltalk view
-	    "
-	    self lineDragFrom:dragObject origin to:destinationPoint in:destinationView
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    "
-	     not one of my views
-	    "
-	    self lineDragFrom:dragObject origin
-			   to:destinationPoint 
-			   inAlienViewId:destinationId
-	] 
-    ].
-    self setDefaultActions.
-    dragObject := nil
-    "helper for line dragging - invert the dragged line.
-     Extracted for easier redefinition in subclasses
-     (different line width etc.)"
-    |dragger offs p1 p2|
-    p1 := dragObject origin.
-    p2 := dragObject corner.
-    rootMotion ifTrue:[
-        dragger := rootView.
-        "
-         get device coordinates
-        "
-        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-            p1 := transformation applyTo:p1.
-            p2 := transformation applyTo:p2.
-        ].
-        "
-         translate to screen
-        "
-        offs := device translatePoint:0@0 from:(self id) to:(rootView id).
-        p1 := p1 + offs.
-        p2 := p2 + offs.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        dragger := self.
-    ].
-    dragger xoring:[
-        dragger lineWidth:0. 
-        dragger displayLineFrom:p1 to:p2.
-        dragger flush
-    ].
-    "Modified: 16.12.1995 / 17:32:56 / cg"
-lineDragFrom:startPoint to:endPoint
-    "this is called after a line-drag. Nothing is done here.
-     - should be redefined in subclasses"
-    ^ self
-lineDragFrom:startPoint to:endPoint in:destinationView
-    "this is called after a line-drag crossing view boundaries.
-     - should be redefined in subclasses"
-    ^ self notify:'dont know how to connect to external views'
-lineDragFrom:startPoint to:endPoint inAlienViewId:destinationId
-    "this is called after a line-drag with rootmotion set
-     to true, IFF the endpoint is in an alien view
-     - should be redefined in subclasses"
-    self notify:'cannot connect object in alien view'
-    "setup to drag a line. Call this (for example) from your buttonPress
-     method, to make the view start to drag a line.
-     See startLineDrag and startRootLineDrag."
-    motionAction := [:movePoint | self doLineDrag:movePoint].
-    releaseAction := [self endLineDrag]
-    "start a line drag within the view"
-    self setLineDragActions.
-    dragObject := Rectangle origin:startPoint corner:startPoint.
-    self invertDragLine.
-    oldCursor := cursor.
-    self cursor:leftHandCursor
-    "start a line drag possibly crossing my view boundaries"
-    self setLineDragActions.
-    rootMotion := true.
-    dragObject := Rectangle origin:startPoint corner:startPoint.
-    self invertDragLine.
-    oldCursor := cursor.
-    self cursor:leftHandCursor
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'dragging object move'!
-    "do an object move - this is called for every motion
-     when moving objects."
-    |d org nOrg|
-    movedObject isNil ifTrue:[
-	movedObject := selection.
-	"
-	 draw first outline
-	"
-	movedObject notNil ifTrue:[
-	    moveDelta := 0@0.
-	    "tricky, the moved object may not currently be aligned.
-	     if so, simulate a frame move of the delta"
-	    aligningMove ifTrue:[
-		org := movedObject origin.
-		d := org - (self alignToGrid:(org)).
-		moveDelta := d negated.
-	    ].
-	    self invertDragObject:movedObject delta:moveDelta    
-	]
-    ].
-    movedObject notNil ifTrue:[
-	d := aPoint - moveStartPoint.
-	aligningMove ifTrue:[
-	    org := movedObject origin.
-	    nOrg := org + d.
-	    d :=  (self alignToGrid:(nOrg)) - org.
-	].
-	d ~= moveDelta ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     clear prev outline,
-	     draw new outline
-	    "
-	    self invertDragObject:movedObject delta:moveDelta.    
-	    moveDelta :=  d.
-	    self invertDragObject:movedObject delta:moveDelta    
-	]
-    ]
-    "cleanup after object move - called when the object move ends.
-     Find the destination view and position and dispatch to
-     one of the moveObjectXXX-methods which should do the real move. 
-     These can be redefined in subclasses."
-    |inMySelf rootPoint destinationPoint p
-     viewId destinationView destinationId lastViewId|
-    movedObject notNil ifTrue:[
-	self invertDragObject:movedObject delta:moveDelta.    
-	"check if object is to be put into another view"
-	rootMotion ifTrue:[
-	    p := lastButt.
-	    "
-	     get device coordinates
-	    "
-	    transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-		p := transformation applyTo:p.
-	    ].
-	    viewId := rootView id.
-	    "
-	     translate to screen
-	    "
-	    rootPoint := p + (device translatePoint:0@0 from:(self id) to:viewId).
-	    "search view the drop is in"
-	    [viewId notNil] whileTrue:[
-		destinationId := device viewIdFromPoint:rootPoint in:viewId.
-		lastViewId := viewId.
-		viewId := destinationId
-	    ].
-	    destinationView := device viewFromId:lastViewId.
-	    destinationId := lastViewId.
-	    inMySelf := (destinationView == self).
-	    rootMotion := false
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    inMySelf := true
-	].
-	inMySelf ifTrue:[
-	    "simple move"
-	    self move:movedObject by:moveDelta
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    destinationPoint := device translatePoint:rootPoint
-						 from:(rootView id) 
-						   to:destinationId.
-	    destinationView notNil ifTrue:[
-		destinationView transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-		    destinationPoint := destinationView transformation applyInverseTo:destinationPoint
-		].
-		"
-		 move into another smalltalk view
-		"
-		self move:movedObject to:destinationPoint in:destinationView
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		"
-		 not one of my views
-		"
-		self move:movedObject to:destinationPoint inAlienViewId:destinationId
-	    ] 
-	].
-	self setDefaultActions.
-	movedObject := nil
-    ]
-invertDragObject:movedObject delta:moveDelta
-    "draw inverting for an object move"
-    |dragger offs p d scale oldTrans|
-    rootMotion ifTrue:[
-        p := movedObject origin + moveDelta.
-        dragger := rootView.
-        "
-         get device coordinates
-        "
-"/ 'logical ' print. p printNL.
-        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-            scale := transformation scale.
-            p := transformation applyTo:p.
-"/ 'device ' print. p printNL.
-        ].
-        "
-         translate to screen
-        "
-        offs := device translatePoint:0@0 from:(self id) to:(rootView id).
-"/ 'offs' print. offs printNL.
-        p := p + offs.
-"/ 'screen ' print. p printNL.
-        "
-         p is where we want it ...
-         have to adust slightly, since showDragging shows the object
-         at its origin plus some offset; here we want it to be drawn
-         at absolute p.
-         To do so, we set the draggers translation to p and
-         draw the object scaled at 0@0 (by setting offset to its negative org)
-        "
-        oldTrans := dragger transformation.
-        dragger transformation:(WindowingTransformation 
-                                        scale:scale
-                                        translation:p).
-        d := movedObject origin negated.
-        dragger xoring:[
-            self showDragging:movedObject offset:d.
-        ].
-        dragger transformation:oldTrans.
-        dragger flush.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self xoring:[
-            self showDragging:movedObject offset:moveDelta.
-        ].
-        self flush
-    ].
-    "Modified: 16.12.1995 / 17:33:04 / cg"
-    "setup to drag an object. Call this (for example) from your buttonPress
-     method, to make the view start to drag some object.
-     See startObjectMove and startRootObjectMove."
-    motionAction := [:movePoint | self doObjectMove:movePoint].
-    releaseAction := [self endObjectMove]
-startObjectMove:something at:aPoint
-    "start an object move"
-    self startObjectMove:something at:aPoint inRoot:canDragOutOfView 
-startObjectMove:something at:aPoint inRoot:inRoot
-    "start an object move; if inRoot is true, view
-     boundaries may be crossed."
-    something notNil ifTrue:[
-        (self canSelect:something) ifTrue:[
-            self select:something.
-            (self canMove:something) ifTrue:[
-                self setMoveActions.
-                moveStartPoint := aPoint.
-                rootMotion := inRoot.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self setDefaultActions
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self setDefaultActions
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 18:58:08 / cg"
-startRootObjectMove:something at:aPoint
-    "start an object move, possibly crossing view boundaries"
-    self startObjectMove:something at:aPoint inRoot:true 
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'dragging rectangle'!
-    "do drag a rectangle"
-    self invertDragRectangle.
-    dragObject corner:aPoint.
-    self invertDragRectangle.
-    "cleanup after rectangle drag; select them"
-    self invertDragRectangle.
-    self cursor:oldCursor.
-    self selectAllIn:dragObject
-    "helper for rectangle drag - invert the dragRectangle.
-     Extracted into a separate method to allow easier redefinition
-     (different lineWidth etc)"
-    self xoring:[
-        self lineWidth:0. 
-"/        self lineStyle:#dashed.
-        self displayRectangle:dragObject.
-"/        self lineStyle:#solid.
-    ].
-    "Modified: 3.6.1996 / 10:02:22 / cg"
-    "setup to drag a rectangle. Call this (for example) from your buttonPress
-     method, to make the view start the drag.
-     See startRectangleDrag:."
-    motionAction := [:movePoint | self doRectangleDrag:movePoint].
-    releaseAction := [self endRectangleDrag]
-    "start a rectangle drag"
-    self setRectangleDragActions.
-    dragObject := Rectangle origin:startPoint corner:startPoint.
-    self invertDragRectangle.
-    oldCursor := cursor.
-    self cursor:leftHandCursor
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'drawing'!
-    "redraw complete View"
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self clear.
-	self redrawObjects
-    ]
-    "redraw all objects"
-    self redrawObjectsOn:self
-redrawObjectsAbove:anObject in:aRectangle
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in aRectangle
-     and are above (in front of) anObject.
-     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
-    |vis oldClip|
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        vis := aRectangle.
-        clipRect notNil ifTrue:[
-            vis := vis intersect:clipRect
-        ].
-        oldClip := clipRect.
-        self clippingRectangle:vis.
-        self redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersecting:vis.
-        self clippingRectangle:oldClip
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 19:57:06 / cg"
-redrawObjectsAbove:anObject inVisible:aRectangle
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in a vis rectangle
-     and are above (in front of) anObject.
-     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
-    |vis oldClip|
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        vis := aRectangle.
-        clipRect notNil ifTrue:[
-            vis := vis intersect:clipRect
-        ].
-        oldClip := clipRect.
-        self clippingRectangle:vis.
-        self redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersectingVisible:vis.
-        self clippingRectangle:oldClip
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 19:56:44 / cg"
-redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in aRectangle
-     and are above (in front of) anObject"
-    self objectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
-	self show:theObject
-    ]
-redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersectingVisible:aRectangle
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in a vis rectangle
-     and are above (in front of) anObject"
-    self objectsAbove:anObject intersectingVisible:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
-	self show:theObject
-    ]
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in aRectangle
-     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
-    |visRect oldClip|
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        visRect := Rectangle origin:(aRectangle origin)
-                             extent:(aRectangle extent).
-"/        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-            visRect := visRect origin truncated
-                       corner:(visRect corner + (1@1)) truncated.
-"/        ].
-        clipRect notNil ifTrue:[
-            visRect := visRect intersect:clipRect
-        ].
-        oldClip := clipRect.
-        self clippingRectangle:visRect.
-        self clearRectangle:visRect.
-        self redrawObjectsIntersecting:visRect.
-        self clippingRectangle:oldClip
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 19:56:20 / cg"
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in a vis rectangle
-     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
-    |vis oldClip|
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        vis := visRect.
-        clipRect notNil ifTrue:[
-            vis := vis intersect:clipRect
-        ].
-        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-"/            transformation scale ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-                vis := vis origin truncated
-                           corner:(vis corner + (1@1)) truncated.
-"/            ]
-        ].
-        oldClip := clipRect.
-        self clippingRectangle:vis.
-        self clearRectangle:vis.
-        self redrawObjectsIntersecting:vis.
-        self clippingRectangle:oldClip
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 19:55:47 / cg"
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in aRectangle"
-    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
-	self show:theObject
-    ]
-    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in a vis rectangle
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use redrawObjectsIntersecting:, since this will vanish."
-    self redrawObjectsIntersecting:aRectangle
-    "redraw all objects on a graphic context"
-    |vFrame|
-    (aGC == self) ifTrue:[
-        shown ifFalse:[^ self].
-        vFrame := Rectangle left:0 top:0 width:width height:height.
-        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-            vFrame := transformation applyInverseTo:vFrame.
-        ].
-        self redrawObjectsIntersecting:vFrame
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "should loop over pages"
-        vFrame := Rectangle left:0 top:0 width:9999 height:9999.
-        self objectsIntersecting:vFrame do:[:theObject |
-            theObject drawIn:aGC
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 21:01:27 / cg"
-    "redraw the scales"
-    self redrawHorizontalScale.
-    self redrawVerticalScale
-    "show the object, either selected or not"
-    (self isSelected:anObject) ifTrue:[
-	self showSelected:anObject
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	self showUnselected:anObject
-    ]
-showDragging:something offset:anOffset
-    "show an object while dragging"
-    |drawer|
-    rootMotion ifTrue:[
-	"drag in root-window"
-	drawer := rootView
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	drawer := self
-    ].
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	anObject drawDragIn:drawer offset:anOffset
-    ]
-    "show an object as selected"
-    anObject drawSelectedIn:self
-    "show an object as unselected"
-    anObject drawIn:self
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'event handling'!
-buttonMotion:buttonMask x:buttX y:buttY
-    "user moved mouse while button pressed"
-    |xpos ypos movePoint limitW limitH|
-    "is it the select or 1-button ?"
-    self sensor leftButtonPressed ifFalse:[^ self].
-"/    (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:#select) ifFalse:[
-"/        (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:1) ifFalse:[
-"/            ^ self
-"/        ].
-"/    ].
-    lastButt notNil ifTrue:[
-        xpos := buttX.
-        ypos := buttY.
-        "check against visible limits if move outside is not allowed"
-        rootMotion ifFalse:[
-            limitW := width.
-            limitH := height.
-            transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-                limitW := transformation applyInverseToX:width.
-                limitH := transformation applyInverseToY:height.
-            ].
-            (xpos < 0) ifTrue:[                    
-                xpos := 0
-            ] ifFalse: [
-                (xpos > limitW) ifTrue:[xpos := limitW]
-            ].
-            (ypos < 0) ifTrue:[                    
-                ypos := 0
-            ] ifFalse: [
-                (ypos > limitH) ifTrue:[ypos := limitH]
-            ]
-        ].
-        movePoint := xpos @ ypos.
-        (xpos == (lastButt x)) ifTrue:[
-            (ypos == (lastButt y)) ifTrue:[
-                ^ self                          "no move"
-            ]
-        ].
-        motionAction notNil ifTrue:[
-            motionAction value:movePoint.
-            lastButt := movePoint.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        lastButt := movePoint
-    ].
-    super buttonMotion:buttonMask x:buttX y:buttY
-    "Modified: / 28.7.1998 / 16:01:31 / cg"
-buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
-    "user pressed left button twice (or more)"
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        doublePressAction notNil ifTrue:[
-            doublePressAction value:(x @ y).
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    super buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
-    "Modified: 30.5.1996 / 17:57:36 / cg"
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "user pressed left button"
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
-            ^ self buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y
-        ].
-        pressAction notNil ifTrue:[
-            lastButt := x @ y.
-            pressAction value:lastButt.
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "Modified: 1.8.1996 / 19:13:01 / cg"
-buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        releaseAction notNil ifTrue:[
-            releaseAction value.
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    "Modified: 30.5.1996 / 17:57:13 / cg"
-buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y
-    "user pressed left button with shift"
-    shiftPressAction notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastButt := x @ y.
-        shiftPressAction value:lastButt.
-        ^ self
-    ]
-    "Modified: 1.8.1996 / 19:13:19 / cg"
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    keyPressAction notNil ifTrue:[
-        selection notNil ifTrue:[
-            self selectionDo: [:obj |
-                obj keyInput:key .
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "Modified: 30.5.1996 / 17:57:54 / cg"
-pointerEnter:state x:x y:y
-    "mouse pointer entered - request the keyboard focus"
-    self wantsFocusWithPointerEnter ifTrue:[
-        self requestFocus.
-    ].
-redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
-    |redrawFrame |
-    redrawFrame := Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h.
-    self clearRectangle:redrawFrame.
-    ((contents size ~~ 0) or:[gridShown]) ifTrue:[
-        self redrawObjectsInVisible:redrawFrame
-    ]
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 10:42:19 / cg"
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'focus control'!
-    ^ UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse ~~ false
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'grid manipulation'!
-    "do no align point to grid"
-    aligning := false
-    "align points to grid"
-    aligning := true.
-    self getAlignParameters
-    "define the grid pattern - this creates the gridPixmap, which is
-     used as viewBackground when a grid is to be shown.
-     The grid is specified by the value returned from gridParameters,
-     which can be redefined in subclasses. See the comment there on how
-     the numbers are interpreted."
-    |mmH mmV params showDocumentBoundary gridW gridH 
-     bigStepH bigStepV littleStepH littleStepV hires devPixmap colorMap|
-    mmH := self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter.
-    mmV := self verticalPixelPerMillimeter.
-    hires := self horizontalPixelPerInch > 120.
-    params := self gridParameters.
-    bigStepH := params at:1.
-    bigStepV := params at:2.
-    littleStepH := params at:3.
-    littleStepV := params at:4.
-    showDocumentBoundary := params at:7.
-    transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-        mmH := mmH * transformation scale x.
-        mmV := mmV * transformation scale y.
-        bigStepH := bigStepH * transformation scale x.
-        bigStepV := bigStepV * transformation scale y.
-        littleStepH notNil ifTrue:[
-            littleStepH := littleStepH * transformation scale x.
-        ].
-        littleStepV notNil ifTrue:[
-            littleStepV := littleStepV * transformation scale y.
-        ].
-    ].
-    bigStepH isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    gridW := (self widthOfContentsInMM * mmH).
-    gridH := (self heightOfContentsInMM * mmV).
-    self withWaitCursorDo:[
-        |xp yp y x|
-        ((bigStepH isInteger and:[littleStepH isNil or:[littleStepH isInteger]])
-        and:[(bigStepV isInteger and:[littleStepV isNil or:[littleStepV isInteger]])]) ifTrue:[
-            gridW := bigStepH.
-            littleStepH notNil ifTrue:[gridW := gridW max:littleStepH].
-            gridH := bigStepV.
-            littleStepV notNil ifTrue:[gridH := gridH max:littleStepV].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "
-             up to next full unit
-            "
-            gridW := ((gridW // bigStepH) + 1 * bigStepH) asInteger.
-            gridH := ((gridH // bigStepV) + 1 * bigStepV) asInteger.
-        ].
-        gridPixmap := Form width:gridW height:gridH depth:1.
-        gridPixmap colorMap:(Array with:White with:Black).
-        gridPixmap clear.
-        gridPixmap paint:(Color colorId:1).
-        "draw first row point-by-point"
-        yp := 0.0.
-        xp := 0.0.
-        y := yp asInteger.
-        [xp <= gridW] whileTrue:[
-            x := xp rounded.
-            hires ifTrue:[
-                gridPixmap displayPointX:(x + 1) y:y.
-                gridPixmap displayPointX:(x + 2) y:y
-            ].
-            gridPixmap displayPointX:x y:y.
-            littleStepH notNil ifTrue:[
-                xp := xp + littleStepH
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                xp := xp + bigStepH
-            ]
-        ].
-        "copy rest from what has been drawn already"
-        yp := yp + bigStepV.
-        [yp <= gridH] whileTrue:[
-            y := yp rounded.
-            hires ifTrue:[
-                gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
-                                             toX:0 y:(y + 1)
-                                           width:gridW height:1.
-                gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
-                                             toX:0 y:(y + 2)
-                                           width:gridW height:1
-            ].
-            gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
-                                         toX:0 y:y
-                                       width:gridW height:1.
-            yp := yp + bigStepV
-        ].
-        "draw first col point-by-point"
-        xp := 0.0.
-        yp := 0.0.
-        x := xp asInteger.
-        [yp <= gridH] whileTrue:[
-            y := yp rounded.
-            hires ifTrue:[
-                gridPixmap displayPointX:x y:(y + 1).
-                gridPixmap displayPointX:x y:(y + 2)
-            ].
-            gridPixmap displayPointX:x y:y.
-            littleStepV notNil ifTrue:[
-                yp := yp + littleStepV
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                yp := yp + bigStepV
-            ]
-        ].
-        "copy rest from what has been drawn already"
-        xp := xp + bigStepH.
-        [xp <= gridW] whileTrue:[
-            x := xp rounded.
-            hires ifTrue:[
-                gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
-                                             toX:(x + 1) y:0
-                                           width:1 height:gridH.
-                gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
-                                             toX:(x + 2) y:0
-                                           width:1 height:gridH
-            ].
-            gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
-                                         toX:x y:0
-                                       width:1 height:gridH.
-            xp := xp + bigStepH
-        ].
-        showDocumentBoundary ifTrue:[
-             "
-             mark the right-end and bottom of the document
-            "
-            gridPixmap displayLineFromX:gridW-1 y:0 toX:gridW-1 y:gridH-1.
-            gridPixmap displayLineFromX:0 y:gridH-1 toX:gridW-1 y:gridH-1.
-        ].
-        device platformName = 'WIN32' ifTrue:[
-            "/ kludge - needs a deep form
-            colorMap := gridPixmap colorMap.
-            devPixmap := Form width:gridW height:gridH depth:device depth on:device.
-            devPixmap notNil ifTrue:[
-                devPixmap paint:(colorMap at:1).
-                devPixmap fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:gridW height:gridH.
-                devPixmap foreground:(colorMap at:2) background:(colorMap at:1).
-                devPixmap copyPlaneFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 toX:0 y:0 width:gridW height:gridH.
-                gridPixmap := devPixmap.
-            ]
-        ].
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 6.6.1999 / 01:00:16 / cg"
-    |params|
-    params := self gridParameters.
-    gridAlign := (params at:5) @ (params at:6)
-    "used by defineGrid, and in a separate method for
-     easier redefinition in subclasses. 
-     Returns the grid parameters in an array of 7 elements,
-     which control the appearance of the grid-pattern.
-     the elements are:
-	bigStepH        number of pixels horizontally between 2 major steps
-	bigStepV        number of pixels vertically between 2 major steps
-	littleStepH     number of pixels horizontally between 2 minor steps
-	littleStepV     number of pixels vertically between 2 minor steps
-	gridAlignH      number of pixels for horizontal grid align (pointer snap)
-	gridAlignV      number of pixels for vertical grid align (pointer snap)
-	docBounds       true, if document boundary should be shown
-     if littleStepH/V are nil, only bigSteps are drawn.
-    "
-    |mmH mmV bigStepH bigStepV littleStepH littleStepV arr|
-    "example: 12grid & 12snapIn"
-"/    ^ #(12 12 nil nil 12 12 false).
-    "example: 12grid & 24snapIn"
-"/    ^ #(12 12 nil nil 24 24 false).
-    "default: cm/mm grid & mm snapIn for metric,
-     1inch , 1/8inch grid & 1/8 inch snapIn"
-    mmH := self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter.
-    mmV := self verticalPixelPerMillimeter.
-    "
-     metric grid: small steps every millimeter, big step every
-     centimeter. If the transformation is shrinking, turn off little
-     steps.
-    "
-    (scaleMetric == #mm) ifTrue:[
-	"dots every mm; lines every cm"
-	bigStepH := mmH * 10.0.
-	bigStepV := mmV * 10.0.
-	(transformation notNil
-	and:[transformation scale <= 0.5]) ifFalse:[
-	    littleStepH := mmH.
-	    littleStepV := mmV
-	]
-    ].
-    "
-     inch grid: small steps every 1/8th inch, big step every half inch
-     If the transformation is shrinking, change little steps to 1/th inch
-     or even turn them off completely.
-    "
-    (scaleMetric == #inch) ifTrue:[
-	"dots every eights inch; lines every half inch"
-	bigStepH := mmH * (25.4 / 2).
-	bigStepV := mmV * (25.4 / 2).
-	(transformation notNil
-	and:[transformation scale <= 0.5]) ifTrue:[
-	    transformation scale > 0.2 ifTrue:[
-		littleStepH := mmH * (25.4 / 4).
-		littleStepV := mmV * (25.4 / 4)
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    littleStepH := mmH * (25.4 / 8).
-	    littleStepV := mmV * (25.4 / 8)
-	]
-    ].
-    arr := Array new:8.
-    arr at:1 put:bigStepH.
-    arr at:2 put:bigStepV.
-    arr at:3 put:littleStepH.
-    arr at:4 put:littleStepV.
-    arr at:5 put:littleStepH.
-    arr at:6 put:littleStepV.
-    arr at:7 put:false.
-    ^ arr
-    "hide the grid"
-    gridShown := false.
-    self newGrid
-    "define a new grid - this is a private helper which has to be
-     called after any change in the grid. It (re)creates the gridPixmap,
-     clears the view and redraws all visible objects."
-    gridPixmap := nil.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        self viewBackground:White.
-        self clear.
-    ].
-    gridShown ifTrue:[
-        self defineGrid.
-        self viewBackground:gridPixmap.
-    ].
-    self invalidate
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:20:11 / cg"
-    "show the grid. The grid is defined by the return value of
-     gridParameters, which can be redefined in concrete subclasses."
-    gridShown := true.
-    self newGrid
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'initialization'!
-"/    self backingStore:true.
-    super initialize.
-    viewBackground := White.
-    bitGravity := #NorthWest.
-    contents := OrderedCollection new.
-    gridShown := false.
-    canDragOutOfView := false.
-    rootView := DisplayRootView new.
-    rootView clippedByChildren:false.
-    rootMotion := false.
-    self setInitialDocumentFormat.
-    leftHandCursor := Cursor leftHand.
-    sorted := false.
-    aligning := false.
-    aligningMove := false.
-    "Modified: 20.1.1997 / 20:41:10 / cg"
-    (Smalltalk language == #english) ifTrue:[
-	documentFormat := 'letter'.
-	scaleMetric := #inch
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	documentFormat := 'a4'.
-	scaleMetric := #mm
-    ].
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'layout manipulation'!
-    |botMost|
-    botMost := -999999.
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	botMost := botMost max:(anObject frame bottom)
-    ].
-    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
-	self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	    self moveObject:anObject to:(anObject frame left)
-					@
-					(botMost - (anObject frame height))
-	]
-    ]
-    "align selection along their center horizontally"
-    |topMost bottomMost h|
-    topMost := 999999.
-    bottomMost := -999999.
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-        |f|
-        f := anObject frame.
-        topMost := topMost min:(f top).
-        bottomMost := bottomMost max:(f bottom).
-    ].
-    h := bottomMost - topMost.
-    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
-        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-            self moveObject:anObject 
-                         to:(anObject frame left)
-                            @
-                            (topMost + ((h - anObject frame height) // 2))
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 20:01:19 / cg"
-    "Modified: 4.6.1996 / 21:19:48 / cg"
-    |leftMost|
-    leftMost := 999999.
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	leftMost := leftMost min:(anObject frame left)
-    ].
-    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
-	self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	    self moveObject:anObject to:(leftMost @ (anObject frame top))
-	]
-    ]
-    |rightMost|
-    rightMost := -999999.
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	rightMost := rightMost max:(anObject frame right)
-    ].
-    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
-	self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	    self moveObject:anObject to:(rightMost - (anObject frame width))
-					 @ (anObject frame top)
-	]
-    ]
-    |topMost|
-    topMost := 999999.
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	topMost := topMost min:(anObject frame top)
-    ].
-    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
-	self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	    self moveObject:anObject to:((anObject frame left) @ topMost)
-	]
-    ]
-    "align selection along their center vertically"
-    |leftMost rightMost w|
-    leftMost := 999999.
-    rightMost := -999999.
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-        |f|
-        f := anObject frame.
-        rightMost := rightMost max:(f right).
-        leftMost := leftMost min:(f left).
-    ].
-    w := rightMost - leftMost.
-    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
-        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-            self moveObject:anObject 
-                         to:(leftMost + ((w - anObject frame width) // 2))
-                            @
-                            (anObject frame top)
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 19:59:16 / cg"
-    "Modified: 4.6.1996 / 21:19:58 / cg"
-move:something by:delta
-    "change the position of something, an Object or Collection 
-     by delta, aPoint"
-    (delta x == 0) ifTrue:[
-	(delta y == 0) ifTrue:[^ self]
-    ].
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self moveObject:anObject by:delta
-    ]
-move:something to:aPoint in:aView
-    "can only happen when dragOutOfView is true
-     - should be redefined in subclasses"
-    self notify:'cannot move object(s) out of view'
-move:something to:aPoint inAlienViewId:aViewId
-    "can only happen when dragOutOfView is true
-     - should be redefined in subclasses"
-    self notify:'cannot move object(s) to alien views'
-moveObject:anObject by:delta
-    "change the position of anObject by delta, aPoint"
-    self moveObject:anObject to:(anObject origin + delta)
-moveObject:anObject to:newOrigin
-    "move anObject to newOrigin, aPoint"
-    |oldOrigin oldFrame newFrame 
-     objectsIntersectingOldFrame objectsIntersectingNewFrame 
-     wasObscured isObscured intersects
-     oldLeft oldTop w h newLeft newTop griddedNewOrigin clip|
-    anObject isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    anObject canBeMoved ifFalse:[^ self].
-    griddedNewOrigin := self alignToGrid:newOrigin.
-    oldOrigin := anObject origin.
-    (oldOrigin = griddedNewOrigin) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    oldFrame := self frameOf:anObject.
-    objectsIntersectingOldFrame := self objectsIntersecting:oldFrame.
-    wasObscured := self isObscured:anObject.
-    anObject moveTo:griddedNewOrigin.
-    self changed:#objectLayout.
-    shown ifFalse:[^ self].
-    newFrame := self frameOf:anObject.
-    objectsIntersectingNewFrame := self objectsIntersecting:newFrame.
-    "try to redraw the minimum possible"
-    "if no other object intersects both frames we can do a copy:"
-    intersects := oldFrame intersects:newFrame.
-    intersects ifFalse:[
-        gridShown ifFalse:[
-            transformation isNil ifTrue:[
-                (objectsIntersectingOldFrame size == 1) ifTrue:[
-                    (objectsIntersectingNewFrame size == 1) ifTrue:[
-                        clip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
-                        (clip isNil or:[oldFrame isContainedIn:clip]) ifTrue:[
-                            oldLeft := oldFrame left.
-                            oldTop := oldFrame top.
-                            newLeft := newFrame left.
-                            newTop := newFrame top.
-                            w := oldFrame width.
-                            h := oldFrame height.
-                            ((newLeft < width) and:[newTop < height]) ifTrue:[
-                                ((newLeft >= 0) and:[newTop >= 0]) ifTrue:[
-                                    self catchExpose.
-                                    self 
-                                        copyFrom:self 
-                                        x:oldLeft y:oldTop
-                                        toX:newLeft y:newTop
-                                        width:w height:h
-                                        async:true.
-                                    self waitForExpose
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            ((oldLeft < width) and:[oldTop < height]) ifTrue:[
-                                ((oldLeft >= 0) and:[oldTop >= 0]) ifTrue:[
-                                  self clearRectangleX:oldLeft y:oldTop width:w height:h.
-"/                                self fillRectangleX:oldLeft y:oldTop width:w height:h
-"/                                               with:viewBackground
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            ^ self
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    isObscured := self isObscured:anObject.
-    (oldFrame intersects:newFrame) ifTrue:[
-        isObscured ifFalse:[
-            self redrawObjectsIn:oldFrame.
-            self show: anObject
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            self redrawObjectsIn:(oldFrame merge:newFrame)
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self redrawObjectsIn:oldFrame.
-        isObscured ifFalse:[
-            self show: anObject
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            self redrawObjectsIn:newFrame
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:52:17 / cg"
-    "bring the argument, anObject to back"
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        contents remove:anObject.
-        contents addFirst:anObject.
-        (self isObscured:anObject) ifTrue:[
-            self redrawObjectsIn:(anObject frame)
-        ].
-        self changed:#objectLayout.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:52:39 / cg"
-    "bring the argument, anObject to front"
-    |wasObscured|
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        wasObscured := self isObscured:anObject.
-        contents remove:anObject.
-        contents addLast:anObject.
-        wasObscured ifTrue:[
-            self redrawObjectsIn:(anObject frame)
-            self hideSelection.
-            self show:anObject.
-            self showSelection
-        ].
-        self changed:#objectLayout.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 16:52:49 / cg"
-    "align selected objects at bottom"
-    self alignBottom:selection
-    "align selected objects horizontally"
-    self alignHorizontal:selection
-    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 19:58:46 / cg"
-    "Modified: 4.6.1996 / 19:59:10 / cg"
-    "align selected objects left"
-    self alignLeft:selection
-    "align selected objects right"
-    self alignRight:selection
-    "align selected objects at top"
-    self alignTop:selection
-    "align selected objects vertically"
-    self alignVertical:selection
-    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 19:59:00 / cg"
-    "bring the selection to back"
-    self toBack:selection
-    "bring the selection to front"
-    self toFront:selection
-    "bring the argument, anObject or a collection of objects to back"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self objectToBack:anObject
-    ]
-    "bring the argument, anObject or a collection of objects to front"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self objectToFront:anObject
-    ]
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'misc'!
-    "set the document format (mostly used by scrollbars).
-     The argument should be a string such as 'a4', 'a5'
-     or 'letter'. 
-     See the UnitConverter class for supported formats."
-    aFormatString ~= documentFormat ifTrue:[
-        documentFormat := aFormatString.
-        self contentsChanged.
-        self defineGrid.
-        gridShown ifTrue:[
-            self invalidate "/ clear; redraw
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 31.5.1996 / 19:44:08 / cg"
-forEach:aCollection do:aBlock
-    "apply block to every object in a collectioni;
-     (adds a check for non-collection)"
-    aCollection isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-    aCollection isCollection ifTrue:[
-	aCollection do:[:object |
-	    object notNil ifTrue:[
-		aBlock value:object
-	    ]
-	]
-    ] ifFalse: [
-	aBlock value:aCollection
-    ]
-    "when clicking an object, allow for hitDelta pixels around object.
-     We compensate for any scaling here, to get a constant physical
-     hitDelta (i.e. the value returned here is inverse scaled)."
-    |delta|
-    delta := self class hitDelta.
-    transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-	delta := delta / transformation scale x
-    ].
-    ^ delta
-    "answer the number of objects intersecting the argument, aRectangle"
-    |tally|
-    tally := 0.
-    contents do:[:theObject |
-	(theObject frame intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
-	    tally := tally + 1
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ tally
-    "answer the number of objects intersecting the argument, aRectangle.
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use numberOfObjectsIntersecting:, since this will vanish."
-    ^ self numberOfObjectsIntersecting:aRectangle
-objectsAbove:objectToBeTested do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object above objectToBeTested
-     (does not mean obscured - simply above in hierarchy)"
-    |startIndex|
-    startIndex := contents identityIndexOf:objectToBeTested
-				  ifAbsent:[self error].
-    contents from:startIndex to:(contents size) do:aBlock
-objectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object above objectToBeTested
-     and intersecting aRectangle"
-    self objectsAbove:anObject do:[:theObject |
-	(theObject frame intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
-	    aBlock value:theObject
-	]
-    ]
-objectsBelow:objectToBeTested do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object below objectToBeTested
-     (does not mean obscured by - simply below in hierarchy)"
-    |endIndex|
-    endIndex := contents identityIndexOf:objectToBeTested ifAbsent:[self error].
-    contents from:1 to:(endIndex - 1) do:aBlock
-objectsIn:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object which is completely in a rectangle"
-    |bot|
-    sorted ifTrue:[
-	bot := aRectangle bottom.
-	contents do:[:theObject |
-	    (theObject isContainedIn:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
-		aBlock value:theObject
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		theObject frame top > bot ifTrue:[^ self]
-	    ]
-	].
-	^ self
-    ].
-    contents do:[:theObject |
-	(theObject isContainedIn:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
-	    aBlock value:theObject
-	]
-    ]
-objectsInVisible:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object which is completely in a 
-     visible rectangle.
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use objectsIn:do:, since this will vanish."
-    self objectsIn:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "answer a Collection of objects intersecting the argument, aRectangle"
-    |newCollection|
-    newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
-    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
-	newCollection add:theObject
-    ].
-    (newCollection size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ newCollection
-objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object which intersects a rectangle"
-    |f top bot
-     firstIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     delta      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     theObject 
-     nObjects   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    nObjects := contents size.
-    (nObjects == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    sorted ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 have to check every object
-	"
-	contents do:[:theObject |
-	    (theObject frame intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
-		aBlock value:theObject
-	    ]
-	].
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "
-     contents is sorted by y; can do a fast (binary) search for the first
-     object which intersects aRectangle and 
-     break from the draw loop, when the 1st object below aRectangle is reached.
-    "
-    bot := aRectangle bottom.
-    top := aRectangle top.
-    "
-     binary search for an object in aRectangle ...
-    "
-    delta := nObjects // 2.
-    firstIndex := delta.
-    (firstIndex == 0) ifTrue:[
-       firstIndex := 1
-    ].
-    theObject := contents at:firstIndex.
-    (theObject frame bottom < top) ifTrue:[
-	[theObject frame bottom < top and:[delta > 1]] whileTrue:[
-	    delta := delta // 2.
-	    firstIndex := firstIndex + delta.
-	    theObject := contents at:firstIndex
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	[theObject frame top > bot and:[delta > 1]] whileTrue:[
-	    delta := delta // 2.
-	    firstIndex := firstIndex - delta.
-	    theObject := contents at:firstIndex
-	]
-    ].
-    "
-     now, theObject at:firstIndex is in aRectangle; go backward to the object
-     following first non-visible
-    "
-    [theObject frame bottom > top and:[firstIndex > 1]] whileTrue:[
-	firstIndex := firstIndex - 1.
-	theObject := contents at:firstIndex
-    ].
-    firstIndex to:nObjects do:[:index |
-	theObject := contents at:index.
-	f := theObject frame.
-	(f intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
-	    aBlock value:theObject
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (f top > bot) ifTrue:[^ self]
-	]
-    ]
-    "answer a Collection of objects intersecting a visible aRectangle.
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use objectsIntersecting:, since this will vanish."
-    ^ self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle
-objectsIntersectingVisible:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "do something to every object which intersects a visible rectangle.
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use objectsIntersecting:do:, since this will vanish."
-    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:aBlock
-    "find the area occupied by visible objects"
-    |left right top bottom frame oLeft oRight oTop oBottom|
-    left := 9999.
-    right := 0.
-    top := 9999.
-    bottom := 0.
-    self visibleObjectsDo:[:anObject |
-	frame := anObject frame.
-	oLeft := frame left.
-	oRight := frame right.
-	oTop := frame top.
-	oBottom := frame bottom.
-	(oLeft < left) ifTrue:[left := oLeft].
-	(oRight > right) ifTrue:[right := oRight].
-	(oTop < top) ifTrue:[top := oTop].
-	(oBottom > bottom) ifTrue:[bottom := oBottom]
-    ].
-    (left < margin) ifTrue:[left := margin].
-    (top < margin) ifTrue:[top := margin].
-    (right > (width - margin)) ifTrue:[right := width - margin].
-    (bottom > (height - margin)) ifTrue:[bottom := height - margin].
-    ((left > right) or:[top > bottom]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ Rectangle left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom
-    "do something to every visible object"
-    |absRect|
-    absRect := Rectangle left:0 top:0 width:width height:height.
-    self objectsIntersecting:absRect do:aBlock
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "answer the height of the document in pixels"
-    |h|
-    h := self heightOfContentsInMM * (self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:1).
-    ^ h rounded
-    "answer the height of the document in millimeters"
-    |unit value|
-    "landscape"
-    unit := (documentFormat , 'H') asSymbolIfInterned.
-    unit isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ certainly unknown
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        value := UnitConverter convert:1 from:unit to:#millimeter
-    ].
-    value isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ assuming window size is document size
-        value := (height / self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:1) asInteger
-    ].
-    ^ value
-    "Modified: 31.5.1996 / 19:38:51 / cg"
-    "answer the width of the document in pixels"
-    |w|
-    w := self widthOfContentsInMM * (self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter:1).
-    ^ w rounded
-    "answer the width of the document in millimeters"
-    |unit value|
-    "landscape"
-    unit := (documentFormat , 'W') asSymbolIfInterned.
-    unit isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ certainly unknown
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        value := UnitConverter convert:1 from:unit to:#millimeter
-    ].
-    value isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ assuming window size is document size
-        value := (width / self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter:1) asInteger
-    ].
-    ^ value
-    "Modified: 31.5.1996 / 19:38:22 / cg"
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'saving / restoring'!
-    "remove all objects, load new contents from aStream and redraw"
-    self fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:true new:true binary:false
-fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:redraw
-    "remove all objects, load new contents from aStream 
-     and redraw if the redraw argument is true"
-    self fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:redraw new:true binary:false
-fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:redraw new:new 
-    "remove all objects, load new contents from aStream 
-     and redraw if the redraw argument is true"
-    self fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:redraw new:new binary:false
-fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:redraw new:new binary:binary
-    "if the new argument is true, remove all objects.
-     Then load objects from aStream. If redraw is false, no redraw
-     is done
-     (allows fileIn of multiple files doing a single redraw at the end)."
-    binary ifTrue:[
-        aStream binary
-    ].
-    self topView withReadCursorDo:[
-        |newObject chunk individualRedraw|
-        self unselect.
-        individualRedraw := redraw.
-        new ifTrue:[
-            self removeAll.
-            individualRedraw := false.
-        ].
-        [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-            binary ifTrue:[
-                newObject := Object readBinaryFrom:aStream
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                chunk := aStream nextChunk.
-                (chunk size > 0) ifTrue:[
-                    newObject := Compiler evaluate:chunk compile:false.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    newObject := nil
-                ]
-            ].
-            newObject notNil ifTrue:[
-                self initializeFileInObject:newObject.
-                individualRedraw ifFalse:[
-                    self addObjectWithoutRedraw:newObject
-                ] ifTrue:[
-                    self addObject:newObject
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        (new and:[redraw]) ifTrue:[
-            self invalidate
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 01:02:16 / cg"
-    "each object may be processed here after its being filed-in
-     - subclasses may do whatever they want here ...
-     (see LogicView for example)"
-    ^ self
-    "store the contents in binary representation on aStream."
-    aStream binary.
-    self topView withCursor:Cursor write do:[
-	self forEach:contents do:[:theObject |
-	    theObject storeBinaryOn:aStream.
-	].
-    ]
-    "store the contents in textual representation on aStream.
-     Notice, that for huge objects (such as DrawImages) this ascii output
-     can become quite large, and the time to save and reload can become
-     long."
-    |excla|
-    self topView withCursor:Cursor write do:[
-	excla := aStream class chunkSeparator.
-	self forEach:contents do:[:theObject |
-	    theObject storeOn:aStream.
-	    aStream nextPut:excla.
-	    aStream cr
-	].
-	aStream nextPut:excla
-    ]
-    "remove all objects, load new contents from aStream without any redraw"
-    self fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:false new:true binary:false
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'scrolling'!
-    "return the amount to scroll when stepping left/right.
-     Redefined to scroll by inches or centimeters."
-    scaleMetric == #inch ifTrue:[
-	^ (device horizontalPixelPerInch * (1/2)) asInteger
-    ].
-    ^ (device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) asInteger
-    "return the amount to scroll when stepping left/right.
-     Redefined to scroll by inches or centimeters."
-    scaleMetric == #inch ifTrue:[
-	^ (device verticalPixelPerInch * (1/2)) asInteger
-    ].
-    ^ (device verticalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) asInteger
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'selection & handles'!
-    |hsize halfSize|
-    hsize := self handleSize.
-    halfSize := hsize // 2.
-    self fillRectangleX:(aPoint x - halfSize)
-		      y:(aPoint y - halfSize)
-		  width:hsize 
-		 height:hsize
-    |hsize halfSize|
-    hsize := self handleSize.
-    halfSize := hsize // 2.
-    anObject handlesDo:[:point |
-	self fillRectangleX:(point x - halfSize)
-			  y:(point y - halfSize)
-		      width:hsize 
-		     height:hsize
-    ]
-    |objectFound|
-    contents do:[:object |
-	(self object:object hasHandle:aPoint) ifTrue:[
-	    objectFound := object
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ objectFound
-handle:handlePoint isHitBy:aPoint
-    ^ (self handleFor:handlePoint) containsPoint:aPoint
-    "return the handle-rectangle for a handle at aPoint"
-    |hsize centerX centerY|
-    hsize := self handleSize.
-    centerX := aPoint x.
-    centerY := aPoint y.
-    ^ Rectangle left:(centerX - hsize)
-		 top:(centerY - hsize)
-	       right:(centerX + hsize)
-	      bottom:(centerY + hsize)
-    "return the size of the handles - sincc handles should be
-     the same size regardless of scaling, inverse-scale from
-     what the default is."
-    |hs|
-    hs := self class handleSize.
-    transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ transformation applyInverseScaleX:hs
-    ].
-    ^ hs
-    self xoring:[self drawHandle:aHandle]
-    aSelection notNil ifTrue:[
-	self xoring:[
-	    self forEach:aSelection do:[:anObject |
-		(anObject respondsTo:#handlesDo:) ifTrue:[
-		    self drawHandlesFor:anObject
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    anObject drawOutlineIn:self
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-object:anObject hasHandleAt:aPoint
-    |found|
-    found := false.
-    anObject handlesDo:[:handlePoint |
-	(self handle:handlePoint isHitBy:aPoint) ifTrue:[
-	    found := true
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ found
-    self forEach:selection do:[:theObject |
-	(theObject respondsTo:#handlesDo:) ifTrue:[
-	    theObject handlesDo:[:theHandle |
-		aBlock value:theObject value:theHandle
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'selections'!
-    "add anObject to the selection; redraw it selected"
-    selection isCollection ifFalse:[
-        selection isNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ self select:anObject
-        ].
-        selection := OrderedCollection with:selection
-    ].
-    (selection includes:anObject) ifFalse:[
-        (self frameIncludesSelectionHandlesOn:anObject) ifFalse:[
-            self hideSelection.
-            selection add:anObject.
-            self showSelection.
-            self changed:#selection.
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            self showSelected:anObject
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:22:13 / cg"
-    "hide the selection - undraw hilights - whatever that is"
-    self selectionDo:[:object |
-	self showUnselected:object
-    ]
-    "remove anObject from the selection"
-    |wasSelected didHide|
-    didHide := false.
-    wasSelected := true.
-    (self frameIncludesSelectionHandlesOn:anObject) ifFalse:[
-        "/ must hide any selection-handles first
-        self hideSelection.
-        didHide := true.
-    ].
-    selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-        (selection remove:anObject ifAbsent:[nil]) isNil ifTrue:[
-            wasSelected := false
-        ].
-        (selection size == 1) ifTrue:[
-            selection := selection first
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            selection isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                selection := nil
-            ]
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (selection == anObject) ifTrue:[
-            selection := nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            wasSelected := false
-        ]
-    ].
-    didHide ifTrue:[
-        self showSelection.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        wasSelected ifTrue:[
-            self showUnselected:anObject
-        ].
-    ].
-    self changed:#selection.
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:22:28 / cg"
-    "select something - hide previouse selection, set to something and hilight"
-    (selection == something) ifFalse:[
-        self hideSelection.
-        selection := something.
-        self showSelection.
-        self changed:#selection.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:22:39 / cg"
-    "select all objects"
-    self hideSelection.
-    selection := contents copy.
-    self showSelection.
-    self changed:#selection.
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:22:56 / cg"
-    "select all objects fully in aRectangle"
-    self hideSelection.
-    selection := OrderedCollection new.
-    self objectsIn:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
-        selection add:theObject
-    ].
-    (selection size == 0) ifTrue:[
-        selection := nil
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (selection size == 1) ifTrue:[selection := selection first]
-    ].
-    self showSelection.
-    self changed:#selection.
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:23:08 / cg"
-    "select all objects touched by aRectangle"
-    self hideSelection.
-    selection := OrderedCollection new.
-    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
-        selection add:theObject
-    ].
-    (selection size == 0) ifTrue:[
-        selection := nil
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (selection size == 1) ifTrue:[selection := selection first]
-    ].
-    self showSelection.
-    self changed:#selection.
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:23:15 / cg"
-    "return the selection as a collection or nil"
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    selection isCollection ifTrue:[^ selection].
-    ^ Array with:selection
-    "Created: / 4.7.1999 / 14:33:16 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 14:34:20 / cg"
-    "apply block to every object in selection"
-    self forEach:selection do:aBlock
-    "show the selection - draw hilights - whatever that is"
-    self selectionDo:[:object |
-	self showSelected:object
-    ]
-    "unselect - hide selection; clear selection"
-    selection size notNil ifTrue:[
-        self hideSelection.
-        selection := nil.
-        self changed:#selection.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 15:30:36 / cg"
-    "evaluate aBlock while selection is hidden"
-    |sel|
-    sel := selection.
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[self unselect].
-    aBlock value.
-    sel notNil ifTrue:[self select:sel]
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'testing objects'!
-    "return true, if the argument, anObject or a collection can be moved"
-    something isCollection ifTrue:[
-        self forEach:something do:[:theObject |
-            (theObject perform:#canBeMoved ifNotUnderstood:true) ifFalse:[^ false]
-        ].
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ something perform:#canBeMoved ifNotUnderstood:true
-    "return true, if the argument, anObject or a collection can be selected"
-    something isCollection ifTrue:[
-        self forEach:something do:[:theObject |
-            (theObject perform:#canBeSelected ifNotUnderstood:true) ifFalse:[^ false]
-        ].
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ something perform:#canBeSelected ifNotUnderstood:true
-    "Created: / 4.7.1999 / 18:51:29 / cg"
-    "find the last object (by looking from back to front) which is hit by
-     the argument, aPoint - this is the topmost object hit"
-    |hdelta|
-    hdelta := self hitDelta.
-    contents reverseDo:[:object |
-	(object isHitBy:aPoint withDelta:hdelta) ifTrue:[^ object]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-findObjectAt:aPoint suchThat:aBlock
-    "find the last object (back to front ) which is hit by
-     the argument, aPoint and for which the testBlock, aBlock evaluates to
-     true"
-    |hdelta|
-    hdelta := self hitDelta.
-    contents reverseDo:[:object |
-	(object isHitBy:aPoint withDelta:hdelta) ifTrue:[
-	    (aBlock value:object) ifTrue:[^ object]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "find the last object (by looking from back to front) which is hit by
-     a visible point - this is the topmost object hit.
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use findObjectAt:, since this will vanish."
-    ^ self findObjectAt:aPoint
-findObjectAtVisible:aPoint suchThat:aBlock
-    "find the last object (back to front ) which is hit by
-     the argument, aPoint and for which the testBlock, aBlock evaluates to
-     true.
-     This is a leftOver from times when scrolling was not transparent.
-     Please use findObjectAt:suchThat:, since this will vanish."
-    ^ self findObjectAt:aPoint suchThat:aBlock
-    "return true, if anObjects frame includes any selection
-     handles, false if not or if we do not know.
-     This can be used to optimize the redraw, in removeObjectFromSelection.
-     Subclasses which know how selections are highlighted may redefine this."
-    ^ false     "/ i.e. dont know.
-    "Created: 1.10.1996 / 12:06:51 / cg"
-    "answer the maximum extent defined by the argument, anObject or a
-     collection of objects"
-    |first frameAll|
-    anObjectOrCollection isNil ifTrue:[^ nil ].
-    first := true.
-    self forEach:anObjectOrCollection do:[:theObject |
-	first ifTrue:[
-	    frameAll := theObject frame.
-	    first := false
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    frameAll := frameAll merge:(theObject frame)
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ frameAll
-    "return true, if the argument something, anObject or a collection of
-     objects is obscured (partially or whole) by any other object"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	(self objectIsObscured:anObject) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ true
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the argument, anObject is in the selection"
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    (selection == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true].
-    selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-	^ (selection identityIndexOf:anObject startingAt:1) ~~ 0
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the argument, anObject is obscured (partially or whole)
-     by any other object"
-    |frameToBeTested frameleft frameright frametop framebot
-     objectsFrame startIndex|
-    (objectToBeTested == (contents last)) ifTrue:[
-	"quick return if object is on top"
-	^ false
-    ].
-    frameToBeTested := self frameOf:objectToBeTested.
-    frameleft := frameToBeTested left.
-    frameright := frameToBeTested right.
-    frametop := frameToBeTested top.
-    framebot := frameToBeTested bottom.
-    "check objects after the one to check"
-    startIndex := contents identityIndexOf:objectToBeTested ifAbsent:[self error].
-    contents from:(startIndex + 1) to:(contents size) do:[:object |
-	objectsFrame := self frameOf:object.
-	(objectsFrame right < frameleft) ifFalse:[
-	    (objectsFrame left > frameright) ifFalse:[
-		(objectsFrame bottom < frametop) ifFalse:[
-		    (objectsFrame top > framebot) ifFalse:[
-			^ true
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'user interface'!
-    "round aPoint to the next nearest point on the grid"
-    aligning ifFalse:[
-	^ aPoint
-    ].
-    ^ (aPoint grid:gridAlign) rounded
-    "add/remove an object from the selection"
-    |anObject|
-    anObject := self findObjectAt:aPoint.
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        (self isSelected:anObject) ifTrue:[
-            "remove from selection"
-            self removeFromSelection:anObject
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "add to selection"
-            (self canSelect:anObject) ifTrue:[
-                self addToSelection:anObject
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ self
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 18:52:13 / cg"
-    "add/remove object hit by aPoint, then start a rectangleDrag or move 
-     - if aPoint hits an object, a move is started, otherwise a rectangleDrag.
-     This is typically the button shiftPressAction."
-    |anObject|
-    anObject := self findObjectAt:aPoint.
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        (self isSelected:anObject) ifTrue:[
-            "remove from selection"
-            self removeFromSelection:anObject
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "add to selection"
-            (self canSelect:anObject) ifTrue:[
-                self addToSelection:anObject
-            ]
-        ].
-        self startObjectMove:selection at:aPoint.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-"/    self unselect.
-"/    self startRectangleDrag:aPoint
-    "Modified: / 4.7.1999 / 18:51:52 / cg"
-    "start a rectangleDrag or objectMove - if aPoint hits an object,
-     an object move is started, otherwise a rectangleDrag.
-     This is typically the button pressAction."
-    |anObject|
-    anObject := self findObjectAt:aPoint.
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-	(self isSelected:anObject) ifFalse:[self unselect].
-	self startObjectMove:anObject at:aPoint.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "nothing was hit by this click - this starts a group select"
-    self unselect.
-    self startRectangleDrag:aPoint
-! !
-!ObjectView methodsFor:'view manipulation'!
-    (scaleMetric ~~ #inch) ifTrue:[
-	scaleMetric := #inch.
-	self newGrid
-    ]
-    (scaleMetric ~~ #mm) ifTrue:[
-	scaleMetric := #mm.
-	self newGrid
-    ]
-    "set a zoom factor; nil or 1 is identity; 2 is magnify by 2;
-     0.5 is shrink by 2"
-    |current|
-    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
-        current := 1@1
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        current := transformation scale
-    ].
-    factor asPoint = current asPoint ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    current := factor.
-    current isNil ifTrue:[
-        current := 1
-    ].
-    (current = 1) ifTrue:[
-        transformation := nil
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        transformation := WindowingTransformation scale:current translation:0.
-    ].
-    self contentsChanged.
-    self setInnerClip.
-    gridShown ifTrue:[
-        self newGrid
-    ].
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        self invalidate "/ clear; redraw
-    ].
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:20:41 / cg"
-    self zoomIn:2
-    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 10:08:50 / cg"
-    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
-        transformation := WindowingTransformation scale:1 translation:0
-    ].
-    transformation := WindowingTransformation 
-                                scale:(transformation scale / factor)
-                                translation:0.
-    self contentsChanged.
-    self setInnerClip.
-    self invalidate.
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 10:08:39 / cg"
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:20:46 / cg"
-    self zoomOut:2
-    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 10:09:27 / cg"
-    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
-        transformation := WindowingTransformation scale:1 translation:0
-    ].
-    transformation := WindowingTransformation 
-                        scale:(transformation scale * factor)
-                        translation:0.
-    self contentsChanged.
-    self setInnerClip.
-    self invalidate
-    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 10:09:19 / cg"
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:20:49 / cg"
-! !
-!ObjectView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.75 1999-07-05 11:21:52 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-DialogBox subclass:#OptionBox
-	instanceVariableNames:'formLabel textLabel buttons actions defaultButtonIndex'
-	classVariableNames:'WarnBitmap'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-DialogBoxes'
-!OptionBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-   CAVEAT: this is a leftover - functionality has been merged into DialogBox
-   PLEASE use one of the `Dialog chooseXXX' methods nstead of OptionBox.
-   Historic note:
-      originally, ST/X had separate classes for the various entry methods;
-      there were YesNoBox, EnterBox, InfoBox and so on.
-      In the meantime, the DialogBox class (and therefore its alias: Dialog)
-      is going to duplicate most funcionality found in these classes.
-      In the future, those existing subclasses' functionality is going to
-      be moved fully into Dialog, and the subclasses will be replaced by dummy
-      delegators. (They will be kept for backward compatibility, though).
-    OptionBoxes are like YesNoBoxes but with as many buttons as you like;
-    this will finally be a superclass of WarnBox and YesNoBox - or maybe merged
-    all into DialogBox..
-    Use them for multiway questions.
-    For a consistent user interface, the rightmost button is the default return
-    button (i.e. pressing return in the box performs this buttons function).
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        DialogBox
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |box|
-    box := OptionBox title:'hello' numberOfOptions:4.
-    box showAtPointer
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |box|
-    box := OptionBox title:'hello' numberOfOptions:3.
-    box buttonTitles:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-    box showAtPointer
-                                                                        [exEnd]
- performing an action:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |box|
-    box := OptionBox title:'hello' numberOfOptions:3.
-    box buttonTitles:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-    box action:[:which | Transcript show:'button ';
-                                    show: which;
-                                    showCR:' was pressed'].
-    box showAtPointer
-                                                                        [exEnd]
- returning a value:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |what|
-    what := OptionBox 
-                  request:('text has not been accepted.\\Your modifications will be lost when continuing.') withCRs
-                  label:' Attention'
-                  form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
-                  buttonLabels:#('abort' 'accept' 'continue')
-                  values:#(#abort #accept #continue).
-    Transcript showCR:what.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!OptionBox class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-title:titleString numberOfOptions:nOptions
-    "create a new optionBox with title, aTitleString and nOptions options"
-    |box|
-    box := (self basicNew) numberOfOptions:nOptions.
-    box device:Screen current.
-    box initialize.
-    box title:titleString.
-    ^ box
-! !
-!OptionBox class methodsFor:'easy startup '!
-request:title label:label form:aForm buttonLabels:labels values:values 
-    "create a new optionBox, open it modal and return the value of
-     the corresponding values collection."
-    ^ self request:title label:label form:aForm buttonLabels:labels values:values default:nil
-request:title label:label form:aForm buttonLabels:labels values:values default:defaultValue
-    "create a new optionBox, open it modal and return the value of
-     the corresponding values collection."
-    |box|
-    box := OptionBox title:title numberOfOptions:(labels size).
-    box buttonTitles:labels.
-    box defaultButtonIndex:(values indexOf:defaultValue). 
-    box action:[:n | box destroy. ^ values at:n].
-    box label:label; form:aForm.
-    box showAtPointer.
-    box destroy.
-    ^ defaultValue
-    "
-     OptionBox request:'please select'
-               label:'select any'
-               form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
-               buttonLabels:#('one' 'two' 'three')
-               values:#(1 2 3)
-               default:3
-    "
-    "Modified: 7.1.1997 / 22:59:21 / cg"
-! !
-!OptionBox methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "define a single the action for all buttons.
-     The action will be evaluated with the button index as argument."
-    buttons keysAndValuesDo:[:index :button |
-	button action:[
-		       button turnOffWithoutRedraw.
-		       self hide.
-		       actionBlock value:index
-		      ]
-    ].
-    "define the actions"
-    actions := actionBlocks
-buttonTitles:titles actions:actionBlocks
-    "define both button titles and actions"
-    self buttonTitles:titles.
-    actions := actionBlocks.
-    "return the buttons collection"
-    ^ buttons
-    "define which button is the default (i.e. return-) button.
-     By default, no returnButton is setup. The argument must be an
-     index 1..nButtons, or nil"
-    defaultButtonIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-        (buttons at:defaultButtonIndex) isReturnButton:false
-    ].
-    (index notNil and:[index ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-        defaultButtonIndex := index.
-        defaultButtonIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-            (buttons at:defaultButtonIndex) isReturnButton:true 
-        ].
-    ]
-    "Modified: 18.10.1996 / 14:53:36 / cg"
-    "return the number of options"
-    ^ buttons size
-    "set the number of options - this is a private interface"
-    buttons := (OrderedCollection new:nOptions) grow:nOptions.
-    actions := (OrderedCollection new:nOptions) grow:nOptions
-    "Modified: 18.10.1996 / 14:54:30 / cg"
-! !
-!OptionBox methodsFor:'accessing - look'!
-    "set the button titles"
-    titles keysAndValuesDo:[:index :aString |
-	|b|
-	(b := buttons at:index) label:aString.
-	b resize.
-    ].
-    shown ifTrue:[self resize]
-    "set the image shown in the label-view"
-    formLabel form:aFormOrImage
-    "return the label-view which displays a bitmap"
-    ^ formLabel
-    "set the boxes title"
-    aString ~= textLabel label ifTrue:[
-	textLabel label:aString withoutSeparators.
-	textLabel forceResize.
-	shown ifTrue:[self resize]
-    ]
-title:aString numberOfOptions:nOptions
-    "set the boxes title and number of options"
-    self title:aString.
-    buttons grow:nOptions.
-    actions grow:nOptions
-! !
-!OptionBox methodsFor:'events'!
-keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
-    "return-key dublicates ok-function if acceptReturnAsOK is true"
-    <resource: #keyboard (#Return)>
-    |action|
-    defaultButtonIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-        (aKey == #Return) ifTrue:[
-            self hide.
-            action := actions at:defaultButtonIndex.
-            action notNil ifTrue:[
-                action value
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    super keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
-    "Modified: 7.3.1996 / 13:17:36 / cg"
-! !
-!OptionBox methodsFor:'initializing'!
-    WarnBitmap isNil ifTrue:[
-        WarnBitmap := WarningBox iconBitmap.
-"/        WarnBitmap := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/Warning.xbm' resolution:100 on:Display 
-    ].
-    formLabel form:WarnBitmap
-    "Modified: / 25.5.1999 / 16:08:06 / cg"
-    |nButt mm|
-    super initialize.
-    mm := ViewSpacing.
-    formLabel := Label in:self.
-    self initFormBitmap.
-    formLabel borderWidth:0.
-    formLabel origin:(mm @ mm).
-    textLabel := Label label:'Select' in:self.
-    textLabel borderWidth:0.
-    textLabel origin:((mm + formLabel width + mm) @ mm).
-"/    buttonPanel isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        buttonPanel := HorizontalPanelView origin:(0.0 @ 1.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) in:self.
-"/    ].
-    buttonPanel 
-        bottomInset:mm;
-        topInset:(font height + mm * 2) negated.
-    buttonPanel 
-        borderWidth:0; 
-        horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-    nButt := buttons size.
-    1 to:nButt do:[:index |
-        |button|
-        button := Button label:'press'.
-        button action:[
-                       |action|
-                       (buttons at:index) turnOffWithoutRedraw.
-                       self hide.
-                       action := actions at:index.
-                       action notNil ifTrue:[
-                           action value
-                       ]
-                      ].
-"/        index == nButt ifTrue:[
-"/            button isReturnButton:true
-"/        ].
-        buttonPanel addSubView:button.
-        buttons at:index put:button.
-    ].
-    "
-     |box|
-     box := OptionBox title:'hello' numberOfOptions:4.
-     box open
-    "
-    "Modified: / 27.7.1998 / 19:37:17 / cg"
-! !
-!OptionBox methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return a size to make everything fit into myself"
-    |w w1 h maxH prefPanel mm|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    mm := ViewSpacing.
-    w1 := (mm * 3) + formLabel width + textLabel width.
-    prefPanel := buttonPanel preferredExtent.
-    w := w1 max:prefPanel x.
-"/    maxH := 0.
-"/    buttons do:[:button |
-"/        maxH := maxH max:(button preferredExtent y)
-"/    ].
-    maxH := prefPanel y.
-    h := (mm * 4)
-         + ((formLabel height) max:(textLabel height))
-         + maxH.
-    ^ w @ h
-    "Modified: 19.7.1996 / 20:45:11 / cg"
-! !
-!OptionBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.41 1999-05-25 14:14:41 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ButtonController subclass:#PopUpListController
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Controllers'
-!PopUpListController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    redefined the behavior on various keys if my view has the focus.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!PopUpListController methodsFor:'event handling'!
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "redefined to not send any change message to the model when
-     pressed (this is done by the popped menu)"
-    (button == 1 or:[button == #select]) ifFalse:[
-        ^ super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    ].
-    enableChannel value ifTrue:[
-        pressed ifFalse:[
-            pressed := true.
-            view showActive.
-            (pressActionBlock notNil or:[model notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                "
-                 force output - so that button is drawn correctly in case
-                 of any long-computation (at high priority)
-                "
-                view flush.
-            ].
-            pressActionBlock value.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: 27.1.1997 / 17:22:16 / cg"
-    "Modified: 27.1.1997 / 17:23:17 / cg"
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "pull menu on Return and space, if I am the focusView of my group
-     (i.e. if I got an explicit focus)"
-    <resource: #keyboard (#Return #CursorUp #CursorDown)>
-    view hasFocus ifTrue:[
-"/        (key == #Return) ifTrue:[
-"/            view menu shown ifTrue:[
-"/                self halt:'not yet implemented'.
-"/                ^ self.
-"/            ].
-"/        ].
-        (key == #CursorUp or:[key == #CursorDown]) ifTrue:[
-            view menu shown ifTrue:[
-                key == #CursorUp ifTrue:[view menu selectNext]
-                                 ifFalse:[view menu selectPrevious].
-                ^ self.
-            ].
-        ].
-        (key == Character space) ifTrue:[
-            view menu exclusivePointer:false.
-            view menu hideOnRelease:true.
-            view popMenu.
-            view menu exclusivePointer:true.
-            ^ self.
-        ]
-    ].
-    view keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "Created: 9.12.1995 / 23:06:09 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.3.1996 / 13:17:46 / cg"
-! !
-!PopUpListController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.11 1997-01-27 16:47:40 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1795 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-View subclass:#PullDownMenu
-	instanceVariableNames:'receiver menus titles selectors activeMenuNumber
-		showSeparatingLines topMargin fgColor bgColor activeFgColor
-		activeBgColor onLevel offLevel edgeStyle toggleMode toggleKeep
-		raiseTopWhenActivated actions'
-	classVariableNames:'DefaultViewBackground DefaultForegroundColor
-		DefaultBackgroundColor DefaultHilightForegroundColor
-		DefaultHilightBackgroundColor DefaultLevel DefaultHilightLevel
-		DefaultShadowColor DefaultLightColor DefaultEdgeStyle
-		DefaultToggleMode DefaultKeepMenu DefaultToggleKeep
-		DefaultSeparatingLines'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Menus'
-!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    Notice: this class is obsolete now - please use a MenuPanel
-    in new applications, which provides all of this functionality,
-    plus more.
-    PullDown menu provides the top (always visible) part of these menus. 
-    It controls display of its menus, which become visible when one of the 
-    PullDownMenus entries is pressed.
-    A PullDownMenu itself consists of a single row of labels, which activate
-    a pulled menu when clicked. Entries may be empty (i.e. have no menu)
-    and empty entries may (optionally) also perform some action when clicked.
-    An entries selector is used as the key to define and access submenus
-    and (for empty entries:) the selector sent to the receiver of the menu.
-    [Instance variables:]
-      menus                   <Collection>    the sub menus
-      titles                  <Collection>    the strings in the menu
-      selectors               <Collection>    the selectors to send to the menu-
-                                              receiver (for empty pull-menus)
-                                              if nil (the default), title entries
-                                              do not send anything.
-      activeMenuNumber        <Number>        the index of the currently active menu
-      showSeparatingLines     <Boolean>       show separating lines between my menu-strings
-      topMargin               <Number>        number of pixels at top
-      fgColor                 <Color>         fg color to draw passive menu-titles
-      bgColor                 <Color>         bg color to draw passive menu-titles
-      activeFgColor           <Color>         fg color to draw activated menu-titles
-      activeBgColor           <Color>         bg color to draw activated menu-titles
-      onLevel                 <Integer>       3D level of entry-buttons when pressed
-      offLevel                <Integer>       3D level of entry-buttons when released
-      edgeStyle               <Symbol>        how to draw edges
-      toggleMode              <Symbol>        if #toggle, press pulls menu,
-                                              another press hides it.
-                                              if other, its hidden on release.
-     except menus, titles and selectors, instvars are usually defined from
-     defaults in the styleSheet; you should not care for them.
-    [StyleSheet values:]
-      pullDownMenuViewBackground              view background Color for the menu bar
-                                              default: menuViewBackground
-      pullDownMenuForegroundColor             foreground drawing color for the menu bar
-                                              default: menuForegroundColor
-      pullDownMenuBackgroundColor             background drawing color for the menu bar
-                                              default: menuBackgroundColor
-      pullDownMenuHilightForegroundColor      active foreground drawing color for the menu bar
-                                              default: menuHilightForegroundColor
-      pullDownMenuHilightBackgroundColor      active background drawing color for the menu bar
-                                              default: menuHilightBackgroundColor
-      pullDownMenuHilightLevel                level (3D only) when active
-                                              default: menuHilightLevel
-      pullDownMenuEdgeStyle                   edge style (nil or #soft)
-      pullDownMenuKeepMenu                    if true, pulled menu stays open until button
-                                              is pressed again outside of the item-area (motif behavior)
-                                              if false, menu closes on release (default)
-      pullDownMenuToggleKeep                  if true, pulled menu closes when an entry is pressed
-                                              again. Otherwise, only press outside of the items area
-                                              hides it. default is false
-      pullDownMenuLevel                       level (3D only)
-      pullDownMenuFont                        font to use for the menu bar
-                                              default: menuFont
-      pullDownMenuShowSeparatingLines         if true, lines are drawn between items.
-                                              default: false
-      pullDownMenuRaiseTop                    if true, topview is raised whenever an entry
-                                              is activated.
-                                              default: true
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-  with default level (from styleSheets 'pullDownMenuLevel' setting):
-									[exBegin]
-	|top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
-	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
-	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	menu at:#bar 
-	     putLabels:#('bar1' 'bar2' 'bar3')
-	     selectors:#(bar1 bar2 bar3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  with a defined level:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
-	menu level:1.
-	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
-	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	menu at:#bar 
-	     putLabels:#('bar1' 'bar2' 'bar3')
-	     selectors:#(bar1 bar2 bar3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-    empty entries are possible as selectable items (with non-nil seletor) ...
-									[exBegin]
-	|top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
-	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-	menu selectors:#(foo bar baz).
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	menu at:#baz 
-	     putLabels:#('baz1' 'baz2' 'baz3')
-	     selectors:#(baz1 baz2 baz3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-    ... or as separators (with nil selector)
-									[exBegin]
-	|top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:500@200.
-	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
-	menu labels:#('foo' '    ' 'bar' ' baz' '    ' 'moreFoo' 'moreBar' 'moreBaz').
-	menu selectors:#(foo nil bar baz nil moreFoo moreBar moreBaz).
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	menu at:#bar 
-	     putLabels:#('bar1' 'bar2' 'bar3')
-	     selectors:#(bar1 bar2 bar3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	menu at:#baz 
-	     putLabels:#('baz1' 'baz2' 'baz3')
-	     selectors:#(baz1 baz2 baz3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-    use the menus default height
-									[exBegin]
-	|top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
-	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
-	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
-	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-    although you can change the font, colors etc. (as shown below)
-    you should NOT do it - since if you do so, the styleSheet settings
-    are ineffective (which users probably won't like)
-    BTW: The styleSheet entries for below are pullDownMenuForegroundColor,
-	 pullDownMenuBackgroundColor and pullDownMenuFont
-									[exBegin]
-	|top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
-	menu font:(Font family:'courier' size:20).
-	menu foregroundColor:Color red.
-	menu backgroundColor:Color yellow.
-	menu viewBackground:Color green.
-	menu showSeparatingLines:true.
-	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
-	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
-	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	(menu menuAt:#foo) font:(Font family:'courier' size:36).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-    you can use icons, too ...
-									[exBegin]
-	|labels top menu|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
-	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
-	labels := Array with:((Image fromFile:'SmalltalkX.xbm') magnifiedTo:16@16)
-			with:'foo'
-			with:'bar'.
-	menu labels:labels.
-	menu selectors:#(about foo bar).
-	menu at:#about 
-	     putLabels:#('about PullDownMenus')
-	     selectors:#(aboutMenus)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	menu at:#foo
-	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
-	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
-	     receiver:nil.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-    a concrete example (combining things described above)
-    (using a Plug, since we have no application class here):
-									[exBegin]
-	|labels top menu textView appModel|
-	appModel := Plug new.
-	appModel respondTo:#quit with:[top destroy].
-	appModel respondTo:#showAbout with:[self information:'some info here ...'].
-	appModel respondTo:#help with:[self information:'some help here ...'].
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	top extent:300@300.
-	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
-	menu receiver:appModel.
-	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
-	textView := ScrollableView forView:(EditTextView new).
-	textView origin:0.0@menu height corner:1.0@1.0.
-	top addSubView:textView.
-	labels := Array with:((Image fromFile:'SmalltalkX.xbm') magnifiedTo:16@16)
-			with:'file'
-			with:'edit'
-			with:'help'.
-	menu labels:labels.
-	menu selectors:#(about file edit help).
-	menu at:#about 
-	     putLabels:#('about PullDownMenus')
-	     selectors:#(showAbout)
-	     receiver:appModel.
-	menu at:#file 
-	     putLabels:#('quit')
-	     selectors:#(quit)
-	     receiver:appModel.
-	menu at:#edit 
-	     putLabels:#('copy' 'cut' 'paste')
-	     selectors:#(copySelection cut paste)
-	     receiver:textView.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-! !
-!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-    "create and return a new PullDownMenu"
-    ^ self new labels:titleArray
-! !
-!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'pullDownMenu.viewBackground' #'menuView.background'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.foregroundColor' #'menu.foregroundColor'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.backgroundColor' #'menu.backgroundColor'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.hilightForegroundColor' #'menu.hilightForegroundColor'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.hilightBackgroundColor' #'menu.hilightBackgroundColor'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.hilightLevel' #'menu.hilightLevel'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.edgeStyle' 
-                       #'pullDownMenu.toggleMode'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.level'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.font' #'menu.font'
-                       #'pullDownMenu.separatingLines')>
-    |styleSheet|
-    styleSheet := StyleSheet.
-    DefaultViewBackground := styleSheet colorAt:#'pullDownMenu.viewBackground'.
-    DefaultViewBackground isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultViewBackground := styleSheet colorAt:#'menuView.background'.
-    ].
-    DefaultForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'pullDownMenu.foregroundColor'.
-    DefaultForegroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'menu.foregroundColor'.
-    ].
-    DefaultBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'pullDownMenu.backgroundColor'.
-    DefaultBackgroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultViewBackground notNil ifTrue:[
-            DefaultBackgroundColor := DefaultViewBackground
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            DefaultBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'menu.backgroundColor'.
-        ]
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'pullDownMenu.hilightForegroundColor'.
-    DefaultHilightForegroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultHilightForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'menu.hilightForegroundColor'.
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'pullDownMenu.hilightBackgroundColor'.
-    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:#'menu.hilightBackgroundColor'.
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightLevel := styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.hilightLevel'.
-    DefaultHilightLevel isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultHilightLevel := styleSheet at:#'menu.hilightLevel' default:0.
-    ].
-    DefaultEdgeStyle := styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.edgeStyle'.
-    DefaultToggleMode := styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.toggleMode' default:#toggle.
-    DefaultLevel := styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.level' default:1.
-    DefaultFont := styleSheet fontAt:#'pullDownMenu.font'.
-    DefaultFont isNil ifTrue:[DefaultFont := styleSheet fontAt:#'menu.font'].
-    DefaultSeparatingLines := styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.separatingLines' default:false.
-    "
-     PullDownMenu updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Modified: 20.10.1997 / 14:02:28 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing'!
-add:label selector:selector
-    "add a new title-item at the end.
-     The corresponding label can later be set with #at:putMenu:
-     or #at:putLabels:selectors:..."
-    self add:label selector:selector after:nil
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 16:45:46 / cg"
-add:label selector:selector after:indexOrString
-    "add a new title-item after an existing item, indexOrString,
-     or at the end if the after-arg is nil.
-     The corresponding label can later be set with #at:putMenu:
-     or #at:putLabels:selectors:..."
-    |idx|
-    indexOrString isNil ifTrue:[
-	idx := titles size
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	idx := self indexOf:indexOrString.
-    ].
-    titles isNil ifTrue:[
-	menus := Array with:nil.
-	titles := Array with:label.
-	selectors := Array with:selector.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	menus := (menus copyTo:idx) , #(nil) , (menus copyFrom:idx+1).
-	titles := ((titles copyTo:idx) copyWith:label) , (titles copyFrom:idx+1).
-	selectors := ((selectors copyTo:idx) copyWith:selector) , (selectors copyFrom:idx+1).
-    ].
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self redraw
-    ]
-    "
-     |top m|
-     top := StandardSystemView new.
-     m := PullDownMenu in:top.
-     m labels:#('file' 'edit').
-     m selectors:#(file #edit).
-     m add:'help' selector:#help after:#file.
-     m at:#help putMenu:(MenuView labels:#('foo' 'bar')
-			       selectors:#(foo bar)
-				receiver:nil).
-     top open
-    "
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 11:40:47 / cg"
-add:label selector:selector before:indexOrString
-    "add a new title-item before an existing item, indexOrString,
-     or at the beginning if the before-arg is nil.
-     The corresponding label can later be set with #at:putMenu:
-     or #at:putLabels:selectors:..."
-    |idx|
-    indexOrString isNil ifTrue:[
-	idx := 1
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	idx := self indexOf:indexOrString.
-    ].
-    titles isNil ifTrue:[
-	menus := Array with:nil.
-	titles := Array with:label.
-	selectors := Array with:selector.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	menus := (menus copyTo:idx-1) , #(nil) , (menus copyFrom:idx).
-	titles := ((titles copyTo:idx-1) copyWith:label) , (titles copyFrom:idx).
-	selectors := ((selectors copyTo:idx-1) copyWith:selector) , (selectors copyFrom:idx).
-    ].
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self redraw
-    ]
-    "
-     |top m|
-     top := StandardSystemView new.
-     m := PullDownMenu in:top.
-     m labels:#('file' 'edit').
-     m selectors:#(file #edit).
-     m add:'help' selector:#help before:#edit.
-     m at:#help putMenu:(MenuView labels:#('foo' 'bar')
-			       selectors:#(foo bar)
-				receiver:nil).
-     m add:'foo' selector:#foo before:nil.
-     m at:#foo putMenu:(MenuView labels:#('foo1' 'foo2')
-			       selectors:#(foo1 foo2)
-				receiver:nil).
-     top open
-    "
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 11:40:55 / cg"
-at:aString putLabels:labels selector:selector args:args receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString
-     OBSOLETE protocol: labels:selectors:args:receiver: knows how to handle a
-     single symbol-arg for selectors ..."
-    ^ self at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selector args:args receiver:anObject
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 16:47:32 / cg"
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    ^ self at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:nil
-    "Created: 24.3.1996 / 17:06:45 / cg"
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors accelerators:shorties args:args receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |menuView|
-    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
-                      selectors:selectors
-                   accelerators:shorties
-                           args:args
-                       receiver:anObject
-                            for:self.
-    self at:aString putMenu:menuView.
-    ^ menuView
-    "Created: 5.6.1996 / 16:51:48 / cg"
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors accelerators:shorties receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    ^ self at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors accelerators:shorties args:nil receiver:anObject
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 16:48:26 / cg"
-    "Created: 5.6.1996 / 16:53:39 / cg"
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |menuView|
-    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
-                      selectors:selectors
-                           args:args
-                       receiver:anObject
-                            for:self.
-    self at:aString putMenu:menuView.
-    ^ menuView
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    ^ self at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors args:nil receiver:anObject
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 16:48:26 / cg"
-at:aString putMenu:aMenu
-    "set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |index|
-    index := self indexOf:aString.
-    (index == 0) ifTrue:[
-        self error:'no such menu entry' mayProceed:true.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    aMenu container:(self superView).
-    aMenu beInvisible.
-    menus at:index put:aMenu.
-    aMenu masterView:self.
-    ^ aMenu
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 16:48:50 / cg"
-    "return the menu-titles (group-headers)"
-    ^ titles
-    "define the menu-titles (group-headers)"
-    |numberOfLabels|
-    numberOfLabels := titleArray size.
-    menus := Array new:numberOfLabels.
-    titles := Array new:numberOfLabels.
-    titleArray keysAndValuesDo:[:index :entry |
-        |e|
-        entry isImage ifTrue:[
-            e := entry onDevice:device
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            e := entry printString
-        ].
-        titles at:index put:e
-    ].
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        self invalidate "/ clear; redraw
-    ]
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:21:00 / cg"
-labels:titleArray selectors:selectorArray
-    "define the menu-titles (group-headers) and selectors.
-     Selectors are mostly used as access keys to get to submenus later."
-    self labels:titleArray.
-    self selectors:selectorArray
-    "Created: 20.10.1995 / 20:15:54 / cg"
-    "return the menu with the title; nil if not found"
-    ^ self subMenuAt:stringOrNumber
-    "Modified: 24.3.1996 / 17:10:11 / cg"
-    "setup blank title-space to be filled in later"
-    menus := Array new:n.
-    titles := Array new:n
-    "set the menu-receiver. Thats the one who gets the
-     messages (both from myself and from my submenus).
-     This only sets the receiver for menus which are already
-     created - menus added later should get their receiver in
-     the creation send."
-    receiver := anObject.
-    menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	menus do:[:aMenu |
-	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-		aMenu receiver:anObject
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-    "remove the menu, indexOrString."
-    |idx|
-    idx := self indexOf:indexOrString.
-    idx == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    menus removeIndex:idx.
-    titles removeIndex:idx.
-    selectors removeIndex:idx.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self clear.
-	self redraw
-    ]
-    "
-     |top m|
-     top := StandardSystemView new extent:300@200.
-     m := PullDownMenu in:top.
-     m labels:#('file' 'edit').
-     m selectors:#(file #edit).
-     top open.
-     Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-     m add:'help' selector:#help after:#file.
-     m at:#help putMenu:(MenuView labels:#('foo' 'bar')
-			       selectors:#(foo bar)
-				receiver:nil).
-     Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-     m remove:'help'
-    "
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 11:43:08 / cg"
-    "return the menu-selectors"
-    ^ selectors
-    "define the menu-selectors. These are used as accesskey only
-     in menuAt: accesses. This makes PullDownMenu accesss
-     somewhat more compatible to PopUpMenus."
-    selectors := selectorArray copy.
-    "Modified: 30.4.1996 / 15:57:04 / cg"
-    "return the menu with the title; nil if not found."
-    |index|
-    index := self indexOf:stringOrNumber.
-    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ menus at:index
-    "Modified: 24.3.1996 / 17:09:56 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "return the actionBlock associated with stringOrNumber; 
-     nil if there is none (but there may be still a selector there)."
-    |index|
-    actions isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    index := self indexOf:stringOrNumber.
-    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ actions at:index ifAbsent:nil
-    "Modified: 24.3.1996 / 17:09:56 / cg"
-    "Created: 17.4.1996 / 20:50:45 / cg"
-actionAt:stringOrNumber put:aBlock
-    "return the actionBlock associated with stringOrNumber; 
-     nil if there is none (but there may be still a selector there)."
-    |index newActions|
-    index := self indexOf:stringOrNumber.
-    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    actions size < index ifTrue:[
-	newActions := Array new:index.
-	newActions replaceFrom:1 to:actions size with:actions.
-	actions := newActions
-    ].
-    actions at:index put:aBlock
-    "Modified: 24.3.1996 / 17:09:56 / cg"
-    "Created: 17.4.1996 / 20:52:13 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    "set the background drawing color.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    bgColor := aColor onDevice:device
-    "set the menus font.
-     adjusts menu-origins when font changes.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet.
-     CAVEAT: with the addition of Text objects,
-             this method is going to be obsoleted by a textStyle
-             method, which allows specific control over
-             normalFont/boldFont/italicFont parameters."
-    aFont ~~ font ifTrue:[
-        super font:(aFont onDevice:device).
-        self height:(font height + (font descent * 2)).
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self setMenuOrigins
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 12:37:04 / cg"
-    "set the foreground drawing color.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    fgColor := aColor onDevice:device
-    "turn on/off drawing of separating lines.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    showSeparatingLines := aBoolean.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self setMenuOrigins.
-	self invalidate
-    ]
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:21:06 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'converting'!
-    ^ self asMenu:self
-    |menu values item subM rcv|
-    menu   := Menu new.
-    values := aView selectors.
-    aView labels keysAndValuesDo:[:anIndex :aLabel|
-	item := MenuItem labeled:(aLabel printString).
-	aLabel isImage ifTrue:[
-	    rcv := ResourceRetriever new.
-	    rcv className:#MenuEditor.
-	    rcv selector:#iconUnknown.
-	    item labelImage:rcv.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    aView ~~ self ifTrue:[
-		rcv := aView checkToggleAt:anIndex.
-		rcv notNil ifTrue:[
-		    item indication:rcv
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	subM := aView subMenuAt:anIndex.
-	subM notNil ifTrue:[
-	    item submenu:(self asMenu:subM)
-	].
-	menu addItem:item value:(values at:anIndex).
-    ].
-  ^ menu
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'drawing '!
-    |x|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-	x := self titleLenUpTo:activeMenuNumber.
-	self drawTitle:(titles at:activeMenuNumber) x:x selected:selected 
-    ]
-drawTitle:stringOrImage x:x0 selected:selected
-    |y w x wSpace fg bg map|
-    selected ifTrue:[
-        fg := activeFgColor.
-        bg := activeBgColor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        fg := fgColor.
-        bg := bgColor
-    ].
-    wSpace := font widthOf:' '.
-    x := x0.
-    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
-        y := ((height - (font height)) // 2) + (font ascent) "+ topMargin".
-        w := font widthOf:stringOrImage.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        y := ((height - stringOrImage height) // 2) max:0.
-        w := stringOrImage width
-    ].
-    w := w + (wSpace * 2).
-    self paint:bg.
-    self fillRectangleX:x y:0 width:w height:height.
-    self is3D ifTrue:[
-        self drawEdgesForX:x y:0
-                     width:w
-                    height:height
-                     level:(selected ifTrue:[onLevel] ifFalse:[offLevel])
-    ].
-    self paint:fg on:bg.
-    x := x + wSpace.
-    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
-        self displayOpaqueString:stringOrImage x:x y:y
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        stringOrImage isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
-            stringOrImage depth == 1 ifTrue:[
-                (map := stringOrImage colorMap) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    map at:1 put:((map at:1) onDevice:device).
-                    map at:2 put:((map at:2) onDevice:device).
-                    self paint:(map at:2) on:(map at:1).
-                    self displayOpaqueForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y.
-                    ^ self
-                ]
-            ].
-            self displayForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            stringOrImage displayOn:self x:x y:y
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 14.1.1997 / 00:06:07 / cg"
-    self drawActiveTitleSelected:true 
-    |x     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     y     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     index "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wSpace clr|
-    shown ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
-    titles isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
-    x := 0.
-    y := height "- 1".
-    index := 1.
-    titles do:[:title |
-	self drawTitle:title x:x selected:(index == activeMenuNumber).
-	title isString ifTrue:[
-	    x := x + (font widthOf:title).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    x := x + title width
-	].
-	x := x + wSpace + wSpace.
-	showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
-	    self is3D ifTrue:[
-		self paint:shadowColor.
-		self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
-		x := x + 1.
-		clr := lightColor.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		clr := fgColor.
-	    ].
-	    self paint:clr.
-	    self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
-	    x := x + 1
-	].
-	index := index + 1
-    ]
-    "Modified: 14.1.1997 / 00:06:22 / cg"
-    self drawActiveTitleSelected:false 
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'event handling'!
-buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
-    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop|
-    state == 0 ifTrue:[
-        "/ self hideActiveMenu.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "is it the select or 1-button ?"
-    self sensor anyButtonPressed ifFalse:[^ self].
-    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-        activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-    ].
-    (y < height) ifTrue:[
-        "moving around in title line"
-        activeMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-            activeMenu setSelection:nil
-        ].
-        titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
-        titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-            (titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber) ifTrue:[
-                self pullMenu:titleIndex
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self hideActiveMenu
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "moving around below"
-        activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-        activeLeft := activeMenu left.
-        (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
-            activeTop := activeMenu top.
-            (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
-                "moving around in menu"
-                activeMenu buttonMotion:state
-                                      x:(x - activeLeft)
-                                      y:(y - activeTop).
-                ^ self
-            ]
-        ].
-        "moved outside menu"
-        activeMenu setSelection:nil
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 28.7.1998 / 16:01:50 / cg"
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop m|
-    device ungrabPointer.
-    device ungrabKeyboard.
-    (y between:0 and:height) ifTrue:[
-        titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
-    ].
-    "
-     now, titleIndex is non-nil if pressed within myself
-    "
-    (titleIndex notNil and:[titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ pressed on another item
-        m := self pullMenu:titleIndex.
-        (toggleMode == #toggle) ifTrue:[
-            device grabPointerInView:self.
-            device grabKeyboardInView:self.
-"/            self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        titleIndex == activeMenuNumber ifTrue:[
-            "/ pressed on same item
-            (toggleMode ~~ #toggle) ifTrue:[
-                "same pressed again ... stay"
-                titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-                    device grabPointerInView:self.
-                    device grabKeyboardInView:self.
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self hideActiveMenu.
-            ].
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        "/ pressed outside
-        activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-        activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-        activeLeft := activeMenu left.
-        (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
-            activeTop := activeMenu top.
-            (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
-                "/ pressed inside currently pulled menu
-                activeMenu buttonPress:button x:(x - activeLeft) y:(y - activeTop).
-                ^ self
-            ].
-        ].
-        "/ somewhere else
-        self hideActiveMenu.
-    ]
-    "Modified: 6.3.1996 / 17:14:16 / cg"
-buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    |activeMenu activeLeft activeTop hideMenu|
-    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-    hideMenu := false.
-    (y >= height) ifTrue:[
-	"release below title-line"
-	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
-	"
-	 released in a submenu ?
-	"
-	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
-	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
-	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
-		"release in menu"
-		self hideActiveMenu.   
-		activeMenu buttonRelease:button
-				       x:(x - activeLeft)
-				       y:(y - activeTop).
-		^ self
-	    ]
-	].
-	hideMenu := true.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	y < 0 ifTrue:[
-	    hideMenu := true
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[
-		self performSelectedAction.
-		hideMenu := true.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(toggleMode == #toggle) ifFalse:[   
-		    hideMenu := true
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].                  
-    hideMenu ifTrue:[
-       self hideActiveMenu.
-    ]
-    "Modified: 17.4.1996 / 20:56:08 / cg"
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    <resource: #keyboard (#CursorLeft #CursorRight #MenuSelect #Return)>
-    |index startIndex m|
-    "
-     handle CursorLeft/Right for non-mouse operation
-     (for example, if it has the explicit focus)
-     These will pull the previous/next menu
-    "
-    ((key == #CursorRight) or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[
-	activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
-	    index := (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[menus size].
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
-		"/ if its a cursor-right, and the current item
-		"/ has a submenu, then pop up the submenu
-		m := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-		m notNil ifTrue:[
-		    m selectedItemHasSubmenu ifTrue:[
-			m showSubmenu:(m selection).
-			^ self.
-		    ].
-		].
-	    ].
-	    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
-		index := activeMenuNumber+1
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		index := activeMenuNumber-1
-	    ].
-	    index == 0 ifTrue:[index := menus size]
-	    ifFalse:[
-		index > menus size ifTrue:[index := 1]
-	    ]
-	].
-	self pullMenu:index.
-	^ self
-    ].
-"/    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ find an item starting with that alpha-key
-	"/
-	key isCharacter ifTrue:[
-	    (key isLetter) ifTrue:[
-		activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
-		    startIndex := 1.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    startIndex := activeMenuNumber + 1
-		].
-		index := titles 
-			    findFirst:[:item | 
-					    item isString
-					    and:[(item startsWith:key asUppercase)
-						 or:[item startsWith:key asLowercase]]]
-			    startingAt:startIndex.
-		(index == 0 and:[startIndex ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
-		    index := titles 
-				findFirst:[:item | 
-						item isString
-						and:[(item startsWith:key asUppercase)
-						     or:[item startsWith:key asLowercase]]]
-				startingAt:1.
-		].
-		index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		    self pullMenu:index.
-		].
-		^ self
-	    ]
-	].
-"/    ].
-    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    ].
-    "
-     Return, space or the (virtual) MenuSelect key trigger
-     a menu entry (for non-submenu entries).
-     Otherwise, if we have a submenu open,
-     pass the key on to it ...
-    "
-    m := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-    m isNil ifTrue:[
-	(key == #Return 
-	or:[key == #MenuSelect
-	or:[key == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
-	    self performSelectedAction.
-	].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	m keyPress:key x:0 y:0.
-    ].
-    "Modified: 25.2.1997 / 23:38:15 / cg"
-    "when stepping focus, hide any active menu"
-    explicit ifTrue:[
-	self hideActiveMenu.
-	super showNoFocus:explicit
-    ]
-    "Modified: 25.2.1997 / 23:31:38 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'hiding/showing menus'!
-    "sent by an aborted menu"
-    self hideActiveMenu.
-    "hide currently active menu - release grab if there is any grab"
-    ^ self hideActiveMenuRelease:true
-    "hide currently active menu - release grab if aBoolean is true
-     and a grab was set"
-    |m|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-        (m := menus at:activeMenuNumber) notNil ifTrue:[
-            m beInvisible.
-        ].
-        self unHighlightActiveTitle.
-        activeMenuNumber := nil
-    ].
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        device ungrabKeyboard.
-        device ungrabPointer. 
-"/        self cursor:Cursor normal
-    ].
-    "Modified: 6.3.1996 / 17:14:21 / cg"
-    "activate a menu, return it or nil"
-    <resource: #style (#'pullDownMenu.autoselectFirst')>
-    |subMenu r posY|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[self hideActiveMenuRelease:false].
-    activeMenuNumber := aNumber.
-    subMenu := menus at:aNumber.
-    raiseTopWhenActivated ifTrue:[
-        self topView raise.
-    ].
-    (activeMenuNumber notNil 
-    and:[
-         subMenu notNil
-         or:[selectors notNil and:[(selectors at:activeMenuNumber) notNil]]]) ifTrue:[
-            self highlightActiveTitle.
-         ].
-    subMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-        subMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:aNumber)) 
-                       @
-                       (posY := height + subMenu borderWidth)).
-        subMenu hiddenOnRealize:false.
-        subMenu setSelection:nil.
-        subMenu create.
-        subMenu saveUnder:true.
-        subMenu superMenu:self.
-        subMenu right > (r := self right) ifTrue:[
-            subMenu origin:((r - subMenu width) @ posY).
-        ].
-        subMenu raise show.
-        (styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.autoselectFirst') == true ifTrue:[
-            subMenu setSelection:1
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ subMenu
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 17:04:00 / cg"
-    true ifTrue:[
-	device grabPointerInView:self.
-	device grabKeyboardInView:self.
-"/        self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
-	self sensor flushMotionEventsFor:nil
-    ]
-    "Modified: 6.3.1996 / 17:14:27 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
-    "when my container changes, all of my menus must change as well"
-    super container:aView.
-    menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	menus do:[:aMenu |
-	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-		aMenu container:aView
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 9.5.1996 / 00:43:13 / cg"
-    "Created: 9.5.1996 / 00:43:38 / cg"
-    super create.
-    self setMenuOrigins
-    "have to destroy the menus manually here,
-     since they are no real subviews of myself"
-    menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	menus do:[:m |
-	    m notNil ifTrue:[m destroy]
-	].
-	menus := nil
-    ].
-    activeMenuNumber := nil.
-    super destroy.
-    "fetch device colors, to avoid reallocation at redraw time"
-    super fetchDeviceResources.
-    bgColor notNil ifTrue:[bgColor := bgColor onDevice:device].
-    fgColor notNil ifTrue:[fgColor := fgColor onDevice:device].
-    activeBgColor notNil ifTrue:[activeBgColor := activeBgColor onDevice:device].
-    activeFgColor notNil ifTrue:[activeFgColor := activeFgColor onDevice:device].
-    "Created: 13.1.1997 / 23:25:14 / cg"
-    "set up a hand cursor"
-    cursor := Cursor hand
-    "initialize style specifics"
-    <resource: #style (#name #'pullDownMenu.raiseTop')>
-    |style|
-    super initStyle.
-"/    DefaultFont notNil ifTrue:[font := DefaultFont on:device].
-    showSeparatingLines := DefaultSeparatingLines. "/ false.
-    DefaultViewBackground notNil ifTrue:[
-        viewBackground := DefaultViewBackground onDevice:device
-    ].
-    DefaultForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        fgColor := Black.
-    ].
-    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        bgColor := DefaultBackgroundColor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        bgColor := viewBackground.
-    ].
-    onLevel := DefaultHilightLevel.
-    offLevel := DefaultLevel.
-    self is3D ifTrue:[
-        device hasColors ifTrue:[
-            activeFgColor := Color name:'yellow'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            activeFgColor := White
-        ].
-        device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
-            activeBgColor := bgColor.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            activeBgColor := fgColor.
-        ].
-        topMargin := 2.
-        style := styleSheet name.
-        ((style == #iris) or:[style == #motif]) ifTrue:[
-            self level:2.
-            onLevel := 2.
-            offLevel := 0.
-            activeFgColor := fgColor
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            style == #win95 ifTrue:[
-                self level:1
-            ]
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        activeFgColor := bgColor.
-        activeBgColor := fgColor.
-        topMargin := 0
-    ].
-    edgeStyle := DefaultEdgeStyle.
-    toggleMode := DefaultToggleMode.
-    DefaultHilightForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        activeFgColor := DefaultHilightForegroundColor
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        activeBgColor := DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
-    ].
-    DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor
-    ].
-    DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        lightColor := DefaultLightColor
-    ].
-    raiseTopWhenActivated := styleSheet at:#'pullDownMenu.raiseTop' default:true.
-    "Modified: / 15.9.1998 / 22:58:42 / cg"
-    super initialize.
-    font := font onDevice:device.
-    self origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
-         extent:(1.0 @ self preferredExtent y)
-"/         extent:(1.0 @ (font height + (font descent * 2)  + topMargin)).
-    "if the image was saved with an active menu, hide it"
-    |m|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-	(m := menus at:activeMenuNumber) notNil ifTrue:[
-	    m unmap.
-	].
-	activeMenuNumber := nil.
-    ].
-    super recreate.
-    self setMenuOrigins
-    "Modified: 3.5.1996 / 23:48:55 / stefan"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'private'!
-    "return the index of the menu with title; return 0 if not found.
-     stringOrNumber may be a number, a selector from the selectorArray
-     or a string from the title array.
-     If stringOrNumber is not a valid item, return 0."
-    |idx|
-    stringOrNumber isNumber ifTrue:[
-	^ stringOrNumber
-    ].
-    selectors notNil ifTrue:[
-	idx := selectors indexOf:stringOrNumber.
-	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[^ idx].
-    ].
-    stringOrNumber isString ifTrue:[
-	^ titles indexOf:stringOrNumber
-    ].
-    (stringOrNumber respondsTo:#string) ifTrue:[
-	^ titles indexOf:stringOrNumber asString
-    ].
-    ^ 0
-    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 15:25:28 / cg"
-    |block sel|
-    actions notNil ifTrue:[
-	block := actions at:itemIndex.
-	block notNil ifTrue:[
-	    block value.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-    ].
-    selectors notNil ifTrue:[
-	sel := selectors at:itemIndex.
-	sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	    model notNil ifTrue:[
-		model perform:sel
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		receiver perform:sel
-	    ]    
-	].
-    ].
-    "Modified: 17.4.1996 / 20:55:11 / cg"
-    |block sel|
-    actions notNil ifTrue:[
-	block := actions at:activeMenuNumber.
-	block notNil ifTrue:[
-	    block value.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-    ].
-    selectors notNil ifTrue:[
-	sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
-	sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	    model notNil ifTrue:[
-		model perform:sel
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		receiver perform:sel
-	    ]    
-	].
-    ].
-    "Modified: 17.4.1996 / 20:55:11 / cg"
-    "Created: 17.4.1996 / 20:55:53 / cg"
-    "adjust origins of menus when font changes"
-    (font graphicsDevice == device) ifTrue:[
-	menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	    menus keysAndValuesDo:[:index :aMenu |
-		aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
-				  @
-				  (height + aMenu borderWidth))
-		].
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 17:55:08 / cg"
-    "find a menu item.
-     Currently, in ST/X, instances of MenuItem are only created as dummy"
-    |idx|
-    idx := self indexOf:aLabel.
-    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	^ MenuItem new menu:self index:idx
-    ].
-    menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	menus do:[:aMenu |
-	    |item|
-	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-		(item := aMenu someMenuItemLabeled:aLabel) notNil ifTrue:[
-		    ^ item
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "given a click x-position, return index in title or nil"
-    |xstart "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     xend   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wSpace wSep|
-    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ') * 2. 
-    showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
-	self is3D ifTrue:[
-	    wSep := 2
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    wSep := 1
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	wSep := 0
-    ].
-    xstart := 0.
-    1 to:(titles size) do:[:index |
-	|entry thisLength|
-	entry := titles at:index.
-	entry isString ifTrue:[
-	    thisLength := font widthOf:entry.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    thisLength := entry width
-	].
-	xend := xstart + thisLength + wSpace + wSep.
-	(x between:xstart and:xend) ifTrue:[^ index].
-	xstart := xend
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "answer len (in pixels) of all title-strings up-to 
-     (but excluding) title-index. Used to compute x-position when drawing
-     individual entries."
-    |len "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wSpace wSep|
-    (index <= 1) ifTrue:[^ 0].
-    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
-    showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
-	self is3D ifTrue:[
-	    wSep := 2
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    wSep := 1
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	wSep := 0
-    ].
-    len := 0.
-    titles from:1 to:(index - 1) do:[:entry |
-	|thisLength|
-	entry isString ifTrue:[
-	    thisLength := (font widthOf:entry).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    thisLength := entry width
-	].
-	len := len + thisLength + wSpace + wSep + wSpace.
-    ].
-    ^ len
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return my preferredExtent from the title-item widths & font height"
-    |w hMax|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    w := self titleLenUpTo:(titles size + 1).
-    hMax := font height + (font descent * 2).
-    titles notNil ifTrue:[
-	titles do:[:aStringOrImage |
-	    aStringOrImage isString ifFalse:[
-		hMax := hMax max:(aStringOrImage heightOn:self)
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ w @ (hMax + (margin*2) + ((onLevel abs max:offLevel abs)*2) "+ topMargin").
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 20:49:23 / cg"
-    "redefined, since the name of my specClass is nonStandard (i.e. not PullDownMenuSpec)"
-    ^ MenuPanelSpec
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 19:48:23 / cg"
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'submenu notifications'!
-    "sent by en escaped menu - ignored here"
-    ^ self
-    "Modified: 4.3.1996 / 22:58:22 / cg"
-    "sent by a menu to tell me that it starts to perform
-     its menu action."
-    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[windowGroup showCursor:Cursor wait]
-    "sent by a menu to tell me that it finished its menu-action.
-     Here, we hide the currently active menu."
-    self hideActiveMenu.
-    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[windowGroup restoreCursors]
-    "sent by a sub-submenu to tell me that it finished its menu-action."
-    self showPassive
-! !
-!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.87 1999-08-18 14:38:30 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ToggleController subclass:#RadioButtonController
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Controllers'
-!RadioButtonController  class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    RadioButtonControllers redefine the response to a button-click.
-    While toggles (i.e. ToggleControllers) change state with every click,
-    radioButtons will only do so for an off-to-on transition.
-    They will NEVER turn themselfes off with a click.
-    To turn a radioButton off, another button in its buttonGroup must
-    be turned on and thereby (via the buttonGroup) turn the first button off.
-    You can place both toggles (for 'zero-or-one-on' behavior) or
-    radiobuttons (for 'one-on' behavior) into a buttongroup.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!RadioButtonController methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
-    super initialize.
-    isToggle := false.
-    isRadio := true.
-    isTriggerOnDown := true.
-    "Created: 15.7.1996 / 13:43:23 / cg"
-! !
-!RadioButtonController  class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.8 1996-07-15 14:41:38 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ValueHolder subclass:#RadioButtonGroup
-	instanceVariableNames:'numberOfValues'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Support'
-!RadioButtonGroup class methodsFor:'documentation '!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    RadioButtonGroups control the interaction between RadioButtons
-    turning off other button(s) when one of the group is pressed.
-    To group some buttons (and have one-on behavior) use:
-        |g|
-        g := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        ...
-        b1 := RadioButton label:....
-        g add:b1
-        ...
-        b2 := RadioButton label:....
-        g add:b2
-        ...
-    A radioButtonGroup is itself usable as a model, holding the index of
-    the selected button. It can be used as a selectionIndexHolder of a
-    SelectionInList instance.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        RadioButton Toggle CheckBox CheckToggle Button
-        Model ValueHolder SelectionInList
-    "Modified: 1.3.1997 / 14:11:57 / cg"
-    using Toggles for 'at most one-on behavior':
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel b group|
-        top := StandardSystemView label:'toggles'.
-        panel := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        b := Toggle label:'one' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := Toggle label:'two' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := Toggle label:'three' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        top extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    using RadioButtons for 'one-on behavior':
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel b group|
-        top := StandardSystemView label:'radio'.
-        panel := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        b := RadioButton label:'one' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := RadioButton label:'two' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := RadioButton label:'three' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        top extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    same, with initial selection:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel b group|
-        top := StandardSystemView label:'radio'.
-        panel := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        b := RadioButton label:'one' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := RadioButton label:'two' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := RadioButton label:'three' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        top extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-        group value:1.
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    using Buttons for 'none-on behavior'; 
-    buttons do not show the boolean state (they only fire);
-    however, the groups value remembers the last pressed button:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel b group|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        panel := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        b := Button label:'one' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := Button label:'two' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        b := Button label:'three' in:panel.
-        group add:b.
-        top extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-        top open.
-        group inspect
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    using checkBoxes (these have a label included).
-    notice, that we change their behavior to radioButton behavior:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top panel b group|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        panel horizontalLayout:#left.
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        b := CheckBox label:'one' in:panel.
-        b controller beRadioButton.
-        group add:b.
-        b := CheckBox label:'two' in:panel.
-        b controller beRadioButton.
-        group add:b.
-        b := CheckBox label:'three' in:panel.
-        b controller beRadioButton.
-        group add:b.
-        top extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    a small dialog
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |dialog group b|
-        dialog := Dialog new.
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        group add:(b := dialog addCheckBox:'one' on:nil).
-        b controller beRadioButton.
-        group add:(b := dialog addCheckBox:'two' on:nil).
-        b controller beRadioButton.
-        group add:(b := dialog addCheckBox:'three' on:nil).
-        b controller beRadioButton.
-        group value:2.
-        dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-        dialog open.
-        dialog accepted ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'you selected: ' , group value printString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCR:'aborted'
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  as a selectionIndexHolder of a selectionInList
-  (i.e. a selectionInListView and a group displaying the same selection):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |top top2 panel b sv group selectionInList|
-    top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-    panel := HorizontalPanelView
-                origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-    group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-    selectionInList := SelectionInList new.
-    selectionInList list:#('am' 'fm' 'off').
-    selectionInList selectionIndexHolder:group.
-    b := RadioButton label:'am' in:panel.
-    group add:b.
-    b := RadioButton label:'fm' in:panel.
-    group add:b.
-    b := RadioButton label:'off' in:panel.
-    group add:b.
-    group value:1.
-    top open.
-    top2 := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-    sv := SelectionInListView in:top2.
-    sv model:selectionInList.
-    sv origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-    top2 open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    "Created: / 15.11.1995 / 17:14:53 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 20:18:25 / cg"
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.30 1999-03-22 21:57:33 cg Exp $'
-! !
-!RadioButtonGroup class methodsFor:'helpers'!
-adaptorFor:someValueHolder value:buttonValue
-    "create and return an adaptor for a radioButton"
-    |adaptor|
-    adaptor := PluggableAdaptor on:someValueHolder.
-    "/ the adapter plays boolean-value holder towards
-    "/ the radioButton, returning true iff the groups
-    "/ value is the same as the buttons index-value; false otherwise.
-    "/ Likewise, a true-store from the button sets the group value
-    "/ to the buttons index.
-    adaptor getBlock:[:m | (m value = buttonValue) ]
-            putBlock:[:m :onOff | 
-                           onOff ifTrue:[
-                               m value:buttonValue
-                           ] ifFalse:[
-                                "/ support for toggles
-                                buttonValue = m value ifTrue:[
-                                   m value:nil 
-                                ]
-                           ]
-                     ]
-         updateBlock:[:m :a :v | true].
-    ^ adaptor
-    "Created: / 30.10.1997 / 19:45:34 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 20:14:25 / cg"
-! !
-!RadioButtonGroup methodsFor:'adding / removing'!
-    "add a radioButton to the group - actually, this name is misleading;
-     it simple creates an adaptor, which converts my value into a boolean,
-     depending on the buttons index-number
-    "
-    self add:aRadioButton value:nil
-add:aRadioButton value:aValueOrNil
-    "add a radioButton to the group - actually, this name is misleading;
-     it simply creates an adaptor, which converts my value into a boolean,
-     depending on the buttons index-number or aValueOrNil"
-    |adaptor selectValue|
-    numberOfValues := (numberOfValues ? 0) + 1.
-    selectValue  := aValueOrNil ? numberOfValues.
-    "/ the adapter plays boolean-value holder towards
-    "/ the radioButton, returning true iff the groups
-    "/ value is the same as the buttons index-value; false otherwise.
-    "/ Likewise, a true-store from the button sets the group value
-    "/ to the buttons index.
-    adaptor := self class adaptorFor:self value:selectValue.
-    aRadioButton isOn ifTrue:[
-        self value:selectValue.
-    ].
-    aRadioButton model:adaptor.
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 20:14:54 / cg"
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2109 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-SimpleView subclass:#ScrollableView
-	instanceVariableNames:'scrolledView vScrollBar hScrollBar scrollBarPosition lockUpdates
-		hideVScrollBar hideHScrollBar hasHorizontalScrollBar
-		hasVerticalScrollBar horizontalMini verticalMini vScrollBarHidden
-		hScrollBarHidden'
-	classVariableNames:'DefaultScrolledViewLevel DefaultScrolledViewMargin
-		DefaultScrollBarSpacing DefaultScrolledViewBorderWidth
-		DefaultLevel DefaultScrollBarLevel MyDefaultViewBackgroundColor'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Basic'
-!ScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a view containing a scrollbar and some other (slave-)view.
-    This view wraps scrollbar(s) around the view to be scrolled.
-    The scrollbars are setup to send scrollUp/scrollDown/scrollVerticalTo
-    and scrollLeft/scrollRight/scrollHorizontalTo- messages whenever moved.
-    The view itself has to implement these (there is a default implementation
-    in the common View class for this - so your widgets usually dont have to
-    care for this).
-    For the scrollbars to know about the full (maximum) size, the view
-    MUST implement #heightOfContents and/or #widthOfContents.
-    The values returned by those methods are used to compute the fraction
-    which is visible (i.e. the scrollers thumb heights).
-    There are three ways to setup a scrollableView:
-    if the type of the view to be scrolled is known in advance,
-    use:
-	v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass>
-    or:
-	v := ScrollableView for:<ViewClass> in:someSuperView
-    otherwise, create an empty scrollableView with:
-	v := ScrollableView new
-    or:
-	v := ScrollableView in:someSuperView
-    and define the view later with:
-	v scrolledView:aViewToBeScrolled
-    Finally, if the view to be scrolled has been already created,
-    use:
-	v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled
-    or:    
-	v := ScrollableView forView:aViewToBeScrolled in:someSuperView
-    It is also possible to change the scrolledView later (even multiple times).
-    This may be useful, if different views are needed to display different types
-    of data (see example2) and at creation time, it is not known what type
-    of view is required (multidocument format applications).
-    If you want to scroll a bucnh of other views (instead of a views contents),
-    you need a companion class (ViewScroller). See the documentation there.
-    If you need horizontal scrolling too, use an instance of HVScrollableView.
-    By default, scrollbars are full size scrollbars - for horizontal scrolling
-    (which is less often used), scrollableViews can optionally be created with
-    miniscrollers which take up less screen space.
-    TODO:
-	this is pretty old and needs a rewrite. There are quite some
-	historic leftovers found here and things can be done better
-	(especially in initializeFor...)
-	Also, it should be rewritten into one class which supports both
-	Vertical-only, Horizontal-only and HV scrolling.
-	Currently, horizontal-only scrolling is not available.
-	(you have to write your own class ...)
-	Finally, some means to hide scrollbars should be added - this would
-	give more screenspace to the view when all is visible 
-	(and therefore, the scrollbars are not needed, anyway)
-	Expect the above things to be fixed in an upcoming version.
-    Recent changes:
-	Originally, there where two classes, for vertical-only and
-	horizontal+vertical scrollability.
-	These have now been merged into the common ScrollableView class,
-	and each scrollability can be controlled individually.
-	The original HVScrollableView class is almost empty, but remains
-	for backward compatibility (it simply initializes the scrollability
-	flags for H+V scrollability).
-    [author:]
-	Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-	ScrollBar Scroller
-	 HVScrollableView
-  simple scrolled text:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example1'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	scr := ScrollableView for:EditTextView in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	txt := scr scrolledView.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  changing the scrolledView later:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txtView1 txtView2 browserView|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example2'.
-	top extent:300@100.
-	scr := ScrollableView in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	top open.
-	(Delay forSeconds:5) wait.
-	txtView1 := EditTextView new.
-	txtView1 list:#(
-			'wait 5 seconds to see the other text'
-			'line2'
-			'line3'
-			'line4'
-			'line5'
-			'line7'
-			'line8'
-			'line9'
-			'line10'
-		  ).
-	scr scrolledView:txtView1.
-	(Delay forSeconds:5) wait.
-	txtView2 := EditTextView new.
-	txtView2 list:#('this is the other views text' 
-			'alternative line2'
-			'alternative line3'
-			'alternative line4'
-			'alternative line5'
-			'alternative line6').
-	scr scrolledView:txtView2.
-									[exEnd]
-  using a miniscroller:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example3'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	scr := ScrollableView for:EditTextView miniScroller:true in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	txt := scr scrolledView.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  scrolling in both directions:
-    Notice: HVScrollableView remains existent for backward compatibility;
-	    scrollability can now be controlled in both directions at any
-	    time (see examples below).
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example4'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	scr := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	txt := scr scrolledView.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  using a full scroller vertically, miniscroller horizontally:
-    Notice: HVScrollableView remains existent for backward compatibility;
-	    scrollability can now be controlled in both directions at any
-	    time (see examples below).
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example5'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	scr := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView miniScrollerH:true in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	txt := scr scrolledView.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  using miniscrollers for both directions:
-    Notice: HVScrollableView remains existent for backward compatibility;
-	    scrollability can now be controlled in both directions at any
-	    time (see examples below).
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example6'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	scr := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView miniScroller:true in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	txt := scr scrolledView.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  controlling scrollability:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example6'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	txt := EditTextView new.
-	scr := ScrollableView forView:txt in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	scr horizontalScrollable:true.
-	scr verticalScrollable:false.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  controlling scrollability and miniScroller:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example6'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	txt := EditTextView new.
-	scr := ScrollableView forView:txt in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	scr horizontalScrollable:true; horizontalMini:false.
-	scr verticalScrollable:true; verticalMini:true.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-  autohiding scrollbars (edit the text to make scrollbars visible/invisible)
-	this is controlled by the styleSheet and 
-	should normally NOT be done by the program):
-									[exBegin]
-	|top scr txt|
-	top := StandardSystemView label:'scroll example6'.
-	top extent:200@100.
-	txt := EditTextView new.
-	scr := ScrollableView forView:txt in:top.
-	scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-	scr horizontalScrollable:true; horizontalMini:false.
-	scr verticalScrollable:true; verticalMini:true.
-	scr autoHideScrollBars:true.
-	txt list:#('line1'
-		   'line2'
-		   'line3'
-		   'line4'
-		   'line5'
-		   'line7'
-		   'line8'
-		   'line9'
-		   'line10'
-		  ).
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
-! !
-!ScrollableView class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-    ^ self 
-        for:aViewClass
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:false 
-        miniScrollerV:false 
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:nil
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:22 / cg"
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:18:32 / cg"
-for:aViewClass hasHorizontalScrollBar:hasH hasVerticalScrollBar:hasV miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV 
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-    |newView|
-    aViewClass notNil ifTrue:[
-	newView := aViewClass new.
-    ].
-    ^ self
-	forView:newView
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:hasH 
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:hasV 
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV 
-	origin:nil 
-	corner:nil 
-	in:nil
-    "Created: 7.4.1997 / 19:00:14 / cg"
-for:aViewClass hasHorizontalScrollBar:hasH hasVerticalScrollBar:hasV miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV origin:org corner:corn in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-    |newView|
-    aViewClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        newView := aViewClass new.
-    ].
-    ^ self
-        forView:newView
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:hasH 
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:hasV 
-        miniScrollerH:miniH 
-        miniScrollerV:miniV 
-        origin:org 
-        corner:corn 
-        in:aView
-    "
-     |top scr|
-     top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-     scr := ScrollableView for:nil
-                 hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-                 hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-                 miniScrollerH:false
-                 miniScrollerV:false
-                 origin:0.0@0.0
-                 corner:1.0@1.0
-                 in:top.
-     top open
-    "
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:36:01 / cg"
-for:aViewClass in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-    ^ self 
-        for:aViewClass
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:false 
-        miniScrollerV:false 
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:18:41 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScroller:mini
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if mini is false, miniscrollers
-     if true."
-    ^ self 
-        for:aViewClass
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:mini 
-        miniScrollerV:mini 
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:18:45 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScroller:mini in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if mini is false, miniscrollers
-     if true."
-    ^ self 
-        for:aViewClass
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:mini 
-        miniScrollerV:mini 
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:18:50 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScroller:mini origin:org corner:corn in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if mini is false, miniscrollers
-     if true."
-    ^ self 
-        for:aViewClass
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:mini 
-        miniScrollerV:mini 
-        origin:org
-        corner:corn 
-        in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:18:53 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerH:miniH
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if miniH is false, 
-     and a horizontal miniscroller if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:false
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:30:15 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerH:miniH in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:false
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:30:31 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:30:47 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:31:02 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV origin:org corner:corn in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV
-	origin:org
-	corner:corn 
-	in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:31:17 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerH:miniH origin:org corner:corn in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have a full horizontal scrollbar if miniH is false,
-     a miniscroller if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:false
-	origin:org
-	corner:corn 
-	in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:31:28 / cg"
-for:aViewClass miniScrollerV:miniV origin:org corner:corn in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have a full vertical scrollbar if miniV is false,
-     a miniscroller if true."
-     ^ self 
-	for:aViewClass
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:false 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV
-	origin:org
-	corner:corn 
-	in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:31:41 / cg"
-for:aViewClass origin:org corner:corner in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-     ^ self 
-        for:aViewClass
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:false 
-        miniScrollerV:false
-        origin:org
-        corner:corner 
-        in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:19:05 / cg"
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling aView.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-     ^ self 
-        forView:aView
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:false 
-        miniScrollerV:false
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:19:08 / cg"
-forView:aScrolledView hasHorizontalScrollBar:hasH hasVerticalScrollBar:hasV miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV origin:org corner:corn in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling an instance of aViewClass.
-     The subview is created here.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-    |newView dev|
-    aView notNil ifTrue:[
-        dev := aView graphicsDevice
-    ] ifFalse:[ 
-        dev := Screen current
-    ].
-    newView := self basicNew device:dev.
-    newView initialize.
-    newView setupVertical:hasV mini:miniV horizontal:hasH mini:miniH.
-    aScrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-        newView scrolledView:aScrolledView.
-    ].
-    org notNil ifTrue:[
-        newView origin:org
-    ].
-    corn notNil ifTrue:[
-        newView corner:corn
-    ].
-    aView notNil ifTrue:[
-        aView addSubView:newView
-    ].
-    ^ newView
-    "
-     |top scr|
-     top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-     scr := ScrollableView 
-                 forView:(TextView new)
-                 hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-                 hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-                 miniScrollerH:false
-                 miniScrollerV:false
-                 origin:0.0@0.0
-                 corner:1.0@1.0
-                 in:top.
-     top open
-    "
-    "
-     |top scr|
-     top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-     scr := ScrollableView 
-                 forView:(TextView new)
-                 hasHorizontalScrollBar:false
-                 hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-                 miniScrollerH:false
-                 miniScrollerV:false
-                 origin:0.0@0.0
-                 corner:1.0@1.0
-                 in:top.
-     top open
-    "
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:42:40 / cg"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 15:32:51 / stefan"
-forView:aView in:aSuperView
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling aView.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-     ^ self 
-        forView:aView
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:false 
-        miniScrollerV:false
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:aSuperView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:19:12 / cg"
-forView:aView miniScrollerH:mini
-    "return a new scrolling view scrolling aView.
-     The view will have a full vertical scrollbar and a horizontal
-     miniScroller if mini is true."
-     ^ self 
-	forView:aView
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:mini 
-	miniScrollerV:false
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:32:58 / cg"
-forView:scrolledView miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV in:aView
-    "return a new scrolling view, scrolling aView.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-	forView:scrolledView
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:33:20 / cg"
-    "return a new scrolling view to be contained in aView.
-     There is no slave view now - this has to be set later via
-     the scrolledView: method.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-     ^ self 
-        forView:nil
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:false 
-        miniScrollerV:false
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:aView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:19:19 / cg"
-    "return a new scrolling view. The subview will be created later.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if mini is false, 
-     miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-        forView:nil
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar:self defaultHorizontalScrollable
-        hasVerticalScrollBar:self defaultVerticalScrollable
-        miniScrollerH:mini 
-        miniScrollerV:mini
-        origin:nil
-        corner:nil 
-        in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 23:19:21 / cg"
-    "return a new scrolling view. The subview will be created later.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if miniH is false, 
-     and a horizontal miniscroller if true."
-     ^ self 
-	forView:nil
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:false
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:34:06 / cg"
-miniScrollerH:miniH miniScrollerV:miniV
-    "return a new scrolling view. The subview will be created later.
-     The view will have full scrollbars if the corresponding miniH/miniV
-     is false, miniscrollers if true."
-     ^ self 
-	forView:nil
-	hasHorizontalScrollBar:true
-	hasVerticalScrollBar:true
-	miniScrollerH:miniH 
-	miniScrollerV:miniV
-	origin:nil
-	corner:nil 
-	in:nil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:34:16 / cg"
-    "return a new scrolling view.
-     There is no slave view now - this has to be set later via
-     the scrolledView: method.
-     The view will have full scrollbars."
-     ^ self in:nil
-    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 14:55:54 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    ^ false
-    "return the default position of the scrollBar.
-     (max be of interest to panels, to make the handlePosition alike)"
-    <resource: #style (#'scrollBar.position')>
-    ^ StyleSheet at:#'scrollBar.position' default:#left.
-    "
-     self defaultScrollBarPosition
-    "
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 12:58:15 / cg"
-    ^ true
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'scrolledView.level' #'scrolledView.margin'
-		       #'scrolledView.borderWidth'
-		       #'scrollBar.spacing' #'scrollBar.level'
-		       #'scrollableView.level' #'scrollableView.backgroundColor' )>
-    |defLevel defMargin defSpacing|
-    StyleSheet is3D ifTrue:[
-	defLevel := -1.
-	defMargin := ViewSpacing // 2.
-	defSpacing := defMargin.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	defLevel := 0.
-	defMargin := 0.
-	defSpacing := 0
-    ].
-    DefaultScrolledViewLevel := StyleSheet at:#'scrolledView.level' default:defLevel.
-    DefaultScrolledViewBorderWidth := StyleSheet at:#'scrolledView.borderWidth' default:nil.
-    DefaultScrolledViewMargin := StyleSheet at:#'scrolledView.margin' default:defMargin.
-    DefaultScrollBarSpacing := StyleSheet at:#'scrollBar.spacing' default:defSpacing.
-    DefaultLevel := StyleSheet at:#'scrollableView.level' default:nil.
-    DefaultScrollBarLevel := StyleSheet at:#'scrollBar.level' default:nil.
-    MyDefaultViewBackgroundColor := StyleSheet at:#'scrollableView.backgroundColor' default:DefaultViewBackgroundColor.
-    "
-     self updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 20:57:10 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if the horizontal scrollBar should
-     be made invisible dynamically, if there is nothing to scroll
-     (and shown if there is). 
-     This flags setting is normally controlled by the styleSheet."
-    hideHScrollBar := aBoolean.
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:28:42 / cg"
-    "Created: 19.3.1997 / 17:24:39 / cg"
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if scrollBars should
-     be made invisible dynamically, if there is nothing to scroll
-     (and shown if there is). 
-     This flags setting is normally controlled by the styleSheet."
-    hideVScrollBar := hideHScrollBar := aBoolean.
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:28:42 / cg"
-    "Created: 19.3.1997 / 17:24:39 / cg"
-    "set/clear the flag which controls if the vertical scrollBar should
-     be made invisible dynamically, if there is nothing to scroll
-     (and shown if there is). 
-     This flags setting is normally controlled by the styleSheet."
-    hideVScrollBar := aBoolean.
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:28:42 / cg"
-    "Created: 19.3.1997 / 17:24:39 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'accessing-components'!
-    "return the horizontal scrollbar (or nil, if there is none)"
-"/    hScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        self horizontalScrollable:true.
-"/    ].
-    ^ hScrollBar
-    "Created: / 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 25.5.1998 / 12:53:58 / cg"
-    super removeSubView:aView.
-    aView == scrolledView ifTrue:[
-        scrolledView := nil
-    ].
-    aView == vScrollBar ifTrue:[
-        vScrollBar := nil
-    ].
-    aView == hScrollBar ifTrue:[
-        hScrollBar := nil
-    ].
-    "return the vertical scrollbar (or nil, if there is none)"
-"/    vScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        self verticalScrollable:true.
-"/    ].
-    ^ vScrollBar
-    "Created: / 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 25.5.1998 / 12:54:06 / cg"
-    "return the scrolled view (or nil, if there is none)"
-    ^ scrolledView
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 16:48:09 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "set the view to scroll"
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-	scrolledView removeDependent:self.
-	scrolledView destroy.
-	scrolledView := nil.
-    ].
-    scrolledView := aView.
-    super addSubViewFirst:aView.
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-	self setScrollActions.
-	realized ifTrue:[
-	    self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:true.
-	    self sizeChanged:nil.
-	    scrolledView realize
-	].
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 19.3.1997 / 15:32:37 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:48:57 / cg"
-    "return the vertical scrollbar (or nil, if there is none)"
-"/    vScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        self verticalScrollable:true.
-"/    ].
-    ^ vScrollBar
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 16:59:24 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "for ST80 compatibility (where a wrapper returns its wrapped
-     widget), return the scrolledView here"
-    ^ scrolledView
-    "Created: 20.6.1997 / 14:45:16 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    "control the horizontal scrollBar to be either a miniScroller,
-     or a full scrollBar."
-    horizontalMini ~~ aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        horizontalMini := aBoolean.
-        (styleSheet at:#'scrollBar.neverMini' default:false) == true ifTrue:[
-            horizontalMini := false.
-        ].
-        self setupViews.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:false.
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Created: / 7.3.1997 / 21:57:02 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 22.4.1998 / 22:42:25 / ca"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:48:25 / cg"
-    "enable/disable horizontal scrollability.
-     If disabled, the horizontal scrollBar is made invisible."
-    hasHorizontalScrollBar ~~ aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        hasHorizontalScrollBar := aBoolean.
-        hScrollBarHidden := false.
-        self setupViews.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:false.
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Created: / 7.3.1997 / 21:56:28 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:48:44 / cg"
-    "control the vertical scrollBar to be either a miniScroller,
-     or a full scrollBar."
-    verticalMini ~~ aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        verticalMini := aBoolean.
-        (styleSheet at:#'scrollBar.neverMini' default:false) == true ifTrue:[
-            verticalMini := false.
-        ].
-        self setupViews.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:false.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: / 7.3.1997 / 21:56:57 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 22.4.1998 / 22:42:32 / ca"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:49:10 / cg"
-    "enable/disable vertical scrollability.
-     If disabled, the vertical scrollBar is made invisible."
-    hasVerticalScrollBar ~~ aBoolean ifTrue:[
-	hasVerticalScrollBar := aBoolean.
-	vScrollBarHidden := false.
-	self setupViews.
-	shown ifTrue:[
-	    self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:false.
-	]
-    ]
-    "Created: / 7.3.1997 / 21:56:39 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:49:16 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'changes '!
-update:something with:argument from:changedObject
-    "whenever the scrolledView changes its contents, the scroller(s) must
-     be updated as well"
-    |doUpdate|
-    doUpdate := false.
-    changedObject == scrolledView ifTrue:[
-        something == #sizeOfContents ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                vScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView.
-                doUpdate := true
-            ].
-            hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                hScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView.
-                doUpdate := true
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            something == #originOfContents ifTrue:[
-                lockUpdates ifFalse:[
-                    vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                        vScrollBar setThumbOriginFor:scrolledView.
-                        doUpdate := true
-                    ].
-                    hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                        hScrollBar setThumbOriginFor:scrolledView.
-                        doUpdate := true
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
-        doUpdate ifTrue:[
-            self updateScrollBarVisibility
-        ]
-    ].
-    "check if any scrollbar needs to be hidden or shown"
-    |anyChange hide|
-    anyChange := false.
-    hideVScrollBar ~~ false ifTrue:[
-        vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            hide := vScrollBar thumbHeight >= 100.
-            hide ~~ vScrollBarHidden ifTrue:[
-                vScrollBarHidden := hide.
-                hide ifTrue:[vScrollBar beInvisible] ifFalse:[vScrollBar beVisible].
-                anyChange := true.
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    hideHScrollBar ~~ false ifTrue:[
-        hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            hide := hScrollBar thumbHeight >= 100.
-            hide ~~ hScrollBarHidden ifTrue:[
-                hScrollBarHidden :=  hide.
-                hide ifTrue:[hScrollBar beInvisible] ifFalse:[hScrollBar beVisible].
-                anyChange := true.
-            ] 
-        ].
-    ].
-    anyChange ifTrue:[
-        self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:false.
-        "/ force him to recompute its dimension ...
-        scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                vScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView.
-            ].
-            hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                hScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView.
-            ].
-        ].
-        "/ stupid - showing one may need the other ...
-        "/ and vice versa; do it again.
-        anyChange := false.
-        hideVScrollBar ~~ false ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                hide := vScrollBar thumbHeight >= 100.
-                hide ~~ vScrollBarHidden ifTrue:[
-                    vScrollBarHidden := hide.
-                    hide ifTrue:[vScrollBar beInvisible] ifFalse:[vScrollBar beVisible].
-                    anyChange := true.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        hideHScrollBar ~~ false ifTrue:[
-            hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-                hide := hScrollBar thumbHeight >= 100.
-                hide ~~ hScrollBarHidden ifTrue:[
-                    hScrollBarHidden := hide.
-                    hide ifTrue:[hScrollBar beInvisible] ifFalse:[hScrollBar beVisible].
-                    anyChange := true.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        anyChange ifTrue:[
-            self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:false.
-        ].
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 19.3.1997 / 15:33:36 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:49:05 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'event processing'!
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "a key was pressed - handle page-keys here"
-    <resource: #keyboard ( #Prior #Next ) >
-    (key == #Prior)    ifTrue: [^ self pageUp].
-    (key == #Next)     ifTrue: [^ self pageDown].
-    super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "handle size changes - this may change any scrollBars visibility"
-    |orgX orgY thV thH scrollH scrollV|
-    "/ resize components manually, in an order which is optimal
-    how == #smaller ifTrue:[
-        "/ first resize the horizontalScrollBar,
-        scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-            scrolledView containerChangedSize
-        ].
-        hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            hScrollBar containerChangedSize
-        ].
-        vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar containerChangedSize
-        ].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            hScrollBar containerChangedSize
-        ].
-        vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar containerChangedSize
-        ].
-        scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-            scrolledView containerChangedSize
-        ].
-    ].
-    scrolledView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    (hScrollBar isNil and:[vScrollBar isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-        vScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView.
-        orgY := vScrollBar thumbOrigin.
-        thV := vScrollBar thumbHeight.
-    ].
-    hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-        hScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView.
-        orgX := hScrollBar thumbOrigin.
-        thH := hScrollBar thumbHeight.
-    ].
-    "/ splitted, since there are optimized scrollProcedures for each case ...
-    hScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ only care for vertical ...
-        orgY + thV >= 100 ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar thumbOrigin:(100 - thV).
-            scrolledView scrollVerticalToPercent:vScrollBar thumbOrigin.
-        ].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        vScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ only care for horizontal ...
-            orgX + thH >= 100 ifTrue:[
-                hScrollBar thumbOrigin:(100 - thH).
-                scrolledView scrollHorizontalToPercent:hScrollBar thumbOrigin.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ care for both ...
-            scrollH := scrollV := false.
-            orgY + thV >= 100 ifTrue:[
-                vScrollBar thumbOrigin:(100 - thV).
-                orgY := vScrollBar thumbOrigin.
-                scrollV := true.
-            ].
-            orgX + thH >= 100 ifTrue:[
-                hScrollBar thumbOrigin:(100 - thH).
-                orgX := hScrollBar thumbOrigin.
-                scrollH := true.
-            ].
-            scrollV ifTrue:[
-                scrollH ifTrue:[
-                    scrolledView scrollToPercent:(orgX@orgY).
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    scrolledView scrollVerticalToPercent:orgY.
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                scrollH ifTrue:[
-                    scrolledView scrollHorizontalToPercent:orgX.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    self updateScrollBarVisibility.
-    "Modified: 28.3.1997 / 17:25:38 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'forced scroll'!
-    "page down - but only if there is a vertical scrollbar"
-    vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	vScrollBar pageDown
-    ]
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:32:34 / cg"
-    "page left - but only if there is a horizontal scrollbar"
-    hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	hScrollBar pageDown
-    ]
-    "Created: 19.3.1997 / 16:32:14 / cg"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:32:44 / cg"
-    "page right - but only if there is a horizontal scrollbar"
-    hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	hScrollBar pageUp
-    ]
-    "Created: 19.3.1997 / 16:32:22 / cg"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:32:48 / cg"
-    "page up - but only if there is a vertical scrollbar"
-    vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	vScrollBar pageUp
-    ]
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:32:38 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "initialize style specifics"
-    <resource: #style (#'scrollBar.position' #'scrollBar.hiding')>
-    super initStyle.
-    viewBackground := MyDefaultViewBackgroundColor. 
-    scrollBarPosition := styleSheet at:#'scrollBar.position' default:#left.
-    hideHScrollBar := hideVScrollBar := styleSheet at:#'scrollBar.hiding' default:false.
-    DefaultLevel notNil ifTrue:[self level:DefaultLevel].
-    "Created: / 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:52:26 / cg"
-    "setup some default"
-    verticalMini := horizontalMini := false.
-    hasVerticalScrollBar := hasHorizontalScrollBar := false.
-    vScrollBarHidden := hScrollBarHidden := true.
-    super initialize.
-    "realize (i.e. make me visible).
-     Since scrolledView may have done something to its contents
-     during init-time we had no chance yet to catch contents-
-     changes; do it now"
-    self setupDimensionsConfigureScrolledView:true.
-    super realize.
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-        vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView
-        ].
-        hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            hScrollBar setThumbFor:scrolledView
-        ].
-        self updateScrollBarVisibility.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 00:52:18 / cg"
-    "destroy any horizontal scrollBar"
-    hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	hScrollBar destroy.
-	hScrollBar := nil
-    ].
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 17:43:20 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "destroy any vertical scrollBar"
-    vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	vScrollBar destroy.
-	vScrollBar := nil
-    ].
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "lock prevents repositioning the scroller to the
-     actual (often rounded) position while scrolling,
-     and keeps it instead at the pointer position.
-     (this avoids run-away scroller when scrolling
-      textviews, when the text is aligned line-wise).
-      Consider this as a kludge."
-    lockUpdates := false.
-    vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-        vScrollBar scrollAction:[:position |
-            lockUpdates := true.
-            scrolledView scrollVerticalToPercent:position.
-            lockUpdates := false
-        ].
-        vScrollBar 
-            scrollUpAction:[|sensor|
-                            ((sensor := self sensor) notNil
-                            and:[sensor shiftDown or:[sensor ctrlDown]]) ifTrue:[
-                                scrolledView scrollToTop
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                scrolledView scrollUp
-                            ]
-                           ].
-        vScrollBar 
-            scrollDownAction:[|sensor|
-                            ((sensor := self sensor) notNil
-                            and:[sensor shiftDown or:[sensor ctrlDown]]) ifTrue:[
-                                scrolledView scrollToBottom
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                scrolledView scrollDown
-                            ]
-                           ].
-    ].
-    hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-        hScrollBar scrollAction:[:position |
-            lockUpdates := true.
-            scrolledView scrollHorizontalToPercent:position.
-            lockUpdates := false
-        ].
-        hScrollBar 
-            scrollUpAction:[|sensor|
-                            ((sensor := self sensor) notNil
-                            and:[sensor shiftDown or:[sensor ctrlDown]]) ifTrue:[
-                                scrolledView scrollToLeft
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                scrolledView scrollLeft
-                            ]
-                           ].
-        hScrollBar 
-            scrollDownAction:[|sensor|
-                            ((sensor := self sensor) notNil
-                            and:[sensor shiftDown or:[sensor ctrlDown]]) ifTrue:[
-                                scrolledView scrollToRight
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                scrolledView scrollRight
-                            ]
-                             ].
-    ].
-    scrolledView addDependent:self.
-    "
-     pass my keyboard input (and other subviews input) 
-     to the scrolled view ...
-    "
-    self delegate:(KeyboardForwarder toView:scrolledView).
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 17:03:43 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "set the components dimensions (i.e. layouts) according to
-     the scrollability and hidden settings.
-     This may heavily move around the parts ..."
-    |scrolledViewMargin scrollBarSpacing hasV hasH
-     scrolledViewLayout hScrollBarLayout vScrollBarLayout
-     vBd         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     hBd         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     sBd         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wVScroll    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     hHScroll    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     hLeftOffs   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     hRightOffs  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     hTopOffs    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     hBottomOffs "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     sLeftOffs   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     sRightOffs  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     sTopOffs    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     sBottomOffs "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     vLeftOffs   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     vRightOffs  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     vTopOffs    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     vBottomOffs "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     addMargin   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    sBd := 0.
-    DefaultScrolledViewBorderWidth notNil ifTrue:[
-        sBd := DefaultScrolledViewBorderWidth.
-        scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-            scrolledView borderWidth:DefaultScrolledViewBorderWidth.
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-            sBd := scrolledView borderWidth
-        ]
-    ].
-    (hasV := (vScrollBar notNil and:[vScrollBarHidden not])) ifTrue:[
-        vBd := vScrollBar borderWidth.
-        wVScroll := vScrollBar widthIncludingBorder.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        vBd := wVScroll := 0.
-    ].
-    (hasH := (hScrollBar notNil and:[hScrollBarHidden not])) ifTrue:[
-        hBd := hScrollBar borderWidth.
-        hHScroll := hScrollBar heightIncludingBorder.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        hBd := hHScroll := 0.
-    ].
-    "/ the raw layout ...
-    scrolledViewLayout := ((0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0@1.0)) asLayout.
-    hScrollBarLayout := ((0.0 @ 1.0) corner:(1.0@1.0)) asLayout.
-    "/ the painful details; mostly complicated for 2D styles,
-    "/ where the positions are setUp to overlay borders ...
-    "/ (well, with 3D styles, a single pixel error will not be noticed;
-    "/  but 2D styles are very sensitive to those;
-    "/  the code below may not work correctly with different borderWidths).
-    scrolledViewMargin := DefaultScrolledViewMargin.
-    scrollBarSpacing := DefaultScrollBarSpacing.
-    vTopOffs := 0 - vBd + scrolledViewMargin + margin.
-    scrolledViewMargin == 0 ifTrue:[
-        vBottomOffs := vBd - scrolledViewMargin - sBd.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        vBottomOffs := vBd - scrolledViewMargin + sBd.
-    ].
-    hLeftOffs := 0 - hBd + scrolledViewMargin + margin.
-    hRightOffs := hBd - scrolledViewMargin - sBd.
-    sLeftOffs := 0 - hBd + scrolledViewMargin + margin.
-    sRightOffs := hBd - scrolledViewMargin - sBd - sBd - sBd.
-    scrolledViewMargin == 0 ifTrue:[
-        sTopOffs := 0 - sBd + margin.
-        sBottomOffs := sBd - sBd.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        sTopOffs := 0 + scrolledViewMargin + margin.
-        sBottomOffs := sBd - scrolledViewMargin - sBd - sBd - sBd.
-    ].
-"/ kludge - for now
-styleSheet name == #win95 ifTrue:[
-    vTopOffs := 0.
-    hLeftOffs := 0.
-    sLeftOffs := 0.
-    sTopOffs := 0.
-    addMargin := 0.
-"/    DefaultScrollBarLevel == DefaultScrolledViewLevel
-"/        addMargin := 1.
-"/    ].
-    hasV ifTrue:[
-        scrollBarPosition == #right ifTrue:[
-            "/ right/bottom
-            vScrollBarLayout := ((1.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0@1.0)) asLayout.
-            vRightOffs := 0 - scrolledViewMargin + margin "???".
-            vLeftOffs := vRightOffs - wVScroll.
-            sRightOffs := sRightOffs - scrollBarSpacing - wVScroll + sBd.
-            hRightOffs := hRightOffs - wVScroll - scrollBarSpacing - sBd.
-            sRightOffs := sRightOffs - addMargin
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ left/bottom
-            vScrollBarLayout := ((0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.0@1.0)) asLayout.
-            vLeftOffs := 0 - vBd + scrolledViewMargin + margin.
-            vRightOffs := vLeftOffs + wVScroll + margin.
-            sLeftOffs := wVScroll + scrolledViewMargin + scrollBarSpacing + margin.
-            sRightOffs := 0 - scrolledViewMargin - margin.
-            hLeftOffs := hLeftOffs + wVScroll + vBd + scrollBarSpacing.
-            sLeftOffs := sLeftOffs + addMargin
-        ].
-    ].
-    hasH ifTrue:[
-        hBottomOffs := 0 - scrolledViewMargin - hBd + margin "???".
-        hTopOffs := hBottomOffs - hHScroll.
-        scrolledViewMargin == 0 ifTrue:[
-            hTopOffs := hTopOffs + sBd + sBd
-        ].
-        sBottomOffs := sBottomOffs - scrollBarSpacing - hHScroll.
-        (vScrollBar notNil and:[vScrollBarHidden not]) ifTrue:[
-            vBottomOffs := vBottomOffs - scrollBarSpacing - hHScroll.
-        ].
-        sBottomOffs := sBottomOffs - addMargin.
-        hRightOffs := hRightOffs - addMargin.
-    ].
-    (hScrollBar notNil
-     and:[ hScrollBar borderWidth == 0 
-     and:[sBd ~~ 0
-     and:[scrollBarPosition == #right]]]) ifTrue:[
-        hRightOffs := hRightOffs + sBd + sBd.
-    ].
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-        scrolledViewLayout leftOffset:sLeftOffs.
-        scrolledViewLayout rightOffset:sRightOffs.
-        scrolledViewLayout topOffset:sTopOffs.
-        scrolledViewLayout bottomOffset:sBottomOffs.
-        configureScrolledView ifTrue:[
-            ((hideVScrollBar or:[hideHScrollBar]) not
-            and:[(hScrollBar isNil or:[hScrollBarHidden])
-            and:[(vScrollBar isNil or:[vScrollBarHidden])]]) ifTrue:[
-                scrolledView level:0
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                scrolledView level:DefaultScrolledViewLevel.
-            ].
-        ].
-        scrolledView layout:scrolledViewLayout.
-    ].
-    hasH ifTrue:[
-        hScrollBarLayout leftOffset:hLeftOffs.
-        hScrollBarLayout rightOffset:hRightOffs.
-        hScrollBarLayout topOffset:hTopOffs.
-        hScrollBarLayout bottomOffset:hBottomOffs.
-        hScrollBar level:DefaultScrollBarLevel.
-        hScrollBar layout:hScrollBarLayout.
-"/        scrollBarPosition == #right ifTrue:[
-"/            "/ right/bottom
-"/            hScrollBar viewGravity:#SouthWest.
-"/        ] ifFalse:[
-"/            hScrollBar viewGravity:#NorthWest.
-"/        ]
-    ].
-    (vScrollBar notNil and:[vScrollBarHidden not]) ifTrue:[
-        vScrollBarLayout leftOffset:vLeftOffs.
-        vScrollBarLayout rightOffset:vRightOffs.
-        vScrollBarLayout topOffset:vTopOffs.
-        vScrollBarLayout bottomOffset:vBottomOffs.
-        vScrollBar level:DefaultScrollBarLevel.
-        vScrollBar layout:vScrollBarLayout.
-"/        scrollBarPosition == #right ifTrue:[
-"/            "/ right/bottom
-"/            vScrollBar viewGravity:#NorthEast.
-"/        ] ifFalse:[
-"/            vScrollBar viewGravity:#NorthWest.
-"/        ]
-    ].
-    "Created: / 21.5.1998 / 00:48:35 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 9.9.1998 / 18:57:35 / cg"
-setupVertical:isVertical mini:miniV horizontal:isHorizontal mini:miniH 
-    "setup scrollbars as specified in the arguments"
-    |noMiniScrollers|
-    vScrollBarHidden := hScrollBarHidden := false.
-    hasVerticalScrollBar := isVertical.
-    hasHorizontalScrollBar := isHorizontal.
-    noMiniScrollers := styleSheet at:#'scrollBar.neverMini' default:false.
-    verticalMini := miniV.
-    horizontalMini := miniH.
-    noMiniScrollers == true ifTrue:[
-        verticalMini := false.
-        horizontalMini := false.
-    ].
-    self setupViews.
-    "Modified: 7.3.1997 / 22:09:12 / cg"
-    "setup scrollbars as specified in the arguments"
-    |cls|
-    hasVerticalScrollBar ifTrue:[
-        cls := ScrollBar. 
-        verticalMini ifTrue:[
-            cls := MiniScroller
-        ].
-        (vScrollBar notNil
-        and:[vScrollBar class ~~ cls]) ifTrue:[
-            self releaseVerticalScrollBar
-        ].
-        vScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-            vScrollBar := cls in:self.
-            realized ifTrue:[
-                vScrollBar realize "/ beVisible
-            ]
-        ].
-        vScrollBar thumbOrigin:0 thumbHeight:100.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            self releaseVerticalScrollBar
-        ]
-    ].
-    hasHorizontalScrollBar ifTrue:[
-        cls := HorizontalScrollBar. 
-        horizontalMini ifTrue:[
-            cls := HorizontalMiniScroller
-        ].
-        (hScrollBar notNil
-        and:[hScrollBar class ~~ cls]) ifTrue:[
-            self releaseHorizontalScrollBar
-        ].
-        hScrollBar isNil ifTrue:[
-            hScrollBar := cls in:self.
-            realized ifTrue:[
-                hScrollBar realize "/ beVisible
-            ]
-        ].
-        hScrollBar thumbOrigin:0 thumbHeight:100.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            self releaseHorizontalScrollBar
-        ]
-    ].
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setScrollActions.
-    ]
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "Modified: 8.4.1997 / 00:44:33 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return true if I am horizontally scrollable"
-    ^ hScrollBar notNil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 17:03:49 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-     ^ true
-    "Created: / 20.6.1998 / 14:15:42 / cg"
-    "return true if I am vertically scrollable"
-    ^ vScrollBar notNil
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 17:03:52 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:23 / cg"
-    "return my preferredExtent from the scrolledViews prefExtent
-     plus the size of the scrollBar"
-    |slavesPref prefX prefY margin|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[ 
-        slavesPref := scrolledView preferredExtent.
-        prefX := slavesPref x.
-        prefY := slavesPref y.
-        margin := (DefaultScrolledViewMargin * 2) + DefaultScrollBarSpacing.
-        vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            prefX := prefX + vScrollBar width + margin.
-        ].
-        hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-            prefY := prefY + hScrollBar height + margin.
-        ].
-        ^ prefX @ prefY.
-    ].
-    ^ super preferredExtent.
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 22:34:09 / cg"
-preferredExtentForLines:numLines cols:numCols
-    "return my preferredExtent from the scrolledViews prefExtent
-     plus the size of the scrollBar"
-    |slavesPref prefX prefY|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[ 
-	slavesPref := scrolledView preferredExtentForLines:numLines cols:numCols.
-	prefX := slavesPref x.
-	prefY := slavesPref y.
-	vScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	    prefX := prefX + vScrollBar width + (DefaultScrolledViewMargin * 2) + DefaultScrollBarSpacing.
-	].
-	hScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
-	    prefY := prefY + hScrollBar height + (DefaultScrolledViewMargin * 2) + DefaultScrollBarSpacing.
-	].
-	^ prefX @ prefY.
-    ].
-    ^ super preferredExtent.
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 22:34:30 / cg"
-    "redefined, since my subclasses also want ScrollableViewSpecs"
-    ^ ScrollableViewSpec
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 19:48:48 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView methodsFor:'slave-view messages'!
-    "convenient method: forward this to the scrolledView"
-    scrolledView notNil ifTrue:[scrolledView clear]
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "Modified: 19.3.1997 / 16:34:19 / cg"
-    "this is funny: all message we do not understand, are passed
-     on to the scrolledView - so we do not have to care for all
-     possible messages ...(thanks to the Message class)"
-     scrolledView isNil ifFalse:[
-	 ^ scrolledView perform:(aMessage selector)
-		  withArguments:(aMessage arguments)
-     ].
-     ^ super doesNotUnderstand:aMessage
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "Modified: 6.3.1997 / 18:38:54 / cg"
-    "return scrolledViews leftbuttonmenu"
-    scrolledView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ scrolledView leftButtonMenu
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "pass on leftbuttonmenu to scrolledView"
-    scrolledView leftButtonMenu:aMenu
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "return scrolledViews middlebuttonmenu"
-    scrolledView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ scrolledView middleButtonMenu
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "pass on middlebuttonmenu to scrolledView"
-    scrolledView middleButtonMenu:aMenu
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "return my scrolledViews model"
-    scrolledView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ scrolledView model
-    "Modified: 1.3.1997 / 01:38:07 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "forward model change to my scrolledViews"
-    ^ scrolledView model:aModel
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 17:09:50 / cg"
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    ^ scrolledView requestFocus
-    "return scrolledViews rightbuttonmenu"
-    scrolledView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ scrolledView rightButtonMenu
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-    "pass on rightbuttonmenu to scrolledView"
-    scrolledView rightButtonMenu:aMenu
-    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 18:06:24 / cg"
-! !
-!ScrollableView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.100 1999-08-17 10:59:01 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ValueHolder subclass:#SelectionInList
-	instanceVariableNames:'listHolder selectionIndexHolder'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Models'
-!SelectionInList class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    Instances of SelectionInList can be used as model for
-    a SelectionInListView or a PopUpList. 
-    They keep two values: a list value and a selection value; 
-    both are referred to via valueHolders.
-    If any of those two changes, the selectionInList notifies its 
-    dependents via a change notification, 
-    using #list or #selectionIndex as update aspect respectively.
-    A popupList also knows how to deal with a selectionInList model;
-    this makes it possible to have popupLists be somewhat exchangable
-    with selectionInListViews.
-    SelectionInLists only support a single selection within the list;
-    use MultiSelectionInList, if multiple selections are needed.
-    [instance variables:]
-        listHolder              <ValueHolder>           holds the list
-        selectionIndexHolder    <ValueHolder>           holdes the selectionIndex
-    [see also:]
-        SelectionInListView PopUpList
-        MultiSelectionInList Model ValueHolder
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-  basic setup using a selectionInList as model of a selectionInListView:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |m v|
-    m := SelectionInList new.
-    m list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
-    m selectionIndex:2.
-    v := SelectionInListView on:m.
-    v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  similar, a selectionInList as model of a popUpList:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |m v|
-    m := SelectionInList new.
-    m list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
-    m selectionIndex:2.
-    v := PopUpList on:m.
-    v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  using a combination-instance creation method:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |m v|
-    m := SelectionInList 
-                with:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four')
-                initialSelection:2.
-    v := PopUpList on:m.
-    v open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  two different views on the same selectionInList model:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |m v1 v2|
-    m := SelectionInList new.
-    m list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
-    m selectionIndex:2.
-    v1 := PopUpList on:m.
-    v1 open.
-    v2 := SelectionInListView on:m.
-    v2 open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-  two views on the same selectionInList:
-  and a button, which adds an item to the list.
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-    |m v1 v2 b numItems|
-    numItems := 4.
-    m := SelectionInList new.
-    m list:((1 to:numItems) collect:[:i | i printString]).
-    m selectionIndex:2.
-    v1 := ScrollableView forView:(SelectionInListView on:m).
-    v1 open.
-    v2 := ScrollableView forView:(SelectionInListView on:m).
-    v2 open.
-    b := Button label:'add item'.
-    b action:[numItems := numItems + 1.
-              m list:((1 to:numItems) collect:[:i | i printString]).
-             ].
-    b open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!SelectionInList class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-    "return a new instance holding aList"
-    ^ self new listHolder:(ValueHolder with:aList)
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 03:17:16 / cg"
-with:aList initialSelection:index
-    "return a new instance holding aList and initially selecting
-     the item at index."
-    ^ (self with:aList) 
-        selectionIndexHolder:(ValueHolder with:index)
-    "Created: / 24.4.1996 / 08:47:33 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 03:17:31 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'accessing-holders'!
-    "return the valueHolder which holds the list"
-    ^ listHolder
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:39:44 / cg"
-    "set the valueHolder which holds the list.
-     Q: should we forward a change-notification ?"
-    listHolder notNil ifTrue:[
-        listHolder removeDependent:self
-    ].
-    listHolder := aValueHolder.
-    listHolder addDependent:self
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:39:59 / cg"
-    "return someone holding on the selection itself (not the index). 
-     Since we have no one, create an adapter, to get up-to-date values."
-    ^ AspectAdaptor 
-        subject:self 
-        sendsUpdates:false
-        accessWith:#selection 
-        assignWith:#'selection:' 
-        aspect:#selectionIndex
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:40:19 / cg"
-    "return the valueHolder which holds the index"
-    ^ selectionIndexHolder
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:40:31 / cg"
-    "set the valueHolder which holdes the index.
-     Q: should we forward a change-notification ?"
-    selectionIndexHolder notNil ifTrue:[
-        selectionIndexHolder removeDependent:self
-    ].
-    selectionIndexHolder := aValueHolder.
-    selectionIndexHolder addDependent:self
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:40:42 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'accessing-values'!
-    "return the list - thats the thingy held by the listHolder"
-    ^ listHolder value
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:41:05 / cg"
-    "set the list - thats the thingy held by the listHolder"
-    aCollection == listHolder value ifTrue:[
-        "/ same value set again - send change notification
-        "/ manually (valueHolder does not ...)
-        self changed:#list.
-        listHolder changed.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        listHolder value:aCollection.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:05:56 / cg"
-    "return the selections value (i.e. the entry in the list - not its index).
-     If nothing is selected, nil is returned."
-    |idx|
-    idx := self selectionIndex.
-    (idx isNil or:[idx == 0]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ self list at:idx
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:53:23 / cg"
-    "set the selection to be anObject.
-     If anObject is not in the list, the selection is cleared"
-    ^ self selectionIndex:(self list indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:0)
-    "return the selections index (1..). Thats the thingy held by the indexHolder.
-     For ST-80 compatibility, 0 is returned if nothing is selected."
-    ^ selectionIndexHolder value
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:53:45 / cg"
-    "set the selectionIndex"
-    selectionIndexHolder value ~= newIndex ifTrue:[
-        selectionIndexHolder value:newIndex
-    ]
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:42:04 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'change & update'!
-update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
-    "whenever one of my holders value changes,
-     tell my dependents about this"
-    |oldSelection|
-    changedObject == selectionIndexHolder ifTrue:[
-        self changed:#selectionIndex
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        changedObject == listHolder ifTrue:[
-            something == #value ifTrue:[
-                oldSelection := selectionIndexHolder value.
-                self clearSelection.  "/ clears without update
-                self changed:#list.
-                oldSelection ~= (selectionIndexHolder value) ifTrue:[
-                    selectionIndexHolder changed:#value
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 20.4.1996 / 13:08:32 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "initialize; create the valueHolders for the index and the list"
-    self listHolder:(ValueHolder with:List new).
-    self selectionIndexHolder:(ValueHolder with:self zeroIndex).
-    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 03:17:56 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'obsolete backward compatibility'!
-    "return the selections index.
-     This is an OBSOLETE backward compatibility interface"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #selectionIndex'.
-    ^ self selectionIndex
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:43:10 / cg"
-    "set the selections index.
-     This is an OBSOLETE backward compatibility interface"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #selectionIndex:'.
-    ^ self selectionIndex:newIndex
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:43:06 / cg"
-    "return the valueHolder of the selections index.
-     This is an OBSOLETE backward compatibility interface"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #selectionIndexHolder'.
-    ^ self selectionIndexHolder
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:43:35 / cg"
-    "set the valueHolder of the selections index.
-     This is an OBSOLETE backward compatibility interface"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #selectionIndexHolder:'.
-    ^ self selectionIndexHolder:aValueHolder
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:43:43 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
-    "return a string for display in inspectors etc."
-    ^ self class name , '(' , self selectionIndex displayString , ')'
-    "Modified: 20.9.1997 / 11:41:31 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'private'!
-    "clear the selection.
-     For ST-80 compatibility, a non-selection has an index of 0
-     although, nil sounds more natural to me ... (sigh)"
-    selectionIndexHolder setValue:self zeroIndex.
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:44:37 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return true, if there is a selection
-    "
-    ^ self numberOfSelections ~~ 0
-    "return the number of selected entries
-    "
-    |s|
-    s:= selectionIndexHolder value.
-    ^ (s ~~ 0 and:[s notNil]) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]
-    "return the selections index returned when nothing
-     is selected. This method is provided to allow applications
-     to deal transparently with SelectionInList models AND with
-     MultSelectionInList models, which use different no-selection values.
-     Although I would prefer nil, ST-80 uses 0 to represent `no-selection'. (sigh)"
-    ^ 0
-    "Created: 20.4.1996 / 13:10:53 / cg"
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 08:46:18 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInList class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.24 1998-05-21 01:18:07 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3619 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ListView subclass:#SelectionInListView
-	instanceVariableNames:'selection actionBlock enabled hilightFgColor hilightBgColor
-		halfIntensityFgColor doubleClickActionBlock selectConditionBlock
-		listAttributes multipleSelectOk clickLine initialSelectionMsg
-		printItems oneItem useIndex hilightLevel hilightFrameColor
-		ignoreReselect arrowLevel smallArrow keyActionStyle
-		returnKeyActionStyle toggleSelect strikeOut iSearchString items
-		doubleClickMsg hilightStyle clickPosition allowDrag
-		dragObjectConverter dragIsActive endDragAction dropTarget
-		dropSource visualBlock selectedVisualBlock'
-	classVariableNames:'RightArrowShadowForm RightArrowLightForm RightArrowForm
-		SmallRightArrowShadowForm SmallRightArrowLightForm
-		DefaultForegroundColor DefaultBackgroundColor
-		DefaultHilightForegroundColor DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
-		DefaultHilightFrameColor DefaultHilightLevel
-		DefaultRightArrowStyle DefaultRightArrowLevel
-		DefaultDisabledForegroundColor DefaultShadowColor
-		DefaultLightColor DefaultHilightStyle'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Lists'
-!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    this one is a ListView with a selected line (which is shown highlighted)
-    If multipleSelectionsOk is true, it is also allowed to shift-click multiple 
-    entries.
-    If toggleSelect is true, clicking toggles (i.e. click on a seleted item
-    will deselect).
-    Whenever the selection changes, an action-block is evaluated, passing the 
-    current selection as argument.
-    Currently, the selection can be nil, aNumber or a collection of numbers; 
-    this will change to be either nil or a collection, making selection handling 
-    easier in the future. (this stupid behavior is due to the multiple
-    select feature being added later - the first implementation used to support
-    only single selections).
-    The actionBlock is called with the current selection (single number or
-    collection of numbers) as argument.
-    Also, to support ST-80 MVC-style use, the model (if nonNil) is notified
-    by the change mechanism (performs changeMsg) and vice versa, the view
-    updates if the model changes (with aspect of either #list or #selectionIndex).
-    Before actually adding entries to the the selection, a checkBlock (if non-nil) is evaluated 
-    passing the number of the entry whch is about to be selected as argument.
-    The select change operation is only done if this returns true. This allows
-    interception of select, for example to query the user if he/she wants to save
-    the old contents before (see uses in SystemBrowser and FileBrowser), or to
-    disable individual entries.
-    It is also possible to select entries with the keyboard; use the cursor up/
-    down keys to select prev/next, Home- and End-keys to select first/last. 
-    Use the return key to apply the double-click-action to the current selection.
-    Also, alphabetic keys will select the next entry starting with that key.
-    The keyboard behavior can be further controlled with the keyActionStyle
-    instance variable (see SelectionInListView>>keyActionStyle:).
-    Finally, ignoreReselect controls if pressing on an already selected item
-    triggers the action or not. For some applications it is useful to allow
-    reselects (for example, the SystemBrowsers method-list updates the
-    source code in this case).
-    Currently, some limited form of line attributes are supported. These
-    are kept in the instance variable lineAttributes.
-    This may change (using mechanisms similar to MultiColListEntry), so
-    be prepared. (dont use the listAttributes instvar directly; if possible,
-    use MultiColListEntry or subclasses of it.
-    Although currently based on the listAttributes instVar, the implementation of
-    text attributes will be changed in the near future (when Text/DisplayText are
-    available). 
-    However, the protocol will probably be kept for backward compatibility
-    (i.e. use #attributeAt: / #attributeAt:put etc. - at least, these are easy to find
-    when migrating to the new attributed text handling).
-    [Instance variables:]
-        selection               <misc>          the current selection. nil, a number or collection of numbers
-        actionBlock             <Block>         block to be evaluated on selection changes
-                                                (1-arg blocks gets selectionIndex or selectionValue
-                                                 as arg - depending upon the useIndex setting)
-        useIndex                <Boolean>       if true, the index of a selection is passed to
-                                                the actionBlock or stuffed into the selection valueHolder;
-                                                if false, the seelction-value is passed.
-        enabled                 <Boolean>       true: selection changes allowed; false: ignore clicks
-        hilightFgColor
-        hilightBgColor          <Color>         how highlighted items are drawn
-        halfIntensityColor      <Color>         foreground for disabled items
-        selectConditionBlock    <Block>         if non-nil, this nlock can decide if selection is ok
-        doubleClickActionBlock  <Block>         action to perform on double-click
-                                                (1-arg blocks gets selectionIndex or selectionValue
-                                                 as arg - depending upon the useIndex setting)
-        listAttributes                          dont use - will vanish
-        hilightLevel            <Integer>       level to draw selections (i.e. for 3D effect)
-        hilightFrameColor       <Color>         rectangle around highlighted items
-        multipleSelectOk        <Boolean>       if true, multiple selections (with shift) are ok.
-                                                default: false
-        ignoreReselect          <Boolean>       if true, selecting same again does not trigger action;
-                                                if false, every select triggers it.
-                                                default: true
-        toggleSelect            <Boolean>       if true, click toggles;
-                                                if false, click selects.
-                                                default: false
-        arrowLevel              <Integer>       level to draw right-arrows (for submenus etc.)
-        smallArrow              <Boolean>       if true, uses a small arrow bitmap
-        listMsg                                 if non-nil, use ST-80 style (model-access)
-        initialSelectionMsg 
-        printItems 
-        oneItem
-        keyActionStyle          <Symbol>        controls how to respond to keyboard selects
-        returnKeyActionStyle    <Symbol>        controls how to respond to return key
-    written spring/summer 89 by claus
-    3D Jan 90 by claus
-    multiselect Jun 92 by claus
-    keyboard-select jun 94 by claus
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    SelectionInListView can be used both in the ST/X way, using action blocks
-    or in the traditional mvc way.
-    with actions:
-      basic interface:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      get element instead of index:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        slv action:[:element | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , element printString].
-        slv useIndex:false.
-        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      concrete example; show filenames:
-      (notice: normally, you would use a FileSelectionList)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | 
-            Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString.
-            Transcript showCR:' the value is: ', slv selectionValue].
-        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      add a scrollbar:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      allow reselect
-      (clicking on already selected entry 
-       triggers action/changeNotification again):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv ignoreReselect:false.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      allow multiple selections (shift-select):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:indexList | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , indexList printString].
-        slv multipleSelectOk:true.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      same, not using index:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:indexList | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , indexList printString].
-        slv multipleSelectOk:true; useIndex:false.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      strikeout mode (single):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv strikeOut:true.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      strikeout mode (multiple):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv strikeOut:true; multipleSelectOk:true.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      toggleSelect mode (clicking on selected entry deselects it):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv toggleSelect:true.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      define what to do on double-click:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv doubleClickAction:[:index | Transcript showCR:'doubleclick on ' , index printString].
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      enable / disable:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv disable.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:5. 
-        slv enable.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      enable / disable via a channel:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv enableChannel t|
-        enableChannel := true asValue.
-        t := Toggle label:'enable'.
-        t model:enableChannel.
-        t open.
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv enableChannel:enableChannel.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    using a Model:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv model|
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#getList with:[#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello')].
-        model respondTo:#initial with:[1].
-        model respondTo:#setSelection: with:[:arg | Transcript showCR:'model selected:', arg printString].
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView 
-                   on:model
-                   aspect:#someAspect
-                   change:#setSelection:
-                   list:#getList
-                   initialSelection:#initial.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      notice, that the ST-80 behavaior on reselect is to send a selection change
-      with an index of 0.
-    same, with useIndex false:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv model|
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#getList with:[#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello')].
-        model respondTo:#initial with:['bar'].
-        model respondTo:#setSelection: with:[:arg | Transcript showCR:'model selected:', arg printString].
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView 
-                   on:model
-                   aspect:#someAspect
-                   change:#setSelection:
-                   list:#getList
-                   initialSelection:#initial.
-        slv useIndex:false.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    self changing list: 
-    (selectionInListView updates itself when button changes initial selection):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv model sel changeButton|
-        sel := 'bar'.
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#getList with:['getList' printNL. #('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello')].
-        model respondTo:#initial with:['initial' printNL. sel].
-        model respondTo:#setSelection: with:[:arg | ('model selected:', arg) printNL. sel := arg].
-        changeButton := Button label:'change selection'.
-        changeButton action:[sel := 'foo'. model changed:#initial].
-        changeButton open.
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView 
-                   on:model
-                   aspect:#someAspect
-                   change:#setSelection:
-                   list:#getList
-                   initialSelection:#initial.
-        slv useIndex:false.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    using a SelectionInList-Model:
-    (see how changes in the model (via list:...) are reflected in the view)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv model|
-        model := SelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
-        model selection:'bar'.
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView on:model.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open.
-        InspectorView openOn:model monitor:'selectionIndexHolder'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    two selectionInListViews on the same selectionInList model:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top1 slv1 top2 slv2 model|
-        model := SelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
-        top1 := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv1 := SelectionInListView on:model.
-        top1 add:(ScrollableView forView:slv1) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top1 open.
-        top2 := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv2 := SelectionInListView on:model.
-        top2 add:(ScrollableView forView:slv2) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top2 open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    a MultiSelectionInList model:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv model|
-        model := MultiSelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
-        model selection:#('foo' 'bar').
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView on:model.
-        slv multipleSelectOk:true.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open.
-        InspectorView openOn:model monitor:'selectionIndexHolder'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    with strikeOut:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv model|
-        model := MultiSelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
-        model selection:#('foo' 'bar').
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView on:model.
-        slv multipleSelectOk:true; toggleSelect:true; strikeOut:true.
-        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open.
-        InspectorView openOn:model monitor:'selectionIndexHolder'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    two listViews on the same list, but separate selections
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top top2 lv1 lv2 selInL1 selInL2 listHolder l1 l2|
-        top := StandardSystemView new extent:300@300.
-        lv1 := SelectionInListView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.5 in:top.
-        lv1 level:-1.
-        lv1 toggleSelect:true.
-        lv2 := SelectionInListView origin:0.0@0.5 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-        lv2 level:-1.
-        lv2 toggleSelect:true.
-        selInL1 := SelectionInList new.
-        selInL2 := SelectionInList new.
-        listHolder := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz') asValue.
-        selInL1 listHolder:listHolder.
-        selInL2 listHolder:listHolder.
-        lv1 model:selInL1.
-        lv2 model:selInL2.
-        top open.
-        top2 := StandardSystemView new extent:100 @ 30.
-        l1 := Label origin:0.0@0.0 corner:0.5@1.0 in:top2.
-        l2 := Label origin:0.5@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top2.
-        l1 model:(BlockValue with:[:arg | arg value printString] argument:selInL1 selectionIndexHolder).
-        l2 model:(BlockValue with:[:arg | arg value printString] argument:selInL2 selectionIndexHolder).
-        l1 labelMessage:#value.
-        l2 labelMessage:#value.
-        top2 open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:2.
-        listHolder value:#('1' '2' '3' '4').
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    non-string entries (text)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        l := OrderedCollection new.
-        l add:(Text string:'red' emphasis:(#color->Color red)).
-        l add:(Text string:'green' emphasis:(#color->Color green)).
-        l add:(Text string:'blue' emphasis:(#color->Color blue)).
-        slv list:l.
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-      non string entries
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv wrapper l fileImage dirImage m|
-        dirImage := Image fromFile:'DirObj.xbm'.
-        fileImage := Image fromFile:'FileObj.xbm'.
-        l := OrderedCollection new.
-        Filename currentDirectory directoryContents do:[:s |
-            s asFilename isDirectory ifTrue:[
-                l add:(LabelAndIcon icon:dirImage string:s)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                l add:(LabelAndIcon icon:fileImage string:s)
-            ]
-        ].
-        m := SelectionInList new.
-        m list:l.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv model:m.
-        wrapper := HVScrollableView forView:slv miniScrollerH:true.
-        top := StandardSystemView extent:150@200.
-        top add:wrapper in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top slv|
-        top := StandardSystemView new
-                label:'select';
-                minExtent:100@100;
-                maxExtent:300@400;
-                extent:200@200.
-        slv := SelectionInListView new.
-        slv list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
-        slv multipleSelectOk:true.
-        slv allowDrag:true.
-        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    "Modified: 26.10.1995 / 16:42:02 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-on:aModel aspect:aspect change:change list:list initialSelection:initial
-    ^ self on:aModel
-	    printItems:true 
-	    oneItem:false 
-	    aspect:aspect
-	    change:change 
-	    list:list 
-	    menu:nil 
-	    initialSelection:initial 
-	    useIndex:true 
-on:aModel aspect:aspect change:change list:list menu:menu initialSelection:initial
-    ^ self on:aModel
-	    printItems:true 
-	    oneItem:false 
-	    aspect:aspect
-	    change:change 
-	    list:list 
-	    menu:menu
-	    initialSelection:initial 
-	    useIndex:true 
-on:aModel printItems:print oneItem:one aspect:aspect
-	      change:change list:list menu:menu initialSelection:initial
-    "for ST-80 compatibility"
-    ^ self on:aModel 
-	    printItems:print 
-	    oneItem:one 
-	    aspect:aspect
-	    change:change 
-	    list:list 
-	    menu:menu
-	    initialSelection:initial
-	    useIndex:false 
-on:aModel printItems:print oneItem:one aspect:aspect change:change 
-		list:list menu:menu initialSelection:initial useIndex:useIndex
-    "for ST-80 compatibility"
-    ^ (self new) on:aModel 
-		 printItems:print 
-		 oneItem:one 
-		 aspect:aspect
-		 change:change 
-		 list:list 
-		 menu:menu
-		 initialSelection:initial
-		 useIndex:useIndex
-! !
-!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    ^ nil
-    ^ #selectionIndex: 
-    ^ #list 
-    ^ #selectionIndex 
-    "return the form used for the right arrow (non 3D)"
-    <resource: #style (#'selection.rightArrowForm' #'selection.rightArrowFormFile')>
-    |f fn bits|
-    ((aDevice == Display) and:[RightArrowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ RightArrowForm
-    ].
-    f := StyleSheet at:#'selection.rightArrowForm'.
-    f isNil ifTrue:[
-        fn := StyleSheet at:#'selection.rightArrowFormFile' default:'RightArrow.xbm'.
-        f := Image fromFile:fn resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-        f isNil ifTrue:[
-            DefaultRightArrowStyle == #solid ifTrue:[
-                bits := #[2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000010 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000011 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000011 2r10000000 
-                          2r00000011 2r11000000 
-                          2r00000011 2r11100000 
-                          2r00000011 2r11110000 
-                          2r00000011 2r11100000
-                          2r00000011 2r11000000 
-                          2r00000011 2r10000000 
-                          2r00000011 2r00000000
-                          2r00000010 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                bits := #[2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000110 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000101 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000100 2r10000000 
-                          2r00000100 2r01000000 
-                          2r00000100 2r00100000 
-                          2r00000100 2r00010000 
-                          2r00000100 2r00100000
-                          2r00000100 2r01000000 
-                          2r00000100 2r10000000 
-                          2r00000101 2r00000000
-                          2r00000110 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                          2r00000000 2r00000000]
-            ].
-            f := Form width:16 height:16 fromArray:bits on:aDevice
-        ]
-    ].
-    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
-        RightArrowForm := f
-    ].
-    ^ f
-    "Modified: / 5.8.1998 / 00:04:40 / cg"
-    "return the form used for the right arrow light pixels (3D only)"
-    |f|
-    ((aDevice == Display) and:[RightArrowLightForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ RightArrowLightForm
-    ].
-    f := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/RightArrowLight.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-    f isNil ifTrue:[
-        f := Form width:16 height:16 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000110 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000101 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r10000000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r01000000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00100000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00000000
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00000000
-                                                 2r00000100 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000]
-                                              on:aDevice
-    ].
-    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
-        RightArrowLightForm := f
-    ].
-    ^ f
-    "Modified: 1.1.1970 / 14:10:42 / cg"
-    "return the form used for the right arrow light pixels (3D only)"
-    |f|
-    ((aDevice == Display) and:[RightArrowShadowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ RightArrowShadowForm
-    ].
-    f := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/RightArrowShadow.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-    f isNil ifTrue:[
-        f := Form width:16 height:16 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00010000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00100000
-                                                 2r00000000 2r01000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r10000000 
-                                                 2r00000001 2r00000000
-                                                 2r00000010 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                                 2r00000000 2r00000000]
-                                              on:aDevice
-    ].
-    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
-        RightArrowShadowForm := f
-    ].
-    ^ f
-    "Modified: 1.1.1970 / 01:00:00 / cg"
-    "return the form used for the small right arrow light pixels (3D only)"
-    |f|
-    ((aDevice == Display) and:[SmallRightArrowLightForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ SmallRightArrowLightForm
-    ].
-    f := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SmallRightArrowLight.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-    f isNil ifTrue:[
-        f := Form width:9 height:9 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01100000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01011000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01000110 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r01000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000000 2r00000000]
-                                              on:aDevice
-    ].
-    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
-        SmallRightArrowLightForm := f
-    ].
-    ^ f
-    "Modified: 19.12.1996 / 14:10:59 / cg"
-    "return the form used for the small right arrow light pixels (3D only)"
-    |f|
-    ((aDevice == Display) and:[SmallRightArrowShadowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ SmallRightArrowShadowForm
-    ].
-    f := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SmallRightArrowShadow.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
-    f isNil ifTrue:[
-        f := Form width:9 height:9 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000001 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000110 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00011000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00100000 2r00000000 
-                                               2r00000000 2r00000000]
-                                              on:aDevice
-    ].
-    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
-        SmallRightArrowShadowForm := f
-    ].
-    ^ f
-    "Modified: 19.12.1996 / 14:11:10 / cg"
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'selection.disabledForegroundColor'
-                       #'selection.hilightForegroundColor' #'selection.hilightBackgroundColor'
-                       #'selection.hilightFrameColor' #'selection.hilightLevel'
-                       #'selection.rightArrowStyle' #'selection.rightArrowLevel'
-                       #'selection.foregroundColor' #'selection.backgroundColor'
-                       #'selection.shadowColor' #'selection.lightColor'
-                       #'selection.font' #'selection.hilightStyle')>
-    DefaultDisabledForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.disabledForegroundColor'.
-    DefaultHilightForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.hilightForegroundColor'.
-    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.hilightBackgroundColor'.
-    DefaultHilightFrameColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.hilightFrameColor'.
-    DefaultHilightLevel := StyleSheet at:#'selection.hilightLevel' default:0.
-    DefaultHilightStyle := StyleSheet at:#'selection.hilightStyle' default:(StyleSheet name).
-    DefaultRightArrowStyle := StyleSheet at:#'selection.rightArrowStyle'.
-    DefaultRightArrowLevel := StyleSheet at:#'selection.rightArrowLevel'.
-    DefaultForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.foregroundColor'.
-    DefaultBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.backgroundColor'.
-    DefaultShadowColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.shadowColor'.
-    DefaultLightColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'selection.lightColor'.
-    DefaultFont := StyleSheet fontAt:#'selection.font'.
-    RightArrowForm := nil.
-    "
-     self updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Modified: 20.10.1997 / 14:04:26 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'ST80 compatibility'!
-    "same as #list - for ST80 compatibility"
-    ^ self list
-    "Created: / 21.6.1998 / 02:46:50 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-actions'!
-    "set the action block to be performed on select.
-     With useIndex==true, the block gets the selectionIndex as arg,
-     otherwise, it gets the selectionValue."
-    actionBlock := aBlock
-    "set the double click action block.
-     If non-nil, that one is evaluated on double click, passing the
-     selection-line-number (useIndex==true) or selectionValue (useIndex==false) as argument."
-    doubleClickActionBlock := aOneArgBlock
-    "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 16:07:28 / cg"
-    "defines how the view should respond to alpha-keys pressed.
-     Possible values are:
-	#select               -> will select next entry starting with that
-				 character and perform the click-action
-	#selectAndDoubleclick -> will select next & perform double-click action
-	#pass                 -> will pass key to superclass (i.e. no special treatment)
-	nil                   -> will ignore key
-     the default (set in #initialize) is #select
-    "
-    keyActionStyle := aSymbol
-    "defines how the view should respond to a return key pressed.
-     Possible values are:
-	#doubleClick          -> perform double-click action
-	#pass                 -> will pass key to superclass (i.e. no special treatment)
-	nil                   -> will ignore key
-     the default (set in #initialize) is #doubleClick 
-    "
-    returnKeyActionStyle := aSymbol
-    "set the conditionBlock; this block is evaluated before a selection
-     change is performed; the change will not be done, if the evaluation
-     returns false. For example, this allows confirmation queries in
-     the SystemBrowser"
-    selectConditionBlock := aBlock
-    "set/clear the useIndex flag. If set, both actionBlock and change-messages
-     are passed the index(indices) of the selection as argument. 
-     If clear, the value(s) (i.e. the selected string) is passed.
-     Default is true."
-    ^ useIndex
-    "set/clear the useIndex flag. If set, both actionBlock and change-messages
-     are passed the index(indices) of the selection as argument. 
-     If clear, the value(s) (i.e. the selected string) is passed.
-     Default is true."
-    useIndex ~~ aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        useIndex := aBoolean.
-        useIndex ifTrue:[
-            changeMsg == #selection: ifTrue:[
-                changeMsg := #selectionIndex:.
-                aspectMsg := #selectionIndex.
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            changeMsg == #selectionIndex: ifTrue:[
-                changeMsg := #selection:.
-                aspectMsg := #selection.
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-attributes'!
-    "return the line attribute of list line index.
-     currently supported are:
-	 #halfIntensity
-	 #disabled
-	 #bold
-    "
-    listAttributes isNil ifFalse:[
-	(index > listAttributes size) ifFalse:[
-	    ^ listAttributes at:index
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-attributeAt:index add:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
-    "add to a lines attribute(s); 
-     currently supported are:
-	 #halfIntensity
-	 #disabled
-	 #bold 
-    "
-    |current|
-    current := self attributeAt:index.
-    current isNil ifTrue:[
-	current := Set new.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	current isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	    current == aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols ifTrue:[^ self].
-	    current := Set with:current
-	]
-    ].
-    aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	current := current add:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	(current includes:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols) ifTrue:[^ self].
-	current addAll:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
-    ].
-    self attributeAt:index put:current
-attributeAt:index put:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbolsOrNil
-    "set a lines attribute(s); 
-     currently supported are:
-	 #halfIntensity
-	 #disabled
-	 #bold 
-    "
-    (index > self size) ifFalse:[
-	listAttributes isNil ifTrue:[
-	    listAttributes := (OrderedCollection new:index) grow:index
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (index > listAttributes size) ifTrue:[
-		listAttributes grow:index
-	    ]
-	].
-	aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbolsOrNil = (listAttributes at:index) ifFalse:[
-	    listAttributes at:index put:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbolsOrNil.
-	    self redrawLine:index
-	]
-    ]
-attributeAt:index remove:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
-    "remove a line attribute; 
-     currently supported are:
-	 #halfIntensity
-	 #disabled
-	 #bold 
-    "
-    |current|
-    current := self attributeAt:index.
-    current isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    current isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	    current == aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols ifTrue:[current := nil]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols includes:current) ifTrue:[
-		current := nil
-	    ]
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	    current := current remove:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols ifAbsent:[]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols removeAll:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
-	]
-    ].
-    self attributeAt:index put:current
-line:lineNr hasAttribute:aSymbol
-    "return true, if line nr has attribute, aSymbol; 
-     currently supported attributes are:
-	 #halfIntensity
-	 #disabled
-	 #bold 
-    "
-    |attr|
-    listAttributes isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    (lineNr > listAttributes size) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    attr := listAttributes at:lineNr.
-    attr isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    attr isSymbol ifTrue:[^ attr == aSymbol].
-    ^ (attr includes:aSymbol)
-    "set the attribute list.
-     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
-     (or use this only before the view is visible)."
-    listAttributes := aList
-    "turn on/off strikeOut mode"
-    strikeOut := aBoolean.
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "set an optional dragObject converter;
-     if non-nil, this one will be evaluated on a drag-start,
-     for each dropItem as argument, and supposed
-     to convert it into a dragObject and return it.
-     If it returns nil, the object will not be dropped.
-     Useful, if the receiver view represents fileNames or other
-     names of the actual objects to be dragged."
-    dragObjectConverter := aBlock
-    "Created: 6.4.1997 / 12:16:11 / cg"
-    "Modified: 6.4.1997 / 14:12:45 / cg"
-   "return true if selections are possible"
-   ^ enabled.
-    "Created: 29.1.1997 / 12:40:54 / stefan"
-    "enable/disable the view - selection changes are allowed/disallowed"
-    enabled := aBoolean
-    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 15:26:10 / stefan"
-    "set/clear the ignoreReselect flag - 
-     if set, a click on an already selected entry is ignored.
-     Otherwise the notification is done, even if no
-     change in the selection occurs.
-     (for example, in browser to update a method).
-     Setting ignoreReselect to false makes sense if data is shown
-     which may change by itself (i.e. without the user doing anything)
-     For example, the inspector uses this, and redisplays the value,
-     if the selection is the same.
-     The default is true, meaning that a click on an already selected
-     does not lead to a notification via the actionBlock/change mechanism."
-    multiple selection on: the ignoreReselect will have no influence
-    ignoreReselect := aBoolean
-    "allow/disallow multiple selections. If enabled, the
-     user may select multiple entries in the list, and the program
-     always gets a collection of selected items (indexes if useIndex is true,
-     values otherwise). The default is false, for single selections."
-    multipleSelectOk := aBoolean.
-    "turn on/off toggle select. If true, clicking on a selected entry
-     unselects it and vice versa. The default is false, which means
-     that clicking on an already selected entry does not change its
-     select status (see also ignoreReselect:)."
-    toggleSelect := aBoolean.
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-channels'!
-    ^ listChannel
-    listChannel notNil ifTrue:[
-        listChannel removeDependent:self
-    ].
-    (listChannel := aListHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
-        listChannel addDependent:self
-    ].
-    self getListFromModel
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!
-add:aValue beforeIndex:index
-    "must recompute our current selections"
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    selection := selection collect:[ :sel |
-		sel >= index ifTrue:[
-		    sel + 1
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    sel
-		]
-	    ].
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    selection >= index ifTrue:[
-		selection := selection + 1.
-	    ].
-	].
-    ].
-    ^ super add:aValue beforeIndex:index.
-    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
-     and clearing attributes.
-     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
-     (or use this only before the view is visible)."
-    selection := nil.
-    listAttributes := nil.
-    super contents:aCollection.
-    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
-     and clearing attributes."
-    self list:aCollection keepSelection:false 
-list:aCollection keepSelection:aBoolean
-    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
-     and clearing attributes."
-    |oldSelection|
-    "somewhat of a kludge: if selection is first line,
-     we have to remove the highlight frame by hand here"
-    (shown and:[hilightLevel ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-        selection == firstLineShown ifTrue:[
-           self paint:bgColor.
-           self fillRectangleX:margin y:margin
-                          width:(width - (margin * 2)) 
-                         height:(hilightLevel abs).
-        ].
-    ].
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        oldSelection := selection.
-        selection := nil.
-    ].
-    listAttributes := nil.
-    super list:aCollection expandTabs:printItems.
-    self setSelection:oldSelection. "/ nil if keep is false
-    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 16:31:13 / cg"
-    "set/clear the printItems flag. If set, items (as set via #list: or
-     as returned from the model) are sent #printString to display them.
-     If false, items are assumed to be either strings, or know how to
-     display themself in a GC (i.e. they are instances of ListEntry).
-     The default is false.
-     Caveat: printString seems to be too specialized - I'd rather have
-     a definable printSelector or - better - a printConverter.
-     This may be added in the future."
-    printItems := aBoolean
-    "delete line - no redraw;
-     return true, if something was really deleted.
-     Redefined since we have to care for selection"
-    self checkRemovingSelection:lineNr.
-    ^ super removeIndexWithoutRedraw:lineNr
-    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
-     and clearing attributes.
-     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
-     (or use this only before the view is visible)."
-    selection := nil.
-    listAttributes := nil.
-    super setContents:aCollection.
-    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
-     and clearing attributes.
-     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
-     (or use this only before the view is visible)."
-    selection := nil.
-    listAttributes := nil.
-    super setList:aCollection.
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    "ST-80 compatibility - dummy for now"
-    selectedVisualBlock := aBlock
-    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 19:50:58 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 21.6.1998 / 02:40:46 / cg"
-    "ST-80 compatibility - dummy for now"
-    visualBlock := aBlock
-    "Modified: / 21.6.1998 / 02:40:57 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-mvc'!
-    "see comment in View>>modelInterface"
-    super addModelInterfaceTo:aDictionary.
-    aDictionary at:#doubleClickMessage put:doubleClickMsg.
-    aDictionary at:#initialSelectionMessage put:initialSelectionMsg.
-    "
-     SelectionInListView new modelInterface 
-    "
-    "set the symbol with which the model is informed about double-click.
-     OBSOLETE: please use #doubleClickMessage:"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'please use #doubleClickMessage:'.
-    doubleClickMsg := aSymbol
-    "return the symbol with which the model (if any) is informed about 
-     double-click. If nil (which is the default), it is not informed."
-    ^ doubleClickMsg
-    "set the symbol with which the model (if any) is informed about double-click.
-     If nil (which is the default), it is not informed."
-    doubleClickMsg := aSymbol
-    "return the symbol by which the model informes me about a changed
-     selectionIndex. This is used both in change notification and to
-     actually aquire a new selection value."
-    ^ initialSelectionMsg
-    "set the symbol by which the model informes me about a changed
-     selectionIndex. This is used both in change notification and to
-     actually aquire a new selection value."
-    initialSelectionMsg := aSymbol
-on:aModel printItems:print oneItem:one aspect:aspectSymbol change:changeSymbol 
-		list:listSymbol menu:menuSymbol initialSelection:initialSymbol useIndex:use
-    "ST-80 compatibility"
-    aspectMsg := aspectSymbol.
-    changeMsg := changeSymbol.
-    listMsg := listSymbol.
-    menuMsg := menuSymbol.
-    initialSelectionMsg := initialSymbol.
-    printItems := print.
-    oneItem := one.
-    useIndex := use.
-    ignoreReselect := false.    "/ ST80 behavior
-    self model:aModel.
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-selection'!
-    "add the element with the same printstring as the argument, anObject
-     to the selection. The entry is searched by comparing printStrings.
-     No scrolling is done. Returns true, if ok, false if no such entry
-     was found.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    |lineNo str|
-    str := anObject printString.
-    lineNo := list findFirst:[:entry | str = entry printString].
-    lineNo ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        self addToSelection:lineNo.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 16:59:43 / cg"
-    "add entry, aNumber to the selection. No scrolling is done.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    (self isValidSelection:aNumber) ifFalse:[^ self].
-    (selectConditionBlock notNil 
-     and:[(selectConditionBlock value:aNumber) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self selectWithoutScroll:aNumber].
-    selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-        (selection includes:aNumber) ifTrue:[^ self].
-        selection := selection copyWith:aNumber.
-"/        selection add:aNumber
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (aNumber == selection) ifTrue:[^ self].
-        selection := OrderedCollection with:selection with:aNumber
-    ].
-    self redrawElement:aNumber
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 16:59:29 / cg"
-    "remove entry, aNumber from the selection.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-        (selection includes:aNumber) ifFalse:[^ self].
-        selection := selection copyWithout:aNumber.
-"/        selection remove:aNumber.
-        selection size == 0 ifTrue:[
-            selection := nil
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (aNumber == selection) ifFalse:[^ self].
-        selection := nil
-    ].
-    self redrawElement:aNumber
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 16:59:04 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'change & update'!
-update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
-    |list start stop size idx|
-    changedObject == model ifTrue:[
-        something == aspectMsg ifTrue:[
-            listChannel isNil ifTrue:[
-                self getListFromModel
-            ].
-            self getSelectionFromModel.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        something == listMsg ifTrue:[
-            self getListFromModel.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        something == initialSelectionMsg ifTrue:[
-            self getSelectionFromModel.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        something == #empty ifTrue:[
-            self list:nil.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-    ].
-    changedObject == listChannel ifFalse:[
-        ^ super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
-    ].
-    list := listChannel value.
-    something == #at: ifTrue:[
-        idx := aParameter isCollection ifTrue:[aParameter at:1]
-                                      ifFalse:[aParameter].
-        ^ self at:aParameter put:(list at:idx).
-    ].
-    something == #insert: ifTrue:[
-        ^ self add:(list at:aParameter) beforeIndex:aParameter
-    ].
-    something == #remove: ifTrue:[
-        ^ self removeIndex:aParameter
-    ].
-    something == #insertCollection: ifTrue:[
-        (size := aParameter last) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            self size == 0 ifTrue:[
-                self getListFromModel
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                start := aParameter first.
-                size timesRepeat:[
-                    self add:(list at:start) beforeIndex:start.
-                    start := start + 1
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    something == #removeFrom: ifTrue:[
-        start := aParameter first.
-        stop  := aParameter last.
-        (start == 1 and:[stop == self size]) ifTrue:[
-            self getListFromModel
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (stop - start + 1) timesRepeat:[
-                self removeIndex:start
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    something == #replace: ifTrue:[
-        start := aParameter first.
-        stop  := aParameter last.
-        start to:stop do:[:anIndex|
-            self at:anIndex put:(list at:anIndex)
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self getListFromModel.
-    "Modified: / 14.11.1997 / 13:51:04 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 14:27:42 / stefan"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'drag & drop - new'!
-    "returns true if dragging is enabled
-    "
-    ^ (allowDrag or:[dropSource notNil])
-    "returns the dropSource or nil
-    "
-    ^ dropSource
-    "set the dropSource or nil
-    "
-    dropSource := aDropSourceOrNil.
-    "returns the dropTarget or nil
-    "
-    ^ dropTarget
-    "set the dropTarget or nil
-    "
-    dropTarget := aDropTragetOrNil.
-    dropSource isNil ifTrue:[
-        self startDragX:aPoint x y:aPoint y
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        dropSource startDragIn:self at:aPoint
-    ]
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'drag & drop - old'!
-    "enable/disable dragging support"
-    allowDrag := aBoolean
-    "Created: 14.11.1996 / 15:12:58 / cg"
-    "returns collection of dragable objects assigned to selection
-     Here, by default, a collection of text-dragObjects is generated;
-     however, if a dragObjectConverter is defined, that one gets a chance
-     to convert as appropriate."
-    |collection converted|
-    collection := OrderedCollection new.
-    self selectionDo:[:aNumber||text|
-        text := self at:aNumber.
-        collection add:(DropObject newText:text)
-    ].
-    dragObjectConverter notNil ifTrue:[
-        converted := OrderedCollection new.
-        collection do:[:o | 
-                                |convertedObject|
-                                convertedObject := dragObjectConverter value:o.
-                                convertedObject notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    converted add:convertedObject
-                                ]
-                      ].
-        collection := converted
-    ].
-    ^ collection.
-    "Modified: 6.4.1997 / 14:14:30 / cg"
-    "if dragging is enabled, this block will be evaluated
-     at drag end time.
-     It gets 4 args passed (see DragAndDropManager>>endDragAt:):
-        - the targetView            (if its a smalltalk view)
-        - the targetViews windowID  (useful, if its an alien view)
-        - the dropPosition in screen coordinates
-        - the dropPosition within the target view
-    "
-    endDragAction := aFourArgBlock
-    "Created: 14.11.1996 / 15:42:38 / cg"
-showDraggingIn:aView at:p
-    |nItems items offs|
-    items := self selectionValueAsCollection.
-    (nItems := items size) > 1 ifTrue:[
-        offs := 0.
-        items do:[:item |
-            item displayOn:aView at:p + (0@offs).
-            offs := offs + (item heightOn:self)
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        nItems ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            items first displayOn:aView at:p.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: 14.11.1996 / 15:31:31 / cg"
-    "Modified: 14.11.1996 / 16:32:00 / cg"
-startDragX:x y:y
-    |xOffset w h dragAndDropMgr|
-    dragIsActive := true.
-    xOffset      := x.
-    h := 0.
-    w := 0.
-    self selectionDo:[:aNumber||e|
-        e := self at:aNumber.
-        h := h  +  (e heightOn:self).
-        w := w max:(e widthOn:self).
-    ].
-    DragAndDropManager startDrag:(self collectionOfDragObjects)
-                            from:self
-                          offset:0 @ 0
-                           atEnd:endDragAction
-                         display:(self selectionValue).
-"/    dragAndDropMgr := DragAndDropManager new.
-"/    dragAndDropMgr dropObjects:(self collectionOfDragObjects).
-"/    dragAndDropMgr 
-"/        startOpaqueDrag:[:aPoint :aView | 
-"/                            self 
-"/                                showDraggingIn:aView 
-"/                                at:aPoint - (xOffset@0)
-"/                        ]
-"/        offset:(xOffset @ h)
-"/        extent:(w*5)@(h*2)
-"/        in:self
-"/        at:(x@y)
-"/        atEnd:endDragAction.
-"/    "Modified: 19.4.1997 / 10:00:16 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'drawing'!
-    "draw a right arrow (for submenus).
-     This method is not used here, but provided for subclasses such
-     as menus or file-lists."
-    |y x form form2 topLeftColor botRightColor t itemHeight listLine item|
-    x := width - 16.
-    y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr).
-    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-    item := self at:listLine.
-    item isNil ifTrue:[
-        itemHeight := fontHeight
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        itemHeight := item heightOn:self.
-    ].
-    (device depth == 1 or:[arrowLevel == 0]) ifTrue:[
-        form := self class rightArrowFormOn:device.
-        form notNil ifTrue:[
-            y := y + ((itemHeight - form height) // 2).
-            (self isInSelection:listLine) ifTrue:[
-                self foreground:hilightFgColor
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self foreground:fgColor.
-            ].
-            self displayForm:form x:x y:y.
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        smallArrow ifTrue:[
-            form := self class smallRightArrowLightFormOn:device.
-            form2 := self class smallRightArrowShadowFormOn:device.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            form := self class rightArrowLightFormOn:device.
-            form2 := self class rightArrowShadowFormOn:device.
-        ].
-        (form isNil or:[form2 isNil]) ifTrue:[
-            "/ very bad conditions
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        y := y + ((itemHeight - form height) // 2).
-        topLeftColor := lightColor.
-        botRightColor := shadowColor. 
-        "openwin arrow stays down"
-        styleSheet name ~~ #openwin ifTrue:[
-            (self isInSelection:listLine) ifTrue:[
-                t := topLeftColor.
-                topLeftColor := botRightColor.
-                botRightColor := t.
-            ]
-        ].
-        arrowLevel < 0 ifTrue:[
-            t := topLeftColor.
-            topLeftColor := botRightColor.
-            botRightColor := t.
-        ].
-"/        self foreground:topLeftColor.
-self paint:topLeftColor.
-        self displayForm:form x:x y:y.
-"/        self foreground:botRightColor.
-self paint:botRightColor.
-        self displayForm:form2 x:x y:y.
-    ]
-    "redraw a single line as selected."
-    self drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr with:hilightFgColor and:hilightBgColor
-    "Modified: / 31.8.1995 / 19:24:09 / claus"
-    "Modified: / 21.6.1998 / 03:12:56 / cg"
-drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
-    "redraw a single line as selected."
-    |listLine 
-     y  "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     y2 "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wEdge dObj|
-    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-    listLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        selectedVisualBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-            dObj := selectedVisualBlock value:self value:listLine.
-            y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr) + font ascent.
-            self paint:bg on:fg.
-            dObj displayOn:self x:0 y:y opaque:true.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        strikeOut ifTrue:[
-            self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fgColor and:bgColor.
-            y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
-            self paint:fgColor.
-            y := y + (fontHeight // 2).
-            self displayLineFromX:0 y:y toX:width y:y.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-        y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr) - (lineSpacing//2).
-        "
-         a line above and below
-        "
-        hilightFrameColor notNil ifTrue:[
-            hilightLevel == 0 ifTrue:[
-                self paint:hilightFrameColor.
-                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y toX:width y:y.
-                y2 := y + fontHeight - 1.
-                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y2 toX:width y:y2.
-                ^ self
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            hilightStyle == #motif ifTrue:[
-                self paint:fg.
-                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y+1 toX:width y:y+1.
-                y2 := y + fontHeight - 1 - 1.
-                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y2 toX:width y:y2.
-            ]
-        ].
-        "
-         an edge it around
-        "
-        (hilightLevel ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            "
-             let edge start at left, extending to the full width
-             XXX: widthOfContents should be cached in ListView
-                  (instead of recomputing all over)
-            "
-            wEdge := width-(2 * margin).
-            includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
-                wEdge := wEdge max:(self widthOfContents).
-            ].
-            self drawEdgesForX:(margin - leftOffset) y:y 
-                         width:wEdge+leftOffset height:fontHeight 
-                         level:hilightLevel.
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    ^ super drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
-    "Modified: / 31.8.1995 / 19:24:09 / claus"
-    "Created: / 28.2.1996 / 18:40:21 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 21.6.1998 / 03:51:04 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'event handling'!
-buttonControlPress:button x:x y:y
-    "if multipleSelectOk: add to the selection; 
-     otherwise, behave like normal select"
-    |oldSelection listLineNr|
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-"/        toggleSelect ifTrue:[
-"/           ^ self buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-"/        ].
-        enabled ifTrue:[
-            listLineNr := self visibleLineToListLine:(self visibleLineOfY:y).
-            listLineNr notNil ifTrue:[
-                (self lineIsEnabled:listLineNr) ifFalse:[^ self].
-                (selectConditionBlock notNil 
-                 and:[(selectConditionBlock value:listLineNr) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-            ].
-            oldSelection := selection copy.
-            listLineNr notNil ifTrue: [
-                multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-                    (self isInSelection:listLineNr) ifTrue:[
-                        self removeFromSelection:listLineNr
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        self addToSelection:listLineNr
-                    ]
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self selectWithoutScroll:listLineNr
-                ]
-            ].
-            ((ignoreReselect not and:[selection notNil])
-             or:[selection ~= oldSelection]) ifTrue:[
-                self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
-            ].
-            clickLine := listLineNr
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    ]
-    "Created: / 14.11.1996 / 15:51:41 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 8.8.1998 / 03:24:03 / cg"
-buttonMotion:buttonMask x:x y:y
-    "mouse-move while button was pressed - handle selection changes"
-    (enabled not or:[dragIsActive]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "is it the select or 1-button ?"
-    self sensor leftButtonPressed ifFalse:[^ self].
-"/    (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:#select) ifFalse:[
-"/        (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:1) ifFalse:[
-"/            ^ self
-"/        ].
-"/    ].
-    clickLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    (self canDrag and:[clickPosition notNil]) ifTrue:[     "mouse pressed but not released"
-        (clickPosition dist:(x@y)) > 5.0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self startDragAt:clickPosition
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "if moved outside of view, start autoscroll"
-    (y < 0) ifTrue:[
-        self compressMotionEvents:false.
-        self startAutoScrollUp:y.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (y > height) ifTrue:[
-        self compressMotionEvents:false.
-        self startAutoScrollDown:(y - height).
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (self canDrag and:[x < -5]) ifTrue:[           "visible and left out of view"
-        ^ self startDragAt:(0 @ y)
-    ].
-    "move inside - stop autoscroll if any"
-    self stopAutoScroll.
-    self expandSelectionToX:x y:y.
-    "Modified: / 29.1.1997 / 12:15:31 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 28.7.1998 / 16:06:55 / cg"
-buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-"/        doubleClickActionBlock isNil ifTrue:[
-"/            self buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-"/        ].
-        enabled ifFalse:[
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        self doubleClicked.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        super buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 18:50:58 / cg"
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    |sensor lineNr|
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifFalse:[
-        ^ super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    ].
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    dragIsActive  := false.
-    clickPosition := nil.
-    sensor := self sensor.
-    sensor notNil ifTrue:[
-        sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
-            ^ self buttonControlPress:button x:x y:y
-        ].
-        sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
-            ^ self expandSelectionToX:x y:y
-        ]
-    ].
-    self canDrag ifTrue:[
-        "/ clicked into the selection ?
-        lineNr := self visibleLineToListLine:(self visibleLineOfY:y).
-        (self isInSelection:lineNr) ifTrue:[
-            "wait for release button
-            "
-            clickPosition := x@y.
-            clickLine     := lineNr.
-          ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    self selectOrToggleAtX:x y:y
-    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 02:02:20 / cg"
-buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    "stop any autoscroll"
-    self stopAutoScroll.
-    dragIsActive ifTrue:[
-        dragIsActive := false
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        clickPosition notNil ifTrue:[
-            enabled ifFalse:[
-                ^ self
-            ].
-            self selectOrToggleAtX:(clickPosition x) y:(clickPosition y).
-        ]
-    ].
-    clickPosition := nil.
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 18:51:14 / cg"
-buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y
-    "expand selection
-    "
-    self halt.      "/ never called
-    self expandSelectionToX:x y:y
-    "Modified: 17.6.1997 / 18:03:24 / cg"
-    |actionArg|
-    clickLine := nil.
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ can only happen if claus modifies the selection within
-        "/ the selectAction ....
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    actionArg := self argForChangeMessage.
-    "/
-    "/ the ST-80 way of notifying the model
-    "/
-    (model notNil and:[doubleClickMsg notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        self sendChangeMessage:doubleClickMsg with:actionArg.
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ ST/X action blocks
-    "/
-    doubleClickActionBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        (doubleClickActionBlock numArgs == 1) ifTrue:[
-            doubleClickActionBlock value:actionArg
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            doubleClickActionBlock value
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 18:51:39 / cg"
-key:key select:index x:x y:y
-    "select an entry by a keyboard action.
-     This is treated like a doubleClick on that entry"
-    |oldSelection|
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (selectConditionBlock isNil or:[selectConditionBlock value:index]) ifTrue:[
-        keyActionStyle notNil ifTrue:[
-            keyActionStyle == #pass ifTrue:[
-                ^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-            ].
-            oldSelection := selection.
-            self selection:index.
-"/ cg; 15-nov-1996
-"/ notification is already done in #selection:
-"/            self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
-            keyActionStyle == #selectAndDoubleClick ifTrue:[
-                self doubleClicked
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 18:51:57 / cg"
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "handle keyboard input"
-    <resource: #keyboard ( #CursorUp #CursorDown #BeginOfText #EndOfText
-                           #BeginOfLine #EndOfLine
-                           #Return ) >
-    |index       
-     searchIndex "{Class: SmallInteger}"
-     startSearch "{Class: SmallInteger}"
-     backSearch searchPrefix item
-     mySize sensor s|
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #CursorUp) ifTrue:[
-        index := self previousBeforeSelection.
-        self key:key select:index x:x y:y.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    (key == #CursorDown) ifTrue:[
-        index := self nextAfterSelection.
-        self key:key select:index x:x y:y.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ stupid: Home and End are caught in ScrollableView
-    "/ we normally do not get them ...
-    "/ (need to call handlesKey: from there ...
-    "/  ... and implement it here)
-    "/
-    ((key == #BeginOfText) or:[key == #BeginOfLine]) ifTrue:[
-        self key:key select:1 x:x y:y.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    ((key == #EndOfText) or:[key == #EndOfLine]) ifTrue:[
-        index := self size.
-        self key:key select:index x:x y:y.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    key == #Return ifTrue:[
-        returnKeyActionStyle == #doubleClick ifTrue:[
-            selection notNil ifTrue:[
-                self doubleClicked
-            ].
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        returnKeyActionStyle ~~ #pass ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ].
-    ].
-    mySize := self size.
-    "
-     alphabetic keys: search for next entry
-     starting with keys character. If shift is pressed, search backward
-    "
-    (mySize > 0
-    and:[key isCharacter
-    and:[key isLetter]]) ifTrue:[
-        keyActionStyle isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-"/        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[^ self].
-        keyActionStyle == #pass ifFalse:[
-            searchPrefix := key asLowercase asString.
-"/            ... isISearch... ifFalse:[
-"/                iSearchString := ''
-"/            ] ifTrue:[
-"/                iSearchString := iSearchString , searchPrefix.
-"/                searchPrefix := iSearchString
-"/            ].
-            backSearch := false.
-            sensor := self sensor.
-            sensor notNil ifTrue:[
-                backSearch := sensor shiftDown.
-            ].
-            backSearch ifTrue:[
-                selection notNil ifTrue:[
-                    selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                        startSearch := selection first - 1
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-                            startSearch := mySize
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            startSearch := selection - 1
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    startSearch := mySize
-                ].
-                startSearch < 1 ifTrue:[
-                    startSearch := mySize.
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[    
-                selection notNil ifTrue:[
-                    selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                        startSearch := selection last + 1
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-                            startSearch := 1
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            startSearch := selection + 1
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    startSearch := 1
-                ].
-                startSearch > self size ifTrue:[
-                    startSearch := 1.
-                ].
-            ].
-            searchIndex := startSearch.
-            [true] whileTrue:[
-                item := self at:searchIndex.
-                item notNil ifTrue:[
-                    (Object errorSignal catch:[s := item asString])
-                    ifTrue:[s := item displayString].
-                    (s withoutSeparators asLowercase startsWith:searchPrefix) ifTrue:[
-                        searchIndex = selection ifTrue:[^ self].
-                        ^ self key:key select:searchIndex x:x y:y
-                    ].
-                ].
-                backSearch ifTrue:[
-                    searchIndex := searchIndex - 1.
-                    searchIndex < 1 ifTrue:[searchIndex := mySize]
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    searchIndex := searchIndex + 1.
-                    searchIndex > mySize ifTrue:[searchIndex := 1].
-                ].
-                searchIndex == startSearch ifTrue:[
-                    ^ self
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    "Modified: / 15.9.1998 / 18:22:31 / cg"
-pointerEnter:state x:x y:y
-    "mouse pointer moved into my view;
-     Since I process keyboard events (to position on an entry and/or
-     for scrolling), request the focus."
-    self wantsFocusWithPointerEnter ifTrue:[
-        self requestFocus.
-    ].
-    "if there is a selection, make certain, its visible
-     after the sizechange"
-    |first wasAtEnd selectionWasWisible|
-    widthOfWidestLine := nil.
-    wasAtEnd := (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown) >= self size.
-    selectionWasWisible := false.
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-            first := selection firstIfEmpty:nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            first := selection
-        ].
-        first notNil ifTrue:[
-            selectionWasWisible := (first between:firstLineShown and:(firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown)).
-        ]
-    ].
-    super sizeChanged:how.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        selection notNil ifTrue:[
-            selectionWasWisible ifTrue:[
-                multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-                    first := selection firstIfEmpty:nil
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    first := selection
-                ].
-                first notNil ifTrue:[self makeLineVisible:first]
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "
-             if we where at the end before, move to the end again.
-             Still to be seen, if this is better in real life ...
-            "
-            wasAtEnd ifTrue:[
-                "at end"
-                self scrollToBottom
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 1.12.1998 / 23:27:27 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'focus handling'!
-    "return true, if I want the focus when
-     the mouse pointer enters"
-    |pref|
-    pref := UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse.
-    (pref ~~ false
-    and:[(styleSheet at:#'selection.requestFocusOnPointerEnter' default:true)
-    ]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ false
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "fetch device colors, to avoid reallocation at redraw time"
-    super fetchDeviceResources.
-    hilightFgColor notNil ifTrue:[hilightFgColor := hilightFgColor onDevice:device].
-    hilightBgColor notNil ifTrue:[hilightBgColor := hilightBgColor onDevice:device].
-    halfIntensityFgColor notNil ifTrue:[halfIntensityFgColor := halfIntensityFgColor onDevice:device].
-    hilightFrameColor notNil ifTrue:[hilightFrameColor := hilightFrameColor onDevice:device].
-    "Created: 14.1.1997 / 00:11:13 / cg"
-    "set the cursor - a hand"
-    cursor := Cursor hand
-    "setup viewStyle specifics"
-    super initStyle.
-"/    DefaultFont notNil ifTrue:[font := DefaultFont on:device].
-    bgColor := viewBackground.
-    hilightFrameColor := nil.
-    hilightLevel := 0.
-    hilightStyle := DefaultHilightStyle.
-    arrowLevel := 1.
-    smallArrow := false.
-    device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
-        "
-         must get rid of these hard codings
-        "
-        (hilightStyle == #next) ifTrue:[
-            hilightFgColor := fgColor.
-            hilightBgColor := White.
-            hilightFrameColor := fgColor
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (hilightStyle == #motif) ifTrue:[
-                fgColor := White.
-                bgColor := Grey.
-                viewBackground := bgColor.
-                hilightFgColor := bgColor  "fgColor" "White".
-                hilightBgColor := fgColor "bgColor lightened" "darkened".
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (hilightStyle == #openwin) ifTrue:[
-                    hilightFgColor := fgColor.
-                    hilightBgColor := Color grey.
-                    smallArrow := true.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (hilightStyle == #win95) ifTrue:[
-                        smallArrow := true.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    hilightFgColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightFgColor := bgColor.
-    ].
-    hilightBgColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightBgColor := fgColor.
-    ].
-    DefaultForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor
-    ].
-    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        bgColor := viewBackground := DefaultBackgroundColor
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightFgColor := DefaultHilightForegroundColor
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightBgColor := DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightFrameColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightFrameColor := DefaultHilightFrameColor
-    ].
-    DefaultHilightLevel notNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightLevel := DefaultHilightLevel
-    ].
-    DefaultRightArrowLevel notNil ifTrue:[
-        arrowLevel := DefaultRightArrowLevel
-    ].
-    DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor
-    ].
-    DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        lightColor := DefaultLightColor
-    ].
-    (hilightLevel abs > 0) ifTrue:[
-        lineSpacing := 3
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        lineSpacing := 2
-    ].
-    hilightFgColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        hilightFgColor := bgColor.
-        hilightBgColor := fgColor
-    ].
-    DefaultDisabledForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        halfIntensityFgColor := DefaultDisabledForegroundColor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        halfIntensityFgColor := Color darkGray.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 5.8.1998 / 00:00:00 / cg"
-    super initialize.
-    fontHeight := font height + lineSpacing.
-    enabled := true.
-    ignoreReselect := true.
-    multipleSelectOk := toggleSelect := strikeOut := printItems := false.
-    useIndex := true.
-    dragIsActive := allowDrag := false.
-    keyActionStyle := #select.
-    returnKeyActionStyle := #doubleClick.
-    listMsg := self class defaultListMessage.
-    initialSelectionMsg := self class defaultSelectionMessage.
-    "Modified: 14.11.1996 / 15:12:33 / cg"
-    super realize.
-    model notNil ifTrue:[
-        self getSelectionFromModel.
-    ].
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-        selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-            selection notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                self makeLineVisible:selection first
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self makeLineVisible:selection
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: 27.2.1997 / 14:23:40 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'private'!
-    "return the argument for a selectionChange;
-     depending on the setting of useIndex, this is either the numeric
-     index of the selection or the value (i.e. the string)"
-    useIndex ~~ false ifTrue:[  "/ i.e. everything except false
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    selection isNil ifTrue:[
-		^ #() 
-	    ].
-	].
-	^ selection
-    ].
-    printItems ifFalse:[
-	^ self selectionValue
-    ].
-    items notNil ifTrue:[
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    ^ selection collect:[:nr | items at:nr]
-	].
-	^ items at:selection
-    ].
-    ^ nil       "/ cannot happen
-    "Modified: 26.10.1995 / 16:28:13 / cg"
-    "when a line is removed, we have to adjust selection"
-    |newSelection|
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    newSelection := OrderedCollection new.
-	    selection do:[:sel |
-		sel < lineNr ifTrue:[
-		    newSelection add:sel
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    sel > lineNr ifTrue:[
-			newSelection add:(sel - 1)
-		    ]
-		    "otherwise remove it from the selection"
-		]
-	    ].
-	    newSelection size == 0 ifTrue:[
-		selection := nil
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		selection := newSelection
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    selection == lineNr ifTrue:[
-		selection := nil
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		selection > lineNr ifTrue:[
-		    selection := selection - 1
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-    "if I have a model, get my list from it using the listMessage.
-     If listMessage is nil, try aspectMessage for backward compatibilty."
-    |text msg|
-    listChannel notNil ifTrue:[
-        items := listChannel value copy
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (model isNil or:[(msg := listMsg) isNil and:[(msg := aspectMsg) isNil]]) ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        items := model perform:msg.
-    ].
-    items notNil ifTrue:[
-        printItems ifTrue:[
-            text := items collect:[:element | element printString]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            text := items
-        ].
-        text notNil ifTrue:[
-            text isSequenceable ifFalse:[
-                text := text asOrderedCollection
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    self list:text keepSelection:true. "/ expandTabs:false
-    "if I have a model and an initialSelectionMsg, get my selection from it"
-    |sel|
-    model notNil ifTrue:[
-        listChannel notNil ifTrue:[
-            sel := model value.
-            sel isNil ifTrue:[
-                self deselect.
-                ^ self
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            initialSelectionMsg isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-            sel := model perform:initialSelectionMsg.
-        ].
-        (useIndex or:[sel isNumber]) ifTrue:[
-            self setSelection:sel 
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self setSelectElement:sel.
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 16:34:54 / cg"
-    "return true, if aNumber is ok as a selection index"
-    |sz|
-    aNumberOrCollection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    sz := self size.
-    (aNumberOrCollection isCollection) ifTrue:[
-        multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[^ false].
-        aNumberOrCollection do:[:index |
-            (index between:1 and:sz) ifFalse:[^ false].
-            (self lineIsEnabled:index) ifFalse:[^ false].
-        ].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (aNumberOrCollection between:1 and:sz) ifFalse:[^ false].
-        (self lineIsEnabled:aNumberOrCollection) ifFalse:[^ false].
-    ].
-    ^ true.
-    "Modified: / 8.8.1998 / 03:34:27 / cg"
-    ^ (self line:lineNr hasAttribute:#disabled) not
-    "Modified: / 8.8.1998 / 03:22:50 / cg"
-positionToSelectionX:x y:y
-    "given a click position, return the selection lineNo"
-    |visibleLine|
-    (x between:0 and:width) ifTrue:[
-	(y between:0 and:height) ifTrue:[
-	    visibleLine := self visibleLineOfY:y.
-	    ^ self visibleLineToListLine:visibleLine
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "auto scroll action; scroll and reinstall timed-block"
-    self scrollDown.
-    Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:autoScrollDeltaT.
-    "auto scroll action; scroll and reinstall timed-block"
-    self scrollUp.
-    Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:autoScrollDeltaT.
-selectOrToggleAtX:x y:y
-    |oldSelection listLineNr|
-    listLineNr := self visibleLineToListLine:(self visibleLineOfY:y).
-    listLineNr notNil ifTrue:[
-        (toggleSelect 
-        and:[self isInSelection:listLineNr]) ifTrue:[
-            oldSelection := selection copy.
-            self removeFromSelection:listLineNr
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (self lineIsEnabled:listLineNr) ifFalse:[^ self].
-            (selectConditionBlock notNil 
-             and:[(selectConditionBlock value:listLineNr) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-            (toggleSelect and:[multipleSelectOk]) ifTrue:[
-                oldSelection := selection copy.
-                self addToSelection:listLineNr
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                oldSelection := selection copy.
-                self selectWithoutScroll:listLineNr.
-            ].
-        ].
-        ((ignoreReselect not and:[selection notNil])
-         or:[selection ~= oldSelection]) ifTrue:[
-            self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
-        ].
-        clickLine := listLineNr
-    ]
-    "Created: / 14.11.1996 / 16:27:17 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 8.8.1998 / 03:22:26 / cg"
-    |listLine|
-    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-    listLine isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    (self isInSelection:listLine) ifTrue:[^ true].
-    visualBlock notNil ifTrue:[^true].
-    listAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
-        (listLine <= listAttributes size) ifTrue:[
-            ^ (listAttributes at:listLine) notNil
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "Modified: / 21.6.1998 / 02:43:02 / cg"
-widthForScrollBetween:start and:end
-    "has to be redefined since WHOLE line is inverted/modified sometimes"
-    | anySelectionInRange |
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    anySelectionInRange := false.
-	    selection do:[:s |
-		(s between:start and:end) ifTrue:[
-		    anySelectionInRange := true
-		]
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    anySelectionInRange := selection between:start and:end
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	anySelectionInRange := false
-    ].
-    anySelectionInRange ifTrue:[
-	^ width
-	self is3D ifFalse:[
-	    ^ width 
-	].
-	( #(next openwin) includes:styleSheet name) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ width 
-	].
-	viewBackground = background ifFalse:[
-	    ^ width 
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ super widthForScrollBetween:start and:end
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "redefined, since the name of my specClass is nonStandard (i.e. not SelectionInListSpec)"
-    self class == SelectionInListView ifTrue:[^ SequenceViewSpec].
-    ^ super specClass
-    "Modified: / 5.9.1995 / 23:05:53 / claus"
-    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 19:48:44 / cg"
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'redrawing'!
-    "redraw an individual element"
-    ^ self redrawLine:aNumber
-redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr
-    "redraw a range of lines.
-     Must check, if any is in the selection and handle this case.
-     Otherwise draw it en-bloque using supers method."
-    |special sel
-     l1 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     l2 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     selNo "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    ((selection isCollection) 
-    or:[listAttributes notNil
-    or:[visualBlock notNil
-    or:[selectedVisualBlock notNil]]]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ cannot do bulk-redraw ...
-        l1 := startVisLineNr.
-        l2 := endVisLineNr. 
-        l1 to:l2 do:[:visLine |
-            self redrawVisibleLine:visLine
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-"XXX only if -1/+1"
-"/    hilightLevel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-"/     self paint:bgColor.
-"/     self fillRectangleX:0 y:(self yOfVisibleLine:startVisLineNr)-1 width:width height:1
-"/  ].
-    special := true.
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[
-        special := false
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        sel := self listLineToVisibleLine:selection.
-        sel isNil ifTrue:[
-            special := false
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            special := (sel between:startVisLineNr and:endVisLineNr)
-        ]
-    ].
-    special ifFalse:[
-      ^ super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr
-    ].
-    selNo := sel.
-    selNo > startVisLineNr ifTrue:[
-        super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:(selNo - 1)
-    ].
-    self redrawVisibleLine:selNo.
-    selNo < endVisLineNr ifTrue:[
-        super redrawFromVisibleLine:(selNo + 1) to:endVisLineNr
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 21.6.1998 / 02:42:17 / cg"
-    "redraw a single line.
-     Must check, if any is in the selection and handle this case.
-     Otherwise draw using supers method."
-    |listLine fg bg newFont oldFont id dObj y|
-    fg := fgColor.
-    bg := bgColor.
-    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
-    listLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        (self isInSelection:listLine) ifTrue:[
-            ^ self drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr
-        ].
-        visualBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-            dObj := visualBlock value:self value:listLine.
-            y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr) + font ascent.
-            self paint:fg on:bg.
-            dObj displayOn:self x:0 y:y opaque:true.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        listAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
-            ((self line:listLine hasAttribute:#halfIntensity) 
-            or:[ (self lineIsEnabled:listLine) not ]) ifTrue:[
-                fg := halfIntensityFgColor
-            ].
-            (self line:listLine hasAttribute:#bold) ifTrue:[
-                newFont := font asBold.
-                (font bold 
-                or:[id := (newFont onDevice:device) fontId.
-                    id isNil]) 
-                ifTrue:[
-                    "
-                     mhmh - what can be done, if the font is already bold ?
-                     or no such font is available   
-                    "
-                    fgColor brightness > 0.5 ifTrue:[
-                        fg := fgColor darkened "darkened". 
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        fg := fgColor lightened "lightened"
-                    ].
-                    (fg brightness - bg brightness) abs < 0.25 ifTrue:[
-                        bgColor brightness > 0.5 ifTrue:[
-                            fg := fg darkened. 
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            fg := fg lightened
-                        ].
-                    ]
-                ].
-                id notNil ifTrue:[
-                    oldFont := font.
-                    self basicFont:newFont.
-                    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-                    self basicFont:oldFont.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
-                ].
-                ^ self
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
-    "Modified: / 8.8.1998 / 03:42:13 / cg"
-redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr col:colNr
-    "redraw a single character.
-     Must check, if its in the selection and handle this case."
-    (self visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr) ifTrue:[
-	^ self redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr
-    ].
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr col:colNr
-redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol
-    "redraw from a col to the right end.
-     Must check, if its in the selection and handle this case."
-    (self visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr) ifTrue:[
-	^ self redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr
-    ].
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol
-redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol to:endCol
-    "redraw from a startCol to endCol.
-     Must check, if its in the selection and handle this case."
-    (self visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr) ifTrue:[
-	^ self redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr
-    ].
-    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol to:endCol
-! !
-!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'selections'!
-    "deselect; Model or actionBlock notifications are made.
-     To deselect without notifications, use #setSelection:nil."
-    self selection:nil
-    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:03:47 / cg"
-    "deselect without redraw or notifications.
-     No model or actionBlock notifications are made."
-    selection := nil
-    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:04:14 / cg"
-expandSelectionToX:x y:y
-    "used with button-motion and shift-press;
-     expand the selection to include all items from the clicked one,
-     up to the one under the mouse pointer"
-    |movedLine delta oldSel|
-    clickLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    movedLine := self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:(self visibleLineOfY:y).
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-        movedLine == clickLine ifFalse:[
-            delta  := (clickLine < movedLine) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[-1].
-            oldSel := selection copy.
-            (clickLine+delta) to:movedLine by:delta do:[:ln |
-                (self isInSelection:ln) ifTrue:[self removeFromSelection:ln]
-                                       ifFalse:[self addToSelection:ln]
-            ].
-            self selectionChangedFrom:oldSel
-        ]
-    ].
-    clickLine := movedLine.
-    "Created: 14.11.1996 / 15:48:10 / cg"
-    "Modified: 14.11.1996 / 15:50:03 / cg"
-    "return true, if the view has a selection"
-    ^ selection notNil 
-    "return true, if line, aNumber is in the selection"
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	^ (selection includes:aNumber)
-    ].
-    ^ (aNumber == selection)
-    "scroll to make the selection line visible"
-    |line|
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    selection isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
-	    line := selection first.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    line := selection
-	].
-	self makeLineVisible:line 
-    ]
-    "return the index of the next selectable entry after the selection.
-     Wrap at end."
-    |next sz|
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[
-        next := firstLineShown
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-            selection size == 0 ifTrue:[
-                next := firstLineShown
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                next := selection max + 1
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            next := selection + 1
-        ].
-    ].
-    (self isValidSelection:next) ifFalse:[
-        sz := self size.
-        next > sz ifTrue:[
-            next := 1.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            [next <= sz
-             and:[(self isValidSelection:next) not ]] whileTrue:[
-                next := next + 1
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    (self isValidSelection:next) ifFalse:[
-        next := nil
-    ].
-    ^ next
-    "Modified: / 8.8.1998 / 03:36:55 / cg"
-    "return the number of selected entries"
-    |sz|
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
-    sz := selection size.
-    sz > 0 ifTrue:[^ sz].
-    ^ 1
-    "return the index of the previous selectable entry before the selection.
-     Wrap at beginning."
-    |prev|
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[
-        prev := firstLineShown - 1 
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        selection isCollection ifTrue:[
-            selection size == 0 ifTrue:[
-                prev := firstLineShown - 1
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                prev := selection min - 1
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            prev := selection - 1
-        ].
-    ].
-    (self isValidSelection:prev) ifFalse:[
-        prev < 1 ifTrue:[
-            prev := self size.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            [prev >= 1
-             and:[(self isValidSelection:prev) not]] whileTrue:[
-                prev := prev - 1
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    (self isValidSelection:prev) ifFalse:[
-        prev := nil
-    ].
-    ^ prev
-    "select all entries. 
-     Model and/or actionBlock notification IS done."
-    |oldSelection|
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-        oldSelection := selection.
-        selection := OrderedCollection withAll:(1 to:self size).
-        self invalidate.
-        self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
-    ]
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 17:00:26 / cg"
-    "select the element with same printString as the argument, anObject.
-     Scroll to make the new selection visible.
-     Model and/or actionBlock notification IS done."
-    |lineNo|
-    list notNil ifTrue:[
-        items notNil ifTrue:[
-            lineNo := items indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            lineNo := list indexOf:(anObject printString) ifAbsent:nil.
-        ].
-        lineNo notNil ifTrue:[self selection:lineNo]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 17:01:05 / cg"
-    "select the element with same printString as the argument, anObject.
-     Do not scroll.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    |lineNo|
-    list notNil ifTrue:[
-        items notNil ifTrue:[
-            lineNo := items indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            lineNo := list indexOf:(anObject printString) ifAbsent:nil.
-        ].
-        lineNo notNil ifTrue:[self selectWithoutScroll:lineNo]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 17:01:17 / cg"
-    "select next line or first visible if there is currrently no selection.
-     Wrap at end. 
-     Model and/or actionBlock notification IS done."
-    self selection:(self nextAfterSelection)
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 17:01:27 / cg"
-    "select previous line or previous visible if there is currently no selection.
-     Wrap at beginning. 
-     Model and/or actionBlock notification IS done."
-    self selection:(self previousBeforeSelection).
-    "Modified: 26.9.1995 / 09:41:16 / stefan"
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 17:01:34 / cg"
-    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    |prevSelection newSelection|
-    newSelection := aNumberOrNilOrCollection.
-    newSelection notNil ifTrue:[
-        (self isValidSelection:newSelection) ifFalse:[
-            newSelection := nil
-        ].
-        newSelection == 0 ifTrue:[
-            newSelection := nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (newSelection isCollection
-            and:[newSelection size == 0]) ifTrue:[
-                newSelection := nil
-            ]
-        ].
-        newSelection notNil ifTrue:[
-            multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-                newSelection isCollection ifFalse:[
-                    newSelection := OrderedCollection with:newSelection
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    (newSelection = selection) ifTrue: [^ self].
-    "
-     redraw old selection unhighlighted
-    "
-    selection notNil ifTrue: [
-        prevSelection := selection.
-        selection := nil.
-        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-            prevSelection do:[:line |
-                self redrawElement:line
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self redrawElement:prevSelection
-        ]
-    ].
-    selection := newSelection.
-    "
-     redraw new selection unhighlighted
-    "
-    newSelection notNil ifTrue:[
-        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-"/            newSelection isCollection ifFalse:[
-"/                selection := OrderedCollection with:newSelection.
-"/            ].
-            selection do:[:line |
-                self redrawElement:line
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self redrawElement:selection
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 16:58:46 / cg"
-    "return the selection index or collection of indices (if multipleSelect is on)"
-    ^ selection
-    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil;
-     scroll to make the selected line visible.
-     The model and/or actionBlock IS notified."
-    |oldSelection|
-    oldSelection := selection.
-    self setSelection:aNumberOrNil.
-    selection ~= oldSelection ifTrue:[
-        self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 7.8.1998 / 13:36:34 / cg"
-    "return the selection as a collection of line numbers.
-     This allows users of this class to enumerate independent of
-     the multipleSelect style."
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].
-"/    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-"/        ^ (OrderedCollection new) add:selection; yourself.
-"/    ].
-    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
-	^ (OrderedCollection new) add:selection; yourself.
-    ].
-    ^ selection
-    "selection has changed. Call actionblock and/or send changeMessage if defined"
-    |changeArg actionArg nA|
-    changeArg := actionArg := self argForChangeMessage.
-    "/
-    "/ the MVC way of doing things - notify model via changeMsg
-    "/
-    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
-        "/ ST80 sends 0 as index, if the same selection is reselected ...
-        selection == oldSelection ifTrue:[
-            changeArg := 0
-        ].
-    ].
-    self sendChangeMessageWith:changeArg.
-    "/
-    "/ the ST/X way of doing things - perform the actionBlock
-    "/
-    actionBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        (actionBlock numArgs) == 1 ifTrue:[
-            actionBlock value:actionArg
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            actionBlock value
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 16:49:09 / cg"
-    "perform aBlock for each nr in the selection.
-     For single selection, it is called once for the items nr.
-     For multiple selections, it is called for each."
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	    selection do:aBlock
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    aBlock value:selection
-	].
-    ].
-    "return the selection value i.e. the text in the selected line.
-     For multiple selections a collection containing the entries is returned."
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-	selection isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].
-	^ selection collect:[:nr | self at:nr]
-    ].
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ self at:selection
-    "return the selection values as a collection - allows selectionValues to
-     be enumerated independent of the multiSelect settings"
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-        ^ selection collect:[:nr | self at:nr]
-    ].
-    ^ Array with:(self at:selection)
-    "select the element with same printString as the argument, anObject.
-     Scroll to make the new selection visible.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    |size lineNo coll|
-    list isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
-        (size := anObject size) == 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self setSelection:nil
-        ].
-        coll := OrderedCollection new:size.
-        anObject do:[:o|
-            items notNil ifTrue:[
-                lineNo := items indexOf:o ifAbsent:nil.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                lineNo := list indexOf:(o printString) ifAbsent:nil
-            ].
-            lineNo notNil ifTrue:[
-                coll add:lineNo
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ self setSelection:coll
-    ].
-    items notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineNo := items indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:nil
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        lineNo := list indexOf:(anObject printString) ifAbsent:nil.
-    ].
-    lineNo notNil ifTrue:[self setSelection:lineNo].
-    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil;
-     scroll to make the selected line visible.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    self selectWithoutScroll:aNumberOrNil.
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-        self makeSelectionVisible
-    ]
-    "Created: / 25.5.1996 / 12:23:18 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 7.8.1998 / 13:36:42 / cg"
-    "toggle selection-state of entry, aNumber.
-     *** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here."
-    (self isInSelection:aNumber) ifTrue:[
-        self removeFromSelection:aNumber
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self addToSelection:aNumber
-    ]
-    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 17:02:08 / cg"
-    "return true, if someString is in the selection"
-    |sel|
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    sel := self selectionValue.
-    self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
-	^ (sel includes:someString)
-    ].
-    ^ (someString = sel)
-! !
-!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.150 1999-08-18 14:36:27 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,745 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-EditTextView subclass:#TextCollector
-	instanceVariableNames:'entryStream lineLimit destroyAction outstandingLines
-		outstandingLine flushBlock flushPending inFlush collecting
-		timeDelay access currentEmphasis alwaysAppendAtEnd collectSize'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Text'
-!TextCollector class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a view for editable text, which also understands some stream messages.
-    Instances of this view can take the place of a stream and display the 
-    received text.
-    Its main use in the system is the Transcript, but it can also be used for
-    things like trace-windows, errorLogs etc.
-    If collecting is turned on, a textcollector will not immediately display 
-    entered text, but wait for some short time (timeDelay) and collect incoming 
-    data - finally updating the whole chunk in one piece. 
-    This helps slow display devices, which would otherwise scroll a lot. 
-    (on fast displays this is less of a problem).
-    The total number of lines kept is controlled by lineLimit, if more lines 
-    than this limit are added at the bottom, the textcollector will forget lines 
-    at the top. 
-    You can set linelimit to nil (i.e. no limit), but you may need a lot 
-    of memory then ...
-    [StyleSheet paramters (transcript only):]
-        transcriptForegroundColor       defaults to textForegroundColor
-        transcriptBackgroundColor'      defaults to textBackgroundColor.
-        transcriptCursorForegroundColor
-        transcriptCursorBackgroundColor
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        CodeView EditTextView
-        ActorStream
-! !
-!TextCollector class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-    "create and open a new transcript.
-     This is a leftOver method from times were the Launcher & Transcript
-     were two different views. It is no longer recommended."
-    |topView transcript defSz f v lines cols|
-    topView := StandardSystemView label:'Transcript' "minExtent:(100 @ 100)".
-    v := HVScrollableView for:self miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false in:topView.
-    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-    transcript := v scrolledView.
-    "transcript partialLines:false."
-    f := transcript font.
-    "
-     should add the height of the frame & scrollbars to be exact ...
-    "
-    defSz := self defaultTranscriptSize.
-    cols := defSz x.
-    lines := defSz y.
-    topView extent:(((f widthOf:'x') * cols) @ (f height * lines)).
-    transcript beTranscript.
-    "
-     run it at a slightly higher prio, to allow for
-     delayed buffered updates to be performed
-    "
-    topView openWithPriority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority + 1).
-    ^ transcript
-    "
-     TextCollector newTranscript.
-     Transcript lineLimit:3000.
-    "
-    "Modified: 17.2.1997 / 18:20:27 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "the number of lines buffered for delayed update"
-    ^ 50
-    "Modified: / 27.7.1998 / 16:14:51 / cg"
-    "the number of lines remembered by default"
-    ^ 600
-    "the time in seconds to wait & collect by default"
-    ^ 0.3 
-    "the number of cols/lines by which the Transcript should come up"
-    ^ 70@11
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'ST-80 compatibility'!
-    self unselect
-    self endEntry.
-    super flush
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "noop for now, ST80 compatibility"
-    ^ self
-    "Created: / 4.3.1998 / 11:08:14 / stefan"
-    "turn on/off collecting - if on, do not output immediately
-     but collect text and output en-bloque after some time delta"
-    collecting := aBoolean
-    "set the collect buffer size. If collect is enabled,
-     the receiver will force update of the view, 
-     whenever that many lines have been collected
-     (or the updateTimeDelay interval has passed).
-     With collect turned off, an immediate update is performed."
-    collectSize := numberOfLines
-    "Modified: / 27.7.1998 / 16:16:00 / cg"
-    "define the action to be performed when I get destroyed.
-     This is a special feature, to allow resetting Transcript to Stderr
-     when closed. (see TextCollectorclass>>newTranscript)"
-    destroyAction := aBlock
-    "flush collected output; displaying all that has been buffered so far"
-    |nLines lines|
-    shown ifFalse:[
-        "/ when iconified or not yet shown, keep
-        "/ collecting. But not too much ...
-        outstandingLines size < 300 ifTrue:[
-            flushPending ifFalse:[
-                self installDelayedUpdate.
-            ].
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    inFlush ifTrue:[^ self].
-    flushBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        Processor removeTimedBlock:flushBlock.
-    ].
-    flushPending ifFalse:[^ self].
-    access critical:[
-        inFlush := true.
-        [
-            flushPending := false.
-            outstandingLines size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                "insert the bunch of lines - if any"
-                lines := outstandingLines.
-                outstandingLines := nil.
-                nLines := lines size.
-                (nLines ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-                    insertMode ifTrue:[
-                        self insertLines:lines withCR:true.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        self replaceLines:lines withCR:true
-                    ].
-                    alwaysAppendAtEnd ifTrue:[
-                        self cursorToEnd.
-                    ].
-                    self withCursorOffDo:[
-                        (cursorLine >= (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown)) ifTrue:[
-                            self scrollDown:nLines
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            "and the last partial line - if any"
-            outstandingLine size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                insertMode ifTrue:[
-                    self insertStringAtCursor:outstandingLine.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self replaceStringAtCursor:outstandingLine.
-                ].
-                outstandingLine := ''.
-            ].
-            self checkLineLimit.
-            device flush.
-        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-            inFlush := false.
-        ]
-    ].
-    flushPending ifTrue:[
-        flushPending := false.
-        self installDelayedUpdate
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 9.11.1998 / 21:17:56 / cg"
-    "define the number of text-lines I am supposed to hold"
-    lineLimit := aNumber
-    "
-     Transcript lineLimit:5000
-    "
-    "Modified: / 16.5.1998 / 01:33:52 / cg"
-    "if collect is enabled, the receiver will update its view, 
-     after that time delay (i.e. it collects more output during that period),
-     or when collectSize lines have been collected without update.
-     With collect turned off, an immediate update is performed."
-    timeDelay := seconds
-    "Modified: / 27.7.1998 / 16:16:41 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'change & update'!
-    "a textCollector always scrolls to the bottom"
-     super getListFromModel.
-     self scrollToBottom
-    "Created: 12.2.1996 / 14:27:56 / stefan"
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 14:41:50 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'events'!
-exposeX:x y:y width:w height:h
-    "flush buffered text when exposed"
-    super exposeX:x y:y width:w height:h.
-    self endEntry
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
-    "destroy this view"
-    destroyAction notNil ifTrue:[
-        destroyAction value
-    ].
-    flushBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        Processor removeTimedBlock:flushBlock.
-    ].
-    flushBlock := nil.
-    outstandingLines := nil.
-    outstandingLine := ''.
-    super destroy
-    "Modified: / 9.11.1998 / 21:18:17 / cg"
-    "return my popUpMenu; thats the superClasses menu,
-     minus any accept item."
-    <resource: #programMenu>
-    |m idx|
-    m := super editMenu.
-    "
-     textcollectors do not support #accept
-     remove it from the menu (and the preceeding separating line)
-    "
-    idx := m indexOf:#accept.
-    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        m remove:idx.
-        (m labels at:(idx - 1)) = '-' ifTrue:[
-            m remove:idx - 1
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ m
-    "Modified: 3.7.1997 / 13:54:11 / cg"
-    super initialize.
-    outstandingLines := nil.
-    alwaysAppendAtEnd := true.
-    collectSize := self class defaultCollectSize.
-    flushPending := inFlush := false.
-    collecting := true.
-    timeDelay := self class defaultTimeDelay.
-    access := RecursionLock new. "/ Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
-    lineLimit := self class defaultLineLimit.
-    entryStream := ActorStream new.
-    entryStream nextPutBlock:[:something | self nextPut:something].
-    entryStream nextPutAllBlock:[:something | self nextPutAll:something]
-    "Modified: / 9.11.1998 / 14:33:46 / cg"
-    "view became visible - show collected lines (if any)"
-    super mapped.
-    self endEntry
-    "recreate access-semaphore; image could have been save (theoretically)
-     with the semaphore locked - in this case, we had a deadlock"
-    flushPending := false.
-    access := RecursionLock new. "/ Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
-    super reinitialize.
-    "Modified: / 5.3.1998 / 10:09:14 / stefan"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'private'!
-    "this method checks if the text has become too large (> lineLimit)
-     and cuts off some lines at the top if so; it must be called whenever lines
-     have been added to the bottom"
-    |nDel|
-    lineLimit notNil ifTrue:[
-	(cursorLine > lineLimit) ifTrue:[
-	    nDel := list size - lineLimit.
-	    list removeFromIndex:1 toIndex:nDel.
-	    cursorLine := cursorLine - nDel.
-	    firstLineShown := firstLineShown - nDel.
-	    (firstLineShown < 1) ifTrue:[
-		cursorLine := cursorLine - firstLineShown + 1.
-		firstLineShown := 1
-	    ].
-	    self contentsChanged
-	]
-    ]
-    "arrange for collecting input for some time,
-     and output all buffered strings at once after a while.
-     This makes output to the transcript much faster on systems
-     with poor scrolling performance (i.e. dumb vga cards ...)."
-    |p|
-    flushPending ifFalse:[
-        flushPending := true.
-        inFlush ifFalse:[
-            "
-             we could run under a process, which dies in the meantime;
-             therefore, we have to arrange for the transcript process to
-             be interrupted and do the update.
-            "
-            windowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
-                p := Processor activeProcess
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                p := windowGroup process
-            ].
-            (p isNil or:[p isSystemProcess]) ifTrue:[
-                self endEntry
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                flushBlock isNil ifTrue:[
-                    flushBlock := [self endEntry].
-                ].
-                Processor addTimedBlock:flushBlock for:p afterSeconds:timeDelay.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 17.4.1997 / 13:03:15 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 9.11.1998 / 14:34:07 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return the current (your screens) transcript.
-     In multiDisplay applications, this need NOT be the main transcript.
-     But typically, this is the same as Transcript."
-    ^ (self topView application class current transcript ? Stderr)
-    "
-     Transcript current flash
-    "
-    "Created: 5.7.1996 / 14:14:34 / cg"
-    "Modified: 5.7.1996 / 14:14:52 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'stream messages'!
-    "output a carriage return, finishing the current line"
-    access critical:[
-        collecting ifTrue:[
-            outstandingLine notNil ifTrue:[  "/ mhmh - is never nil
-                outstandingLines isNil ifTrue:[
-                    outstandingLines := OrderedCollection with:outstandingLine
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    outstandingLines add:outstandingLine.
-                ]
-            ].
-            outstandingLine := ''.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self cursorReturn.
-            self checkLineLimit.
-            self cursorToEnd.
-        ].
-    ].
-    collecting ifTrue:[
-        flushPending ifFalse:[
-            self installDelayedUpdate
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 14:39:00 / cg"
-    "this is funny: all message we do not understand, are passed
-     on to the stream which will send the characters via nextPut:
-     This way, we understand all Stream messages - great isn't it !!
-    "
-     ^ entryStream perform:(aMessage selector) withArguments:(aMessage arguments)
-    "to make a textCollector (somewhat) compatible with printer
-     streams, support the lineLength query"
-    ^ width // (font width)
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 14:42:41 / cg"
-    "append somethings printString to my displayed text.
-     This allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise"
-    |txt|
-    (something isCharacter) ifTrue:[
-        ((something == Character cr) or:[something == Character nl]) ifTrue:[
-            ^ self cr
-        ].
-    ].
-    txt := something asString.
-    currentEmphasis notNil ifTrue:[
-        txt := txt emphasizeAllWith:currentEmphasis
-    ].
-    self show:txt.
-"/    flushPending ifTrue:[
-"/        self endEntry
-"/    ].
-"/    (something isMemberOf:Character) ifTrue:[
-"/        ((something == Character cr) or:[something == Character nl]) ifTrue:[
-"/            ^ self cr
-"/        ].
-"/        self insertCharAtCursor:something
-"/    ] ifFalse:[
-"/        self insertStringAtCursor:(something printString).
-"/        self checkLineLimit
-"/    ].
-"/    device flush
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 14:43:05 / cg"
-    "append all of something to my displayed text.
-     This allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise"
-    currentEmphasis notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self show:(something emphasizeAllWith:currentEmphasis)
-    ].
-    ^ self show:something
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 14:43:26 / cg"
-    "insert the argument aString at current cursor position"
-    |aString lines|
-    aString := anObject printString.
-    (aString includes:(Character cr)) ifTrue:[
-        lines := aString asStringCollection.
-        lines keysAndValuesDo:[:nr :line |
-            (nr == lines size 
-            and:[(aString endsWith:(Character cr)) not]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ the last one.
-                self show:line
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self showCR:line
-            ].
-        ].
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    access critical:[
-        outstandingLine size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            outstandingLine := outstandingLine , aString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            outstandingLine := aString
-        ].
-        collecting ifTrue:[
-            flushPending ifFalse:[
-                self installDelayedUpdate
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                outstandingLines size > collectSize ifTrue:[
-                    self endEntry
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self endEntry
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:34:25 / cg"
-    "insert the argument aString at current cursor position,
-     and advance to the next line. This is the same as a #show:
-     followed by a #cr."
-    |aString lines|
-    aString := anObject printString.
-    aString size == 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ self cr
-    ].
-    (aString includes:(Character cr)) ifTrue:[
-        lines := aString asStringCollection.
-        lines keysAndValuesDo:[:nr :line |
-            (nr == lines size 
-            and:[(aString endsWith:(Character cr)) not]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ the last one.
-                self show:line
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self showCR:line
-            ].
-        ].
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    access critical:[
-        outstandingLine size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            outstandingLine := outstandingLine , aString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            outstandingLine := aString
-        ].
-        collecting ifTrue:[
-            outstandingLines isNil ifTrue:[
-                outstandingLines := OrderedCollection with:outstandingLine
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                outstandingLines add:outstandingLine.
-            ].
-            outstandingLine := ''.
-            flushPending ifFalse:[
-                self installDelayedUpdate
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                outstandingLines size > collectSize ifTrue:[
-                    self endEntry
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self endEntry.
-            self cursorReturn.
-            self checkLineLimit.
-            self cursorToEnd.
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Created: / 28.7.1998 / 00:31:46 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 28.7.1998 / 00:34:58 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'stream messages - emphasis'!
-    currentEmphasis := #bold
-    "Modified: / 26.3.1999 / 14:28:58 / cg"
-    currentEmphasis := #color->aColor
-    "Modified: / 26.3.1999 / 14:29:21 / cg"
-    currentEmphasis := #italic
-    currentEmphasis := nil
-    currentEmphasis := Array with:#color->bgColor
-                             with:#backgroundColor->fgColor.
-    "Created: / 20.6.1998 / 20:10:45 / cg"
-    currentEmphasis := #underline
-    "Created: / 26.3.1999 / 14:27:07 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector methodsFor:'transcript specials'!
-    "make the receiver be the systemTranscript; this one
-     is accessable via the global Transcript and gets relevant
-     system messages from various places."
-    |fg bg cFg cBg|
-    Smalltalk at:#Transcript put:self.
-    "
-     fancy feature: whenever Transcript is closed, reset to StdError
-    "
-    self destroyAction:[
-        self == (Smalltalk at:#Transcript) ifTrue:[
-            Smalltalk at:#Transcript put:Stderr
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ user may prefer a special color for this one;
-    "/ look into the style definitions ...
-    fg := styleSheet colorAt:'transcript.foregroundColor' default:self foregroundColor.
-    bg := styleSheet colorAt:'transcript.backgroundColor' default:self backgroundColor.
-    self foregroundColor:fg backgroundColor:bg.
-    self viewBackground:bg.
-    cFg := styleSheet colorAt:'transcript.cursorForegroundColor' default:bg.
-    cBg := styleSheet colorAt:'transcript.cursorBackgroundColor' default:fg.
-    self cursorForegroundColor:cFg backgroundColor:cBg. 
-    "self lineLimit:1000. " "or whatever you think makes sense"
-    "Modified: / 2.11.1997 / 22:34:47 / cg"
-! !
-!TextCollector class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.58 1999-08-02 10:14:17 tm Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-PanelView subclass:#VerticalPanelView
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Layout'
-!VerticalPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a View which arranges its child-views in a vertical column.
-    All real work is done in PanelView - except the layout computation is
-    redefined here.
-    The layout is controlled by the instance variables: 
-	horizontalLayout and verticalLayout
-    in addition to 
-	horizontalSpace and verticalSpace.
-    The vertical layout can be any of:
-	#top            arrange elements at the top
-	#topSpace       arrange elements at the top, start with spacing
-	#bottom         arrange elements at the bottom
-	#bottomSpace    arrange elements at the bottom, start with spacing
-	#center         arrange elements in the center; ignore verticalSpace
-	#spread         spread elements evenly; ignore verticalSpace
-	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at ends; ignore verticalSpace
-	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing; ignore verticalSpace
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, with spacing; ignore verticalSpace
-	#topFit         like #top, but resize the last element to fit
-	#topSpaceFit    like #topSpace, but resize the last element to fit
-	#bottomFit      like #bottom, but resize the first element to fit
-	#bottomSpaceFit like #bottomSpace, but resize the first element to fit
-    the horizontal layout can be:
-	#left           place element at the left
-	#leftSpace      place element at the left, offset by horizontalSpace
-	#center         place elements horizontally centered; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#right          place it at the right
-	#rightSpace     place it at the right, offset by horizontalSpace
-	#fit            resize elements horizontally to fit this panel; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, but add spacing; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#leftMax        like #left, but resize elements to max of them
-	#leftSpaceMax   like #leftSpace, but resize elements
-	#centerMax      like #center, but resize elements
-	#rightMax       like #right, but resize elements to max of them
-	#rightSpaceMax  like #rightSpace, but resize elements
-    The defaults is #center for both directions.
-    The layout is changed by the messages #verticalLayout: and #horizontalLayout:.
-    For backward compatibility (to times, where only vLayout existed), the simple
-    #layout: does the same as #verticalLayout:. Do not use this old method.
-    The panel assumes, that the elements do not resize themselfes, after it
-    became visible. This is not true for all widgets (buttons or labels may
-    like to change). If you have changing elements, tell this to the panel
-    with 'aPanel elementsChangeSize:true'. In that case, the panel will react
-    to size changes, and reorganize things.
-    If none of these layout/space combinations is exactly what you need in
-    your application, create a subclass, and redefine the setChildPositions method.
-    CAVEAT: this class started with #top and no horizontal alignments;
-    as time went by, more layouts were added and the setup should be changed
-    to use different selectors for space, max-resize and alignment
-    (i.e. having more and more layout symbols makes things a bit confusing ...)
-    [see also:]
-	HorizontalPanelView
-	VariableVerticalPanel VariableHorizontalPanel
-	Label
-    [author:]
-	Claus Gittinger
-    These examples demonstrate the effect of different layout
-    settings.
-    You should try more examples, combining spacing and different
-    verticalLayout:/horizontalLayout: combinations.
-    example: default layout (centered)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal centerMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'hL=centerMax'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#centerMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal leftMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'hL=leftMax'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal leftSpaceMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'hL=leftMax'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#leftSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal rightMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'hL=rightMax'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: horizontal rightSpaceMax
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'hL=rightMaxSpace'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p horizontalLayout:#rightSpaceMax.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: top-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=top; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: topSpace-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=topSpace; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#topSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: top-layout; horizontal fit
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	v label:'vL=top; hL=fit'.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: top-layout; horizontal fit with space
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=top; hL=fitSpace'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: topSpace-layout; horizontal fit with space
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=topSpace; hL=fitSpace'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#topSpace.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: bottom-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=bottom; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottom.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: bottomSpace-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=bottomSpace; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: topFit-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=topFit; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#topFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: topSpaceFit-layout; combined with horizontal #fitSpace
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=topFit; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#topSpaceFit.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: bottomFit-layout (arrange at bottom; resize first to fit)
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=bottomFit; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: bottomSpaceFit-layout (arrange at bottom; resize first to fit; with spacing
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=bottomSpaceFit; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#bottomSpaceFit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spread-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=spread; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#spread.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: spreadSpace-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=spreadSpace; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fit-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=fit; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#fit.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fitSpace-layout
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=fitSpace; hL=center (default)'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: fully fitSpace
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=fitSpace; hL=fitSpace'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: combine fully fitSpace with scaling button labels
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=fitSpace; hL=fitSpace'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b1 adjust:#fit.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b2 adjust:#fit.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	b3 adjust:#fit.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: from top, each at left:
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=top; hL=left'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#top.
-	p horizontalLayout:#left.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: center, right:
-									[exBegin]
-	|v p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	v label:'vL=center; hL=right'.
-	p := VerticalPanelView in:v.
-	p verticalLayout:#center.
-	p horizontalLayout:#right.
-	p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
-	b2 := Button label:'butt2' in:p.
-	b3 := Button label:'button3' in:p.
-	v extent:100 @ 300.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: a panel in a panel
-									[exBegin]
-	|v hp p b1 b2 b3|
-	v := StandardSystemView new.
-	hp := HorizontalPanelView in:v.
-	hp verticalLayout:#fit.
-	hp horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	hp origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-	1 to:3 do:[:i |
-	    p := VerticalPanelView in:hp.
-	    p borderWidth:0.
-	    p verticalLayout:#fitSpace.
-	    p horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	    b1 := Button label:('button1-' , i printString) in:p.
-	    b2 := Button label:('butt2-' , i printString) in:p.
-	    b3 := Button label:('button3-' , i printString) in:p.
-	].
-	v extent:300 @ 100.
-	v open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: checkToggles in a panel
-									[exBegin]
-	|panel|
-	panel := VerticalPanelView new.
-	panel horizontalLayout:#left.
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:true asValue) label:'this is toggle number 1'; resize).
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:false asValue) label:'nr 2 '; resize).
-	panel add:((CheckBox on:true asValue) label:'number 3 '; resize).
-	panel extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-	panel open
-									[exEnd]
-    example: the topFit & bottomFit layouts are great to combine
-	     labels or enterFields with a selectionInList or textView:
-									[exBegin]
-	|panel|
-	panel := VerticalPanelView new.
-	panel horizontalLayout:#fit.
-	panel verticalLayout:#topFit.
-	panel add:(Label new label:'this is label number 1'; font:(Font family:'courier' size:16)).
-	panel add:(EditField new).
-	panel add:(Label new label:'this is label number 1').
-	panel add:(ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView).
-	panel extent:(panel preferredExtent).
-	panel open
-									[exEnd]
-! !
-!VerticalPanelView methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the horizontal layout as symbol.
-     the returned value is one of
-	#left           place element at the left
-	#leftSpace      place element at the left, offset by horizontalSpace
-	#center         place elements horizontally centered; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#right          place it at the right
-	#rightSpace     place it at the right, offset by horizontalSpace
-	#fit            resize elements horizontally to fit this panel; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, but add spacing; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#leftMax        like #left, but resize elements to max of them
-	#leftSpaceMax   like #leftSpace, but resize elements
-	#centerMax      like #center, but resize elements
-	#rightMax       like #right, but resize elements to max of them
-	#rightSpaceMax  like #rightSpace, but resize elements
-      the default is #centered
-    "
-    ^ hLayout
-    "change the horizontal layout as symbol.
-     The argument, aSymbol must be one of:
-	#left           place element at the left
-	#leftSpace      place element at the left, offset by horizontalSpace
-	#center         place elements horizontally centered; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#right          place it at the right
-	#rightSpace     place it at the right, offset by horizontalSpace
-	#fit            resize elements horizontally to fit this panel; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, but add spacing; ignore horizontalSpace
-	#leftMax        like #left, but resize elements to max of them
-	#leftSpaceMax   like #leftSpace, but resize elements
-	#centerMax      like #center, but resize elements
-	#rightMax       like #right, but resize elements to max of them
-	#rightSpaceMax  like #rightSpace, but resize elements
-      the default (if never changed) is #centered
-    "
-    (hLayout ~~ aSymbol) ifTrue:[
-	hLayout := aSymbol.
-	self layoutChanged
-    ]
-    "OBSOLETE compatibility interface. Will vanish.
-     leftover for historic reasons - do not use any more.
-     In the meantime, try to figure out what is meant ... a kludge"
-    something isLayout ifTrue:[^ super layout:something].
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #verticalLayout:'.
-    ^ self verticalLayout:something
-    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 23:08:54 / claus"
-    "return the vertical layout as a symbol.
-     the returned value is one of
-	#top            arrange elements at the top
-	#topSpace       arrange elements at the top, start with spacing
-	#bottom         arrange elements at the bottom
-	#bottomSpace    arrange elements at the bottom, start with spacing
-	#center         arrange elements in the center; ignore verticalSpace
-	#spread         spread elements evenly; ignore verticalSpace
-	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at ends; ignore verticalSpace
-	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing; ignore verticalSpace
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, with spacing; ignore verticalSpace
-	#topFit         like #top, but resize the last element to fit
-	#topSpaceFit    like #topSpace, but resize the last element to fit
-	#bottomFit      like #bottom, but resize the first element to fit
-	#bottomSpaceFit like #bottomSpace, but extend the first element to fit
-      the default is #centered
-    "
-    ^ vLayout
-    "Modified: 17.8.1997 / 15:20:13 / cg"
-    "change the vertical layout as a symbol.
-     The argument, aSymbol must be one of:
-	#top            arrange elements at the top
-	#topSpace       arrange elements at the top, start with spacing
-	#bottom         arrange elements at the bottom
-	#bottomSpace    arrange elements at the bottom, start with spacing
-	#center         arrange elements in the center; ignore verticalSpace
-	#spread         spread elements evenly; ignore verticalSpace
-	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at ends; ignore verticalSpace
-	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing; ignore verticalSpace
-	#fitSpace       like #fit, with spacing; ignore verticalSpace
-	#topFit         like #top, but resize the last element to fit
-	#topSpaceFit    like #topSpace, but resize the last element to fit
-	#bottomFit      like #bottom, but resize the first element to fit
-	#bottomSpaceFit like #bottomSpace, but extend the first element to fit
-      the default (if never changed) is #centered
-    "
-    (vLayout ~~ aSymbol) ifTrue:[
-	vLayout := aSymbol.
-	self layoutChanged
-    ]
-    "Modified: 17.8.1997 / 15:19:58 / cg"
-! !
-!VerticalPanelView methodsFor:'layout'!
-    "(re)compute position of every child"
-    |ypos space sumOfHeights numChilds l hEach hInside hL vL
-     maxWidth maxHeight resizeToMaxV resizeToMaxH m2 subViews ext restHeight|
-    subViews := self subViewsToConsider.
-    subViews size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    extentChanged ifTrue:[
-        ext := self computeExtent.
-        width := ext x.
-        height := ext y.
-    ].
-    space := verticalSpace.
-    numChilds := subViews size.
-    m2 := margin * 2.
-    hInside := height - m2 + (borderWidth*2) - subViews last borderWidth.
-    hL := hLayout.
-    vL := vLayout.
-    resizeToMaxV := false.
-    (vL endsWith:'Max') ifTrue:[
-        resizeToMaxV := true.
-        hEach := maxHeight := subViews inject:0 into:[:maxSoFar :child | maxSoFar max:child heightIncludingBorder].
-        vL := (vL copyWithoutLast:3) asSymbol.
-    ].
-    numChilds == 1 ifTrue:[
-        (vL == #topFit or:[vL == #bottomFit]) ifTrue:[
-            vL := #fit
-        ].
-        (vL == #topSpaceFit or:[vL == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-            vL := #fitSpace
-        ].
-    ].
-    vL == #fitSpace ifTrue:[
-        "
-         adjust childs extents and set origins.
-         Be careful to avoid accumulation of rounding errors
-        "
-        hEach := (hInside - (numChilds + 1 * space)) / numChilds.
-        ypos := space + margin - borderWidth.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        vL == #fit ifTrue:[
-            "
-             adjust childs extents and set origins.
-             Be careful to avoid accumulation of rounding errors
-            "
-            hEach := (hInside - (numChilds - 1 * space)) / numChilds.
-            ypos := margin - borderWidth.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            l := vL.
-            "/ adjust - do not include height of last(first) element if doing a fit
-            (vL == #topFit or:[vL == #topSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                subViews last height:0.
-            ].
-            (vL == #bottomFit or:[vL == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                subViews first height:0.
-            ].
-            "
-             compute net height needed
-            "
-            resizeToMaxV ifTrue:[
-                sumOfHeights := subViews inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :child | sumSoFar + maxHeight + (child borderWidth*2)].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                sumOfHeights := subViews inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :child | sumSoFar + child heightIncludingBorder].
-            ].
-            restHeight := height - sumOfHeights.
-            ((l == #center) and:[numChilds == 1]) ifTrue:[l := #spread].
-            (l == #spread and:[numChilds == 1]) ifTrue:[l := #spreadSpace].
-            "
-             compute position of topmost subview and space between them;
-             if they do hardly fit, leave no space between them 
-            "
-            ((sumOfHeights >= (height - m2))
-            and:[l ~~ #fixTopSpace and:[l ~~ #fixTop]]) ifTrue:[
-                "
-                 if we have not enough space for all the elements, 
-                 fill them tight, and show what can be shown (at least)
-                "
-                ypos := margin.
-                space := 0
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                l == #fixTopSpace ifTrue:[
-                    l := #topSpace
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    l == #fixTop ifTrue:[
-                        l := #top 
-                    ]
-                ].
-                ((l == #bottom) or:[l == #bottomSpace
-                or:[l == #bottomFit or:[l == #bottomSpaceFit]]]) ifTrue:[
-                    ypos := restHeight - (space * (numChilds - 1)).
-"/                    borderWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
-"/                        ypos := ypos + space 
-"/                    ].
-                    (l == #bottomSpace
-                    or:[l == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                        ypos >= space ifTrue:[
-                            ypos := ypos - space
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    ypos := ypos - margin.
-                    ypos < 0 ifTrue:[
-                        space := space min:(restHeight // (numChilds + 1)).
-                        ypos := restHeight - (space * numChilds).
-                    ]
-                ] ifFalse: [
-                    (l == #spread) ifTrue:[
-                        space := (restHeight - m2) // (numChilds - 1).
-                        ypos := margin.
-                        (space == 0) ifTrue:[
-                            ypos := restHeight // 2
-                        ]
-                    ] ifFalse: [
-                      (l == #spreadSpace) ifTrue:[
-                        space := (restHeight - m2) // (numChilds + 1).
-                        ypos := space + margin.
-                        (space == 0) ifTrue:[
-                            ypos := restHeight // 2
-                        ]
-                      ] ifFalse: [
-                        ((l == #top) or:[l == #topSpace
-                        or:[l == #topFit or:[l == #topSpaceFit]]]) ifTrue:[
-                            space := space min:(restHeight - m2) // (numChilds + 1).
-                            (vL == #fixTop or:[vL == #fixTopSpace]) ifTrue:[
-                                space := space max:verticalSpace.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                space := space max:0.
-                            ].
-                            (l == #topSpace or:[l == #topSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                                ypos := space + margin.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                "/
-                                "/ if the very first view has a 0-level AND
-                                "/ my level is non-zero, begin with margin
-                                "/
-                                true "(margin ~~ 0 and:[subViews first level == 0])" ifTrue:[
-                                    ypos := margin
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    ypos := 0
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            "center"
-                            ypos := (restHeight - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) // 2.
-                            ypos < 0 ifTrue:[
-                                space := restHeight // (numChilds + 1).
-                                ypos := (restHeight - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) // 2.
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                      ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    resizeToMaxH := false.
-    (hL endsWith:'Max') ifTrue:[
-        resizeToMaxH := true.
-        maxWidth := subViews inject:0 into:[:maxSoFar :child | maxSoFar max:child widthIncludingBorder].
-        hL := (hL copyWithoutLast:3) asSymbol.
-    ].
-    "
-     now set positions
-    "
-    subViews keysAndValuesDo:[:index :child |
-        |xpos advance bwChild wChild newWChild x2|
-        wChild := child widthIncludingBorder.
-        bwChild := child borderWidth.
-        resizeToMaxH ifTrue:[
-            child width:(wChild := maxWidth - (bwChild  * 2)).
-        ].
-        hL == #left ifTrue:[
-            xpos := 0 - borderWidth + margin.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            hL == #leftSpace ifTrue:[
-                xpos := horizontalSpace + margin
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                hL == #right ifTrue:[
-                    xpos := width - wChild - margin
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    hL == #rightSpace ifTrue:[
-                        xpos := width - horizontalSpace - wChild - margin.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        hL == #fitSpace ifTrue:[
-                            xpos := horizontalSpace + margin.
-                            newWChild := width - m2 - (horizontalSpace + bwChild * 2)
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            hL == #fit ifTrue:[
-                                newWChild := width "- (bwChild * 2)".
-                                borderWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
-                                    newWChild :=  newWChild - (bwChild * 2)
-                                ].
-                                true "child level == 0" ifTrue:[
-                                    xpos := margin - borderWidth.
-                                    newWChild := newWChild - m2
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    xpos := 0 - borderWidth. 
-                                ].
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                "centered"
-                                 xpos := margin + ((width - m2 - wChild) // 2).
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        newWChild notNil ifTrue:[
-            child width:newWChild
-        ].
-"/        (xpos < 0) ifTrue:[ xpos := 0 ].
-        x2 := xpos + (child widthIncludingBorder - 1).
-        (vL == #fit 
-        or:[vL == #fitSpace
-        or:[resizeToMaxV]]) ifTrue:[
-            child origin:(xpos @ ypos rounded)
-                  corner:(x2 @ (ypos + hEach - bwChild - 1) rounded).
-            advance := hEach
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            child origin:(xpos@ypos).
-            advance := child heightIncludingBorder
-        ].
-        index == numChilds ifTrue:[
-            |y|
-            (vL == #topFit or:[vL == #topSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                y := height - margin - 1.
-                vL == #topSpaceFit ifTrue:[
-                    y := y - space
-                ].
-                child corner:x2 @ y
-            ].
-        ].
-        index == 1 ifTrue:[
-            |y yB|
-            (vL == #bottomFit or:[vL == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
-                y := margin + 0 + (child borderWidth * 2) - borderWidth.
-                vL == #bottomSpaceFit ifTrue:[
-                    y := y + space
-                ].
-                yB := child corner y.
-                child origin:((child origin x) @ y)
-                      corner:((child corner x) @ yB)
-            ].
-        ].
-        ypos := ypos + advance + space.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 4.9.1995 / 18:43:29 / claus"
-    "Modified: / 27.1.1998 / 21:14:32 / cg"
-! !
-!VerticalPanelView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return a good extent, one that makes subviews fit"
-    |sumOfHeights maxWidth maxHeight m2 subViews|
-    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
-    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ preferredExtent
-    ].
-    subViews := self subViewsToConsider.
-    (subViews size == 0) ifTrue:[
-	^ super preferredExtent.
-	"/ ^ horizontalSpace @ verticalSpace].
-    ].
-    "compute net height needed"
-    sumOfHeights := 0.
-    maxWidth := 0.
-    maxHeight := 0.
-    subViews do:[:child |
-	|childsPreference|
-	childsPreference := child preferredExtent.
-	sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + childsPreference y.
-	maxHeight := maxHeight max:childsPreference y.
-	maxWidth := maxWidth max:childsPreference x.
-"/        sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + child heightIncludingBorder.
-"/        maxWidth := maxWidth max:(child widthIncludingBorder).
-"/        maxHeight := maxHeight max:(child heightIncludingBorder).
-    ].
-    borderWidth ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + (verticalSpace * 2).
-	maxWidth := maxWidth + (horizontalSpace * 2).
-    ].
-    (vLayout == #fit or:[vLayout == #fitSpace]) ifTrue:[
-	sumOfHeights := maxHeight * subViews size.
-	borderWidth ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + (verticalSpace * 2).
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + ((subViews size - 1) * verticalSpace).
-	((vLayout == #topSpace) or:[vLayout == #bottomSpace]) ifTrue:[
-	    sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + verticalSpace
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    ((vLayout == #center) or:[vLayout == #spread]) ifTrue:[
-		sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + (verticalSpace * 2)
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    ((hLayout == #leftSpace) or:[hLayout == #rightSpace]) ifTrue:[
-	maxWidth := maxWidth + horizontalSpace
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	((hLayout == #fitSpace) or:[hLayout == #center]) ifTrue:[
-	    maxWidth := maxWidth + (horizontalSpace * 2)
-	]        
-    ].
-    m2 := margin * 2.
-    ^ (maxWidth + m2) @ (sumOfHeights + m2)
-    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 00:18:16 / cg"
-! !
-!VerticalPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.34 1998-01-27 20:15:43 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-VariablePanel subclass:#VariableHorizontalPanel
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Layout'
-!VariableHorizontalPanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    This class is only here for backward compatibility;
-    all functionality is now in VariablePanel. Its orientation can now
-    be changed dynamically.
-    A View to separate its subviews horizontally by a movable bar
-    to adjust the size-ratios.
-    The bar-handle is either an exposed knob (knobStyle == #motif)
-    or the forms defined in Scroller (knobStyle ~~ #motif)
-    or nothing.
-    The subvies dimensions MUST be given as relative sizes;
-    typically creation is done as:
-        p := VariableHorizontalPanel in:superView.
-        v1 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                              corner:0.5 @ 1.0
-                                  in:p.
-        v2 := <someViewClass> origin:0.5 @ 0.0
-                              corner:0.8 @ 1.0
-                                  in:p.
-        v3 := <someViewClass> origin:0.8 @ 0.0
-                              corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                                  in:p.
-    See examples.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-   VariableHorizontalPanel is simply setting its orientation
-   to #horizontal. See more examples there.
-   dummy example: 2 views side-by-side
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@200.
-        p := VariableHorizontalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        v1 := View 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:0.5 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:Color red.
-        v2 := View 
-                 origin:0.5 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v2 viewBackground:Color green.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   concrete example: a selectionInListView and a TextView side-by-side
-   (not useful - need scrollBars; see next example)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:400@300.
-        p := VariableHorizontalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        v1 := SelectionInListView 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:0.5 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v1 list:('/etc' asFilename directoryContents).
-        v1 useIndex:false.
-        v1 action:[:name | v2 contents:('/etc/' , name) 
-                                asFilename contentsOfEntireFile
-                  ].
-        v2 := TextView 
-                 origin:0.5 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    better - with scrollBars (but thats another story ... see ScrollableView examples for more):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:400@300.
-        p := VariableHorizontalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        v1 := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:0.5 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v1 list:('/etc' asFilename directoryContents).
-        v1 useIndex:false.
-        v1 action:[:name | v2 contents:('/etc/' , name) 
-                                asFilename contentsOfEntireFile
-                  ].
-        v2 := ScrollableView for:TextView 
-                 origin:0.5 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   another stupid example: 3-views side-by-side
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:550@200.
-        p := VariableHorizontalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        v1 := SelectionInListView 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:0.3 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v1 level:-1.
-        v1 list:#('one' 'two' 'three' nil 'dont expect' 'something' 'to happen here').
-        v2 := EditTextView 
-                 origin:0.3 @ 0.0
-                 corner:0.6 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v2 contents:'nonScrollable\EditTextView' withCRs.
-        v3 := ScrollableView 
-                 for:TextView 
-                 origin:0.6 @ 0.0 
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:p.
-        v3 contents:'scrollable\TextView\\(read only)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\concratulations !!\you managed\to scroll down' withCRs.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!VariableHorizontalPanel methodsFor:'initializing'!
-    orientation := #horizontal.
-    super initialize.
-    "Modified: 7.3.1996 / 14:08:35 / cg"
-! !
-!VariableHorizontalPanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.22 1996-11-07 16:32:31 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-VariablePanelController subclass:#VariableHorizontalPanelController
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Controllers'
-!VariableHorizontalPanelController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    This is a leftover class - its no longer needed, but left for backward compatibility.
-    All functionality is in the VariablePanelController class.
-    Normally, not used directly by applications, these are created automatically
-    whenever a variableVerticalPanel is created.
-    Actually, these are simply panelControllers which initialize themself for
-    horizontal orientation.
-    [see also:]
-        VariableHorizontalPanel
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!VariableHorizontalPanelController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.9 1996-04-25 16:35:26 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1706 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-SimpleView subclass:#VariablePanel
-	instanceVariableNames:'barHeight barWidth separatingLine shadowForm lightForm showHandle
-		handlePosition handleColor handleStyle handleLevel noColor
-		trackLine redrawLocked orientation handleLabels knobHeight
-		realRelativeSizes'
-	classVariableNames:'DefaultShowHandle DefaultHandleStyle DefaultHandlePosition
-		DefaultTrackingLine DefaultSeparatingLine DefaultHandleColor
-		DefaultHandleLevel DefaultVCursor DefaultHCursor
-		DefaultHandleImage'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Layout'
-!VariablePanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    a View to separate its subviews vertically by a movable bar;
-    the size-ratios of the subviews can be changed by moving this bar.
-    In order to correctly setup this kind of view, the subviews must
-    be created with a relative origin & relative corner.
-    The panel does not verify the relative subview bounds; 
-    therefore, it is your responsibility to set those relative sizes to fit
-    according the orientation (see bad example below).
-    The bar-handle is either an exposed knob (style == #motif)
-    or the form defined in Scroller (style ~~ #motif)
-    or nothing.
-    Typically creation is done as:
-        p := VariablePanel in:superView.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        v1 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                              corner:1.0 @ 0.5
-                                  in:p.
-        v2 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.5 
-                              corner:1.0 @ 0.8 
-                                  in:p.
-        v3 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.8 
-                              corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                                  in:p.
-    The two subclasses VariableHorizontalPanel and VariableVerticalPanel
-    preset the orientation. They are a kept for backward compatibility
-    (in previous versions, there used to be no common VariablePanel (super-) class).
-    Notice: if it is required to insert a fixed-size view in the panel,
-    use an extra view & insets, and place the subview into that extra view.
-    See examples.
-    [instance Variables:]
-        barHeight               <Integer>       the height of the bar (for verticalPanels)
-        barWidth                <Integer>       the width of the bar  (for horizontalPanels)
-        separatingLine          <Boolean>       show a separating line (as in motif style)
-        shadowForm              <Image/Form>    form (shadow part) drawn as handle - if nonNil
-        lightForm               <Image/Form>    form (light part) drawn as handle - if nonNil
-        showHandle              <Boolean>       if false, no handle is drawn
-        handlePosition          <Symbol>        where is the handle - one of #left, #center, #right
-        handleColor             <Color>         inside color of handle - defaults to viewBackground
-        handleStyle             <Symbol>        type of handle; one of #next, #motif or nil
-        handleLevel             <Integer>       3D level of handle (only valid if no form is given)
-        trackLine               <Boolean>       if true, an inverted line is drawn for tracking;
-                                                otherwise, the whole bar is inverted.
-        redrawLocked                            internal - locks redraws while tracking
-        orientation             <Symbol>        one of #horizontal / #vertical
-    [styleSheet values:]
-        variablePanel.showHandle        true/false - should a handle be shown (default:true)
-        variablePanel.handleStyle       #next / #motif / #iris / #full / nil (special handles)
-        variablePanel.handlePosition    #left / #center / #right (default:#right)
-        variablePanel.handleLevel       3D level of heandle (default:2)
-        variablePanel.trackingLine      when moved, track an inverted line (as in motif)
-                                        as opposed to tracking the whole bar (default:false)
-                                        (obsoleted by trackingStyle)
-        variablePanel.trackingStyle     #solidRectangle / #solidLine / #dashedLine
-                                        detailed control over how to draw tracking
-                                        (obsoletes trackingLine above)
-        variablePanel.separatingLine    draw a separating line in the bar as in motif (default:false)
-        variablePanel.handleColor       color of the handle. (default:Black)
-        variablePanel.handleEnteredColor 
-                                        color of the handle when the pointer is in the bar (default:nil)
-    [see also:]
-        PanelView
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-   example (notice that the subviews MUST have relative bounds):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/2) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/2) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   change the handles level:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p handleLevel:-1.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/3) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/3) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   change the handles style to nil makes it invisible:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p handleStyle:nil.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/3) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/3) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   define your own handle (-bitmap):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p handleImage:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/ScrollLt.8.xbm').
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/3) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/3) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   another handle-bitmap:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p handleImage:(Form width:9
-                            height:11
-                            fromArray:#(
-                                        2r00000000 2r00000000
-                                        2r00001000 2r00000000
-                                        2r00011100 2r00000000
-                                        2r00111110 2r00000000
-                                        2r01111111 2r00000000
-                                        2r00000000 2r00000000
-                                        2r01111111 2r00000000
-                                        2r00111110 2r00000000
-                                        2r00011100 2r00000000
-                                        2r00001000 2r00000000
-                                        2r00000000 2r00000000
-                                       )
-                      ).
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/3) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/3) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    placing scrolled and unscrolled views into a variablePanel:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        v1 := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:p.
-        v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5.
-        v1 list:(FileDirectory directoryNamed:'/etc') contents.
-        v1 action:[:selNr |
-                |fullName stream text|
-                fullName := '/etc/' , v1 selectionValue.
-                stream := fullName asFilename readStream.
-                stream notNil ifTrue:[
-                    text := stream contents.
-                    v2 contents:text.
-                    v3 contents:text
-                ]
-        ].
-        v2 := TextView origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 0.8 in:p.
-        v3 := ScrollableView for:TextView in:p.
-        v3 origin:0.0 @ 0.8 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dynamically adding/removing views:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 b|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        b := Toggle label:'show' in:top.
-        b showLamp:false.
-        b origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:(1.0 @ 40).
-        b action:[:state |
-                state ifTrue:[
-                    b label:'hide'.
-                    v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5.
-                    v2 := ScrollableView for:EditTextView.
-                    v2 origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-                    v2 contents:'another text'.
-                    p addSubView:v2.
-                    v2 realize.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    b label:'show'.
-                    v2 destroy.
-                    v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                ]
-            ].
-        p := VariablePanel
-                origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p topInset:50.
-        v1 := ScrollableView for:EditTextView in:p.
-        v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        v1 contents:'some text'.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    dynamically flipping orientation:
-    Notice: you have to change the relative bounds of the subviews first.
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 b|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        b := Toggle label:'flip' in:top.
-        b showLamp:false.
-        b origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:(1.0 @ 40).
-        b action:[:state |
-                state ifTrue:[
-                    v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:0.5 @ 1.0.
-                    v2 origin:0.5 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-                    p orientation:#horizontal.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5.
-                    v2 origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-                    p orientation:#vertical.
-                ].
-            ].
-        p := VariablePanel
-                origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p topInset:50.
-        v1 := ScrollableView for:EditTextView in:p.
-        v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5.
-        v1 contents:'some text'.
-        v2 := ScrollableView for:EditTextView in:p.
-        v2 origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        v2 contents:'another text'.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   combining fix-size with variable size:
-   (need 3 extra frame-views to place the extra labels into)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 l1 v2 l2 v3 l3 f1 f2 f3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        f1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.3 in:p.
-        f2 := View origin:0.0@0.3 corner:1.0@0.6 in:p.
-        f3 := View origin:0.0@0.6 corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:f1.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:f2.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:f3.
-        l1 := Label label:'sub1' in:f1.
-        l2 := Label label:'sub2' in:f2.
-        l3 := Label label:'sub3' in:f3.
-        l1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 ; 
-           bottomInset:(l1 preferredExtent y negated).
-        l2 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 ; 
-           bottomInset:(l2 preferredExtent y negated).
-        l3 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 ; 
-           bottomInset:(l3 preferredExtent y negated).
-        v1 topInset:(l1 preferredExtent y); level:-1.
-        v2 topInset:(l2 preferredExtent y); level:-1.
-        v3 topInset:(l3 preferredExtent y); level:-1.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   VerticalPansels allow a label to be associated with the
-   handles; this looks much like the above, but is slightly
-   more compact. Notice, no label can be placed above the first 
-   view - it has no handle.
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        p handleLabels:#('ignored' 'sub2' 'sub3').
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.3 in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@0.3 corner:1.0@0.6 in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@0.6 corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   handle labels can be more than strings ....
-   (however, they should have about the same height, since
-    the largest defines heights of all bars;
-    retry the example below with a larger bitmap image ...)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top e p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        e := Array with:#bold
-                   with:#color->Color red.
-        p handleLabels:(Array with:nil
-                              with:('bold and red' asText emphasizeAllWith:e)
-                              with:(Image fromFile:'ScrollRt.xbm')).
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.3 in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@0.3 corner:1.0@0.6 in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@0.6 corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   BAD EXAMPLE (wrong relative sizes - repaired on handle move):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariablePanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p orientation:#vertical.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0   corner:1.0 @ (1/4) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0 @ (1/2) corner:1.0 @ (3/4) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0 @ (3/4) corner:1.0 @ 1.0   in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!VariablePanel class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "return an appropriate cursor"
-    ^ self cursorForOrientation:orientation onDevice:Display.
-    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 18:21:10 / cg"
-cursorForOrientation:orientation onDevice:device
-    "return an appropriate cursor"
-    |cursor|
-    orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-        DefaultVCursor notNil ifTrue:[
-            cursor := DefaultVCursor
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            device platformName = 'WIN32' ifFalse:[
-                cursor := Cursor 
-                            sourceForm:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/VVPanel.xbm')
-                            maskForm:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/VVPanel_m.xbm')
-                            hotX:8
-                            hotY:8.
-            ].
-            "
-             if bitmaps are not available or under Win95, 
-             use a standard cursor
-            "
-            cursor isNil ifTrue:[
-                "which one looks better ?"
-                cursor := Cursor upDownArrow
-                "cursor := Cursor upLimitArrow"
-            ].
-            DefaultVCursor := cursor
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        DefaultHCursor notNil ifTrue:[
-            cursor := DefaultHCursor
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            device platformName = 'WIN32' ifFalse:[
-                cursor := Cursor 
-                            sourceForm:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/VHPanel.xbm')
-                            maskForm:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/VHPanel_m.xbm')
-                            hotX:8
-                            hotY:8.
-            ].
-            "
-             if bitmaps are not available or under Win95, 
-             use a standard cursor
-            "
-            cursor isNil ifTrue:[
-                "which one looks better ?"
-                cursor := Cursor leftRightArrow
-                "cursor := Cursor leftLimitArrow"
-            ].
-            DefaultHCursor := cursor
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ cursor
-    "
-     DefaultVCursor := DefaultHCursor := nil.
-    "
-    "Created: / 30.9.1998 / 18:20:41 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 18:23:07 / cg"
-    "use same handle as Scroller"
-    ^ Scroller handleLightFormOn:aDisplay
-    "use same handle as Scroller"
-    ^ Scroller handleShadowFormOn:aDisplay
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
-    <resource: #style (#'variablePanel.showHandle' 
-                       #'variablePanel.handleStyle'
-                       #'variablePanel.handleImage'
-                       #'variablePanel.handlePosition' 
-                       #'variablePanel.handleLevel'
-                       #'variablePanel.trackingLine'   
-                       #'variablePanel.trackingStyle'
-                       #'variablePanel.separatingLine' 
-                       #'variablePanel.handleColor')>
-    |lineModeBoolean|
-    DefaultShowHandle := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.showHandle' default:true.
-    DefaultHandleStyle := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.handleStyle'.
-    DefaultHandlePosition := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.handlePosition' "default:#right".
-    DefaultHandlePosition isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultHandlePosition := ScrollableView defaultScrollBarPosition.
-    ].
-    DefaultHandleLevel := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.handleLevel' default:2.
-    DefaultTrackingLine := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.trackingStyle'.
-    DefaultTrackingLine isNil ifTrue:[
-        lineModeBoolean := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.trackingLine' default:false.
-        lineModeBoolean ifTrue:[
-            DefaultTrackingLine := #solidLine
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            DefaultTrackingLine := #solidRectangle
-        ]
-    ].
-    DefaultSeparatingLine := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.separatingLine' default:false.
-    DefaultHandleColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#'variablePanel.handleColor' default:Black.
-    DefaultHandleImage := StyleSheet at:#'variablePanel.handleImage'
-    "
-     VariablePanel updateStyleCache
-    "
-    "Modified: / 19.5.1998 / 16:08:54 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "a view is added; adjust other subviews sizes"
-    super addSubView:aView.
-"/    (aView relativeOrigin isNil 
-"/    or:[aView relativeExtent isNil and:[aView relativeCorner isNil]]) ifTrue:[
-"/        aView geometryLayout:nil.
-"/        aView origin:0.0@0.0.
-"/        aView extent:1.0@0.5.
-"/        self setupSubviews
-"/    ].
-    realized ifTrue:[
-        self resizeSubviews.
-    ]
-    "Created: 17.1.1996 / 22:41:00 / cg"
-    "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 19:05:05 / cg"
-    "return my orientation; either #horizontal or #vertical"
-    ^ orientation
-    "Modified: 6.3.1996 / 18:08:45 / cg"
-    "change  my orientation; aSymbol must be one of #horizontal or #vertical.
-     Changing implies a resize of my subViews."
-    aSymbol ~~ orientation ifTrue:[
-        orientation := aSymbol.
-        self initCursor.
-        self anyNonRelativeSubviews ifTrue:[
-            self setupSubviews
-        ].
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self cursor:cursor.
-            self sizeChanged:nil.
-            self invalidate.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:22:35 / cg"
-    "a view is removed; adjust other subviews sizes"
-    super removeSubView:aView.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        (superView isNil or:[superView shown]) ifTrue:[
-            self setupSubviews.
-            self resizeSubviews.
-        ]
-    ]
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    "return the height of the separating bar"
-    ^ barHeight
-    "set the height of the separating bar"
-    barHeight := nPixel.
-    "make certain bar is visible and catchable"
-    (barHeight < 4) ifTrue:[
-        barHeight := 4
-    ].
-    "make it even, so spacing is equally spreadable among subviews"
-    barHeight odd ifTrue:[
-        barHeight := barHeight + 1
-    ]
-    "Modified: 7.11.1996 / 20:07:11 / cg"
-    "Modified: 28.4.1997 / 14:30:33 / dq"
-    "define the handles image"
-    shadowForm := aBitmapOrImage.
-    lightForm := nil.
-    self computeBarHeight.
-    "Created: 7.11.1996 / 20:21:10 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.11.1996 / 20:27:22 / cg"
-    "define special handle labels - typically a collection of
-     bitmap images. Notice, that the first handle is not
-     drawn, that is, the first element if the argument is useless."
-    orientation == #horizontal ifTrue:[
-        self error:'not allowed for horizontal panels'
-    ].
-    handleLabels := aCollectionOfLabels.
-    self computeBarHeight.
-    self resizeSubviews.
-    "
-     |top panel v1 v2|
-     top := StandardSystemView new.
-     panel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-     panel add:(EditTextView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.5).
-     panel add:(EditTextView origin:0.0@0.5 corner:1.0@1.0).
-     panel handleStyle:nil.
-     panel handleLabels:#('foo' 'bar').
-     top open
-    "
-    "define the 3D level of the handle (only with some styles).
-     Normally, this is defined via styleSheet files, but this entry allows
-     individual views to be manipulated."
-    handleLevel := aNumber
-    "return the position of the handle"
-    ^ handlePosition
-    "define the position of the handle; the argument aSymbol
-     may be one of #left, #right or #center"
-    handlePosition := aSymbol
-handleShadowImage:shadowImage lightImage:lightImage
-    "define the handles image; both shadow and light parts"
-    shadowForm := shadowImage.
-    lightForm := lightImage.
-    self computeBarHeight.
-    "Created: 7.11.1996 / 20:21:51 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.11.1996 / 20:27:26 / cg"
-    "define the style of the handle;
-     styleSymbol may be #motif to draw a little knob or
-     anything else to draw scrollBars handleForm.
-     Normally, this is defined via styleSheet files, but this entry allows
-     individual views to be manipulated."
-    (styleSymbol ~~ handleStyle) ifTrue:[
-        handleStyle := styleSymbol.
-        handleStyle == #next ifTrue:[
-            shadowForm := self class shadowFormOn:device.
-            lightForm := self class lightFormOn:device.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            shadowForm := lightForm := nil
-        ].
-        shadowForm notNil ifTrue:[
-            (self is3D and:[handleStyle ~~ #motif]) ifTrue:[
-                self barHeight:(shadowForm height + 2).
-                barWidth := shadowForm width
-            ]
-        ].
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            self resizeSubviews.
-            self invalidate
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Created: 24.2.1996 / 19:04:07 / cg"
-    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:22:24 / cg"
-    "set the height of the separating bar"
-    barHeight := nPixel.
-    "define the style of the handle;
-     styleSymbol may be #motif to draw a little knob or
-     anything else to draw scrollBars handleForm.
-     Normally, this is defined via styleSheet files, but this entry allows
-     individual views to be manipulated."
-    self handleStyle:styleSymbol
-    "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 19:04:19 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'drawing'!
-drawHandle:hIndex atX:hx y:hy
-    "draw a single handle at hx/hy"
-    |h w x y m xm ym lbl maxKnob
-     mar           "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     barWidthInt   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     barHeightInt  "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    ((handleStyle isNil or:[handleStyle == #none])
-    and:[handleLabels isNil]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    mar := margin.
-    barHeightInt := barHeight.
-    barWidthInt := barWidth.
-    shadowForm notNil ifTrue:[
-        h := shadowForm height.
-        w := shadowForm width .
-        maxKnob := h min:barHeightInt.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        maxKnob := knobHeight min: barHeightInt.
-        maxKnob := maxKnob max:4.
-        handleStyle == #full ifTrue:[
-            w := h := maxKnob
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            w := h := maxKnob - 4.
-        ]
-    ].
-    self paint:viewBackground.
-    self lineStyle:#solid.
-    orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-        self fillRectangleX:mar y:hy 
-                      width:(width - mar - mar) 
-                     height:barHeightInt.
-        (handleStyle isNil
-        or:[handleStyle == #none]) ifFalse:[
-            (handleStyle ~~ #normal 
-            and:[handleStyle ~~ #mswindows]) ifTrue:[
-                m := (maxKnob - h) // 2.
-                shadowForm isNil ifTrue:[
-                    y := hy + (barHeightInt // 2).   "/ center of the bar
-                    separatingLine ifTrue:[
-                        self paint:shadowColor.
-                        self displayLineFromX:mar y:y toX:(width - mar) y:y.
-                        y := y + 1.
-                        self paint:lightColor.
-                        self displayLineFromX:mar y:y toX:(width - mar) y:y.
-                        self paint:viewBackground.
-                    ].
-                    self fillRectangleX:(hx - barWidthInt) 
-                                      y:hy 
-                                  width:(barWidthInt + barWidthInt) 
-                                 height:h.
-                    handleStyle == #line ifTrue:[
-                        self paint:handleColor.
-                        self displayLineFromX:hx - barWidthInt y:y toX:hx + barWidthInt y:y
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        y := hy.   
-                        handleStyle == #st80 ifTrue:[
-                            y := y - 1
-                        ].
-                        ym := y + m.
-                        handleStyle == #full ifTrue:[
-                            handleLevel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                self 
-                                    drawEdgesForX:0 "/ -(handleLevel abs)
-                                    y:ym "/-1
-                                    width:width "/+(handleLevel+handleLevel)abs
-                                    height:h-2 
-                                    level:handleLevel
-                                    shadow:shadowColor 
-                                    light:lightColor
-                                    halfShadow:nil 
-                                    halfLight:nil 
-                                    style:nil 
-                            ]
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            handleLevel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                self drawEdgesForX:(hx - barWidthInt)
-                                                 y:ym
-                                             width:(barWidthInt + barWidthInt)
-                                            height:h 
-                                             level:handleLevel.
-                            ].
-                            handleStyle == #iris ifTrue:[
-                                self paint:handleColor.
-                                self fillDeviceRectangleX:(hx - barWidthInt + 2)
-                                                        y:(ym + 2)
-                                                    width:(barWidthInt + barWidthInt - 4)
-                                                   height:h - 4
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    y := hy.
-                    (shadowForm notNil or:[lightForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        self drawHandleFormAtX:hx y:(y + m)
-                    ]
-                ].
-                handleStyle == #st80 ifTrue:[
-                    y := hy - 1.
-                    self paint:lightColor.
-                    self displayLineFromX:mar y:y toX:(width - mar - mar - 1) y:y.
-                    self displayLineFromX:0 y:hy toX:0 y:(hy + knobHeight - 1).
-                    y := hy + knobHeight - 2.
-                    self paint:shadowColor.
-                    self displayLineFromX:mar y:y toX:(width - mar) y:y.
-                        "uncomment the -1 if you dont like the notch at the right end"
-                        "                            VVV"
-                    self displayLineFromX:width-1 y:hy" "-1" " toX:width-1 y:(hy + knobHeight - 1 - 1).
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                y := hy + barHeightInt - 1.
-                self paint:handleColor.
-                separatingLine ifTrue:[
-                    self displayLineFromX:0 y:hy+1 toX:width y:hy+1.
-                    self displayLineFromX:0 y:y toX:width y:y.
-                ].
-                self fillRectangleX:hx y:hy width:barWidthInt height:barHeightInt
-            ].
-        ].
-        lbl := self handleLabelAt:hIndex.
-        lbl notNil ifTrue:[
-            hIndex ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-                self paint:Color black.
-                lbl isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
-                    lbl displayOn:self x:mar y:hy
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    lbl displayOn:self x:mar y:hy + font ascent + 1
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self fillRectangleX:hx y:mar 
-                      width:barHeightInt
-                     height:(height - mar - mar).
-        (handleStyle isNil
-        or:[handleStyle == #none]) ifFalse:[
-            (handleStyle ~~ #normal
-            and:[handleStyle ~~ #mswindows]) ifTrue:[
-                 m := (barHeightInt - w) // 2.
-                m := (maxKnob - w) // 2.
-                 shadowForm isNil ifTrue:[
-                    x := hx + (barHeightInt // 2).
-                    separatingLine ifTrue:[
-                        self paint:shadowColor.
-                        self displayLineFromX:x y:mar toX:x y:(height - mar).
-                        x := x + 1.
-                        self paint:lightColor.
-                        self displayLineFromX:x y:mar toX:x y:(height - mar).
-                        self paint:viewBackground.
-                    ].
-                    self fillRectangleX:hx y:(hy - barWidthInt) 
-                                  width:w 
-                                 height:(barWidthInt + barWidthInt).
-                    handleStyle == #line ifTrue:[
-                        self paint:handleColor.
-                        self displayLineFromX:x y:hy - barWidthInt toX:x y:hy + barWidthInt.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        x := hx.
-                        handleStyle == #st80 ifTrue:[
-                            x := x - 1.
-                        ].
-                        xm := x + m.
-                        handleStyle == #full ifTrue:[
-                            handleLevel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                self 
-                                    drawEdgesForX:xm "/-1
-                                    y:0 "/ -handleLevel
-                                    width:w-2
-                                    height:height "/ +handleLevel+handleLevel 
-                                    level:handleLevel
-                                    shadow:shadowColor 
-                                    light:lightColor
-                                    halfShadow:nil 
-                                    halfLight:nil 
-                                    style:nil
-                            ]
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            handleLevel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                self drawEdgesForX:xm
-                                                 y:(hy - barWidthInt)
-                                             width:w 
-                                            height:(barWidthInt + barWidthInt)
-                                             level:handleLevel.
-                            ].
-                            handleStyle == #iris ifTrue:[
-                                self paint:handleColor.
-                                self fillDeviceRectangleX:(xm + 2)
-                                                        y:(hy - barWidthInt + 2)
-                                                    width:w - 4
-                                                   height:(barWidthInt + barWidthInt - 4)
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                    ]
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    x := hx.
-                    (shadowForm notNil or:[lightForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        self drawHandleFormAtX:(x + m) y:hy
-                    ]
-                ].
-                handleStyle == #st80 ifTrue:[
-                    x := hx - 1.
-                    self paint:lightColor.
-                    self displayLineFromX:x y:mar toX:x y:(height - mar).
-                    self displayLineFromX:hx y:0 toX:(hx + barHeightInt - 1) y:0.
-                    x := hx + barHeightInt - 2.
-                    self paint:shadowColor.
-                    self displayLineFromX:x y:mar toX:x y:(height - mar).
-                        "uncomment the -1 if you dont like the notch at the bottom end"
-                        "                   VVV"
-                    self displayLineFromX:hx" "-1" " y:height-1 toX:(hx + barHeightInt - 1) y:height-1.
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                x := hx + barHeightInt - 1.
-                self paint:handleColor.
-                separatingLine ifTrue:[
-                    self displayLineFromX:hx+1 y:0 toX:hx+1 y:height.
-                    self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:height.
-                ].
-                self fillRectangleX:hx y:hy width:barHeightInt height:barWidthInt
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 22:48:33 / cg"
-drawHandleFormAtX:hx y:hy
-    "draw a handles bitmap at hx/hy"
-    shadowForm notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paint:shadowColor.
-        self displayForm:shadowForm x:hx y:hy.
-    ].
-    lightForm notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paint:lightColor.
-        self displayForm:lightForm x:hx y:hy.
-    ].
-    self paint:viewBackground
-    "Modified: 7.11.1996 / 20:25:33 / cg"
-invertHandleBarAtX:hx y:hy
-    |doLine oldStyle|
-    doLine := (trackLine == #solidLine 
-               or:[trackLine == #dashedLine
-               or:[trackLine == #dottedLine]]).
-    trackLine == #dashedLine ifTrue:[
-        oldStyle := lineStyle.
-        self lineStyle:#dashed.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        trackLine == #dottedLine ifTrue:[
-            oldStyle := lineStyle.
-            self lineStyle:#dotted.
-        ]
-    ].
-    self clippedByChildren:false.
-    self xoring:[
-        |yL xL halfHeight|
-        halfHeight := (barHeight // 2) - 1.
-        orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-            yL := hy + halfHeight.
-            doLine ifTrue:[
-                self displayLineFromX:0 y:yL toX:width y:yL.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self fillRectangleX:0 y:hy width:width height:barHeight
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            xL := hx + halfHeight.
-            doLine ifTrue:[
-                self displayLineFromX:xL y:0 toX:xL y:height.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self fillRectangleX:hx y:0 width:barHeight height:height
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    self clippedByChildren:true.
-    oldStyle notNil ifTrue:[
-        self lineStyle:oldStyle.
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 28.4.1997 / 14:56:26 / dq"
-    "Modified: / 3.5.1999 / 18:49:04 / cg"
-    redrawLocked := true
-    "redraw all of the handles"
-    redrawLocked ~~ true ifTrue:[
-        self redrawHandlesFrom:1 to:(self subViews size)
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:54:15 / cg"
-redrawHandlesFrom:start to:stop
-    "redraw some handles"
-    (self subViews size > 0) ifTrue:[
-        showHandle ifTrue:[
-            self handleOriginsWithIndexFrom:start to:stop do:[:hPoint :hIndex |
-                self drawHandle:hIndex atX:(hPoint x) y:(hPoint y)
-            ].
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:54:33 / cg"
-    redrawLocked := false
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'enumerating subviews'!
-changeSequenceOrderFor:aSubView to:anIndex
-    "change a subview's position in the subviews collection.
-    "
-    |success|
-    success := super changeSequenceOrderFor:aSubView to:anIndex.
-    success ifTrue:[
-        self setupSubviews.
-        self resizeSubviews.
-    ].
-    ^ success
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'event handling'!
-    "my size has changed; resize my subviews"
-    shown ifTrue:[
-        (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
-            self resizeSubviews
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/
-            "/ do it in reverse order, to avoid some redraws
-            "/
-            self resizeSubviewsFrom:(self subViews size) to:1
-        ]
-    ].
-    self changed:#sizeOfView with:how.
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:56:30 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'focus handling'!
-    "no, do not catch the keyboard focus on button click"
-    ^ false
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'initializing'!
-    "compute the height if the separating bar from either the
-     form or an explicit height given in the styleSheet"
-    <resource: #style (#'variablePanel.barHeight'
-                       #'variablePanel.barHeightMM')>
-    |bH h lvl|
-    shadowForm notNil ifTrue:[
-        bH := shadowForm height + 2.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        bH := styleSheet at:#'variablePanel.barHeight'.
-        bH isNil ifTrue:[
-            h := styleSheet at:#'variablePanel.barHeightMM' default:2.
-            bH := (h * device verticalPixelPerMillimeter) rounded.
-        ].
-    ].
-    lvl := styleSheet at:#'variablePanel.barLevel' default:0.
-    lvl ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        bH := bH + (lvl abs * 2).
-    ].
-    self barHeight:bH.
-    knobHeight := bH.
-    handleLabels notNil ifTrue:[
-        font := font onDevice:device.
-        bH := handleLabels inject:bH into:[:maxSoFar :thisLabel |
-                                           thisLabel isNil ifTrue:[
-                                                maxSoFar
-                                           ] ifFalse:[
-                                                maxSoFar max:(thisLabel heightOn:self)
-                                           ]
-                                          ].
-        bH := bH + font descent - 1
-    ].
-    self barHeight:bH.
-    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 14:47:21 / cg"
-    ^ VariablePanelController
-    super fixSize.
-    extentChanged ifTrue:[
-        self resizeSubviews
-    ].
-    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 01:19:55 / stefan"
-    "set the cursor - a double arrow"
-    cursor := self class 
-                cursorForOrientation:orientation
-                onDevice:device
-    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 18:20:35 / cg"
-    "setup viewStyle specifics"
-    |mm|
-    super initStyle.
-    handleColor := DefaultHandleColor onDevice:device.
-    DefaultHandleStyle isNil ifTrue:[
-        handleStyle := styleSheet name
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        handleStyle := DefaultHandleStyle
-    ].
-    handleLevel := DefaultHandleLevel.
-    showHandle := DefaultShowHandle.
-    handlePosition := DefaultHandlePosition.
-    trackLine := DefaultTrackingLine.
-    separatingLine := DefaultSeparatingLine.
-    DefaultHandleImage notNil ifTrue:[
-        shadowForm := DefaultHandleImage onDevice:device.
-        barWidth := shadowForm width.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        handleStyle == #next ifTrue:[
-            DefaultHandleImage notNil ifTrue:[
-                shadowForm := DefaultHandleImage onDevice:device.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                shadowForm := self class shadowFormOn:device.
-                lightForm := self class lightFormOn:device.
-            ].
-            barWidth := shadowForm width.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            shadowForm := lightForm := nil.
-            mm := device verticalPixelPerMillimeter.
-            barWidth := (1.5 * mm) rounded. "motif style width"
-        ].
-    ].
-    self computeBarHeight.
-    handleStyle == #mswindows ifTrue:[
-        barWidth := (ArrowButton new direction:#up) width + 1 
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 19.5.1998 / 16:21:02 / cg"
-    orientation isNil ifTrue:[orientation := #vertical].
-    super initialize.
-    self bitGravity:nil.
-    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 16:07:23 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'private'!
-    "return true, if any of my subviews has no relative origin/extent"
-    self subViews do:[:aComponent |
-        aComponent relativeCorner isNil ifTrue:[^ true].
-        aComponent relativeOrigin isNil ifTrue:[^ true]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:57:26 / cg"
-    "expand one of my subviews to full size"
-    |pos subViews|
-    realRelativeSizes notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ already expanded ..
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    pos := 0.0. 
-    subViews := self subViews.
-    orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-        realRelativeSizes := subViews collect:[:v | v relativeCorner y - v relativeOrigin y].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        realRelativeSizes := subViews collect:[:v | v relativeCorner x - v relativeOrigin x].
-    ].
-    subViews do:[:aSubView |
-        aSubView == expandedView ifTrue:[
-            aSubView origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-            pos := 1.0
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                aSubView origin:(0.0 @ pos) corner:(1.0 @ pos)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                aSubView origin:(pos @ 0.0) corner:(pos @ 1.0)
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    self resizeSubviews.
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:56:20 / cg"
-    handleLabels notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ handleLabels at:hIndex ifAbsent:nil
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "evaluate the argument block for every handle-origin"
-    self handleOriginsWithIndexFrom:1 to:(self subViews size) do:aBlock
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:53:44 / cg"
-handleOriginsWithIndexFrom:start to:stop do:aBlock
-    "evaluate the argument block for some handle-origins"
-    |x y hw hh hDelta vDelta subViews
-     first "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     last  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    (subViews := self subViews) notNil ifTrue:[
-        shadowForm notNil ifTrue:[
-            hw := shadowForm width.
-            hh := shadowForm height.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            hw := hh := barWidth
-        ].
-        (handleStyle ~~ #normal and:[handleStyle ~~ #mswindows]) ifTrue:[
-            hDelta := barWidth // 2.
-            vDelta := barWidth // 2.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            hDelta := vDelta := 0
-        ].
-        (handlePosition == #left) ifTrue:[
-            x := hDelta. 
-            y := vDelta.
-            orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                x := x + barWidth
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                y := y + barWidth
-            ].
-            margin ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                x := x + 2
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (handlePosition == #right) ifTrue:[
-                x := width - hw - margin - hDelta.
-                y := height - hh - margin - vDelta.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                x := width - barWidth // 2.
-                y := height - barWidth // 2
-            ]
-        ].
-        first := start + 1.
-        last := stop.
-        first to:last do:[:index |
-            |view|
-            view := subViews at:index.
-            orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                y := view top "origin y" - barHeight + 1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                x := view left "origin x" - barHeight + 1.
-            ].
-            aBlock value:(x @ y) value:index
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 1.11.1997 / 11:53:40 / cg"
-    "readjust size of all subviews"
-    self resizeSubviewsFrom:1 to:(self subViews size)
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:54:42 / cg"
-    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 01:01:31 / stefan"
-resizeSubviewsFrom:start to:stop
-    "readjust size of some subviews"
-    |step nSubviews subViews|
-    (subViews := self subViews) size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        (start <= stop) ifTrue:[
-            step := 1
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            step := -1
-        ].
-        nSubviews := subViews size.
-        start to:stop by:step do:[:index |
-            |bw view o1 o2 relOrg relCorner newOrg newCorner newExt|
-            view := subViews at:index.
-            bw := view borderWidth.
-            index == 1 ifTrue:[
-                o1 := 0.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                o1 := barHeight // 2 - bw
-            ].
-            index ==  nSubviews ifTrue:[
-                o2 := 0.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                o2 := barHeight // 2 - bw
-            ].
-            newOrg := view computeOrigin.
-            newOrg notNil ifTrue:[
-                (index ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
-                    orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                        newOrg y:(newOrg y + o1)
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        newOrg x:(newOrg x + o1)
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            newExt := view computeExtent.
-            newExt notNil ifTrue:[
-                orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                    newExt y:(newExt y - o2 - o1)
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    newExt x:(newExt x - o2 - o1)
-                ]
-            ].
-            view pixelOrigin:newOrg extent:newExt.
-        ].
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            "/ must clear, since handles are copied automatically (by bitGravity)
-            self clear.
-            self invalidate.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:55:03 / cg"
-    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 01:02:21 / stefan"
-    "restore my subviews sizes to the state before the full-expand"
-    |pos subViews |
-    realRelativeSizes == nil ifTrue:[
-        "/ not expanded - ignore
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    pos := 0.0.
-    self subViews with:realRelativeSizes do:[:aSubView :aRelativeSize |
-        orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-            aSubView origin:(0.0 @ pos) corner:(1.0 @ (pos+aRelativeSize))
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            aSubView origin:(pos @ 0.0) corner:((pos+aRelativeSize) @ 1.0)
-        ].
-        pos := pos + aRelativeSize
-    ].
-    realRelativeSizes := nil.
-    self resizeSubviews.
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:56:20 / cg"
-    "setup subviews sizes (in case of non-relative sizes)"
-    |pos delta subViews nSubViews "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    "/ setup all subviews to spread evenly ...
-    subViews := self subViews.
-    nSubViews := subViews size.
-    nSubViews == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    pos := 0.0. 
-    delta := 1.0 / nSubViews.
-    1 to:nSubViews do:[:index |
-        |view|
-        view := subViews at:index.
-        orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-            index == subViews size ifTrue:[
-                view origin:(0.0 @ pos) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                view origin:(0.0 @ pos) corner:(1.0 @ (pos + delta))
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            index == subViews size ifTrue:[
-                view origin:(pos @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                view origin:(pos @ 0.0) corner:((pos + delta) @ 1.0)
-            ].
-        ].
-        pos := pos + delta
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:56:20 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanel methodsFor:'private tableView protocol'!
-    "setup subviews origins 
-     if we only have relative extents 
-     (Variable Panels need relative origins and corners!!) (SV 16.1.95)"
-    |x y e eX eY subViews n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    x := y := 0.0.
-    subViews := self subViews.
-    n := subViews size.
-    1 to:n do:[:index |
-        |view|
-        view := subViews at:index.
-        e := view relativeExtent.
-        e notNil ifTrue:[
-            view relativeExtent:nil.
-            eX := e x.
-            eY := e y.
-            index == n ifTrue:[
-                view origin:(x @ y) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                    view origin:(x @ y) corner:(1.0 @ (y+eY))
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    view origin:(x @ y) corner:((x+eX) @ 1.0)
-                ].
-            ].
-            orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                y := y + eY.
-            ] ifFalse:[    
-                x := x + eX.
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse: [
-            view origin:(x @ y).
-            orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
-                y := view relativeCorner y.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                x := view relativeCorner x.
-            ]
-        ].
-    ]
-    "Modified: 21.8.1996 / 10:01:29 / stefan"
-    "Modified: 28.1.1997 / 17:55:21 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.50 1999-08-18 14:30:07 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-Controller subclass:#VariablePanelController
-	instanceVariableNames:'movedHandle prevPos startPos clickPos'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Controllers'
-!VariablePanelController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    An abstract class for variablePanel controllers;
-    normally, not used directly by applications, these are created automatically
-    whenever a variablePanel is created.
-    Instances are responsible for tracking the mouse pointer and resize the
-    views (a panel) subviews as appropriate.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!VariablePanelController class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "return the sopaque-resizing flag setting.
-     If off (the default), the resizing takes place at the end of
-     the handle move operation (when the mouse button is released).
-     If on, the resizing is syncronous with the move.
-     On slow machines, it may make sense to leave it off."
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning.
-    ^ UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing
-    "set/clear opaque-resizing.
-     If off (the default), the resizing takes place at the end of
-     the handle move operation (when the mouse button is released).
-     If on, the resizing is syncronous with the move.
-     On slow machines, it may make sense to leave it off."
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning.
-    ^ UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing:aBoolean
-    "
-     self opaqueResize:true
-     self opaqueResize:false
-    "
-    "Modified: / 13.11.1998 / 15:16:37 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanelController methodsFor:'event handling'!
-buttonMotion:state x:bx y:by
-    "mouse-button was moved while pressed;
-     clear prev handleBar and draw handle bar at new position" 
-    |pos limitMin limitMax subViews barHeight
-     oldHx oldHy newHx newHy opaque|
-    movedHandle isNil ifTrue: [^ self].          "should not happen"
-    "speedup - if there is already another movement, 
-     ignore thisone ... "
-"/    view buttonMotionEventPending ifTrue:[^ self].
-    subViews := view subViews.
-    barHeight := view barHeight.
-    view orientation ~~ #vertical ifTrue:[
-        pos := bx - startPos.
-        "
-         the two lines below will not allow resizing down to zero
-         (so that some is always visible)
-        "
-"/        limitMin := barHeight // 2.
-"/        limitMax := view width - barHeight.
-        "
-         these allow resizing to zero - which is better ?
-        "
-        limitMin := 0.
-        limitMax := view innerWidth.
-        movedHandle > 1 ifTrue:[
-            limitMin := (subViews at:movedHandle) origin x + (barHeight // 2)
-        ].
-        movedHandle < (subViews size - 1) ifTrue:[
-            limitMax := (subViews at:(movedHandle + 2)) origin x - barHeight
-        ].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        pos := by - startPos.
-        "
-         the two lines below will not allow resizing down to zero
-         (so that some is always visible)
-        "
-"/        limitMin := barHeight // 2.
-"/        limitMax := view height - barHeight.
-        "
-         these allow resizing to zero - which is better ?
-        "
-        limitMin := 0.
-        limitMax := view innerHeight.
-        movedHandle > 1 ifTrue:[
-            limitMin := (subViews at:movedHandle) origin y + (barHeight // 2)
-        ].
-        movedHandle < (subViews size - 1) ifTrue:[
-            limitMax := (subViews at:(movedHandle + 2)) origin y - barHeight
-        ].
-    ].
-    limitMax := limitMax - barHeight.
-    (pos < limitMin) ifTrue:[ "check against view limits"
-        pos := limitMin
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (pos > limitMax) ifTrue:[
-            pos := limitMax
-        ]
-    ].
-    prevPos == pos ifTrue:[^ self].
-    view orientation ~~ #vertical ifTrue:[
-        oldHx := prevPos. 
-        newHx := pos.
-        oldHy := newHy := 0.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        oldHy := prevPos.
-        newHy := pos.
-        oldHx := newHx := 0.
-    ].
-    opaque := UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing.
-    opaque ~~ true ifTrue:[
-        view invertHandleBarAtX:oldHx y:oldHy. 
-        view invertHandleBarAtX:newHx y:newHy.
-    ].
-    prevPos := pos.
-    opaque == true ifTrue:[
-        self doResizeForX:bx y:by.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 13.11.1998 / 15:13:47 / cg"
-buttonPress:button x:bx y:by
-    "button was pressed - if it hits a handle, start move"
-    |handle barHeight group isHorizontal|
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        handle := 1.
-        barHeight := view barHeight.
-        isHorizontal := view orientation ~~ #vertical.
-        "
-         search the handle, invert the first time
-        "
-        view handleOriginsWithIndexDo:[:hPoint :hIndex |
-            |hx hy thatsTheHandle|
-            thatsTheHandle := false.
-            isHorizontal ifTrue:[
-                hx := hPoint x.
-                hy := 0.
-                (bx between:(hx - barHeight) and:(hx + barHeight)) ifTrue:[
-                    prevPos := hx.
-                    startPos := bx - hx.
-                    thatsTheHandle := true.
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                hx := 0.
-                hy := hPoint y.
-                (by between:(hy - barHeight) and:(hy + barHeight)) ifTrue:[
-                    prevPos := hy.
-                    startPos := by - hy.
-                    thatsTheHandle := true.
-                ].
-            ].
-            thatsTheHandle ifTrue:[
-                movedHandle := handle.
-                UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing == true ifTrue:[
-                    view grabPointerWithCursor:view cursor.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    view invertHandleBarAtX:hx y:hy.
-                    (group := view windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-                        group showCursor:view cursor
-                    ].
-                ].
-                clickPos := bx @ by.
-                ^ self
-            ].
-            handle := handle + 1
-        ].
-        movedHandle := nil
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        super buttonPress:button x:bx y:by
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 13.11.1998 / 15:18:10 / cg"
-buttonRelease:button x:bx y:by
-    "end bar-move"
-    |group|
-    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
-        movedHandle isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-        view ungrabPointer.
-        UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing ~~ true ifTrue:[
-            (group := view windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-                group restoreCursors
-            ]
-        ].
-        self doResizeForX:bx y:by.
-        movedHandle := nil.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        super buttonRelease:button x:bx y:by
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 11.3.1999 / 16:31:29 / cg"
-doResizeForX:bx y:by
-    "end bar-move"
-    |aboveView belowView aboveIndex belowIndex 
-     newPos oldPos group subViews 
-     relCornerAbove fromIndex toIndex
-     hX hY isHorizontal newCorner newOrigin|
-    isHorizontal := view orientation ~~ #vertical.
-    "undo the last invert"
-    isHorizontal ifTrue:[
-        hX := prevPos. hY := 0. 
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        hX := 0. hY := prevPos. 
-    ].
-    UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing ~~ true ifTrue:[
-        view invertHandleBarAtX:hX y:hY. 
-    ].
-    "/ any change ?
-    ((isHorizontal and:[bx == clickPos x])
-    or:[isHorizontal not and:[by == clickPos y]]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    "compute the new relative heights"
-    aboveIndex := movedHandle.
-    belowIndex := movedHandle + 1.
-    subViews := view subViews.
-    aboveView := subViews at:aboveIndex.
-    belowView := subViews at:belowIndex.
-    relCornerAbove := aboveView relativeCorner.
-    isHorizontal ifTrue:[
-        oldPos := relCornerAbove x.
-        newPos := (prevPos + startPos / view width) asFloat.
-        newCorner := newPos @ relCornerAbove y.
-        newOrigin := newPos @ belowView relativeOrigin y.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        oldPos := relCornerAbove y.
-        newPos := (prevPos + startPos / view height) asFloat.
-        newCorner := relCornerAbove x @ newPos.
-        newOrigin := belowView relativeOrigin x @ newPos.
-    ].
-    aboveView relativeCorner:newCorner.
-    belowView relativeOrigin:newOrigin.
-    view lockRedraw.
-    oldPos > newPos ifTrue:[
-        fromIndex := aboveIndex. toIndex := belowIndex.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        fromIndex := belowIndex. toIndex := aboveIndex.
-    ].
-    view resizeSubviewsFrom:fromIndex to:toIndex.
-    view redrawHandlesFrom:aboveIndex to:belowIndex.
-    view unlockRedraw.
-    "Modified: / 11.3.1999 / 16:31:29 / cg"
-pointerEnter:state x:x y:y
-    state == 0 ifTrue:[
-        movedHandle notNil ifTrue:[self buttonRelease:1 x:x y:y]
-    ]
-    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 12:34:22 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 12:35:05 / cg"
-! !
-!VariablePanelController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.23 1999-09-06 12:57:31 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-VariablePanel subclass:#VariableVerticalPanel
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Layout'
-!VariableVerticalPanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    This class is only here for backward compatibility;
-    all functionality is now in VariablePanel. Its orientation can now
-    be changed dynamically.
-    A View to separate its subviews vertically by a movable bar;
-    the size-ratios of the subviews can be changed by moving this bar.
-    The bar-handle is either an exposed knob (style == #motif)
-    or the forms defined in Scroller (style ~~ #motif)
-    or nothing.
-    The subvies dimensions MUST be given as relative sizes;
-    typically creation is done as:
-        p := VariableVerticalPanel in:superView.
-        v1 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                              corner:1.0 @ 0.5
-                                  in:p.
-        v2 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.5 
-                              corner:1.0 @ 0.8 
-                                  in:p.
-        v3 := <someViewClass> origin:0.0 @ 0.8 
-                              corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                                  in:p.
-    [see also:]
-        VariableHorizontalPanel
-        VerticalPanelView HorizontalPanelView PanelView
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-   VariableVerticalPanel is simply setting its orientation
-   to #vertical. See more examples there.
-   example:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariableVerticalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/3) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/3) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-   example:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariableVerticalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        p handleLevel:-1.
-        v1 := View origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(1/3) in:p.
-        v2 := View origin:0.0@(1/3) corner:1.0@(2/3) in:p.
-        v3 := View origin:0.0@(2/3) corner:1.0@1.0 in:p.
-        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
-        v2 viewBackground:(Color green).
-        v3 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    example:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 v3|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        p := VariableVerticalPanel 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                 in:top.
-        v1 := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:p.
-        v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5.
-        v1 list:(FileDirectory directoryNamed:'/etc') contents.
-        v1 action:[:selNr |
-                |fullName stream text|
-                fullName := '/etc/' , v1 selectionValue.
-                stream := fullName asFilename readStream.
-                stream notNil ifTrue:[
-                    text := stream contents.
-                    v2 contents:text.
-                    v3 contents:text
-                ]
-        ].
-        v2 := TextView 
-                 origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 0.8 in:p.
-        v3 := ScrollableView 
-                 for:TextView 
-                 in:p.
-        v3 origin:0.0 @ 0.8 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    example: (dynamically adding/removing views):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top p v1 v2 b|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:300@300.
-        b := Toggle label:'show' in:top.
-        b showLamp:false.
-        b origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:(1.0 @ 40).
-        b action:[:state |
-                state ifTrue:[
-                    b label:'hide'.
-                    v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5.
-                    v2 := ScrollableView for:EditTextView.
-                    v2 origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-                    v2 contents:'another text'.
-                    p addSubView:v2.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    b label:'show'.
-                    v2 destroy.
-                    v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                ]
-            ].
-        p := VariableVerticalPanel
-                origin:0.0 @ 0.0
-                corner:1.0 @ 1.0
-                in:top.
-        p topInset:50.
-        v1 := ScrollableView for:EditTextView in:p.
-        v1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        v1 contents:'some text'.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!VariableVerticalPanel methodsFor:'initializing'!
-    orientation := #vertical.
-    super initialize.
-! !
-!VariableVerticalPanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.29 1996-11-07 16:32:48 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-VariablePanelController subclass:#VariableVerticalPanelController
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Support-Controllers'
-!VariableVerticalPanelController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    This is a leftover class - its no longer needed, but left for backward compatibility.
-    All functionality is in the VariablePanelController class.
-    Normally, not used directly by applications, these are created automatically
-    whenever a variableVerticalPanel is created.
-    Actually, these are simply panelControllers which initialize themself for
-    vertical orientation.
-    [see also:]
-        VariableVerticalPanel
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-! !
-!VariableVerticalPanelController class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.9 1996-04-25 16:35:39 cg Exp $'
-! !
--- a/	Wed Sep 08 20:14:57 1999 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-InfoBox subclass:#WarningBox
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:'WarnBitmap'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-DialogBoxes'
-!WarningBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-   Historic note:
-        originally, ST/X had separate classes for the various entry methods;
-        there were YesNoBox, EnterBox, InfoBox and so on.
-        In the meantime, the DialogBox class (and therefore its alias: Dialog)
-        is going to duplicate most funcionality found in these classes.
-        In the future, those existing subclasses' functionality is going to
-        be moved fully into Dialog, and the subclasses will be replaced by dummy
-        delegators. (They will be kept for backward compatibility, though).
-    this class implements a pop-up box to show an information message. 
-    WarningBoxes are basically InfoBoxes with a different bitmap-image.
-    (also, they add a beep when popping up)
-    They are created with:
-        aBox := WarningBox title:'some title'.
-    and shown with:
-        aBox showAtPointer
-    The default box shows 'yes' in its button; this can be changed with:
-        aBox okText:'some string'.
-    Since showing warnings is a common action, a convenient method has been
-    added to Object; thus you can use:
-        self warn:'oops - headcrash'
-    everywhere in your code.
-    [see also:]
-        DialogBox InfoBox YesNoBox
-        ( introduction to view programming :html: programming/viewintro.html )
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    standard warning dialogs
-    (recommended, since these are ST-80 compatible interfaces)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        Dialog warn:'you should not do this'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    since all objects support the #warn message,
-    you can also simply use (for any self):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        self warn:'you should not do this' 
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    with attributed text:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        Dialog warn:(Text string:'you should not do this' 
-                          emphasis:#color->Color red)
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    specifying more details of the warnBox (low level entries).
-    label of OK-button:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |aBox|
-        aBox := WarningBox title:'Press ''OK'' to continue'.
-        aBox okText:'OK'.
-        aBox showAtPointer.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    accessing the ok-Button component and changing its color:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |aBox|
-        aBox := WarningBox title:'Do you really want to do this ?'.
-        aBox okText:'yes, go on'.
-        aBox okButton foregroundColor:Color red.
-        aBox showAtPointer.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-    since warnboxes are much like infoBoxes, all of look can be changed
-    like described there:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |image aBox|
-        aBox := WarningBox title:'Press ''OK'' to continue'.
-        aBox okText:'yes, continue'.
-        image := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SmalltalkX.xbm'.
-        aBox form:image.
-        aBox showAtPointer.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-! !
-!WarningBox class methodsFor:'icon bitmap'!
-    "return the bitmap shown as icon in my instances.
-     This is the default image; you can overwrite this in a concrete
-     instance with the image: message"
-    <resource: #style (#'warningBox.icon' #'warningBox.iconFile')>
-    |img imgFileName|
-    WarnBitmap isNil ifTrue:[
-        img := StyleSheet at:'warningBox.icon'.
-        img isNil ifTrue:[
-            imgFileName := StyleSheet at:'warningBox.iconFile' default:'bitmaps/Warning.xbm'.
-            img := Image fromFile:imgFileName.
-        ].
-        img notNil ifTrue:[
-            img := img onDevice:Display
-        ].
-        WarnBitmap := img
-    ].
-    ^ WarnBitmap
-    "
-     self warn:'foo bar'.
-     |box|
-     box := WarningBox title:'foo bar'.
-     box showAtPointer.
-     |box|
-     box := WarningBox title:'foo bar'.
-     box image:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/QUESTION.xpm').
-     box showAtPointer.
-    "
-    "Created: / 17.11.1995 / 18:16:47 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 25.5.1999 / 15:22:25 / cg"
-! !
-!WarningBox class methodsFor:'styles'!
-    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables.
-     Here, the cached infoBitmap is simply flushed."
-    WarnBitmap := nil
-    "Modified: 1.4.1997 / 14:44:59 / cg"
-! !
-!WarningBox methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    super initialize.
-    label := 'Warning'
-! !
-!WarningBox methodsFor:'realization'!
-    "added bell to wake up user"
-    self beep.
-    super openModal
-    "
-     self warn:'hello'
-    "
-    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 16:59:01 / cg"
-! !
-!WarningBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.25 1999-08-18 14:29:45 cg Exp $'
-! !